I think I might be done with this abomination of a game.
The “stealth”? Crap. “Shooting”? Crap. “Aim assist”? Might as well not exist, it’s non-existent. Enemy direction of fire? Crap, even with high contrast it’s too difficult to see what I need to.
Outposts get to infinite spawn enemies.
World immersion? Killed by game bullcrap, a ton of it.
The Gorlak base mission? “Stealth” gameplay that was outdated over a decade ago. Oh, binoculars and marking targets? Great. Except I can’t see what I need to and so can’t play it easily. Took out 2 alarm panels, nope there’s another one I didn’t get.
Even at the start I was nearly blocked because, having activated high contrast mode, which includes interactive objects, the vent I needed was not highlighted!
“Fall protection”? Another total lie.
Decided to explore a bit. Tried the treasure dealer for Nix, nope. Turns out you have to do another quest to unlock but it doesn’t explain that.
On another you get a prompt that someone knows a password, so I have to go talk to someone. No, you instead have to stand in the right location and eavesdrop, not that you have any idea you can do that because the system hasn’t been introduced. Even if it had the directions are off.
Then tried doing the Sabotage mission, which was even worse. Climb up, here’s some guards that I’m supposed to take out with no cover! Oh and the enemies are a definite hive mind.
Speeder combat? Utter rubbish, there’s no way to easily see the enemies outside of its crappy, timed Red Dead bullseye bollocks. So it’s drive around, wait for meter to fill up, activate, look for poorly indicated enemy, mark and shoot before it runs out. That’s all it has.
And, this is with it set to Story, which is stupidly difficult.
Is the game mis-sold? Yes, it is, it absolutely is.
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