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But mainly me waffling about Transformers.

Speaking of, the first War For Cybertron: Earthrise figures are being previewed

Leader Optimus Prime:


Ironworks, being sold at a Deluxe price point, the name comes from one of the old micromaster bases – the one with the crane that turned into a gun turret and radar. Here we’ve got robot, Micromaster base and parts mode, so presumably works similar to the Weaponisers

Micromaster Hot Rod Patrol:

Also mentioned are the Micromaster Military Patrol and a Deluxe Cliffjumper

Viewing 100 replies - 101 through 200 (of 870 total)
  • #30396

    Hasbro announces 6″ Transformers action figure line:

    They look like… hrm… their transformation cog is unpresent.

    Action Masters 2.0

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  • #30648

    Hasbro announced some new exclusives:

    On Pulse Selects, Centurion Drone + accessories set:



    Generations Selects



    I’ve already pre-ordered Rotorstorm and am considering Tigertrack.  Would love to get Centurion but Pulse only ship to the US so hopefully Indemand or Kapow will work out some deal for him.


  • #30650

    Tigertrack looks cool as hell!

  • #30653

    The integration of the unpaintable black plastic into the colour scheme works really well.  I already have the Red Alert version of the figure so he’s not essential, but I am considering him.

    Oh, I almost forgot.  These guys have been leaked but aren’t up for order yet.


    Generations Selects Greasepit (a redeco of Ironworks)


    And Exhaust

    Exhaust and Tigertrack hail originally from Japanese reissues of G1 cars in pre-Transformers Diaclone colour schemes via eHOBBY, given character details as part of their official Transformers release.

  • #30661

    I already have the Red Alert version

    Hrm! Proof please.

  • #30666

    He’s visible in my current robot display

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  • #30680

    Hasbro also announced some more 6” Joes: “arctic assault” Storm Shadow (a modern take on his Ninja Force costume), Gung-Ho, Cobra Commander, a terrible looking Red Ninja and Pimp Daddy, er “Profit Distributor” Destro, which takes the pimp theme of that blinged up Destro to the max and gives him an animal fur cape, some funky shades and a burning stack of money.

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  • #31213

  • #32541

    Top Gun/Transformers crossover toy like Ectotron and the recently announced DeLorean one:

    $50 is way too steep.  If he was priced as a normal Voyager then maybe.

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  • #32562

    The colours on it are horrible. Shouldn’t it just be battleship grey? That and Gigawatt are easy passes (helpfully, given how quickly Gigawatt sold out).

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  • #32564

    The colours on it are horrible. Shouldn’t it just be battleship grey? That and Gigawatt are easy passes (helpfully, given how quickly Gigawatt sold out).

    presumably the patina is an attempt to do weathering? Not sure why they’d do it that way instead of aztecing a grey-on-grey effect, STE GE-stype scuffmarks or the painted-on damage effects from Netflix WFC.

    On Jiggawatt, there’s a limited run from Wallmart that’s sold out, but a general run later in the year.  So if anyone does want him there’ll be opportunities.

  • #32754

    I had another attempt at doing a Visionaries totem animal.


    This time I did a light undercoat in a very light blue, a base coat in a midtone blue, an inkwash, a dry brush in a bright blue, then ended up rebase coating it in a mix of the midtone and ink, because it had lost the middle ground and was too high contrast. Redrybrushed in the bright blue again and then painted the eyes in the pale undercoat blue.

    And… it’s ok. It hasn’t turned out as nice as the test minis (beside it in the picture) but I think that’s because of the relative lack of texture in the model. It’s largely flat with some scratches in it. I’m hoping it’ll turn out better on a better sculpt (and hopefully i can eliminate the need for the rebasing stage).

    what I’m not showing is that between the last fox and this one (for they are two separate models) I attempted a different style on a nice ram figure I got (a European Mouflon to be precise). This was direct colour replacement – taking the original colours of the models and painting over in various shades of blue. It… well, it did not look good. I think I’d need an airbrush at the very least to get the blending to look right, but even then, it just looked weird. That’s currently getting the paint stripped back off it so I can try again.

    I’ve a handful of very nice models waiting though. So nice that I’m scared about painting them and potentially ruining them, as I did the ram. I’ve got a wolf off AliExpress, which is I think a knock off of Papo or Schleich’s and then from CollectA a very swish lion and a Tadjik Markhor, a suitably demonic looking goat. So if you’re in the market for a nice solid static animal figure, check out CollectA. (The foxes are unbranded ones off AliExpress).

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  • #32995

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  • #33018

    Hasbro will be doing a stream today announcing 10 new Transformers, so presumably a later wave of Earthrise or Neftlix WFC, Generations Selects Greasepit and Exhaust (as they haven’t been officially released yet), and apparently this box set:

    It’s going to be a Pulse exclusive, with an Earthrise Quintesson Judge and Allicon, Titans Return Sharkticon, and little figures of a Prosecutor and Kranix, plus that cardboard diorama of the Quintesson court.

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  • #33033



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  • #33036

    Hasbro will be doing a stream today announcing 10 new Transformers, so presumably a later wave of Earthrise or Neftlix WFC, Generations Selects Greasepit and Exhaust (as they haven’t been officially released yet), and apparently this box set:

    It’s going to be a Pulse exclusive, with an Earthrise Quintesson Judge and Allicon, Titans Return Sharkticon, and little figures of a Prosecutor and Kranix, plus that cardboard diorama of the Quintesson court.

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  • #33037

    Typical they’re (finally!) revisiting Beast Wars not long after I got some of the MPs. Not sure if I’d really go for say a WFC Airazor when there’s the potential for a MP down the line.

    Still, I’m hoping they’ll expand beyond just the characters off the show. Retrax redux or GTFO!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #33086


    Definitely getting the coneheads, Prowl and Ironhide I’ll likely skip, as I hear Ratchet and Bluestreak are probably getting regular/Generations Selects releases.

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  • #33125

    And the announcements from Hasbro’s stream are done.

    WFC Netflix wave 2:

    Bumblebee (redeco of Earthrise Cliffjumper with a licensed VW alt mode)


    Elita-1, a redeco of Earthrise Arcee



    Red Alert


    Optimus Prime Battle pack (repaint of ER Prime, presumably without trailer, and with clear gold versions of Pteraxodon and Soundbarrier)

    Earthmode Soundwave (with Ravage and Laserbeak)

    A second Leader-class spoiler set


    Amazon Exclusive Seeker Elite 2-pack


    Amazon Exclusive Autobot Alliance 2-pack


    Hasbro Pulse Exclusive Quintesson Pit of Judgement


    And Generations Selects Greasepit and Exhaust went up for pre-order alongside Hubcap


    I have already pre-ordered Greasepit and Exhaust, in two minds about Hubcap as I have a second TR Bumblebee and a 3D printed head to make my own already. Definitely want the Seekers, might try and get the Pit of Judgement as I wanted the Quintesson and two Allicons anyway, plus the exclusive little guys are cute.

    And the rest of it… eh.  The Netflix stuff will presumably be in Smyth’s like Wave 1, so I’ll probably make my mind up when I see them.  My desire for weapon effects probably doesn’t extend to getting Prime, and if that had been Buzzsaw and not Laserbeak with Soundwave I’d have considered it more. I dislike Elita-1 less than I do Arcee based on those renders.

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  • #33149

    Ah, I didn’t know the Netflix figures had been released in the UK (EDIT: and Ireland, sorry). I might get Impactor.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #33153

    Ah, I didn’t know the Netflix figures had been released in the UK (EDIT: and Ireland, sorry). I might get Impactor.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Martin Smith.

    All of Wave 1 showed up in Smyth’s here, I got Megatron and Hotlink.

  • #35802

    The first wave (possibly two) of MotU Origins – that’s the new retro-authentic line with added articulation that’s also being used for the WWE crossover line – is available for pre-order on Amazon UK. £15 a pop isn’t too bad, I guess.

    I’ve gone for He-Man (already out of stock, but still able to be ordered) and Skeletor (due 2nd September). None of the rest particularly grab me tho. The drawback of authentic retro styling is that you’re stuck with some of the sub-par original designs, like Man at Arms’ weirdly shaped head. Tempted to get some of the WWE ones tho. Warrior, Macho Man and Mr T.

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  • #36185

    It’s taken a lot of experimentation, paint-stripping and far more online orders of paint than I’d have liked, but I think I’ve got the paint scheme sorted for my Visionaries custom totems. Well, it’s finally looking ok on the wolf figure I got as a test, at least.

    It’s largely thanks to Citadel’s contrast paints which has removed the need for too much mucking about with shading. This has a coat of that and then two layers of drybrushing, though to be honest I think I can drop one of those moving forward.

    I think the texture on this model helps, though the contrast paint is better at picking out detail in the fox I was using before. The ram’s not turned out too good yet, but I was experimenting with quantities of contrast paint on that, so it’s probably going to need another stripping down and yet another go. But I’m at the point of being confident enough to try painting the cool lion I got. Well, after I have a go first on a cheap eagle I bought, see how my refined process works on that.

    One interesting – and perhaps fitting – thing of note is that things painted with the contrast paint look pretty different under natural light and artificial light. It’s really noticeable, like it moves a couple of shades under a light bulb.

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  • #36192

    That looks excellent. Great job.

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  • #36463

    I got a long sought-after Macross figure this week, and in taking some photos I felt this one came out particularly well


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  • #36560

    Minor quibble about scale aside, I think this turned out alright.


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  • #36683

    And lo, on to Earthrise.

    On his own merits, Optimus Prime is amazing. Easily the best general retail toy of the character ever.  The robot mode looks great and is effortlessly poseable.  Most of the truck mode’s kibble hides inside the torso in an incredibly smart fashion and somehow – somehow there’s an opening Matrix chamber with a removable matrix in there! and Prime can hold the Matrix in his poseable hands. And in a very nice touch you can fold up his gun and clip it into a 5mm port on his back in an approximation of how he had it stowed in that first Dreamwave miniseries way back when, and MP-10 did too.

    The trailer is pretty cool, but not as great.  It’s a touch on the small side – you can fit smaller Deluxes in there (I managed to get Barricade in, but not Hound or Greenlight.  Impactor was right out), though this is down to width, and plenty of bots will fit on the Combat Deck.  The Combat Deck is a sea of grey though – the original toy and various high quality versions broke that up with stickers/tampo/parts cast in different colours – most notably the gun turret/repair bot having some blue on it.  And there’s none of that here unfortunately.  And the turret is a bit teeny compared to the rest of the trailer.  It really feels like a lot of compromise to get these features into the box.  There’s a bit more interaction with Prime himself though, which is nice – you can slide out a chunk of the trailer ramp to use as a shield, and the turret can be removed and has a 5mm post that can be used to attach it to Prime (or any bot, really).  There are a few ways you can use the turret as a backpack for Prime – including replicating the jetpack he borrows from Sideswipe. The other niggle I have is that there’s no way to have the turret poke out of the trailer like the original toy and most Masterpieces (and THS-02) could.

    At the top of this, I said that Prime is great taken on his own merits.  Which means there’s a caveat coming – if you have STE GE Prime, is it worth getting Earthrise?  And that’s complicated.  Both the toys feel like they’re successors to the high-end Prime toys of the last 20 years, most notably MP-01, MP-10 and THS-02 than anything done in CHUG to this point, and it’s really a case of taking a look at the problems of making a toy that does the truck and robot modes of the cartoon design, and highlighting different parts to do well.  

    So STE GE Prime hides his wheels fantastically between the flipping leg panels, and how the front wheels fold into the chest.  But that engineering comes at the price of a backpack to hide the front of the actual truck mode, and a bunch of panels bulking up the arms.  And by comparison Earthrise Prime gives us a trim waist and arms, no backpack and much of the truck kibble hidden inside the body, but the rear wheels remain fully visible on the legs, and the front ones fold up behind the waist.  There isn’t the space or the part count to do the wheels folding up inside the body like the older Masterpieces and Hybrid Convoy did, or to do the fifteen trillion tiny panels of the newest MP.  This is 10% the price of MP-44 though, so that’s a plus.

    I missed Astrotrain when he came out in STE GE and so was very pleased to be able to pick him up now.  And he’s a very interesting figure.  Like Shockwave, he’s basically a Voyager figure with extra bits, in this case box that can attach to the back of train mode as a tender, fold out into a weapons platform/launch gantry for shuttle mode, and a set of foot extenders and a backpack for robot mode, as well as a large array of weapons – a Macross-style missile pod, and 4 rifle-size guns.  These can be pegged together into one gigantic cannon as well as being held in his robot mode hands or positioned on the usual array of 5mm ports around the figure – Train mode can only mount 2 weapons but the tender has 4 ports, and in a really nice touch you can fit all 5 weapons neatly inside it.

    In terms of complexity as a Triple-changer, Astrotrain is far closer to the Thrilling 30s examples like Springer than he is to the Titans return voyagers – transformation is far more involved, with a lot more moving parts and better executed alt-modes.  Shuttle mode suffers a little bit – the front half of the main hull is significantly broader and the silhouette isn’t the best, but it’s a minor complaint compared to say TR Broadside’s “jet” mode. Transformation from robot to the other modes is involved and quite satisfying, and evocative of the G1 toy in many ways.  My only complaint is that it’s hard to lock everything in place properly, and if you don’t do it all right there’ll be minor, but annoying misalignments of wings and tailfin especially.  

    I have described Grapple as being aggressively GWWEUN, but not in a bad way. His vehicle and robot modes are both very reminiscent of the original toy, but with modern design and articulation. He’s a good solid update of the design, and I don’t have a huge amount to say about him, I guess?  It’s worth noting that a lot of people reported the posts that connect his head assembly into his feet for truck mode are very tight and prone to snapping off if you don’t file them down a bit.  I didn’t have that problem but filed them anyway to be safe. 
    There are a number of very nice touches to call out though. He comes with a big claw that can attach to a 5mm port on the end of his crane arm, to replicate various times he used such a thing in the show.  And the claw has a clip in the middle of it that’s compatible with the AIRLOCK connection points many of the Earthrise toys have – so you can pose him lifting up a panel or ramp… Or Hoist…  There’s no handy place to hide the claw if you’re not using it though – you either put it aside or stick it into one of the side-facing 5mm ports.  I’ve taken to sticking it into the bottom of Prime’s trailer to keep it out of the way. On the brighter side of things he also has a sneaky mounting point on the crane arm for the welding torch/gun barrel that usually replaced his left hand – it’s not called out in the packaging and people have actually missed that it exists, as the weapon is stashed in there when you take him out of the box!

    Cliffjumper was a figure that had a lot of trepidation on his initial photos because he’s tiny, but I think he’s really rad.  He is very small – only a bit bigger than Titans Return Bumblebee, but it’s clear that he has a much higher part count than the older legends-class figures and couldn’t do all the things he can with the parts count of a $12 toy.

    Transformation of this figure is very impressive.  Most of the front of the car mode is clustered around the feet, with the doors folding inwards to form the heels, and the front wheels folding downwards.  There’s a lot of mass there and it’s noticeable from some angles, but it works.  Up top you open the chest to fold out a bonnet that covers the head, then do this impressive twist and waist shuffle the lines the front of the car up properly, fold out the wheels from the back and fold the arms inwards then moosh everything together, and mount the backpack/shield /back of car piece in place.

    Yeah, a big chunk of the car’s back half is a separate piece and that kinda sucks, but it works well enough, there’s a fold-out peg that lets you mount it on his back as a backpack, or attach it to his hand or arm as a shield.  It looks better as a backpack IMO, but it’s nice to have options.  And the elegance of the transformation aside from the part swap totally forgives this.
    And there’s also a whole host of other bits in the box.  You’ve got the option of making a gigantic gun that sorta emulates the sniper weapon he used to try and shoot Megatron in the first episode of the cartoon, or splitting it into a pair of smaller guns (using the bipod legs as basically ammo magazines) and a… thing that can either fold out and clip onto the backpack or be attached to mount points on either arm or leg.  And in car mode you can either slap the big gun on the roof, or split it all up to emulate the waterski rig he used in Dinobot Island part 2.

    Overall Cliffjumper is well worth checking out, maybe on sale if you balk at the asking price.  He’s a very good example of how Hasbro seems to be allocating volume of plastic and parts across a wave, so a smaller but complex figure like him sits beside a larger but more simple one like Hoist.

    Speaking of, Hoist is another solid update of a G1 toy. My brother had him as a kid, and rapidly broke off and lost the tow truck rig (which included his head) and the various weapons and fists and such, so it’s nice to see him be more solid and intact here.  And like Grapple, I don’t have a huge amount to say.  He’s got no glaring parts tolerance issues too!
    There are a couple of nice, elegant things I do want to highlight – the box thingy behind his head folds down into the backpack for car mode, and you unclip the towbar to open up the space it fits into.  So if you have the bar retracted then it’s hidden away nicely, and if you have the bar deployed, it’s just hidden.  And the bar has an AIRLOCK clip point so you can attach him to a base or whatever.  Or suspend him in midair using Grapple’s claw…

    Like I mentioned when talking about Cliffjumper, he’s a much simpler figure, but it works well as Hoist is a chonky boy, so he’s got some nice heft to him here.  He’s even taller than STE GE Ironhide in robot mode.  Transformation is close to the original’s, but it’s hard to line everything up perfectly and it means his wheels don’t roll easily.  Still, a minor complaint and I do like this guy so far.   

    Ironworks is the first Modulator, which is basically the same as a weaponiser but the partsform alt mode is a base, and a bunch of the parts have the ramp clips like on Prime’s trailer ramp, the folded-out sides of Astrotrain’s tender and so on. I really like this one as well.  The robot mode is this nice, hefty blocky unit with a crane for an arm and lots of big boxy pieces.  Part of this is to make pieces that clip together to make the base mode, but it works really well as an aesthetic.
    There are two “official” base modes, one is a kind of a weapon tower that looks kinda cool but can’t be pulled off exactly as in the photographs because of a thick layer of paint inside a 5mm port, but the main base mode looks pretty cool and clips to other pieces really well (there’s also a kind of bridge mode here, I think it’ll work as part of a much larger collection of bases). The suggested way to take him apart and connect him to other bots feels more integrated and natural as a themed add-on set than any of the weaponisers.  In a particularly nice touch, there are panels that fold out on the legs, and when you use them to bulk out the feet of a a bot these panels rest against the front of the legs, making them feel like armour rather than just a set of fancy New Rock soles.

    Like Astrotrain, I missed Smashdown in STE GE, so was glad when she got an Earthrise reissue.  I like that (redecoes aside) the melee weapon BattleMasters are all widely different from one another, even down to body types – Lioniser is a quadruped, Pteraxodon is a bird, and now Smashdown is a humanoid, albeit a Minotaur.  Her robot mode suffers more in service of the altmode than most of the others, her arms and legs tab together to form the hammer ends, so they’re really just big boxes that have a smaller box on the end and a ball joint.  but it works.  The head of the hammer is pretty cool, but the shaft (fnarr) is quite short, making the weapon look a bit silly in a bot’s hand – an issue that Pteraxodon and Terror-Daxtyl share.  What I hadn’t noticed before someone pointed it out to me is that Soundwave’s pointless pistol thingy fits onto the end well, and it’s not like I’m going to pose Soundwave using it…  I also tried plugging into the 5mm port behind Impactor’s fist and while it fit, it didn’t fit well due to the smaller tip on the shaft stopping a tight fit (fnarr). Accessory-wise we get a nice smashy blast effect that has a 5mm peg on one side that fits into the hammer, and a smaller port on the other side compatible with the COMBAT weapon and damage pegs so you can firmly attach the effect to both figured if you’re using it as a hammer smash. Also, the hammer shaft is removable, so you can leave it in place in robot mode and give Smashdown a tail, or peg it into the inside of the left arm to make a gun for robot mode.

    Soundbarrier is a very straightforward figure by comparison, the robot mode feels a lot like the STE GE humanoid BattleMasters, but with a big plate on the back instead of a gun.  with somewhat limited poseability on account of that big plate.  Transformation consists of unfolding the plate into a full ramp/shield, and pegging the arms and legs in so they’re held in place.  If you want to use Soundbarrier as a shield, you fold out a peg in his chest, otherwise leave it in place.  I haven’t tried hooking him up to all my other base bits yet, but I’ll do it soon.  I like the blue and silver of his shield/ramp mode, it has a nice Wipeout look to it.  And he comes with a blast effect that’s more like a shot hitting a target instead of a muzzle flash which is nice.  There’s a lot of clear plastic though which gives me a slight dose of the fear. 

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  • #36707

    Little video leak of WFC: Kingdom Rattrap.

    I won’t be replacing my Generations Rattrap with it, but it’s a solid looking toy. A nice mid-point between the original and the Generations one. I may get it as an accompaniment.

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  • #36710

    Yeah, I’m on the shelf about replacing my Generations Beast Wars figures too. Rattrap is more likely to get picked up because he’s gonna be cheaper than a Deluxe and the apparent effort to scale the kingdom bots to match the show’s scale means Deluxe Rattrap will stand out against the others.

  • #36711

    My current stance is “only get the ones that don’t have a Masterpiece”, which does rather rely on me managing to get those BW MPs for a decent price at some point, which seems unlikely. But I can see that being rather challenged when I see the figures themselves.

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  • #36713

    I opted out of Masterpieces a long time ago, so I’ll take the Beast Ward cast in Generations instead.

  • #36715

    I opted out of Masterpieces a long time ago, so I’ll take the Beast Ward cast in Generations instead.

    We’re like ships passing in different directions. Transforming robot ships, I guess.

    Talking of BW MPs made me realise that I hadn’t looked to see if there were any new KOs recently and I just found that Blackarachnia has one. Quickly snagged one off eBay for £38.

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  • #36716

    On his own merits, Optimus Prime is amazing. Easily the best general retail toy of the character ever.

    I’m not a big toy collector but I’ve been looking for a decent G1 style Optimus for a while, so this might be it.

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  • #36718

    On his own merits, Optimus Prime is amazing. Easily the best general retail toy of the character ever.

    I’m not a big toy collector but I’ve been looking for a decent G1 style Optimus for a while, so this might be it.

    He’s definitely worth picking up.  And if you don’t want the trailer hanging around there’s always the Netflix version coming out that has a pair of BattleMasters packed in the box.

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  • #36750

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  • #36763

    Oh yeah, there’s been a bunch of Generations Selects announced as coming out over the next few months:

    Hothouse, based on the Micromaster fire station base

    Bug Bite.  A bit of a weird one, this colour scheme originated with an e-HOBBY six-pack of G1 mini Autobots, mostly using the colour schemes from prototypes photographed for a Takara catalogue.  e-HOBBY planned to name them after six Gobots, but decided not to for fear of angering Bandai.  Fun Publications would later use these toys as a basis for a group of Gobots that dimension-hopped into one of their Transformers comic universes.  Bug Bite got a toy at Botcon in 2007, a redeco of Classics Bumblebee.  The original character in Gobots was a yellow VW (which isn’t happening on Bumblebee’s patch) and a Renegade, so reworking him as a Mercenary kinda works.


    G2 Sandstorm, based on an unreleased G2 repaint of Ramjet


    G2 Megatron


    Black Roritchi (originally the redeco of Fasttrack that came with Black Zarak.  The original was a notorious GPS victim, very few have survived intact to the current day)


    I have put in a pre-order for everyone except Megatron, but I’m only really sold on Hot House (because I like the Modulator gimmicks) and Sandstorm (because that camo scheme is swish).  I like Bug Bite’s colours and the idea of getting more mercenary figures, And Fasttrack is out soon-ish, so I can decide how much I like the design then.

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  • #36770

    Is the G2 Megatron a repaint of an existing mould?

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  • #36779

    I had forgotten how horrendous the G2 color scheme of Megatron was.

    No, Megatron! You are NOT a Constructicon! Bad Megatron! BAD!

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  • #36794

    Is the G2 Megatron a repaint of an existing mould?

    Earthrise Megatron, who isn’t out yet.

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  • #36915

    Really excited to get this new set of comic action figures.

    On the left is Chameleon Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes, on the right is a Skrull from the Fantastic Four.


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  • #36942

    Really excited to get this new set of comic action figures.

    On the left is Chameleon Boy of the Legion of Super-Heroes, on the right is a Skrull from the Fantastic Four.

    That’s obviously the expensive Variant Set.

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  • #37002

    There’s been some pre-order madness for Transformers this week.  Yesterday at 8AM Indemand toys put up listings for Earthrise Bluestreak, who was meant to be part of the general retail releases (but rumour has it that Earthrise Wave 4 has been cancelled so Kingdom can ship as normal for the Holiday Season), and sold out very quickly.  Kapow put their pre-order up at 10PM, and it also sold out very quickly.  Luckily I was able to nab one at Kapow, but it’s still shitty that this seems to be it for UK/Ireland availability.

    And at 11 last night, Amazon put up pre-orders for a Ratchet/Paradron Medic 2-set(the former using the same mould as Earthrise Ironhide from the 2-set with Prowl, the latter a repaint of Earthrise Arcee like in the cartoon).  It’s not sold out yet, but it’s only shipping domestically.  I’ve managed to secure one using a reshipping service.  Apparently this is the first of 5 planet-themed sets, the inside of the box has a map that marks out Paradron, Micron, Botropolis (from some Playskool Go-Bots cartoons), Biosphera (mentioned in the packaging for the 2016 SDCC exclusive Titan Force 3-pack, and the map piece that came with Earthrise Snapdragon), and Dominus (which appears to be new) as locations.  Each pack will be themed around one of those worlds and include a card with some details about the planet on it.  The map also had a bunch of easter eggs, like a ship that could be either the Nemesis or Revenge beside a wormhole-looking thing, and a ringed mechanical world with fang-like energy spars emerging from one side that definitely isn’t Unicron, and another world that doesn’t look like Quintesson – or maybe Junk, it’s a bit blurry

  • #37048

    That’s obviously the expensive Variant Set.

    here’s the basic set

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  • #37053

    Botropolis (from some Playskool Go-Bots cartoons)

    This is the notable one for me. Because I can’t imagine they’re going to do a Generations figures of anyone from the Playskool Go-Bots – it would just be too weird – so are they using this name instead of the somewhat goofier “Gobotron” and doing some 80s Gobots figures? Crasher from Mirage is always a good option.

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  • #37079

    Botropolis (from some Playskool Go-Bots cartoons)

    This is the notable one for me. Because I can’t imagine they’re going to do a Generations figures of anyone from the Playskool Go-Bots – it would just be too weird – so are they using this name instead of the somewhat goofier “Gobotron” and doing some 80s Gobots figures? Crasher from Mirage is always a good option.

    I wouldn’t be surprised, even if they limited it to characters from the e-HOBBY box like Bug Bite, and assuming the Kingdom leaks are accurate  they could do Road Ranger from the Huffer/Pipes mold and Treds from the Warpath/Slammer one. But Crasher from Mirage would definitely work, or Leader-1 from the Earth-mode Seekers, Turbo from Sideswipe/Red Alert, Cop-Tur from Spinister – a lot of options there.

  • #37259


    This turned up sooner than I was expecting. He’s a very cool figure. Sturdy as hell, poseable and able to balance in those poses pretty well. I love the colours on it and the sculpting. The only downside is the sword, which is only one sided, really. The reverse has connection points to join with the other half (included with Skeletor). That’s an old story point and toy gimmick to do with Castle Greyskull, but the problem is, it means you end up with a compromised weapon for He-Man because at the wrong angle it looks at best odd, at worst broken.

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  • #37543

    I got a Masterpiece Blackarachnia KO today. It’s pretty cool, though not perfect. As ever with MP KOs, it’s tricky to know what’s a limitation of the design and what’s a quirk of the KO. Here for instance, BA seems to have a lot more neck than the photos suggest. Are they all like that or are the KO moulds off? Some of the panels don’t seem to clip together like the instructions suggest (the top of the back panel in robot mode is supposed to clip to the neck bit but seems impossible to do so).

    All that aside, it’s a cool figure. Poseable, show accurate robot mode. The beast mode is… also there. Small though. It definitely feels like a considerable amount of the cost of the package is taken up by the stand and web thing. Which are ok, but I can’t see how they’re supposed to hold anything. There’s a little blue clip attachment which doesn’t seem to attach to anything.

    So that’s all fairly unnecessary, especially as BA can stand well under her own power. I suspect that they designed the figure and decided it was too small to justify selling on its own as an MP, so shovelled in the rest of the gubbins. If I’d paid full MP price, I’d resent that quite a bit. Actually, at £35 or so I still resent it a little, but it’s not like it’s that much worse value than Earthrise figures

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  • #37544

    They’re making a big effort to maintain scale between the Beast Wars MPs, and Blackarachnia is quite small in the show, hence the smaller figure and tons of accessories

  • #37554

    Yeah, I can see that they were bound by scale and that’s fine. But it seems like they decided she was too small and thus too inexpensive to be a Masterpiece release (which is a premium brand) so loaded it up with the web and stand mainly to push up the price.

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  • #37556

    Yeah, I can see that they were bound by scale and that’s fine. But it seems like they decided she was too small and thus too inexpensive to be a Masterpiece release (which is a premium brand) so loaded it up with the web and stand mainly to push up the price

    The Japanese premium toy attitude towards accessories appears to be throw everything in the box to push the price up and make it more appealing to obsessive nerds, or I dunno… a really basic display stand?

    Definitely not a low-key calling out of Bandai over their Macross toys there…

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  • #37671

    Some better shots of my custom Visionaries totems, including Leoric (which is pretty much done, but there are a few tweaks still needed, possibly on the others too).

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  • #37672

    Nice! Are they the stands you made too?

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  • #37673

    Yes, although they’re not the final versions (not that there is a final one yet). They’re (well “it” – it’s the same one in each photo) the right colour, but I’ve changed the shape since. I’m just waiting on my brother to have time on either of his printers to print some more and try and solve the issue of the foot pegs not printing at the specified sizes (which I would assume is a problem with calibration, but I don’t dare suggest that).

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  • #38048

    For people who have terminal nostalgia poisoning and are in the UK or Ireland, Smyth’s will apparently have Jiggawatt in stock in November for €43/whatever that is in pounds.   They’re also down for wave 2 of the Netflix stuff, and it turns out that the Decepticon spoiler set is going to be Nemesis Prime, being a black repaint of STE GE Prime, but packaged with Earthrise Prime’s trailer, a Slitherfang redeco and some Energon cubes.

    The last couple of Generations Selects from that big push have been announced as well:


    Cordon and Spin-Out 2-pack, being more E-HOBBY characters based on Diaclone paint jobs

    And a 2-pack of Shattered Glass Optimus Prime and Ratchet

    I am strongly ambivalent to both these sets, aside from being somewhat annoyed that it’s easier for me to get Shattered Glass Ratchet than the last two regular versions of the toys thanks to bullshit exclusives. (I have the Ratchet/Lifeline 2-pack on pre-order, but I’ve had to use a resending service to do it).  If Cordon and Spin-out starts to go for super-cheap, I might pick them up.

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  • #38050

    Smyth’s will apparently have Jiggawatt in stock in November for €43/whatever that is in pounds.

    He’s £32, I think. Bit steep for it.

  • #38051

    Smyth’s will apparently have Jiggawatt in stock in November for €43/whatever that is in pounds.

    He’s £32, I think. Bit steep for it.

    Yeah, IIRC Ectotron was going for €50 in Forbidden Planet and just no. Can easily skip those guys.

  • #38052

    I would have bought it if it was £88.

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  • #38055

    I would have bought it if it was £88.

    If you like, I’ll buy two of them, keep one, and charge you their combined retail plus a €2 finder’s fee

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  • #38057

    I would have bought it if it was £88.

    If you like, I’ll buy two of them, keep one, and charge you their combined retail plus a €2 finder’s fee

    Great Scott!

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  • #38432

    So there’s an online Hasbro Con stream this weekend with a ton of exclusives that are going to be sold via Hasbro Pulse (and apparently Kapow and InDemand are going to get most but not all of them for UK/Ireland distribution).  The only Transformers one that’s a definite is that Quintesson Courtroom diorama with a Judge, Allicon/Prosecutor, Sharkticon, Bailiff and Kranix.  But apparently another one is going to be a 10th Anniversary set for Prime that’s a 2-pack of Arms Micron Breakdown and a Jet Vehicon.  These toys were never released outside Japan during Prime’s run.

    Just like their Japanese releases, they come with sticker sheets for decoration and their weapons are mini-kits that transform from weapon to robot included in the set (you can see the sprues underneath the plastic in the box)

    There’s a bunch of Black series, GI Joe and Marvel Legends sets already announced as coming out at the con too.

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  • #38656

    This arrived yesterday. I blame you for this Lorcan.

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  • #38657

    You’re welcome.


    Also, there have been yet more leaks of upcoming Transformers, this time from the Studio Series subline that’s going to be reproductions of the 1986 movie cast.

    Hot Rod, who’s going to be a Voyager, but a smaller toy than most of that size class and coming with a ton of accessories

    And Scourge:

    A photo of an early prototype of Cyclonus did the rounds a few months ago, and early listings have been seen for a Leader-priced 2-pack of Grimlock and Wheelie.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #38665

    Scourge looks good. The Hot Rod doesn’t really look to be any improvement over my MP.

  • #38701

    What was Rodimus Prime’ vehicle form?  was He an RV or a Motor Home?

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  • #38705

    What was Rodimus Prime’ vehicle form?  was He an RV or a Motor Home?

    It can be two things.

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  • #38708

    What was Rodimus Prime’ vehicle form?  was He an RV or a Motor Home?

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  • #38722

    What was Rodimus Prime’ vehicle form?  was He an RV or a Motor Home?

    He was some sort of future car… truck… thing

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  • #38724

    While we’re on the subject of alt modes, Scourge was apparently a hovercraft?

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  • #38725

    While we’re on the subject of alt modes, Scourge was apparently a hovercraft?

    The word “Cybertronian” in Cybertronian Hovercraft is doing a lot of heavy lifting.

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  • #38793

    Studio Series ’86 Kup comes with an Energon Goodie dispenser!



    I might have to replace my Generations Kup with this one.


    (Also, I got an Allicon today, it’s a weird, weird little toy.  And I say that as someone who also has one of the Quintesson Judges)

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  • #38835

    Big in Japan: giant Gundam robot makes its first moves in Yokohama

    I, for one, welcome our etc. etc.

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  • #38836

    Also on the subject of toys, I recently picked up this nice little model after seeing it on sale at around half the usual price. I’ve been wanting a physical model for a while to do some drawings from.

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  • #38838

    Big in Japan: giant Gundam robot makes its first moves in Yokohama

    I, for one, welcome our etc. etc.

    Given you can get in the cockpit (not while it’s moving, sadly), there better be someone standing by in a Federation uniform to slap you before you climb in.

  • #38854

    Big in Japan: giant Gundam robot makes its first moves in Yokohama

    I, for one, welcome our etc. etc.

    Yes, but when will it be ready for combat?

  • #38856

    I guess it depends what the rest of 2020 throws at us.

  • #38860

    I think it is a good thing it is in Japan.  Taking a knee in US can incur negative responses.

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  • #38864

    I guess it depends what the rest of 2020 throws at us.

    In other words, it’s already too late.

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  • #38884

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>E6BCD990-D9BF-4DE3-9CD7-09202AC56B7C


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  • #38888

    Photos of Megatron, Rattrap, Cheetor and Cyclonus here:

    I guess they’re splitting the 86 movie figures between Studio Series and Kingdom then.  I might get Cyclonus but I’m fairly happy with the Combiner Wars one. I do like that the marketing bumpf can’t decide if Cyclonus was made out of Skywarp or Kickback either.

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  • #39020

    Did you know the 5″ Doctor Who line is still going? I didn’t. It’s now pretty much exclusive to B&M and is mostly do multipacks of figures made from recycled parts and lots of sets based on Big Finish stories. All pretty weird and ignominious for a line that was so huge in the Tennant era.

    These guys aren’t too happy about it either.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #39028

    That does at least suggest the option to army-build a UNIT group made up of the different members of the Havoc stunt team from Pertwee’s first year on the show…

  • #39035

    Maybe, but I think they’re supposed to be Benton and the Brig, rather than generics.

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  • #39150

    Kingdom announcement art with POLAR CLAW!!! Oh and the Ark as a Titan that looks like the Last Autobot yadda yadda yadda.


    And the new Voyager size Primal looks awesome.

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  • #39155

    Optimus Primal and Megatron:

    Cheetor, Rattrap and Blackarachnia

    Core class Vertebreak and the Fossiliser who’s name I forget:

    Warpath, Core class Optimus Prime (who’s an impressive shrinking of Earthrise Prime) and Cyclonus

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  • #39161

    Those fossilisers look pretty naff. I’m not sure the skull from Primal’s old mace accessory needed to be from an actual guy you can now pretend he’s decapitated.

  • #39165

    Those fossilisers look pretty naff. I’m not sure the skull from Primal’s old mace accessory needed to be from an actual guy you can now pretend he’s decapitated.

    Some of the shots of them bolted on as armour look good, and I’ve enjoyed the Weaponiser and Modulator figures so I’ll give them a shot at least.


    Here’s some promo pics for wave 1:


    Also, there are two Prime 10th anniversary sets, both issues of Arms Micron sets – Breakdown and an Air Vehicon and Megatron with the three Microns he came with in Japan instead of the mechtech weapon and a vacuum-metallised chrome paintjob.  And they’re Pulse exclusives, going on sale in about 15 minutes.  I’m going to try and snipe a Breakdown and Vehicon set using an address redirector service, wish me luck…

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  • #39175

    Good luck!

    I think from Kingdom (the first wave at least) I’m going to get Megatron, Primal, quite possibly Cyclonus and maybe Rattrap. That’ll be more than I’ve got in one since Titan’s Return.

    I really hope Hasbro follows up WFC  with a full on Beast Wars revival. The box art alone would be worth it.

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  • #39176

    I have 2 sets of Breakdown and the Vehicon in my cart (one for me, one for Mark) in Hasbro pulse but it won’t accept my payment.  I’ve no idea if it’s because of a problem with my card being Irish, or trying to use a redirector for shipment, or if the site is just being bombarded.  Might just leave it and try tomorrow and hope.  InDemand have it listed as well, but it’s limit one per customer.


    I really hope Hasbro follows up WFC  with a full on Beast Wars revival. The box art alone would be worth it.

    Have you not seen the box art for Kingdom?  It’s really nice!

  • #39179

    Yeah, I’ve seen it, that’s what I’m saying: a whole line of those beast warrior boxes would be amazing even before you consider the figures within.

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  • #39292

    Last one. Promise.

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  • #39313

    In some good news, the Galactic Odyssey shop on Amazon is now open to international shipping:

    Set 1: Ratchet and Lifeline/Paradron Medic is still available, and set 3, which is just a reissue of the Autobot Clones in a 2-pack is up as well now.  Set 2 will be revealed “soon”, there was some delay which meant they had to skip it and reveal the Clones at Pulsecon.

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  • #41823

    2 more Galactic Odyssey have been revealed.

    Planet Micron is 6 Micromasters, naturally.

    Yes, two of them are decoed to match old MASK toys.

    And Planet Dominus is Earthmode Barricade (a redeco of Earthrise Prowl) and PotP Punch/Counterpunch with a different colour scheme

    I’m OK with skipping these guys. Only the Gobot set left to be revealed.

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  • #42292

    I got one of them there GI Joe Classified figures the other day. I had Beach Head and the Cobra Trooper pre-ordered from Zavvi, due to arrive on the 30th October. But in the days before that, I was deliberating over whether to cancel them or not. The line as a whole is so hard to get hold of over here, which combined with even the base price of £20 a pop, just dampened my enthusiasm. I was considering just keeping my pre-orders and having the pair as a display combo – they’d go quite well together, I guess – when Beach Head arrived a few days early. No sign of the Cobra Trooper though.

    I had very little enthusiasm to open Beach Head for days (not just because of the Cobra guy not arriving with him) and was considering just putting it straight on eBay, but I did open it the other night. It’s a kind of underwhelming figure really.

    The good: The sculpting is generally pretty impressive. I really like the hands, which are in a permanent “hold a gun” position, rather than jointed or a generic c-grip shape. There’s a lot of articulation – double knee joints, swivels in the thigh and calf, four directional foot movement. And you get a fair few bits with him – a backpack, a crossbow, a pistol,  a large gun, a knife and a beret, most of which can store on the figure.

    The bad: The weapons are all moulded in green. I had thought I could just paint them black, but the snugness of their fit in holsters and hands makes that completely impractical, as it’ll all just rub off unless varnished. The large gun has a ridiculous sci-fi barrel shape too, which is silly. The backpack doesn’t stay attached to Beach Head properly at all. It’s got a curve shape to it, to match the curve of the figure’s back (if it wasn’t wearing a thick rubber-plastic vest thing) but they haven’t really allowed properly for the angle of the peg and peg hole, so it sticks out at an odd angle from his shoulders, rather than sitting flush and so just falls out. The backpack also has indentations to have the crossbow set into it, but it does not fit into them properly at all.

    The biggest flaw for me though is that it’s just not very good to pose. All those points of articulation and joints in the legs make it incredibly finicky to get the damn thing to stand up, which is ridiculous for how stout a looking figure it is. I think I managed one pose where it supported its own weight – which it lost as soon as I adjusted it to put a gun in its hand – and that was pretty ungainly anyway, with his legs twisted round to odd angles. With stiff knees and hips that seem to drift from the pelvis by design, it manages to not be particularly poseable, paling in comparison to a 3 3/4″ figure (which are admittedly helped by stands).

    So I’ve ended up putting it all neatly back in the box and listing it on eBay. I should at least be able to get my money back on it (and then some, probably). Not sure what I’m going to do with the Cobra Trooper – if Zavvi actually even fulfil my order (they’re now saying end of November, even though it shipped in the same case as Beach Head). May end up flipping that on eBay straight off too. Either way, I think my interest in the Classified line is dead.

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  • #42651

    Not sure if this has been revealed yet but I spotted it in a prototype collector group… Appears to be a prototype for a Sam Wilson Captain America! from Disney_Toybox

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  • #42777

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  • #42928

    Botropolis set has been revealed, and it’s a themed set of autobots searching for Sky Lynx, using the rogue asteroid Botropolis as a home base.


    Apparently the Airwave redeco is named Overair, and the Ironworks redeco is just Ironworks in a different colour scheme. The Micromasters are listed as part of the Astro Patrol, so presumably the red ground vehicles are Moonrock and Missile Master, but the Shuttle pair were already sold as Phaser and Blastmaster so who even knows if these guys are the same characters again.

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  • #42945

    Apparently the Airwave redeco is named Overair, and the Ironworks redeco is just Ironworks in a different colour scheme.

    They couldn’t even come with a new name for Ironworks? Wow.

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  • #42947

    I really feel like the whole Galactic Odyssey thing is filling production gaps caused by cancelling Earthrise wave 4, and a bunch of the background material is half-assed as a result.

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  • #42999

    cancelling Earthrise wave 4

    Why did they cancel it?

  • #43017

    cancelling Earthrise wave 4

    Why did they cancel it?

    Distribution delays due to COVID apparently, Wave 3 and Netflix wave 2 are only hitting now, and they wanted to have Kingdom in stores around Christmas.

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