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  • #116012

    It’s been a minute since I stopped by. Here’s me and the boy hamming it up at school yesterday …


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  • #67631

    So Laura isn’t a clone anymore – it’s been established she’s actually Wolverine’s daughter. But I think Gabby is still a clone of Laura (I think?), which is weird since her claws and powers (she doesn’t feel pain) are different from Laura’s. Maybe not as big a deal as we’re thinking.

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  • #61147

    I like Synch and Laura on the team, especially after their story in the Vault. I remember when they brought Sync back, there was a data page talking about his troubles fitting in after being dead so long, and now he’s lived lifetimes in the Vault. Couple that with the dynamic of spending those lifetimes with Laura, which she doesn’t remember, it’ll make for some interesting dynamics between the younger members.

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  • #59324

    Unicron unicron unicron.


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  • #55648

    All the Duggan/Cates GotG runs were good. Started getting closer to the old DnA feel. Then Ewing came in and is knocking my socks off every month.

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  • #52609

    I’d only be against that because she’s getting a lot of good work/characterization in X-Factor. Now Banshee? He’s been on the bench a LONG time.

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  • #52336

    I’ve been doing Venom on Marvel Unlimited. Looking forward to King in Black.

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  • #52335

    I gotta say, it was cool to see Brett Booth break out the old X-Factor uniforms in this week’s X-Men. That’s MY Cyclops!

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  • #49564

    Just added it to my Kindle this morning. Looking forward to it after reading your review!

  • #46115

    Claremont/Silvestri, 100%. Probably because it was my first exposure. But damn, everything from the Juggernaut fight to the Siege Perilous was amazing.

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  • #44691

    Dat name drop doe! :good:

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  • #44300

    Bryce Dallas Howard directed the episode with the Chicken Walker last season.

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  • #44029

    Since was back in 2004 or 5 when I was a lurker, I’ve always heard “Miggy.”

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  • #43927

    I feel like Carl Weathers kept about 50 too many instances of him saying “hurry up” in the final cut.

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  • #43925

    I’m a big fan of Deaf Archer.

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  • #43923

    Miqque was a true classic. Like most of us, I never got to meet him in person, but I always valued his encouragement and conversation, even when it came in very large chunks. My lasting impression of him is from Facebook. He obviously loved watching my kids grow up, kind of like an Internet uncle they never knew. Always great words of encouragement any time my wife or I posted photos of them growing and exploring. at one point early on, probably due to his boisterousness and familiarity, Mel asked me, “Who is this Michael Loveland guy?” I told her he was a great, weird guy I knew from here. His comments always made her smile after that. Such a loss to so many people, and I find myself thinking I’ll just miss knowing he’s there, up for a chat any time he had a connection. Truly one of the pillars of our community here. Cheers, Miqque. You were loved, and you are missed.

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  • #42723

    I can see how the egg eating is off-putting for grownups, but my kids loved that bit, so I’d call it mission accomplished. Amidst constant giggles: “Baby Yoda, stop eating the eggs!”

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  • #41982

    Silver Surfer really was his peak, and I mark him as that character’s greatest artist (Moebius did a great Silver Surfer story). No one before or since has done the Surfer justice.

    I miss that series. It was my first subscription, just based on the advertisement alone. He looked so cool.

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  • #41980

    Yes, Wonder Woman: Dead Earth is finished, and I liked it a lot.

    Don’t want to get too spoilerish with Three Jokers yet but ultimately I was expecting the main idea of the series (multiple Jokers) to have a bit more of a point than it ultimately did, and be used to tell a less generic Batman story. In the end you’re left wondering whether any of the events of the series really mattered all that much.

    I’m in the same boat. The first two issues were really good, but the ultimate conclusion was a bit meh. Even worse that so much of this mirrors what just went down in Joker War. Maybe it’s time for Johns to go over to Marvel, because with this, he’s pretty much hit everyone at DC, and he’s out of gas.

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  • #41140

    STORMWATCH (1993 Series)  (IMAGE) #28 Near Mint Comics Book

    The story in Stormwatch 25 led to this. Two of these characters made it to Ellis’ Stormwatch, and only one made it to the Authority. I miss Sword Guy and Captain Obviously Native American.

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  • #41053

    The creative and editorial teams for StormWatch actually made the effort to steer the storyline in the 22nd, 23rd and 24th issues to tie into the events previously written about in the premature 25th issue. Not seamless, but a decent segue.

    Which led to that book’s most dire stretch, which led to Ellis taking over, which led to Authority, which led to Millar’s Authority, which ultimately led to here.

    I don’t remember the men who put together Stormwatch 22-24, but they are unsung heroes.

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  • #39133

    He’ll always be Taki to me. For some reason his super hero name – which IIRC finally came at the very end of Inferno – never stuck with me.

    I loved X-Terminators when I was 10.

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  • #38444

    This again? It’s never worked out.

    As to Waid on Superman? It’s passed time. Like, no.

    But maybe yes?

  • #38443

    I swear to Christ, never has one Marvel Edge book ruined so many minds.

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  • #20645

    I figure Axis Havok is back as a dual personality. Maybe something to do with Xavier’s last “copy” of Alex pre-resurrection? He did die at the end of Rosenberg’s run.

  • #20141

    I liked Hellions a lot, maybe because of my longtime attachment to Havok. This book is targeted right at me, though: all wrapped around the Mutant Massacre/Inferno era. Looking forward to more whenever.

    I feel like we need some of those good Krakoan pharmaceuticals right now.

  • #18901

    Yeah, Soph got really excited when she heard the news. Ahsoka is HER Jedi, and then they backed it up by making this week’s new Clone Wars episode an Ahsoka story!

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  • #13276

    You’re really like where the book goes in the last issue. That’s all I can really say, but it’s got one hell of a great ending.

  • #9359

    I’m liking the show. It’s a good, simple western set in space. It’s an adventure/genre show that the whole family can enjoy together – something that’s a complete rarity these days. Everyone in my house, from the 3-year-old up, can lock in and enjoy one thing on television together once a week.

    I think the biggest problem is the B plot has all but completely disappeared. I get it, they’re going for (mostly) standalone episodes, but the lack of background tension leaves a hole in the structure.

  • #9023

    Here’s what left an impression:

    The Righteous Gemstones: That group knocks another one out of the park. I love the layers of Goodman’s character. The best of their sitcoms so far.

    The Mandalorian: Duh. this is Star Wars distilled to the core of what I want Star Wars to do. Like Clone Wars and Rebels, only better. It’s the one show the whole family wants to watch every week.

    The World According to Geoff Goldblum: What a delight. It’s frothy and full of Goldblum, but it’s a lot of fun. My daughter and I are loving it.

    Silicon Valley: What a great ending, and what a perfect last scene.

    The Good Place: Previously mentioned, but Chidi’s episode was a standout.

    Legion: I will miss this show, but it left at the right time and on a high note.

    Crisis (first half): We stopped watching the CW shows years ago, but it’s fun to check back in, and this has been their best crossover to date.

    Lodge 49: Admittedly behind here (we’re watching Season 1 on Hulu), but this is a show making a statement about manhood and personhood in our modern life. Great, wacky, heady stuff.

    Punisher: Goddamn, that second season was SO GOOD. I hope they find a way to use Berenthal in the role going forward.

    Game of Thrones: Love it or hate it, the last season was thrilling TV. This is what happens when you don’t finish your story and leave others to do it.

    That’s really all that’s left a mark, although I’m likely forgetting something.

    Meh …

    Man in the High Castle: The last season was totally disjointed, adding characters and plots to force things home that weren’t even there in the first season. I was supremely disappointed well before the last scene.

    GLOW: How do you make Vegas boring? This is how you make Vegas boring.

    It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia: I will always love the dynamics of the group, but this season was uninspired. Might be time to put it to bed.

  • #8705

    Pretty sure they just did Boba Fett’s voice. We watched the OT a couple weeks ago (last LFL Blu Ray), and I don’t recall them talking weird.

  • #8261

    Yeah, this feels repetitive, but Excalibur has the weakest writing of the batch. Fallen Angels has art that’s so stylized and bad it’s hard to follow. Marauders is best in class – entertaining and the one I look forward to every time it comes. X-Force and New Mutants are solid, and X-Men is like a weird flagship that’s lagging behind the book carrying the name of some of the most awful villains in X-history.

    The overall feeling of not quite being to put it all together is getting a bit tiresome. I wonder if the book dump on Dec. 18 is leading to something that will start to make more sense of everything.

  • #7723

    If they’re going back to the source, everything needs more Bothans.

  • #7291

    I’ve convinced at least one class of Kindergartners that I’m Batman.

  • #7243

    They’ve been doing it across the line. The only reason it hasn’t affected me is I buy on Comixology and read the title under the book (got tricked a couple of times buying purely by the cover).

  • #6470

    For some reason, it makes me happy when @Jim likes something. He just gets so enthusiastic.

  • #6079

    Finished Event Leviathan today and was completely underwhelmed. I know Bendis loves to put a shine on old forgotten characters, but …
    Mark Shaw?
    No. Just no.

  • #6078

    I think Tim really got what he wanted in X-Men 2. Islands having sex!

  • #6070

    I liked it a lot. I felt less like it was “reminding us it’s Star Wars” and more, “it’s in a universe with a lot of weird stuff, with a lot of it being Star Wars stuff.” I feel like somewhere – not sure if it was EU or NuCanon – it’s been made clear the Fetts are not Mandalorian, and I recall Mandalorians spending a lot of time in their masks if they weren’t clan leader families in both Clone Wars and Rebels, so the masked thing is no bother to me. They’re obviously not going to keep him in the mask for the whole show. And that ending! I’m intrigued. I think it’s the best new onscreen Star Wars thing we’ve gotten since Disney took over, and I’m not someone who’s been crapping all over the previous output.

  • #5667

    This is how I feel so far. Excalibur has been the only pedestrian book so far. Every other book has had its moments. I’m willing to go for the ride for a bit, but it’s the weak link until it proves otherwise.

  • #5073

    At the risk of turning this into a tit for tat, what are you talking about? I mean, Alex Bregman? Hello?

  • #4968

    Late to reply, but now, I was not happy all weekend. Even after Game 5, surprising no one. Had a great time at a World Series game, which was absolutely electric, but the Nats were down 3-2 as I drove home and needed to do something that had never been done to pull it off …
    AND THEY DID! It was unbelievable! What a historic comeback team! So many records, and champions! I’ve been naturally high since about 11:50 Wednesday night!
    Sorry, @Todd.

  • #4708

    I felt like it lacked energy. First good, but not great, issue of the reboot

  • #3913

    He had a lot of stuff going on across New Mutants, Uncanny, and even Astonishing, especially in regards to T/O. A lot paid off in Uncanny, but didn’t he also write the Astonishing annual that put Xavier on his new path?

  • #3910

    I guess I’d forgotten the second one. Maybe that was a plant for what was coming? I feel like for as “meaningless” as we look at that general era of X-books, if Hickman’s been planning as long as has been hinted at, there was also a lot of ground being laid. I’d love to see an interview with him and Matt Rosenberg detailing some of that once it wouldn’t spoil anything, because Rosenberg’s books in particular seemed to do a lot of heavy lifting, both in terms of bringing key mutants back and laying seeds.

  • #3851

    I thought the Pyro in Iceman was the new guy from X-Men Gold.

  • #3848

    I am in shock the Nats have a 2-0 lead in the World Series. What a game last night! Sorry, @todd, but not sorry!

    The only drawback? I got a ticket for Game 5!

  • #3809

    How so? Wondering because seeing him made me immediately think of the Legacy Virus, especially with him on a boat. Kind of echoed the scene when Exodus tried to recruit Toad’s Brotherhood and said Pyro wasn’t welcome because he was “tainted.”

    I really liked Marauders. Kitty felt like Claremont’s Kitty in a way she hasn’t since the beginning of Whedon’s run, which is also interesting given that led by grounding the Kitty/ma relationship.

  • #3808

    Maurauders #1 was really good. Kitty felt like Claremont’s Kitty for the first time in a long time.

  • #3657

    Well that’s a worthless schedule. Does anyone know which teams are which/

  • #2817

    Over the moon about the Nats. Now I just need the Astros to beat the Yankees in a series that goes 7 games. Long series with no travel day = worn out. Houston overNew York? The ticket prices stay down because no one’s taking a Megabus down and back from Houston.

  • #1644

    My race this weekend won’t be that tough, but it’s time for my annual go at the Army Ten Miler. Start at the Pentagon, run through DC, finish at the Pentagon. The last two years have not gone well – had to scratch last year due to a work commitment (and a lack of training), and got injured the year before. Hoping for a return to my sub-90 minute form.

  • #860

    If you want to talk Age of X-Man, please take it back to the old forum. :scratch:

    I actually liked it, but Tim’s assessment is spot on.

  • #858

    By the way, go Nats! Great game last night. Dodgers can’t handle starters throwing middle relief.

  • #655

    I really liked Soule’s Vader book, so looking forward to him taking over for the next series. Did they say anything about the period for the new Vader book?

  • #605

    Name: Jake
    Age Range: Decades
    Comics you’re currently buying: Too many, but loving HOX/POX
    Favorite Millar book? Trouble
    Favorite comic characters: Wally West, Alex Summers, Clint Barton, your mom
    Top TV shows right now: Lodge 49, Preacher, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
    Best movie you saw in the last year: Once Upon a Time in California
    Where do you live? North America?
    Bank Account, Social Security Number, Mothers Maiden name? Bank of America #382968; 867-69-5309; Mother of Dragons
    What do you like about Millarworld The Carrier? Forgetting how to write codes
    If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? @ronniem‘s shitty attitude.
    If you could have one last meal before your glorious death in the Thunderball arena, what would you eat? Nails
    Top 5 fictional characters you’d go to Vegas with? Wally West, Alex Summers, Clint Barton, Han Solo, and your mom
    If you could visit one place, where would you go? Australia, somewhere in Australia
    If you had to room with another Millarworlder, who would you pick? @will, because he’d handle my laundry

  • #592

    Let’s try this again:

    Some musings about Krakoa. The villains have swore to obey Krakoa’s laws, whatever they may be, so that makes me wonder what will happen if someone breakes them:
    – Will there be a prison? Or exile to the outside world?
    – Will a painful execution be on the table, just to bring the condemned ones back to life, hoping the experience will teach them a lesson (echoein Destiny teaching Moira about poor choices in one of her lives…)
    – Or will a normal death be the ultimate punishment? To be sentenced to a definitive death, with no resurrection, to be excluded or deleted from the Cerebro/Sinister database?
    – Could Sabretooth be the first mutant on trial, as he jeopardized his assignment without need?
    – Will the Krakoan council be executive, legislative and judicial branches all in one?

    It’s like you knew all the right questions to ask, except anything regarding Gambit …

    I really liked the beer scene at the end. Great ways to acknowledge some of the heavier things the primary players have been through. But I think Sinister should have brought Gambit a beer, too.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Jake.
  • #588

    I’ve been reading it. It’s been decent, but not great. I see what Coates is trying to do in using CAp to reflect America today, but it’s a little too heavy-handed.

  • #585

    This is weird.

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