Thanks – they’re not UK only, but they don’t ship here.
I’ve been fine with the admitted knock-off Masterpiece toys from Ali Express anyway.
Thanks – they’re not UK only, but they don’t ship here.
I’ve been fine with the admitted knock-off Masterpiece toys from Ali Express anyway.
I’ve been eyeing off the Romulus (from Ali Express – unless there’s a better place?) and these posts might have just tipped me over the edge. I can use some Christmas gift money.
The idea of a SS86 Megatron that doesn’t turn into a gun is so silly.
I finally had a chance to catch up on most of the stack of new releases I’d accumulated over the past few months.
The last two issues of Batman: Dark Age – I’d been reading these as they came out and not rereading despite the big gaps but I think I still managed to keep up – it’s a really interesting book that has a lot of clever things to say about family, loss, war, crime, ageing and psychology. Allred’s art is as solid as ever but the writing is the star – I found this really affecting and look forward to rereading the whole thing at some point.
Wolverine Revenge 1-3 – weird book. I’ve been a Capullo fan since X-Force (his issue 19 might be the first X-book I ever read) and since I didn’t really care for Spawn or the long Batman run I was really looking forward to his return to colourful superhero art. The art is pretty good but maybe not as stellar as expected considering how long he’s been working on it and how much he was hyping it up. The story is… weird. Out of continuity, sure – but it seems very light and almost phoned in for a usually complicated and meticulous guy like Hickman.
Deadpool Wolverine WWIII 1-2. Somehow I missed issue 3 so I’ll have to track it down. Much more interesting than Revenge above, Adam Kubert is reliably good and IMO under-appreciated as an artist. The designs, acting, and layouts always have a lot of thought put into them but he’s so regular and prolific I think he gets taken for granted. It probably doesn’t help that he moves around from title to title a lot.
Batman Long Halloween: Last Halloween. Issue 2 with art from Klaus Janson. Initially I was disappointed to find that Eduardo Risso was only drawing the first issue rather than the whole series but the line up of artists is impressive enough to keep me going. Jeph Loeb’s Batman stories are popcorn fun but of the best kind. Simple, with decent character beats, and almost always elevated by the artists he chooses to work with, I will probably aim to do a big Long Halloween/Dark Victory/Last Halloween reread when it’s all done with.
Spider-man Reign 2 – I’m one of the rare supporters of the original book which I thought was bold and daring, with the caveat that it leaned heavily on Miller’s DKR. I didn’t expect to see a sequel but this has been a real treat so far with Kaare Andrews really putting in the effort. The book opens in an art style similar to the first series (stacked wide panels, Elektra Lives Again-era Miller linework), but at the end of the first issue old Peter is sent back in time to McFarlane-era continuity and so the book is drawn in a McFarlane-esque style – the rendering, posing, and page layouts. It’s appealed to me massively and such a departure from what has become somewhat of a house-style at Marvel. I’ll always be a 90s kid when it comes to comic art!
Holy cow, what a mess. At least Hill-dog can be happy to not be the only person to lose to Trump.
The time difference means results for me will start coming in mid-afternoon while I’m in the office tomorrow. We will have the boardroom screens tuned in to election coverage all day and I’ll be following on twitter for details in between doing, y’know, actual work…
I’m completely resigned to a Trump win though.
It’s probably my favourite of all my toys in terms of the look and feel of robot mode. I don’t think I’d ever pay for a proper Masterpiece but this one was AUD120 which is cheaper than the SS86 Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime. The Shockwave was about 60, and the Hot Rod and incoming Wheeljack are about 45 which is only slightly more than the much smaller SS86 Bumblebee and Brawn. Of the three I have Megatron is the heaviest with a lot of metal parts.
The Megatron (and KO) as you would have seen from any review videos is really fiddly and unfun to transform; some steps on the KO actually hurt my fingertips and I did have to slightly loosen one screw when I first got it to even enable transformation. It arrives in robot mode to facilitate customs clearance I assume.
I know the KOs can have quality control issues but I’m very happy with the three so far. I’m no gun nut but the idea of a Megatron that doesn’t turn into a pistol annoys me – in this form the pistol is seemingly to scale for a human hand (though some of the plastic panels don’t quite fit together as perfectly as they probably would on the proper one).
But robot mode looks so good, so accurate.
All of my orders through the Ali Express app have arrived in about a week, with me only buying from sellers with free shipping.
FWIW SS86 Brawn is probably my favourite of the Hasbro toys in terms of the transformation being really impressive and both modes being so cartoon accurate – even though he’s kind of a dud old man character and goes out like a chump in the film – “Megatron? Decepticons!”.
only chasing characters that appeared in the 1986 movie.
So does that rule out Snarl or are you counting the three frames or so he appears in?
I want all the Dinobots but so far have none. I did last year see Sludge at the local Kmart and passed it up due to the price and what I thought was a pretty poor transformation. I regret that now. I’m sure there’ll be reissues of some kind down the line.
Here are the Autobots and Junkions (Jetfire and Ultra Magnus not pictured), and the three knock-off Masterpiece figures I have so far.
Also not pictured are the Sharkticon Gnaw, Blitzwing, Starscream, and Galvatron.
After some trepidation and delay we started season three of The Bear last night (eps 1-4) and watched 5 and 6 tonight. Wife and I (but especially I) loved the first two seasons, but when S3 came out I only saw online commentary that it had really fallen off and was no longer any good, hence the reluctance to start it.
So far anyway it’s great, no drop-off compared to the earlier seasons, with the creators still willing to take risks making it a show unlike any other I’ve seen recently. Every episode has its own tone and flavour, with experiments in format and style. The cast is amazing and the soundtrack packed with the perfect songs at the perfect moments. Stressful, funny, touching – I really REALLY love it.
We also watched all of English Teacher a few weeks back, having followed the star and creator Brian Jordan Alvarez on socials for a while – it’s a pleasant comedy that deals with issues of race and sexuality and adolescence without getting too heavy. Alvarez plays the titular gay teacher at a high school in Austin, Texas.
Solid cast, some laugh out loud moments, and I hope we get a few more seasons with these characters.
I grabbed that Optimus Prime too and am pretty happy with how it looks and feels!
My TF collecting has really picked up, and I’ve set myself an almost ironclad rule in the interests of sanity, space, and money to only chasing characters that appeared in the 1986 movie. So the Studio Series 86 line will make up the bulk of that, but I’m also okay with Legacy versions where applicable. I snapped up Legacy Galvatron a few weeks ago and the SS86 version that’s coming soon I don’t think looks better (animation accurate colours but the solid orange tank barrel is a downgrade) so I won’t be doubling up there. Legacy Blitzwing looks animation accurate enough to me so if they do eventually make a SS86 version it’ll likely be a pass from me.
The exception so far to the “Stick to characters from the 1986 movie!” rule is me splurging on Kingdom Jetfire purely because I always loved the Jetfire/Skyfire design. That is a massive, heavy toy.
In addition to the knock off Masterpiece Megatron and Shockwave I have already, arriving soon are knock off Masterpiece Hot Rod and Wheeljack – purely because they were cheap through Ali Express.
I attended a preview screening of near final Transformers One last night – a friend of mine won a contest and we attended along with a hundred or so TF super-fans. I’ll honour the NDA (!) and not spoil anything, but we’re allowed to share reactions.
It’s decent fun, and very much a kids’ film – I enjoyed it more than the first Michael Bay film (the only one of that series I’ve seen) but not as much as the 1986 film (obv). There’s a lot of fanservice (and the fans in the theatre hooted and hollered on cue!) and while it’s a new continuity it is an origin story with some crucial touchpoints for the old continuity we know.
The first act is a bit slow (my pal fell asleep for a few minutes!), but the rest is much more propulsive and engaging.
Met up with an old pal for a preview movie screening and he returned my Ellis/Millar Authority trades I leant him maybe 15 years ago – he threw in some additional trades and a Studio Series 86 Arcee (which I’d been holding off on because it seemed too flimsy to justify the full price). And today I went to the local mall and got the SS86 Bumblebee, AND ordered Wreck-gar for a good price from Amazon based on a tip-off from the same pal!
Arcee is a pretty weak design, so I won’t fiddle with it much, but the Bumblebee feels more solid – decent job despite the big backpack.
Yes, I remember seeing that one had an unofficial gun mode – but this MP knockoff was way cheaper! I’ll get the Megatron next since his more realistic gun form seems even less likely to make it to Studio Series or whatever.
I was annoyed that every Shockwave toy (always one of my favourite Transformers designs) didn’t transform into a laser gun apart from the Masterpiece line, so I bought a knock-off from AliExpress – ordered last week, arrived today. Looks great, feels decent quality. Only downside is it’s out of scale with the rest of my TF toys, but oh well.
Heh…a substantial part of the left is turning into Alex Jones with the false flag stuff.
I’ve seen just as much if not more speculation from the right that it’s a deep state conspiracy – they put the shooter up to it or let it happen.
Everyone’s acting like Trump getting shot means he’ll win the election now but… does it? Is sympathy for getting shot at really going to sway undecided voters? I just can’t fathom anyone thinking “well I’m not sure about his politics and attitude but now a failed assassin has taken off part of his ear, I think he’s got my vote.”
Anecdotal and all online but there have been suggestions that some people who weren’t going to vote are impressed at Trump’s supposed toughness and fearlessness – immediately shrugging off the attempt and whatnot.
Well, he also completely rejected the claims of the other woman who said he tried to very crudely get her to have sex with him as a trade-off to getting access to his agent or something
He stated that they had a sexual relationship, so it seems a weird accusation for someone to make. From what I can gather even before he died the 21 year old walked back some of her points. I’m biased, yes, so feel free to ignore the context I think is important.
The 21 year old was at the time in a relationship with someone who was keen for her to have a connection with Ed.
She was an artist herself and he liked her work.
While 17 at the time, part of what Ed appreciated about her apart from her art was her interest in “edgy” mature stuff like GG Allin.
It was Covid, early Covid when we didn’t know what was happening or how long anything would take to get back to normal – he was a hermit by nature and Covid turned that up to a new extreme.
He was a sickly kid, and I always got the impression he was ostracized if not bullied. Maybe autistic. Skin condition. Skinny. Prematurely bald. Kinda funny looking. The hat, the glasses, the “gangsta” affectation. An insecure, awkward guy who’d made comics his life more than anyone I’ve ever heard of.
The “gangsta” mask was never all that convincing but people who knew him personally and met him admitted it fell away when he felt comfortable, and you see it fall away in some of the CK videos where he goes full geek mode.
I don’t know. I’m rambling and still very shaken by all of this. In a few weeks this will be old news.
I hope at least some folks check out the channel’s videos if they haven’t – Jim Rugg is honouring Ed’s written wishes and uploading their pre-recorded backlog daily (which is a bit haunting) but there are almost 2,000 videos covering so much crucial, seminal comics content, and not just 90s, not just Image. Miller. Moore. Breyfogle. Kirby. Bolland. Darrow. Moebius. Crumb. BWS. Clowes. Shirow. Otomo. Sienkiewicz. Read-through reviews, how-tos, interviews. Such a phenomenally valuable resource for comics readers and creators.
I’m devastated by this whole thing.
I feel selfish about it, because it really is about what feels like has been taken away.
I can’t recall exactly when I found the CK channel, but I do think it was a post by RonnieM on this board’s previous iteration, linking to their video on the bizarre Brian Murray X-Force colouring job. I wasn’t a YouTube user, but soon after set up an account so I could subscribe and comment and whatnot. There were stretches over the past few years where the daily video (I’d usually check in late at night, before bed) was one of only a few things I looked forward to.
It’s all a very delicate area where it’s so easy to find yourself accidentally aligning with really horrendous people (who are crying about the woke mob etc.), or being subject to accusations of impropriety yourself for feeling sad or looking for explanations. Before retweeting anyone’s reactions I’m searching their profiles to make sure there aren’t any comicsgate or maga or trans mentions. People’s tearful tributes are responded to with accusations of paedophilia or rape; it’s all quite sick, and any kind of nuance or hesitation might see you accused of victim blaming.
I’ve never read a suicide note before. It’s what I woke up to yesterday – I couldn’t really think clearly all day, and couldn’t tell my wife that I was upset or why because I didn’t want her to think I was siding with a predator. I’ve read the facebook messages frantically typed in response to his note, before his death was confirmed, pleading for him to pause, scrambling to call him, call someone who knows him, call the authorities.
People telling him not to make his mama cry.
I don’t really care for his art that much, though I’ve only read some of X-men Grand Design and Red Room Crypto Killaz – Grand Design was pretty dull, but Red Room was really quite well drawn, even if the story is not my usual thing.
And yeah, the dismissing of creators as jobbers and whatnot, I never liked (they were both consistently so hard on Nicieza and Lobdell as X-writers) – but the Wizard coverage, things like Stephen Platt, the Frank Teran issues of Punisher, Heroes Reborn – poring over those issues with a technical eye, I love that stuff. I sometimes wish I had the drive and knowhow to do my own videos.
I finally started Hitman 2 recently having bought a pre-owned Disc version with a Christmas voucher – the first and third Hitman games I’d managed to snag digitally, but 2 just wasn’t available. They really are well done and immersive and use a part of your gaming brain that doesn’t get flexed much otherwise I think.
At the risk of being cancelled myself, I don’t think it’s a massive deal – there’s been a lot of exaggeration and embellishing of what was initially claimed (folks are calling him a paedophile! Creepy? Distasteful? Sure! Criminal? Career-ending? I don’t agree.).
I’m just disappointed that the daily CK video that I’ve been treated to nightly (time difference) every single day since before Covid has now stopped. Like, it’s really jarring.
Man, the Comics Kayfabe thing has really devastated me.
Here in New York, I watched two Six Nations rugby matches yesterday via the Peacock streaming service. But I acknowledge that most Americans have never watched a rubgy game, and probably have no desire to do so. In general sports from other parts of the world are not popular here, and I seriously think part of the reason is that network television, which lives and dies by commercial advertising, doesn’t want to broadcast a game that has 40-45 minute halfs with no commercial breaks.
To confuse things further these games are Rugby League which is different to Rugby (Rugby Union) – but most regular season Rugby League games here do air on commercial TV and there is a lot of advertising shown during breaks in play and all over the field.
In a few weeks the Australia National Rugby League 2024 season starts… in Las Vegas?!
Four of the 17 teams are heading to the US to play two official games – it’s a bit of a gimmick, and potentially a bit of a mess, but to help promote it the comp has produced this video with Russell Crowe explaining the rules (since the team he loves and co-owns is one of the four).
Scored another TF Movie toy at Kmart, randomly – Ironhide! I only ever pop in accompanying my wife or to get cheap treats for the dog, but I’ll always swing by the toy section to check for Transformers and this is now the fifth time (with barren stretches in between) where there’s only one box left, and I never see them available again. I’ll snap up pretty much any TF Movie Studio Series toy on sight, but they’re never around (except for Arcee and Junkheap – I do have one of the latter).
Millar has been “trending” on “twitter” of late as he’s kind of sort of fallen in with the Comics Gate crowd. If you’ve seen anyone use the term “Cancel Pigs” that’s a Millar phrase.
Oh, I remember trying to start a catalogue/database of my comics in a spreadsheet decades ago and bailing on it pretty quickly – of course there’s an app for that now (loads of them, actually) and I finally spent the past 3 weekends adding my bookshelf to the “Comic Geeks” app, issue by issue. The barcode scanner is imperfect but did still help.
I still have a small pile from my desk to add, and all my TPBs, but there are 2,546 floppies registered now, which is pretty modest a collection I think. The app will come in handy when I next attend the local collector con which I only became aware of late last year, and have attended twice (it’s held 3-4 times a year).
I’ve never been a big action figure guy but ever since stumbling upon the Studio Series movie line of Transformers randomly at Kmart and grabbing the Blaster figure I’ve been picking up various additional ones when I see them – Hot Rod, Kup, Brawn and most impressive of all, coronation Starscream.
I’m really impressed with the build quality and the complexity of the transformations, a massive jump from my childhood toys! I had an original Starscream and it was always a bit lame how the transformation relied on detaching and reattaching parts, and that the arms and legs were barely articulated – the new one is amazing in comparison.
Millar’s always had a provocative, hyperbolic tendency but the last few months he seems to have seriously gone off the deep end. As soon as I saw the name of the site I was wary and looks like I was right to be as Thinking Critically looks to be a comicsgate site:
On Twitter he’s been cheering on RFK Jr for President and promoting his bizarre conspiracy theories.
Garth Ennis’ Crossed is one of the best things he has written. It’s up there with Punisher Max and Hitman, for me. This is a hill that I will die on. I’m still disappointed that we will probably never get to see his final story arc, given Avatar’s current state of play.
Other writers though seem to have missed the point entirely, and just used it as a sick wish fulfilment fantasy. Like a challenge to see how low they can go. It was pretty disturbing.
I had Crossed on my pull list from its start up to about the 100th issue; it really fell off quickly IMO and the appeal was just seeing how far and gross some writers would get with it. I never re-read any of them and have no intention to – it’s a massive stack of books I really should just get rid of…
I had been in a real comics slump for a very long time (years!) but recently started getting back into reading before bed – Batman: Gotham Noir, a 2001 Brubaker/Phillips Elseworlds one-shot was random purchase at a collector con back in December and I read it earlier this week and enjoyed it well enough. It’s a 50s set crime story centred on Jim Gordon, a WWII veteran, and the first Brubaker/Phillips collab. The stall I bought it from was selling vintage toy cars but happened to have a stack of prestige format comics – I also got Batman: The Cult (all 4 issues), the “Just Imagine: Stan Lee creates…” Catwoman issue (Bachalo art), a John Buscema Punisher western, and some other random bits. I’m reading Batman: The Cult at the moment (first time).
Binged the first half of The Bear last night and two more eps tonight, 2 to go. Well written, well acted, short episodes and low stakes. I loved Ebon Moss-Bachrach ever since seeing him in Girls and he’s shown up in three big things in the past year (this, the Dropout, and Andor).
I didn’t expect it to be on Disney+ since a lot of the FX shows end up on the Fox controlled streamer here (which we’re not subscribed to) – so far it’s very episodic in the classic sense; there’s not an apparent overarching storyline pushing things along; it’s a new problem or situation every week, which is refreshing – also even though it depicts running a small restaurant as backbreaking, stressful, hard work… it really makes it look appealing to me.
I have a complicated relationship with Rob Liefeld’s work so attended some of his WhatNot live auctions and managed to score a preliminary page sketch featuring Batman and Robin from his Nu52 work.
As a Christmas gift I decided to splurge and successfully bid for a page of his original art – it’s not some iconic page but to make it a bit more special it features a villain from Erik Larsen’s Savage Dragon (the only ongoing I still buy) – my first piece of OA.
Finished Far Cry 6 today – the main story anyway; it continues with weekly “insurgency” missions so I might keep playing for a while, and maybe give New Game+ a go.
The campaign is maybe too long, with lots of repetition and little increase in challenge for the last 3/4 of the game.
Of the ones I played I’d rank the series:
FC4 – fake Nepal setting, very similar to FC3, with everything improved
New Dawn – post-apocalyptic Colorado setting. Maybe the prettiest open world game I’ve played (small map though)
FC3 – fake Pacific Island
FC6 – fake South American island nation
FC5 – Colorado pre-apocalypse
FC2 – fake African nation (didn’t play much of it; unappealing setting, and annoying malaria component where you are infected early in the game and have to constantly find and take meds or else you die)
Finished Andor – if was fine, but maybe didn’t live up to the hype for me. The heist eps were great but I didn’t find the other three arcs that amazing, though I’m still keen to watch the second season/half of the show.
Watched Glass Onion – again, fine. There’s a certain level of fun that will always apply with a good ensemble cast – I found it very simplistic though (and found Knives Out very confusing); maybe go for in between next time Rian.
And last weekend we watched Licorice Pizza – pretty forgettable, a real meandering film with more humour than most PTA films I’ve seen but not really much point or purpose (also I found the main actress very unappealing).
Ok, it got better. I’ve been playing all day for a week or so and so far anyway (maybe halfway through? It’s a big map, with loads to do) it’s an improvement over 5, but still missing some of the really good things in 4 and New Dawn. New Dawn remains the best looking in the series, but then it’s also far more wilderness and not so many buildings, being post-apocalyptic and all.
Having gotten to the point where I have a decent sniper rifle, capturing outposts and checkpoints is much more rewarding.
Halfway through Andor – man it took a while to get going but E6 was really good. It’s all very disparate for the first 3 or 4 eps (and we have to watch it with captions on as not only is there a lot of mumbling but new people and place names).
I sat in on Liefeld’s Whatnot show the last two days – and bought my first page of original art!
It’s from his Badrock mini and features one of Erik Larsen’s Savage Dragon villains (which as a big SD fan is pretty cool for me). With shipping it’s about 500 AUD, which is a steal compared to some of the other pieces. There was a Bloodwulf image with a massive Trump face in the background and that went for over 1,500 USD (it’s all auctions).
I saw that Humberto Ramos is on the platform too but haven’t caught one of his shows yet – it’d be great if more artists joined in.
Far Cry 6 is… a disappointment. It’s still far closer to FC5 than 4 or New Dawn which is a shame – no plant/flower collecting to make potions on the run, and no functionality to replay/recapture outposts once they’re done the first time.
The outposts were the best part of earlier games – scouting the location from a distance, tagging the enemies and alarms through your phone/binoculars, trying to take them all out without being seen, and redoing the whole thing if you didn’t get it 100% right. With 5 and 6 you basically try to stealth your way through, but once you’re found out you just go into desperate guns blazing mode and are successful anyway, but it’s not as rewarding. The enemies in 5 and 6 are also way more likely to detect you when you’re sneaking around.
The weapon upgrades are also way more complicated for some reason.
It’s been running for a long time but I just recently started listening to Blank Check (a movie podcast; they work through directors’ filmographies in order) – interesting, sometimes funny – nice people, well produced. I don’t ask for much, and they deliver.
Another one I started recently that is a much newer show – Unclear and Present Danger; another movie podcast where they re-examine 90s films through a political/geopolitical lens. Not so funny, but very interesting and engaging.
The What is Music? pod is still on their Radiohead season and just about up to In Rainbows which should be good (that’s their last great album, right?).
Bought it a while ago on disc, second hand – finally installed and started FarCry 6 yesterday.
So far, so good. I was in a slight disagreement with a weirdo on Twitter who said it was the worst FC game because it’s “woke” – so far all I can see that might have triggered him is that some of the dialogue is in Spanish? You’re still playing as a young fit person, working as part of a resistance movement against a tyrannical leader.
I’ve also been playing a lot of FIFA 22 just because.
I agree, I found RDR2 too long for one.
Playing FIFA22 Career and my player (Andre Ross) broke his ankle and was out for three months – Man City dropped him! There’s emails from the manager complaining about my “under performance of late” – dude, he can’t walk!
GoW isn’t a big, open world game. It’s a focused, compact experience.
A more like-to-like comparison would be Far Cry vs Spider-Man. Or Red Dead Redemotion 2 to Ghost of Tsuschima.
Oh, it’s compact alright!
A game I’d really like to play again but it’s not on PS4 is Max Payne 3 – that was good fun.
Huh, so God of War just… finishes like that? I felt like I might be only a quarter of the way through the game, but no – that storyline is the main thrust, and that baddie is the big bad? There are still worlds/areas that aren’t accessible but the credits rolled so I guess they’re just for side-quests and whatnot.
There’s a another PS4 online sale at the moment but the only thing that might grab me is Hitman 3.
How did you like the game? Other than it coming with that surprise ending?
It was fine. Not an all-timer as it didn’t really seem to build in intensity in the way I expected, and I feel like there’s still so much upskilling of Kratos and upgrading of his gear to get through but no real reason to do so. I don’t mean to offend anyone who loves the game or series but I kind of expected so much more since it’s so highly regarded and rated – quite short/quick too, compared to like GTA5 or RDR2 or even the FarCry games.
I bought Hitman 3 but haven’t started it yet – instead I fired up FIFA 22 while waiting for the DL to complete and started career mode for the first time – pretty interesting angle.
Huh, so God of War just… finishes like that? I felt like I might be only a quarter of the way through the game, but no – that storyline is the main thrust, and that baddie is the big bad? There are still worlds/areas that aren’t accessible but the credits rolled so I guess they’re just for side-quests and whatnot.
There’s a another PS4 online sale at the moment but the only thing that might grab me is Hitman 3.
I never found the movie parodies very funny
I don’t think I ever actually laughed at anything in the magazine, but still appreciated the film parodies as they were still a way to get the gist of some of these grown-up titles that I’d not seen. I certainly read the Godfather parody long before I watched the movie.
I mentioned this show back when they had just started their second season (which I skipped, along with season 3), but I’m back on board for the current 4th season where they are covering the entire discography of Radiohead – if you’re a lapsed fan who wants to rekindle the love, or a casual observer who wants to look into what all the fuss is about they have just finished coverage of “OK Computer” and are about to cover the tour film that was released immediately after; they’ll then move on to “Kid A”.
What is music?
Season 1 – Manic Street Preachers
Season 2 – MUSE
Season 3 – Billie Eilish
Season 4 – Radiohead
Three (British, 30ish, male) hosts, very well researched, with the album coverage being track by track – episodes released weekly.
Of those three, W3 is the biggest loss as there is some very significant pay-off to your in-game decisions.
I may go back to it; I might have just not been in the right mood at the time.
Apple Music featured the ELVIS soundtrack so I gave it a spin. It’s ambitious and considered, with a mix of covers, remixes, reworkings, and original recordings – I haven’t seen the film and probably never will, and maybe that’s why it doesn’t really work for me. There are maybe half a dozen tracks I’d return to, two of them being the same song (my fave Elvis track):
Did you ever play (or see any of) the old God of War games on PS2/PS3? It’s a sequel to those but plays quite different.
Nope, never played any of them! I have to admit I really don’t like story in games, and haven’t really been taken by any apart from maybe GTA5. I tend to skip cutscenes, so if God of War is held high because of its story I may not stick with it long!
Finally spent some time with this over the past few days – I always forget how games work, and that there’s usually some kind of learning curve and transition period with a new game (I don’t play that many), and that completely loving it from the start is pretty rare (Far Cry: New Dawn!) – this is certainly very story and lore based but you don’t have to get too invested necessarily. The combat is pretty fun and having the RPG elements of upgrading weapons and attacks has a fair bit of depth. You’re basically working your way through small sections of the map at a time dealing with enemies and solving problems/puzzles to clear your path; quite a simple setup. I can see myself sticking with this to the end (whereas I baled on Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, and Fallout4).
I’ve been now and again revisiting this Stereogum series about every number 1 single on the US Billboard chart, really from ’63 onwards – it’s interesting to see the songs that have had no real cultural legacy; most of them after a certain point are still “radio” staples but there’s always a few each year that I’ve never heard before and that are surely not loved by many.
I’m on 1987 at the moment and this song is a favourite power ballad, but I never knew it wasn’t written by Heart:
What a song!
Did you ever play (or see any of) the old God of War games on PS2/PS3? It’s a sequel to those but plays quite different.
Nope, never played any of them! I have to admit I really don’t like story in games, and haven’t really been taken by any apart from maybe GTA5. I tend to skip cutscenes, so if God of War is held high because of its story I may not stick with it long!
Figured I’d replay Far Cry: New Dawn – still loving it. The map is just too beautiful to stay away from. Still a 10/10 game, so satisfying, so well calibrated.
One of the “free” games on PS+ this month is God of War, which I’ve never played but know is one of the top rated releases on the platform so I hope to at least DL it sometime over the next few weeks and give it a go. Literally no idea what it’s about.
Finished Severance over the weekend (the last three episodes) after a many weeks long break. What a well done show, the rare thing where so much real care has been taken on every shot, every frame – it’s all so deliberate and gorgeous looking.
There was one contrived part of the finale and a weird red herring, but apart from that I found it very captivating and creepy – not at all slow or boring. It’s the kind of show I expected the AVClub to have episode write-ups for – but no.
We then started the new Stranger Things; the first two episodes – I don’t get the hate so far. There’s a comfort to returning to these characters and their town and world – and there’s an additional warmth to picking up on something that last graced our screens pre-pandemic. One laugh-out-loud moment too – “Is that a foot?!” “I think it’s just a shoe”.
EDIT to ask: Is it just me, or does anyone else here get those diaphragm spasms after consuming something particularly hot?
Yep, I get the same kind of hiccups from some hot food. My family are big chilli heads but I’m not as far gone as them. The hottest thing I’ve ever eaten was these novelty corn chips my cousin brought to a family party. I had one chip – took about half an hour to recover. Others were in coughing fits, tearing up, taking off their clothes.
Great to hear your voices! Anders, you sound as I expected. I’ll offer a soundbite on Friday.
The one-two of Con-Air and Face/Off coming shortly after his Best Actor Oscar is just an all time King move. I’ve long been a huge fan of his work, and for a top 5 would have Face/Off, Adaptation, Snake Eyes, Leaving Las Vegas, and I guess Wicker Man (it’s a bad movie but he’s good in it!).
My pals and I spent ages looking for a shirt and coat that could channel to the ones Cage wears on the airport tarmac in that super-cool slow-mo scene.
Did you find any? If yes, then… pic or it didn’t happen.
No pics – it didn’t happen. It did lead me to buy and wear some maroon faux-silk shirts that in hindsight were far too big though.
I have always loved it; it was the first film I ever bought a physical copy of (VHS!). My pals and I spent ages looking for a shirt and coat that could channel to the ones Cage wears on the airport tarmac in that super-cool slow-mo scene.
“It certainly does not appear to be true, but the two monsters shown in this illustration are identical in size. It looks like the monster in the background is significantly larger than the one in the foreground (maybe even twice the size). This was originally published in Roger Shepard’s book “Mind Sights” in 1990.”
We binged The Afterparty over the weekend – really good fun, some big laughs in most episodes, and Ben Schwartz is an absolute star performer.
I’ve not seen it but I listened to this week’s Rewatchables episode on it today (their second go around, this time for the 25th anniversary) – good fun if you like movie podcasts.
This is also the first time I’ve seen Ben Schwartz, the voice of Dewey Duck in modern DuckTales, in a live action role and it’s a bit weird.
He’s my favourite part of Parks and Rec.
Just watched Turning Red, the new Pixar movie on Disney+, with the kids.
Imagine a Hulk movie where he hulks out because he’s an adolescent girl and you’d not be far off.
It’s done nicely though and there were some occasional touches that put me in mind of Ghibli or anime stuff.
Also nice to see a movie like this that’s about mothers and daughters rather than fathers and sons.
And like all these high-end animated movies these days it looks beautiful.
It was a toss-up last night between that and West Side Story (both new to Disney+) – we went with the latter. It was… good enough. well made, well acted, well sung and danced. I’m not a huge musicals guy anyway, but half of these songs are… not great.
Finished Station 11 – I don’t think it ends as well as it began, with one episode in the back half being particularly weak, but it’s overall well made, well acted, and worth the ~10 hours. One of my regular podcasts (The Watch) had it as their top show of 2021, but I can’t say it’s better than S3 of Succession, or even Mare of Easttown.
We started Station 11 on the weekend and are up to episode 6. I had no idea what it was beyond post-pandemic, though my wife had read the book a while ago. It’s so far pretty good, with each episode a distinct thing in itself even though it’s all telling one story. I don’t like the main actress, but I’ll put up with her for the rest.
There’s been a lot of hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth locally about our Covid response, but facts is facts.