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But mainly me waffling about Transformers.

Speaking of, the first War For Cybertron: Earthrise figures are being previewed

Leader Optimus Prime:


Ironworks, being sold at a Deluxe price point, the name comes from one of the old micromaster bases – the one with the crane that turned into a gun turret and radar. Here we’ve got robot, Micromaster base and parts mode, so presumably works similar to the Weaponisers

Micromaster Hot Rod Patrol:

Also mentioned are the Micromaster Military Patrol and a Deluxe Cliffjumper

Viewing 100 replies - 601 through 700 (of 870 total)
  • #100240

    I didn’t watch anything after the Joe panel. What even is Heroscape?

    It’s a board game/wargame, your basic walls between universes have crumbled so SF and fantasy elements are in the same world and they fight setup, they actually did some Marvel-based sets back in the day as well. The big appeal for me is that the board is made of modular tiles that use hexagons as spaces so we can use it to make 3D BattleTech boards.

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  • #100254

    Somehow that post with all the images got automatically blocked, so I’ve approved it now. Hopefully it’s showing for everyone!

    (Was that the one you thought got eaten?)

    It was. Thanks Dave. I thought it’d be ok because Lorcan’s posts with multiple images get through.

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  • #100255

    Somehow that post with all the images got automatically blocked, so I’ve approved it now. Hopefully it’s showing for everyone!

    (Was that the one you thought got eaten?)

    It was. Thanks Dave. I thought it’d be ok because Lorcan’s posts with multiple images get through.

    My modhood might mean I escape filters that you don’t?

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  • #100391


    It’s just a redeco of STE GE Astrotrain, but still, Galaxy Shuttle?

    I’m starting to really wish I had the money for Victory Saber now.

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  • #100536

    Weird they’re marked him as “victory universe” and not just G1. So have they not taken the train bits out?

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  • #100550

    Weird they’re marked him as “victory universe” and not just G1. So have they not taken the train bits out?

    Nope, he still transform into a train and has the tender/launch platform and all the guns and stuff

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  • #100980

    Looks like Minerva is going to be out soon. Star Action Figures say it’s in stock with Hasbro and so are taking pre-orders.

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  • #101463

    I got some Joes the past week or so! Here are some thoughts plus terrible photos from my phone.

    When I started on the Classified line, I told myself I wasn’t going to be a completist. I didn’t need a figure of every character they updated (let alone every version of every character). I would be cool and selective. Pretty much the first example of this was passing on Barbecue. Not a character I have much love for, not an amazing design and I could live without it. Then I saw him for £6.50 at the Entertainer and thought, what the hell.


    Barbecue is a very faithful update of the original figure, one of the first Classified figures to do so. (He came out as a Target exclusive around wave 2 or 3). As such, there’s not a huge amount to say about him, really. He’s big, he’s orange, he’s got two axes (this was one of the selling points actually – to nick an axe for those 6″ Visionaries customs I’m totally going to finish one day, if I didn’t like him). He’s nicely sculpted and put together. His chest gear is all a soft plastic covering, which does get in the way of his backpack plugging in a bit. He’s got storage for all his gear, I think, except the hose that attaches his gun to his backpack. That is less of a success because it just gets in the way entirely. I’m not sure how else you could do it really, but that’s probably going to end up in bits box.

    The only other Joe I had out when I got Barbecue was movie Scarlett, who he looked absolutely massive next to, especially his head. I grabbed down off my shelf the closest figure to hand, Storm Shadow, and he dwarfed him somewhat too. The over-sized head is a nice touch though, making it feel accurately like a helmet. Little surprised he doesn’t come with a bare head option.

    Next, I got a couple of pre-orders in yesterday. First Retro Carded Baroness. I was a little torn by the packaging. I kept all the card backs from the 25th Anniversary line, because they looked great and had filecards on them. I even neatly cut the bubbles off with a scalpel. I overcame the temptation to do the same here. The cards look nice but they’re huge, the filecards are multi-lingual, so totally perfunctory and, well, those 25th ones are all just sitting in a box somewhere.


    So, ripped off the card Baroness is pretty cool, but has some limitations. She comes with four guns: a pair of pistols to go in what I can only think of calling “butt holsters”, a large machine gun and a comically large sniper rifle. Unfortunately, it’s hard to get her to pose well with the large ones. It feels like the handles on them are oversized for her hands – even her weirdly long trigger fingers, which get a bit warped out of shape when you eventually get them in her hand (admittedly my dexterity is a little compromised at the moment due to a honking great cut on my left thumb, so that might be hindering things). She doesn’t have a bicep swivel articulation, which really feels like it’d help the sniper rifle posing especially. The two big guns also have pegs on them, which theoretically means they can plugged into her backpack peghole for storage, but her given how long her hair is, that’s not going to happen.

    Baroness also has removable glasses. That’s not really something I’m ever that keen on, as it instantly makes them easily losable and glasses are often hard to position well and securely. Hasbro’s solution here is to put two large grooves in the figure’s head along the temples for the arms of the glasses to sit in. Certainly helps secure them, but means the figure looks weird without them on and they might as well have been glued in. Elsewhere, Baroness’s uniformly black erm… uniform is broken up a bit through different finishes. There’s a matt finish to the main body covering and then a gloss finish to the gauntlets, bodice and boots. It makes for a nice look and not too flat.

    Overall it’s a decent figure that just falls short of being great. It really needed that extra point of articulation in the arms, the waist articulation is a bit stiff on mine, making an ominous creaking when I try to move it. The guns feel like they’re from another figure and not quite the right size for her. But the face is great and the armour detailing very cool.

    And then with Baroness I got Retro Carded Gung Ho. My aforementioned anti-completist mentality had me passing on the first Gung Ho release from wave 2, because it just looked a bit too compromised by the near-future sci-fi aesthetic that the early figures had. This goes squarely for his original design and largely nails it.


    First impression though is “man, he’s big.” He makes Barbecue look normal size. I thought possibly he was even bigger than Roadblock, who should surely be the biggest Joe (as much as I like the series, I can’t say I’ve put a lot of thought into relative sizes beyond Tunnel Rat and Roadblock clearly being the two extremes of height). So I got Roadblock down to compare and…


    Oh look, they’re 90% the same figure. This absolutely doesn’t bother me – it’s a smart reuse of parts, it’s just not what I expected of Gung Ho. But it works for the character; he is supposed to be an absolute beast. As with Roadblock, he’s a nicely put together figure. Great sculpting, good articulation. He’s got a backpack, which does actually sit well on him (not a given by any means in this line), a pistol and knife that can store in his gear, a shotgun (I think) and a removable hat.

    The hat is, weirdly, I think the weakest part of the figure, because it doesn’t feel like it fits properly. It seems a bit small, but I get the feeling it’s going for a “sits high on the head” type fit, which I think is a US Marine thing? I don’t know. It does also emphasise the size of the head. Bigger even that Roadblock’s. But it all hangs together.

    Gung-Ho’s lack of a shirt and upper gear means he’s the best figure so far to show off the articulation around there. The combination of the chest hinge and ball-jointed waist gives a lot of flexibility and it’s a bit odd they don’t seem to be using that joint style over in Marvel Legends, where they’re sticking with a straight rotating waist.

    Oh, the other good thing about these retro carded figures (aside from how easy they are to get into): they come with stands! Finally. I’ve gone off those three-peg oval ones I got the other month, as the pegs aren’t great (getting some feet onto them is a bit like inserting a USB – you try every peg only to find the first one you did is the right size) and the placement of them, with two very close together on one side, hinders (stable) dynamic posing somewhat. These Hasbro ones are much better. Good size, nicely positioned foot pegs and really stable. I’ve ended up nicking Gung Ho’s for Lady Jaye, who keeps falling off her oval stand.  I wish they’d supply these as standard and/or sell them in packs.

    Going back to scale for a minute, I did a rough line-up of all the figures I mentioned in this. It’s become clear that the reason Barbecue looked so massive next to Scarlett and Storm Shadow is because Storm Shadow is meant to be about 5′ 6″ maybe and Scarlett is a short arse. Which is good, giving variety of height in the line.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Martin Smith.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #101748

    My Legacy Minerva has arrived!

    Quite a cool figure. Very poseable in bot mode. There’s about three options for positioning the backpack kibble, which is nice flexibility. I haven’t settled on one yet.

    She has two guns: a sensible black one and then a completely transparent one which feels too big. Also a removable lightbar, that you don’t really need to remove.

    Car mode is pretty good. A very stout and rugged vehicle. There are substantial gaps in pieces making up the bonnet which had me thinking it was mistransformed, but nope, it’s meant to look that way. Transformation is a bit fiddly though and the only bit that really feels satisfying is swinging the legs round.

    Overall, Minerva’s a great update for the character. That’s surprising given she’s a very minor retool of a different character, but it all works. Shame she’s an exclusive with an inflated price tag.

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  • #102741

    I was looking at Game’s site ereyesterday and saw they had Earthrise Sky Lynx for a mere £11.98. Mad price. Now Sky Lynx isn’t a character I particularly care about – fine in fiction, but that’s a stupid design I don’t need a Commander Class figure of – but I heard he comes with blast effects and I figured they’d be worth £12 or so. So I grabbed one.

    (Well, I tried to get multiple but they only had one available).

    My plan was to grab the blast effects and sell the figure, but them I saw how much a sealed Sky Lynx is selling for on eBay – £70-100 – and decided I’m more interested in money than blast effects. It arrived this morning (which is impressively quick) and reader, I’ve scalped him. Well, I’ve an eBay listing scheduled for the weekend.

    In my defence, I looked on TFWiki and saw that the blast effects are more exhaust flame things than gun blasts, so not worth destroying that sweet sweet resale value.

    But plot twist: it was announced yesterday that Sky Lynx is getting another production run, so that might scupper my scalping.

    If anyone’s interested, Game has reissue BW Cheetor for £10 currently. Wasn’t there when I bought SL but I might grab one if I see one in person.

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  • #102750

    The blast effects with Sky Lynx are the same as with Omega Supreme, but just orange and no smokey colouring. They do work more as exhaust plumes but also as flamethrowers or rocket launcher type effects. But like, scalp away.

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  • #102981

    Airazor from the next love action TF movie toyline has leaked and, confusingly, it looks good. Like, properly good? Both as a design (once you accept they’re not doing organic beast modes) and as a figure. And it’s even recognisable as the existing character.

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  • #103408

    Two new things in.

    Marvel Legends Longshot

    This was a must buy for me, because I’m getting all the Exiles. So on that front, 10/10 no complaints, bring on Power Princess so I can have the full World Tour era team.

    Ok, so as a figure itself, bit underwhelming. Well sculpted and articulated, has a decent knife accessory, along with a bandolier and removable satchel. No complaints there. But the face is a bit weird.

    The jaw’s a bit too square, the expression not quite carefree and charismatic enough. The neck feels like it’s been elongated just to accommodate the big collar. It just doesn’t quite feel like Longshot, you know?

    The hands also feel a bit weird. There’s two options for each but it’s hard to get a pairing that looks right. The splayed hand option just looks bigger than all the others while the closed fist looks smaller than the others. The one holding the blades feels hard to pose well. I just haven’t managed to settle on anything I like.

    Legacy Inferno

    This guy is genuinely great though. Robot mode is solid. Little back heavy from his fan butt thing, but it’s got enough articulation that you can counter that. The head has a hinge in it, so you can achieve full on maniacal laughter (though it should be noted that it’s the top of the head that moves, not the lower jaw – which isn’t a problem, it just threw me a little), which shows the designers really engaged with the character. I could live without the ant-legs that come out from the robot mode wrists, but that’s a minor quibble.

    The ant mode is good as well. Like Tarantulas, it can support its entire weight on its ant legs. No storage option for this gun that mode – beyond sticking it on the top – which is a little disappointing. Transformation is a bit fiddly, especially as one of the arms kept coming off at the shoulder for me. I don’t think it’s a QC issue, I think it’s just that if all the moving elements line up in a certain way, a rotator cuff can just pop out.

    Over all, another really great take on a Beast Wars character and I hope we get some more.

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  • #103517

    Decided to do a group photo.


    Just need Power Princess and Heather now.

    Also a better lighting set up.

    Maybe some kind of backdrop more interesting than the magnolia walls of my landing.


    And hey, it’s the lads! And their long-suffering sister.


    I couldn’t fit MP Megs in there with them, though I don’t think he’d scale well.

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  • #103524

    Meanwhile Legacy Wave 3 hasn’t hit the stores over here yet. Booo. Smyths has dropped the price on SS86 Junkheap to $34, so he’s a bit tempting now though.

  • #103634

    Zavvi have got various Velocitron figures heavily discounted, if anyone’s interested.

    I got Tiger Force Duke from Pulse’s BF sale, with the 20% off code. And Legacy Bomb-Burst, which didn’t get a discount. But is great!


    Both modes are very nice. Great simple transformation. I love these little Core Class Pretenders. Bring on more of these, Hasbro!


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  • #103641

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  • #103650

    Tiger Force Duke and Tiger RAM

    In the proud tradition of Tiger Force, these are both straight repaints. Duke is originally from the first wave, when the line was trying to be near future sci-fi flavoured. This means the remnants of various shiny metal greeblies. Fortunately, redone in matte black, they look like unobtrusive biker pads. Are those a thing? Either way, it actually works well.

    The rest of his deco is faithful to the original TF Duke, which is one I had as a kid. Lovely olive drab shirt, red collar and tiger stripe trousers. Just like the military wear! I know it’s ridiculous, but I love it.

    Duke comes with a pistol, a weedy looking rifle, a backpack and a pair of sci-fi binoculars that he can’t really hold given the peg that lets it attach to his belt. Took me a minute to realise what they even were.

    The RAM… to be honest, if I could have got Duke without the bike, I would have. Vehicles at a 6” scale aren’t something I’m particularly into, not least for size and price reasons. This is decent enough for what it is though.

    The wheels spin, the handle bars are articulated, to help posing, which is a nice surprise, and that whole section turns the front wheel. There’s a kickstand. Erm… The sidecar gun thing is not only detachable but can be taken apart, revealing the same gun that came with Heavy Artillery Roadblock (just without the magazine), which I hadn’t expected. A smart bit of recycling, that. The Tiger Force deco is suitably garish.

    There are footpegs on each side, but I’ll be damned if I can actually get Duke’s feet to fit on them. I guess that’s because they were designed for Breaker in the original release and there’s (oddly) inconsistency in foot peghole size across the line. So that’s a bit of a let-down.

    But overall, it’s fine for what it is, it’s just that what it is isn’t something I’m all that fussed about.

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  • #103771

  • #103832

    A supposed list of retailer product entries for more TF Legacy figures

    • TRA GEN LEGACY EV LEADER OPTIMUS PRIME (possible package refresh)

    SILVERBOLT!! Yeah, that’d be cool. Maybe also Tigerhawk although probably not. I don’t really care about any of the others, which is fine.

    Oh yeah, I went by my local Smyths the other day and they had a tonne of Skullgrins but no-one else from that wave of deluxes, to the point where I think he might be shipping in solid cases.

  • #103839

    My local Smyths has finally gotten in wave 3 so I’ve managed to pick up Armada Starscream (he was the only figure in a few days ago) and Crankcase (my top priority for deluxes) so far.

    EDIT, and I’m down for Silverbolt and Tigerhawk for sure, don’t feel the need to replace T30 Sandstorm any time soon.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #104005

    Lovely head sculpt on the new 80s Rogue ML figure.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Martin Smith.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #104022

    But the face is a bit weird.

    The jaw’s a bit too square, the expression not quite carefree and charismatic enough. The neck feels like it’s been elongated just to accommodate the big collar. It just doesn’t quite feel like Longshot, you know?

    Kinda looks like Billy Idol in the face.

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  • #104151

    That Pulsecon BW Ravage from last year is £24.50 or so on Pulse today. Slightly tempting.

    On another note, I’ve sold my first batch of the 3D printed resin Visionaries stands I designed. I’m both thrilled and kinda bricking it about how they’ll be received. Finally got around to listing some on eBay last weekend, having given up on the idea of painting them myself. Probably less desirable in raw resin, but less of a pain for me. Should probably get some of my Real Ghostbusters and Cobra designs printed up too.

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  • #104155

    That Pulsecon BW Ravage from last year is £24.50 or so on Pulse today. Slightly tempting.

    He’s well worth it at that price, more than just a simple Cheetor redeco

  • #104157

    Hmm, I’m not too wowed by the beast mode. Plus it looks like the next wave of Joes (Zarana etc) which was meant to be out in March, might be turning up before Christmas, so I’m bracing for the financial hit of that.

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  • #104981

    This is very cool looking!

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  • #104988

    There’s someone I used to follow on IG (their account seems to have disappeared) that did a lot of cel-shaded TF customs like that. They were incredible and even when just showing WIP pics of parts, it looked like a cartoon had come to life.

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  • #105008

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  • #105140

    I picked up a Legacy Blaster from Game for £16 the other day. Not a figure I was going out of my way for, but at that price, hard to resist. He’s fine. A boxy guy who turns into a box, really.

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  • #105247

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  • #105334

    Finished building the Lego ’89 Batwing today. It was a fun build with lots of nice little details and some creative build techniques, especially around the edges of the wings. The overall shape of it looks great.

    It’s also perfectly to scale with the ’89 Batmobile – they make a nice pair together.

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  • #105506

    Just got this!


    Don’t worry, it’s a reissue. Apparently Playmates reissued the four original Turtles, the van and the blimp last year or the year before. I had no idea until the other day and couldn’t resist a Raph (at the least).

    Not the first time these have been reissued. I had, a couple of years ago, a reissue Raph from 2013 or so. That one was crap – the teeth had been machine painted and not in anyway accurately – and I worried this would be too. But it’s good. More accurate packaging too.

    Which, weirdly for me, it’s staying in. I can count on one hand the amount of figures I’ve kept packaging for and the only things I’ve got sealed are things I’m aiming to sell on. But there’s something just so cool about how this looks that I’m not opening it. Might get the other three guys too.

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  • #105512

    That’s a big nostalgia toy for me. I had loads of the TMNT figures as a kid, as well as the blimp which was awesome (until it got a puncture).

  • #105557

    What’s the best way to cap off a very expensive January? A new wave of GI Joe Classified pre-orders! B-)(it’s ok, I accounted for them).

    Let’s have a look.

    Crimson Guard

    I was a little bit wary of these, because Classified’s been a bit hit and miss on Cobra troop builders. The normal Cobra infantry is cool, but has been out in two versions, then a sergeant that doesn’t quite fit (but looks very cool regardless); the Alley Viper was a big disappointment; the Viper was hard to get and doesn’t quite look right. But I love the Siegies and they looked elegant, so I went for two.

    And they’re great!

    Really sleek sculpt with no issues. Lovely colours and detailing. The sword is especially cool and makes for a good ceremonial look (which was surely the original intention for the CG generally, but Hama skewed them into something else entirely). Nice selection of accessories. You can move the sword scabbard between waist and backpack or set it aside entirely, which is nice flexibility.

    These guys have the new barbel neck articulation and pinless joints, which seems to be the standard now, as well as slightly redesigned hip/crotch articulation, which seems to be stronger (some of the early ones can wear and loosen up quite quickly).

    Hopefully, the CGs will be kept in production long enough for troop building to be feasible. I could go for half a dozen.



    Probably the highlight of the wave for most people and while not one of my absolute favourite characters, one I do like. And this updates him well, for the most part. All the standard levels of sculpt and articulation, which is a very high baseline (for all these guys). Good paint deco and apps. He slightly falls down a little on the accessories. The gun has a flipdown stand, which is cool if you want to pose him lying prone, but it looks a bit awkward otherwise. Nice chunky backpack, but entirely static and uninteractive. The helmet is entirely soft plastic, which makes sense, but means it doesn’t have a tight fit, it’s a bit floaty. He comes with two pairs of goggles, I think one to fit on the helmet and one for him to actually wear. Which is cool, I guess?

    I’m not down on Dusty, he’s a solid figure, but not spectacular.


    Now this is my highlight character of the wave. Zarana is awesome and I’m still bitter than the only figure of her in the 25th Anniversary line was an SDCC exclusive. So glad this one is a regular release. And look at it! That face sculpt alone! The articulation on the bare flesh is really smartly hidden and in fact her top isn’t part of the sculpt, it’s a soft plastic piece, meaning *gasp* she’s technically able to go topless (I can’t imagine she’s got nipples though… right?).

    The first thing that happened when I took Zarana out is that her hair came off. Not, as you might expect, Hasbro’s poor standard of QC (I should say, there are no problems with any of these on that front) but she has two hair options. The one above is styled after her original card art and, well, looks horrible. Much better is:

    Which is based on… well, I’m not sure actually. She sort of had that cut in some of the comics, but it was candy pink colour. I think she might be able to “wear” Lady Jaye’s hair options, in which case I might paint up the spare option from that pink.

    Zarana’s weapons are a bit odd. She’s got a very thin knife and then this red on, which sits in her backpack. It’s supposed to be heated up, I think. The other is a gun with a circular saw on the front, which… yeah. Sure? No idea how that’s supposed to work. Does the saw run everytime a shot is fired? Who knows.

    Recondo (Tiger Force)

    This guy isn’t technically part of this wave, but a store exclusive (in the US) that went up at the same time. As with some of the other TF figures that have been released so far, what was in the 80s a redeco, is the first version out in Classified. The same is true for Recondo’s wave mate Bazooka, who I’m waiting on the original design for, but Recondo’s TF design looks so good.

    Recondo’s got a nice set of accessories. A good rifle, nice backpack (though again a solid lump), a pistol, a bowie knife and… a HAT!

    And look at that face sculpt. That tache!  It’s excellent. I love that it wasn’t “modernised” into something more sensible but left as ridiculous as it was originally.

    A really great wave over all. Shame the price of them all has gone up (though I’ve noticed that recently revealed waves of Marvel Legends and Power Rangers Lightning Collection have had their RRP dropped by a couple of quid, so hopefully Joe will follow suit and make the prices a bit more manageable).

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  • #105586

    Transformers reveal livestream just ended:

    Studio Series RotB








    Core Class can turn into a gun for Scourge or connect as a backpack

    Legacy Evolution:


    Nemesis Prime:



    An example of the plug and play nature of the Junkion altmodes:



    Animated Prowl:


    Twincast and Rewind:

    Prime Sqyquake:

    He comes with a giant gatling gun and a sword that folds away to be an energon magazine for the gun. Needlenose can dock on the back of his jet mode too.

    And a full action scene

    They also teased Beachcomber, Devcon, Black Lio Convoy/Nemesis Leo Prime, Armada Megatron, named an upcoming Junkion as Axlegrease, and are reissuing Earthrise Dirge in Legacy Evolution, and that Christmas Prime figure is being reissued in normal colours, as a continuing partnership with Volvo

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  • #105593

    Crashbar and Metalhawk look cool. The tail on that Grimlock is awful though.

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  • #105608

    Render reveals of new Joes:

    Snow Job

    Looks ready to trick Rock n Roll into being a paedo any minute!

    Scrap Iron

    Nice missile launcher. Nice expensive looking missile launcher.

    Steel Corps (nee Brigade)

    Little surprised to see these guys revived, but I guess it makes for a Joe troop builder, which I’m sure Hasbro is dead keen for.

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  • #105776

    Buzzworthy Bumblebee Origin Jazz:

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  • #105781

    Why does he turn into a Dustbuster?

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  • #105782

    It’s Floro Dery’s idea of an alien car

  • #105811

    Why does he turn into a Dustbuster?


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  • #105813

    Why does he turn into a Dustbuster?

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  • #105895

    Alleged listings for future TF Legacy figures.

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI Core Rock 1
    Product Number: F8516
    EAN: 5010996194992

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI Core Energon Megatron
    Product Number: F8517
    EAN: 5010996195098

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI Core BW Tazmanian Kid
    Product Number: F8518
    EAN: 5010996195104

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI DLX Animated Bumblebee
    Product Number: F8524
    EAN: 5010996195951

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI DLX Rescue Bot Chase
    Product Number: F8525
    EAN: 5010996195845

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI DLX Rock 1
    Product Number: F8526
    EAN: 5010996195968

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI DLX CYB Windblade
    Product Number: F8528
    EAN: 5010996195944

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI DLX G1 Gears
    Product Number: F8530
    EAN: 5010996195999

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI DLX G1 Sureshot
    Product Number: F8531
    EAN: 5010996195975

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI DLX Rock 2
    Product Number: F8529
    EAN: 5010996196002

    Tra Gen Legacy UNI DLX CYB Chromia
    Product Number: F8532
    EAN: 5010996195982

    No idea what “Rock” is about. Rock Lords? I guess Hasbro does own those now. But hey, BW2 Snarl/Tasmanian Kid! That’s cool, even if only a core size figure. I wonder if Takara is asking for these BW2 characters.

    Gears was in the artwork for Kingdom but never appeared. I wonder if it’s the same leftover design? And if so, if we’ll get that Polar Claw?

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  • #105898

    Of those Tasmania Kid, Gears and Sureshot are definites. Not sure about delving into characters from cartoons I wasn’t a big fan of (and Cyberverse, which is great but I’ve got a Windblade and a bike-mode Chromia…)

  • #105972

    Legacy Evo wave 2 (Metalhawk, Crashbar, those less interesting people) is listed on Smyths now and supposedly due this month. Which seems far too soon.

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  • #105977

    I haven’t even gotten any of Wave 1 yet, but I see Tarn is back in stock in Dublin and I’m hoping to dart into town tomorrow afternoon…

  • #105978

    Same here. And I still want to get Pointblank and Crankcase before they disappear. And a Leo to finish off my reissue Turtle set (and FP have the second wave of those due at the end of the month – still undecided on whether I want to expand to any of those). Oh and TK Maxx have Legacy Galavtron for £20 (hopefully I might find one when I’m in Worcester on Friday, though I have terrible luck in my local TK Maxxs, they never have anything worthwhile).

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  • #105986

    Managed to nab Tarn today at least.

    On TX Maxx, the only Transformers I’ve seen in there in recent months have been Earthrise/Kingdom Arcee and Kingdom Warpath. And I’ve yet to have a compelling reason to buy the former (especially after getting Lifeline), and I bought the latter when he first came out.

  • #105988

    I don’t think I’ve ever found a TF in TK Maxx apart from maybe some movie studio series figure. The only half-way interesting thing I’ve ever found in any branch of TK Maxx is a MOTU Origins Stridor and even then, I wasn’t likely to buy that.

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  • #105990

    I actually forgot, I saw Legacy Drag Strip in one recently too. I’ve rarely found anything I want to buy in there, though. The main one I remember was Combiner Wars Sky Lynx when that wave never made it to retail here.

  • #106040

    TK Maxx came good! They had five Galvatrons, so I snagged one. And impulse bought a Legacy Kickback for £13 too.

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  • #106044

    That’s not a bad price for Kickback. He’s one of those “the G1 toy, but with articulation” ones.

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  • #106392

    I really like this guy’s work:

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  • #106393

    Yeah, those Gundams are the High Grade ones, which are small and nowhere near as well-detailed as the Master, Perfect or Real grade kits. Very impressive to get that sort of work out of them.

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  • #106424

    I picked up a Tarn.

    By which I mean I paid £32 for one.


    To be clear, he’s not worth that. Which is not a slight on Tarn, I don’t think any voyager TF is worth £32, frankly. But I didn’t want to miss out on him (I suspect he’s going to disappear quicker than Lio Convoy and Metalhawk), so stumped up.

    And he’s pretty cool. Both modes are decent. He maybe feels a little too lanky in bot mode, in the thighs, but it’s not an issue. The tank mode is… well, nonsense, but fun nonsense. The transformation is a bit too fiddly for my tastes. The legs are meant to click together, but seem to just have a slide-together tab that doesn’t hold them together as they move. There’s two joints in the knees, which makes folding the legs over to become the top of the tank annoying, as you’ll end up displacing the tabbed in arms/treads. And it feels like the front cow-catcher should click into place, which it doesn’t AFAIK.

    But still, really nice representation of the character and I like the variety of weapon options.

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  • #106458

    There’s a “warehouse sale” for Pulse tomorrow at 2pm. I’m not holding my breath on anything particularly interesting going on sale or by very much, but Classified Sgt Slaughter going down to a reasonable £25ish would be nice.

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  • #106512

    Studio Series 86

    Wheelie.  Oddly this is the second toy of the character in SS86 after the one that came with Grimlock, and this is, you know, a full Transformer and can turn into a car and bend his knees and such.  He’s a decent little figure, with a deceptively complex transformation at points, and a cute little catapult accessory.  It would have been nice if one of his hands had been posed open to look like he was pulling back the catapult elastic or had just released it, but that’s a very minor thing.  He’s not as satisfying as Exosuit Spike was to just fiddle with idly, but a decent figure and from a collector’s perspective, nice to finish off the movie’s main cast.

    Junkheap is one of the most commonly seen Junkions what isn’t Wreck-gar in the cartoon, and the toy is a minor redeco of the latter character, fitting with the portrayal of the character in the movie as another Junkion who transforms into a bike and was involved in the Dare to be Stupid chase scene.  As such he’s pretty good by virtue of being a redeco of a very good toy, but offering very little new – a different head and chestplate, and armoured vambraces on his arms meaning his wheels both connect to the mount points on his legs.  I can’t really recommend him at full price, but I got him for 18 quid in Smyth’s and that’s more than reasonable to have a couple of bigger Junkions to go with the legion of the Deluxe ones I intend to buy.  But he’s still 50 in Forbidden Planet and fuuuuuck that


    Furthering the well-established “Lorcan’s a sucker” motif, I picked up Red Cog, which was basically, well, Siege Cog in red, with a baggie of extra weapons and bits and a tenner more than the original figure.  The original figure was great, this version is still great and the weapons are kinda cool.  It’s interesting in that a bunch of them are reuses of guns from other Siege figures, most notably Ultra Magnus and Chromia, and the set includes a mix of guns and battle extensions that you can mix and match to make different combinations – so to make the rifle that resembles Chromia’s sniper rifle from the War For Cybertron cartoon you attach a long gun barrel to Ultra Magnus’ rifle.  Overall worth it if you missed OG Cog or Aragon and don’t mind paying the price bump… or if you’re stupid like me.

    The other exclusive I’ve gotten recently is Minerva, and I’m gonna be up-front about this, she’s one of the best Transformers in recent years, and a strong contender for the best female character toy to date.  She’s highly poseable, has a wonderful sense of character to her, is a refreshing step away from the “female action figure with a whole-ass vehicle on her back” paradigm.  While she still does have a backpack it’s much more compact than Earthrise Arcee or the Power of the Primes combiners or any of their ilk.  It collapses away in a very impressive way and has options to use parts to give her shoulder baffles that match the vibe of her character art/the massive shoulders the original toy, or to fold back to a more compact form.  Vehicle mode is this cute little buggy, decoed in emergency services colours which match the original car mode.  This probably worked better for Elita-1 where we’ve never really had a definitive alt-mode for her, but this doesn’t really match up with the Masterforce toy.  Which is fine really, but still.



    Bomb Burst is a curious little guy.  At Core Class there’s no way you’re gonna do a full Pretender so we get this little bot that’s more based on the original outer shell than the inner robot, and it works pretty well.  He’s kinda cute, has ball joints in the shoulders, elbows, hips and knees so there’s a lot of poseability.  Transformation is basic but it works, most of his vehicle mode is piled up on his back so it doesn’t intrude too much on his more organic robot mode but still has a bit of visible kibble from the front.  He comes with a little pickaxe weapon thing, as well as two guns/[vehicle mode wings which have 3mm posts at the front so they can be held like axes or mount weapon effects.

    There are some minor frustrations, there’s an option to store the pickaxe or the wing/guns on the backpack/vehicle mode nosecone, but it means you need to angle the nose back from the natural way the instructions place it – and like, the instructions point this out.  Also, the wing/guns have 5mm ports rather than posts on them so you can’t give them to someone else to hold, and if you don’t mount them on his arms the posts stick out.  And, well, this guy was €17 from my LCS.  Now he probably would have been a couple of quid cheaper if I could get him in a toy shop, but Smyth’s stocked the Kingdom Core class and couldn’t shift them, and Toymaster is still trying to get rid of their heavily discounted PotP Prime Master figures. And that is a spicy meatball.

    Pointblank and Peacemaker are the only Autobots in wave 3 of Legacy, it’s an interesting situation for the toy range because most lines are majority Autobot.  Unlike his Targetmaster compatriot Crosshairs in Siege, he’s a fairly G1-accurate recreation and on that front he looks really good.  Transformation is fairly simple with a bit of complexity around his arms – they have to clip in weird ways to make up the front of the car.  However there are a couple of downsides here – the elbow joints are quite limited, which is a minor concern but still a thing, and Peacemaker is an unposeable block that harkens back to the original Targetmasters.  While I’m not expecting a figure with the size and complexity even of one of the Battlemasters, this doesn’t even reach the same level as Thrilling 30 Scoop or Classics Cyclonus’ Targetmaster partners.


    Crankcase is an extensive redeco of Skids, my first exposure to the mold as I was fine with my Generations one and wasn’t pushed to get Speedia Burnout (but might pick up Legacy Crosscut).  Robot mode is decent, and the headsculpt is pure IDW Crankcase.  The chest doesn’t lock in anywhere so you’ve got to be careful moving the arms that it doesn’t take the chest with them which is a bit annoying, and the big front grill/gun just looks like the front grill from one side which is a bit meh as otherwise it’s a nice big gun-thing.  Though he also comes with the same single-barrel gun that Skids has.  And alleged shoulder-cannons that are basically these teeny nubs behind his head that you can’t even fit a weapon effect into.  Vaguely tempted by the nonnef parts to give him G1 toy-accurate shoulder guns but there are other bits I’d get sooner. He’s a bit fiddly to transform to vehicle mode, there’s a lot of finessing of parts to get them to clip together properly and you’ve got to turn his forearms just right but when it’s all lined up properly he’s this nice little Humm-vee-looking jeep/SUV


    So, Skullgrin is a weird one. Like  Iguanus (which I haven’t got yet but want) and bomb-Burst, he’s a blend of robot and Pretender shell – though in his case the body is mostly robot and the head is pure pretender. And I’m gonna say up front, I really like the robot mode as a chunky, fun and weird action figure that just about fits the Transformers idiom.  There’s nice customisation options on the go too, the tank mode guns are separate from the turret assembly and have 5mm posts on them, so you can mix and match between his sword/guns and tank guns, place them in his hands or on any number of mount points, and mount the sword/guns on the cannons as well if you want.

    All that said, the vehicle mode is a lot of bullshit.  It reminds me of Fastlane from the Autobot Clones, where you just kinda squish him up into a box with some bits you recognise as being from a vehicle on the outside.  In this case, tank treads. Which is weird because there’s a lot of really interesting things in the transformation in the service of making a box. With tank treads.

    Inferno is great.  Not going to mince words here.  It’s all down to delivering a figure that feels like the character from the cartoon.  He’s lanky and this lovely shade of red and oh Bob, the head.  The head!  He looks utterly demented and the mouth opens!  He’s got the big thorax at the back and it opens up into petals like his flight mode in the show.  Sadly you need to stick his gun back there to complete the look and he only has the one gun. A couple of minor niggles here – the transformation is a bit fiddly and it’s hard to get right, and his arm joints are a bit too loose to hold the gun extended with a weapon effect attached (I recommend the flame effect from Transmetal II Megatron)


    I missed out on the Generations Armada Starscream from a few (wait, it’s nine years? aaaaaaaaaa) and between him using this body for a while in the IDW comics and me having the original somewhere so I was pretty on-board with this guy.  And he’s another example of a modern transformer that takes the original design and just recreates it with modern engineering and articulation.  The big changes are the removal of the gimmicks, and the ability to fold the cannons and tail assembly flat against his back.  Instead of pulling off one of his wings to fold out into a sword, it’s a separate piece, and he also comes with a single-piece sword shaped like the Armada Star Sabre, with the blade segment painted blue to match how it looked in animation.

    He’s a really nice figure, the transformation is really satisfying, especially with these fold-pout sections in the legs that latch together to secure the back of the jet mode and fill in a big gap in the middle there.  I love that the big guns are weapon effect compatible (when that’s no longer guaranteed for some stupid reason), but the swords are a bit naff as they stand


    Transmetal II Megatron is the good shit.  A leader class toy that’s huge by the standards of the current sizing thanks to both a larger body in general and those gigantic wings.  He’s nicely poseable and the colours are sumptuous.  Transformation is a bit fiddly, mostly getting the legs to line up properly with the tail assembly, but oh my, it’s worth it.  The dragon mode is fantastic, remaining as poseable as the robot mode, the segmented neck (and robot’s left arm) is amazing, the fire effect looks so good in the dragon mode mouth… I have nothing but good things to say about this guy, well except that dear Bob the price of leaders is hefty these days.


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  • #106520

  • #106524

    So, Skullgrin is a weird one. Like Iguanus (which I haven’t got yet but want) and bomb-Burst, he’s a blend of robot and Pretender shell – though in his case the body is mostly robot and the head is pure pretender. And I’m gonna say up front, I really like the robot mode as a chunky, fun and weird action figure that just about fits the Transformers idiom. There’s nice customisation options on the go too, the tank mode guns are separate from the turret assembly and have 5mm posts on them, so you can mix and match between his sword/guns and tank guns, place them in his hands or on any number of mount points, and mount the sword/guns on the cannons as well if you want.

    I’m still baffled that Skullgrin was done as a deluxe. I think his weird alt mode (which Gavin off TRDQ also took huge exception to) would be more acceptable at that scale. Maybe. Iguanus is great though. I hope you can get hold of him. He and Bomb-Burst have revitalised my love of the Core/Legends class scale (price aside, but that’s a general complaint). It’s a shame Legacy Evo has ended up focusing it on yet more Dinobots (and combiner kibble afflicted ones at that).

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  • #106530

    I wound up pre-ordering Rumble for me and a couple of friends at BBTS as they have a couple of other bits I’m vaguely interested in getting in the next 3-6 months, and they have Iguanus in stock so I’ll probably end up adding him to the order.

    I wasn’t much tempted by the Core Class Dinobots but the inevitable Dinoforce redeco was more interesting, until I realised it was gonna be more than €100 at Dublin prices to get all 6…

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  • #106533

    The Joe stream this afternoon was interesting. Scrap Iron looks great (love that they’ve given him heavy burns on his face under where his helmet usually covers) but is going to be expensive ($50) because of the missile drone with him. Rock N Roll, Shipwreck and Bazooka are musts for me.

    The render reveal of Shadow Tracker was intriguing. Not a character I’m at all familiar with (he’s from the 50th Anniversary line around 2013).

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  • #106539

    Also announced this week: Studio Series Gamer Edition, new figures of the old War For Cybertron computer game because we don’t need clear and unambiguous naming in this franchise:

    Not feeling Prime or Bumblebee enough to replace my Generations versions, might get Barricade.

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  • #106696

    Walmart-exclusive Legacy Evolution G2 figures





    I like Cloudcover’s colour scheme, but I’ve already got Earthrise Ramjet and Generations Selects G2 Sandstorm so do I really need a third instance of the figure? Similarly with Toxitron when I’ve got Scourge and passed on the mold when it was released as Laser Optimus Prime?

    Mirage, Sideswipe, Dead End and Shadowstrip have shown up in product listings as well. And Walmart is also getting reissues of G1 Hound and Thundercracker in similar packaging to the Hot Rod reissue from last year.

  • #106701

    That orange Jazz would work better if his head wasn’t uniformly orange. They could have at least picked out his visor in grey or translucents.

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  • #106704

    Yeah, were I to get him I’d be doing some painting.

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  • #106730

    Most of those G2 figures are now on Pulse. Along with two surprise reveal Joes – Night Force Big Ben and the Cobra Range Viper – both of which have already sold out. *sigh*

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  • #106800

    Surprisingly, the very close dates on Pulse UK for that latest Joe wave (which aren’t the same on Pulse US) aren’t optimistic nonsense. I’ve just had a dispatch warning for Bazooka, who was listed as 23rd March. Bit odd given Falcon from the previous wave still hasn’t shown up yet.

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  • #106847

    As they’re so interlinked, I figure the Stunticons deserved their own post because there’s a lot of good and bad here and it’s all interlinked.

    To begin with, Drag Strip comes out of the gate strong, his car mode hews closer to the original G1 (and the old F1 car it’s based on) than the Combiner Wars version, has a nice transformation with some interesting touches that gives us a solid, nicely poseable robot mode.  It’s definitely a more satisfying individual toy than the Combiner Wars one, which is the same for the rest of these guys and the only thing I’m not a huge fan of is that the back of the head is hollow as it forms the seat in the car mode.

    Dead End is one of those toys that’s mostly different to another one – Drag Strip in this case but has a lot of shared engineering and parts.  It’s most noticeable when you transform him – his arms move up and clip together, and the shoulder-mounted wheels shift around to lock into place.  Also if you split these two apart at the waist, you can swap their torsos and legs the same way you could with Siege Flywheels and PotP BattleTrap.  The big issue here is that it’s pretty hard to line everything up at the back of the car mode but it’s a minor thing.

    Wildrider and Breakdown are pretty much the same figure with minor alterations – the chestplate, the head, and a few minor pieces of the car mode body.  There’s a slightly controversial thing going on here, that the front of the car splits in three to make an inverted trident-shaped  backpack that splits out around the front windscreen, and a bunch of people didn’t like this for some reason? But like, you can leave the front of the car as a single block behind the head if you want, resembling the Combiner Wars Dead End and Wildrider/Sunstreaker/etc mold if you want.  The only real issue is with the changes to Breakdown – his car mode spoiler is a single removable piece that pegs into a pair of mount points at the back of the car and his gun fits in under the front of the car.  But there’s nowhere really to put that spoiler in robot mode – it’s meant to be attached to the back of the gun to make a melee weapon like Siege Red Alert’s lightbar, but if you’re not doing that your options are to store it, put it in his other hand like some sort of boomerang, or stick it on the  back of the gun like some sort of unconvincing stock.  Apparently some people have cut it in two and leave it on the back mount points, I might do that, not decided yet.

    Overall the 4 deluxes are decent figures and better as standalone transformers than their Combiner Wars counterparts, but that’s because these guys don’t turn into arms or legs, most of their combination is just clipping into Menasor’s frame.  Which I’ll talk about more in a minute.

    So, I’m going to preface talking about Motormaster with the caveat that like Rodimus Prime in Kingdom, he is not worth the full retail price he wound up at in Ireland and presumably the UK.  I got him cheap on Amazon after he sold out pretty much everywhere here, I barely missed out on his sale price on Smyths and began keeping a hawk-like eye on Amazon after that. The other thing I’m going to throw up here is that the box is ridiculous.  He’s in a package similar in size to the prior Commander class figures, but Motormaster is packaged in vehicle mode, and all his weapons fit into or become part of the trailer, so in the end he occupies one third of the box.

    Now, vehicle mode looks great, it’s this brick of a big rig that’s dense as hell and feels like it’s going to chase down a hapless commuter in an early Spielberg movie. Transformation is mostly unfolding the front of the cab into the robot mode legs, there’s a lot of shifting panels around, it reminds me a lot of third party figures on that front.  Robot mode is nice and solid, it’s totally unnecessary but the way you turn the feet around and it reveals teeny versions of the truck front to replicate the original toy design is cute and fun.  The base mode is your standard base mode, the collection of tall structures in it makes it feel a bit like it’s there for the Stunticons to take cover behind as they fight, and it looks decent with a bunch of them crowding around it.  The weapons are stored inside the trailer as well, and while you can break it open to just get the sword out, the gun is actually part of the trailer so if you don’t want the base sitting there you need to take the trailer apart, remove the gun and then put it back together with a gap at the top now.  As a result as well the topside of the gun has very little detail, which is mildly annoying.  And because the weapons are meant to be used for Menasor and Motormaster they’re a bit too big for a regular-sized Transformer while being a bit too small for a combiner.  The Combiner Wars solution of big weapons that could break down into smaller ones would be useful here.

    So as anyone who’s paid attention to this figure knows, the trailer becomes the frame that the stunticons connect to to form Menasor.  This is a big part of where the plastic budget for the toy went to, the majority of the trailer is in fact sections that become the arms, legs and a front of the chest, with Motormaster slotting in behind to form the head and rest of the torso (and one section is left just sitting there spare , which is annoying).  In some ways this is good because Menasor’s full form is more poseable and stable than the Combiner Wars version, but at the same time the 4 smaller bots are just there to fill out the skeletal limbs, you don’t need them to make the combined form like you would with the original Scramble City combiners or their Combiner Wars counterparts.  Also, the arm bots have to go on specifically the left or right arm, so the only combiner customisation on offer is which leg Breakdown and Wildrider connect to. The gimmicky ways they do combine is cool, especially when you slot Drag Strip and Dead End onto the arm segments, and they split in two when fold the arms out to full length.  But while the leg parts connecting to push a pair of trapdoors closed to fill out the leg is cool, it’s like 4 parts per leg that are there just to ensure you buy two Deluxes to make the legs look better. Also, the hands are single pieces on Menasor which is a bit eeeh.  This is the exact kind of place the opening hands with the slideaway 5mm port that Jetfire and Star Saber have would be perfect, and it’d be a better use of the plastic budget than the elaborate closing doors on the legs, for example.

    And while I’ve been pretty hard on the combined form there, especially compared to the Combiner Wars version (and I feel I should point out I got the Unite Warriors Menasor giftset from Japan for less than the RRP in Ireland of Motormaster), this is a great figure all said.  He’s a lot of fun to pose and play around with, and there’s some really strong ratchets in the joins meaning he holds a pose better than his Combiner Wars counterparts, the elbows stand out here.  The increasing prices of Transformers, especially Commander Class means I can’t recommend it unless you can get some or all of the components cheap, but if you’re comfortable with the price it’s worth it.

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  • #106853

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  • #106901

    Photos have surfaced in a Gamestop in Canada of a 2-pack of Dion and Ariel (here renamed Erial), Orion Pax’s friends from War Dawn.

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  • #106939

    The regular coloured version of Holiday Prime:

  • #106940

    The front of the lorry mode just looks weird and wrong.

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  • #106941

    Blame Volvo, it’s their design!

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  • #106948

    I will!

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  • #107043

    Just got Classified Bazooka (normal, not Tiger Force) in. Nice figure. Very chunky sculpt with another great face. Feels a bit tough to pose around the legs, like the joints don’t have a huge amount of give (I think I need to heat up one of his hip joints, because the leg is just twisting the barbel as I try and rotate it forward) and the feet are aligned to tip him foward. But I think I can sort most of that. Plus the backpack securely holds the missiles, which I absolutely was not expecting. Those types of things are never secure.

    For all the moaning everywhere about plastic-free packaging, I really like this new closed box. Some fancy spot gloss on the artwork, the figure in a small tray with only some card twist-ties around it, rather than those bloody plastic ones you have to cut off and then a faux-footlocker type box for the accessories. It’s all certainly all a lot less noisy to get the figure out of.

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  • #107132

    I tried heating up that gammy hip joint on Bazooka and all it managed to do was make the interior barbel piece more flexible  and twist more, threatening to just shear apart, so I’ve had to ask for a replacement. Say what you will about Pulse the plus side of using them is that their customer support seems to just be the same team as Hasbro UK proper* so they only ask for a photo of the broken/deficient figure to sort out a replacement, rather than the full return a normal retailer would need to do.


    *which is a bit odd actually because when I’ve dealt directly with Hasbro about QC problems and replacements before, they’ve said Pulse is a separate entity that they can’t access stock from.

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  • #107228

    The replacement Bazooka arrived this morning, which is nice and quick of Pulse. Unfortunately, it turns out the defect that first one had in its hip joint is present in both the hip joints on this one. It really felt like it was going to shear apart the barbel when I tried rotating the legs. So I’ve managed to take a video of the issue to send onto Pulse – just so they don’t think I’m trying it on – but I’m not sure where they’ll go from here. Seems like it might be a more inherent issue with the figure than the one-off QA issue I assumed it was. Will they send out another on the hope it’s ok? Should I try and mod one of the figures to fix it myself?

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  • #107240

    Some action figure lines I’ve discovered:


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by JRCarter.
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  • #107327

    Official photos of the Erial/Dion 2-pack

    Erial has a removable ponytail for some reason. The packaging has a number of nods to the episode War Dawn – Orion Pax is visible in the background, and the top of the box has the Decepticons flying in to the dock.

    And how they look alongside the Orion Pax/Alpha Trion 2-pack:

    Core Class Skarr


    Deluxe class Beachcomber

    Gotta admit, the little parrot is making me want to replace my PotP Beachcomber with this one


    He’s a retool of SS86 Blurr

    Junkion Axlegrease

    Voyager Black Lio Convoy/Nemesis Leo Prime

    Voyager Dirge, a reissue of the Earthrise Amazon exclusive version

    Leader Class Armada Megatron

    He’ll be compatible with “an upcoming figure”, so Tidal Wave confirmed

    Commander Class Armada Optimus Prime:

    A very early peek at Titan Class Nemesis

    She has deploying boarding bridges as seen in episode 1 of the cartoon, some mini seeker jets that can be mounted on the exterior, a blast guard that can go down over her face and a number of removable sections that can be used as weapons

    Sneak previews of upcoming Studio Series releases:
    Laserbeak in Bumblebee disguise:

    SS86 Brawn:

    Gamer Edition Cliffjumper:


    RotB Rhinox:

    Buzzworthy Bumblebee RotB Optimus Prime (A Target exclusive)

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  • #107328

    There’s not a huge amount that excites me here. Axlegrease is a definite, I’m loving the Junkions I’ve got so far and plan to army-build a little. I’ll probably get Devcon and internally debate whether it’s worth replacing Beachcomber. I already have Dirge, and while I have and like Lio Convoy he’s not worth getting twice at full price.

    Similarly I’m humming and hawing around the Armada figures. I haven’t gotten Hot Shot yet, I have little emotional connection to the character and Starscream had the advantage of being an Armada toy I had, was IDW Starscream’s body for like a year, and was really a good figure. But he was a Cityspeaker in IDW so do I want him as part of my minor “get all the comic cast” thing? And all this is a roundabout way of saying I don’t have a major connection to Megatron or Prime either. And there’s no way I’d pay full Rodimus/Motormaster price for him. Eh, we’ll see come summer. In other news, Metalhawk went on sale in Smyth’s here so I nabbed the last one they had on the shelves today.

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  • #107337

    Yeah, I’m a bit underwhelmed by this wave. Armada Prime looks good, but realistically, I’m not paying that much for a TF. I’ve no real interest in the rest at all, though Copy Convoy has somehow convinced me to get Lio Convoy and paint some pupils on the lion face eyes.

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  • #107438

    Disappointingly, Hasbro have caved to the foam-mouthed MOSC collector zealots and are flip-flopping on plastic free packaging on Black Series, Classified, Lightning Collection etc. They’re selling this on the discovery of “recycled PET”, something that absolutely existed six months ago.

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  • #107570

    Further adventures in Hasbro’s mad distribution systems: a small chain store in Worcester, which has had three dozen of one Lightning Collection PR figure for over a year now, has got a horde of those Beyond Amazing Emissary from Hell Spider-Man figures. I could have sworn that line was a store exclusive but, along with the Knull, Spinneret and Ned two packs appearing at Game, it’s pretty much all almost immediately turned up at Hasbro’s outlet channels at steep discount.

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  • #107665

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  • #107873

    My Lt Falcon and Cover Girl pre-orders finally came in.

    I was expecting to hate the face sculpt. It looked weird in the photos and everyone’s been slagging it off. Straight out the box, I thought “that’s fine actually”. But when I put the beret on it, it looked weird and then continued to look weird after I took it off. I think the head’s slightly too big for the body, possibly (not helped by the neckerchief piece not sitting on the collar of the shirt well – that should have been sculpted in) and the mouth/chin area is just too… simian. It feels like it’s been extended out from the rest of the face a bit too much and looks like a Planet of the Apes character. That and the overly painted lips, I think.
    In person, he reminds me a bit of Eric Roberts. I don’t think it’s the disaster people are making it out to be. He’s not good looking, but I don’t need all my Joes to be dreamboats, some can be weird. And he’s just the right side of uncanny valley, imo.
    Otherwise he’s a fairly good figure. The backpack is maybe a bit too bulky to stay in well, not helped by the loose web-gear strappings getting in the way, but the body sculpt is good. I’ve taken the neckerchief off, which helps all round I think.

    Cover Girl
    A good figure in theory. Unfortunately, the right knee on mine is utterly loose, making it almost completely unable to hold weight and stand up. She’s got relatively spindly arms, which makes for good posing options with the shotgun especially. The tablet holder thing easily slides off her thigh though.
    Nice face sculpt, albeit I think it’s on the far end of the realism spectrum, which Classified seems to be moving towards generally, leaving Black Series/Lightning Collection/MCU Legends style pseudo-photorealism for slightly more comic book style faces ala Marvel Legends. Although I suppose you could just put that down to Cover Girl wearing make-up.

    Hopefully I can get it replaced. If so, it’ll be a stand-out figure.

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  • #107993

    Hasbro And Mattel Join Forces For A Cross-Brand Licensing Deal

  • #108083

    Got my replacement Cover Girl through and was able to mix parts to one that’s mostly ok (the knee on the replacement is still loose but only on the thigh end of the joint).

    Also remembered that I saved the backing cards from recent figures to use as backdrops, so here are some pics.




  • #108316

    I managed to pick up some Vintage BW figures from a local B&M. I got Tigatron, Cybershark and Wolfang for £5.99 each. They also had Retrax but I’ve been stupid enough to buy him at retail once in my life already and that’s enough, ta.

    I got these three for different reasons. I have the Takara release of Tigatron but I always worry about having it out because it’s so pure white any discolouration will ruin it (and it’s MiB so worth a little bit). So this reissue is a nice display dupe I don’t have to worry about.

    Cybershark is one of the first BW figures I got as a kid, but like most of my original BW figs, it discoloured heavily. I’ve replaced most of it over the years but the fins are still bad. I’m tempted to swap the fins off this onto it, but I’m not sure. It’s a decent reissue but not perfect. There’s no energon chip faction symbol and the springs on the weapons are a bit naff. Looks the part though.

    And then Wolfang is one of the few BW figures I was never able to get back in the day or since. I’ve not opened him up yet. Delaying the experience of opening a properly new BW figure. Mind you, the cards on these reissues are so thin (and also have the American design) that it doesn’t quite feel the same.

    B&M also had some core class Kingdom figures so I ended up getting Hot Rod and Rattrap. Only opened Hot Rod so far who is ok. Not amazing.

    Also also, I caved and picked up a reissue Splinter to go with my TMNT set. I’m tempted to get Shredder, Rocksteady and Bebop too, but Bebop looks dreadful and it’d be weird to have Rocksteady without him.

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  • #108348

  • #109047

  • #109056

    Senator Ratbat and Miner Megatron 2-pack, apparently part of this year’s Amazon themed exclusives, which are all going to be pre-war IDW characters. The second set is reportedly Senator Shockwave and Orion Pax

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  • #109059

    Transformers livestream has just finished. As well as the Megatron and Ratbat 2-pack and a lot of bumpf about gaming chairs and the new slightly smaller Robosen Optimus Prime, the following items were shown:

    Studio Series Core Class Dark of the Moon Bumblebee

    SS86 Brawn

    SS Gamer Edition Cliffjumper

    SS Gamer Edition Megatron

    SS Rise of the Beasts Rhinox

    SS/Buzzworthy Bumblebee Rise of the Beasts Optimus Prime, who’s a Target Exclusive

    Senator Shockwave and Data Clerk Orion Pax 2-pack. They hinted that Cop Orion Pax might also happen in the Amazon exclusive set

    coming soon are Core Class Legacy Snarl; Deluxe Legacy Bombshell, Strongarm, Detritus and Shadow Striker; Voyager Bludgeon and an Autobot Junkion called Trashmaster; and Leader Prime Universe Dreadwing.

  • #109060

    Of these I’m definitely down for the Amazon 2-packs. Brawn is a maybe, I still have the Legends one.

    Lots more I want out the teased new characters. I’m down for pretty much all of them except Snarl and maybe Bludgeon and Dreadwing – I have the HFTD Bludgeon and the Beast Hunters Dreadwing.

  • #109073

    The two 2-packs are up on Amazon dot com and I have them pre-ordered. Now to see if they show up on dot co dot UK for cheaper in the near future.

  • #109081

    Apart from maybe Brawn I’m not too interested in any of those.

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  • #109301

  • #109430

  • #109610

    Toys R Us UK have announced they’re opening some stores…

    inside branches of WH Smith. That’s a big come down from out of town retail park barns. Cheltenham is one of the first WH Smith’s to be graced with a TRU and honestly, I don’t really know where they can fit anything more than just a couple of shelving units. There’s already a cafe and a Post Office in the upstairs. I suspect the TRU section will just be a couple of metres of TRU branding slapped on the small toy/games/puzzle section WH Smiths already has.

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  • #109807

    The new wave of GI Joe Classified continues to trickle in with Shipwreck!

    One of my favourite characters and he’s captured really well here. Great face sculpt, which comes with two hair options (unkempt and “in a sailor hat”), which plug in really well. The sculpt is chunky and solid. Slight reoccurrence of the hip problem I had with Bazooka, but not as bad. Nice set of accessories – a rope coil that can actually fit easily over his chest; Polly the parrot, who pegleg lets her plug into either the rope coil or Shipwreck’s wrist; a couple of pistols; a grappling hook (which can attach to the rope coil).

    Some nice paint apps – the tattoos and shirt motifs, but his chest hair is a bit off-centre (and is the kind of thing where being even slightly off makes it look very weird) and then there’s the thighs. The promotional renders showed the thighs of his jeans having a distressed/wear paint app on them, which looked good. The studio photos, now that I look back at them, don’t show them off too much, conveniently obscuring them. In person, they’re bloody awful. Just big splodges of thick paint on his thighs. I don’t know how they got through prototyping/paint mastering. It’s the first thing I noticed about the figure when I opened it and I’ve resorted to using some rubbing alcohol to at least bring it down a bit, if I can’t outright remove it.

    A disappointing blemish on an otherwise great figure.

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