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But mainly me waffling about Transformers.

Speaking of, the first War For Cybertron: Earthrise figures are being previewed

Leader Optimus Prime:


Ironworks, being sold at a Deluxe price point, the name comes from one of the old micromaster bases – the one with the crane that turned into a gun turret and radar. Here we’ve got robot, Micromaster base and parts mode, so presumably works similar to the Weaponisers

Micromaster Hot Rod Patrol:

Also mentioned are the Micromaster Military Patrol and a Deluxe Cliffjumper

Viewing 100 replies - 1 through 100 (of 845 total)
  • #572

    That Prime looks nice, despite the yellow eyes. I’m still in the market for a nice, traditional G1 Prime.

    Glad they seem to have ditched the “battle damage” effects.

  • #575

    Literally my only complaint about the battle damage is that all the Seekers have the same damage pattern, which is fine if you have one, but as soon as you put a couple together it looks a bit shit. (I only have two with a third on the way, but I’ve seen photos of all seven together and it’s eeeeeh)

    Anyway, another shot of Ironworks

    And Cybertron Hot Shot (being a redeco of STE GE Hound) and Powerdasher Cromar (being a redeco of Six Gun) are on sale at NYCC this weekend…

  • #632

    NYCC Transformers diorama photos:

    Wheeljack and Cliffjumper



    STE GE Astrotrain and some Micromasters. Pretty sure the bases around his feet are all made up of the extra bits in his box that turn into a tender for train mode and launchpad for shuttle mode, and I’m positive they’re compatible with the titan bases and new Micromaster ones

    Optimus Prime

    Teasing us by putting a Unite Warriors Roller on the deck

    Earth mode Starscream


    And on sale at the con:

    Cybertron Hot Shot:


    Powerdasher Cromar

    I’m 100% down for Cliffjumper, Ironworks, Grapple and Hoist. Will probably get Prime, and will likely skip Starscream in the hope of getting coneheads as redecoes.

    In other things to note, it looks like there’s at least one Battlemaster on the way, who transforms into a shield and a ramp. You can see him in robot mode standing on Prime’s combat deck, attached to Grapple’s arm as a shield, and attached to the deck’s ramp and some of the Ironworks in base mode in the photos

  • #633

    That’s a nice Hoist.

  • #634

    Isn’t it? Very GEEWUN. Pre-oders for wave 1 are showing up online, according to BBTS that shield guy’s name is Soundbarrier, and he comes with a blast effect the same as prior Battlemasters. Also, his wavemate is a reissue of Smashdown from STE GE

  • #861

    Star Wars got metallic shine figures this week and white boxes. Plus spoilers for Rise of Skywalker.

  • #1748

    Here’s some fun. These are what must have been the first Transformers TV ads made for the UK. See if you can spot some of the oddities that got weeded out later on.

  • #4605

    Generations Selects Pihranacon/King Posiedon:

  • #8281
    Robot talk?  sure, let’s do that


    So yeah, this guy is biiiiiiig, really big.  Like, Armada Unicron big. Combiner Wars Combiner big.  And he’s really impressive.  And his core robot and vehicle modes are an impressive recreation of his cartoon character design, which no other G1 Jetfire toy has done before.
    As a STE GE toy he’s got the line-wide gimmicks – an attempt at consistent scale, tons of poseability (you’d never know it to look,  but he has a waist swivel), 5mm ports on his calves, forearms, feet and back to mount extra weapons, little posts to mount blast effects and all that.  And a bunch of gimmicks unique to him (in ascending order of cool)
    5. You can open up his jet mode cockpit, remove the greeblie in there and seat a Titan or Prime Master in there.  Also, there are seats for another two hidden in his backpack.
    4. When transforming into jet mode, instead of folding his head away, there’s a trapdoor in his backpack that opens up and the head just slides in there
    3. In jet mode, there are 4 handles you can swing out that other bots can hang off, representing various episodes where he carried Autobots into battle.
    2. His insignia flips around, swapping from Autobot to Decepticon to recreate every time he’s switched sides
    1. Rather than have lump hands with a 5mm port for a gun, or having poseable fingers that aren’t always great at gripping weapons, there’s a 5mm port in the hand, but Jetfire’s fingers are a single piece that opens up, and when you open them up, the port slides into the palm.  It’s not perfectly seamless, but it’s such a nice touch and I really like them trying new stuff.
    Jetfire also comes with a ton of bits in the box, sufficient to turn him from big-ass science robot to a DEATH DEALING MURDERBOT of science.  And, uh reference the VF-1’s FAST Packs from the original Jetfire toy: There’s a chestplate which declares him to be an out and proud Autobot, a faceplate/mask/helmet, a pair of armour pieces with double-barrel cannons, 2 large-ish weapons and another 2 smaller ones, and a gigantic double-barrelled cannon that resembles the cartoon design gun, but can split into two as well.  And the whole lot can connect together into a big wodge of gun that can fit on his backpack for storage or to give the jet mode a massive gun turret.  In a very nice touch, there’s an opening hatch in the chestplate with a space to hide the mask. There’s also two massive weapon effects that can split into three smaller pieces, giving a lot of options to show engine exhaust, damage, weapon fire and so on.  In a nice touch, they all have a little lip that’s big enough to fit into the larger weapon barrels (like, say Optimus Prime and Megatron), while also having a hole that fits the smaller weapons and damage ports.  This is very welcome given the only big effect this far – Blowpipe’s – didn’t properly fit into the bigger guns.
    All that said, this toy is far from perfect.  In Jet mode it looks great from above and the front, but there’s a gap between the body and bits of the backpack – at the front it means you can see a bit of the head sitting between the body and the backpack, but between the clearance and that the legs don’t come together flush (this last bit is accurate to at least some lineart though), the back is gappy as all hell.  There’s really cool stuff going on – you unfold the inside of the lower leg and peg it to the back of the leg, letting you fold the whole thing up, and there’s a big bit of thruster mounted there that pegs into the backpack – but a little bit of extra work would have improved here.
    Red Alert
    I skipped Sideswipe, and this was my first exposure to this mold.  He’s pretty good!  Robot mode is very Red Alerty, he comes with a pretty cool looking gun (forget the gun and lightbar axe mode, it’s really stupid).  Car mode is pretty cool, transformation is quick and easy – it’s notable that the robot and car modes strongly resemble the classics Sideswipe/Sunstreaker/Red Alert mold, but is simplified in a good way.  There are some bad bits:  A lock a shoulder cannon, which was always more Red’s thing than Sideswipe in terms of character design, but also a lack of 5mm ports on his shoulders means you can’t pop anything on there save STE GE Sideswipe’s specific shoulder launcher that fits on there, or get a third party add-on.  And my Red Alert’s left arm is misassembled, meaning I need to pop the arm off to transform him because the pin in there resists all my attempts to knock it out and reassemble.  I’ll fix it eventually.
    I was looking forward to this guy because, you know, he’s a fucking Centurion Drone from Stormbringer, in purple, and here we are.  Like all the weaponisers, Bront’s a bit of a mixed bag, but the good outweighs the bad – he’s got the usual level of Deluxe poseability, with added clamp or clamp-like devices on the end of those wrists.  His head is a stylised Cylon Centurion noggin and it works so well.  My only Robot mode meh is that there’s no way to tilt that shoulder gun downwards.  I’ve tried using MSG and Neko Buso parts to make a hinge or L-adapter, but they’re too small
    Did I ever talk about Neko Busou?  They’re little toy cats!  That come with little cat houses, and you can bolt weapon bits to them!  They’re so cute!
    Achem, Brant.  Tank mode is a lot of take him apart, put him back together, but the finished mode is pretty cool.  The arms collapse down in a cool way, but I hear if you extend the arms out incorrectly they can snap?  The really innovative bit here is that the big gun is mostly his lower legs – unlike the other weaponisers, Brint has two different feet, with one having a fold-out post that fits into the port on the other one. Turning him into weapon bits is a touch less free-form than Cog or Six-gun – his Torso will be a backpack or gun, legs and hip a backpack, turret a backpack or shield, and then arms or legs used as guns, New Rock soles for some bots, or maybe a grabby arm assembly, like the instructions suggest.  Overall he’s fun, I bought two of him, and I may have bought Zetar as well.  Clamp Clamp ka-bamp!
    Yeah, I bought three of him.  He’s there, and good, but hard to put into words why.  Like, his robot mode is pretty generic, has good poseability like every other siege toy, and that’s a really good complaint to have I guess?  Like this is sooo boring, he’s a lot of fun to get into dynamic poses like all the other toys in this line?  And like, he’s generic, but he’s designed to look like the guy they put into the background to fill out the scene until they had more toys to advertise.
    The individual alt mode is kinda bullshit.  It’s basically a slab with a gun on the front end and a single landing gear, and real talk here, we’re using a ton of imagination to see this as a space cruiser or whatever and not like, another transformer to get the designation ornament from the Functionist Council.  Galling for Rung when he finally get a toy in the same line as this guy, but he transforms into a gun! This is total stolen valour.
    That said, camera mode.  It’s also sorta bullshit because you basically make three Refraktors into cubes, then mush them together, make the shields into a lens, the guns and one bellybutton into a tripod, and put the other belliesbutton somewhere else – in a bag somewhere, or on the back or top to emulate a shutter release or camera controls.  And it works?  It’s more a sketch of a camera than an actual one, but it’s stupid fun to handle. It did make a friend of mine at a con say “is that a real camera” when I combined them, so mission accomplished, I guess.
    And there are a literal metric shitload of fan-devised fan modes to mush a bunch of these together as slightly more convincing spacecraft, combiners, Transformer-scale movie cameras (well, using one as the camera with all the accessories lumped on there), so there are options.
    There is, of course an exclusive box of three of these guys, coloured to match the 80s toys with additional accessories to make them look… like the 80s toys, and to give a more convincing camera mode.  And a STE GE damage port-compatible Kremzeek.  And I didn’t buy that set too.  Partially because it would have been at least a tenner more, partially because Reflector never appeared in the old comics and the toys never made it over here (I had some seacons that had a mail-order offer for them but it was priced in dollars so I guess these weren’t European releases) , so my only real connection to them is as background guys in the cartoon and as a result the plainer, cartoon-esque guys appealed to me more.
    I skipped Srarscream, liking the PotP one well enough and intending to get Thundercracker and maybe Skywarp.  Got Thundercracker and loved him, ordered Skywarp, and then Mark got me Starscream as a birthday present, so I have the classic trio in matching bodies.
    Burying the lede there, I did love Thundercracker.  I gotta say, this is definitely one of the figures that’s waaaaaaay better in hand than the photos make it look.  Or at least the alt mode is better than the photos look, the robot mode always looked great IMO. I’m legit running out of things to say here, poseability is great, there’s a ton of character on display here (I may have swapped Thundercracker and Starscream’s heads to give the latter the smirk). I have thus far resisted the urge to track down the rainmakers and Redwing, but really, it’s because I’m already spending too much on these things.  If I win the lotto on Friday I’m all on board.
    Transformation is just brilliant.  Granted, all of the robot parts are separate from the jet parts – you could literally separate the arm that connects the two and have a functional toy robot and a fairly hollow toy spacejet, but the way they shift about is pretty smart – most notably the folding up of the legs includes calf panels that slide inwards, Macross-tastic fold-in feet with engines in them, and the way the spars that reach up over the heads are part of these really long bars that swing out and tab together to make a stupidly long jet-mode nose.
    To justify being an Amazon exclusive and $50 price tag, Skywarp comes with a trio of Battle Masters – Fracas is a repaint of Firedrive, and is based on Scourge’s Targetmaster partner, Shrute is a repaint of Aimless, and while apparently named after someone from the US Office, he’s a modernised Hairsplitter, one of Spinister’s two guns, and Terror-Dactyl is a repaint of Pteraxodon with an even cooler name.  They’re all the same as before, pretty cool, but really, I’m more excited about having another 5 weapon effects, bringing my total to 19.
    Well, until I got a set of 3D Printed weapon effects from Shapeways, to get some more action on.  These guys fit really well into the larger weapons, which is good because Refraktor and Jetfire come with them, and the Seeker feet can fit them, and…  Yeah, they’re pretty cool, but they don’t really work with the smaller guns or damage ports on account of the post sticking out of them – but I can probably file them down.
  • #8288

    Meanwhile I still haven’t bought a TF since I think January last year (PotP Battletrap or maybe PotP Roadburn a bit after). I do pop into my local branch of the Entertainer now and then but until this week they’d still be stuck with shelfwarming Titans Return figures (how was Twinferno/Doublecross a shelfwarmer? He turns into a two-headed dragon, people!).

    This week I got to see some Siege figures in person for the first time (I probably would have been able to do that if I’d gone to my local branch of Smyths, but it’s in an out-of-town business park, which means making a special trip and… eh) and they’re ok. Entertainer had Hound, Starscream, Brunt, Red Alert and Springer. And some of them were tempting (until I saw the price points), but there were two things that stood out and bugged me. On Starscream, he’s got a lot of moulded detail on pretty much every part of him. It’s like they’re afraid to have flat panels. And that’s fine, I guess, it’s a choice, but because he’s made from flat-coloured plastic, it really looks a bit cheap, especially on his light blue and grey bits, more so than if he didn’t have the detail. It’s crying out for a good inkwash.

    Then there was Springer, which called to me on a primal level (Springer was my favourite character from G1 and this looks dead on for his 80s self) but that stupid battle damage paint effect just ruins it for me. They made the perfect recreation of a smoothly coloured cartoon character, then grubbed it up for no good reason. And it doesn’t even look convincingly like paint wear or anything, just flat grey detailing.

  • #8301

    While I haven’t purchased a Transformer since the 1980’s, I still enjoy looking at pictures of them or see them in stores. They will always have a place in my heart.

  • #8314

    Robot talk?  sure, let’s do that


    Did you let someone use your user name, Lorcan?  this post reminds me of Mark Hall, especially the different spellings of Brunt. :unsure:

  • #8339

    The multiple spellings might have been a reference to this:

  • #8340

    All your toys are redundant because this exists:

  • #8341

    That’s lovely.

  • #8342

    So authentic to the original Thunderbirds you can even see the strings

  • #8343

    That is so cool! I really like his TB2 build.

  • #8353

    For Lorcan…

  • #8369

    Those colour schemes are awful. I know they’re meant to homage a couple of random palette swap seekers from the cartoon, but solid blocks of primary colours across the whole figure just makes them look like knock-offs.

  • #8374

    I’ve heard from people who have them that they look better in-hand, but it’s quite telling that Acid Storm usually gets a green and brown camo pattern when he gets turned into a toy.

    But definitely, if I’m getting another STE GE seeker I’ll get Red Wing first.

  • #8375

    I’ve heard from people who have them that they look better in-hand, but it’s quite telling that Acid Storm usually gets a green and brown camo pattern when he gets turned into a toy.

    But definitely, if I’m getting another STE GE seeker I’ll get Red Wing first.

    Even just some grey thighs or black sections (like on Skywarp) to break it up a bit would help.

  • #9163

    This is pretty cool.


    But I’d really only want the FE car, not the relatively boring iPace car.

    That just got emailed to me by Formula E, but it’s oddly timed, as I spent most of yesterday digging my old Lego out from (incredibly dusty) boxes so I could prep it for my nephew to use when he’s a bit older. I disassembled everything that was still partially assembled and chucked it into one tub. Then thought “I should get replacement instructions for all the sets that are missing theirs”, so went online and got them last night. Now I’m sorely tempted to build the older ones – some of which were my older brother’s and I don’t think I’ve ever seen fully built – which… would have been a hell of a lot easier before I indiscriminately mixed together all the parts.

  • #9183

    Having all your Lego together in a tub is the only way to live. We have a giant plastic chest full of it from across the decades.

  • #9202

    Having all your Lego together in a tub is the only way to live. We have a giant plastic chest full of it from across the decades.

    Yeah, I did when I was very young (and it’s what it’s all gone into now) but a few of the sets I had later on were separate from the rest. It’s fuller than it’s ever been now.

  • #10271


    Well it arrived and it’s fucking gigantic

  • #10277


    What is the clear blue thing behind the legs and is that a hand placing the dpool toy on the ground?

  • #10288

  • #10296

    You can’t see from that a doe but there are a couple of teleportation portals behind cable and that’s dead pools hand reaching through dropping off a deadpool tool with a half a best buds neck tag around it’s neck.

    The whole things a fucking beast.

    Product SizeHeight: 24.5″ (622.3 mm) | Width: 17″ (431.8 mm) | Depth: 14″ (355.6 mm) | Weight: 12 lbs (5.44 kg) *Box SizeHeight: 12.00″ (304.8 mm) | Width: 26.00″ (660.4 mm) | Depth: 31.00″ (787.4 mm) | *Dimensional Weight43.00 lbs (19.5 kg) [Intl. 59.00 lbs (26.76 kg)] *

  • #10485


    Nerds searching Walmart listings look to have found a bunch of upcoming releases:

    First, a reissue of Rung, which seems in-line with Smashdown getting an Earthrise release as well, then another new Battle Master called Slitherfang.

    Two new Micromaster Patrols: the Race Track and Astro Squad

    Deluxe Fast Track – this was the name of G1 Skorponok’s pack-in bot made of bits, so presumably he’s a weapon master or Ironworks-style base thing.  The only other use of the name was a speedster in Spotlight:  Blurr.

    Trailbreaker, Sunstreaker and Runamuck are all listed.  Presumably Trailbreaker is a redeco of Hoist, and Runamuck won the fan poll.

    A Voyager Quintesson and Snapdragon, who was basically confirmed when Apeface was announced for STE GE

    And finally a Leader class Doubledealer, which I’m quite hyped for. Presumably like the STE GE leaders and Earthrise Prime, this is gonna be a Voyager-sized bot with a ton of accessories.

  • #12126

    Looks like there’s going to be a new 6” GI Joe line. I’m curious to see how it turns out. There are a few characters I’d be up for in that scale, but I’m largely happy with my 25th anniversary collection and don’t really have space to invest heavily in a larger scale line.

  • #12132

    They’re being licensed out to the people doing the Fortnite toys, apparently.

  • #12170

    They’re being licensed out to the people doing the Fortnite toys, apparently.

    Yeah, I saw that licensing deal announced the other week, but “insiders” are insisting that Hasbro are doing the new line themselves. It seems odd they would outsource GI Joe when a) they do the Marvel 6″ line and can recycle parts from it and b) they own GI Joe entirely.

  • #12891
    I wandered into Forbidden Planet a little while ago and Impactor was right there.  So worth it.  Leaving aside any attachment to the character from the Marvel or the G1 comics, this is a wonderful figure.  Like Ironhide, he towers over the other Deluxes, and has a really nice sense of power and strength about him.  The only downside of robot mode is some hollow as heck legs, but it’s a small price to pay.
    His Transformation is pretty unique – fold his chest up and then tuck his arms in, pegging his gun between them to form the front of the turret, while you flip his chest down by 90 degrees, swing out the outside of his legs and fold his feet inwards to clip in to the back of his waist and form a really nice, compact tank. And it’s not a H-tank, and it has a fully rotating turret.  The final tank mode is narrow as hell – body is slightly wider than the turret, but that gives Impactor’s tank mode the feel of a close-quarters city fighter, designed to move down narrow streets rather than operate in the open – and that fits the down and dirty fighting style of the Wreckers in general.
    Mirage is pretty decent.  I love the robot mode, it captures the character design from the comics, especially the original G1 miniseries really well.  I think a chunk of that is down to the weapons, which almost slavishly recreate the originals’ look and feel.  The transformation is a blast, with an elaborate amount of unfolding, twisting and revealing to make a pretty cool racecar mode.  It’s quite a unique transformation and I’m always here for that sort of thing.
    That said there are a few issues.  it’s really hard to tab everything together in car mode, and I’ve yet to get the spoiler to line up fully.  Also, the chest in robot mode is a fake car front, but enough of it is visible in car mode to be kinda obvious and hard to ignore.  Plus, his lateral hip joints are really loose, and this appears to be a toy-wide QC issue.  But overall worth picking up, if just to support weird and unique figures.
    Barricade is way better than I was expecting.  I skipped Prowl, being happy with the Classics version and expecting to grab Barricade and maybe Smokescreen and Bluestreak as well.  The figure is pretty much an update of the classics figure, simplified but not dumbed down, and the end results are fantastic.  Articulation is just as excellent as the other STE GE figures, and transformation is a dream.  the way the chest turns into the car front is inspired – the waist greeblies untab from the torso, you then lift the chest away, a panel that foes from the back to behind the neck untabs to cover up the hole the head pokes through.  the arms fold in smoothly, and while it can be hard to moosh the front and back halves of the car together, it’s a minor issue and it looks great when you get everything lined up – really sleek and powerful-looking, and the black, purple and white colour scheme looks fantastic.
    Accessory-wide, he comes with two guns, the same as the shoulder launchers that come with Smokescreen and Bluestreak.  Stock photos put them into his shoulders, and they connect in there with these long, narrow tabs.  But you can use the same tabs to hold the guns in his hands – where they’re a bit naff, as the has these tall, short-barrelled guns.  As an alternative, they can be pegged into his forearms, where they look better as integral guns extending out from his arms.  Or my preferred option, they connect together with the gun barrels close to one another, which creates a 5mm post on a flat side, making for a 2-barrelled gun that looks good in his hands, on the forearm, or on the 5mm ports on his upper arms.  As an added nice little detail, there’s little rows of bullets on the outside of those long tabs, making them look like magazines feeding the weapon in this form.  He also has a lightbar, the same type as comes with Prowl and Red Alert – which I just leave in the back 5mm port.
    My only complaints are a lack of mounting points in car mode – there’s one 5mm port and then the two long, narrow holes the guns can connect to.  So if you want to keep the guns connected to Barricade, but not have them rising out of his hood you need to combine them and mount them on the centreline – where the lightbar nominally goes.  there’s a square indent in the lightbar that the combined guns can clip into, but they don’t hold well, and while there are 5mm ports on the guns, they’re both off-centre, so you can’t have the gun and the lightbar up there and keep them both centred.  A minor issue, but niggly.  Also, it can be a bit hard to work out his centre of gravity between the long chest and odd-shaped feet.
    Shall we talk about exclusives?  Because I got some.
    The Powerdashers are minor redecoes and head swaps of the Weaponisers, based on a trio of Diaclone toys that got mail-order releases in the US and made a few fleeting appearances in more recent comics.
    Aragon is a redeco of Cog, and his red, silver black and yellow colour scheme is gorgeous.  He also fixes a lot of Cog’s QC issues – most notably he holds his guns more firmly and the tab that connects the two vehicle halves together is more secure.  I split the 3-pack he came in with a friend, so I don’t have the Decepticon Impactor with the IDW-styled head or Holo Mirage, but they looked nice in the box. (The box is a weird one, it tapers inwards in the middle, so to get the toys out you need to open both sides, and pull out a tray from either end.  These trays each have a plastic inner and lid, with Impactor and Mirage in one each, and Aragon in between them in weapon mode.
    Cromar is based on Six Gun, but with a nice black, red and grey/silver colour scheme and a goofy head.  That head is subject to a major QC issue where the glue holding it together can seep down and prevent the head from turning, and if you try and force it the whole assembly breaks apart… But thankfully my one didn’t do that!  He’s pretty good for the same reasons Six-Gun is, and I found a fan-mode online that looks more like the original Cromar/Powerdasher Jet than the Six-Gun’s VTOL gunship mode. Like a lot of people, to differentiate him further from Six-Gun I put the long guns on his back and the pistols in his hands.
    Zetar is Brunt, but as an Autobot and with a drill on his head.  He’s primarily yellow and black with some silver highlights.  Interestingly the back of his head is the bottom half of Brant’s head, just painted black – but the front of his head is a new piece.
    Smokescreen is, as usual the same body type as Prowl and Bluestreak (whom I still haven’t been able to get), and now Barricade as well. In addition to sporting a Smokescreeny colour scheme, he comes with the shoulder guns from Barricade and Prowl’s rifle as well, and no lightbar of course. He’s just as good as Barricade, and the colour scheme works really well.  He’s a bit of a victim of sprue colouring – his shoulder guns are molded white, but his gun is blue and mostly painted over with white to mostly match them.
    Nightbird is a redeco of STE GE Chromia, who is in turn a retool of the female Autobot combiner limb body, as used for Moonracer and Firestar in Power of the Primes, and then Lancer and Greenlight in STE GE.  Only they removed the combiner bits from Chromia/Nightbird.  I skipped Chromia on account of having the Generations one that was a redeco of Prime (Robots in Disguise) Arcee, and having three of the combiner version already. And then added Nightbird to my pre-order list on BBTS and forgetting to decide to remove her or not before she came into stock.  Whoops.
    Anyway, I think this is my first female decepticon toy?  She doesn’t have any decepticon logos on her though… Colours are lovely, all black, purple and dark greys.  Looks great in both modes.
    She’s actually quite different from either iteration of the female combiner limb – the car segments on her legs are higher-up and don’t connect to her feet, and her backpack is reworked to fold down differently.  It’s a lot of effort to make a slightly blockier car mode.  And I managed to pop off her crotch armour before I realised they’d removed the double rotation point at the waist and the legs do turn 180 for transforming her (unlike her combiner cousins), so I guess she has removable knickers?  Yaaaaaay.
    I do really like her collection of weapons. She comes with a pistol, a pair of grenades, and a piece that can be attached to the pistol as a scope or barrel extension, have the grenades attached to make a variety of clubs, or all the bits can be attached in a few configurations to make a bigger gun (or one of those guns you can attach a grenade to the barrel to shoot off, I guess).  They’re really cool and have some dark yellow paint apps that contrast with her other colours really well.
    Speaking of the female autobot combiner limb body, Lancer was right there, and I was missing only one bot from making all of Orthia, so sod it, I guess.  And she is gaudy as hell.  But she kinda makes it work.  The face is probably the worst part of it, between the orange helmet, purple face and then pink lips.  There are metallic purple elements that are more visible in car mode that work really well. And the gun has these highlighted panels in the metallic purple against black and it looks great there.
    And this leads to a minor complaint I have – Now, I’ve not assembled Orthia yet because most of my Transformers are stored in my parents’ house since we had our house renovated and I can’t make this complaint out of actual experience, and it’s a real nitpick but here we go.  There are two arm designs for the girl combiner limbs – Moonracer and Novastar have more slender vambraces with a 5mm port, and hands that fold inwards; while Greenlght and Lancer have larger vambraces with no port and the hands are integrated rather than separate parts  – so there are two slightly different figures here.  But Moonracer and Greenlight have cool main colours (blue and green respectively) and Novastar and Lancer have hotter ones (red and orange).  So when putting Orthia together, there’s the choice of matching the overall silhouette of the limbs, or putting coordinating colours together.  I’m not sure which will look more aesthetically pleasing on the Combiner.
    Finally, I got Red Wing as a Christmas present.  He’s the STE GE Seeker mold again, and remains an excellent toy in terms of poseability and design. And his colours are wonderful, the red and black work so well together, especially with the white to highlight it.  It works especially well on the face.  My only complaint is that the paint seems a bit thick at points – I used so much force to separate the nose halves that I wound up putting a stress mark on the figure.
  • #13475

    Advance Review: McFarlane Toys’ GREEN LANTERN Figure

  • #13748

    Leaks of some new Earthrise stuff:

  • #14260

    Masterpiece 50 and 51 have been revealed at a Japanese show.

    MP-51 is Arcee:


    and MP-50 is Tigatron!

    :heart:I thought Tigatron would be a straight redeco of Cheetor, I didn’t consider that they’d scale him up to be show accurate in size. I guess that means, given he’s halfway between Cheetor and Dinobot, he’ll be about £150 though.

  • #15081

    Looks like the 6″ Joe line is real. Here’s a leak photo of a “convention exclusive” of Snake Eyes for it.

    Even assuming the weapon stand and half the weapons are the con-exclusive element, that’s a sweet looking figure.

  • #15091

    Yeah, that’s pretty sweet.  I’m not going to buy them, but hopefully the line sticks around for Joe fans.

  • #15092

    I think if I do buy them, I’ll try and be selective (no troop building!) but unfortunately there’s so many Joe characters I like, I don’t think I’ll manage to be that selective.

  • #15263

    I treated myself to a Masterepice Dinobot this month.

    The KO not the proper one, I’m on a budget. £50 vs £225.

    It came from China, so there was a delay in postage, presumably due to the Coronavirus stuff (and the Chinese New Year) but after it was posted, it arrived in about four days, sailed through customs and was incredibly well packed, even with plastic corner protectors taped on the shipping box.

    Rather than an imitation of the Takara box, it arrives in a plain brown one, but is really well packed, with foam inserts. The instruction sheet isn’t just a copy of the Takara one though, so it doesn’t quite explain everything as clearly as I’d like (turning the tail into the rotor weapon) and it took a while to transform him for the first time. That was also because I was a bit worried about breaking things, what with it being incredibly intricate and a KO, but it’s a very well put together figure (with some caveats that I’ll get to) with excellent paint apps. I don’t think you’d be able to tell at a glance or ever a particularly close inspection that it’s a KO.

    The figure itself is awesome. The beast mode is very panelly, which is to be expected, but there’s a nice range of articulation. I was struggling to feel confident in how the hind legs articulated, so I had trouble getting it to stand, but there’s a hefty stand accessory to help with that. It’s really expressive, with an articulated mouth, moveable tongue, alternate eyes (you flip up the head and can rotate the eyes, which is pretty tough as they’re on a spring or something to keep it tight) and very articulated hands. Also, incredibly sharp claws on his feet. My fingers genuinely hurt from moving them around.

    Transformation was a bit of an ordeal, again because I was being careful, the instructions weren’t desperately clear etc. I think I’d be a bit more confident going backwards with it (but don’t intend to do so for a while). Getting the beast forearms into the robot torso is a bit, which makes it hard to get the side panels in place. They seem in place now, but I don’t know if the official version would be better at that or not. The front fake-dino-head chest piece is troublesome though, not staying clipped into place and that is a deficiency of the KO, as far as I can tell. Either it’s meant have a tab or something on a post to keep it in place better, or it’s not able to reach far enough down properly (possibly due to mistransformation) so it pops off and hangs loose a bit. Which isn’t the end of the world.

    In robot mode, Dinobot looks pretty great. Very hefty. The articulation on the legs is odd, given how they contort into the beast mode and so they seem a bit predisposed to go off in weird angles, but he can stand up on his own power with a bit of fiddling. The fingers are well articulated, but it’s for show and his accessories are held in place by posts that go into holes in his palm, which works well. He comes with his tail rotor, sword and the Golden Disc, which has a little transparent bit to let him hold it (one of the things not explained in the KO instructions). He’s got four different faces, all of which have mouth articulation and his eyes light up, but I’ve not got the batteries to try that yet. Overall, he looks great.

    The only KO issues are, as previously mentioned with the chest bit, which may be due to me not positioning everything properly, and with the tail accessory. The last third is supposed to be able to swivel round back on itself to make the rotor blade weapon more manageable, but the sections would extend properly for me and I’m worried about breaking it if I try too hard. Not sure how to fix that – there’s not really anywhere to apply a grease or lubricant, so my best idea is maybe using a hairdryer, see if that’ll ease the joint a bit.

    Still, for £175 less than the official version, this is fantastic. I wish the other Beast Wars Masterpieces would get the same treatment, but I guess the paint apps are too cost prohibitive (Cheetor’s not been knocked off, but his solid black redeco Shadow Panther has been). I’m glad that, for whatever reason, Dinobot got the honour.

  • #15303

    Earthrise Titan class Skorponok+Zarak:


    Commander class Sky Lynx

    Deluxe class Fasttrack, a weaponiser based on the minibot that came with G1 Skorponok


    Deluxe Arcee – like Cliffjumper a big chunk of her car kibble is removable, becoming a hoverboard thingy instead of a shield


    Fasttrack is the only definite for me, I have Generations Arcee and don’t feel the need to replace her.  SkyLynx is a maybe – I have his Combiner Wars version and while I really like the look of the new one Commander class is too rich for my blood unless I can find him at a discount like i did with Jetfire.

  • #15307

    Wow, Scorponock even transforms colour between modes!

    It’s a nice figure, but there’s no way I have room for that.

  • #15308

    Oh, I thought I posted this last night, but I guess the board ate it.

    I found some LR44 batteries to go in Dinobot, but it turns out they don’t fit. Well, they fit into the battery compartment when it’s removed from the head, but not when the rest of the head is brought into the equation. There just isn’t any allowance made for the radius of the batteries in the fitting together of the components. I don’t know if that’s due to recasting of parts for this KO (I doubt it,  I suspect these are lunchtime specials from the original moulds) or just poor design originally, but I’m not desperate to go about shaving things down to make room, so I guess I’ll live without the light up eyes. (the head on the screw to that section pretty much weathered itself smooth in the process of opening and closing it up anyway).

  • #15317

    Out of interest, how many Transformers do you guys have, roughly? What’s an average collection size? And do you keep them on display or in storage? It’s a hobby I’m not hugely familiar with and the reference to how much space you have for this stuff made me wonder about the practicalities of it.

  • #15332

    Out of interest, how many Transformers do you guys have, roughly? What’s an average collection size? And do you keep them on display or in storage? It’s a hobby I’m not hugely familiar with and the reference to how much space you have for this stuff made me wonder about the practicalities of it.

    I honestly don’t know how many I have. I’m not desperate to count them and find out, frankly! I’ve got a set of shelves crammed full of them and also 25th anniversary Joes, my Visionaries figures, some 5″ Who figures and a couple of NECA Turtles and then some storage boxes with about as many TFs again, Visionaries vehicles, some 3 3/4″ Marvel figures and my 2003 He-Man collection (which I’m on the fence about selling on).

    If I had to estimate on TF numbers… 300 maybe?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #15333

    More 6″ Joes revealed.

    The Snakes Eyes is available for pre-order from Hasbro and is $40 for the retail figure with the weapon stand etc.

  • #15338

    If I had to estimate on TF numbers… 300 maybe?


    They are cool objects. I don’t have any of the ones from when I was a kid but I wish I’d hung on to some of them.

  • #15344

    Out of interest, how many Transformers do you guys have, roughly? What’s an average collection size? And do you keep them on display or in storage? It’s a hobby I’m not hugely familiar with and the reference to how much space you have for this stuff made me wonder about the practicalities of it.

    I’ve started maintaining a checklist of my Transformers, and my collection of Aligned continuity and Classics/Generations figures comes to 212 toys  including duplicates – some of which are figures I doubled up on for army building (Prime Vehicon, Titans Return Sharkticon, STE GE Refraktor and Brunt) , and ones I’ve gotten new versions of I like more and intend to sell off to my LCS (Combiner Wars Prime/Hound/Mirage/Ironhide).

    Beyond that, I’ve got around 20 BINALTech/Alternators, 3 Masterpieces, 6 or 7 Robot Masters, and a smattering of Unicron Trilogy figures and other odds and sods I haven’t catalogued yet.

  • #15351

    I just realised the board ate an edit on display.  I usually have a bunch of figures out on display, which changes from time to time, usually in some level of dynamic posing often with the aid of display bases (a mix of obitsu bases and Tamashi stages for Transformers, and official Arcadia/Bandai display bases for Macross ones). I recently finished painting up a bunch of Kotobukiya mechanical chain base pieces, so I have them put together in a large but not fully immersive setup, but i want a better semi-permanent setup afte ri finish getting all my stuff back from my parents.



    Here’s the kind of immersive shot you can get with the base parts configured differently, a tighter camera angle and less to focus on:


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
  • #15352

    I’m starting to think I’ve over-estimated at 300.

  • #15372

    Very cool photos. Great!

  • #15426

    More Earthrise bits:

    Micromaster Race Track patrol

    Micromaster Astro Squad


    Battle Master Doublecrosser

    Deluxe Smokescreen

    Deluxe Airwave.  The figures that dissasemble to make bases like Airwave and Ironworks are called Modulators


    Voyager Megatron


    Definitely gonna get Doublecrosser and Airwave.  Will probably skip Smokescreen as I got the Generations Selects one and will hope for a Bluestreak.  Will probably skip Megatron and hold onto the STE GE one.

  • #15432

    And I took a better photo of the current robot display

    I really should make it smaller so I can have a more enclosed set of walls and have fewer figures on there so they all fit on the floor tiles… or buy another 4 sets to get enough parts to make it 5x3x2… The seekers that are up in the air are all on Obitsu multi stands, which are cheap as hell but work really well, while Cog is on a Tamashii Stage Act – though the set I have had three bases instead of the two in that one.  The blast effects in Prime and Reflector’s guns are from the Shapeways set I got, the rest came from various STE GE figures

  • #15439

    Where’s the scenery from?

  • #15452

    Kotobukiya Mechanical chain bases, two type A, two type B, and three of the older sets that only had one floor and one wall plate each.  They come unpainted, I painted and weathered them myself.  I’ve only painted a bit of the various gantries and crates and stuff that come with them so far though.  You can find cheap knockoffs on ebay too.

  • #15469

    Ah yes, I see your earlier post says that. I’m sure it didn’t earlier!

    They look cool, but I’m not sure I could be arsed to paint them up myself.

  • #15470

    I don’t think I appreciated just how big Scorponock is until seeing this first picture.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Martin Smith.
  • #15475

    Ah yes, I see your earlier post says that. I’m sure it didn’t earlier!

    They look cool, but I’m not sure I could be arsed to paint them up myself.

    I paint model kits and miniatures anyway so it’s an extension of that hobby – I got them primarily to do Gundam dioramas with.

    The painting method I use is quite intensive – I used an airbrush at all points – they were primed black, then painted silver, any parts that were going to remain silver like wall panels, grilles or rails were taped off.  Next I dropped water on random segments and sprinkled salt over the water.  When the water dried off, the segments that were yellow or danger striped were painted cream, then yellow, and then taped off and/or painted black before being taped off.  I then painted the remaining segments a few layers of grey, going from dark to bright.  Following that, the dried salt chunks were brushed off, revealing some of the original silver as paint chips.  Decals were applied for detail, and then I did streaks of soot and rust with weathering powders, and then applied a matt varnish.

    I need to go back in and file down the edges of the connecting points – the layers of paint and varnish make them a bit too thick to connect easily.

    You could just as easily leave them unpainted or just spray them a single colour, and there are other options that use a couple of shades of grey plastic that look fine out of the box, and even more companies do ones with pre-painted or printed patterns on them.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #15522

    I paint model kits and miniatures anyway so it’s an extension of that hobby – I got them primarily to do Gundam dioramas with. The painting method I use is quite intensive – I used an airbrush at all points – they were primed black, then painted silver, any parts that were going to remain silver like wall panels, grilles or rails were taped off. Next I dropped water on random segments and sprinkled salt over the water. When the water dried off, the segments that were yellow or danger striped were painted cream, then yellow, and then taped off and/or painted black before being taped off. I then painted the remaining segments a few layers of grey, going from dark to bright. Following that, the dried salt chunks were brushed off, revealing some of the original silver as paint chips. Decals were applied for detail, and then I did streaks of soot and rust with weathering powders, and then applied a matt varnish.

    Yeah, I really couldn’t be arsed to do all that, but it’s an impressive method, especially the salt.

  • #15561

    BBTS have pre-orders up for a ton of Earthrise stuff, and there are more renders:

    Leader Doubledealer


    Voyager Quintesson Judge

    Voyager Snapdragon

    Deluxe Runamuck

    Deluxe Quintesson Allicon

    Generations Selects Spy Patrol Elite Command unit

    Being Skar,blue Rumble (so basically Frenzy), Wingthing and Knok


    I am here for all these figures.


    Also, there’s a line of STE GE redecoes to tie in with the Netflix War for Cybertron show, which is coming in a couple of months. Apparently these guys are Walmart exclusives.

    Decepticon Mirage






    Scrapface (a repaint of Reflector)


    Hotlink, another new Seeker

    And a “surprise” set that is apparently Ultra Magnus, based on the Cybertronian text on the box

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
  • #16009

    A few more STE GE bits?  Sure why not.

    Crosshairs is a straight up redeco of Ironhide, and is a little bit frustrating – the basic toy remains great, but for every bit that is improved or fixed here – the side flaps that pop off when you look at them on Ironhide are perfectly secure here, for instance – there’s another thing wrong – it’s hard to line everything up just so for vehicle mode, and there’s a very visible seam line running through the middle of the truck cab, making for a thick black line in the middle of the white underneath his clear canopy chest.
    But the toy remains great, the new head sculpt is very nice, the colour scheme works well and there are some very nice touches like stickers on his leg recreating detail from the original toy.  Not essential if you have Ironhide or Ratchet, but nice, and I do think it’s worth getting this mould at least once..  I intend to give him the Targetmaster I got with Twin Twist when I have him on display.
    Spinister is great, just great. It starts with him being a nice, tall Deluxe – the size variations in the price point might be a bit vexing for some, but I like that it’s giving us more variation in the height and bulk of bots, and Spinister is quite tall, even before taking the rotors and tail sticking out of his back.  It fits well with his portrayal in the comics, where he was pretty big.  His fellow Scavenger (and STE GE toy) Flywheels doesn’t quite come up to his shoulders, while Crosshairs is a shade shorter than him.  Spinister has a ton of poseability to boot, his transformation requiring a lot of flexibility at the elbows and knees.  I’ve been able to get him into a very Geoff Senior-esque running with all his limbs splayed out pose, and that’s good enough for me.  The guns packaged with him feel very reminiscent of the original’s targetmaster partners, and can even be stacked one atop the other.  The mass of detail that’s etched into the figures works really well here too, as the purple one with gatling gun barrels has little cartridge ejection ports on either side.  It’s a really nice touch.
    Helicopter mode is fantastic… except that to maintain the look of the legs both has a full helicopter cockpit on there, so one of them winds up tucked underneath after transformation.  It’s a slight own goal, but the actual transformation is so elegant and so different you can’t hold it against the figure.  I love it, and it’s well worth picking up.
    Apeface is interesting, but not necessarily successful.  To begin with, I love that robot mode, it’s nice and beefy, has good poseability – though sadly no torso rotation, and while the elbows are double-jointed, it’s backwards to allow for how the arms transform.  And the gun is great, it looks like some sort of cut-down shotgun.
    Transformation is… a thing.  You remove the head, fold his legs up into the torso, awkwardly try and line up a half-dozen tabs and eventually give up.  Then if you want to transform into fighter mode you fold out the wings, put the headmaster into the cockpit, which you then cover with the tailfins/shield, and fold the nose down, tabbing it into place via posts that line up with the ports in the feet. You wind up with a brick that has a nosecone on one end, and stubby wings that barely clear the sides near the back.  It’s at least fairly accurate to the original toy.
    For ape mode, you instead fold out the limbs, unclip the ape head from the aircraft nose and put the headmaster in there (the back of his head mode provides Apceface’s ape face), and then awkwardly attach a clip at the back of the nose to a bar around a hinge on the inside, and it’s about as fun as it sounds.
    When it’s all lined up, Apeface looks really cool in ape mode and decent in a toy-accurate way in jet mode.  He’s fun, but of the Voyagers I’ve gotten form the line, he’s the least good.  Not bad, but nowhere near as good as the Seekers, Prime or Megatron. One last thing to note is something a lot of toy reviewers have pointed out as well, and that’s the white plastic.  It’s high-impact nylon rather and PVC, POM or ABS, and as such has a weird feel to it compared to the usual Transformer plastics, and it has a kind of creamy beige tint to it rather than the crisp whites of the original renders.  Apparently the nylon was needed for some tolerance issues (I’d guess primarily the clip to attack the nose section correctly to ape mode).
    And that’s me basically done with siege.  There’s a few bits I still want to track down – Smashdown, Rung and Astrotrain who are all getting reissued in Earthrise, and then Singe, Caliburst and the Ratbat/Rumble two-set.  And I have to say, As someone who was very happy with a lot of the generations versions I already had, I’ve basically replaced the bulk of them with their siege counterparts.  Hound, Ironhide, Mirage, Megatron… This line was a wealth of fantastic figures, and harkened back to Generations circa Thrilling 30s in terms of getting the balance between complexity and simplicity, toeing a fine line between being toys that appeal to adult collectors and kids (I overheard a kid telling his parents he wanted to get three Refraktors in a toyshop a friend works in recently!).  The weapon effects side of the play pattern lends itself very well to display, which I appreciate on that level, but I’ve been using weapon effects in modelmaking for a while to make for more dramatic presentations so there’s an appeal from other areas of my hobbies.  And it’s just tactile fun to pull the Weaponisers apart and rebuild them into different forms and bolt them onto other bots.
    I greatly enjoyed the Prime Wars trilogy, even if Power of the Primes was a bit of a step down, but Siege and (spoilers) what I’ve gotten from Earthrise so far suggests that the War for Cybertron trilogy is going to be far better.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
  • #16058

    If I had to estimate on TF numbers… 300 maybe?

    Holy moly.

  • #16072

    I feel like I’m going to have to count now.

    Meanwhile, I stopped by a charity shop this morning to donate a book and ended up walking away with this:

    Don’t worry, I paid for it.

    Not sure if I’m going to keep it or flip it but I knew I couldn’t walk away from it. I’ve not had a full look at it, so I’m not sure if it’s complete. The shop manager let me have a quick look before buying and most of it seems to be there.  Love that 80s Joe box art.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16075

    There was a book of just GI Joe box art not too long ago.  Pretty cool stuff.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16097

    I feel like I’m going to have to count now.

    So, I’ve done a cursory count (actually some lists in a spreadsheet) and it’s just shy of 200. So my powers of estimation are quite poor. Could be some fluctuation there when I check the tubs and see if I’ve yet managed to replace some of the yellowed BW figures I sold off and if I’ve still got the dozen or so Micromasters I ended up with at some point (I sold off a load of G1 stuff I was never going to get around to fixing up a little while ago and I think I might have thrown the Micromasters into that lot).

    The majority of the collection is Beast Wars (where I have the bulk of the first three years of the line) and the CHUG era stuff, at 60ish and 70-odd respectively. The mini-cassette guys really drive up the numbers too, as I’ve got a most of the G1 ones (through reissues and KOs mainly) and MP Soundwave came with five of them.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16108

    Back in the 1980s, I had all of the classic G1 Transformers. After the family house flooded during Hurricane Harvey, I managed to save them from the house and took them directly to my LCS to sell them.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16115

    So many insanity!

    Marvel Legends Series X-Men: Age of Apocalypse Series

    Marvel Legends 20th Century Fox’s X-Men Movies Series

    Marvel Legends Marvel’s Avengers GamerVerse Series

    Marvel LegendsDeadpool Series

    Random Marvel Legends Series

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16313

    I would buy 6” G I JOE, but I’m just getting past collecting what I wanted from the Star Wars Black Series 6” line.   Don’t have anywhere to really show off what I have.  My wargaming/RPG habit is probably enough.


    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16559

    So I’ve gone down a bit of a rabbit hole over the last week and a half and joined up with the Marvel Legends Uk Collectors groups over on Facebook.

    I had intended to sell off a whole heap of old Toybiz marvel legends from 2006/2007 and dump all my Funko pops to get some cash flow and iI completely fucked up and spent a tonne of money.

    Trying to put together 90’s X-Force and uncanny x-force and I must admit having a blast doing it. even repainted an old Psylocke in her uncanny colours and didn’t do a terrible job for my first mod!


    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16802


    Oh god there’s more of them

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16897


    Oh god there’s more of them

    I see 4 members of X-Force in that case.  Who are the others? ;-)

  • #19314

    Another 6″ Joe figure has been revealed:


  • #19572

    @mark-abnett, You need a Fantomex

  • #19575

    oh ye of little faith.


    I’ve been busy :scratch: IMG_8239

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #19592

    Today I got a Masterpiece Megatron… KO.

    It’s really impressive, in both regards. I have no problem generally with getting the KOs of the MPs instead of the original ones and can live with imperfections and flaws. But this genuinely feels indistinguishable from the Takara release. There’s no “it’s good but” or “considering the price”. It’s just what it tries to be.

    Which is a shockingly accurate representation of the cartoon character. Nice poseability, good array of alternate faces and it even came with batteries for the sound chip in the barrel (which has three settings: gun noises, transformation noises and quotes. Japanese quotes). The transformation is a real pain though. I had to use Google translate on the booklet to get a better sense of the picture and refer to two different guide videos, one of which handily pointed out that the leg/pelvis straightening is pretty much impossible without undoing the screw a bit. Took best part of 90 minutes. The alt mode is chunky. Not sure I’ll get much use out of it to be honest, given it’s impossible to display nicely, but hey, it’s a hell of an achievement.

    The range of accessories is gargantuan, though you have to wonder how much cheaper the thing would have been without a Key to Vector Sigma (die cast), control helmet from that one episode of the cartoon, two different chains for the energon mace, pistol and light sabre from the movie, three extra faces, damaged chest piece as well as the silencer and stock. But given I got this for £50 (less with an eBay voucher), I’m not going to complain.

    Now to find a spare hour or two to transform it back.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #21236

    Has anyone seen the new Super Mario Lego sets that are out in August?

    They don’t actually look all that interesting for the most part. Way too much reliance on special parts to feel like true Lego, for my tastes. But those LCD displays on the Mario figure, especially the eyes, are pretty impressive. I’d like to see that turn up in something more interesting in the future.

  • #21239

    Yeah it all looks a bit gimmicky to me. For the price it doesn’t look like there would be that much play value.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #28124

    Generations Selects “Sleep mode” Optimus Prime. Basically a toy of Prime after he died in TFTM


    The guns are apparently from a 3P Reflector set rather than coming with nappy nap Prime.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #28161

    That’s kinda morbid.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #28163

    Wait until they do a dismembered Ultra Magnus, melted from the inside Prowl and special “Such foolish nonsense” Megatron and Brawn’s corpse double-pack.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #28166

    special “Such foolish nonsense” Megatron and Brawn’s corpse double-pack.

    It’s “Such heroic nonsense” and Ironhide’s corpse. You’re supposed to be a TF fan. You should know this.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #28177

    special “Such foolish nonsense” Megatron and Brawn’s corpse double-pack.

    It’s “Such heroic nonsense” and Ironhide’s corpse. You’re supposed to be a TF fan. You should know this.

    In my defence, I was very tired at the time.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #28182

    We need a Sleep Mode Lorcan, clearly.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #28193

    Generations Selects “Sleep mode” Optimus Prime. Basically a toy of Prime after he died in TFTM


    The guns are apparently from a 3P Reflector set rather than coming with nappy nap Prime.

    Where’s the fatal “gut-wound” damage?

    So disappointing.

  • #28194

    Where’s the fatal “gut-wound” damage? So disappointing.

    There is actually a painted-on scar on his left lower torso (all of the damage except the back of his head is tampo rather than new parts), it’s not as visible in the photo there but it is there.  That panel folds away for truck mode so it’s not visible at all there.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #28716





    So. um things may have gotten a tiny bit out of control

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #28722


    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #28729

    Are they allowed outside to play?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #28733

    Are they allowed outside to play?

    I think just touching them may be a capital offense.

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  • #28923

    So I’ve got most of wave 1 of Earthrise, just waiting for the last few bits to show up and I’ll post reviews of everything I got in one fellbat swoop.  But in the meantime, some other bits I scooped up

    Hotlink – yeah, I bought another iteration of the STE GE Seeker mold!  they got me for the fifth time.  But the colour scheme is really nice, and the damage pattern isn’t the same.  Also, he comes with two Battle Masters.  Now they’re identical redecoes of Blowpipe but you know, muzzle flashes.
    Megatron – yeah, I got the Netflix redeco of Megs too.  I saw some photos and liked it more than the regular one.  And hey, more Battle Masters! This time one of them is Pinpointer, being a redeco of Firedrive, and Lioniser in a colour scheme closer to the G1 version.  In a nice touch they’re described as captives, but Pinpointer is totally going to Crosshairs. Undecided on whether to sell on my older Megatron or get rid of his Decepticon logo and stick an Autobot one on there so he can be frustrated by Rodimus.
    Rumble and Ratbat have been quite evasive, and even when they showed up a a few online stores I managed to quibble back and forth and didn’t nab them before they sold out.  Blah.  But I eventually found them at a reputable Chinese store and they happened to also have some KO Predacons I’d been eyeing up (see below for more) and I made sure I didn’t miss out again.
    Rumble is pretty cute as a little robot dude. He’s not much for poseability – ball joints in the shoulders, hands tilt inwards, and then dual hinges on the hips and a ball joint in the knees.  Oh, and the head rotates.  He look like G1 Rumble, so mission accomplished on that front? Also, he has little posts on the end of his fists so you can mount weapon effects on there.
    Transformation is… Well, do you remember the old digital watch robot Transformer?  Kinda like that.  He’s a little block that’s totally a shield and not a rough estimation of the shape of an audio cassette, yup yup yup.  But there are problems.  Nothing major, but the copyright and manafacturing tampo marks are on the outside of the legs, so they’re very prominent on the side of the tape… er shield mode that would be visible if mounted externally on a bot or in Soundwave’s chest.
    Meanwhile, Ratbat is kinda adorable.  He’s got his signature gigantic wings and a cute little face and teeny feet and a lot of nice detail including what look like tape spools on his chest, but also bigger ones that could be spools or could be speakers or articulation joints on his shoulders.  He even has some painted detail on his back that evokes the G1 toy’s weapon/backpack.  But like Rumble the shield/tape mode is flawed.  Unlike the other tapes who basically fold flat and have a tab-out peg on the side that most or all of the robot bits are ore visible, Ratbat’s peg for shield-mode mounting  is on the other side.  So if you use him as a shield he looks like a squashed up robot bat.
    A minor complaint is that these two are a little thicker in their alt-modes than Laserbeak and Ravage, and while they fit in STE GE Soundwave’s chest, the door won’t spring open when you press the button.
    A set of Knockoff Predacons. I kinda wanted the POTP Preds, but not for full price, and someone on the TFWiki Discord channel linked a video review of these guys who looked pretty good, I found them from this place in China for 60 quid, the same site had Rumble and Ratbat and hell, why not. Unless HLJ gets desperate to shift their remaining stock I won’t get the official release for close to 100.
    Anyway, say hello to Weijang’s Sky Soarer.  It takes the HasTak originals, actually does some improvements at place in terms of increasing part counts and making them more solid or more detailed, but also skimping on production details at other parts. Fine detail is the main place these guys fall down, comparison shots between faces and the like show that Sky Roarer’s bots are a lot smoother and lack definition.  Beyond that some of the decorative choices are questionable, and while there’s a sheet of stickers to help fill out blank spaces I dunno if I’ll bother.  The shop I got it from included a sheet of Decepticon reprolabels and I’m far more likely to use those. A couple of bits pop off easily, some joints are loose while others are really tight, and there are some really visible stress marks and nubs were parts were cut off the sprue carelessly.  And like, sometimes I don’t clean the nubs off my Gundam kits properly, but I’m also not selling assembled and painted Gundam kits. Overall it feels a lot like comparing Unite Warriors Devastator to the Combiner Wars version – there’s a few more joints, some smoother transformations, and a lot of the same core issues. That is to say the individual bots aren’t that good…
    Let’s start at the bottom, figuratively and literally. Iron Rhino (AKA Headstrong) and Sharp Blade (Tantrum) are basically the same toy.  They have decent enough robot modes, but transforming into their beast forms is basic as hell, you turn the head 180 degrees, straighten the arms out, fold in the hands and work them into these pits behind the shoulders to make the forelegs, and unclip the legs in a manner similar to a lot of Combiner Wars deluxes (or a couple of the Constructicons), then fold out the lower hind legs from their hips, stand on hooves and done! robot.  There isn’t much poseability to be had, the positioning of the forelegs means they can only move at the knee/elbow.
    But the elephant in the room is the most inexcusable piece of robokibble I’ve ever seen.  One thing that combiners have always done is work around how the robots making up the limbs are roughly the same size, but legs tend to be longer than arms.  The Scramble City style bots (and by extension, the 1 voyager+4 deluxe Combiner Wars ones) have a larger bot make up the torso and the upper legs, while the Constructicons have two bots make up the torso, with one also forming the upper legs.  The Micromaster Combiners use a big frame that the other bots combine to. And the Predacons don’t do any of that. Back in G1 Razorclaw formed most of the torso, and Predaking therefore had a torso that was kinda dwarfed by his arms and legs. The new Predaking’s solution comes in two halves – one is really interesting and cool, and the other is what they did to these two poor robots.  Basically, the entire thigh and hip for a leg each of Predaking is just there on the outside.  It’s on the back in robot mode and that’s not too bad, but it’s on the underside of the beast mode and is thick enough that the legs barely give them any clearance.  It looks stupid as hell and really brings the group down.
    Steel Claw/Razorclaw is pretty OK, but still not great.  He’s dominated by a gigantic torso that makes up most of Predaking’s chest and hides the head inside, but with arms and legs sticking out the ends.  it’s a minor quibble,but he’s got the shoulder guns that are part of the classic Razorclaw look, but they’re stuck pointing upwards in robot mode where the original design had them facing forward.
    Beast mode is better than the legbois, but very similar in ways.  the front legs fold in in the same way, but the hind legs fold out of the robot mode legs instead of being on the outside of them. the way the torso folds around to make this mode means the back is just a gigantic shelf of robot bits, and it’s not elegant.  And can I just point out that so far, none of these bots has a beast mode tail?
    Sabretooth/Rampage is an improvement on the prior bots.  He’s nicely poseable in robot mode, has good proportions, and at least does something with the combiner kibble (in his case a block of shoulder on his back in robot mode that’s integrated into the tiger mode nicely).  Tiger mode also has a tail, but it’s Sabretooth’s gun, and because one of the changes from the original is making the weapons way bigger, it’s incredibly out of proportion.
    War Eagle/Divebomb is the best of the set as a standalone toy, but even then isn’t wonderful.  Because his wings make up Predaking’s wings, and like the weapons they’ve been made bigger, he’s very wide.  Like some sort of vast, predatory bird.  He’s probably the most poseable of the bots in beast mode, between the wings and the beast legs just being the robot legs collapsed.  It makes him nice and dynamic.  But like, given how much bigger he is than Swoop, it’s kinda clear why the latter kept losing in fights.
    So, remember up top when I said that the combined mode did one cool thing and one bad?  The good thing is that Divebomb’s big wing assembly disconnects from his back, and unfolds to form Predaking’s waist and crotch assembly, as well as a frame for Razorclaw to clip into to bulk out the torso.  This assembly also hides the Predaking shoulder parts that are so prominent by comparison on Sabretooth/Rampage’s back.
    And while it should be clear by now that the individual bots in this set aren’t great, they do combine to a fairly cool Predaking… er Sky Soarer.  He’s about the same size as Devastator, and while all those bitty kibbly problems exist on the component robots, it makes for a better integrated, easier to pose, and less fragile combined form.
    The changes Weijang added also make for a better Predaking overall as well.  The hands included in the set are fully poseable with joints at all three knuckles on each finger, as well as wrist rotation and hinge joints. Do not underestimate the ability to make a peace sign, rock hands or to give someone the finger.  The weapons are oversized on individual bots but look great on the combiner – the ends of Divebomb’s guns are removable to make them smaller, but can also be flipped around and reattached to change the wide-barrelled blunderbuss look into a tapering barrel that I prefer.  And there’s an LED in the head which is cool, but the plastic is thin enough that the light shines through on the solid parts so that’s not as cool.
    Weijang promised a sword as a separate release, but they apparently just got raided by the Chinese police for doing KOs of Marvel Hot Toys, so this might be the end of their operations in general.
    So the lesson here is don’t fuck with the mouse, but also, if you want a  pretty good, pretty cheap alternative to POTP Predaking, look for him sooner rather than later
  • #29041

    I decided to expand my Visionaries collection a bit. Not by buying a Dagger Assault (still haven’t seen a complete one for a reasonable price yet) but by making a totem form for Ectar. I bought a Papo/Schleich style wildlife figure of a fox off eBay for a few quid:

    And am painting it up to be blue like the SK totems are on the cartoon.

    Which so far I don’t think is going brilliantly.

    That’s a base coat of a strong, bright blue with drybrushed blue-grey highlights. While it shows off the texturing of the figure, it doesn’t quite fit the aesthetic like I had hoped. Not sure how else to approach it though. I could do solid areas of colour for shadows and base, but it could look very plain and basic. Or I could try and recreate the patterns the fox originally had just in blues (so one blue for the red bits, another for the white bits) which would have been easier if I hadn’t completely painted over all that. :unsure:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Martin Smith.
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  • #29046

    It’s hard to do that two-tone animation-looking colours on a model with that level of texture.  I like the way he looks now actually.  Maybe do a very watered down white wash and then tone down the raised sections with a blue drybrush, try and make it look like he’s glowing?

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  • #29058

    Hmm. I’m not sure. I’m hesitant about experimenting with it too much lest I obliterate the details with too many layers of paint (I’ve very carefully used lots of thin layers so far, which isn’t usual for my painting style, I can assure you).

    I’m aiming to do totems for all the ones I can reasonably get (all the Spectral Knights and a couple of the Darkling Lords), so I might leave Ectar as he currently is and try a different technique on a different model.

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  • #29062

    Hmm. I’m not sure. I’m hesitant about experimenting with it too much lest I obliterate the details with too many layers of paint (I’ve very carefully used lots of thin layers so far, which isn’t usual for my painting style, I can assure you).

    I’m all about verrrrrrry thin layers of paint, and it took me a long time to come around to that mode of thought, but I’d never go back.

  • #29079





    So. um things may have gotten a tiny bit out of control

    In your collection of Cables, I didn’t see this one, which is one of a handful of figures I kept:

  • #29180

    stick an Autobot one on there so he can be frustrated by Rodimus.

    Do It Palpatine GIFs | Tenor

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  • #29182

    stick an Autobot one on there so he can be frustrated by Rodimus.

    Do It Palpatine GIFs | Tenor

    I found a 3D printed set of parts to make STE GE Megatron look more like IDW Megs which is making this even more tempting.

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  • #29571

    Kid Cable.

    Needs a few touch ups but pretty happy so far.


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  • #30388

    Hasbro announces 6″ Transformers action figure line:

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  • #30389

    Hasbro announces 6″ Transformers action figure line:

    They look like… hrm… their transformation cog is unpresent.

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