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But mainly me waffling about Transformers.

Speaking of, the first War For Cybertron: Earthrise figures are being previewed

Leader Optimus Prime:


Ironworks, being sold at a Deluxe price point, the name comes from one of the old micromaster bases – the one with the crane that turned into a gun turret and radar. Here we’ve got robot, Micromaster base and parts mode, so presumably works similar to the Weaponisers

Micromaster Hot Rod Patrol:

Also mentioned are the Micromaster Military Patrol and a Deluxe Cliffjumper

Viewing 45 replies - 801 through 845 (of 845 total)
  • #120664

    Talking of Transformers, the new Studio 86 Optimus Prime looks pretty cool, but also seems to have sold out immediately everywhere as soon as it was announced. Oh well – I already have the Earthrise version and I think it’s pretty great.

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  • #120665

    Wait… it’s not a submarine?


    Then… Titans Return Sixshot… is he not a submarine too?

  • #120666

    Talking of Transformers, the new Studio 86 Optimus Prime looks pretty cool, but also seems to have sold out immediately everywhere as soon as it was announced. Oh well – I already have the Earthrise version and I think it’s pretty great.

    Yeah, and Commander Class has been hit with the inflation stick pretty bad.  I won’t buy them full-price.

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  • #120683

    I was annoyed that every Shockwave toy (always one of my favourite Transformers designs) didn’t transform into a laser gun apart from the Masterpiece line, so I bought a knock-off from AliExpress – ordered last week, arrived today. Looks great, feels decent quality. Only downside is it’s out of scale with the rest of my TF toys, but oh well.


    Those KOs of Masterpieces are really good quality. I can definitely recommend the second version of Megatron (MP35 or so) if you want more gun-bot goodness.

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  • #120684

    Yes, I remember seeing that one had an unofficial gun mode – but this MP knockoff was way cheaper! I’ll get the Megatron next since his more realistic gun form seems even less likely to make it to Studio Series or whatever.

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  • #120780

    Talking of Transformers, the new Studio 86 Optimus Prime looks pretty cool, but also seems to have sold out immediately everywhere as soon as it was announced. Oh well – I already have the Earthrise version and I think it’s pretty great.

    Just saw that FP have opened pre-orders for this if anyone is still looking for it:

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  • #120788

    Got word that my Prime Cliffjumper, G1 Squeezeplay, Some Tarantulas redeco and I think Cyberverse Tarn 4-pack is in DCC for me to pickup at the weekend.  Woo

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  • #120841


  • #120861

    Met up with an old pal for a preview movie screening and he returned my Ellis/Millar Authority trades I leant him maybe 15 years ago – he threw in some additional trades and a Studio Series 86 Arcee (which I’d been holding off on because it seemed too flimsy to justify the full price). And today I went to the local mall and got the SS86 Bumblebee, AND ordered Wreck-gar for a good price from Amazon based on a tip-off from the same pal!

    Arcee is a pretty weak design, so I won’t fiddle with it much, but the Bumblebee feels more solid – decent job despite the big backpack.

    • This reply was modified 5 months, 2 weeks ago by Andrew.
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  • #120864

    Oh damn, Classified made Raptor even cooler than he was originally.

    The wings can fold around to become a shield.

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  • #120887

    Marvel Legends Rom has been revealed at SDCC. Rom!

    And some other stuff. But mainly Rom!

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  • #120892

    Marvel Legends Rom has been revealed at SDCC. Rom!

    And some other stuff. But mainly Rom!

    Can’t wait for them to do Quark and Nog as well.

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  • #121278

    Quick arrival, yes?

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  • #121311

    A few thoughts about Death’s Head. He’snjust shy of 8” tall, so is a big fig. Not sure how that really gels with his packaging stating he’s 6’ 6” but whatevs. The sculpt is built off the base of an old Colossus figure, I think, and there limitations because of that. Mainly that the elbow is only single jointed and there’s no butterfly joint at the shoulders, so he’s a bit limited in poseability there. Better on the legs. The shield is a bit useless (a recurring theme from the 3.75” fig unfortunately). The peg hole in the figure’s back isn’t quite deep enough to securely hold it while I’ve found it hard to get it to stay in his (one singular gripping) hand. I’m not sure why his weapons are black rather than silver/grey. On the other hand his head sculpt is brilliant, as is his cape, which is flexible while still being weighty and has a great texture. It definitely looks the part.

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  • #121896

    I decided to jump on the Blokees bandwagon. These are little blind-boxed model kits – a bit like Gunpla I think (I have no first hand experience of Gunpla) – of Transformers characters. They’re exclusive to Game in the UK and appeared with no fanfare on their website last month. They were repped at TF Nation though and went down a storm. I ordered two off AliExpress, because they’re about half the price on there compared to Game (£4 vs £8 each, which still isn’t expensive really). They’re really cool.

    They’re a really fun little build. They use the same basic armature, with push together pieces (some of which are on sprues, but pop out and don’t require clipper) which allows for a lot of articulation and interchangeability. It’s incredibly satisfying to do, simple and yet the character feel really distinct (well, these two do – I imagine if I’d ended up with, say, Prowl and Bluestreak, that’d be less the case but that’s just Transformers for you). They’re so poseable. I’m really resisting the urge to order a load more immediately. I think they’d be great for kids too, obviously. Reminds me a little of building a Kinder Egg toy, except the end result isn’t shit.

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  • #121957

    The new Marvel Legends 85th Anniversary version of Venom is an awesome figure, one of the best takes on this character I’ve seen. The alternate heads are great and for a chunky figure he’s pretty poseable.20240903_185114

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  • #122422

    I’ve never knowingly bought a Transformers KO before, but saw this in a local shop for £5.99 so thought it was worth a punt.

    It’s a fairly decent KO of the Studio Series 38 Optimus Prime, and although I don’t love the movie designs in general, this is one of the better ones.

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  • #122432

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  • #122588

    I went to the big toy fair at the NEC on Sunday. I was going to go solo, but decided to ask if my brother – who has been collecting MASK the past few years and getting TMNT for his son – if he wanted to come. Had to dissuade him from bringing the kids (they’re 4 and 6, a bit too young to cope with the size and business of the fair imo) and we ended up bringing along his friend (who is sort of my friend as well). They’re both early 40s, for reference, and before we went in Friend was asking if there was anything in particular we were looking for and I asked the same of him. He was non-committal, he’s been getting Thundercats recently and his son has been getting into Ghostbusters, but he was “fine with not getting anything, not looking to spend big but if I see a good deal I’ll go for it”.

    Within about 15 minutes of getting in we were trying to convince him not to immediately buy the first MIB Millennium Falcon he saw. He was also nearly going for a MIB G1 Ultra Magnus for £100, I think (down from £180!) something I don’t remember him ever mentioning any interest in before. He ended up spending more than we did (on decent things, in the end). Made me realise that while I know a lot about various lines, I have no clue about going rates for most stuff. Is £100 good for a MIB Ultra Magnus? :unsure:

    I bought some stuff though. A stack of TFUKs was my biggest spend (22 for £35, which is pricier per issue than I’d have liked but ok), but I finally got a Beast Wars Terragator! one of the few BW figures I’ve never managed to find for some reason, right there, at one of the first tables I went to. So that was nice. Got some 90s Gladiators figures for my nephew (who is mad on both the new show and the 90s one). And then various junkers for use in designing resin stands: a Kenner Darth Vader (not a Star Wars guy at all, but having handled it for a bit, I can kinda see the appeal of it as a thing), a James Bond Jr scuba gear fig I had as a kid, a MotU Clawful, a Biker Mouse and, most surprisingly for me, Herc Armstrong from Inhumanoids. It was in a box of bagged, individually priced figures with no price. I asked the stallholder, expecting a high price (as I’ve seen precisely one in person before and it was expensive, though admittedly this is missing all pieces) and he just uncertainly said “£5?” and then, after I’d paid, asked if I knew what it was because he didn’t have a clue.

    Most interesting thing I saw though was a stall which had all its loose figures in plastic blisters. One of their Visionaries had one of my resin printed stands in with it. Felt weirdly proud of that.

    It’s an exhausting show though. Opens at half 10 (with early entry from 8). We got there about 11:15 and there was still a large queue filtering in, with a stream of people walking out with stuff (presumably bought from early entry) making the wait feel worse. We were still going round as the show closed at 3 (and, annoyingly, some people were already packing up at half 2). I think there was an entire aisle we didn’t get to check.


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  • #122589

    The sheer size of some of these Cons is just too overwhelming for me as I get older. I do better with small art shows and local comics conventions where there isn’t a huge crowd or long lines to meet one of the guests.

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  • #122591

    I think the bigger issue for me was the limited opening time. Four and a half hours just doesn’t seem enough (especially as it’s over lunch, so if you want to get food, you’ve got to burn some of that time) and I don’t get why it closes mid-afternoon. The crowd wasn’t too bad once we’d got out of the first aisle initially.

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  • #122602

    I worked at UK Games Expo this year, which is three halls of the NEC and it took an hour to just walk around the trade stands without stopping to look at much stuff, I can well see not being able to look in detail in even three or four hours.

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  • #123197

    Couple of Classified Joes I’ve had in recently.


    Raptor is one of those wonderfully silly characters that Larry Hama somehow made work. He’s an accountant that works for Cobra but who dresses as a big bird of prey. This is to help train actual hawks and stuff he has and uses for… Cobra stuff. It works in context. The original figure is one I had from a load of second hand Joes as a kid and I always liked for how goofy it was. A bare-chested guy with a bird helmet.

    The new version has kept that but also tried to make him cool. His eye mask now has a Robin/Nightwing vibe. He’s still got the bird hat, but it’s removeable and he’s got a cool hair cut underneath and he looks vaguely like Cillian Murphy. He’s still mostly bare-chested, with a high-cut waistcoat thing giving him feathers on the shoulders, but he’s now got tattoos that look a bit like henna braces going down his chest.

    The big change is that instead of fake bird wings, he’s got a mechanical wing jetpack thing, like MCU Falcon. It’s really big, with a few points of articulation that mean it can fold around as a shield, Bat-Fink style. It’s kinda cool, but going to be a bit of a bitch to fit into the my main Joe shelf when he progresses there and it’s hard to get the backpack level.

    He comes with a pistol and knife, which I think are standard for accountants, and a bird of prey that can plug into his wrist. Oh and some ninja style Wolverine claw things, which are a new idea for him and supposed to go with the wings for like a slicing divebomb attack concept. Overall, he’s a nice update of the character, showing that Classified can make even the ridiculous parts of the original Joe line work in its style without feeling out of place. But I do kinda miss him having just bird wings/feather cloak.

    Retro Cobra Commander

    Weird to think I’ve got so many Classifieds without a Cobra Commander until now. He was in wave 1, but it was a very fussy, updated “regal” design that I wasn’t wild about and wave 1 wasn’t easily available over here. So I’ve held out and now here he is accurate to his original 80s design. This is his classic slimline blue suit with minimal fuss. It’s very elegant and the colours are lovely (mostly). It’s the battle mask version (the hood is a no-go now, for some reason) but that’s fine, as I always preferred it. The faceplate is proper vacu-metal reflective chrome, which really pops. The only problem with his design is the colour of his shirt collar. It reminds me of when I was at secondary school and someone managed to get the wrong shade of blue for their school shirt. Instead of the same pale blue the rest of us had, theirs was much more saturated bright blue, which stood out by a mile. CC’s clearly gone to the same shop that guy had and got a really bright, almost fluoro blue for his shirt, which stands out too much.

    Accessories are limited. He’s got a stand (still no idea why only retro releases have one, but I make my own now, so no bother), a backpack holster, a small pistol, a knife and then just six hand options. Feels a little miserly, but it does give a pointing hand and a maniacal laugh hand, so I guess they beat another gun or whatever.

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  • #123200

    I picked up the new Studio 86 Optimus Prime after hearing such good things.


    My main memories of Transformers are of the original toy rather than the cartoon, so I don’t have quite the same affection for this design as some people do, but regardless it’s a great looking figure and transforms nicely.

    (Or at least, it did once I got a stuck part on my copy working, anyway. The panel with the head that rotates around to become the top of the cab was completely impossible to click into place on my figure. Looking around it seems this is a fairly common problem with some copies, and after contacting Hasbro and finding they had no stock to replace it even if I wanted to return it, I just filed down the edge of the panel very slightly so it would fully rotate. But even then it took some force.)


    It also scales well with the rest of the Studio 86 figures. Here it is with the recent Bumblebee.


    I haven’t got the trailer or accessories out yet, but first impressions of the main figure are good. It’s very sturdy and solid and the animation-style bold colours look better in the flesh than they did in the marketing photos (which made it look quite flat and bland next to something like Earthrise).

    In the end I like both this and the Earthrise version for different reasons, they’re both really good Optimus Primes.

    I’m also thinking of grabbing the new 40th anniversary G1 reissue with the cartoon colours and also picking up an old original Optimus set. While I’m not the kind of Transformers fan that follows the franchise across all media, I do think the toys (and especially Optimus Prime) are all-time greats, and there are a lot of current versions that are very nice indeed.

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  • #123420

    I grabbed that Optimus Prime too and am pretty happy with how it looks and feels!

    My TF collecting has really picked up, and I’ve set myself an almost ironclad rule in the interests of sanity, space, and money to only chasing characters that appeared in the 1986 movie. So the Studio Series 86 line will make up the bulk of that, but I’m also okay with Legacy versions where applicable. I snapped up Legacy Galvatron a few weeks ago and the SS86 version that’s coming soon I don’t think looks better (animation accurate colours but the solid orange tank barrel is a downgrade) so I won’t be doubling up there. Legacy Blitzwing looks animation accurate enough to me so if they do eventually make a SS86 version it’ll likely be a pass from me.

    The exception so far to the “Stick to characters from the 1986 movie!” rule is me splurging on Kingdom Jetfire purely because I always loved the Jetfire/Skyfire design. That is a massive, heavy toy.

    In addition to the knock off Masterpiece Megatron and Shockwave I have already, arriving soon are knock off Masterpiece Hot Rod and Wheeljack – purely because they were cheap through Ali Express.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Andrew.
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  • #123425

    only chasing characters that appeared in the 1986 movie.

    So does that rule out Snarl or are you counting the three frames or so he appears in?

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  • #123426

    My TF collecting has really picked up

    Same here, I’ve picked up quite a few in recent months (including that Siege Jetfire too! Cool toy.)

    I grew up more on the toys than the animations so I’m not particularly wedded to versions from the cartoon or movie, just whatever looks cool and transforms nicely.

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  • #123440

    only chasing characters that appeared in the 1986 movie.

    So does that rule out Snarl or are you counting the three frames or so he appears in?

    I want all the Dinobots but so far have none. I did last year see Sludge at the local Kmart and passed it up due to the price and what I thought was a pretty poor transformation. I regret that now. I’m sure there’ll be reissues of some kind down the line.

    Here are the Autobots and Junkions (Jetfire and Ultra Magnus not pictured), and the three knock-off Masterpiece figures I have so far.



    Also not pictured are the Sharkticon Gnaw, Blitzwing, Starscream, and Galvatron.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Andrew.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by Andrew.
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  • #123449

    I’ve been thinking of getting a KO of that Megatron Masterpiece for a while. How is it? I heard there might be a reissue of the official version next year so not sure whether to wait for that or get a KO.

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  • #123468

    It’s probably my favourite of all my toys in terms of the look and feel of robot mode. I don’t think I’d ever pay for a proper Masterpiece but this one was AUD120 which is cheaper than the SS86 Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime. The Shockwave was about 60, and the Hot Rod and incoming Wheeljack are about 45 which is only slightly more than the much smaller SS86 Bumblebee and Brawn. Of the three I have Megatron is the heaviest with a lot of metal parts.

    The Megatron (and KO) as you would have seen from any review videos is really fiddly and unfun to transform; some steps on the KO actually hurt my fingertips and I did have to slightly loosen one screw when I first got it to even enable transformation. It arrives in robot mode to facilitate customs clearance I assume.

    I know the KOs can have quality control issues but I’m very happy with the three so far. I’m no gun nut but the idea of a Megatron that doesn’t turn into a pistol annoys me – in this form the pistol is seemingly to scale for a human hand (though some of the plastic panels don’t quite fit together as perfectly as they probably would on the proper one).

    But robot mode looks so good, so accurate.

    All of my orders through the Ali Express app have arrived in about a week, with me only buying from sellers with free shipping.

    FWIW SS86 Brawn is probably my favourite of the Hasbro toys in terms of the transformation being really impressive and both modes being so cartoon accurate – even though he’s kind of a dud old man character and goes out like a chump in the film – “Megatron? Decepticons!”.

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  • #123476

    I’m no gun nut but the idea of a Megatron that doesn’t turn into a pistol annoys me

    Yeah, I agree. Apparently the Studio 86 version definitely isn’t going to be a gun – I understand why, but it seems odd for a line which is all about cartoon accuracy.

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  • #124111

    A few thoughts about Death’s Head. He’snjust shy of 8” tall, so is a big fig. Not sure how that really gels with his packaging stating he’s 6’ 6” but whatevs. The sculpt is built off the base of an old Colossus figure, I think, and there limitations because of that. Mainly that the elbow is only single jointed and there’s no butterfly joint at the shoulders, so he’s a bit limited in poseability there. Better on the legs. The shield is a bit useless (a recurring theme from the 3.75” fig unfortunately). The peg hole in the figure’s back isn’t quite deep enough to securely hold it while I’ve found it hard to get it to stay in his (one singular gripping) hand. I’m not sure why his weapons are black rather than silver/grey. On the other hand his head sculpt is brilliant, as is his cape, which is flexible while still being weighty and has a great texture. It definitely looks the part.

    I got Death’s Head and Straxus in the post today, only opened Death’s Head up so far and I’m liking the look of him, but damn, the joints are stiff.

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  • #124714

    Fucking hell!

    It’s the size of a toddler!

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  • #124720

    Wanna take a guess as to how much it costs?

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  • #124749

    Wanna take a guess as to how much it costs?

    Are you implying it’s cheaper to buy an actual toddler?

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  • #124750

    Wanna take a guess as to how much it costs?

    Are you implying it’s cheaper to buy an actual toddler?

    Well I usually can get a discount coupon for ShowZ.Store, so that may come into play.

  • #124752

    Wanna take a guess as to how much it costs?

    Are you implying it’s cheaper to buy an actual toddler?

    Well I usually can get a discount coupon for ShowZ.Store, so that may come into play.

    And to be fair, you can get toddlers for “free” if you’re really quick at a playground or bus station.

    But to be honest, Metroplex is probably a better investment than a toddler.

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  • #124753

    Probably not as messy, that’s for sure.

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  • #124775

    Probably not as messy, that’s for sure.

    And Metroplex won’t grow up to be a disappointment.

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  • #124993

    Man, I didn’t think Hasbro Pulse could get more ridiculous but then I got this email this morning.

    Hi Martin Smith,

    We hope this message finds you well!

    We’re emailing you for one of the two reasons below.

    1. Your Item Will Ship Soon!

    We wanted to give you a heads up that your order is getting ready to ship!

    Please see below for details.

    Order Number: REDACTED
    Order Date: September 13, 2024

    G.I. Joe Classified Series #146, Dreadnok Zandar x 1

    2. A pre-order date has a new shipping date:

    We’re writing to provide you with an update regarding the status of your recent order on

    Regrettably, we must inform you there has been an unexpected delay in shipping the following item below:

    G10655X00 – G.I. Joe Classified Series #146, Dreadnok Zandar

    The new approximate ship date for this item is: February 18, 2025

    We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and continued patience!

    If you have any questions, please contact us.

    Thanks for being a fan!
    Hasbro Pulse

    The “we’re emailing for one of two reasons” bit is weird enough, but to tell me that my pre-order is, simultaneously, dispatching soon but has also been delayed, is remarkable. I went and checked my pre-order and it’s still showing with its original dispatch date, of 11th February. :unsure:

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  • #124995

    It looks like a simple case of Schrödinger’s Action Figure.

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  • #124996 cancelled my Chop Shop and Barrage 2-pack, because of course they did.  It seems I can still get it from the US, at least.

  • #125001

    I’ve never ordered a third-party Transformer before but I saw New Age’s Romulus (Megatron) figure and the engineering on it looks incredible – both robot mode and gun mode look fantastic and the transformation looks fun (and a lot less fiddly than the Masterpiece).

    It’s fairly pricey just for a standard-sized figure – it’s basically at a Commander price point – but it looks so good that I’m going to take a punt on it, especially as Hasbro have been clear that outside of the Masterpiece line they’re never making a Megatron with a gun alt-mode again.

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  • #125003

    I’ve never ordered a third-party Transformer before but I saw New Age’s Romulus (Megatron) figure and the engineering on it looks incredible – both robot mode and gun mode look fantastic and the transformation looks fun (and a lot less fiddly than the Masterpiece).

    It’s fairly pricey just for a standard-sized figure – it’s basically at a Commander price point – but it looks so good that I’m going to take a punt on it, especially as Hasbro have been clear that outside of the Masterpiece line they’re never making a Megatron with a gun alt-mode again.

    I saw this video:

  • #125021

    @Todd, you may have some interest:


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