
Viewing 100 replies - 1 through 100 (of 2,804 total)
  • #116003

    Jon, you have a habit of posting a negative opinion of almost everything and everyone

    That’s rich… everything? Sure, I like complaining about stupid shit… everyone? Actors  and other public figures, sure… they’re fair game.

    I never developed the habit of slinging shit at other users, unless provoked repeatedly, something I can’t say for the vast majority of you people who despite being, what, in your 40’s to 60’s still behave like middle school morons by getting personal all the fuckin’ time, because believe it or not, I don’t care, I’ve always been more interested in discussing movies, tv shows, comics, etc… I don’t really know any of you, I don’t really care.

    No one, NO ONE has ever fored you (all) to reply to any of my posts if you disagree with my negative opinions, yet here we be… but I mean, sure keep believing whatever bullshit helps you feel morally superior I guess… seems you really need it  :unsure:

    Probably because the other people here tolerate your stubborn and narcissistic behavior

    Ahh… more personal and increidbly ironic insults… how surprising… I really wish we still had that rolls eyes emoticon… oh what the hell, one for the road… tried to find the largest one I could to properly convey my emotions:


    And because, deep down, you love us.

    Wanna bet on that?

    Pro tip: don’t.

  • #115959

    just look at his imdb

    I am:

    It’s… not particularly amazing…

    Sure he’s been a guest-star in a ton of shows, but he only has three shows with more than 15 appearances tho, Castle, The Rookie, and “Two guys, a gril and a pizza place”, whatever the fuck that was (seems to have been succesful tho)… and no, I’m sorry, being in buffy for 5 episodes doesn’t entitle him to a W, that’s preposterous. Also, sure, he’s done quite a lot of VA… but yeah, saying he’s not an A-list movie is the understatement of the fuckin’ century…

    But then, I don’t expect Guy in Legacy to have a role much larger than the guy he played in GotG.

    Well, who knows, but I thought it was funny considering how the picture is framed… anyways… whatever.

    Christian, you are trying to argue logically with Jon. Why?

    Yeah, why indeed? y’all should stay within the coziness of your echochamber… also, piss off dude.

    Also also, I don’t even know why I still log in to this place… serves me right I guess :unsure:

  • #115922

    You consider multiple long running tv shows and the last movie he was in making over 800 million and being a critical success, a flop magnet?🤨..That last movie was GoTG 3 by the way, also written and directed by James Gunn.

    If you want a real flop magnet, just look at Henry Cavills IMDB😬.

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Ian Smith.

    So he’s been in 2 succesful TV shows… and extremely minor roles in the GOTG movies… yay… You seem to be forgetting the rest of his historial. I mean, nothing against the dude, I like him a lot, but he seems to either have poor luck or be kinda cursed… Or I guess he was before Castle, although he hasn’t really fared much better since… The Rookie isn’t exactly a hot property.

    Also, what does Cavill have to do with it? Ah wait, I forgot, you’re a petty manchild.

  • #115895

    Like most i have nostalgia for the theme tune, but that’s about it..I don’t remember the stories or animation being particularly impressive and worth following up on this many years later.

    Yeah same here really. It feels like one of those classic comics geek things that just totally passed me by at the time, so I don’t have any real nostalgia or affection for it.

    I like the designs (they cropped up in a lot of videogames I enjoyed at the time) but in terms of the cartoons I was probably too busy watching the 90s Spidey.

    My nostalgia comes from both the CBs and the video-games of that era, all of which were using that specific look… so yeah, I might’ve missed the cartoon itself, but not every other media representation =P

  • #115894

    Damn… Nathan Fillion’s kind of a flop magnet, so good luck I guess…

  • #115720

    Ahh now THAT is something worht getting hyped about… funnily enough, I never watched that show, for some reason it never aired here when I was young and later on I never bothered ’cause the animations didn’t age particularly well… BUUUT I fuckin love those versions, so I’m on board to at least check it out.

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  • #115701

    Pedro Pascal as Reed might be one of the most miscast roles in a CB movie I’ve ever seen… the rest looks good… looks like my old ass “theory” or “idea” or whatever the fuck it was might actually be a thing…

  • #115668

    Yeah, the CGI still shows too much, but remember that that stuff often isn’t finished when the trailers are released. I assume it’s going to look better in the end product.

    Yeah I don’t know about that, we always think that, and then the movies always come out with the same shitty trailer quality CGI, so I don’t fall for that line of thought anymore… sure, there’s always a chance, but I don’t assume that anymore… plus I’m pretty sure the color grading is gonna stay like that too.

    Eh, listen, if it’s good, then awesome, I’d rather see a good movie than a shit one, buuut I’m not feeling it after that trailer :unsure:

  • #115621

    Huh. But you did like the first one? Seems a bit weird, as they weren’t all that different to me.

    Well that IS problem, DP2 is just a lesser re-heat of the 1st one, without the novelty factor to boot… It wasn’t even that funny.

    I did really like Domino tho, her scenes were probably the best thing about that movie.

    Speaking of funny tho, I’m a bit worried… jokes used to be vague enough that some people would get the reference, but in this trailer it’s like they’re flat out spelling it out for you, which imo is not funny at all… And yea, I watched the trailer again, it does look waaaay more CGI-ey, I wasn’t tripping… it’s the suit, it looks less textured and real… and it’s probably CGI… oh and the colors look very MCU-ey too.


  • #115620

    Well good thing I was just talking about WB in relation to superman, and not studioS in general… but nice try.

  • #115598

    Also, is it me or does it look quite more CGI-ey than the other 2? I mean, I guess that’s to be expected, but eh… I was hoping for more grit.

    Can’t say I’m too excited about it, I already didn’t like DP2, and now between it being Disney, a sequel to a movie I didn’t care for, seemignly going AGAIN with the whole multiverse shit, aaaand bringing back Jackman, yeeeah, it just feels… off. I’m expecting it to be stale fan-service, tbh, which is sad, but oh well.

    I really hope the jokes aren’t as bad as those in the trailer… “I’m Marvel jesus”? really? zzzzzzzzzzzzz… lazy as fuck.

  • #115596

    It’d be very cool if they did Forever Evil at some point and cast Henry Cavill as Ultraman.

    It’d be even cooler if Cavill told them to go fuck themselves… publicly if possible, so we can all rejoice.

  • #115198

    They also have Counterpart, so I can finally watch that one.

    Eh, I’m not sure it’s worth it, considering how they unceremoniously cancelled it… u_u

    I suppose it’s a good show anyways, but yeah, prepare to be left out to dry with that one.

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  • #115197

    Man, I really love the 90’s designs… I guess that’s why they are classics, fuckin timeless!

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  • #115122

    For whatever it is worth, I don’t think the bad box office performance is attributed to all those ‘interesting’ incel type folk out there. They were all around for the first movie and it still did a billion dollars.

    Oh good, can we stop blaming a tiny minority of morons already?

    Yeah, the movie is just fucking ass… no wonder it did poorly. Just saw it too, I actually watched it in 2 sittings, something I rarely do, because I was so fuckin bored I went do something else, then I figured I’d finish it while eating diner. I’m soooo glad I didn’t watch this in the theaters, I would’ve probably walked out during that dumbass singing planet thing (I do hate musicals), but here I could just skip it.

    Anyways, yeah, the script was really shit, the directing was pretty bad, the VFX were okay but kinda bland and pedestrian and it all felt like a Diseny+ show if I’m being honest, with a slightly higher budget for VFX I guess, but yeah, I got some serious D+ vibes.

    Oh, I didn’t watch the Miss Marvel show (except one episode) and honestly, I’m not sure what was the idea to have her family running around in the movie, it just felt off, and again, very sitcom-y… I know some people like those characters, but ugh I did not… waste of screen time. The Miss Marvel kid was trying, to her credit, but it just didn’t work for me… it all felt fake and hollow.

    Edit: Oh, something else, I usually don’t notice the music in movies when it’s fine, I notice it when it’s REALLY good or when it’s dogshit… here I noticed it and it wasn’t ’cause it was good… u_u

    Damn, how far the MCU’s fallen… =/

    Man, they’re completely gonna screw up the X-men, won’t they? uuuugh…

    Oh and I forgot, still better than She Hulk =P

    Hell, Echo was a masterpiece compared to this sack of crap…

  • #115055

    I was only joking really. But if I looked like the actress who plays Echo, I wouldn’t consider myself fat.

    That was my point, she’s not even that fat but she looks it… it’s the clothes, they gave her a terrible wardrobe all the way through, like super skin tight clothes that make her look like an over-filled burrito or something. Her agent, or herself, dropped the ball, they should’ve fought for better wardrobe & make-up. Anyways, she looked really bad and I couldn’t get past it. :unsure:

    Still better than She-Hulk tho, low bar I know, but hey…

  • #115029

    Speaking of Godzilla, kinda sad no one’s talking about the Monarch TV show… it was pretty good, tbh, delving into the new movies’ lore and some pretty damned good VFX whenever monsters show… and Gozilla of course, looks great, movie quality… I wonder why it felt completely under everyone’s radar :unsure:

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  • #115028

    Finally Marvel’s diversity push gives me a bit of representation.

    Yeah, as a fat dude myself, no thanks, I don’t need to “feel represented”…

  • #114986

    Echo was actually fairly decent, except for the lead actress… holy shit Marvel did her dirty from the get go and their stunt casting is probably gonna end up back-firing on them… seriously, I’m sorry if I’m too superficial but why didn’t they have her on one of their training regimes so she’d get fit? I don’t mind a “not ultra skinny” chick, but here she just looked fat, and plain too, and not in a good way, and what they dressed her with didn’t help AT ALL… I mean, she’s not ugly or anything, a little less weight, a better hair style and better clothes would’ve made all the difference… I feel bad for her. Oh and that “final” costume they gave her was awful as shit…

    Aside from that, I liked how they turned the character into a benegeserit, not a bad idea at all considering the context of the character, although the last scene where grandma & cousing also get magic powers was groan-inducing, but like, if you remove the magic hands and literally go with a more subtle benegeserit-like concept, that would work really well for the character going forward.

    D’Onofrio was great as usual, all the actors were, tbh. It wasn’t a super bombastic story, but it was good (and short) enough… should’ve been a movie tho, maybe they would’ve gotten more money for makeup and costumes u_u

    Oh and it’s silly, but god I missed the brutality of the Netflix shows… :unsure:

  • #114412

    What? Critics shitting on Snyder? Say it ain’t so… in other news, water is wet.

    Also, is a $166 mil “massively expensive” for what amounts to around 2 cgi heavy movies of 3 hours each, not counting the extended editions?

    Anyways, I’ll just watch it for myself, although to be fair, I didn’t particularly like Army of the Dead, so we’ll see… However I have no doubt it’s not as horrible as critics say it is.

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  • #113833

    People saying a film is fun means they think it’s bad? I think you’re maybe projecting here.

    Damn man, one “=P” and one “on a serious note” is really not enough for some, huh? oh well…  :unsure:

  • #113829

    The overwhelming consensus is that they enjoyed it and had fun seeing it. They admitted it wasn’t a perfect movie but still had a good time.

    Oh boy… I’m seeing those two words an awful lot… “fun” & “enjoyable”… looks almost like code for “actually shit but I need to say something nice about it so I don’t get called a racist/sexist pig” =P

    On a serious note, two reviewers I trust (Jahns & Murrel) gave it a pretty negative review… not like I was gonna go watch it in theaters anyways :unsure:

  • #113589

    Yeah, and apparently one of the things that Israelis have come to realise is that one of the reasons why the attacks by Hamas were so successful was that the far-right radical part of the Israeli government got Netanyahu to have most of the military concentrated on the West Bank to protect those settlers. Maybe there is a hope of a political reckoning there after all.

    I wish they’d also realise that the Israeli gvmt is also a culprit in Hamas current existence… let’s not forget they funded and helped Hamas in the past as a political power play against the PLO, you know, same shit that’s happened with about pretty much every other “terrorist” group in the middle east (and a similat thing with militias all over south america too)… Hamas in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Mullahs in Iran, Al Qaeda, Isis, etc, etc, etc… that whole brilliant destabilization strategy has really been biting everyone in the ass, ain’t it? :good:

  • #113572

    That’s what feels quite different this time around.  Previously Israel’s line was far less questioned, but now? From all directions, including by many Jews, who are opposed to the indiscriminate actions by Israel.

    Fuckin’ finally… too bad that’s just public perception (and just some of it), because the medias and gvmts sure as shit are still backing up that israeli criminal regime. But hey, every little counts I guess…

  • #113391

    I thought it was pretty focused in what it wanted to say

    but what was that? I’m not quite sure…

  • #113298

    Well I watched Barbie… and I’m not sure what’s supposed to be the take away from it… kinda felt all over the place.

    Did I miss something?

    Amazing set design and costuming tho… those were the real stars of the movie.

    Also, fuck the writer for that snydercut joke, it’s been used so much it’s kinda lazy and stale at this point, that’s the most egregious thing about it…. be more creative please.

  • #112924

    Eh, it’s okay, it fits in well with the main show… I do wish the main black chick was a better actress tho, but I guess she fits perfectly with a teen drama =P

    Could’ve done without the Pewdiepie jab in episode 1…

  • #112923

    Ye I liked it too… def. better than everything since… well since Loki S1 I reckon. Hope it manages to saty that way, but yeah, their track record is shit, so I’m not holding my breath.

  • #112922

    Eh I thought it was a good show… 3 episodes, so not overly padded and a good 3rd episode with all the Wick-esque action you’d expect.

    Kudos to the guy who played Winston, I could feel his inner Ian McShane at all times, great bit of casting.


    On the other hand Ahsoka was… well lame. Could’ve probably been a solid movie tho, but yeah, overly long with shit pacing and a TERRIBLE last episode… what the fuck was that ending?

    Kinda sad that’s the last thing Ray Stevenson did… and he didn’t even get an “in memory of”.

  • #112767

    Apple TV has a few good shows… unfortunately, because fuck Apple… but I guess that’s why the seven seas exist :good:

  • #112159

    At this point? I wouldn’t be surprised…

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  • #112121

    Well I mean, everyone loved that Disney-fied garbage Moon Knight, no? What would be the difference with Blade? :unsure:

  • #111926

    Yet he still somehow has a director’s cut that adds another hour?

    ‘Cause it’s become his gimmick or his thing… makes sense from a marketing perspective, specially if they’re planning to release a physical edition, which is almost guaranteed…

  • #111573

    So the new season of Billions started and they’re bringing back Axel… a bit weird, I thought Lewis was out, but oh well… I didn’t mind the other guy tbh, but I guess the premise of the season promises a pretty good 3-way shodown, so there that.

  • #111533

    SI was 6 episodes only… short-lived pain… therefore better =P

    But no, sorry, AoS was network TV shit… completely disconnected from the MCU, a bunch of randos no one cared about… oh yeah Coulson, pff who gives a shit. It always felt like a favor for Whedon and his buddies, because that’s probably what it was.

  • #111351

    Yeah Loki S2 was about the only show I’ve been really looking forward to, but after all the fuckin duds, I’m not so hype anymore… odds of it being good are VERY low. Also, is Loki S2 the last show that’s been announced? I kinda don’t remember anything else… I do know they sort of quietly cancelled the Armor Wars thing, but I don’t recall anything else after this…

  • #111255

    ‘he’s my friend!’. No he isn’t,

    You’re right, he should’ve told Martha “hi, I just tried to murder your son, but changed my mind and decided to help him rescue you instead, nice to meet you”… definetly a better way to make a kidnapped elderly woman feel safe & sound.

  • #111254

    Also, let’s not forget that everyone in the pods where in that russian base that is basically unlivable for humans because of the high radiation, and they were pretty much just strapped to a table in a basement.

    Yeah this was pretty fuckin shit, getting progressively worse with each episode… Marvel’s been hiring some really shitty writers for some years now… maybe they SHOULD use AI to write scripts, can’t see how much worse that’d be…

    Still better than AoS tho… xD

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  • #110909

    The movies still seem to be making money theatrically, so I can understand spending that amount

    Ehhh… are they tho?

    They need to do some budgetary clean-up at Marvel… besides GOTG3, none of those projects look like what their budgets suggest… it’s almost as if someone was pocketing a huge chunk of that budget money I swear.

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  • #110908

    Daaaaaamn… how do you fuck up the VFX so badly??? They had sooooo much time to do this…

    Well there was a good movie buried under all this shit for sure, but man, seems like a lot of stuff went wrong from the get go… costume design is terrible, so is most of the VFX and even the soundtrack is kinda shit.

    The story was okay enough, the acting was good enough too, but yeah, someone fucked up big time. Also, this def. felt more like a continuation of Josstice League and not the Snyder Cut in pretty much every regard.

    Oh well, another dud in the books, but it’s a shame, this should’ve been a hit… there’s a good skeleton in there, unlike say Shazam 2 or WW84.

    Also, shame that Miller has torpedoed his career, he’s actually a pretty good actor… oh well x2 :unsure:

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  • #110798

    I don’t get the issue with the fake-out, it was laid out beforehand when we saw the baddie regenerate… that said, yea this ain’t very good, but still better than some others… this is clearly lacking a budget and most importantly the scale of what the story promised.

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  • #110775

    Out of curiousity, Jon: excluding characters we’ve already seen in previous DC films, what characters would you prefer that Gunn add to the DCEU?

    Well to be fair, Hawkgirl is fine I guess… but if you’re gonna do a GL, do John first… and I dunno, if it’s a Superman movie they should introduce Superman/Starlab related characters (Steel, the Guardian, etc), and if not, something more exciting than Metamorpho and Mr. Terrific would be nice… but that’s not really the point tho, the point is we all know what’s that gonna be about: jokes… those are all minor characters that Gunn can use for some stupid humor scenes. It’s the type of shit he’s been doing all this time, which doesn’t bode well.

    Also, isn’t he using the Authority? That’s plenty enough characters to introduce for one movie, no?

    And I don’t get the fuss about Gunn casting his friends. Hollywood is full of directors that use the same people over and over again, it just feels like a bit of a reach to moan about it.

    That’s true, Nolan uses the same people very often… shit, even Snyder does it… however we just lost an entire good cast of actors, so just getting rid of all those fan favorite actors to replace them with his buddies, that’s where the “fuss” comes from in this case.

    Looks like they’re going to hit the same mess in the new movie universe.

    Yep, that’s pretty much what it’s feeling like rn. I mean, sure, they haven’t filmed a thing, but just with the announced slate and all these newer casting announcements… it already feels like a mess :unsure:

  • #110741

    Wait, wasn’t introducing a bunch of characters too quickly one of the things people bitch about BvS??? :unsure:

    Well I guess Gunn will keep casting his family & friends… yay.

    Also, wow yeah, Hawkgirl, Guy, Mr Terrific & Metamorpho… so exciting can’t waizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz….

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  • #110687

    Well… there you go, was that so fuckin difficult???

    Still no mask, but the body looks great. I would’ve gone with the brown one they showed at the end of 2 tho… brown suit needs more love =P

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  • #110670

    Sooo I watched this… yeah I agree it’s probably the best MCU movie since Infinity War (fuck Endgame), but that’s hardly an accomplishment at this point, it’s been decent to utter shit.

    Uhm… this was def. better than GOTG2, but again, that’s not very hard to do since that one is pretty mediocre, but 1 is still the best of the three no doubt. It mostly works, the story this time around is better, more focused, but the movie still has a lot of issues in terms of pacing and tone.

    I didn’t feel the way they handled the flashbacks worked all the time, some of them felt too abrupt… I think it would’ve been better to handle them all in one single chunk either at the start or when they’re watching the video records or something, I dunno, maybe they just were inserted at the wrong moments, but something felt off. Oh so did the music… it felt super forced in this one for the most part… gimmick is tired already.

    Also, the fuckin jokes man… this wasn’t anywhere as bad as the more recent shit shows, like Thor 3, but the fuckin “humor” is still very much getting in the way of dramatic and character development tension, and most of them just don’t land.

    I absolutely hated what they did to Warlock, obviously, and it’s extra annoying ’cause I’m a big fan of Warlock & Thanos. In fact, I’m kinda done with Gunn turning everyone into a fuckin’ idiot… it’s annoying, it’s giving me severe Ennis vibes at this point, it feels he kinda hates comicbook characters so much that he has this compulsion of turning everyone into a fuckin moron.

    The one exception being Rocket, he’s the one Gunn got from the get go and never turned into a jokey dumbass, so yeah, it’s obvious he’s Gunn’s favorite, and he did right by him on this movie, so kudos on at least that. Funny how Drax finally remembered he’s super strong and knows how to fight this time around… he’s still a fuckin idiot, but at least useful now. I wish they did more with Cosmo, he’s a great character.

    Aaaanyways, it’s not the best shit ever like some people are saying, but it was rather good, amazing when compared to anything post IW. Good end for the trilogy and now get someone fresh… oh and keep Taika Waititi the fuck away from SH movies please, and specially away from the GOTG… whoever suggested that above =P

  • #110514

    Eh, I liked it overall… I do hope they’ll end it here, because I’m not sure I wanna see it continuing with lesser Hemsworth… though it would’ve been fun to see lesser Hemsworth and lesser Amell duke it out =P

    But it also seems like they could resolve Ciri’s plot-line this season and give it a good ending… buuut that’s probably not how it’s gonna go u_u

    Gotta say, the combat scenes in Ep1 were ON POINT as usual… I wish there was more of that.

  • #110444

    And that would be a TERRIBLE idea for a first Superman movie… like BvS x 1000 kinda terrible.

  • #110441

    yes, I believe Gunn and his Cohorts are just waiting to box up all these movies and start up their multiverse. His Waller is a better villain than retread Zod or whatever villain BA had(already forgotten). His Squad and Peacemaker will probably make it into whatever universe he builds. If he builds a universe at all, that is.

    But his SQ and PM were tied to the Snyderverse… shouldn’t he scrap that shit too? :unsure:


    Also, meh, I have zero interest in Superman if they’re just going back to boring nostalgia Reeve-like Superman… aaand I’m not sure a lot of people will show up for something like that… they seem to have forgotten that Superman is kinda fuckin boring and is a hard sell.

  • #110348

    OMG OMG OMG OMG I just found out Warrior Season 3 starts next thursday!!! Hyyype! I didn’t even know (or forgot) they had renewed it… that’s nice!

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  • #110347

    Not to defend a shit movie, but they’re kinda shooting themselves in the foot releasing so many “big” movies so close to each other… =/

    There were always gonna be big losers this “summer”… but yeah, a better movie would’ve snatched victory for sure.

  • #110224

    Eh, I liked it fine… gonna be honest, this is totally what I actually wanted and was expecting from Agents of Shield… not that garbage they ended up doing. Lower budget, yet well made spy thriller stories set in the MCU… I’m good with that. Off to a decent start, if nothing internet-breaking, which it doesn’t need to be anyways… MUCH better than fuckin she-hulk and moonknight, so there’s that.

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  • #110223

    Ah well, then I guess no theater for me… I’ll just wait for it to hit home release :unsure:

  • #109706

    Well the early reviews are very positive about Miller’s acting, so it’s not a 100% impossible, I suppose… it’ll depend on how much money it makes obviously, but also if Miller can keep it together in the near future and if WB deems the risk worth it.

    I was mulling over seeing it in theaters, but the VFX looks kinda bad, tbh… like, it seems to have some really visually cool ideas, but the execution is just not there, that’s the impression I get, so unless I hear otherwise, I’m probably gonna skip it too.

  • #108465

    not gonna lie, looks boring as fuck… or rather, not what I expect from a Nolan movie… =/

  • #108321

    That’s a fan image… u_u

  • #108291

    Oh how I wish we’d gotten that Batfleck movie =(

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  • #108290

    Huh, the Dungeons & Dragons movie was surprisingly fun…  Just a nice self-contained fantasy adventure with a lot of really neat visual tricks… and yes, great use of the Portal gun/stick in a movie… I bet Valve ain’t too happy about that shit =P

    IIRC the movie flopped quite badly… it’s a shame because it’s actually pretty good, but honestly I’m not sure that was a good starting point for a franchise anywyas, it really works well as a self-contained story, no need for a sequel, so there’s that… though I suppose the studio ain’t too happy about that one.

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  • #108072

    What did Miller do anyway? Was he ever charged or convicted with something?

  • #108018

    Ha! It’s fun seeing all the Keaton suits pre and post his movies…  specially the grey/blue one with the 89 symbol and white eyes… and of course the first one with guns… oh I can’t wait for all the nerds to complain about that one for the next decade. Too bad the one for the movie is kinda shit, literally all the others look better =/

    But yeah, the suits in general ain’t doing it for me… the fact that there’s so many CGI fake people shots ain’t helping either… but all the designs look a bit off, even the batplane and the batmobile.

    I absolutely hate the “I’m Batman” and “wanna go nuts” references… they’re so cringe inducing at this point… but yeah anyways, I might be tempted to see this one on theaters, but considering how fuckin lazy I’ve gotten with movies, I’ll wait for the reviews first and then maaaaaybe decide about it. I’d definetly be more hype about this if they hadn’t killed the “snyderverse”…

  • #107837

    Odd stuff was Gideon’s clones, why is someone like Gideon trying to do clones? They’d attempt to take out both him and each other! Still, that was why he was after Grogu at the start of the story.

    Because he was force-jelly… he wanted to be a force user, so he was perfecting a force sensitive clone… and THAT would’ve been a pretty good character arc for a villain, a guy who basically wants to be a jedi/sith, but he’s just a mundane bitch… that also explains why he wanted the dark saber so much… also, did they just break it?? WTF, isn’t that supposed to be a mega powerful weapon? so fuckin underwhelming.

    Ah, if only they had writers competent enough to put all of those pieces together in a coherent fashion and build the show around THAT, instead of wasting almost a full hour episode in something absolutely irrelevant, amongst many other things.

    It was also probably a bad idea to cast Esposito in that role, since he was probably only available for little time… If they’d cast another actor, they could’ve spent more time with the villain. Maybe make him look not like a discount Mando/Vader… ugh why do I even bother…

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  • #107791

    It is… those War Machine shots are from CW.

  • #107788

    Daaamn Antman 3 is already out in digital… it did that badly huh??

    Well, it’s certainly not great, that’s for sure. Another waste of a (mostly) fantastic cast. It just felt so hollow… as if the actors weren’t even in front of each other most times… eh, whatever another dud :unsure:

  • #107730

    I think there is a lot of fodder for the kind of Star Wars fan who has watched every episode of the Clone Wars multiple times and knows every detail of the prequels (and possibly even the sequels). For the casual fan… I don’t care about any of that stuff, I’d just like to see a well-told story, and unfortunately I’m not really getting that.

    FWIW, as a casual viewer, I’m A LOT more interested in the whole mandalorian stuff, rather than baby yoda and his shenaningans… but yeah, it’d be nice if the show had good writing, or like, decent writing… actually are there any writers? ’cause at times it feels there are none.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #107654

    I would’ve enjoyed the episode a lot more if the bad guys weren’t just evil mandalorians… what a stupid bland way to go with it… I see the whole “evil reflection” thing CB movies are plagued by is also plaguing other movies u_u

    Also, not to mention that the whole thing really cheapens the coolness factor of the mandalorian, since it seems anyone and their grandma can get beskar armors. And apparently it’s a rule that they all have to look the same… ughhhhh

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  • #107653

    But laziness (if that is what it is, which I don’t think, but let’s go with that for a minute) isn’t a formula. It’s just doing something badly instead of doing it well. I don’t think that’s what people mean when they’re talking about the “Marvel formula”. What they mean is these movies being fun action movies with quirky dialogue instead of something more serious, like Snyder’s DC movies, or the Batman. And that’s fair enough if the latter kind of thing is what you want. But honestly, Marvel didn’t invent fun and funny action movies, nor are they the only ones filming them. And that approach isn’t the problem, the problem is whether they’re doing it well or not.

    Right, but I’m not saying “laziness” is their formula nor that they invented funny action movies, I’m saying that their formula is lazy “funny” action movies… oh and with shitty CGI apparently…

    And DC has been really trying to copy that shit since josstice league (except for the more serious movies, i.e. Joker & THE Batman), so sure, they’re def. not the only ones doing it.

    My point is that laziness IS part of their formula in the sense that they’re not even bothering anymore to try anything new, even in terms of humor… all their characters are the same, snarky and quippy, like Tony Stark… and that’s just not the only type of comedy there is. They know what “works” and they’ve just rehashed that over and over again, but of course, people are gonna get fed up with the same shit all the time, and that’s what’s happening.

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  • #107614

    People talk a lot about the Marvel formula, but I don’t even think that’s the actual problem here. People like entertaining action movies with a sense of humour – it’s as valid an approach to making a superhero movie as any other. It’s simply a matter of quality. No matter in what style you do it, it has to be good. Or ideally, great. Maybe that’s the difference: In phase 1, the first movies got away with just being pretty good because it was all so new. I think looking back, you can say that about the first Iron Man, Thor and Cap movies. They were all perfectly fine movies, but their success was mostly because they were doing a new thing. The first great Marvel movie was Avengers, really.

    Well, I get your point, but it’s not entirely true, because the “Marvel formula” we know today isn’t something that came up until Phase 3 probably… the phase 1 moves were a bit wonky, sometimes, but at least they were REALLY trying. Shit, even Avengers isn’t that great of a movie, if we’re being honest, but they were trying and it showed… then they started to get REALLY lazy… both with the visuals and the scripts, that’s the formula people talk about.

    To me it feels like the last time they REALLY tried was with Doctor Strange 1… sure Infinity War was the last movie I truly enjoyed, but that’s mostly on the strenght of it being a Thanos movie and me being a massive Thanos fan… if I’m being honest, the movie has a shit load of issues too, but the “good” outweighted the bad for me… but even that one I feel they were already getting waaaay too lazy.

  • #107561

    Succession, season 4, episode 3. That was amazing, and unexpected!

    I keep seeing people saying that it was “amazing and unexpected”… but really??? I mean, considering the name of the show and everything else… :unsure:

    I thought it was actually a subpar episode, tbh. I’m glad they’re ending the show now because they’ve been re-treading a lot of ground, although now at least we’ll move forward somewhat to something “new”, so that’s good… but yeah.

  • #107559

    People talk about being burned out on superhero movies. I don’t think that’s entirely true.

    Yeah no, that’s bs… people are tired of cookie-cutter shitty movies, period.

    The Batman did well enough because it wasn’t aping the same MCU formula, which like you said, is really the problem here. I agree the Marvels looks like a slightly better TV episode (and from what I remember of Miss Marvel’s first episode, at least production-wise it was actually pretty good) and also agree that it looks like it’ll have all of the things people are tired of, but without the benefit of a powerhouse beloved character/actor (like Hemsworth or Cumberbatch, for example) to carry it over.

    I’m not sure this will flop, because the first one did make a bill after all, but I don’t see this doing nearly as well… and I hope it’s not another Quantumania, ’cause that’s gonna hurt going from 1 bill to a couple hundred mill.

  • #107483

    Ultimately I can’t believe they blew so much cash on a project like this with untested showrunners and nobody making sure the story fundamentals were solid.

    This is the larger problem… shit, not even the part about the untested showrunners, but just blowing soooooooooo much money on a show is kinda ridiculous. But then again, Amazon’s got money to literally burn away, so it’s not like they’re in trouble financially or anything…

    that means chances are only the remaining one third will tune in next time, which means that next time, you will only have about 4 billion of those minutes, and that’d count as a complete dud compared to The Boys.

    Well IF that happens, sure, it’ll be really bad… but that’s still just speculation… it could always go the other way and grow its audience, like GOT did, if they make a solid second season.

    In the end, if they’re going ahead with a 2nd season it’s probably because they’re fine enough with the result of the 1st one.


  • #107468

    Wow no Shazam 2 thread huh? lol…

    Yeah well it’s pretty shit, so I get it. Man, that’s a Peter Safran flick, should we be worried? =/

    Oh also, no joke, I actually like Black Adam more…

  • #107467

    37% of X vs 37% of Y is a meaningless comparison. It’s still 37%. That is a terrible completion rate for such an expensive project like this.

    No, what’s meaningless is a random percentage of nothing at all… and falling for some blatant bullshit article that’s not saying anything at all, because AGAIN, saying “only 37% of people finished it” doesn’t mean absolutely anything at all unless we know how many people started it… i.e. 37% of how many.

    Not saying the show didn’t have issues, just saying that articles is clickbait bullshit, as usual… but hey, if you guys wanna go with it, sure go with it :unsure:

    This is better info and a better comparison:

    As per Nielsen ratings, The Boys, which got its third season in 2022, was the most watched Amazon original show with 10.6 billion minutes viewed. In comparison Rings of Power was watched for 9.4 billion minutes.

    Now, it would be interesting to know which percentage of TB viewers dropped it for comparison sake, but since that is a comparison in minutes I suppose it doesn’t matter… the take-away being, ROP was disappointing for sure, but 1+ billion less minutes than one of the most succesful (if not the most) Amazon original shows ain’t too shabby… of course, when compared to GOT or HOTD, yeah it’s probably not great.

    Either way, that other article is BS… which was my point.


  • #107460

    Eh maybe, but I’m gonna be honest, in terms of popularity I tend to look more to what gets more pirated, since that tends to be a much more reliable metric of popularity… unsurprisingly, the most pirated shows are in fact also the most viewed ones, and I can tell you ROP had pretty good piracy numbers.

    It’d be more interesting if we knew how many people tried it for at least one episode, even if for a few minutes, because that would give a lot more context to what that 37% really means. Amazon isn’t netflix and I doubt they have the same type of numbers… lots of people have amazon prime because of the actual advantages to buying on amazon and not for the shows… it could be a case of A LOT of people who don’t fall into the usual Netflix-type of customers just clicking to check it out and then not being interested.

    My point is… sure, 37% might sound bad… but 37% out of how many? 37% out of 200K people is still a lot more than 73% out of 20K people… the completion percentage can’t be the only metric that matters here, either for netflix or amazon for that matter.

  • #107426

    According to THR‘s source, even a 50 percent completion rate wouldn’t be considered exceptional, especially for such an expensive series

    ehhhh press X to doubt… shows get dropped by viewers a lot more that we tend to imagine… I don’t remember the numbers now, but I’ve seen articles of viewership drops and IIRC, a 37-45% completion rate is actually not that bad… I might be misremembering though, I’ll try to find those numbers again later.

  • #107418

    Oh totally, looks like re-Shazam in every way, including the younger audience target… shit, it’s even got the same rancid “joke” in the trailer.

  • #107417

    I’m really watching a different show to you lot :D The Jack Black stuff was cringe that made me want to hide behind the sofa in embarrassment. Oh, the cutie stuff with Grogu was worse. Has Favreau had a stroke recently? I was thinking that the writers seem to have realised that Mando and Baby Yoda are a storytelling dead end and Bo-katan is a far more interesting Mandalorian to follow around but who can be sure. Am only still watching because the wife wants to see it.

    I mean, I agree that the show is pretty drecky… but this last episode was at least better directed than some of the previous ones. The writing is obviously a huge problem tho… the episode with the gigantic filler section about a random ex-empire dude was proof of that… shit pacing & aimless.

  • #107390

    And I don’t think any of those series since Loki was completely shit, but some of them were a bit shit. The one that comes closest to being complete shit was actually released before Loki; I thought Hawkguy and Moon Knight were alright with some annoying weaknesses and Ms. Marvel really good (albeit not everybody’s cup of tea, obivously).

    Fair enough I guess, but my tolerance for subpar mediocre content has taken a nose dive in the last 2 years, so I’m afraid I can’t agree all that much. Hawkeye was decent-ish, or some parts of it were I guess, because other parts were pretty shit, but that’s a far cry from being anywhere near “good”. Moon Knight was garbage… a waste of Isaac’s time and talent. Didn’t see Ms. Marvel, but considering how it flopped, I can’t imagine it was all that good either.

    But anyhow, this at least looks like it might be on Falcon/WS’s level, which is not the best but oh so much better than a she hulk… =/

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  • #107389

    That Blue Beetle trailer looks like a hodge podge of stuff we’ve seen in other movies… nothing original in there.

    The practical suit is pretty cool tho… and oh boy did they go with the Injustice 2 version of Blue Beetle… it’s almost a carbon copy (not a bad thing tho).

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  • #107388

    They should give all the episodes to Bryce Dallas Howard… she’s clearly the best director on the show.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #107312

    Whoaaaa… that looks not completely shit…

    Unlike everything they’ve released since… Loki?

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  • #106468

    Doom Patrol is the one TV property I wish they’d carry over into the new DC TV universe. Everything else can get fucked, but that one was truly good.

    I don’t know, it’s dropped down in quality gradually… I think they should probably wrap it up at this point…

  • #106283

    I mean, yeah sure, but DC’s been doing that shit every other year since the nu52 debacle… it’s a bit ridiculous at this point.

  • #106274

    Jesus they’re rebooting DC again or just a relaunch?

    Are they keeping the massive “families”? =/

  • #106242

    Well that’s nuTrek for you… all about the emotions and the crying scenes…

    Anyhoo caved in after the somewhat positive buzz about this and watched the 2 first episodes… Listen I only know Picard, Seven and Raffi from the previous seasons, I’m aware of who the other geezers are because I’ve seen pictures (Oh and beardman was also in S1 briefly) but I don’t really know who they are or what’s their deal so it all falls absolutely flat on me ’cause I’ve got zero knowledge or nostalgia about it all.

    I don’t know who Beverly is, or why I should care about the obvious & convenient plot twist other than the surface implications of it, I don’t know who the warrior alien is or why I should be excited for him saving the always attrocious Raffi. Speaking of which, why the fuck is Raffi back? She’s a terrible character, a terrible actress and a miserable waste of screen time… I wonder what dirt she has on someone at CBS, I can’t possibly see any other explanation for them bringing HER back out of everyone else… I swear I’d rather have Elmo back.

    Anyways, yeah these 2 epsiodes weren’t as horrible as the previous 2 seasons, but I’m not seeing anything particularly great either, it all seems like the same shit they’ve been feeding us since “Disco”, but in a slightly less shitty package… for now… because I’m not an idiot and I know this is all gonna devolve into the usual pile of steaming shit… so I’m just gonna do myself a favour and drop this right now.

    I think I’ll just stick with SNW, which was tolerable and even entertaining on occasion. Shit at least they’re not always being obnoxious with their feelings…

  • #106232

    Strange New Worlds is supposed to be good, right?

    I mean, it’s the “better” one… :unsure:

  • #106028

    I think the problem with current Marvel is they have yet to find the new version of James Gunn and the Russo brothers. Both Coogler and Watiti failed to duplicate their initial success.

    I’d argue they all did… but the Russos got lucky with the projects they were on, because both Civil War and Endgame, the sequels to their Cap and Avengers flicks imo were both pretty shit… but sure, they’ve been the more succesful ones I guess.

    Personally, I don’t think Gunn’s managed to recapture the magic of the first GotG, and in fact, I’m pretty sure it was more Nicole Pearlman behind its success… I mean SHE was the one who chose GotG and “made it happen”, not Gunn.

    No way home is a pretty bad movie too, it’s just they handled the nostalgia and the fan service VERY well on that one, which is of course a good thing in itself, but the movie is kind of a mess.

  • #105973

    Yeah, she’s technically not Supergirl… I guess she’s more like a Superwoman.

    But to answer your question, even though not directed at me, ’cause comicbooks are a visual medium… I like them looking as cool as they can.

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  • #105946

    I’m kinda not liking the costumes, tbh… any of them… even Batfleck looks bad =/

    Other than that, I dunno, I’m sure it’ll be a movie at least :unsure:

    What can you even say at this point except, wow it really IS coming out… miraculous indeed.

  • #105861

    Fuck no… then again, people hated the one in BvS and I kinda liked it, but in this case it’s all the tattoos and muscles… aaaaand let’s be honest, Luthor should be a white guy xD

  • #105794

    Well I’m sure that, if they take anything straight off of ASS, it will be that one page… you know which one… I can see Gunn going for that bit of ASS, maybe one or two more.

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  • #105777

    Years back it would have blown people’s minds for WB to have announced a slate with an Ellis/Hitch-inspired Authority movie, a Moore/Bissette, Totleben & Veitch-inspired Swamp Thing movie, a Morrison/Quitely-inspired Batman/Damien film, an All-Star-inspired Superman movie, and a separate dark serious adult Batman movie to boot. And that’s without all the deeper cuts coming like Booster Gold or Flashpoint’s multiversal cameos and all that additional stuff.

    Sure, years ago before WB/DC shit the bed straight for a decade… I mean, it’s hard to blame people for being cautious at this point.

    Ultimately it surprises me that any fan could look at that slate and not find something to be at least a little bit excited by or interested in, but maybe I shouldn’t be surprised by that any more.

    And I said off the bat I’m actually interested in the Authority one, I’m just worried about all the different and exciting ways they can mess it up by having it be a part of their new 10-year planned inter-connected universe… they have a really shit track record at that kind of thing, and I’m sorry but Gunn has no real experience as a producer. The other dude does, but he doesn’t really seem to be a Feige-like guy either.

    It also doesn’t help that I’m not a Gunn fanboy either, like many people seem to be (not talking about people in here specifically, btw, I mean in general).

    Also, I’m not sure where people are getting the idea that the announced Superman movie will be anything like ASS from … the description Gunn gave, albeit short and not very detailed, didn’t really make it sound like it’ll be based off of ASS… I’m sure they could perhaps use the same type of tone or whatever, but it’s not like we’re getting an ASS movie adaptation… I’d actually be pretty excited about it if it was a proper adaptation of ASS, and not the “begining” of their interconnected universe… and yes, I do like typing ASS.

  • #105769

    You’re right, I should wait and see rather than pre-judging it.

    You’re very much welcome to not participate in the discussion… although I guess you’re more interested in grandstanding at this point :unsure:

    I saw an old man masturbate in the park once. If said Youtuber isn’t a Warner/DC employee then their ‘information’ is worth nothing. I can add an MCU Youtube video in 5 mins saying Julio Inglesias is cast as Jean Grey in a movie where she marries Storm and Gambit in a Mormon ceremony.

    Chill down dude, I’m just relaying an idea I heard somewhere else and I didn’t want to take credit for it… it wasn’t presented as a rumour or aleak or whatever, nor I presented it as such… it was just an idea/speculation.

  • #105750

    We don’t really know anything about how they’ll be presented or used yet. If they do share the DCU with the classic DC icons, then I could see them being set up as a more politically aware super-team with more of a willingness to disrupt the status quo rather than preserve it like the JLA, which could lead to some genuinely interesting ideological conflict with the traditional DC heroes. No reason why it couldn’t work well.

    Well here’s a reason why it couldn’t work well: Which status quo? Which JLA? Which traditional heores? The Authority is indeed a reactionary CB/team to the “status quo” of superheros, that’s their whole point and the core concept behind that book, but that’s a bit hard to get away with when you haven’t really shown what that status quo is… it’s waaaaaay too early for such a movie. Kinda like doing Civil War in phase 1, so to speak, it wouldn’t make much sense either. There’ll be nothing to disrupt yet.

    Unless of course they’re changing the idea behind it all, but then I’ll ask again: What’s the point? Why introduce a team of what’s essentially JLA stand-ins BEFORE the JLA? Or maybe it’s not even gonna be the same team, which begs the question even more… :unsure:

    If they were treated as a space/dimensional travel team, the movies could have a sort of Guardians vibe, which is probably something people would like to see from a Gunn-led DC universe. And that’d allow The Authority to stand on their own and not contrast too much with the other DC heroes too much.

    Ehhhh… I don’t know, they’re not supposed to be a GotG type of team, like AT ALL… I mean, sure they fought a “god”, but they were not fighting off intergalactic beings just to play space cops, they were literally protecting earth with more decisive methods… I mean, I guess you can turn them into space cops, but that clashes with the GL corps and sort of negates their whole point. Plus then there’s the tone of the whole thing.

    In the end, I guess they can do whatever they want and turn the Authority into a space adventure “happy go lucky” team, I guess, but is that what we want from it?


  • #105716

    I’ll agree that The Authority is a strange choice at this point, especially if they’re using this “first chapter” to set up their new shared universe. The Authority would’ve been a more obvious choice further down the road, maybe even as villains of a sort.

    Well I saw a youtuber speculate that they’ll use the Authority in-lieu of the Elite and it’s a build up to Superman vs the Authority… which would absolutely blow, even if it makes sense, so yeah it’s possible they’re going the “villains” or at least antagonists route, but man, I’m fairly sure most everyone would rather Supes fought his villain gallery… people have been asking for Brainiac for a loooooong time now.

    I really wish they’d keep the Authority separate as they’re doing with THE batman and Joker, because yeah, at this point a Wildstorm-verse sounds a lot more appealing…. so again, I want to be excited by it, but I have this nagging feeling it’s gonna be ass. Specially if they use them as jobbers for Superman.

  • #105697

    Sooo anti-Snyder bias it is then… gotcha :good:

    Well the whole thing fell with a big thud, so we’ll see… it still all seems all over the place, weird movies to start with and all that. I mean seriously, the Authority… what the fuck are they thinking :unsure:

    Still, I hope they actually do that movie justice, it’s about the only thing I’m interested in from all those announcements, even though I think it’s a terrible, terrible idea to do it now.

    Hopefully that’ll open the doors to an HBO Planetary TV show… one can dream eh?

  • #105680

    You might…

  • #105668

    Oh also, let’s talk about the Authority a little bit… listen, I’m a fan of the Authority and that whole Wildstorm line and therefore I’m pretty excited to see a movie, but let’s be realistic, they just DON’T work within the DCU, they’ve attempted it a few times, and it’s just shit… not surprisingly, in part because the Authority are DC archetypes used to critizise the characters they’re emulating.

    Also, the Authority is the epitome of “dark, edgy and broody”, once again, the same thing people say they didn’t like about the snyder flicks… and the icing on the cake is that they’re about to introduce a bunch of clones within a single movie, therefore “rushing it” which is another thing people didn’t like…

    So I really have to ask: What’s the thought process with this? What’s the goal, what are they trying to accomplish? Who would such a movie be for? Plus we have to remember that we already have the Boys, which is a “realistic” ultra-violent criticism of SHs already… I dunno, it seems like a misguided movie to make in your “first chapter/phase one” of movies.

    Now, the other option is they just do the Authority in name and change a lot of things… well then what’s the point? I dunno, this is just extremely puzzling and confusing… I’m sure the plan is to have them face-off against a more traditional Supes down the line, to contrast the two philosophies and whatnot… kinda what they tried to do in Black Adam as well, oh remember BA? Yeah he was very Authority-like wasn’t he? The more you think about it, the more redundant, misguided and puzzling it gets.

    It would be better if they saved the Authority for later, much later… and I can say the same thing about Booster Gold… what’s the point of introducing Booster Gold in your first phase? His whole thing is that he’s a fanboy of modern-ers SHs… how is that gonna work when you haven’t really established anything yet? =/

    So yeah, Gunn’s plans are a bit confusing to say the least, and the don’t seem to have a clear direction either, which is something people have also been complaining about, so yeah, to reiterate, I’m really not feeling confident about this whole thing.

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  • #105663

    God, I hope they really do make it True Detective in space. That’d be awesome.

    NOT in space =P

    Ehhh… honestly it sounds like they’re doing more of the same… I would’ve been more on board with a full reset, but this cherry picking of characters/actors is more like the “course correcting” they’ve been doing since BvS, and we all know how that worked out, so I don’t expect it’ll go smoother this time around.

    Another thing is that, supposedly, what people didn’t like is how “dark” the snyderverse was, right? And this slate looks like it’s gonna veer into “dark” stuff again (and we all know Gunn is rather “dark” too)… I mean he wants to skip to the assassin Robin, he wants a dark Swamp Thing movie, a “GoT-style” amazons show, a “True Detective-style” GL show… all of that shit sounds “dark” and the type of stuff people were crying about. I guess it’ll be interesting to see if people bitch about it too, or if it was always an anti-snyder bias…

    Hey, maybe the inevitable plastering of jokes will make it somehow less “dark” for people? :unsure:

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  • #105619

    ehh… unsurprisinlgy, I didn’t like this either… too slow and boring overall, with quite bad CGI… again… and I absolutely hated the music throughout the movie (not my taste AT ALL).

    Angela Basset was the MVP, no big surprise there.

    Iron Heart was absolutely unnecessary and just a plot device.

    Shuri was fine, but not that charismatic to replace Boseman going forward.

    I like the actor who played Namor, I didn’t like him as Namor… he did a good job but he just looked wrong, and I don’t mean the face or the mexican features, it’s just the dude was just not in the shape I would’ve expected for such a character, and his design was a bit bleh… I did LOVE what they did with the flying, that was a very cool thing, like he was jumping on the air with the wings. So I was very mixed on namor, didn’t hate him, didn’t love him, but I can live with it I guess… I’m not a fan of that silly lazy explanation for atlanteans tho.

    Action was sparse and generally bad I have to say, nothing had that “whoa that shit looked insane” factor (some of Namor’s scenes had it a bit ’cause of the weird flying, but not really), and once again it was too CGI-y, like waaay too obviously.

    So yeah, pretty mediocre overall.

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  • #105594

    Yeah, the decision to have two concurrent Batman movie franchises is a little weird. Also kind of makes ditching Cavill more of a gut punch. Like we can keep Waller and maybe Ezra Miller and have two Batman franchises, but we can’t at least get a proper movie for Cavill as Superman? Not a big deal, but a strange selection of trying to have your cake and eat it too.

    Correction, 3 Batmen since I’m guessing they’ll keep Midnighter in the Authority…

    Unless they’re not… I’d say I’m hyped up for the Authority buuuuut I’m just gonna wait for that one to get announced and all that, because it could go terribly wrong too.

    And Swamp Thing?? AGAIN?? Man they really want to make that one work huh? :unsure:

    Yeah anyways, that’s kind of a shit announcement all in all… nothing too exciting for me in there save for the Authority and something tells me that’s not gonna happen or it’s gonna be quite different. :unsure:

  • #105370

    I saw the pilot of That ’90s Show and it was decidedly average, which is in line with expectations really.

    Everyone forgets that the first episodeS (not just the pilot) were pretty wonky too… it took a while for those shows to get really going while the cast really gelled together, I’m expecting that’s gonna be the case here as well. Then again maybe not, but I’m sure the main attraction are Red & Kitty anyways.

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