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But mainly me waffling about Transformers.

Speaking of, the first War For Cybertron: Earthrise figures are being previewed

Leader Optimus Prime:


Ironworks, being sold at a Deluxe price point, the name comes from one of the old micromaster bases – the one with the crane that turned into a gun turret and radar. Here we’ve got robot, Micromaster base and parts mode, so presumably works similar to the Weaponisers

Micromaster Hot Rod Patrol:

Also mentioned are the Micromaster Military Patrol and a Deluxe Cliffjumper

Viewing 100 replies - 501 through 600 (of 870 total)
  • #91466

    I did not, I blame Brexit

  • #91528

    Springer is up for pre-order now too. I’m OK skipping him

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #91671

    Oh, there’s no way I’m not getting this.

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  • #91676

    I bought a junker Quickstrike at the NEC toy fair on Sunday, to replace some faded parts on mine.


    Except now I get them together, I’m not convinced my original (right top, as the board has rotated my image) has faded legs and that it’s not just a colour variation. Anyway, the darker orange looks better, so I’m going with.

    Also really tempted to use all the tail/snake neck joints from both to make one long mega tail.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Martin Smith.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #92118

    Forgot to mention that I picked this set up a while back – a fun build with lots of nice attention to detail:

    You can swap between all three movies’ versions in the one set, but I’ve built the BTTF2 version first, as it’s obviously objectively the best iteration.

    There are some nice little gizmos like a light-up flux capacitor, and Mr Fusion even has a tiny Lego banana and drinks can inside.

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  • #92284

    Legacy Override, apparently gonna be a Walmart exclusive

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #92287

    Not a character I feel anything for and this hasn’t changed it for me.

    Shame it’s not G1 Override with his massive pop-out arm guns.

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  • #92291

    I really like the car mode, the robot mode feels very anime. I might get her but I’m not 100% sold

  • #92302

    I think it would look better in an entirely different colour scheme. This one is very Unicron Trilogy, in the worst way.

  • #92452

    Hasbro revealed some new Marvel Legends figures yesterday (or the day before) on their Instagram account of all things, which is an odd choice. They unveiled the next figure in the upcoming Disney+ wave, which is Sharon Carter as she appears in Falcon and Winter Soldier. Weird that they didn’t announce her before now, given that series was on about a year ago now. I assumed they were revealing figures as and when they appeared on screen to avoid spoilers, but I guess not.

    But the price increases are really getting out of hand. The RRP on Sharon is £25.99. Not only is that £4 above the RRP of ML figures last year (so about twice the rate of inflation, which is big enough anyway) it’s actually a quid higher than all the previously revealed figures in the same wave. You can currently pre-order two figures from the same wave direct from Hasbro Pulse for different prices, which is mad. Probably better than if they raised the price on all the other ones to match Sharon of course, but still.

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  • #92453

    Last Lego model. For now. Until the Transformer one comes out. Honest.

    This was a fun one though. It’s gigantic and definitely does justice to the ’89 batmobile (the best batmobile).

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  • #93387

    Transformers Masterpiece MP-57 Skyfire Official Reveal & Images

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  • #93484

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  • #93714

    There was another Joe stream yesterday. My heart sank a little bit when they said they were moving to five figure waves for Classified going forward, because that’d be pretty expensive. But the first is mostly repaints, thankfully. Slaughter’s Marauders Barbecue, a Crimson BAT, regular version of Outback, Lt Falcon (looks ok) and Cover Girl, who looks awesome.

    So stoked she’s getting a figure so soon.

    There was a tease at the end of the stream for a Classified series HasLab. I think it’ll be Serpentor with his Air Chariot. Maybe.

    And then another Transformers cross-over was revealed. An AWE Striker (with Stalker) that turns into Bumblebee for some reason.

    I think it would look a lot better if it wasn’t Bumblebee.

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  • #93734

    And then another Transformers cross-over was revealed. An AWE Striker (with Stalker) that turns into Bumblebee for some reason.

    I would think Hound would have been far more appropriate.

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  • #93795

    Hmmm, very close to the border between action figure and doll.

  • #93803

    What, because it’s a woman? What a silly thing to say.

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  • #93870

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  • #93872

    Yeah, those things look amazing. I’m not gonna buy them, but they look amazing.

  • #94439

    Legacy Minerva. This is a definite buy for me

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  • #94455

    Yeah, weird how much better it looks than Elita.

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  • #94458

    I don’t really like Monopoly, but Beast Wars Monopoly? I might buy that.

    Still don’t get why branded Monopolies have to use the original symbols for Go To Jail etc.

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  • #94513

    Hasbro had a livestream earlier where they announced the contents of the Legacy Velocitron/Speedia 500 subline

    IDW Blurr


    Road Rocket







    Also announced, three new RED figures:


    Prime Optimus Prime

    Prime Megatron

    And up for pre-order this afternoon/evening Shattered Glass Slicer and Exo-suit, replicating the Action Masters figure

    Cosmos is a probably yes, Override and Scourge are tempting. Most of the others are Diaclone recolours and look nice, but I haven’t gotten many of the prior ones so I don’t want my collector mode to kick in and wind up having to track down Spin-out and Cordon and whoever else. Or pay Forbidden Planet prices for Guard and Lift-Ticket while they still have them…

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  • #94517

    I saw Lift-Ticket in the Entertainer recently, which was weird.

    I’m not too fussed by most of these but Road Rocket looks cool.

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  • #94572


    £110 for a yellow redeco of G1 Devastator with some Tonka logos. Somehow, I shall cope without it.

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  • #94592

    If Legacy turns Scourge from a jet into a tanker truck, i’m not a fan of the Legacy line.

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  • #94626

    If Legacy turns Scourge from a jet into a tanker truck, i’m not a fan of the Legacy line.

    It’s a different Scourge. The name was recycled for the series Robots in Disguise in 2001, which was a separate continuity. That black, teal and pink redeco of Prime concept has been used a lot since and is usually called Nemesis Prime, but as this is specifically recreating Scourge, they’ve reused that recycled name.

    I’ve lost track of how much of Legacy we’ve seen and how long it’s going to run, but I get the feeling Beast Machines is going to be completely overlooked in it, which would be a shame. Would be nice to get some Vehicon updates.

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  • #94639

    If Legacy turns Scourge from a jet into a tanker truck, i’m not a fan of the Legacy line.

  • #94805

    According to TFW, this is a list of figures coming up in the next year:

    Legacy Year 2
    • Voyager Leo Prime
    • Voyager Tarn
    • Leader Prime Skyquake
    • Leader Armada Megatron
    • Core Sludge
    • Deluxe Needlenose
    • Deluxe Hot Shot
    • Deluxe Junkion 1
    • Core Soundblaster
    • Core Slug

    Velocitron Wave 2
    • Deluxe Shadow Striker
    • Deluxe Crasher
    • Voyager Hot Rod

    Absolutely down for Tarn, Needlenose, Shadow Striker and Skyquake. And most of the rest are probablies.

  • #94809

    Yeah, there are some interesting prospects in there.

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  • #95009

    Hey, I got some GI Joes today and yesterday. That’s a nice change from the past nine months or so of ordering them and never getting any (apart from the Alley Vipers, I guess, shut up).

    So this was two separate pre-order groups that, annoyingly, went up four days apart and arrived one day apart. As the retailer I ordered them from said recently (in talking about talking to Hasbro UK) it kind of makes a mockery of Hasbro’s environmental pledges like plastic free packaging that they do split wave pre-order releases, meaning products going out in separate orders despite similar release dates.

    First to arrive was Cobra Officer, which was pre-ordered last. ::shrug:: I have to admit, I raced through pre-ordering this to the point that I didn’t really look at its pictures too closely. I figured it was just a redeco of the previous Cobra Trooper with silver highlights instead of red. Not so! It’s actually an almost entirely different mould and really seems to be based on a divergent take on the Cobra trooper aesthetic. Although the deco on the regular troopers is authentic to the original designs, its mould has some of the hallmarks of the early design style for Classified – lots of sci-fi detailing and massive shin pads. This isn’t present on the Officer. His face mask is sculpted as simply cloth instead of all the rubbery-plastic texturing on the trooper, he’s got padding on the front of his boots, but they’re not big, brick like metal things and instead just look like leather panelling. His web gear is entirely different, to accommodate his completely different set of accessories. He’s got pretty big gloves and the chest is less textured – it looks a fair bit like a Crimson Guard actually (just blue). Palette wise he’s a lighter shade of blue (a Space Wolves Grey almost, if that means anything to you) with solid blacks, compared to the infantry’s slightly more navy blue and charcoal greys.

    All of which makes for a nice figure, albeit one that doesn’t feel entirely cohesive with the troopers he’s supposed to be leading. It’s not a huge issue, but it’s a surprising choice. His accessories are nice: an AK47 style rifle with two removable clips, a normal pistol, a stilleto style dagger and a submachine gun style pistol(?). There’s also a scope attachment for one of the guns, I’m not sure which and I can’t see how it attaches, so that’s staying in its little belt storage pouch. The rifle has a nice back mounting holster too, compared to the infantry’s rifles which weirdly just plug directly into their backs. Minor annoyance is that the left hand on mine won’t stay in its joint if you try and pose it. Not a huge issue (and kinda handy for getting it to hold things) but it feels like it might be because of the glove part of the forearm stopping the hand’s peg clicking in far enough.

    But a solid figure overall. Already sold out though.


    This is where Classified really repositions itself as authentic to the original designs. Beyond that weird silver and blue symbol that seems to be on every Joe, there are no incongruous techy greebles on Spirit that have had to be disguised. I think he’s the first Joe with normal boots and no shin pads! Beautiful colours scheme of light blue shirt and beige trousers, with a good Native American skin tone. The face sculpt is, as ever, brilliant. He comes with two knives (two!) one of which has a bird skull pommel and some funky detailing on the blade; a pistol, a sniper rifle (which he can actually be positioned into looking down the scope of, which is unusual), a backpack based on the original 80s one (the ammo cartridges that the 25th Anniversary figure made into removable pieces have wisely been left as sculpted details) and he comes with his animal buddy, Arzon. I mean Freedom. A bald eagle (cos stereotypes, I guess), Freedom is surprisingly intricate. It’s got articulation for the feet, the waist, the neck and at the wings, which are big ball and socket joints that allow for them to be removed and swapped out for alternates. There are spread wings for flying and roosting(?) wings. Freedom’s got pegs in his feet that allow him to perch on either the, erm, perch on the backpack or on Spirit’s arm, where he’s got pegholes in a falconry gauntlet. A nice addition, I think.

    A very cool figure and you might still be able to buy him.

    Storm Shadow

    Not the first Storm Shadow in the line, this is based on his original 80s design and pretty much nails the look. It makes some nice tweaks as it moves up in scale. His arms are properly buff and he’s got frayed sleeves at the shoulder. Padding on his forearms and hands, along with texturing under those. It really thinks about what the original figure was aiming for and extrapolates out. I’m pretty sure the head’s been reused – it’s hard the first Joe Classified figure to have a balaclava exposing angry eyes, but it really works. I think he’s also the first Classified figure I’ve got that can freely use his chest hinge without any webbing parts interfering.

    He’s got a raft of accessories – a combined quiver and double scabbard backpack piece; a single loose arrow that can actually fit in the quiver for storage, which is a pleasant surprise; a very complicated looking bow with three strings, it seems; two swords; a sash for his belt and a hood, which he can only wear if you remove his head, put the head into the hood, try and get the head back on the neck joint with enough pressure for it to click in but without deforming the hood. I don’t think I’ll be bothering with that again.

    Another great figure which works by knowing that less is more. Unfortunately, there’s some really sloppy paint applications on mine (ones that I don’t think I’d be able to fix myself – flesh tone that’s missed and white paint on black plastic), which undermines it somewhat. Already sold out where I bought it and I think most other places too.

    Tiger Force Outback

    This is the one I was most looking forward to and the most disappointing.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s a pretty great figure. The face sculpt and deco is amazing – almost scary in how lifelike it feels. The body is a pretty basic mould – boots, combat trousers, t-shirt – but that’s all it needs to be. It’s the deco where it shines, with that gopping orange shirt and Tiger Force design in the centre, perfectly set off by the blue bandana.

    He’s got some nice accessories too. A huge backpack that has a store peg for his little trench shovel. A pistol that’s got nice wrapped handle detailing; a torch and a submachine gun and clip that seems to have been cast in slightly softer plastic that usual. All works for the character and looks great.

    So what’s the problem? He’s got two right arms! My one has anyway. From the shoulder ball down to the wrist, someone’s given him a right arm instead of a left (though he’s got a left hand). Really annoying. He’s been sold out for months everywhere, so I’ve had to contact Hasbro about getting a replacement (and for Storm Shadow) but I’m really expecting them to say they’re out of him too and leave me hanging.

    So some great figures here, let down massively by quality control issues that are compounded by the long pre-order periods, meaning it’s looking quite unlikely that I’d be able to actually replace the defective figures.

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  • #95012

    Finished this today.

    It’s a fun build that looks great and is really cleverly designed.

    But at the same time it’s the first big Lego model I’ve built where it feels a bit too fragile to handle for any length of time – it starts to feel shaky as soon as you touch it, and every time you transform it little bits fall off and have to be put back on.

    There’s a particular weakness in the waist where the whole top-heavy torso section is connected to the legs by a single small turntable piece, and it’s constantly separating due to the weight of the model whenever you handle it.

    I guess they had to sacrifice some stability to make the transformation work, but as a result it feels like something that’s exclusively for display rather than play, which is a bit of a shame.

    That said, the transformation itself is pretty brilliant, there are some fun accessories, and I love the detail on some bits of it.

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  • #95015

    The new Haslab crowdfunder went up last night, a HISS Tank that’s in scape with the GI Joe Classified figures, and it’s already hit funded and past the first stretch goal. It looks very impressive but it’s pricey as heck.

  • #95020

    Yeah, £300 is way out of my price range. The lights and moving track are impressive though.

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  • #95220

    Legacy Armada Starscream. I’m not a huge fan of that teeny Star Sabre toy, and the lack of a wing that unfolds into a sword is ehhhh, but I like the overall design and it’s pretty tempting

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  • #95224

    And Beast Wars Inferno. So very, very, very sold. FOR THE ROYALTY!

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  • #95233

    Great robot mode on Inferno and an ant mode that… I dunno, I can tell all his robot limbs are shoved up his butt, but it still works and looks nicely chunky.

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  • #95488

    Sigh. I’ve been trying to get those damaged Joes sorted, with less than stellar results.

    I contacted Hasbro initially, as the retailer, Star Action Figures has both Storm Shadow and Outback listed as out of stock. I decided to contact Star as well though, just in case. They could only offer a refund on Storm Shadow but they said they could replace Outback, so that was good. Did that, held onto Storm Shadow and waited for Hasbro to get back to me.

    Eventually, I gave up waiting for Hasbro to contact me and I used their live chat service, which is open for very brief periods in the week, almost like they don’t want anyone to actually use it. I explained the situation and their response is best summed up as: :unsure: Despite it being a brand new product, they’ve not got any. They can’t tell me if/when they might get any back in or when they even ran out and their best advice is to “return it for a refund and buy it elsewhere”. But it’s sold out everywhere. ” :unsure: ” I did another look online while talking to them and noticed Pulse have some in again. How do you not have any when Pulse have it in stock, I asked. “We have no access to Hasbro Pulse stock. Return it to your original retailer and buy it from Pulse”. But between price rises since I pre-ordered and postage costs, it’d raise the price by nearly 50% of what I originally paid. Are you going to cover the difference, Hasbro? “…”

    They’ve referred me to their manager, who is away until Monday, but I expect to be left without any help.

    The replacement Outback arrived this morning though! I went to open it and immediately noticed that the factory tape on the packaging has been cut and new tape applied over it. Which is pretty sus. I opened it up and the tape holding the accessories down looks like it’s been reapplied and the gun wasn’t fully pushed into its position. I took the figure out and, as well as poor paint apps on the face, there’s chips to the soft plastic of the shoulder strapping and the paint on one of the rolled sleeves. All of which rather makes me suspect this is a figure that Star supplied to someone else, who opened it, noticed the flaws and returned it, and which Star are now passing off to me as new.

    Which, if true, is pretty shitty. Especially given Star’s position on MOSC/MISB collecting. I’ve had to look at their FB page a lot lately (to find out when pre-orders are coming in and being fulfilled) and there’s a lot of whining on there about the quality of cardstock used for Star Wars vintage collection figures and the move to plastic free packaging. Their position is that MOSC/MISB collectors are a significant part of the community and that they need to be able to see their figures without opening them (having their cake and eating it, basically) and that any line that doesn’t pander to that won’t survive. Which, I totally disagree with, but fair enough, that’s certainly a position to have. Doesn’t really gel with supplying resealed figures as “brand new” though, does it?

    I’ve sent them a polite yet pointed email about it. No idea what position I have beyond demanding a refund though. Although the employee I’ve dealt with via email so far is polite, I’ve seen how their boss reacts to criticism on social media and trustpilot reviews (“not well”, let’s say), so I’m not holding my breath for a good resolution to that either.  I’ve got a load of other stuff pre-ordered with them, and said boss is quite keen on cancelling pre-orders from people who complain publicly, so I think I might be better off sourcing them elsewhere anyway.

    Plus this puts me in a weaker position with Hasbro, as I can’t say to them “look, you’ve made a figure with two right arms – send me a proper one” any more.

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  • #95630

    Right, while I’m still waiting for emails about Joes, here’s a Transformer. Did you know Tarantulas was out already? I didn’t until I happened to be looking at Comics and Cocktails’ site the other day.

    ::mad cackle::

    Tarantulas is pretty awesome. Looks great and accurate to the character. Nicely poseable (though his head can’t tilt back for full on mad cackling, unfortunately). He comes with two weapons, that I forgot to get out when I did the photos. A crossbow thing like the original toy and a circular saw like his TM version. They can combine into one long weapon that he can hold but I have no idea why you’d want him to, because it looks a bit weird and his arm has to be straight to do so. (Interestingly, combined together, the weapon still has two pegs. Tarantulas’ arm has two points where it can hold weapon pegs, which isn’t obvious at first glance).

    Transformation is quite cool. The instructions implies more snapping together of parts that I found. The suggestion that the base of the feet can peg into the underside of the carapace is particularly wild as there’s no way of exerting any pressure on said parts to do so that wouldn’t break either of them. But they stay in place well enough anyway.

    Beast mode is… well, it’s not very poseable, but then it’s a spider, what do you want? The legs can go in loads of different directions and the mandibles can pivot out (but not inwards to rub, unfortunately). The legs can support the entire weight of the beast mode though, which is really impressive given the weight to it. There’s butt storage for the crossbow weapon, and the circular saw can go under the body, for full BW hidden weapon emulation.

    Also, a word on the colours. Some of the pictures of him show him a lurid purple. He’s not, it’s the deep purple he should be. I think, much like with Titan Scorponok, Hasbro forgot to make the colours of the renders web-safe before uploading them everywhere, so there’s wild variations in the purple.

    Overall, really cool. Highly recommended.



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  • #95762

    Flamewar is coming out as a Shattered Glass figure for some reason.

  • #95793

    Hasbro announced their Selfie Series line yesterday.

    It’s basically a set of pre-existing bodies of popular characters (or in Star Wars’ case, roles) onto which they will put a 3D printed head designed from a scan of your face (done through their app, which I imagine is at least partially to stop people uploading photos of celebrities for their own customs). Looks like it’ll be $60 a pop, only in the US and soft launching at SDCC.

    The promo shots look fairly impressive. About on par with the likenesses for actors in most of these lines, but I can very much see it throwing up some questionable results when rolled out properly. Also, you have to pick your hair style from presets, which undermines it a little.

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  • #95795

    While I doubt I’d ever get one, I think this is really cool.

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  • #95796

    While I doubt I’d ever get one, I think this is really cool.

    You’re doing the Pink Ranger for yourself, aren’t you?

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  • #95797

    While I doubt I’d ever get one, I think this is really cool.

    You’re doing the Pink Ranger for yourself, aren’t you?

    I do not need to answer your questions!

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  • #95804

    While I doubt I’d ever get one, I think this is really cool.

    Oh yeah, I have no desire to see myself rendered as an action figure (head). But it is a very cool concept.

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  • #95839

    McFarlane Toys Resurrects the Classic DC Super Powers Line – CBR

    Todd McFarlane announces McFarlane Toys is resurrecting the classic DC Super Powers line with a new wave of action figures and vehicles.

    McFarlane Toys is bringing back a line of 1980s DC Comics action figures and vehicles.

    McFarlane Toys posted a YouTube video announcing the first wave of a new line of DC Super Powers figures and toys. The toys, Todd McFarlane explained in the videos, are available exclusively at Walmart. “Let’s talk about all of us geeks from the 80s,” McFarlane said. “Guess what’s coming back. Super Power toys and vehicles. Exclusively at Walmart. That’s where you can get them. Go to your Walmart store this summer and you’re going to be able to get them.”

    In the video, McFarlane displays an assortment of action figures, including Batman, Superman and Darkseid. “Different sizes, different scales and different characters,” McFarlane said. “Obviously, you’re going to get bad guys, you’re going to get some good guys and you’re going to get some of your favorites that are in there.”

    In addition to the characters, McFarlane showed off a couple of vehicles also included in the first wave of DC Super Powers’ new line. “You can take all these toys out of the packages, take this cool little box with the Batwing and whatever else and guess what happens when it comes out — out of this small box, you get this big toy,” he said. “All of them come with some fun action.”

    McFarlane displayed two vehicles in the video, the first being a Batwing that comes with a number of accessories, including foldable wings and a button that can grip and capture villains or other figures. He also showed off a Supermobile that comes with two compartments to store villains in and movable fists in front of the vehicle.

    Originally created by Kenner Products, the Super Powers Collection first launched in the 1980s as a line of DC Comics action figures. Included in the first series of figures were characters such as Aquaman, Batman, Brainiac, the Flash, Green Lantern, Lex Luthor, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and more. Others such as Darkseid, Doctor Fate, Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter followed in the second series, with Cyborg, Mr. Freeze, Mr. Miracle, Orion, Plastic Man and others debuting in series three.

    McFarlane Toys also recently debuted a DC Direct Page Punchers line, which comes with both an action figure and a single-issue comic book related to the character for $9.99. For more information on McFarlane Toys and all their products, visit the company’s website.

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  • #95846

    Cover Girl, who looks awesome.

    Cover Girl? Seriously?

    What’s her sidekick’s name, Center Spread?

  • #95848

    Cover Girl, who looks awesome.

    Cover Girl? Seriously?

    What’s her sidekick’s name, Center Spread?

    Cover Girl was a fashion model who enlisted in the US Army and trained as a tank driver, but also did some espionage missions, because of her skills from modelling. Don’t try and act like that doesn’t all make perfect sense, David!

    Actually, reading that back, she’s like the little ballerina in those government adverts whose next job was in cyber. Just, the 80s version.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #96188

    My replacement replacement Tiger Force Outback arrived this morning. Any buzz of excitement from opening it has pretty much been eroded by a) this being the third time and c) really expecting something to be wrong with it. But it’s fine! Well, the paint apps on the face could be better, but at this point, I’m just happy it’s got the correct limbs and no chips.

    It is a very cool figure though.

    Should be getting a replacement Storm Shadow in a couple of days. Fingers crossed that’s ok.

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  • #96192

    Was gonna say, my LCS has a bunch of Storms Shadow in stock if you needed me to grab one and sort things out later.

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  • #96194

    Was gonna say, my LCS has a bunch of Storms Shadow in stock if you needed me to grab one and sort things out later.

    Ah, thanks for the offer, but Hasbro eventually got back to me saying they had “secured more stock” (at the same time Star restocked too). So I guess they had another shipment due in, but their customer service staff are so pointedly unhelpful they couldn’t/wouldn’t tell me that.

    If this one turns out to have as badly a painted belt piece as the first, I think I might just repaint it myself, if I can work out how to strip factory paint off the soft plastic without melting it.

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  • #96195

    Little bit of cross-universal conflict. Outback has fallen over just as I type this. I really must look into stands for Classified series.


    Oh, the Velocitron figures are up on Pulse at the moment. Tempted by Road Rocket, but at £26 plus postage I might see if she turns up elsewhere cheaper.

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  • #96221

    Some shots of the reveals at SDCC’s Transformers panel

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  • #96224

    Oh, and a Pulse exclusive Alpha Trion and Orion Pax 2-pack

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  • #96245

    Official photos of yesterday’s reveals – Alt modes and accessories will be shown on a stream on the 16th of August






    (Apparently he’ll come with a Minicon targetmaster)


    Dead End

    I’m down for a lot of these guys

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  • #96247

    Shame it’s still so G1 heavy, but I’m up for Crankcase, Pointblank, Inferno and maybe Skullgrin. I’m impressed they’ve done TM2 Megatron, but I don’t really like it.

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  • #96430

    Smyths has got Speedia 500 Override, Roadhauler and Cosmos up for pre-order, out next month apparently. I’ll almost certainly grab Override and Cosmos

  • #96434

    Hopefully they’ll add the rest too. A little odd if they only have part of the “capsule”.

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  • #96435

    Hopefully they’ll add the rest too. A little odd if they only have part of the “capsule”.

    Could be they figure those are the only ones that will sell? Scourge is the only other one I have any major interest in, but Laser Optimus is currently a tenner off in Smyths so if I really want the mold I can just pick him up.

  • #96443

    Oh, and a Pulse exclusive Alpha Trion and Orion Pax 2-pack

    Some more pictures. Looks like A3 is based on Scourge and OP uses a Kup mold.

  • #96447

    Some more pictures. Looks like A3 is based on Scourge and OP uses a Kup mold.

    Yeah, they’re the Studio Series 86 Scourge and Kup respectively.

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  • #96645

    Megatron is a dragon? Is it too old fashioned to want him in luger form?  Beast Wars Megatron was ok  even though he looked like Grimlock. Are the toy makers just stuck on the desire for him to have a “cooler” transform? :negative:

  • #96649

    The dragon Megatron is his Transmetal II form from the last few episodes of Beast Wars and early in Beast Machines (sorta). And they’re probably not gonna do a gun-form of him in a mass-market toy line ever again.

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  • #96651

    And they’re probably not gonna do a gun-form of him in a mass-market toy line ever again.

    Yeah, if the main market is USistan, buying your kid a real gun is probably cheaper.

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  • #96693

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  • #96694

    The rest of the Speedia Wave 1 figures are up on the Smyths site now

  • #96700

    I just came here to say the same thing. I’ll be ordering Road Rocket when they’re available, I think.

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  • #96732

    I had a pleasant surprise recently: someone’s finally knocked off Masterpiece Cheetor. It had been so long I didn’t think anyone was going to bother (I assume because of the heavy paint apps required for the spots). But they have and so I bought it.

    It arrived last night. A box within a box within another box within a polythene bag. All very secure, but as soon as I opened the product box, I had parts falling out.

    All ok though, thankfully. It came in beast mode, which looked a bit of a mess. I’ve just put it back into that, using both the instructions (a novelty for these BW MP KOs) and online reviews/videos and… it’s still a mess, mainly of vaguely aligning panels. Not that surprising, really, given Dinobot and Megatron. The main issue is that there’s not really anything to connect the front and back ends to keep it at the 45° position it needs. There’s also a lot of robot mode kibble.


    There are some nice elements to the beast mode though. Mainly the head, which is well articulated and has three face options (with three eye options you can swap between them).

    The real draw is robot mode. Screen accurate, lots of articulation and just looks cool. Has three face options here as well.

    The most surprising element is that none of it feels that familiar to MP Tigatron, which I got a year or so back. That was largely an upscaling of this mould IIRC, yet only maybe the positioning of the front beast legs reminded me of that.

    So this is the last of the Beast MPs now (except for repaints and the derpy looking Lio Convoy). Hopefully they’ll do some more down the line, though Kingdom have rather stolen their thunder on that. Maybe they can so some Transmetals?

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  • #96736

    I just came here to say the same thing. I’ll be ordering Road Rocket when they’re available, I think.

    If DCC can’t get Flamewar in for me I’ll definitely pick up Road Rocket, but otherwise she’s a maybe. Scourge is a probably and the rest are low priority.

  • #96749

    Welp, I checked the Smyths website again and they had Cosmos and Override in stock in Dublin city centre, and they only had 2 Overrides, and I was weak. Click and Collect means I’ll have them tomorrow.

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  • #96774

    Dr Mindbender has shown up on Hasbro Pulse now (I thought he was on the US one last week, but it seems he was an SDCC times exclusive – which is a bit better than a total con exclusive, I guess). £34, which is less than I was expecting, actually. Not sure how he’s cheaper than Sgt Slaughter despite having as many bits and a more elaborate box.

    Either way, I think I’m going to play the long game on him and hold out for a standard version. Of course they might end up costing £34 themselves by that point anyway, but worth a punt. Most of the accessories are tat I’d never really use.

    Hasbro has definitely managed to dissuade me from pre-ordering much of anything now. It looks like my Tomax, Xamot and Stalker wave pre-order, which was due next Spring, might be out in the next week or so, same with the retro carded Gung Ho and Baroness, which were slated for December/January (Baroness has been available some places for a couple of months already).

    I think I’d rather play it by ear and take my chances getting most things as they come out, rather than commit to Pre-Order Surprise Roulette.

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  • #97154

    The other Velocitron stuff seems to be available on Smyths now. I’ve snagged a Road Rocket.

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  • #97230

    I can see why you want the current Road Rocket. the original looks more like a go bot. :negative: So it is a redesigned Arcee. TFWiki starts out calling Road Rocket he but since he becomes a redesigned Arcee, RR is now a she. Is Road Rocket a Trans Transformer? :unsure:

  • #97288

    So Road Rocket is a tad disappointing.

    The bike mode is decent, though I’m convinced I haven’t managed to transform it back correctly. The exhaust feels out of place and the bits at the back that become the arms.


    Transformation feels like it’s going to be simple, but is a bit fiddly. I found the instructions oddly hard to follow. The front windscreen of the bike is a removable piece – for reasons unknown – so that keeps popping off entirely.


    Robot mode is the disappointment. It’s not desperately well articulated yet gives the illusion of being so due to all the transformation joints. The feet for instance, have some movement – seemingly even an ankle tilt – but none that’s actually useful for posing. Same with the legs. The waist doesn’t seem to lock into position, which means you can move it around, but not really by design and it feels half-done. This pose took a heck of a lot of negotiation to achieve and it’s mostly by partway transforming elements rather than natural robot joints.


    The weapons are ok. The split wheel thing looks better as a shoulder pack, I think. The shuriken can’t really be well held, just as big forearm weapons.

    I think Road Rocket would have been perfectly fine at the deluxe price point from a few years ago – £15 seems reasonable. But at the current inflated prices and as a sort-of exclusive she’s £26 (more than Kingdom Voyagers were) and she’s definitely not worth that, unfortunately.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Martin Smith.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #97294

    From I remember of reviews of the Arcee version of the mould there’s a way to lock the torso in place but it’s not in the instructions

  • #97297

    Yeah, I found a video review of Arcee that sort of showed that but it doesn’t seem to do anything on Road Rocket. Nothing clicks in place. It’s possible that’s because I put the sort-of-ball-joint in it that came out when I started trying to do that back in the wrong way around, but I don’t think I have.

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  • #97821

    The next wave of GI Joe Classified was meant to be out early next year.

    My pre-orders for it arrived this weekend (and that’s actually later than some people’s). Absolutely madness.

    Anyway, let’s ignore my knee-capped finances and look at them!


    Xamot (left) and Tomax (right)

    A nice pair of figures with some minor quibbles. They each come with two wavy bladed knives, a sub machine, silencer and clip. Which isn’t a terrible load out, bit a tad meagre compared to other Classified figures. I’m not sure why they each need two identical knives. A pistol would have been better. Also some storage options for the silencer and clip wouldn’t have gone amiss, but heigh-ho.

    Still, the sculpts (or sculpt singular – I assume that with a digital sculpt they can just mirror it) is good. Lovely Cobra detailing in various places. The shade of silver used is maybe a bit too “unpainted wargames miniatures plastic” grey. As you’d expect from Classified now, the faces are excellent. They’re actually more different than you might think at first glance. Xamot has the scar, obviously, but Tomax has a raised eyebrow and more of a smirk.


    So I should say first off that the colours aren’t quite as washed out as the picture suggests. I was trying somewhere new to take photos it has some quirks. Stalkers colours are a little desaturated though, the olive green especially, which tends more to a grey. It all hangs together well though.

    He has a fuller complement of accessories: a knife, a pistol, removable beret, machine gun with removable clip, rifle with removable clip and a back holster for the rifle. Oh and a pashmina type thing that I didn’t include in the picture (because it looks a little naff).  So you can see why the Twins seemed a little understocked. The back holster is a bit awkward to keep in place (the soft peg already seems to have warped slightly) so that’ll probably go in the “box of accessories more trouble than they’re worth to keep out).

    Another excellent head sculpt, which looks better than it did in the stock photos even. I don’t know if there are changes or if it’s just a quirk of seeing it in person. There’s a scar across his temple too, covered by his beret, which is a nice touch not shown in the photography. (well, I assume it’s an intentional design feature and not just a production error on mine).

    Speaking of productions errors, there are none on any of these guys, which is a relief after all the hassle I had with the previous wave. There is a difference to that previous wave though and I don’t know if it’s a change in design philosophy or a production issue: the movement on most of the joints, especially the knees and hips, are much smoother than on previous figures. This is good actually, as it makes this wave much easier to pose (or at least makes seem like they are). That mid-stride pose I got Stalker in is something I’ve tried on a few recent figures and it’s never worked as well and as stably as it has here. I don’t even feel like I especially need to get stands for these guys*, which is a nice change. Another change is that the neck articulation is now all on that weird joint I can’t remember the name instead of a hinged ball and socket (this is may be true for the previous wave, come to think of it). It doesn’t allow for the same extreme range of movement, I think, but it does all for more nuanced positioning, which is nice.

    Overall, a really nice wave. Not sure I needed it now rather than 2023, but whatevs.


    *Speaking of stands, I’ve been looking into that, as currently the majority of my Classified collection lies sprawled out as though they’ve just been to an all-night kegger a frat house. While trying to find options, I saw someone say they’d stuck tiny magnets into the pegholes in the feet so they can attach to a metal base plate instead of being limited to the position of pegs on a stand. I’m tempted to try that myself, although I imagine there are some drawbacks. Like always needing a sheet of metal under them.

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  • #97894

    From this afternoon’s Transformers Fan stream. Some of these have been previewed or shown in some way but these are like official photos including alt modes and weapons.

    Studio Series Movie Hot Rod

    Movie Crosshairs

    Most of the panels that form his trenchcoat have some level of articulation to them to make them poseable.

    Studio Series 86 Ironhide

    He’s voyager class but a similar size to Siege/Earthrise Ironhide in robot mode to match the animation scale. Vehicle mode is much larger than the other two. In a nice touch his guns can be mounted underneath the van to make exhaust pipes

    Studio Series The Fallen


    You can take off his mask to recreate the bit where Optimus Prime tears his face off in the movies. It’s for kids!

    Core Class Wheelie


    Movie Laserbeak

    Rumble (Blue)

    He’ll fit into Siege/Netflix Soundwave or Kingdom/Legacy Blaster in tape mode.

    Legacy Pointblank and Peacemaker

    A bit weird that Peacemaker looks to have less articulation than targetmaster partners from 10 years ago…


    He has little flip-out guns on his shoulders, to more or less match the G1 toy.

    Dead End


    The tank mode turret rotates and the guns elevate and depress independent of each other


    As well as the poseable head, the panels of his ant mode abdomen in robot mode spin like they did when he flew in the show, and his gun can peg in to form the back of his flight system.

    Armada Starscream

    Transmetal 2 Megatron

    Core class Bomb-Burst

    And Core Soundwave is being reissued

    Gotta say, I’m gonna get a lot of these. Will probably grab SS86 Wheelie because I don’t have any version of him, and most of this wave of Legacy – I’m still humming and hawing about Menasor. I like Skullgrin’s robot mode but turret aside the tank mode is pretty bad. It’s meant to replicate his original toy’s vehicle mode but it looks like Fastlane without the luxury of being tiny. Speaking of, Bomb-Burst’s vehicle mode is surprisingly good!

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  • #97908

    Bomb-Burst looks great. I don’t really get why Skullgrin got upgraded to a deluxe while his fellow Pretenders are getting these sweet little Core class versions. Skullgrin’s boring alt mode would be more forgivable at that size.

    Have to say, I genuinely didn’t know the Fallen looked like that in the movies. I’ve been picturing the DW version with flames on him this entire time.

    Inferno is a definite for me. Crankcase, Bomb-Burst and Pointblank are probably/maybes.

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  • #97973

    <p style=”text-align: right;”>AA618B0B-0F7F-4AB2-ABC6-580CA92BCDDD
    Iguanus! He is as good as Road Rocket isn’t. Nicely articulated, solid, cool design (also getting the wheel shoulder thing in). Took me a minute to work out how to get the arms to fit as the front wheel prongs, but otherwise it’s a really sweet transformation.</p>
    I’d definitely get more core class Pretender updates like this.

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  • #98738


    Mother fu**ing Alley Viper! I bought you a stand! I bought you all stands! Stop falling over!

    Ahem, so yes, I invested in a load of 6″ action figure stands. Went for some on eBay that are ovals with three different size pegs on, to accommodate (mainly) the size variances in SW Black Series. They work well enough, though there are some oddities. I used my micrometer to measure all the foot pegholes on my Joes beforehand (science!) and they were mostly the same. Yet it turned out to be a bit of a crapshoot which peg I needed to use for each figure. The peg placement is also a bit strange. One’s on one side, two are grouped fairly close together on the other. So if you want to do a pose more dynamic than “standing up straight” you really have to fiddle around. Many of them are barely touching the stand at all. But they are mostly staying up. Except the Alley Viper.

    I also put my Visionaries on the resin stands I designed for them. Still haven’t got around to painting them. Lost enthusiasm when I realised getting an exact paint match would be impossible and then it just never seems to be decent weather for spray-painting (which I’ve had variable results from anyway). I think I might just sell the excess I got resale raw rather than painted and let buyers work it out for themselves.

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  • #99040

    I picked up Legacy Buzzsaw yesterday and he’s… he’s fine. Honestly, it’s ok. Nothing terrible. But nothing amazing either. I’m really glad I didn’t pick up the Waspinator version of this mould because it’s not as good as the Thrilling 30 one. For a start, it just feels small. Every time I look at it, I’m surprised by how small he is. And a disproportionate amount of his height is below the knees, like he was drawn by Rob Liefeld or something.

    The transformation is ok but the tabbing together of the feet has no sensation to it and doesn’t hold, while the tabbing together of the robot waist into the bug abdomen is really secure and feels like you’re going to break something taking it apart. The bug thorax is all in black plastic, which feels like a bad choice. It means everything around his head in robot mode is solid jet black and it overpowers everything around it. Would have been better yellow, I think. The black wings are weird and I’d be cool with that in contrast to a more yellow body, but it ends up just contributing to a black mass at the back of the robot mode that makes it feel a little unfinished almost.

    The gun’s a bit underwhelming too. It’s the end of his stinger, which pops out of the abdomen to be held as a gun, but there’s nothing you do to it, so it just looks like he’s hold part of his butt in his hand.

    Of the Legacy figures I’ve bought, he’s certainly above Road Rocket, but not nearly as much fun as Iguanus (who Buzzsaw is barely taller than).

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #99488

    Velocitron Shadow Strip, based on G2 Dragstrip. And I guess this means we’re not getting Shadow Striker

    And Crasher

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  • #99519

    Crasher looks a lot better (the face at least) than she did in the initial leaked photos.

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  • #99527

    I’ve seen a few people giving out that her head is a repaint of Earthmode Mirage’s, but honestly it suits the character.

  • #99537

    I’ve seen a few people giving out that her head is a repaint of Earthmode Mirage’s, but honestly it suits the character.

    Yeah, that was my main issue when it was first leaked, as it looked shite, but I think the paint mask was misaligned or something. This looks much neater and works well.

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  • #99790

    Velocitron Hot Rod is a reissue of the SS86 version in a darker red

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  • #99792

    OOOOOOO. I didn’t realise til I saw those pictures that this was something I needed. Love that darker, toy-accurate, canonically-closer-to-death shade of red.

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  • #99793

    OOOOOOO. I didn’t realise til I saw those pictures that this was something I needed. Love that darker, toy-accurate, canonically-closer-to-death shade of red.

    And should be easier to get, given I’ve yet to see the SS86 reissue anywhere over here.

  • #99795

    Velocitron/Speedia 500 collection


    Cosmos is a good example of the current vibe in Transformers Generations compared to, like 10 years ago.  The 2009 and 2014 versions of the character are both scout/legends sized, and instead of recreating the animation model make a modern version of a small, slightly tubby boy that turns into a modernised version of a flying saucer.  By comparison this new version of the toy is an attempt to replicate the animation model. And like, it does that very well.


    Probably the most interesting element of the toy is the transformation, which has this really interesting element where the sides of the UFO/robot mode arms and the back of the UFO are a chunk to themselves connected to the rest of the body by a T-shaped piece that connects to the back of the torso.  After you unclip the arms, you pull this whole section back, swing it 180 degrees, fold it up and the shoulders swing forward to lock in place and make a very firm connection.  This also gives the flip around panel that hides the head the clearance to be moved.  It’s very clever and makes for a surprisingly solid robot mode compared to bots with a similar transformation like, say Reveal the Shield Perceptor.


    Overall this is a very fun figure – the vehicle mode is a very solid George Adamski-style UFO (fans of The Wild Storm can double this as a Skywatch Breslau spacecraft!), the robot mode is highly poseable and very fiddlable-with. If there’s a point that it falls down at, it’s the Speedia Collection elements.  First, as the racemaster his accessory gun has a chequered flag part that can post in.  And that’s kinda cool but the chequer pattern is on one side and if you want to use Cosmos’ gun as a gun there’s no real place to store it, similarly you can’t really store it in UFO mode.  And then there’s the price.  Like Martin said for Road Rocket, these guys are pricey for Deluxes, at €32 they’re a significant price jump over the €22-25 for regular ones and when most of the line is redecoes of prior releases that feels iffy.


    Override is the other original figure in the Speedia collection, and feels like everything Legacy should be as opposed to say, the Prime universe figures in the main line being GEEWUNified versions of the characters.  This figure looks so out of place and I love it, she’s incredibly anime, between the smooth lines you rarely see in modern Transformers, the white, red, and black colours with a splash of gold, and the incredibly sci-fi car mode that looks like Shoji Kawamori designed it for Cyber Formula GPX.  For clarity’s sake, I have not seen Cyber Formula GPX, but I have a Kawamori artbook with like 20 pages devoted to cars he designed for the show.


    The transformation is really nice, taking advantage of the Voyager price point to have a higher part count even though the toy is closer to the Ironhide/Impactor big Deluxe side of the size chart.  There’s this really nice bit where the rear wheels are on arms which fold around and inwards to form the sides of the torso, and the robot mode arms fold outwards from them on hinges that flip the wheels in to hide them.  Most of the back of the car detaches to become a double-barreled gun similar to the original toy’s one, and while there is a port for a Cyber Planet key on here, there’s no spring-loaded action. Overall I really enjoyed this figure, and the price hike on the Speedia Voyagers isn’t quite as egregious as the Deluxes


    Meanwhile Robots in Disguise Universe Scourge has no price hike over the new normal for Leaders, though the G2 Laser Prime version of this toy is discounted by a tenner in Smyths so make of that what you will. This is a straight repaint, with the Scourge/Nemesis Prime/Black Convoy colours on display, and a nice attention to detail, like using the upside-down G2 Autobot logo as the RiD Combatron/Commando logo.  There’s a lot of indigo clear plastic parts including his weapons, truck mode windows and a few parts throughout the robot mode, including some wonderful light piping (while the back of Laser Prime’s head is painted so no luck there)


    The trailer is the weak point, as often is the case for the modern Voyager-with-loads-of-stuff-<wbr />sold-as-a-Leader toys.  Like it looks cool, and the transformation is pretty much the same as the original, but it just feels like an approximation of the original trailer.  Not just because features are missing, I’m not expecting launching missiles or anything but the RiD/G2 version feels like a little fortress with walls you can use for cover and weapons and stuff, but this is a tiny little tower and shin-high “fortifications”.  There’s a little claw arm on a hinge on a platform at the front of the tower, and a turret on top that can be removed and used as a gun by Scourge, and mount points to store his sword and axe inside which is quite a nice touch.  Not bad, just sorta functional instead of great.


    By comparison though, the truck is pretty awesome.  A nice long-nose truck to compare to the usual flat Optimus Prime type, the transformation is this really nice unfolding of parts and sorta making a hollow box for the chest that the rest of the body hangs around.  I have some quibbles around the arms – the hinge joint that swings them into place can unclip easily, the forearms can pop off their mushroom joints, and unlike the original toy, the big shoulder bits aren’t attached to the shoulder joint so they just kinda sit there.  They do have hatches that open to reveal missile bays though, and as a Macross fan that is very cool.  In another nice touch there are storage points on the truck for both the sword and axe, though you can’t attach the trailer and mount the axe at the same time.  And there’s a Matrix in his chest, the fifth different one I’ve gotten recently!


    I’ll admit I wasn’t too bothered with the Wreck N’Rule collection, mostly being figures I had no interest in (Bulkhead) or repaints of ones I already had (Impactor, Twin Twist, Springer), and while Spindle looked kinda cool I wasn’t willing to spend a whole bunch of money on him in a 2-pack.  Leading me to get one pack from the line only


    I didn’t get the Earthmode Mirage figure from Kingdom, so G2 Universe Leadfoot is my first encounter with the mold, and one minor thing aside, it’s a marked improvement on Siege Mirage.  In robot mode it’s largely the same except for the lack of a weapon mount point on the shoulder (being the minor thing), usual level of detail and poseability.  But the transformation is smoother, the fake kibble-chest is hidden better and everything clips together nicely.  I don’t think I’ll try and track down Mirage, but I’m more likely to get Speedia Crasher when she comes out.


    The other thing of note here is the colour scheme, which is gloriously gaudy – bright yellow with red stripes and panels, a teal Wreckers insignia, large metallic blue sections on the legs… It’s ugly and endearing at the same time.  Nice new head sculpt too.


    I don’t have a huge amount to say about Masterdominus, he’s Ractonite redone to transform into a mastodon.  The main contributors to this are a reworking of the skull./shoulder piece, and replacing the tail/sword piece with a pair of tusks that can be plugged into the skull,  While Masterdominus can’t hold the tusks, the front of the skull and the tusk mount points can be removed and mounted as a kind of punching/stabbing weapon.  there’s also two more hinged joint pieces that are used to make the forelegs longer in skeleton mode and the instructions suggest mounting these below the wrists in robot mode to make them look bifurcated.  My copy has some very loose joints which is a bit annoying, but he’s still a decent figure.


    Studio Series 86



    Spike Witwicky in Exosuit was one of those figures I got partially because of novelty value, partially because why not, and partially because it actually looked kinda good. And it’s actually really good!   There are some physical limitations to the figure, yeah, but these feel more like the fault of the animation design rather than problems translating it to a physical model.  Like the arms have these spindly forearms but they seem to work the same way in the movie as they do on the toy.  No waist swivel but other than that there’s plenty of articulation everywhere else. In a very nice touch there’s a tab on the back that lets you turn Spike’s head inside the helmet.  Also there’s a pair of weapon effects that can be used to simulate the suit’s arm-mounted weapons as seen on Daniel’s suit in the movie, or as engine exhausts in vehicle mode.


    This is a very unassuming toy overall but it’s been one of the most enjoyable ones I’ve gotten in a long time, it’s been sitting on my desk and I’ve been fiddling with it almost every day for a couple of months.  It’s incredibly enjoyable to just transform back and forth, a quick, tactile experience.  Highly recommend.


    Wreck-Gar is one of those toys that’s probably not worth picking up full price, but he’s showing up discounted in some places (Smyths had him as low as €26 before rapidly selling out, and Big Bang in Dublin has him for €30 right now) and I picked up a second hand one from Dublin City Comics recently.  And I know this is damning with faint praise to say, but he’s easily the best modern Wreck-Gar toy – easy when the competition is the highly flawed Reveal the Shield one, and redecores of Combiner Wars Groove’s Legends and Deluxe releases.  But anyway.  The figure looks great, as with the other SS86 figures he’s a loving recreation of the animation model from the cartoon.  There’s some very nice touches like his chest guns being on little ball joints.


    Transformation is a bit fiddly, but when you get everything lined up right the bike mode comes together really well.  And the bike is sized to comfortably fit a deluxe or small voyager on there, you can even get them to hold the handlebars if they have opening hands like SS86 Hot Rod or Earthrise/Kingdom Optimus Prime.  It’s a very nice figure, but a bit too much at full price.




    Kickback is another example of how modern Generations toys are really good representations of a G1 character, but in doing so there’s not much going on here.  He hews very close to the animation model in terms of look, to the toy in terms of transformation and weapon, and yeah, it’s all pretty good.  The big difference here is the addition of two energon weapons, basically big clear plastic swords that can be held or clipped to the wings, or in insect mode pegged together and then placed to form a thorax-like segment. Very good figure, but very standard modern Transformer


    Tarantulas by comparison is one of those amazing representations of a character. It looks like it could break out into a maniacal cackle at any moment.  It’s also very interesting in that it’s not a redeco or retool of Blackarachnia.  It’s more like they looked at how they did stuff with her, fixed all the little problems and came up with a figure who’s very similar to Blackarachnia while also being quite different.


    And then Jhiaxus is a total weirdo.  And an amazing triumph of engineering because like, if you’ve read the G2 comic you’ll know that there’s very little evidence in his robot mode of the aircraft he turns into, and yet here we get a very good representation of that robot which turns into a pretty decent representation of his jet mode.  Poseability is the usual high standard, he’s even got a poseable finder block like Earthrise Prime amongst others, and he comes with a pair of 90stastic guns that are compatible with weapon effects.


    Transformation is simple, but also a really nice example of current toy engineering.  an unfolding of the chest, folding in of the arms and collapsing the legs makes for a long, sleek aircraft mode, and like his weapons, the jet mode engines are compatible with the larger blast effects.  All that said, this figure is another one that’s very 90s, and is largely going to appeal to the 12 of us who liked the G2 comics to begin with.  If you don’t like the look of him, he’s an easy skip but if you like the character or the design, well worth grabbing


    Blitzwing is very much a mixed bag, and most of the problems were on display in the promo shots – yes, there’s an atrocious kibble shelf on the bottom of the jet mode, yes the cockpit poking out the front of the tank is stupid if more or less accurate to the animation model, and yes, those big block/hulk hand things are just there to fill out the plastic budget.  But these things aside, the figure is pretty good.  The big strength is robot mode, which has some great poseability and looks. He also comes with a pair of rifles and a sword so there’s plenty of weapon options without even needing to break out the hulk hands.


    There are a number of saving graces to the toy that help to mitigate the jank – the tank mode is pretty cool-looking aside from the nose, and the Hulk Hands can mount on either side of the turret like missile pods – being pretty much the only mount point that looks good for them.  The plane mode looks really good from above, and you can separate most of the kibble, and use the rifles as balancing pieces so it acts as a display stand which isn’t ideal, but it works.  There’s a lot of really impressive engineering in the transformation that I feel gets overlooked in complaints about the kibble shelf – like wing sections that wrap around the legs to fill in gaps.  Overall he’s a really good Blitzwing toy, and while i never got the Titans Return one I did get the Megatron of the mould, and I can see how it did some bits better – especially integrating (most) of the two alt modes into each other, this one is better in other places, like having decent arms.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #100082

    I was in the Entertainer in Cardiff today and they seem to have got a load of semi-recent Hasbro stuff they don’t usually carry, mostly heavily discounted: ML retro carded Tigra, Loki, Ben Reilly, Hobgoblin, 20th anniversary Iron Man, the second Age of Apocalypse wave, some Power Rangers Lightning collection, including the higher priced s3 ninja figures (weirdly, the Yellow ranger is cheaper than Pink, White and Red), the Yellow MMPR vs Scorpina set, most of the Turtles/Power Rangers cross-over packs, some of the recent 3.75” Joes and the women of the Snake Eyes movie Joe Classified wave.

    I picked up a Movie Scarlett for £6.50. I got one a while back for the customs I keep not getting around to finishing, but I think I might actually keep this one properly. The outfit’s a bit ugly, but the Samara Weaving headsculpt is excellent. If they do another “proper” Scarlett, I think I’ll try a head swap.

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  • #100143

    Core Class Slug

    Core Class Sludge

    There’s gonna be 6 core class Dinobots who combine into Volcanicus, and all the connecting points are 5mm, making the combiner compatible with Weaponiser/Modulator/Fossiliser parts

    Core Class New Soundwave (or Soundblaster if you’re basic)


    The spoiler can be attached to the gun to form an axe like STE GE Red Alert

    Junkion Scraphook. There’s going to be a bunch of Junkions in the line, all of whom transform without parts swapping, but the kibble is removable and swappable. You can make totally frankensteined vehicle modes with them

    Armada Universe Hot Shot

    He’s got the visor and deployable axle gun thing from the original toy


    Voyager class Leo Prime/Lio Convoy


    Shattered Glass Soundwave

    Very sold on Tarn, Lio Convoy, Needlenose and Scraphook. I bought Drag Strip so I guess I’m on the hook for the rest of the Stunticons. That said I’m quite let down by Needlenose’s Targetmaster partners being essentially the same as the original ones after far more detailed and poseable ones we’ve been getting for over a decade.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #100145

    And this is the poster for Legacy Evolution

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  • #100150

    Tarn looks great. Lio Convoy looks excellent except for the lion head, which kills it. I’m up for Core Class Dinobots. Don’t care about them combining. Needlenose looks nice.

    In the Marvel panel, they revealed a single card release of Longshot, which means another member for my Exiles team. Huzzah! Suspect it’ll cost about £30 between inflation and the tanking pound.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #100155

    Just heard that Hasbro UK has made GI Joe Classified an entirely Pulse exclusive line in Europe from the next announced wave. A real kick in the teeth to both collectors (now only having one domestic option for them and having to pay full RRP) and the retailers that were previously carrying it.

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  • #100227

    Oh, looks like the board ate my previous post with all the GI Joe reveals from Pulsecon. The main takeaways are: of the new wave, I’m gettting definitely Cover Girl and probably Falcon (his face is a bit weird) but not until someone other than Pulse is able to offer them at a decent price (I’ve found that Props and Replicas has them up at full RRP, but they require a pre-order deposit, so I’m holding fire til Star Action Figures are able to source some, as they’re apparently going to go at their usual price, even if it costs them, to spite Hasbro UK).

    Of the new reveals, Shipwreck looks great, Torpedo has a really good face sculpt and Rock N Roll has gone full metal head including devil horns hand option and loads of tats.

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  • #100228

    I didn’t watch the GI Joe panel but I did take a look at the exclusives and pre-orders on the pulse site, and the chibi Cover Girl box art is wonderful.

    Oh, and I was intrigued by the Heroscape Haslab project, just because Mark and I bought up a ton of the original stuff to use the hex boards for BattleTech and dumped the minis, but at $250 for the core set and most of it is minis? Ehhhhhhh.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
  • #100230

    I didn’t watch anything after the Joe panel. What even is Heroscape?

  • #100186

    New Classified Joes

    Rock N Roll has gone proper metalhead.

    Of the ones going up for pre-order today, Cover Girl and Falcon for me. Serpentor is nice, but I don’t need an Air Chariot and it’s $80. I’ll hold out for a different release. Of the render reveals, Shipwreck, Rock n Roll, Bazooka and Torpedo are all musts for me. Copperhead, eh.

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  • #100232

    Somehow that post with all the images got automatically blocked, so I’ve approved it now. Hopefully it’s showing for everyone!

    (Was that the one you thought got eaten?)

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