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But mainly me waffling about Transformers.

Speaking of, the first War For Cybertron: Earthrise figures are being previewed

Leader Optimus Prime:


Ironworks, being sold at a Deluxe price point, the name comes from one of the old micromaster bases – the one with the crane that turned into a gun turret and radar. Here we’ve got robot, Micromaster base and parts mode, so presumably works similar to the Weaponisers

Micromaster Hot Rod Patrol:

Also mentioned are the Micromaster Military Patrol and a Deluxe Cliffjumper

Viewing 100 replies - 301 through 400 (of 870 total)
  • #60923

    Some Exclusives (and some odds and sods for measure)? Sure. Let’s do moulds I haven’t talked about at all first:

    The Paradron Medics set is a sore spot for a lot of fans, being the second exclusive Ratchet figure in a row, in the same themed sets?  Ehhhhhhh.  At least this one was easier to get than the STE GE one. As a set, this is a letdown.  The packaging is nice – the same brown cardboard box stamped with details on the outside that Generations Selects has gone with, but the interior has this nice colour print of the Galactic Odyssey map on the inside of the lid, and the planet Paradron insignia under the plastic tray containing the figures.  But the much-touted planetary information card is eh – one side has a blow-up of the Paradron art from the map and some iconography, with the flipside having the same three lines of info about the planet repeated in a half-dozen languages.  The story elements about the Galactic Odyssey collection, such as they are, are only available from the Amazon store page and that’s a bit of a let down.

    Lifeline is a straight-up repaint of Earthrise Arcee, and… well I’m glad I didn’t fork out for Arcee now and any humming and hawing about getting Netflix Elita 1 has ceased.  This is not a good Transformer.  In robot mode, with the backpack/sled thing removed she makes for a decent action figure and a good likeness of the Arcee character model, but transformation consists of unfolding that gigantic backpack, and then folding the robot mode legs up and sorta finessing the entire robot body in under the car.  This is kinda like the ultimate expression of the Shellformer.  

    To make things worse, Lifeline’s gun is cast in clear plastic that makes it almost invisible in a lot of situations (Arcee’s is cast in frosted clear plastic, and Elita’s is stained red, I think).- I’ve heard of people ditching the packaging before they realised she had a weapon in the set,, it’s loose in her hand and very loose if you try and stow it in the hidden spot underneath the car mode.  I’ve almost lost the gun a few times when it’s fallen out of her hand.

    Thankfully, Ratchet is way better.  In hand, it’s very clear that this toy is a minor redeco of the STE GE Ironhide/Crosshairs/Ratchet mould.  But that was a really great figure so that’s not so bad.  The main difference structurally is the shape of the front window/chest, which no longer clips on to the vehicle mode in the same way.  This is because the figure comes with this gigantic shield which can be attached in a few different ways, one of which is fitting on top of the vehicle mode to give it a roof and windows and complete the Ambulance mode.  And as much as I’m not a fan of a big extra piece needed to complete transformation, it looks pretty good all said.

    The shield itself is pretty cool, it’s about half Ratchet’s height, There’s a few mount points for it – between 4 5mm posts clustered up near the front and used to connect the shield for vehicle mode, and a central one on a sliding mount – and if you slide the mount towards the back of the shield it pushes out 4 engine ports that are recessed in vehicle mode.  The instructions suggest pushing the mount to the rearmost point, then unfolding the side panels and putting Ratchet’s gun at the front to make something that approximates the G1 toy’s repair deck.   You can mount Ratchet on there, and if you’re feeling saucy there’s a way to approximate the old G1 toy’s robot mode.  It is amusing that both the toys in this box have a big chunk of vehicle mode kibble they can use as a glorified surfboard though. The other accessory in the set is a gun that vaguely looks like one Ironhide used in the show, and I’ve taken to mounting it on Ratchet’s forearm like it’s an extended piece of medical equipment.
    Overall this was an expensive way to get a decent Ratchet toy, doubly irksome because he was apparently meant to get a retail release until COVID came along – but still cheaper than trying to get STE GE Ratchet from a scalper.

    So, we have well-documented that I’m a sucker, right?  Welcome to me getting basically the same €30 toy four times because Coneheads
    Also in the I somehow got it from Amazon category: the Seeker Elite set of Dirge and Ramjet; in the a friend hooked me up with someone in the US who had a spare one: Thrust; and in the I shouldn’t pre-order stuff on BBTS unless I’m really sure I want it one: G2 Sandstorm

    They’re basically the same toy, as per usual for the Seekers.  This time based on Earthrise Starscream and his repaints, which is far closer to the old Classics toy than the STE GE version of the characters (to the point if there were oversized Knockoffs of the Classics Seekers out there they’d probably pass for the Earthrise ones at a glance).  They make for a more graceful aircraft mode, and you couldn’t detach the plane kibble as a single chunk and have a separate plane and robot toy like you can with their immediate predecessors – which may be a positive or negative depending on your perspective.  

    So the plane mode is very similar to the G1 seeker toy (he said, only having Thrust himself as a kid).  The plane’s hull is made up of the legs and arms smushed together with the nosecone and wings sticking out in an attempt at aerodynamics. The wings aren’t as big proportionally as the originals, but they work pretty well.  And the engines at the back have this nice near-future thrust-vectoring look going on that I really like.  The big issue is that a chunk of the undercarriage just sits there.  The front of the legs in robot mode swing open to allow the thighs to fold in for jet, but the knee armour in robot mode extends upwards so it doesn’t close flush, with the extended armour sitting over the robot mode armour skirt and the whole assembly just relies on the rigidity of the hinge to keep everything in place.  To make things fewer good the only place you can attach a display stand is a mount point on the underside of the armour skirt, and you need to pull the shins down to get access to it, and unless you pull them way down the clearance is tiny, and it’s hard to find bases that fit in there.  Also there’s a little arm that connects the two parts of the nose and it just sits underneath the cockpit and it’s a bit out of place.  Also also there’s a collar that sits between the engine intakes in jet mode which is there to break up the cockpit colour in robot mode, but it also just serves to break up the plane’s silhouette in not good ways.

    But enough shitting on these guys.  Let’s talk robot mode. OK, one more piece of shitting on these guys – the chunk of nose cone that doesn’t become the chest  swings down on that under-nose arm and clips into a slot in the back, but then takes up a lot of real estate back there, including covering up the only 5mm port back there.  Now I’m done shitting on these guys.  Because the robot modes look pretty nice too.  And this is a good place to talk about the thing I quite liked about this change to the standard Seeker toys. So, the Seeker versions of this mold have their wings mounted via post-and-hole on a panel that rises out of the plane fuselage to let it flip 180 and clear the robot bod.  Meanwhile the tailfin and stabiliser are mounted on the ankles and fold up and swing inwards to get out of the way.  But Dirge and Ramjet’s G1 toy photos kept their delta wings unflipped, resulting in the character designs for the comics and cartoons putting the wings on the legs.  The setup here is to mount the bulk of the wings on hinge joints on the legs, and the tips of them (plus Dirge’s canards) on the torso hinges.  It works pretty good! Thrust has the same wing setup as the regular seekers, and it’s slightly frustrating because there’s a hinge joint in the wing roots that lets you fold them back a bit in robot mode, but it only moves one way – and if you rotate the wings to match the normal Seeker configuration they fold inwards towards the body rather than outwards! Thankfully there’s a decent amount of clearance if you put the wings up in the usual position so the hinge facing the nominally wrong way doesn’t mess things up.  Because Thrust is a redeco of Ramjet, his rear stabiliser wings are attached to the clip joint Ramjet and Dirge use for their wings, instead of the joint and clip of Starscream, Skywarp and Thundercracker.

    Poseability is pretty close to the STE GE Seekers – there’s no waist swivel, one of the very few War for Cybertron moulds to not have one, but aside from that it’s pretty standard.  There’s no lateral shoulder hinge like on the STE GE guys so you can’t thrust the arms out in the same way, and the positioning of the 5mm ports on the arms means it’s a little harder to get them into a decent using their guns pose, but eh, it’s a minor complaint.  Deco-wise I need to call Sandstorm out, he’s got this really nice drab tan going on with some stark blacks  in there.  His camo parts and all hidden around the black in robot mode and on the upper surfaces in plane mode and that works, plus he’s got tan pain on the outside of his tailfins.  Also, his guns are a different colour from everyone else!

    Overall, these guys are better than the tetrajet seekers in a few ways, and worse in others so it’s pretty much equal in terms of overall quality.  And that’s a decent bar to be set.  There’s more variety in terms of colour scheme and body shape thanks to the different wings, so that’s pretty good.  Of course, Sandstorm aside these are pretty much impossible to get, so I hope nobody’s relying on this to decide if they want to track them down.

    Some Battle Masters?  Sure why not, there’s not really enough to talk about them individually so… Caliburst is the same as at least 3 or 4 other ones I have except the weapon effect looks sorta like a sex toy.  Pretty good overall.  Rung is worth it just to have a toy of Eyebrow robot, and despite being tiny and slightly beefy, he’s a very good replica of the comic art. The weapon mode looks a lot like his “ornament” mode too. Plus, very cool weapon effects, a kinda electric effect thing.  Doublecrosser is basically the same body as Soundbarrier, but with two heads.  His transformation to shield/crossroad mode is interesting, as half of the ramp parts (as opposed to ramparts) are on his arms. You fold the  rest of the ramp 90 degrees and then fold the arms into place, and they only go one way because of tab placement. It works pretty good.  Slitherfang is probably the most interesting of the three shield bois by virtue of having a snake robot mode. Some very nice detail, like the snake tail has tank treads as a motive system.

    Exhaust is a redeco of Earthrise Wheeljack with a new headsculpt, echoing one of the old Diaclone versions of the mould, and was previously released as a redeco of Masterpiece Wheeljack before landing here.  Unlike a lot of the recent redecos of G1 characters in old Diaclone schemes, this one never got an eHOBBY exclusive release.  And while the MP version was a decepticon, this one has the same mercenary logo that debuted with Earthrise, and made up a third faction in the cartoon.  Hey, I have all of the Mercenaries as toys now! Just realised that.  

    Anyway, this is a pretty cool figure.  The proportions are a little weird- the arms look long, the legs are bulky, the torso is stocky, but it all works, it feels quite Wheeljacky.  Poseability is good, though the legs get in the way of each other a bit when trying to do dynamic poses.  And there’s a very cool little thing in transformation where the front of the car mode window slip into the legs at the ankles to maintain the chest shape’s proportions.  I like that.  However, this is one of those figures where tolerances have gone to hell after a reuse or two – the hip and knee joints on mine are loose – they’ll hold a standing pose fine but it’s harder to get more dynamic looks out of them – and the piece the head is mounted on needs to move for transformation and it’s incredibly tight, I’ll probably need to file down the surfaces there.

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  • #60924

    And now, robots I already had in a slightly different colour scheme or with some different parts:

    Runabout is Runamuck with a slightly different head, two guns and a black colour scheme.  Like his fellow Battlecharger he’s quite fiddly to get quite right in car mode, there’s a lot of tabs to line up properly and they don’t co-operate. If anything Runabout might be a bit harder to line up, but that might just be because I haven’t transformed him as many times? I dunno.  The whole two guns thing is weird – the guns are both different, one based each on G1 Runabout and Runamuck’s weapons – but Runamuck only comes with the gun that resembles G1 Runabout’s one for some reason.  Maybe the other gun and the slightly different face were on a different sprue or something?

    Netflix Earthmode Bumblebee is Cliffjumper with a different car shell, as is the wont of these characters.  Everything I said about Cliff last year goes double here.  Car mode is a licensed VW bug, so that’s pretty cool, especially when Porsche were so adamantly against licensing their cars as war toys when BINALTech was a thing.  The big ehhhh here is the €5 price hump for being in the Netflix line, with the only thing you get in exchange being a bit of a cardboard Teletraan 1 diorama while came with the wave 1 and 2 deluxes.  But given this is the only Netflix deluxe I got, I have no other parts.  

    Bug Bite is Cliffjumper in white with Bumblebee’s head.  So everything I said for Cliffjumper last year goes here too.  I have a toy of a gobot now, and I’m totally in on the theory that he’s not using the Bumblebee car shell (if not the colours, Bug Bite is a yellow VW in the original Gobots) because Volkswagen/Porsche didn’t want their image linked to a “bad guy”. The black and white colouring works really well, with little splashes of colour thanks to red eyes and metallic purple on the guns.  The only downside is the peg connecting the backpack/shield in robot mode is a bit loose. 

    Black Rorichi is an interesting curiosity.  So the original toy came with Black Zarak, a gold plastic (yes, that gold plastic) version of Fasttrack that came with Skorponok. And like much of Black Zarak many examples of the original toy crumbled to dust decades ago.  In the Masterforce cartoon there’s a couple of episodes where Black Zarak has an army of subordinates called Guardminders who are based on Fasttrack, down to the grey colour scheme.  There’s one episode where they have a leader who’s golden coloured, and that’s the basis for this figure. In the show – or specifically in the reference screenshot on TFWiki it looks like he doesn’t have the same shaped head as Fastrack/the Guardminders, and so Black Roritchi has a different head.

    Other than that, it’s the same figure as Fasttrack, with no new mode or weaponiser suggestions in the instructions.  It’s still pretty good, but unless you’re some sort of completionist weirdo or want to army build just get this or Fasttrack, there’s no real need for both. 

    The Micromaster Spy Patrol is a nice little set, a straight up repaint each of Ratbat as Wingthing and Rumble/Frenzy as Frenzy/Rumble (hey, the listing on Pulse says get this set and Rumble/Ratbat and decide yourself which one is the red guy and which is the blue guy), and then redecoes of the same two tapes/shields as Knok and Skar, Doubledealer’s powermaster partners.  The figures have all the same plusses and minuses as the original release, they’re pretty good and were annoyingly hard to get.  Or at least I pre-ordered them on BBTS and had to wait a long, long time for them to actually come into stock and saw them ship out to people from other outlets first.  And then when they actually came into stock I left them sitting in the pile of loot for almost a year until I shipped everything a couple of weeks ago.

    Anyway, pretty good, I like how Doubledealer has elements designed to emulate the play pattern of the original toy – you can mount Knok or Skar in a chest space (Use Knok to properly recreate the 80s toy), and can even mount the little detail on Doubledealer’s chest that replicates Knok to begin with on the tapeshield/engine via the fold-out 5mm post.  Similarly, while G1 Doubledealer’s chestplate was removable and could be placed on the back of the missile to mount one of the Powermaster engines and you can’t do that with the Earthrise version, you can stick one of the engines on there via the 5mm post as well.

    Rotorstorm is Spinister with a new head and a very 90s colour scheme, and by gum, it works.  It helps that Spinister was an amazing toy to begin with, of course, but while he was all muted pinks and purples, this one uses strategic application of ultrabright blue, neon pink, yellow and green beside some dark grey, Navy blue and silver to make a vibrant colour scheme that doesn’t get quite into fuck you, but skirts close to it.  Frig you, I guess.  I may have already posed him being shot by Overlord.

    Hothouse is Airwave, but an Autobot and mostly Red and Orange.  He’s pretty good, but suffers from all the same basic problems Airwave has around poseability.  The colours work really nice and the bulk of the robot mode stands out amongst other WFC Generations bots

    Greasepit is a Decepticon reworking of Ironworks with a few parts changes – Ironworks’ hook is replaced with a set of petrol pumps that just about convince you that they’re a gun if you flip them around so the pumps look like a magazine, and a shield piece that gets use as a sign in base mode.  He’s suffering from limited-run redeco wibbliness though – if you push his arms in all the way they get really loose, but are decently stiff if you only push them in a bit.  But other 5mm pegs go into those ports snugly and the posts on the arms go into other ports fine…  I need to apply nail varnish or glue somewhere, but haven’t worked out where yet.

    Unlike all the other weaponisers and modulators in Generations selects, this one actually has some new alt modes in the instructions! The petrol station mode is pretty much the same as Ironworks’ crane complex, but the crane arm is kinda shoved on beside the torso, with the shield/sign on top in a rough approximation of a building, and the petrol pumps have a clip-in point.  It’s different, but similar.  There’s a tower/turret mode as well that’s again pretty close to Ironworks’ one, but then there’s a kind of bridge/road mode that’s its own whole thing that’s totally different to the bridge suggestion in Ironworks’ instructions.   

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  • #63098

    Amazon Exclusive Battle Across Time Collection, featuring Beast Wars Grimlock and Earthmode Mirage

    Probably going to skip this, if I get another Grimlock I’m far more likely to get the SS86 one, and Mirage has no major differences from the STE GE one.

  • #63104

    I’m somewhat interested in BW Grimlock, but not with a mediocre Mirage (which isn’t even different enough to be worth selling on as far as I can see) and certainly not for £55.

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  • #63126

    Looks like Rodimus Prime has some decent clearance for his shoulders after all:

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  • #63153

    Looks like Rodimus Prime has some decent clearance for his shoulders after all:

    With his finger sticking out, is he trying to give people “The Touch”?

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  • #63169

    With his finger sticking out, is he trying to give people “The Touch”?

    Nah, Swerve told him that sticking his finger out like that exudes leadership so he uses that pose when trying to give orders.

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  • #63220

    With his finger sticking out, is he trying to give people “The Touch”?

    No, he’s telling Galvatron that this is the end of the road.

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  • #63233

    Looks like Rodimus Prime has some decent clearance for his shoulders after all:

    That is good that his shoulders aren’t impeded, but man, that face. He looks near death from the way they’ve tried to age him up from Hot Rod.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #63239

    That is good that his shoulders aren’t impeded, but man, that face. He looks near death from the way they’ve tried to age him up from Hot Rod.

    Be as may, it’s show-accurate. I’m still humming and hawing about getting him, he’s gonna be €95 according to the Smyth’s website – more than Sky Lynx or Jetfire went for, and that feels a bit much? I might see if I can get him in a sale like I did Jetfire.

  • #63290

    Takara are doing Premium Finish Transformers, one line is going to be Studio series figures and the other Generations. They’re also being sold by Hasbro via collector shops if not general retail

    Bumblebee, retail price ¥4180 (about €32/$38/£27.17):

    STE GE Optimus Prime, retail price ¥6380 (about €48/$58/£41):

    I like the look of them, but not for almost double the retail price before shipping and import duty

  • #63706

    Generations Selects Artfire:

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  • #63808

    Kingdom?  Wave 1? Let’s go

    Rattrap is the first of the new Core Class figures.  And by new Core Class, I mean they’re going Legends again but have changed the name.  And by Legends but they’ve changed the name I mean Scout but they changed the name.  To start with rat mode, there isn’t much here.  No poseability, just a little rat statue… with a lot of panel lines.  Actually, I take that back, you can tilt him up on his feet/hind paws a little bit and he won’t fall over.  So there we go.  Unlike the Generations Deluxe toy there’s no internal space to hide his gun, but it can clip to the outside of either hind leg.  

    Transformation is pretty cool though –  a lot easier than the Deluxe.  It’s more complex to line everything up for robot -> rat mode, there are a lot of points where you line up something to clip into a tab, but when you do it stays in place really well.  There’s some really nice touches like how you twist the legs around to put them into place.  All the articulation except the head is ball joints, and while it works fine for the most part, the shoulder joints are actually on the backpack on account of how the transformation works, and it works out as a bit less versatile than most ball jointed shoulders as a result.  There’s a nice mount point on the backpack for the gun if you don’t want it in his hands.

    Overall this is a lot more fun to mess around with than Generations Rattrap.  Easier to transform, more solid-feeling in robot mode, but a bit less poseable and with less fun gimmicks – Generations Rattrap could split his gun into two smaller weapons and has a concealed gadget in his left forearm.  But the Kingdom figure scales way better with his fellow Maximals.  I’ve got a big bag full of older CHUG toys I’m planning to trade in on account of getting better versions of the characters recently, but I think I’ll hold on to both of these. 

    Vertebreak is the first new character in the line, and she’s another Core Class figure.  Like the larger Fossiliser toys, she transforms into a dinosaur skeleton, in this case a Dracorex (or maybe a juvenile Pachycephalosaurus, paleontologists disagree).  Either way, beast mode looks a bit like a Skeksis, or maybe that one time they used the Skeksis puppets as aliens in Farscape, but a bunch of the latex had rotted off.  There’s a little bit more poseability as the beast legs are also the robot ones and the mouth opens, but the dino arms are not poseable at all.  There’s better weapon integration on display by virtue of the beast mode tail being the robot mode sword.  

    Transformation is a straightforward stand up straight, open the ribs, flip around some torso and hey presto.  Like Rattrap, most of the joints are ball, but here the exceptions are the hinged knees.  Robot mode itself is a nice little affair, with a fantastic headsculpt as the standout detail.  And like Rattrap there’s a stowage point on the back for the sword/tail.  I really like her, but I don’t know if I wanna get her again in a very bright green as Dracodon?  This is at least partially because I think the colour is ugly though.    

    Blackarachnia is a figure I was looking forward to because she’s one of the most interesting characters in the Beast era, and I never got around to getting the Legends version based on one of her Animated toys – but based on the writeup on TFWiki that might have been a good thing.  This one is pretty good though!
    Her transformation and beast mode appear to be a simplification of the recent Masterpiece, so there’s a lot of finessing and fiddling to get pieces into place, and it’s very easy for them to pop out – this is most notable underneath where the arms are meant to connect together via a tiny tab, and then the gun connects to the arms via another two tabs – but it’s very easy for any of these to come loose and the gun falls off.  But quite impressively, all 8 spider legs have a ball joint halfway up, and they can support  her weight quite well.  

    The other really impressive thing is that this is a female Transformer character that isn’t a redeco of a male character’s toy with a new head, or one with a feminine-coded body and a giant backpack that makes up most of the alt mode!  Robot mode is a very accurate recreation of the cartoon’s character model… Which was apparently based on a dancer at a strip club… so yeah.  There’s a bit of Hootie McBoob on the go in a way that other female Transformers don’t have, but it’s OK.  She’s pretty poseable, but lacks waist swivel.  

    Cheetor is probably the weakest of the Beast Wars bots, but is still pretty good.  Beast mode is fairly functional, the front legs are pretty poseable, the hind ones less so, the tail is just a posed piece, and the mouth opens but there’s no head turning on display. More a cheetah statue, but a decent-looking one. Robot mode looks like Cheetor, has the standard Generations poseability, it’s pretty good but again not a huge amount to say.  His only weapon is his tail as a mace, which was a Transmetal Cheetor thing rather than a series 1 one, so no gun for him here. 

    Paleotrex is a weirdo and a half.  He’s the first fossiliser, which is this year’s “pull a robot apart to transform it or use the bits to stick onto another robot” gimmick. Oddly, the Beast Wars characters have practically no 5mm ports, so you’re going to be putting most of these dinosaur bone bits on the G1 characters.  That’s certainly a way to do things.  And yeah, the head and neck can be removed to make a little version of Optimus Primal’s mace, but like so many of the melee weapons the handle is a bit too short for the weapon to look right in a bot’s hands – Smashdown and Pteraxodon/Terrordaxtyl have this problem in a big way.  
    Beast mode is a T-rex skeleton, and it looks pretty cool, there’s poseability to spare for the legs, ball-jointed arms at the shoulder, but not much for the neck. The cream and brown colours work amazingly.  And then robot mode is this… thing?

    Like, back when I got Cog I was like “I can’t wait to Cronenberg the hell out of these bots”, but Paleotrex comes pre-Cronenberged.  I believe the kids call this cursed.   And I love it.  He’s got these dumpy little legs and ultra-long arms, the dino feet are the robot hands with a 5mm port to mount his tail/sword weapon but like PotP Optimus Primal the location of the port means it looks really weird, like it’s sticking out of his thumb.  I haven’t really played with the weapon mode options here because the Beast Wars characters aren’t doing the loads of weapon ports thing, and encasing a G1-style bot in the bone armour doesn’t quite work for me.  

    Warpath is one of those characters I’ve wanted for ages, but the Thrilling 30s figure is hard to get, and that’s pretty much the only other modern version of the character aside from a couple of Legends class versions, one of whom is a redeco of a Megatron to boot.  As with a lot of the recent toylines, this is pretty much the original toy/character model updated to modern toy engineering and it’s a great example of how well that can turn out.

    Tank mode is a little brick of a thing, with a rotating turret and elevating gun.  There’s no gimmicks on display aside from a couple of 5mm ports, but it doesn’t need it.  Warpath and Impactor from STE GE make for a good pair of little tanks compared to bigger units like Megatron. 

    Transformation is phenomenal, with a huge amount of the tank mode being fold out panels hidden in the legs and feet.  As well as that, the arms are on this bracket piece that clips into place around the turret for robot mode but swings down to form the back end of the tank.  You can even swing it down a bit in robot mode and replicate the G1 toy mode.The only accessory in the set is a binder shield that can be mounted in a few different locations, and looks a lot like a Zaku’s when it’s mounted on the shoulder.  It’s essential for keeping the tank mode together though – it clips in at the front on the undercarriage, basically keeping the feet of the robot mode together.  

    To make things a bit more unfortunate, the weapons for Deluxe figures are taped in place underneath the cardboard inserts for Kingdom,  and it’s not obvious they’re there.  So if you’re not in the habit of checking the entire box for stuff, it’s easy to miss them, and in this case it’s an essential piece for the transformation. The only other complaint I have is because of part layout on sprues, the forearms are cast in the same grey used for the tank treads and a few other pieces and then painted maroon like the rest of the body, and the coverage isn’t great, leading to some grey poking through on the edges, as well as the 5mm ports and the mount point for a blast effect being unpainted.  A minor thing but it draws the eye.  

    Cyclonus was a figure I was on the shelf about but some positive reviews got me excited and I grabbed him.  And he’s a weird one.  Like, the design and engineering and all that are great, he’s definitely a better toy than the Combiner Wars one…  But the plastic feels weird.  It’s not that nylon that was used on Apeface, but it’s not the same as the usual stuff Hasbro uses, and between it and some really tight tolerances it feels almost like a really good KO. I’d be suspicious if I hadn’t bought it from Smyth’s and it arrived at the same time the rest of the Wave 1 bits I bought from them.  

    Leaving that aside, There’s some fantastic design work on the go here to go from mostly show-accurate robot to mostly show-accurate jet.  That super-long nose is actually three segments that fold inside each other and then into the chest , almost like a Matryoshka doll of transformer parts. Like Warpath’s nice trick with the arm assembly, here Cyclonus’ ones are actually connected to the cockpit and clamp securely to the shoulders, so when you transform him you flip them up and rotate the cockpit assembly 180 degrees to get them into place.

    There’s a lot of extra work done here that makes Cyclonus very much not the usual robot with a plane on his back/plane with a robot strapped underneath, and I appreciate that a lot.  It’s a very good example about how Hasbro seem to have arbitrarily split their almost obsessively cartoon accurate Animated Movie figures between Kingdom and SS86, because he’d fit in almost perfectly beside Kup and presumably the other SS86 figures I’ve been eyeing up but haven’t bought yet.

    Optimus Primal.  So, Beast Wars passed me by at the time it was a thing.  I was vaguely aware of it but never caught the show or I think even saw the toys?  I was well out of toy buying at the time, only coming back to Transformers when Masterpiece Prime and BINALTech were a thing.  Which is a bit of a way to say I have never held the original Ultra-Class Optimus Primal, the closest I have is the Robot Masters version of the toy.  Which based on video reviews of the original seems to be quite close?  Anyway, this version of the figure is less close to the original than that, but only slightly.

    Beast mode here offers a bit more than the Robot Masters version of the character at least – between a wrist swivel, opening fingers and a ball-jointed head there’s more poseability, and thanks to a pair of swivel joints in the knees, you can play around with the leg positioning for the standard “hide the robot bits under a monkey butt of older versions of Primal, but also have him stand up well enough like he often did on the show.  There’s a lot of fur-like texture as well as some slightly softer plastic, making for a nice, natural feel. Beast mode head is more of a naturalistic gorilla than the animation model.  It works, but I might have preferred show accuracy there?

    Transformation to robot mode is almost identical to the Robot Masters and original toy. The big difference here is that the robot and beast mode heads are on a rotating block in the middle of the torso, and you hinge the back away from the chest to access and flip the block around.  This is also how you flip out the shoulder cannons. The main new thing here is a few large panels used to hide robot bit in beast mode fold up and away to make for a neat back, with a little bit of detail that even resembles Primal’s jets.

    For robot mode, there’s a lot of weapon features – both forearms have the standard double-barrelled guns, here deployed by pushing on panels on the inside of the forearms that poke them out the other side, as well as the aforementioned shoulder cannons, and a pair of impressively large swords.  We’re deep in give some, lose some territory here – the shoulder cannons are quite small, closer to the Masterpiece ones than the proportionally larger and show-accurate Robot Master.    The swords are much larger proportionally than the original or Robot Master versions,which is good because they look cool but less good because you can’t store them internally – there are points on his back that the swords can be mounted on, but they’re heckin’ huge, so it doesn’t always look good.

    Overall though, this is a very good figure, well worth seeking out.  It definitely catches the feel of the character very well, especially in robot mode, is fun to handle and just transform… Another good entry into the line

    Megatron So, Beast Wars passed me by at the time it was a thing.  I was vaguely aware of it but never caught the show or I think even saw the toys?  I was well out of toy buying at the time, only coming back to Transformers when Masterpiece Prime and BINALTech were a thing.  Which is a bit of a way to say I have never held the original Ultra-Class Megatron, the closest I have is the Robot Masters version of the toy.  Which based on video reviews of the original seems to be quite close?  Anyway, this version of the figure is less close to the original than that, but only slightly.

    The big thing here is the change of colours. The T-rex mode hews close to the original, with a richer purple replacing the lavender, and a more natural beige underbelly, but the robot mode goes in heavily for indigo and red where the original toy had black and the CGI character model has purples.  It works, but it doesn’t feel quite right.  

    The T-rex mode is very impressive though, and a lot of it is engineering bits that aren’t visible unless you know what’s going on, like some panels in the neck that cover up robot bits, but are spring-loaded so they move with the head.  The way the hips work is amazing, with these huge panels that swing down around the robot mode legs, but are mounted on rails and move with the robot hip joints to keep everything moving smoothly.

    Transformation is mostly smooth sailing, but there’s a bit where you have to unclip the torso from the hips and reposition it for beast mode, clipping it into a small connector that’s hidden in the waist, and it’s a right pain and I feel that it’s a potential point of failure for the future.  

    The other big thing here is a lack of features and accessories.  Not that I think you need such things to properly make a toy, and it’s not like the Beast Wars cartoon used the Megatron toy’s weapon features like Optimus Primal did… But there’s basically a 5mm port hidden in the mouth, two more on the feet and that’s it.  a blast effect to put coming out of the mouth would have been nice, but this is relatively minor as an issue.  There are a lot of engineering marvels on display here and it’s not like they skimped on the budget.  Gets a definite yesssssss from me.

    So with Wave 1 in the bag, Kingdom definitely lives up to STE GE and Earthrise as a line so far. The only complaint I have overall – and it is very minor – is that the Beast Wars characters lack mount points for the Fossiliser weapon and armour modes.  I don’t hugely care for how they look attached to the more G1 characters, but the figures themselves are so weird on their own that they’re just fine as strange robots that turn into skeletons.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #63829

    Studio Series 86 Wreck-gar:


    Slug and Daniel Witwicky:

    And Shattered Glass Starscream:

    I’m not entirely sold on any of these guys, Paying Leader prices for redone Dinobots to replace my PotP ones is getting less appealing. Gnaw is probably the one I’m most likely to pick up just to have a big Sharkticon to boss all my Titans Return ones around. Wreck-gar’s price is also a bit of a holdback, but he’s probably big enough to have other bots riding him in bike mode, and there’s rumours a Junkion 3-pack is also on the way…

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  • #65303

    New Maximal Silverbolt Skywarp. Unfortunately comes with Yet Another Sideswipe.

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  • #65806

    The Skywarp/Sideswipe pack is currently £40.62 on Amazon UK (out in October). That works out to £20.31 for each Deluxe, which isn’t too bad. I’ve taken a punt on it, possibly with the aim to flip the Sideswipe.

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  • #66251

    I can’t remember if I mentioned this, but some time last year I picked up my first Marvel Legends figure since… 2008 maybe? Whenever it was that Hasbro took over. I didn’t stop specifically because Hasbro took over (although their first few waves of figures look terrible) but I just lost interest in the 6″ scale, thanks largely to how bad some of ToyBiz’s later figures were and ended up selling it all off.

    Anyway, I got a ML Morph first-and-a-half hand off some guy on Twitter for about a tenner last year. Messed around with it a bit and wasn’t overly impressed, so stuck it in a drawer. A few weeks back I took it out, messed around with it a bit more and it was more impressed with it. The heavy vinyl cape is still a problem with it, and the painted on eyebrow (that doesn’t match the contours of the head) is a bit rubbish, but it’s kinda cool.

    So I’ve decided to pick up any more Exiles characters they do, which has led me to getting the recent(ish) ML Blink today, which I got from Comics & Cocktails* for a tenner. It’s weird having a female ML figure that’s, you know, good. The ToyBiz ones were pretty terrible, with ridiculous crotches and generally awful face sculpts. But this is pretty solidly designed, as you’d hope from what are largely standard parts. She’s got a really nice head sculpt with some well made tussled/wind-swept hair (going for her design from around the Bedard run on Exiles) and the eyes and face-markings look great. Her loincloth type thing is that same heavy vinyl as Morph’s cape, but not nearly as intrusive (Morph’s cape reaches down the length of his body, meaning that if you stand him up, he usually ends up balanced on the cape rather than his feet). I’m not quite sure why they sculpted it folded back on itself on both sides, but whatever. She’s also got a choker that is a separate piece, rather than moulded into her neck, which is a nice touch.

    She comes with two of those little energy javelin things she uses to make portals, sculpted in soft, bright pink plastic and also a sort of teleportation ring effect, which… well, it’s a nice idea but I’m not sure quite how to pose it as anything other than something around her feet or an awkward hula-hoop really. I’d have preferred they’d used the tooling cost to make her javelin quiver or Tallus, but heigh-ho.

    Unfortunately, the paint apps on the belt are really off. There’s a wide bit of brown from the belt leather that’s missed and gone on the green of the loincloth, while pretty much all paint for the silver studs has missed, so I’m going to have a look into if it’s possible to remove that and redoing it myself.

    Overall though, I’m quite impressed. As I said, my abiding memory of Marvel Legends figures, especially ones of female characters, aren’t great, but this is a really good figure and representation of the character. I think it really benefits from Hasbro scaling back from the amount of articulation that Toybiz shoved into their figures. They always used to brag about having x number of points of articulation, but there were often so many that a figure could just end up being too hard to pose well, especially if it had an overly loose or a seized joint. And really, what benefit was there to joints on the knuckles or the toes of the shoulder blades or rocking ankles? The hands on Blink, which are unarticulated but flexible enough to grip her javelins are far better than old ones that used to be able to open and close but not actually hold anything properly.

    I am almost certainly going to just stick to Exiles characters though, as I don’t have room for a massive 6″ collection again (and I know if I go all out on those, I’ll end up going into those GI Joe Classifieds again, despite being underwhelmed by the two of those I’ve had). So that’s the Blink and Morph I have, the AOA Sabretooth that’s out in the autumn and the Spidey 2099 that’s also out around then. I think that’s all of the team that have had modern figures.


    *they don’t seem to actually sell cocktails.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #67783

    I’m liking the look of this guy;

    Haven’t seen any of the other Buzzworthy Bumblebee figures show up over here, and I have the Netflix Earthmode one so I’m not gonna make him a priority, but if I see him in the shops he’ll be an easy buy.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #67788

    I’m liking the look of this guy;

    Haven’t seen any of the other Buzzworthy Bumblebee figures show up over here, and I have the Netflix Earthmode one so I’m not gonna make him a priority, but if I see him in the shops he’ll be an easy buy.

    I’d love to see them do an Origin Wheeljack.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #67799

    I’m liking the look of this guy;

    Haven’t seen any of the other Buzzworthy Bumblebee figures show up over here, and I have the Netflix Earthmode one so I’m not gonna make him a priority, but if I see him in the shops he’ll be an easy buy.

    I’d love to see them do an Origin Wheeljack.

    Yeah, and if they’re gonna keep on releasing the siege seeker toy they could give us Sunstorm, Bitstream and Nacelle to finish off the randomers from the chase scene at the start of the episode.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #67832

    I’m liking the look of this guy;

    Haven’t seen any of the other Buzzworthy Bumblebee figures show up over here, and I have the Netflix Earthmode one so I’m not gonna make him a priority, but if I see him in the shops he’ll be an easy buy.

    I’d love to see them do an Origin Wheeljack.

    Yeah, and if they’re gonna keep on releasing the siege seeker toy they could give us Sunstorm, Bitstream and Nacelle to finish off the randomers from the chase scene at the start of the episode.

    Probably should add Soundwave and Laserbeak to the list.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #67837

    What’s the deal with the “Buzzworthy” name? I thought it was for one specific figure.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #67856

    Probably should add Soundwave and Laserbeak to the list.

    We’ve already got a Soundwave and Laserbeak roughly based on their episode 1 appearance!

    What’s the deal with the “Buzzworthy” name? I thought it was for one specific figure.

    Apparently they’ve reissued a bunch of other Bumblebee and related toys in Target in the US in that packaging, most notably some of the Bee Movie Studio Series figures. This is only the second original toy in the line though.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #67857

    I’d love to see them do an Origin Wheeljack.

    Jazz, too.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #67870

    We’ve already got a Soundwave and Laserbeak roughly based on their episode 1 appearance!

    Got any pictures?

  • #67873

    We’ve already got a Soundwave and Laserbeak roughly based on their episode 1 appearance!

    Got any pictures?

    The Netflix Earthmode version would be a closer match for exactly how he looks in lamppost mode, but the Laserbeak that’s bundled with him is based more on the Earth version of the character.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #68660

    I bought a couple of more animal figures to do up as Visionaries totems. Speculative ones for unreleased characters. An elephant for Malitor, which seems pretty close to what he would have had, and then a camel for Lazorlash, which is far more tenuous a choice but, I mean, look at those faces:


    Practically identical.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #68673

    Generations Selects Galvatron in marvel comic colours:

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #68682

    Marvel colours would be blue-grey, wouldn’t they? This is his original toy colour scheme.

  • #68683

    Marvel colours would be blue-grey, wouldn’t they? This is his original toy colour scheme.

    Blue-grey is how Marvel did silver, more or less. The original toy of Galvatron has silver/grey forearms while this one has purple ones.

  • #68685

    Blue-grey is how Marvel did silver, more or less.

    I dunno, it seems more intentionally blue. Look at him next to Megatron here:


    Rom is silver and was always coloured more like Megatron there than anything like Galvatron.

    I suppose Galvatron’s Marvel UK colours were like this.

    Anyway, I might get it, if it’s not too over-priced. And assuming the shoulders are fixed from the off.

  • #68688

    Apparently the stickers are not applied out of the box, which might be a good thing or bad thing depending. I think I’ll stick to the purple one.

    So to speak.

  • #68768

    That Galvatron is now up for pre-order, £58 on Hasbro pulse in the UK, $55 from BBTS and other US retailers. Unless shipping from Hasbro Pulse is very cheap I don’t see how that’s an advantage…

  • #68774

    Hasbro Pulse postage is free for orders over £40, but yeah, even with international postage and VAT, it probably works out about the same.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #68937

    I was amazingly not charged VAT on the last box I got from BBTS, and it was huge. No idea how they decided to skip that one.

  • #69623

  • #69664

    Pulse exclusive Predacon Special Agent Ravage, gonna be available for pre-order at Pulsecon, hopefully it’ll be available at the UK site as I have a mule lined up.

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  • #69665

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  • #69710

    Hasbro have announced another Haslab crowd-funding thing: a 32 inch Galactus coming in at £400.

    Looks pretty good actually, if you’re into that. Short window though: crowd-funding ends on 30th August, which is especially silly as there’s a Transformers HasLab project (probably Star Saber) being announced soon too.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #69728

    which is especially silly as there’s a Transformers HasLab project (probably Star Saber) being announced soon too.

    Word is it’ll be Star Saber with a stretch goal of Victory Leo being added to the set.

  • #69735

    It seems odd Star Saber is deemed to require a crowdfunder when they’ll happily do Titan size figures at retail.

  • #69773

    It seems odd Star Saber is deemed to require a crowdfunder when they’ll happily do Titan size figures at retail.

    I would have thought Star Saber would have been an easy add to the main Generations line as a Leader or Commander class too. But at the same time I can’t imagine Deathsaurus or Road Caesar or Dinoking being a big enough draw to justify HasLab? Star Saber and Victory Leo feels more feasible at least.

    Also, looks like it’ll be available via Pulse in the UK, so that’s a plus.

  • #69779

  • #69781

    Using Geeks and Gamers as a news source? Really?

  • #69783

    Well, it did cite this article:

    But you still might wanna take it with a grain of salt.

    It is a ridiculous notion, however, not wanting a villain to look and/or feel offensive.

  • #69793

    Worth noting that no reason is given by anyone that the hood has been omitted due to it causing offense, that’s all speculation even in the toynewsi article.

    That said, if Cobra Commander’s hood has been nixed for fear of associating with the KKK or whoever, it’s not that stupid a reason really. If you’re selling a fantasy of good guys vs bad guys you might not want people linking your bad guys with a pernicious force for racism in the real world.

  • #69794

    I never did like the hood. I preferred CC with the helmet. It just looked cooler than wearing a blue pillow case.

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  • #69795

    The hood for “ceremonial” purposes, like when he gives one of his “Citizens of the world” speeches, the helmet for when he’s out in the field.

  • #69805

    So helmet in the streets, hood between the sheets?

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #70353

    I went to a toy fair this morning. Mostly trains and toy cars, as I feared, but there was one stall at least that had some decent stuff.

    One thing I got is Beast Wars TM2 Optimus Minor. It was MOC but not MOSC, as the bubble had been stapled(!) back on. That was fine (beyond the faff of removing the staples) as I was going to open it anyway.


    I passed on this guy so many times back in the day. The TM2 basics showed up in a local discount store and hung around for ages and I just never felt compelled to get it. Which is a shame, because look at that head sculpt! So charismatic. The flipside is the pretty rubbish beast mode – not helped by the weird TM2 aesthetic generally – especially the head.

    I’d love to see this character (and other TM2 guys) redone as a “normal” BW character.

    Also picked up some Ghostbusters.


    Ray is the only normal one I didn’t already have and I was surprised to see his proton pack has its beam still. Same with the Egon, which I picked up to replace my childhood one, whose head was mauled by a dog long ago. Unfortunately, I didn’t look closely enough at them to notice that the grips on the neutrino wands are broken.

    And then Winston is one I’ve wanted for a while, as my brother and I had all the others in that pseudo-space fright features set except Winston.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #70358

    Beast Wars TM2 Optimus Minor.

  • #70382

    That may well have directly influenced me deciding to pick it up!

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  • #72180

    SS86 Perceptor:

    Coronation Starscream, which is Earthrise Starscream with articulated hands and more show-accurate colours, and a ton of accessories. Priced as a leader:

    And a Sweep, which is a minor redeco of Scourge.

    Perceptor is an almost definite yes. Starscream is eh at €55 but I wouldn’t mind a cheap non-conehead Earthrise Seeker at some point. The Sweep is an easy pass as I managed to get a SS86 Scourge, and I’m figuring I’ll army-build Titans Return Scourges as sweeps – I have one and my LCS has one for 20 quid which I might just pick up tomorrow…

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #72181

    SS86 Perceptor

    Oooh, I really like that one. Nice alt-mode!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #72182

    I missed out on Studio Series Scourge (which sold out pretty quick) so I might get the Sweep (as it’ll easily pass for Scourge). But I note that it’s still £7 more than the Kingdom figures of the same size (and that there’s been a £2 price bump on everything since Scourge came out).

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #72185

    I missed out on Studio Series Scourge (which sold out pretty quick) so I might get the Sweep (as it’ll easily pass for Scourge). But I note that it’s still £7 more than the Kingdom figures of the same size (and that there’s been a £2 price bump on everything since Scourge came out).

    I got one from Big Bang, I think they still have some? It sold out in Smyths stupidly fast before the lockdown ended. But yeah, the SS guys are more expensive than the mainline Generations for… reasons.

  • #72448

    SS86 Perceptor:

    I love the gun mode. I had Perceptor as a kid but always upset his alt mode was ineffective in combat.

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  • #72459

    Kingdom Wave 2, or at least as much as I want has made it into Nagle Towers, and lo:

    Dinobot is like… OK, you know when you get a toy of a character and you say to yourself “I suppose it looks close enough”? And then sometimes you get a toy of a character and it embodies them on a primal level? Chopperface is the latter. When you see the face – both on the robot and beast mode – it looks like him. He’s got an expression in robot mode that’s somewhere between a grimace and a scowl and it just encapsulates Dinobots grumpy fucker personality, while I swear his raptor head is as close as possible to recreating the look on his face when it was revealed he ate that clone of himself in Double Dinobot.

    The rest of the toy is pretty heckin’ good too. Robot mode has a ton of poseability, including an extensive wrist articulation in a similar manner to Paleotrex, at least partially because the robot mode arms are the dino mode legs. The hip rotation joints are pretty stiff (oo-er) and the ankles might be a little loose but other than that it’s a good time. In terms of accessories he’s got his sword and shield and they’re decent. I mean, they look like they did in the show and original toys but they still don’t make a huge amount of sense. No spring-loaded action in the shield, if you want it to spin then you do it yourself. While it’s still 5mm posts and ports being used to attach them, Dinobot’s ports are in his palms and his weapons are designed to work with this – you slot them in and close the fingers/ raptor toes around them (the sword has 2 posts so you can have it sticking straight out like the old toy or in a more natural perpendicular to the fingers position)

    Transformation is a really impressive affair, the torso splits apart and elongates, with the separate parts becoming the head, arms, hips, half the tail and a fair chunk of the body as well. It all folds up in a really clever way. The legs become the underside, and they’re letting the side down a smidge. It’s not a big deal, it’s more that the creamy orange-brown passing for bronze colour draws the eye away from the more natural browns of the rest of the body’s colouration. And… well, the tip of the sword pokes out of the end of the tail, and it’s this very striking purple that looks fairly dodgy when it’s coming out of the end of a brown tube, so to speak… Poseability in this mode is bitty – the head is going nowhere but has an opening mouth, the legs only have points of articulation from the knees down, but there’s plenty there, and the arms have an overabundance of articulation thanks to a hinge and swivel combo at the shoulders, ball joints at the wrists as well as a hinged elbow.

    This is one of those toys where if you’re not a fan of Beast Wars, or are a fan of the show but somehow not a fan of Dinobot as a character that you’ll probably find enough to enjoy here. But as a representation of Dinobot? Fantastic

    As a Fossiliser, Ractonite is another cursed boi, and somehow cursed in entirely different ways to Paleotrex. He’s got decently proportioned limbs, which is something, but his broad torso and entire bits of dinosaur skeleton shoulders give him a dumpy body shape as opposed to his gimmick-mate’s elongated weirdo. And while Paleotrex’s hands are basically his skeleton mode’s feet with peg holes in them, at least he has hands? Ractonite just has 5mm posts on the ends of his wrists – but plugging in his tail/weapon into one of them at least makes it look like a giant drill or something, that’s kinda cool.

    The Styracosaur skeleton mode is a lot of fun, it’s nicely proportioned and has some decent posebility, moreso than many of the full-bodied beast characters to boot. It’s really stupid looking in a lot of ways – especially the head as one shoulder and tailbone as the other, but it amuses me no end. I like that the horns are removable from the dino head to use as little weapons or mount elsewhere in weapon/bits mode to make spikey things… It’s another figure where I like him, and there’s not a huge amount to say?

    Oh, he has a closing visor on his head! That’s pretty cool and this appears to be a thing on all the fossilisers!

    Huffer was one of the last three characters from the 1984 toy line that I didn’t have a modern version of (the last two are Gears and Buzzsaw if you’re listening, John Hasbro?), and this is much more of a toy of Huffer, tiny prick than any of the other toys that got his name slapped on them… you know, that Legends Optimus Prime with a headswap one? Or the Botcon 2007 one that was a repaint of Cybertron Armourhide? I guess what I’m saying is that this wasn’t the highest bar to cross, but it did it pretty good anyway.

    Robot mode is the strongpoint, it really captures the look of the character design. I especially like the arms which are all silvery and basically long barrels with articulation. The gigantic truck cab sitting off his shoulders like a backpack might not be elegant from an engineering standpoint, but it’s right for the character. Accessory-wise he comes with a shield that has a kind of claw thing going on and a rifle that’s a mix of shotgun and some sort of Halo rifle (like it’s literally based on a gun from Halo)

    Transformation is a kinda frustrating mix of very simple and overly complex engineering. Like you fold down the chest to flip out the front wheels – and you need to swing the arms around weirdly to clear the space but you can’t put them into their final smokestack position until the wheels are out. And it’s annoyingly easy to pop the wheels off as you fold them out. The final truck mode is pretty good but the front and back halves don’t line up easily and that’s a little frustrating. The gun splits in half and clips into the shield to make a flatbed which is pretty cool, or you can leave it off and hook Earthrise Prime’s trailer up to recreate that one episode of the cartoon. Overall an enjoyable if flawed figure.

    Airrazor by comparison might be my favourite figure of Kingdom so far. Like Dinobot she’s a near flawless representation of the character as she appears in the show, capturing her long and slender frame topped with a head that looks like she could have auditioned for G-Force is the Maximals didn’t take her. She does have a lot of wing tucked away behind her where the show model has a compact fin arrangement, but there’s only so much you can do.

    Transformation is a relatively simple affair of unfolding the wings, elongating the torso slightly, fold the beast mode head out, tuck the arms in so the fists fit into a space opened in the sides, then fold the legs up underneath. From a few angles, mostly underneath it looks like a bit of a mess because on account of a lot of visible orange and gold from the robot mode, but it’s mostly forgivable. And from above Airrazor looks fantastic, with a wide wingspan full of poseable hinges and a head that turns on two axes. She’s just an incredibly fun toy, great to handle, fantastic engineering – good all around!

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  • #72460

    I totally agree about Airazor. She’s fantastic.

    I can’t get past Kingdom Dinobot’s weirdly drooping beast hands to buy him. That and I have the (KO) MP. Though it does feel hugely out of scale with the Kingdom figures.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #72488

    This is what happens when you get a bunch of toys and too much time on your hands.

    Don’t act hostile. I’ll use the universal greeting”
    “Universal greeting?”

    “Watch, I’ll have them eating out of my hand”

    “Bah wheep graanagh wheep nini bong!”
    “Bah wheep graanagh wheep nini bong?”

    “Bah wheep graanagh wheep nini bong!”

    “See? The universal greeting works every time. Now without making any sudden moves, offer them an energon goodie”

    “This is getting expensive…”
    “Don’t worry, they’ll reciprocate”

    “I thought they were supposed to reciprocate… No more!”


    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #72494

    That said, if Cobra Commander’s hood has been nixed for fear of associating with the KKK or whoever, it’s not that stupid a reason really. If you’re selling a fantasy of good guys vs bad guys you might not want people linking your bad guys with a pernicious force for racism in the real world.

    At some point, this fear of offending is getting kind of ridiculous. The Cobra Commander hood doesn’t really resemble a KKK hood at all. It’s blue and it doesn’t come to a point. Looks more like the hood a medieval headsman would wear.

    And I also can’t say I’m a fan of Disney changing the name of Boba Fett’s ship from “Slave-1” to “Firespray.” They should have just given him a new ship in The Mandalorian with a new name; the Jawas probably would have stripped that thing bare while he was being slowly digested in the Sarlaac pit, anyway, necessitating the need for a new ship.

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  • #72500

    That said, if Cobra Commander’s hood has been nixed for fear of associating with the KKK or whoever, it’s not that stupid a reason really. If you’re selling a fantasy of good guys vs bad guys you might not want people linking your bad guys with a pernicious force for racism in the real world.

    At some point, this fear of offending is getting kind of ridiculous. The Cobra Commander hood doesn’t really resemble a KKK hood at all. It’s blue and it doesn’t come to a point. Looks more like the hood a medieval headsman would wear.

    And I also can’t say I’m a fan of Disney changing the name of Boba Fett’s ship from “Slave-1” to “Firespray.” They should have just given him a new ship in The Mandalorian with a new name; the Jawas probably would have stripped that thing bare while he was being slowly digested in the Sarlaac pit, anyway, necessitating the need for a new ship.

    OK, but these are franchises primarily aimed at children, and mothers are a terrifying lot when they get going. Unlike nerds, they’ll actually follow through with boycotts.

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  • #73215

    HasLab Victory Saber

    Funding opens today, runs til 10th October and is $180. 1st stretch goal is the V-Cannon and some blast effects.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #73235

    I like the look of it, but lack of cash and the hassle of backing this from outside the US and UK makes it more of an eeeeeeh. If BBTS or someone similar has a pre-order for it and are taking a small deposit I might order it from them.

  • #73244

    They said in the stream that they’re doing partnerships with retailers outside the US, Canada and UK. I don’t know who (if anyone) that would be for Ireland though. Zavvi?

    I’m a bit on the fence about it. £180 is a fair old wodge. I’d definitely need to see it in colour before deciding.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #73252

    Might be Zavvi, yeah. But BBTS will usually take a deposit up front and that gives me a while to sock away the test of the 180 quid.

    I was a bit more sold on it seeing the size of the figures in the stream – Star Sabre is hecking big, and Victory Leo looks to be between a Voyager and Leader class. And it might be easier to fork out the cash than digging out my Robot Masters Victory Sabre from my parents’ attic.

  • #73298

    And Zavvi have it for €210 including shipping

  • #74291

    Hasbro revealed some new Marvel Legends today (Spider-Mens, some Falcon and Loki repaints) and teased some upcoming stuff. They said that at least two figures coming out next year haven’t featured in the 6” Marvel Legends line (both Hasbro and Toy Biz) but appeared in the 1992 Marvel Universe trading card set.

    I had a look through that card set and setting aside people in group shots and total jobbers, the possibilities are:

    • Ulik (likely given the next Thor movie)
    • Speedball
    • Baron Mordo (though there’s been a movie one)
    • Sleepwalker
    • Death’s Head

    Are we finally getting a six inch figure of the proper Death’s Head?!

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  • #74293

    Well, I need to have a conversation with my LCS just in case…

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  • #74294

    Oh, and, in the wait, did that just happen category, I went into Forbidden Planet the other day and they had the Prime 10th Anniversary Breakdown and Jet Vehicon set! I still had a pre-order open with Big Bang, so I cancelled that and picked it up from FP.

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  • #74335

    Welcome Sun-Man to Masters of the Universe!

    Masters of the Universe Origins Sun-Man Action Figure

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by JRCarter.
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  • #75015

    I can’t believe I forgot to mention this. I bought Masterpiece Beast Wars Megatron the other week.

    Well, the knock off (as per) which is actually a step up for this figure, as they KO company altered some of the design flaws in the original and added in some English clips to the voice box. Not the best selection of clips they could have used, imo, (a simply “yes” would have been fine) but I appreciate the effort and it is cool.

    Overall, it’s a really good figure with one crucial flaw. In robot mode, it poses brilliantly and has a lot of versatility: you can remove various bits of kibble to give him a “light” mode, there are three different faces, a few accessories I’m never going to use (a toothbrush and a sniper rifle he has in one episode). He dino mode is also pretty good… in theory. In practice it is utterly impossible to get all the various panels of his back and throat to line up and stay in place. I spent pretty much most of the evening I got him trying to get it to fit together and it just wouldn’t. I got close enough for it to kind of work and you can it’d be a good representation of the character if it could fit together properly, but yeah, it just doesn’t.

    Still, I’m probably never going to put him in that mode, so his robot mode is enough for me. Especially as it means I can do this:


    (I know that’s not a great photo but my desk’s an absolute tip. I’m going to try and get some better ones sorted soon).

    I’ve just had a dispatch notification for MP Tigatron (also a KO from the same seller) as well, which I’m really looking forward to. Just Cheetor to get after that.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Martin Smith.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #75580

    So Amazon has a set of Transformers exclusives (aside from the 2-packs) again this year, called the Golden Disk collection (they’re also available in limited quantities from Hasbro Pulse).

    The first one is a pair of Huffer/Pipes redecoes. One is Road Ranger from GoBots and the other is Puffer, apparently a Tuvix-style transporter malfunction almagamation of Huffer and Pipes into a single body.

    The second one, a redeco of SS86 Jazz as the Action Master Jackpot, with a repaint of Pteraxodon as his partner/weapon went up on Pulse and sold out, it’s not hit Amazon yet.

    Speculation is one of these will be a Cybertron mode Wheeljack, and some leaks have put Terrorsaur as being in this line.

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  • #75612

    I think they’re only on Amazon in the US, with the figures being Pulse exclusives in the UK.

    Today’s is Tigatron in the orange and green deco his original prototype had, so I’ve gone for that. £35 is a tad pricey (a few quid over the new price of voyagers even) but it’s a really cool design.

    I happened to go to some real toy shops today including, for the first time in ages, my local Smyths. It had an impressively full TF display, including the Beast Wars reissues. Over-priced as hell (Rattrap mainly) but it was pretty cool seeing that packaging design in a shop again (even if it’s the US one, not the European design).


    I picked up Kingdom Scorponok, which I’ve not had chance to open yet.

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  • #75713

    So Kingdom Scorponok.

    He’s… short. I mean, he’s probably not that much shorter than Airazor, if I bothered to put him next to her, but he just feels really short. And that’s not necessarily a problem, it just feels a little odd for the character. Beyond that though, he’s quite cool. His claws have 5mm ports you can put missiles and a his cyberbee in. He really encapsulates the character. His beast mode legs are a bit rubbish though and some keep popping off. I feel like he might have been better as a Voyager, although there’s perhaps not enough to him to warrant that.

    I also got Masterpiece Tigatron in the post today. Huzzah!

    He is pretty great. There’s not actually a lot to him in terms of features – no sound, no light up eyes. He has five different faces, a little clip on wrist missile thing and a silly Megatron head thing (from literally one scene of the series) and that’s it. But he doesn’t really need much more, because it’s just a good representation of the character. Oh, actually, he comes with a stand. I’d have left that and the Megatron head out and presumably lowered the price a bit (mind you, I got the KO, which was about £50, so no too bad). The whiskers are a bit oddly placed in mine, but I think that’s a KO issue and also there’s a couple of rotating pieces on his thigh that I can’t really get moving and have had to disassemble one of the legs to rotate, but those are minor issues. I’d say the biggest flaw is that the light-piping in his robot head doesn’t seem to work especially well, but that might just be because I’ve not seen it in optimal conditions yet.

    The fourth Golden Disc figure was announced. Terrorsaur remoulded out of Airazor. I’ve redone my Pulse pre-order for orange Tigatron to include that. With Inferno and Tarantulas rumoured for CHUG next year, that’s all of the s1 BW cast done in new figures. Hopefully they’ve move onto the fuzors or some non-show characters next.

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  • #75728

    So Kingdom Scorponok.

    He’s… short. I mean, he’s probably not that much shorter than Airazor, if I bothered to put him next to her, but he just feels really short. And that’s not necessarily a problem, it just feels a little odd for the character. Beyond that though, he’s quite cool. His claws have 5mm ports you can put missiles and a his cyberbee in. He really encapsulates the character. His beast mode legs are a bit rubbish though and some keep popping off. I feel like he might have been better as a Voyager, although there’s perhaps not enough to him to warrant that.

    It’s quite frustrating that you can make him a little bit taller and give him a defined waist by not clipping his hip assembly into his torso, but he becomes loose and wibbly as a result

    The fourth Golden Disc figure was announced. Terrorsaur remoulded out of Airazor. I’ve redone my Pulse pre-order for orange Tigatron to include that. With Inferno and Tarantulas rumoured for CHUG next year, that’s all of the s1 BW cast done in new figures. Hopefully they’ve move onto the fuzors or some non-show characters next.

    I also managed to get a preorder in for Terrorsaur, so I’m happy with that. If Jackpot becomes available again I might try and nab him, but I’m fine with regular Tigatron, Huffer and Pipes.

  • #75730

    Jackpot’s still on Pulse UK if that’s any help to you.

  • #75731

    Jackpot’s still on Pulse UK if that’s any help to you.

    It is not, sadly. They seem to deliver to Northern Ireland now, but still not the Republic.

  • #75823

    I got the Transformers Kingdom Battle Across Time two-pack of Skywarp and Sideswipe today.

    Skywarp’s pretty cool. I mean, he is just Airazor with a new head and paint scheme, but I think they’ve possibly used different plastic on the wings (there were some complaints about stress marks there on Airazor) – they feel very smooth and easy to fold. His new robot mode head is cool, but he chin is so large it can’t clear some of his shoulder kibble without lifting, which is a little unfortunate.

    Sideswipe I’m less sold on. I wasn’t really interested in getting him – I’m glad Hasbro seem to have listened to complaints about the arbitrary pairing in these BAT packs and done the Golden Disc ones largely solo. I don’t have a Swipeswipe currently. I sold off the old Classics/Universe one a while back and haven’t got around to picking up the MP (which, I note this afternoon, is about £10 more expensive than it was last time I looked a year or so back – thanks Brexit). This is a fairly decent version of the character, but it’s nothing amazing. His windshield looks weird (translucent blue plastic over some nonsense), there’s two clear different shades of red in his plastic, he hasn’t got a spoiler and he can’t really see over his chest/bonnet piece properly.

    I was also supposed to be getting the Age of Apocalypse Sabretooth Marvel Legend today, also from Amazon, but they’ve decided it’s not in stock. Hasbro Pulse has got it due in late October now, with others in the wave due not til November. Not sure what’s going on there.

    So I’m going to give it some thought with Sideswipe but probably sell that off, see if it can claw back some of the inflated cost (£41!) of the one figure I actually bought this set for. I get the feeling Sideswipe is the generally more desired half of the pack.

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  • #76489

    Longtime Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner dies at 58

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  • #76577

    Look who’s joined the team.


    After a short delay, my AOA Sabretooth has arrived. I wasn’t expecting him to be quite so big compared to the others, but it fits the scale. Unfortunately, neither he nor Blink are physically capable of looking up/down at each other.


    But Morph can! A9C043BF-70FE-4058-BDDA-C28DA0D64DC8

    Sabretooth comes with two alt hands and an alt beserker rage head. The ponytails for each head are identical and have to be attached. One mostly broke as I attached it, which sucks. I’ve emailed Hasbro, but I suspect they’ll tell me to return the whole thing to the retailer.

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  • #76687

    The ponytails for each head are identical and have to be attached.

    the ponytails come unconnected to the head? :unsure:

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  • #76689

    Yeah, I’m not sure why. I guess maybe they’d be too awkward to fit into the plastic trays if they were pre-attached to the heads?

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  • #76993

    I decided to list my Kingdom Sideswipe on eBay. It’s fine, but didn’t really do much for me. It sold today for a best offer and thanks also to one of those “x% off sellers’ fees” offers actually working for once, I made enough on him that the net cost of Skywarp works out to about £2.50. Huzzah.

    Also, Hasbro got back to me, eventually, about the broken Sabretooth part. In the interim, Amazon’s availability for a replacement kept slipping day by day until, on the very day Hasbro replied to me, it was back in stock. Anyway, Hasbro didn’t just tell me to return it to the retailer and are sending me a replacement. I’m not actually sure if it’s just the bits I need or a full replacement figure though, so that’s going to be a fun surprise.

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  • #77083

    So Transformers Legacy is looking a bit… underwhelming.

    Laser Optimus Prime again, still doesn’t look much of a step up from the perfectly decent original.

    Bulkhead that doesn’t really look much like Bulkhead beyond the head.

    Perfectly fine Prime Arcee.

    Boxy as fuck Skids.

    Nice Kickback

    And a more faithful take on Dragstrip, for the start of a new Menasor set.

    I guess the lack of Megatron, Starscream and Bumblebee is commendable, but nothing here really stands out particularly. Most of these characters have had modern figures relatively recently and generally fairly well done ones. And then Bulkhead seems to have missed the point of the character. I am interested in seeing how that Dragstrip combines, because it seems a big step away from the Combiner Wars system, but I’m not desperate to collect another Menasor set.

    I was really not expecting the translucent plastic combining weapons gimmick from Energon to make a reappearance.

    The synthwave style brand aesthetic is perhaps the most interesting thing.

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  • #77085

    Of those, Kickback is the main one that excited me. Drag Strip does look nicer than the Combiner Wars one, but according to leaks Motormaster is going to be Commander Class so I figure he’s going to include the bulk of the combining mechanism, sorta like some of the recent third party Mensasor, and I don’t know if I want to spend 200 quid on a new Menasor even if I can offset the cost by selling my Unite Warriors one.

    I do like Laser Prime as well, but might just wait to see if they do Rid Scourge from him. Similarly that Skids, Bulkhead and Arcee don’t interest me to replace my T30 Skids or PRiD versions of the other two, but might be amenable to redecoes.

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  • #77097

    Bulkhead really feels like he’s the retool/repaint of some other character that the mould was intended for.


    My replacement Sabretooth arrived and it is indeed the full figure. Which is nice but I feel a bit bad just taking the head and ponytail I need out of it and leaving the rest untouched. Not sure what I’m going to do with that.

    And my Marvel Legends Spider-Man 2099 arrived today too. There’s not much to him, because, well, it’s an uncomplicated design in terms of body-shape. Just some spikes on the fore-arms really. He’s a got a small web cape that can plug into his back and six hands – wall-crawling, fists and “arg, I’m gonna rake you with my claws”. Some nice articulation, though I think maybe he could have done with a hinge at the toes – I don’t know if Hasbro has done that on any figure, but it’d help with the Spidey posing a bit. But yeah, generally a fairly no-nonsense reuse of an 8 year old buck (going by the date on the foot) to capture a character pretty well.

    The packaging was interesting actually. It’s on a retro inspired card – they’ve basically aped the card design for the Spider-Man animated series figures ToyBiz did in the 90s (I’m sure ToyBiz is thrilled by this. If they still exist – I’m not sure if they even do, actually). But instead of being a plastic blister glued onto a flat card back, it’s a plastic blister the edges of which have been sandwiched by a folded card back which has an aperture in the upper layer to accommodate the blsiter. I guess it’s a more secure way of attaching the plastic tray, but I thought it was quite clever. Almost impossible to open without destroying the whole thing, mind (I used a scalpel on the side of the bubble, even though I’m probably just going to put it in the recycling anyway) but an interesting little design.

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  • #77130

    With the aid of a friend in the UK, I may have secured a Special Agent Ravage set. Decepticons forever!

  • #77133

    It’s surprising how many of those Pulse con exclusives are still available. Only the Star Wars guy seems to have sold out so far.

  • #77136

    I’m not sure what the mindset around the production on them is, some of the pulse exclusives linger for ages before selling out while others go fast, and there’s no rhyme or reason around what feels like it’d be more popular.

  • #77142

    The GI Joe reveals earlier were interesting. The Classified line has pretty much abandoned all that gold shin pad nonsense and is really just doing modern 6” figures of the classic designs, which is really what it should have done from the off. Despite having sworn off it before, I am really tempted by Tiger Force Outback, Spirit and Storm Shadow.

    As a Visionaries fan, I’m really interested in all the animals they’re doing in this scale. Croc Master’s croc really makes a 6” Visionaries line with totem animals included feel plausible (if still very unlikely).

    Doing tweaked reissues of the origina O-rings figures a cool idea. Better o-rings, soft hands to prevent thumbs breaking are solid ideas and I’m sure they’ll sell a fair few of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. But immediately doing a crowd funded Skystriker for this line feels like hubris.

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  • #77149

    Aaaaaand I’ve pre-ordered Storm Shadow and Spirit (out in July!) and ordered a cheap Flint off Kapow. Goddamn it. Waiting to see if I can get Outback off Pulse too.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #77154

    Not sure why it went up an hour later than everything else, but I managed to pre-order Outback. Out in June. The distance on these Pulse pre-orders is kind of mad, but at least it gives you plenty of time to get the money together.

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  • #77459

    GI Joe Classified Flint.

    This was a bit of a punt, a last ditch hope that the line would work for me. Because I really want to like this line.

    And, yeah, it does work, thankfully. This is a really solid figure. The random glitzy sci-fi bits of wave 1 are relegated to one silver and blue bit on Flint’s shoulder strap. It’s otherwise a faithful updating of the original design. I love the head sculpt (which looks better without the beret, I think) – has a bit of Jon Bernthal vibe. The figure is well articulated and poseable in a way that Beachhead never convincingly was. Only two weapons, but they’re both well done. A nonsense black pistol and a black shotgun with good paint apps and a hinge to allow for a reloading pose. Flint’s ambidextrous too, which is cool, and there’s a holster for each. It all works so much better than Beachhead’s shitty green weapons that didn’t fit into anything properly.

    It’s a really good figure and just succeeds in capturing the spirit of the character. It *is* Flint.

    I’m sort of relieved as much as anything. Definitely going to try and catch up with more of the line (the availability of which has improved greatly since last year).

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  • #77462

    My Pulsecon Ravage has arrived at the UK Mule, and should be with me in a couple of days!

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  • #77529

    I’m really liking the poseability of Flint. This is his “Godspeed ET” pose.

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  • #77532

    He does kinda look like Jon Bernthal. Dream casting, anyone?

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  • #77759

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  • #77826

    So I have already picked up three more 6” Joe figures.

    Lady Jaye
    a pretty cool figure. She has slightly odd elbows, which don’t seem to want to bend in a way that doesn’t make me think they’re about to break, but otherwise it’s a good sculpt. The most interesting thing is that her hair is removable and can be replaced with a baseball cap (and hair) variant, allowing her to look like either her animated series design or the original toy. The baseball cap one is my favourite, as the figure is very good at doing a “discreetly pulling down the brim of the cap” pose which just looks cool.


    Jaye comes with the hair options, two javelins, three heads for the javelins (two spear points and a mace/grenade one), a backpack on which one of the javelins can be attached and inside which two of the javelin heads can be stored (not by opening it up, but by plugging into recesses by the back peg) and a harpoon gun thing for the javelins. Oh and a knife. Feels a tad churlish to say, given how much she comes with, but a normal gun would have been nice to have too.

    Oh and the backpack has an adjustable camera thing on it too, which is a bit trickier to pose well than I expected. The backpack attaches to her pretty well (much better than Beachhead’s did, which was one of the fatal flaws for me). A really good figure.

    This is a first wave figure and I think if I had managed to get it when the first wave actually came out, it wouldn’t have swayed me to the line. It’s not bad, but it’s a tad underwhelming. The sculpt is solid, but the soft rubber accessories are a bit finicky. His leg holster is attached to the belt (for no discernible reason) which seems to want to ride up onto his torso. That limits his torso rotation and pulls the holster up higher than it comfortably should be. The wrist rockets are weedy and awkwardly placed.

    Destro comes with a gold pistol, a bigger black pistol and a Cobra branded briefcase (which I could have sworn was going to be MARS branded). The briefcase opens to reveal some money and a computer moulded in.


    There’s nothing massively, overtly bad about this Destro, it just pales in comparison to Lady Jaye and…

    Cobra Infantry
    This is largely the same as the Cobra Island Cobra Trooper (which I pre-ordered from Zavvi last year and they decided to not bother fulfilling) but with fewer accessories. Still, it has a knife, two pistols, a rifle and a helmet, which is plenty. There’s storage for all of those, which is cool (even if the rifle’s is a very noticeable peg sticking off the side which plugs into one of two holes in the back). They’re pretty no-frills.


    The figure itself is the real draw though. It is excellent. A fantastically sturdy sculpt, with great detailing and use of… I want to call it “webgear” but I don’t think that’s the right term. The rubbery body accessories that aren’t removable. It poses really well but the best thing is the paint job on the eyes. Very menacing. I’ve got the Officer version of this pre-ordered for next year and I might try and pick up some more to do a little troop-building. Not something I’ve ever bothered with before, but I’m keen to with this design.

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  • #77873

    I really like the baseball cap look. you rarely see it on female figures.

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