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But mainly me waffling about Transformers.

Speaking of, the first War For Cybertron: Earthrise figures are being previewed

Leader Optimus Prime:


Ironworks, being sold at a Deluxe price point, the name comes from one of the old micromaster bases – the one with the crane that turned into a gun turret and radar. Here we’ve got robot, Micromaster base and parts mode, so presumably works similar to the Weaponisers

Micromaster Hot Rod Patrol:

Also mentioned are the Micromaster Military Patrol and a Deluxe Cliffjumper

Viewing 100 replies - 201 through 300 (of 870 total)
  • #43152

    Bundesliga stadiums: One kid’s mission to build them all out of Lego has earned fans at Germany’s top clubs

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #43576

    The newest Transformers Crossover toy is with the X-men

    Apparently a retool of Studio Series Jetfire, and it’s called… X-Panse. Retail price is something like $63

    Somehow a bunch of people are excited for this monstrosity.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #43577

    I don’t know, it looks fun in a 90s eXtreme! sort of way.

    Somehow a bunch of people are excited for this monstrosity.

    Maybe they think it’s a sex toy.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #43605

    it’s called… X-Panse.

    sounds more like competition for Spanx

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #43612

    it’s called… X-Panse.

    sounds more like competition for Spanx

    The sum totality of my bodyshaping powers.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #43622

    it’s called… X-Panse.

    sounds more like competition for Spanx

    The sum totality of my bodyshaping powers.


  • #43949

    I was sort of tempted to get the GI Joe figures, but glad I didn’t after reading Martin’s review.  Hasbro is already causing me too many issues with Star Wars Black Series.

  • #43960

    They revealed a new Flint and Lady Jaye for the Classified line yesterday and my Joe fanboy side was immediately yearning for them. Had to remind myself how much of a disappointment Beach Head was. And how expensive and tricky these figures are to get anyway.

    There’s going to be some seriously mixed feelings if they ever do a 6″ Visionaries line, given all that.

    Who am I kidding, that’ll never happen.

  • #43963

    Yeah I looked at Flint yesterday and was tempted.  But just bought a load of Black Series.


  • #44345

    I finally took the time and effort to cobble together a halfway passable photo booth type thing (just the insides of a cardboard printer paper packet and lots of strategically placed torches) to take toy photos for the Prysmos wiki. Took me a while to realise how to use one of my 3d printed stands without them getting in the way of the photo (just have the peg poking through the card – duh!) but I got fairly decent shots of everything, which I’m slowly editing and uploading.

    I’m quite pleased with this one of Cindarr, so thought I’d share it here.

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  • #45193

    The new Airazor figure is sweeeeeeet,


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  • #45266

    Other Kingdom photos:

    Airazor in Beast mode:

    And Bertie from Tuca and Bertie mode:


    Earthmode Ultra Magnus:

    Core class Starscream:

    Core class Megatron:




    Definitely sold on the Maximals, Predacons and Huffer. I like that Core class Megatron comes with a gun that looks like his gun mode, and I’ve yet to secure a Centurion Drone so I might get him just to nab that pistol. Will probably stick to Classics Inferno rather than get a redeco of Earthrise Grapple

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  • #45278

    Other Kingdom photos:

    That’s toy porn. You’re a toy pornographer.



    That’s not a bad thing.

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  • #45321

    That’s quite a nice Inferno, but I think I’ll still aim for the MP one. Dinobot’s decent, except for the posing of the beast mode hands. Don’t feel the need to replace my (KO) MP with that. The little Megatron’s cool.

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  • #45767

    So, some robots?  I was planning to do a post about Earthrise wave 2 when I got the Battle Masters from BBTS, but various Generations Selects have been delayed, basically Greasepit is holding everyone up and I’m gonna be getting wave 2 and 3s bits all on top of each other.  And I might have the Wave 3 deluxes I was looking for, so sod it here’s what I got since Wave 1 came out – divided into two posts because this shit’s long.

    PART 1: the big stuff

    Sky Lynx, like many War for Cybertron figures, is the prior version of the character, only more so.  I definitely feel like the designers took Combiner Wars Sky Lynx as a template and then just added back in most of the features of the original toy.  Helps that this guy is Commander Class and as such has a significantly higher plastic budget than the Voyager Class that had to pull double duty as a combiner’s torso.

    As such, if you buy into Sky Lynx’s whole thing – the shuttle that transforms into a bird with a breeze block underneath that transforms into a big cat, and can do a combined birdcat mode – this is really good.  Transformation is simple, but it doesn’t need to be complex, It’s one of those cases where adding complexity would be detrimental to the toy.  This is two beefy lumps of plastic that do some stuff together, and it’s pretty good

    In terms of poseability, it’s a mixed bag – there’s plenty of articulation on display, more than you’d expect probably, but it doesn’t always work out.  The shuttle/bird has these two long, spindly legs and there’s ratchet joints in the hips, knees and ankles that help keep them solid – but there are rotational joints just behind the hip ratchets and ankle tilts as well, meaning that there are points that will just make the legs splay out to the sides.  The long neck and head also give the bird mode a weird centre of gravity to boot. Similarly, the wings have ratchet joints at the point they meet the body, but there’s a hinge joint behind that which can’t really support the weight of the wings and will sag if you don’t get it just right.  And on top of that, there’s a mushroom peg-based joint right behind the hinge that allows for wing-flapping motion and posing, but it means the wing has a tendency to pop off.  And while the tail is segmented it’s all in the interest of collapsing the whole thing into the back of the shuttle mode, so there’s no side to side motion.  All that said, the neck is fantastic, it slides out from the body with a length you kinda don’t expect and has tons of articulation.

    The Lynx mode fares better, thanks to being a bit simpler.  The legs have mushroom joints for rotational poseability, and their positioning and the way you twist them makes it very easy to pop them off too, especially if you’re transforming to base mode.  But the head is really cool again, with these huge imposing fangs.

    Combined robot mode is very much a best of both worlds situation and is stable, poseable and looks great.  You do still need to worry about the loose wing joints, but eh.  There’s a base mode too, but like most base modes it’s really just some robot bits splayed out that they claim is a launch gantry, and it looks OK.  But with the whole AIRLOCK play pattern I have a ton of other base mode bits and ramps that connect up and it is fun to link them all together, especially when I can have Astrotrian and Sky Lynx on their respective launch gantries.  Of course, I only have two Micromasters so it looks a bit sparse, but c’est la guerre.

    There’s a bunch of little fun bits as well – like both heads have opening mouths with a gun barrel on the tongue that you can connect blast effects to and emulate Sky Lynx breathing fire like in the cartoon.  He also comes with 6 blast effects.  Basically the same as came with Omega Supreme, but in orange plastic rather than the orange and cloudy black of Omega’s.  Also instead of the same three stackable pieces in there twice each, you get one of the base pieces, two of the middle ones, and three of the tips.Presumably this is so you can use the three tips as exhaust effects in the shuttle engines.  the only other accessories in the set are a pair of losenge things that can be used as boosters,sensors or weapons depending on the mode and how you’re feeling.

    Overall Sky Lynx is a more solid and accomplished figure than Jetfire, I think.  Being about 15 quid cheaper helps too, and I feel sub-$100 is a better place for the Commander Class to be.  Definitely down for more figures in this size in the future.

    Doubledealer is a Transformer I actually got as a kid, so I had some tactile and emotional connection to the physical item rather than just the character from the fiction.  And he’s mostly good, but has some flaws.

    On the good side, he’s much closer to the platonic ideal of a leader-class Transformer than the STE GE and other Earthrise Leaders – a much bigger figure than the Voyager-sized bots with big accessories we’ve seen over the last couple of years.  And like Astrotrain this is a better Triple-changer than the Titans Return ones in terms of having distinct modes.  There’s still a ton of accessories in the box – this time a big cruise missile that splits into two weapons like the original, a pair of flare/grenade launchers, a sensor pod and a pintle-mount gun, and a big blast shield with stabilisers to give the missile launcher mode a sense of verisimilitude when posed to look like the… missile is… launching.  (Jokes aside, stick a blast effect in the back of the missile and you can make for a cool in the midst of launching scene).  There’s no Powermaster partners in the set, but they are in that one Generations Selects set I have on the way.

    Robot mode is a big chunky boy, with a lot of heft to him.  He looks really cool and in a very nice touch his Autobot insignia are on panels that can be flipped around to reveal Decepticon ones, and there’s tons of spaces to mount his gear.  And that’s where the first problem hits – that big blast panel is meant to clip into a tab on his back, which is used to mount the missile in vehicle mode.  But if you mount it the way they suggest it sticks right out and ruins Doubledealer’s silhouette. You can get it flush to the back with some effort though.  It does mean that if you mount the missile tip on the outer shoulder port as the instructions suggest, you can’t really raise the arm, but it fits on a port closer to the head and it looks better there anyway IMO.  The other weapon-related gripe is that on the original toy, the missile split into a long shoulder-mounted missile and a short hand-mounted gun.  But this time the missile is shorter and the gun is massive – and the arm has two elbow joints for transformation, and the upper one of the two is a more natural-looking articulation point but is too loose to support the weight of the gun.  So you need to bend the ratcheted lower joint and finesse it a bit to look good.

    Bird mode is very similar to the G1 version, There’s not a huge amount to talk about, there’s some articulation in the wings, not much in the legs.  The blast plate from the missile truck mode fits onto the back here, in an approximation of tail feathers and you’re meant to mount the missile up there, but it can be very easy for the plate to pop off, and the missile doesn’t fit on brilliantly.  You can mount the missile underneath the body like the G1 version.

    Overall this is a good update of a G1 oddity, and it works pretty good.  For all the engineering issues and poseability weirdness he looks really good, has a cool vehicle mode and two decent other modes and has some cool little features.

    Snapdragon is a companion to STE GE’s Apeface, finishing off the Horrorcons.  And he’s a vast improvement over his teammate.  Jet mode is this SR-71 looking thing that’s more defined as an aircraft than Apeface’s brick with outcroppings, the cockpit space for… (checks TFWiki)… Krunk is really nice – two panels open out sideways to provide access, and there’s some painted details on the control panel.  One of the panels on my figure is really stiff, but it doesn’t feel like it’ll break any time soon.

    Dino mode has a nice, interesting but simple transformation from jet the back half of the jet mode is two panels that are clipped together around a central core, and you unclip them and reposition them, and fold out a neck piece  to create the narrow, broad, narrow silhouette of the dino mode, and also reveal the teeny arms.  Krunk can be hard to fit into the dino head piece, but if you rotate the head around it goes in better, and there are empty panels in the headpiece that can be filled if you move Krunk’s arms into place.

    Robot mode is another good one, big and solid and beefy and holds a pose very well.  He also has waist articulation that  Apeface is missing.  And none of that weird nylon either!  He does look very good paired up with Apeface though.

    The Quintesson Judge is quite an oddity.  It’s… well… an accurate rendition of the Quintesson from the cartoons and comics, and as such it’s less a transforming robot toy than it is an egg with faces and tentacles… and what can charitably be described as an alternate mode.  The big gimmick is that the Judge has all five Quintesson faces, and there’s a little lever-driven rotation feature that doesn’t quite flip through from one face to the next, but it’s kinda cool.  Also,  a couple of the faces have opening and closing mouths, so that’s a thing. Aside from that, each tentacle is on a hinge joint, and is made of softer plastic that can be bent into different poses.  Each tentacle has a 3mm post on the tip and another to the side, allowing for the attachment of blast effects and weapons with small enough ports – and there are ports around the base of the figure that you can clip the tentacles into to keep them out of the way, primarily for “transformation”.

    Accessory-wise there are three items in the box – a chair, a clear plastic effect that clips onto the underside of the Quintesson to emulate the pillar of energy they float on (this was orange in preview pictures, but colourless  here) a gun that’s modelled after the welding torch a scientist uses to repair Optimus Prime in the cartoon. It has a 5mm post so any bot can hold it, and a 3mm port on the side to connect it to any of the Quintesson’s tentacles

    And so, transformation.  This is certainly a thing.  Step 1 is to remove the top of the head, which reveals a cage pegged into the head.  First, secure the tentacles to the ports at the bottom of the body. Next, line up the faces against a specific mark on the body, they’re all mounted on hinge joints that are now folded upwards, and reveal five hinged panels underneath that fold downwards – one of these is a ramp to a small internal space and has an AIRLOCK clip on the end.  Unclip the energy effect from underneath the Judge’s body, and then peg it into the top of the head… which is balanced on top of the folded-upwards faces but there’s no way to secure it.  Unfold the chair so it’s a flat panel, it also has an AIRLOCK clip on one side.  The instructions say to clip the chair/ the ramp, and then secure the cage to one of the pegs on it, but it also says to put the blaster into one of the 5mm ports on the cage – and you can’t do both because the cage only has 5mm ports on one side.  And the end result is pretty stupid looking, even by the standards of the Transformer Base Mode.  I honestly don’t see myself transforming this very often, except for bemusement or to illustrate it to others.  I could see myself using the chair in panel form and the cage as bits in a display if I’m using other AIRLOCK bits, and that’s about it.

    Overall the toy is OK, but it’s a stretch to say it’s really worth the 30 quid I paid.  I don’t feel ripped off because it’s a Quintesson toy and how often are we gonna get one of those, but even so, one for collectors or wait for a discount.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #46189

    LEGO won’t make modern war machines, but others are picking up the pieces

  • #46203

    Great Scott!

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  • #46242

    This is real heavy

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  • #46254

    When that baby hits eighty-eight miles per hour, you’re gonna see some serious shit.

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  • #46309

    Part two!

    Airwave is the second, and as it turns out final Modulator mould for the line, and she’s interesting but not as fun as Ironworks was.  Robot mode is a brick, and I mean that in a beefy, blocky way rather then the pejorative fan term for a toy with no poseability – she looks pretty good!  That said, there are weird clearances for the elbow joints, so you can only rotate the forearm if the joint is wholly straight or bent to 90s degrees, which is an annoying limitation.  

    As is standard for the line, transformation is a case of taking the bot apart and putting everything back together in a different way.  There are three modes described in the instructions – one is reminiscent of the airfield base that the original Airwave came with, another makes me think of a roadway with a building beside it, or maybe a pit stop complex at a F1 track.  The last one is a battle station kinda thing that once again looks like the airfield from the original airwave’s base, but in combat mode.  The airfield mode is probably my favourite of the three, when you hold it in your hand it reminds me of some of the illustrations of the Metroplex/Metrotitan-style titans operating as starships in the IDW comics.  The roadway one is kinda cool, and the easiest to integrate into a pile of other AIRLOCK-compatible figures, and the battle station mode is kinda awkward.  There are no suggestions for how to use Airwave’s parts as add-ons to other figures, and indeed it’s going to be hard to use a lot of her successfully – her torso is just this big box, for example, while pretty much every other weaponsier or modulator has at least a handwaveable shield, device or other weapon you can fashion the torso into.
    Ultimately she’s pretty good as figures go, but a couple of niggly little things stop her being great.  I definitely don’t regret ordering the Autobot recolour.

    When I went back to buy my second Allicon, I was with a friend and we agreet it was possibly the most Floro Dery toy that ever Floro Derried.  This is a toy that basically takes Dery’s totally unfeasible robot design, and the unfeasible alligator robot design, and somehow not only makes it work, but makes it work really well.  The robot mode is this squat, chubby little guy, standard STE GE poseability, has a spear and you can take a bit of the end of the tail off and use it as a sword.  The only thing that spoils the look from the animation design is the beast mode arms are sticking out of the robot mode ones, you fold them around so it’s not glaringly obvious that they’re arms, but they’re just there like little wings.     

    It’s a shame I don’t have more to say about this guy – I liked him enough to buy two, and actually have a third in my house as Mark dropped me down a bag with one and a shoal of sharkticons to do some photos when I get the rest of my Transformers out of my parents’ place.  Suffice it to say he’s weird as all hell, and a fantastic figure – one of the real gems of the line.

    Fasttrack is a return to the STE GE weaponiser toy type.  Based on a small robot that came bundled with G1 Skorponok who appeared in 2 panels of the Headmasters comic, was designed for but never appeared in The Rebirth, but eventually was used as the design for a legion of destroyable mooks in Masterforce (lead by Black Roritchi, the version of this toy bundled with the GPS minefield labelled Black Zarak on the box, and now a Generations Selects redeco of this toy), Fasttrack was a bit of a punt for me.  I liked the look of the toy from photos, even though I didn’t get Skorponok so I can’t make use of his advertised spear mode… Unless I give it to Predaking or Devastator, I guess? 

    Anyway, this is another pretty good figure, nicely poseable but with a weird placing for the shoulder hinge that makes it hard to do outwardly-splayed arms.  Also, there are two 5mm ports one after another on the inside of the arm, meaning you can put the shoulders up a bit higher if you want, but it further limits that lateral movement.  Accessory-wise he comes with a pair of guns that fit over his hands, but can also mount on top of his shoulders, and a small blade that can be attached to a post on the back of the arm if it’s not held in his hand – but that can cause clearance issues depending on how you have the arms positioned

    Like the other weaponisers you transform him by taking him apart and putting him back together, this time in an armed buggy mode.  In an interesting/odd turn, there’s a little flip-out AIRLOCK port you can expose during transformation if you want to clip the buggy to a base setup.  It’s not as pointless as the one on Hoist’s tow platform, but it’s a close second.  In a very nice touch there’s a little notch in the blade that lets you clip a Titan or Prime Master into it like a seat… Like, say Lord Zarak?  Unlike Airwave, the instructions do have suggestions for attaching him to another bot aside form making the giant spear mode.  On a side note, if you make the spear you’re left with the torso piece which isn’t really useful on its own… except it has that AIRLOCK port if you want to attach just it to a base? Overall Fastrak is a good figure on his own merits, but is slightly lacking compared the other other weaponisers – not as fun as Cog or Brunt, and not as stylish as Six-Gun, but still pretty good. 

    Runa… I wanna say muck is one I was really looking forward to, and he doesn’t  disappoint. While most War For Cybertron Autobot deluxe cars have been… I don’t want to say small but they haven’t been beefy either, Runamuck feels bigger and chunkier than STE GE Red Alert and Smokescreen, or Earthrise Bluestreak.  I’ve not lined them up but I get the feeling he’d outbeef Hound too, while still coming in second to Impactor or Ironhide.  Lots of nice poseability, and the stupid amusement factor of having a fake second wheel on each foot to emulate the character design from the 80s cartoons and comics.  Plus you can totally do a robot mode that matches the look of the original toy.  Still takes longer to transform than the original though.

    Car mode lets the side down slightly, but only because it’s a lot of hard work to get everything lined up properly.  there’s some really nice touches in here – the chest window in robot mode is fake kibble, with the real one hidden behind the backpack that makes up most of the car’s rear.  The real wheels are hidden behind the head, folded up into the backpack – it’s the kind of thing Transformers in general don’t do enough.  But when you get it looking right he’s a big old 80s muscle car, all hard edges and retro styling.  I love it.

    And that’s me basically done for retail Earthrise toys.  I’ll do a post about the remaining odds and sods and exclusives in a few weeks when I’ve got my BBTS box and picked up the Runabout Big Bang have put aside for me.  I’ve still got the Coneheads, and Bluestreak laying around to talk about, and Ratchet and Lifeline just arrived today so there’ll be a good few new things to natter on about as well as talking about the minor changes to some figures I’ve already got at least once to justify me buying them again.

    And Netflix Wave 2 is meant to be hitting Smyth’s in the next week or so – I gotta admit I’m tempted by Bumblebee and Soundwave, and Kingdom Wave 1 is due around the end of January, and I’ve got Breakdown and a Jet Vehicon on the way…

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  • #46372


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Rocket.
  • #46888

    The coolest transformers:

    1. Megatron

    2. Cyclonus

    3. Ratchet

    4. Red Alert

    5. Ultra Magnus


    The uncoolest transformers:

    1. hOt RoD (RoDiMuS pRiMe)

    2. sWeRvE

    3. tArN

    4. sKiDs

    5. StArScReAm

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #51044

    Anyone out there in the US who lives near a Target, feels safe enough to enter said store and is potentially amenable to checking said Target for Earthrise Thrust, and if available buying and shipping one to me for suitable recompense?

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  • #51534 has it

    No Thrusts at local Targets :wacko:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Rocket.
  • #51566 has it

    No Thrusts at local Targets :wacko:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Rocket.

    $100 to get it over here is more than I’m willing to spend on a $30 toy, sadly.

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  • #51596

    Anyone out there in the US who lives near a Target, feels safe enough to enter said store and is potentially amenable to checking said Target for Earthrise Thrust, and if available buying and shipping one to me for suitable recompense?

    I’ll take a look this weekend.

  • #52834

    Marvel’s Legends Series Retro Line Adds Hulk, Human Torch, Magneto & Carol Danvers

  • #54862

    Looks like I’ve secured an Earthrise Thrust from a friend of a friend. So 1: yay, but between him, the Dirge and Ramjet 2-pack and G2 Sandstorm, I have that mould 4 times, just like the STE GE seeker. Which is almost dampening my desire to get an Earthrise Starscream cheap from Big Bang while it’s on sale…

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  • #54867


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  • #54870

    Slight correction, I have 5 of the STE GE seekers, forgot about Hotlink.

  • #55284


    Things got a little out of hand over the last 12 months.

    I kind of went from collecting Cable figures to this….



    Yeah covid got collecting a little out of hand.
    Basically have all the Hasbro X-Men Marvel legends except 6 and over 50 customs by myself.

    Been named Marvelous News’s Customiser of the week 7 times which is fun.

    Can find most of my customs here

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  • #56318

    Generations Selects Transmutate:

    It’s kinda unfair that we’re not getting Silverbolt and Rampage in Kingdom to complete the pathos.

  • #56335

    The iconic Mr. Potato Head gets a 21st-century rebrand

  • #56364

    Mattel Reveals New Masters of the Universe Cartoon and Masterverse Figures

    Mattel Reveals New Masters of the Universe Cartoon and Masterverse Figures

  • #56444

    I did not like the first picture. He-man is wearing too much.

  • #57318

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  • #57325

    I have that MSiA Kaempfer that Viggo Mortensen is holding, it’s a great figure. Shame Bandai stopped doing the line, it was a lot of fun and there’s some designs they did in it that haven’t gotten model kits or even toys since.

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  • #57341

    Thanks to that picture and Thew, I had a dream in which I was trying to transform a transformer but wasn’t able to. It’s the first transformer dream since I was in rehab and dreamt Megatron was reading me his poetry.

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  • #57344

    Thanks to that picture and Thew, I had a dream in which I was trying to transform a transformer but wasn’t able to. It’s the first transformer dream since I was in rehab and dreamt Megatron was reading me his poetry.

    Was it any good?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #57348

    The poetry session was great. The transformer from last night wasn’t. It was like a nightmare in that it was impossible to get it right.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #57354

    The poetry session was great. The transformer from last night wasn’t. It was like a nightmare in that it was impossible to get it right.

    Ironically, that sounds like the original Masterpiece Megatron.

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  • #57362

    This one had an extra bot inside its chest cavity. Did Masterpiece Megatron have that?

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  • #57363

    New Life-Size Bust of Skeletor Is Worthy of Castle Grayskull

  • #57375

    Why would He-Man have a bust of Skeletor in Castle Greyskull?

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  • #57377

    Why would He-Man have a bust of Skeletor in Castle Greyskull?

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  • #57385

    Damn Karl Urban looks young. Tough seeing that kid grow up to be Dredd and Butcher.

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  • #57486

    Commander class Rodimus Prime:

    There’s a pre-order up for the Takara version up on Amiami that lists the set as including Rodimus, his trailer, a gun fort, a rifle, a sword, 10 effect parts, and the matrix. Presumably the gun fort is the base mode cannon, the effect part in the photo is a blue version of one of the ones that came with Sky Lynx and Omega Supreme, but in blue this time.

    And that sword is a reference to Regeneration One, isn’t it? Like there’s no other time Rodimus Prime uses a sword?

    I’m in two minds about this guy. I was intending to replace my Titans Return Hot Rod with either SS86 or this one on the assumption that it’d be a Hot Rod that could combine with his trailer to form Rodimus. Now? Ehhhhhh. I like the look of the Studio Series one more, I think.

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  • #57487

    I’m not convinced this one can straighten his arms out in front of him, considering the size and placement of the spoiler on his back and the way he’s holding the flat across his chest.

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  • #57488

    Yeah, the pics here all notably have the upper arms remaining fairly straight while the elbow joints do the work.

  • #57514

    Generations Selects G2 Ramjet:

    I’ll probably give this a miss between having G1 Ramjet and G2 Sandstorm. I appreciate that they’re doing G2 colour schemes but there are three conehead wing configurations and they keep using the same one? And yeah, it’s because Hasbro used the Ramjet wings for both those toys in G2 etc etc – but they could, say do Sunstorm from the F-15 version instead of two Ramjet redecoes?

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  • #57515

    It’s not for me, that’s for sure, but it’s nice these things are being done by Hasbro in a relatively mass market way now and not by the Collector’s Club. Gives me hope that if they do one I actually like the looks of, I might have a decent chance of getting it.

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  • #57517

    I’ve had no problem sourcing the vast majority of the Generations Selects bits I’ve wanted. Big Bang and Dublin City Comics even get a bunch of them at retail. Definitely worlds apart from the Collector’s Club days.

    And apparently Hasbro are intending to expand Pulse to Europe this year, which will help with getting the bits that don’t make it to the usual channels. If they reissue the Centurion Drone when they do it I’ll be very happy.

  • #57520

    Pulse in Europe would be good, not least because it presumably means HasLab has direct fulfilment here instead of through bloody Zavvi (truly awful).

    And now that HasLab have done Unicron, they’re free to concentrate on the real goodies, like doing a crowdfunder for the unreleased 1988 Visionaries figures, right? Right? :scratch:

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  • #57530

    Pulse in Europe would be good, not least because it presumably means HasLab has direct fulfilment here instead of through bloody Zavvi (truly awful).

    A friend of mine ordered the Jet Vehicon and Breakdown set via Zavvi and they cancelled it on him out of the blue. Big Bang still had it listed as a pre-order on their site so he got in there but they’re not sure if their distributor can fulfill orders and have stopped taking them now, and we’re all up in the air! I just want to complete my Prime TV cast set and after those two I only need Skyquake, Grimwing and Shockwave!

  • #57531

    I dabbled with Zavvi last year. I pre-ordered two GI Joe Classified figures in the summer that were supposed to be out in July or August. They weren’t fulfilled then and I was given a new date of October. One turned up, the other, despite being in the same case assortment, they said they didn’t have in stock. Gave me a few later dates for it until when they failed the January one they just cancelled the order.

    I also bought a D&D tote bag from them on Black Friday, as a Christmas present for a friend. I thought, it’s over a month til Christmas and it’s in stock, that’ll turn up in plenty of time. Except they dicked me around for a month, simultaneously saying it had been dispatched, was out of stock with the supplier and was delayed in the warehouse. It arrived I think about 5 days before Christmas in the end.

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  • #57567

    I mean who wouldn’t want one?



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  • #57591

    Looking at the Rodimus, i was thinking if any of you have many of the figures who were in MTMTE?

  • #57594

    another shot of Rodimus Prime holding the Matrix, looks like there’s a bit of clearance between the shoulders and the spoiler

    ooking at the Rodimus, i was thinking if any of you have many of the figures who were in MTMTE?

    Of the core cast, I don’t have a toy of Swerve or Nautica, but I’ve got everyone else who has a toy.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #57596

    Looking at the Rodimus, i was thinking if any of you have many of the figures who were in MTMTE?

    Tricky question: do you mean figures they did specifically of the MTMTE designs of the characters or just any figure of a character that was in MTMTE?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #57602

    And apparently Hasbro are intending to expand Pulse to Europe this year,

    Speaking of, Hasbro Pulse UK just launched today!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #57605

    Tricky question: do you mean figures they did specifically of the MTMTE designs of the characters or just any figure of a character that was in MTMTE?

    just any figure that was in Mtmte

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  • #57685

    Tricky question: do you mean figures they did specifically of the MTMTE designs of the characters or just any figure of a character that was in MTMTE?

    just any figure that was in Mtmte

    Oh, loads then. I’ve got various iterations of Megatron, Drift, Rodimus, Magnus, Chromedome, Rewind, Swerve, Skids, Brainstorm, Crosscut, Trailbreaker, Bluestreak, Doublecross, Ravage, more that I’m probably forgetting thanks to Getaway and Froid.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #57693

    And apparently Hasbro are intending to expand Pulse to Europe this year,

    Speaking of, Hasbro Pulse UK just launched today!

    So not only does Pulse UK not ship to the EU, it doesn’t even ship to Northern Ireland, and they use a notoriously bad courier. Good job, guys!

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  • #57700

    Yeah, not overly encouraging. I’ve seen that some people who ordered yesterday have already had stuff dispatched, even pre-orders. But it’s being delivered by Yodel, whose fleet of delivery vans are built from lies, so who knows how accurate that is.

    I emailed last night asking why the Studio Series 86 figures have had a price hike compared to the the Kingdom ones (SS86 Scourge is £32 while Kingdom Cyclonus is £25, which is mad for two figures of the same size that were designed together). I got a reply today saying “We always appreciate all types of feedback, whether it’s good or bad, so thank you for taking the time to share your concerns with us. I will certainly ensure that your feedback is noted accordingly.” Not even an attempt to pretend to answer the question I asked.

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  • #57703

    I finally bought some new drybrushes recently (actually some make-up brushes that I had hoped would work better – debatable if they do really – they certainly don’t clean up any more easily than “proper” ones, but they are cheaper) so have been able to finish off some more of the custom Visionaries totems I’ve been making. Only Spectral Knight ones though – as I said, the brushes don’t clean up too well, so I’ll need to get another for use on the green Darkling Lord totems.

    I’m fairly pleased with most of them and have taken some rough photos of them.

    First is a mountain lion (aka a cougar) for unreleased character Craggor, a speculative choice but I think it goes well.

    A bear for Cryotek

    And a cheetah for Witterquick. I may try and get the spots to show through a bit better or I may leave it.

    I also did a fox for Ectar a while ago, I didn’t realise I hadn’t taken a picture of it on its own. I’m not happy with this, as the sculpt looks like a bad kids TV puppet around the face, now that it doesn’t have the red fur to rely on, so I’m going to eventually replace it with a better figure.

    Cryotek and Witterquick with their totems.

    And finally a group shot of all the ’87 Spectral Knight figures’ totems. I’d have put the figures in there too, but I couldn’t be arsed to try and get them all to stand up.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by Martin Smith.
    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #57716

    They look great!

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #57719

    Indeed they do!

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  • #57723



    In other news, some original Beast Wars figures are getting reissued:

    Ultra Megatron and Primal are still some of the best TF figures ever made. I’ve still got my originals (well, my originals massively discoloured years ago, but I replaced most of the affected parts over the years) but it’s still tempting to get the reissues, even if to keep MISB. Definitely interested in getting Cheetor, as I’ve never managed to get hold of him.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #58013

    Some Netflix wave 3 bits have been showcased:

    Sparkless Seeker, Singe and Caliburst:

    Optimus Primal and Rattrap:

    Sparkless Bot

    Apparently there’s an Autorooper which is a grey and white redeco of STE GE Ironhide in there too.

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  • #58129

    Those Beast Wars reissues are up on Hasbro Pulse UK. £23 for Rattrap! They’re having a giraffe.

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  • #58131

    Not exactly competing with the Kingdom figures then.

  • #58177

    The Netflix wave 3 spoiler pack is yet another STE GE Megatron and a translucent blue Paleotrex, plus some weapon effects and what looks like a Matrix on chains that let it be attached to Megs’ chest.

    70 quid, everyone!

  • #58197

    Also from Netflix wave 3:

    Deesus Army Drone, being the reuse of the Ironhide character model for cannon fodder in the Earthrise cartoon

    And Deep Cover, a smudgy redeco of the recent Generations Selects Sideswipe redeco, based on yet another eHOBBY release based on a Diaclone colour scheme that didn’t get used for G1

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  • #58219

    Kingdom Galvatron’s been revealed/leaked. Looks nice except he’s got all that stupid siege “battle damage” paint effect crap over him. But I imagine there’ll be a cleaner redeco done in a Netflix box.

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  • #58224

    Oooooh mama

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  • #58465

    Jaxxon Rabbit Gets a STAR WARS Black Series Figure (Really)

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  • #58477

    Jaxxon Rabbit Gets a STAR WARS Black Series Figure (Really)

    The actual action figure looks less cartoony and more Donnie Darko.

  • #58545

    The modern comic image of him on the left looks kinda cool. The figure looks like a grotesque monstrosity.

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  • #58546

    Apparently it’s a thing with the Black Series, they did a similar thing with the Rebels characters were they redesigned them to fit in with the live-action character reproductions.

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  • #59872

    Never mind, just remembered the date.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Martin Smith.
  • #60236

    I bought Kingdom Airazor this weekend. My first non-MP Transformer in about three years, I think. Took two attempts. I ordered it off Amazon Marketplace at first but despite it being marked as dispatched, my order was cancelled the next day. Then ordered it from Smyths, who do free delivery on orders over £15 now (with Yodel, admittedly, but handy). Annoyingly, they demand a mobile phone number if you order now, to “send updates on your order” (despite the fact they email you anyway). I just used a mobile number from OFCOM’s range set aside for TV and film productions.

    Anyway, it arrived today and… it’s misassembled. One of the wing bits has been put on with a large tab under the adjoining piece rather than above it, which means it can’t level out flat. There’s no way of adjusting or disassembling it without breaking it. So that’s wonderful. Nice figure otherwise. Good poseability in the robot mode.

    I was a bit baffled with the card it came with. I thought it’d be of the character it comes with, but instead it’s some really blingy Optimus Prime one. Turns out the reflective gold foil – which looks like a 90s football sticker – actually is a sticker and there’s a “possible future” hidden underneath it, once you translate it from “Ancient Cybertronian”. It says “Leads Cybertron To A New Igolden Age”. Hmm.

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  • #60288

    I was a bit baffled with the card it came with. I thought it’d be of the character it comes with, but instead it’s some really blingy Optimus Prime one. Turns out the reflective gold foil – which looks like a 90s football sticker – actually is a sticker and there’s a “possible future” hidden underneath it, once you translate it from “Ancient Cybertronian”. It says “Leads Cybertron To A New Igolden Age”. Hmm.

    The card gimmick is a whole thing with Kingdom, I think there’s going to be 12 cards, 4 fates for each of 4 characters in total.

  • #60290

    Oh, that’s… weird. I’d rather just have a tech spec card for the character I bought.

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  • #60293

    Oh, that’s… weird. I’d rather just have a tech spec card for the character I bought.

    Yeah, I assume it’s going to be part of the cartoon as well? Like there was the whole thing with Galvatron showing up to steer Megatron onto a specific path in Earthrise.

  • #60324

    Someone on Twitter saw my tweet to Hasbro about the problem with my Airazor (cos someone else retweeted it, weirdly) and said it’s not misassembled but fixable with a hair dryer. Strangely I decided to ignore the unsolicited advice of a random stranger on the internet that came heavily caveated with warnings about breakages and stress marks and got the figure exchanged at Smyths (handily, as they’re doing click & collect, they also do returns on the doorstep).

    Now I’ve got one that transforms properly, I feel like I can appreciate it properly. There’s loads of little aspects to it that they didn’t have to include but really enhance it – the curve of the wingtips, the poseability of the head, the articulation on the beak. It’s a really nice figure.

    I reckon it might be used as the basis for the Terrorsaur figure that’s shown up in store listings. In the same that CW Hot Spot and Onslaught were the same base mould but very different in final result. Put the pterodactyl tail where the falcon head is, the pterodactyl head where the falcon tail is, have the wing alignment flipped 180 and then maybe have the robot mode arms become the beast legs and tuck away the robot legs, somehow.

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  • #60356

    Kingdom Skorponok:


    And the Ark

    Who comes with Mainframe/Teletraan I

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  • #60357

    Scorponok is a little boxy in places, but I like it. I’m underwhelmed by Galvatron. Don’t care about the Ark (check out how hollow and boxy those legs are) but I will happily go for the inevitable Mainframe redeco of Teletraan 1.

  • #60359

    I’m liking Galvatron enough to replace my Titans Return one with him. I’m also not gonna bother with the Ark and hope for a Generations Selects Mainframe-coloured Teletraan.

  • #60346

    Hey, did someone say Darkling Lords? No? Oh, well, here’s some scrappy photos of custom totems I’ve finished recently anyway.

    Lizard for Reekon.

    Reekon with his totem.

    Gorilla for Cindar.

    Cindarr with his totem.

    Speculative totems for unreleased characters from 1988. This one is a caiman crocodile for Lizar.

    A tadjik markhor for Pyrok.

    A bat for Draculan. Doesn’t really stand up on its own so until I can make a flying stand of some sort, it’s perching in Pyrok’s horns.

    And a giant tortoise for Osteon.

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  • #60368

    I really like the paint jobs on the totems. They look great!

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  • #60536

    Yes you do a good job on those. For someone never watched Visionaries(mea culpa) is there a difference between the blue painted ones and the green painted ones?


    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #60537

    Yes you do a good job on those. For someone never watched Visionaries(mea culpa) is there a difference between the blue painted ones and the green painted ones?


    Thanks. Blue are the good guys (Spectral Knights) green are the villains (Darkling Lords), though that colour-coding is only used in the cartoon.

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  • #60554

    Some reveals from the Hasbro Pulse event the other day:

    Deluxe Fossiliser Wingfinger

    There is a combiner of sorts to be made from the Fossilisers

    Deluxe Tracks

    Voyager Rhinox

    Core class Dracodon, a straight-up repaint of Vertebreak

    Core class Soundwave

    Pulse exclusive Tricranius. A repaint of Ractonite, he comes packaged with like 19 blast effects

    There’s going to be a short line of Shattered Glass figures, the first of which is Blurr, a redeco of the SS86 version

    Mainframe/Teletraan I is going to include the Golden Disks and have storage space for them

    Rodiumus Prime is going to have space for his Matrix

    (for people counting at home, that makes 4 figures in the current lines that come with Matrices, though one of those is a reissue from the prior one)

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  • #60555

    The Golden Discs are designed to be held by Kingdom Dinobot too.

    I wasn’t too taken with most of the TF reveals, although Tracks is nice. I may get that to replace my Reveal The Shield one. Definitely going for Scorponok. Rhinox looks surprisingly bricky and not really an improvement over the T30 one. I suspect (the apparently cancelled) Polar Claw shares a lot of his parts.

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  • #60558

    I’ll probably skip Tracks and get the inevitable Generations Selects Road Rage. Rhinox I can take or leave. I have and like the T30 one, but transformation is very fiddly. I’ll wait until I can see some reviews.

  • #60571

    Watched the Pulse Fan Fest segment myself now, a few other points of interest

    The Ark has a spring-loaded feature to deploy a ramp at the back
    It is indeed Mainframe packaged in there.
    Mainframe also has an Ark Bridge mode with points you can clip in the micro figures that came with the Centurion Drone, Unicron and The Ark itself (comes with an Optimus Prime painted red)
    Also included in the set is a bunch of weapon effects of the type that came with Jetfire and Skorponok, but in blue this time. No word on how many.

    Rodimus comes with grey exhaust weapon effects for his pipes as well as for his weapons.
    His trailer has two additional storage spaces – one is a bay at the front, the other a tray clipped in underneath
    His rifle folds up rather than being two breakaway parts like PotP Rodimus

    The Shattered Glass line are probably Pulse exclusive (it’s hard to tell from the language they used), 5 figures, each with an IDW comic, each one focusing on the character they’re bundled with. It looks like the comics will get a retail release as well – they mentioned the toy pack-ins will get an exclusive Casey Coller cover with spot UV treatment.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
  • #60573

    I think “capsule” (which they kept describing the Shattered Glass stuff as) is some kind of new marketing buzzword for exclusive limited series.

  • #60574

    I think “capsule” (which they kept describing the Shattered Glass stuff as) is some kind of new marketing buzzword for exclusive limited series.

    Yeah, it’s less the Capsule thing and more that they said they were going to introduce Pulse Exclusices, showed Tricranius and then Blurr, but didn’t explicitly say Pulse Exclusive, just Pulse Capsule at that point. And if you look at Blurr’s pre-order on Pulse, it suggests that the comic is Pulse Exclusive – but all the other figures are up on BBTS and not him or Tricranius (or the two Core class figures they said wouldn’t be getting a pre-order period anywhere…)

  • #60575

    So as I understood it, the figure and the variant Coller cover at Pulse exclusive, but the comic will be released normally, which is possibly the cause of some of the confusion. Unless I’m wrong, in which case something else is the cause of the confusion. Something big.

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  • #60576

    So as I understood it, the figure and the variant Coller cover at Pulse exclusive, but the comic will be released normally, which is possibly the cause of some of the confusion. Unless I’m wrong, in which case something else is the cause of the confusion. Something big.

    Yeah, that’s my assumption too.

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