The Al-X Relationship Tread

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  • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
Viewing 100 replies - 801 through 900 (of 1,002 total)
  • #62451

    All I got now is:

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  • #62483

    I wonder if Melinda will keep her 5G microchips after the divorce? :unsure:


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  • #62487

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  • #62521

    @jrcarter don’t worry that info is important too. Now I know who to get rid of when I profess my love for Kat. :mail:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #62551


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  • #62732

    Actually ladies do that about Al, but I digress.

    Lol 😂


    I remember another one you liked: The scenario of meeting your partner’s parents. You are shaking the father’s hand and he gives you this stare as if he is thinking:

    “So… You are the one banging my daughter!”


  • #62827

    I would say my experience is the opposite of this really. Every lifelong friend I have I met in that age range.


  • #62894

    Same here. Though I also met a lot of temporary acquaintances at that age, so it’s not untrue (it doesn’t say you *exclusively* meet temporary people).

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  • #62970

    Earlier I posted about Chris Rock’s early material that he had to change.

    It is just a reminder about going at the woman’s speed and respecting her space. For example, if she says she is uncomfortable or indicates by her body language that you are talking too close to her, take the hint and back off.

    I sometimes see guys give these catcalls to women in the street (as if that ever works) and often times the woman ignores them or even crosses the street to avoid them. Sometimes the guy gets so mad at the “rejection” that he curses calling her a b*tch, c*nt, etc.
    Hey, it is the woman’s option. She can reject and ignore you… Years ago, in the news, there was a party where this guy asked this woman to the dance floor to do this grinding, “dirty dance”. She said no, and he was so mad he took out a gun, shot her and a few others.


  • #63033


    For everyone here with kids: how big a debate between you and your significant other was naming them?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by JRCarter.
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  • #63036

    For everyone here with kids: how big a debate between you and your significant other was naming them?

    We found it easier to pick a name for the girl than for the boy. With girls’ names we both agreed on several possible options that we both liked. But with boys’ names there wasn’t as much crossover in our preferences.

    Sometimes these things are very specifically personal, for example you can have bad connotations for a name based purely on individual people you have known with that name. It’s not particularly rational.

    Also, I have a lot of males on my side of the family and didn’t want to use a name that was already in use, so that ruled out quite a few options.

    It was never a big argument or anything though. We didn’t feel that strongly about it.

  • #63052

    For everyone here with kids: how big a debate between you and your significant other was naming them?

    As I recall we had no problem agreeing on a name for our daughter nor for our son. We also didn’t go for anything exotic or outrageous (in my son’s case, he’s named for his two grandfathers)

  • #63064

    With ours we decided on a Welsh first name and Chinese middle names.

    So I drew up a shortlist of Welsh names and Audrey picked the one she liked best.

    Her dad (as he’s a bit more of an expert in Chinese name meanings) drew up a shortlist for the middle names and I picked.

    It was a pretty painless process, probably helped by drawing up lists we’d be happy with and then relinquishing the final decision.

  • #63067

    With both of our kids we have given them middle names that pass down names from my wife’s family, the first names of people who were much-loved but are no longer with us.

    As my wife was an only child and switched surname to match mine when we got married she is sort of the end of her line – so that was a nice way of keeping a bit of family continuity.

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  • #63089


  • #63094

    Reading past postings here… Some have made comments about my avatars, even extrapolating them to my supposed view of women. I say don’t read too much into it. I have joked oftentimes to Anders and the rest not to… you know… to my avatars. They are just there to catch the eye and thereby get your attention. That is all…
    I mentioned the term “dating shape”. It was just a term coined to mean getting in decent shape to attract others. I mean, men see young women in the office, walking in the street, etc. who catch their eye. The women project their looks, why not project your looks and catch their eye. It was all a discussion about looking your best and putting your best foot forward.
    In the MW days, in the Politics section, it was said any differences and extended back and forth postings should be taken to private or direct messaging. It was a good idea. If you have a difference with me, message me.

  • #63100

    I have joked oftentimes to Anders and the rest not to… you know… to my avatars.

    Actually your avatars do that about me but I digress.

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  • #63125

    In the MW days, in the Politics section, it was said any differences and extended back and forth postings should be taken to private or direct messaging. It was a good idea. If you have a difference with me, message me.

    Dude, that wasn’t about any differences or disagreements, it was for when those turned into week-long nitpicking over the tiniest details or into shouting matches. Generally speaking, disagreement is necessary for discussion as long as you keep looking for common ground.

    And we are a smaller, more private crowd these days. The general rule abut not getting too personal still applies, but when a middle-aged man decides to, for a longer period of time, use a mix of attractive young women as their avatar, that’s bound to rightfully raise some eyebrows.

    I do like your current avatar better.

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  • #63132

    when a middle-aged man decides to, for a longer period of time, use a mix of attractive young women as their avatar, that’s bound to rightfully raise some eyebrows.

    I’m so glad the last word was “eyebrows”.

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  • #63143

    There was a lot of back and forth in that thread (like Will and Ogul, tristang among others) and if it was getting out of hand they were told to take it private.

    Anyway, it was a good decision.

    I will mix up my avatar a little more. I did have Yoko and Janis Joplin before…

    Carry on

  • #63227


    I did mention the nitpicking over the tiniest details ;)

  • #63335

    I remember Ogul in MW. He would show himself in the relationship thread from time to time. Painful memories of the whole Friend Zone debacle… Never really admitted he was wrong.

  • #63389

    I don’t think these discussions can ever be about “admitting you’re wrong”. It’s about communicating your views, and understanding that there are different perspectives, and maybe coming around to them a little. What some people never seem to learn though is that talking like this can only be productive and satisfying if you’re looking for this exchange, and always seeking for the common ground while exploring the differences. If you don’t do that, all you have if two (or more) people stating their opinion over and over again, which is just exasparating and boring and frustrating.

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  • #63422


    I should rephrase things to say that he never conceded. I remember him well but enough! He is not here and this might be a good note to just move on…

    Here are a couple of funny zingers:




  • #63486

    For everyone here with kids: how big a debate between you and your significant other was naming them?

    It was relatively common for people in the 60’s and 70’s to name their children after Lord of the Rings characters as well. I knew a few Arwens.

    Ironically, Frodo isn’t his real name. If you check out the LOTR appendices, Tolkien wrote the books as if they was based on an older actual text and changed the names to make them more relatable to modern readers.

    The name “Frodo” in Hobbitish was Maura, an uncommon name in the Shire.

    The name “Meriadoc” in Hobbitish was Chilimanzar. Tolkien chose “Meriadoc” as the translation because the abbreviation of Chilimanzar was Chilic, which meant “gay or merry”.

    The name “Peregrin” in Hobbitish was Razanul, which was shortened to Razal with the meaning of a small red apple.


  • #63493

    The name “Frodo” in Hobbitish was Maura

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  • #63524



  • #63651

    I said once on MW in the thread about women being moody and Sabrina at the time answered: “Who are you calling moody?”

    Well, here is why:

    One time I had a nice conversation with someone and we seem to have hit it off well. She laughed and seemed to have a good time. The next time I saw her, she was rather distant with me, practically ignoring me. I wondered about it as things like that make you second guess yourself. Then I realized that the next time you see someone, you don’t exactly pick up where you left off. I figure something must have happened, something personal, whatever…

  • #63687

    The thing is, Al, if you replace “women” in that sentence with “people”, it’s still correct and it isn’t sexist anymore. You know?

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  • #63708

    True… but it was something I posted in the past and it was women who were of my interest.

    I was being specific, not sexist.

    On another note, regarding what women wear provided it is within reason:

    She has her right I know. But it is a family park with children around.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Al-x.
  • #63744

    What harm are short shorts going to cause to children? Will you not take your kids to the beach because people wear bikinis and speedos there?

    Saying that a private business has every right to set a dress code, lots of places don’t allow men with no shirts. They set that on the way in though, this story sounds like they made up a new ‘offence’ because she was pissing them off.

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  • #63758

    I was being specific, not sexist.

    Nah, if you’d been specific, you’d have said “I know this woman who was moody towards me once.”
    But you went from that one story to the statement “women are moody”, which is kinda sexist, sorry.

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  • #63760

    What harm are short shorts going to cause to children? Will you not take your kids to the beach because people wear bikinis and speedos there?

    I have to say at this point that this can go either way depending on your perspective. Both sides have plausible arguments. I have spoken in the past about what some wear and that they wouldn’t really be able to walk down a crowded street in NYC like that. To each their own… Reminds me of the old days when guys like T Masters and Parker McCombe would take me on, not exactly wanting to pick a fight with me but I digress… Sometimes I forget this is an international forum and that others living in different places, cultures, and backgrounds have their opinions too. I don’t want to come across like an imposing Republican :-)

  • #63761

    I will say that East Germans irritate the hell out of me with all their nudist beaches and stuff.

  • #63762

    There are water park sections in Six Flags so if you go you’re likely to see more skin than someone wearing a shirt and booty shorts.

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  • #63763

    Nah, if you’d been specific, you’d have said “I know this woman who was moody towards me once.”
    But you went from that one story to the statement “women are moody”, which is kinda sexist, sorry.

    Ok then… I see your point. I’ll be careful with my wording next time.

    Still, she was rather distant from me and that had me second guessing myself.

    Reminds me of a term people use nowadays called ghosting:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Al-x.
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  • #63767

    I have spoken in the past about what some wear and that they wouldn’t really be able to walk down a crowded street in NYC like that.

    I am sure many people wear short shorts and hotpants  in the streets of New York over the years, in the summer anyway.

    It’s a genuine question though, I don’t see what harm it would cause for children to see someone in Daisy Dukes (for a start that name comes from a show loads of kids watched). I don’t see how if that did offend you that you could ever take them to a beach or swimming pool.

  • #63769

    I am sure many people wear short shorts and hotpants in the streets of New York over the years, in the summer anyway.

    It’s one of the best things about NYC summers. :-)

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  • #63772

    There are water park sections in Six Flags so if you go you’re likely to see more skin than someone wearing a shirt and booty shorts.

    This is true. Just goes to show you that it is hard to govern and set rules for everyone.

    , it is nice seeing you here in this thread. Your input is welcome here anytime…

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  • #63774

    I am sure many people wear short shorts and hotpants in the streets of New York over the years, in the summer anyway.

    It’s one of the best things about NYC summers. :-)

    I didn’t have you pegged as wearing hotpants Jerry.

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  • #63775

    I didn’t have you pegged as wearing hotpants Jerry.

    He was wearing hotpants, a crop top and heels when we met up a few years back.

    Al was appalled.

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  • #63780

    Still, she was rather distant from me and that had me second guessing myself.

    Yeah, I can understand that that’s unsettling because it makes you question your instincts, too – was I wrong in thinking that we were having a good time? It’s not exactly a boost for anyone’s confidence.

    I find that I have kind of trained myself to, when people are brusque with me or seem annoyed, always assume that it has nothing to do with me and more with them. I am sure this has frustrated quite a few people trying to send me a message or something, but it’s been very good for my peace of mind :).

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  • #63783

    I didn’t have you pegged as wearing hotpants Jerry.

    He was wearing hotpants, a crop top and heels when we met up a few years back.

    Al was appalled.

    I bet he was. It’s so awkward when someone else turns up wearing your outfit.

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  • #63784

    Shanna Moakler claims Travis Barker had an affair with Kim Kardashian before dating Kourtney: What we know

    Would you get together with a sibling’s ex?

    Funny little anecdote: one day years back, I was walking through downtown Manhattan when I ran into an old girlfriend of one of my brothers. We talked a bit and then went our separate ways. A guy who was hosing down the sidewalk asked me, “Man, how you let that pass?” I said, “That’s my brother’s old girlfriend.” He said, “Oh, but still, yo, keep it in the family.” I LMAO and walked on.

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  • #63798

    Shanna Moakler claims Travis Barker had an affair with Kim Kardashian before dating Kourtney: What we know

    What we don’t know: who at least three of those people are.



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  • #63816

    What we don’t know: who at least three of those people are.

    Apparently this is going over your heads. News like this doesn’t reach overseas…

    You will have to Google them then as you are out of touch with American popular culture through no fault of your own.

  • #63818

    Nah, you’re alright.

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  • #63819

    who at least three of those people are.

    so who is the one person DavidM knows?

  • #63822

    I’d assume Kim Kardashian, it’s pretty hard to escape her existence, try as you might.

    I know Kourtney is one of her sisters but I couldn’t pick her out of a police lineup, I have no idea who the other guys are.

    I assume it’s more scripted reality TV people.

    I don’t think it’s just US culture Al, when they have reality stars on the various ‘celebrity’ shows in the UK I don’t know who the fuck they are either. I’m a middle aged man who likes comics, as are quite a few of us here, not really the target demographic for Jersey/Geordie Shore, which I am aware exist but have never seen a second of them.

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  • #63826

    DavidM wrote:
    who at least three of those people are.

    so who is the one person DavidM knows?

    Gotta be Travis Barker; he, at least, is a musician.

    Edited to note: I had to look up who Shanna Moakler is.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by njerry.
  • #63875

    It’s probably impossible to live in the Western world and not have heard of Kim Kardashian. Though I’d probably struggle to pick her out of a line-up.

  • #63876

    Travis Barker; he, at least, is a musician.

    No, he’s a drummer :-)

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  • #63890

    All I can say is that the European gossip the States get is mainly about the English Royals. I take it that not much American gossip reaches overseas.

  • #63895

    I take it that not much American gossip reaches overseas.

    That’s not true at all. We did recently hear that Chris Rock got divorced.

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  • #63897

    I take it that not much American gossip reaches overseas.

    Every single piece of American gossip reaches overseas. I’m sure all this nonsense has at least 700 articles on right hand scroll of MailOnline.

    The bigger question is how many people give a shit?

    That was my point Al, there isn’t exactly a huge crossover between The Carrier and OK magazine. I wish them all well, I don’t much care what they do as long as nobody is harmed.

    I did find out the other day that Vicky McClure of Line of Duty is married to Jonny Owen, who makes excellent sports documentaries. I do like both their work so was happy for them being a couple. That’s my level of celeb gossip.


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  • #63954

    We did recently hear that Chris Rock got divorced.

    Wait….what?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!!??

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  • #63966

    I did find out the other day that Vicky McClure of Line of Duty is married to Jonny Owen, who makes excellent sports documentaries. I do like both their work so was happy for them being a couple. That’s my level of celeb gossip.

    In that case you might be interested to know that Martin Compston of Line of Duty is a former professional footballer! Celebrity gossip reveals numerous tidbits of scintillating information!!


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  • #63996

    Martin Compston did surprise me because unlike his Cockney character he’s a Scot. He held up filming on Line of Duty to watch them qualify for the European Championship finals and went a bit nuts.

    His real voice:

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  • #64401


  • #64440

    This article is about Courtney Stodden in a rather exploitative relationship. She says about how she was “groomed” at 16 to be in relationship with a much older man. On a side note, R. Kelly did something like this but I digress…

    Here is the article:

  • #64448

    On a side note, R. Kelly did something like this but I digress

    I like the way this phrasing bats away his sexual abuse as though it’s about as serious as wearing mismatched socks.

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  • #64454

    On a side note, R. Kelly did something like this but I digress…

    Any excuse:

  • #64499

    Ok… Gaslighting aside, let’s get back to the point

    I mentioned the link about what the guy was doing with Courtney Stodden as a teen. We usually talk here about relationships between two equals, but this is a case where he had the upper hand and used it to exploit her whole situation. I don’t like it and I mentioned R. Kelly pretty much doing the same thing. As @davewallace was saying, it is a form of sexual abuse. Consent is about two equals both knowing what they are getting into, but this is not consent.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Al-x.
  • #64511

    Hold on… there’s a point to this thread?

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  • #64513

    In truth it’s a hugely complex area but yes power dynamics play a MASSIVE part.

    Say for example in the UK the age of sexual consent is 16, when 16 year old boy has sex with a 15 year old girl it is rarely ever prosecuted because in truth it is a pair of naive horny teens curious about sex (in most cases).

    A 40 year old lecturer having an affair with an 18 year old uni student with promises of better grades is a breach of many rules even though she may be over the age of consent because of the massive power bias in his favour and his moral responsibility.

    The casting couch or Noel Clarke’s ‘nude auditions’ are not technically illegal but they are massively abusing that a young woman’s career (or man in the case of the Spacey accusations) is left in a very compromised position.

    I have been in the position in the past where I have had the ability to hire and promote younger women I found very attractive. I’m not perfect but know enough of my moral responsibilities that’s just not acceptable. I had a boss who didn’t and massively promoted a woman 20 year his junior we all knew, but couldn’t prove, he was fucking.

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  • #64522

    Hold on… there’s a point to this thread?

    … fellow…

    Please…Contribute more!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Al-x.
  • #64525

    Hold on… there’s a point to this thread?


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  • #64537

    What @jrcarter would post:

  • #64540

    Hold on… there’s a point to this thread?

    Is there really a point to any thread?

    I thought that one of the first and foremost rules here is whenever possible, divert the thread and lose the point entirely.

    Also many points are vague. is the point of the thread to discuss our personal relationships or is it, like Gar said, an online version of OK magazine where we discuss meaningless crap about degenerate c/d level celebrities and the pretty nobodies they abuse? Don’t get the notion that I want to know who these nobodies and tell me who these they are. Don’t KNOW! Don’t CARE. Right now I wish I had the gift of language that Miqque had so I could ramble on for several paragraphs and make this a truly epic rant but I don’t so here ends my short little rant. :mail: :unsure: :whistle: B-) :-) :bye:

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  • #64611

  • #64672

    Al, you’ve really got to learn how to post links. Nobody can tell what that story is about from the way the link is formatted, and nobody’s going to click on some random link without knowing what it is.

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  • #64682

    Ok… fair enough

    Although we have had our differences, I still maintain that you are a good man at heart.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Al-x.
  • #64703

    I assumed it was about Jessica Alba crying when her daughter Haven discovered her secret massive underground network of tunnels filled with money.

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  • #64714


    Actually what @bruce said had me thinking… What is the point of this thread?

    When I was serious about thought provoking, I used to try to steer the thread but the mods and other members said not to and just let the discussions here just flow. So, no more “shifting gears”. I will just throw some questions, past experiences, clickbait articles (this time around with a preface) and see what happens. I will still acknowledge @jrcarter as the Clickbait King though…

    is right. There is little overlap here between celebrity gossip/dating rumors and the main interests of Carrier members. Also this is an international forum. So a link about some Kardashian seen with someone in an LA club doesn’t really go over that well here. Have to make some adjustments and read the room a little better.

    Carry on

  • #64743

    As I said this is a members forum now so I’m not going to overly dictate what anyone wants to talk about. As long as it isn’t breaching any decorum rules.

    I am always aware of posting into the ether though and remembering the group. I’m not posting detailed local history here even though it may fascinate me.

    When JR shares a Marvel movies story I can see it, even if some are pure speculation pulled out of someone’s arse. When it’s ‘Felicity from Real Wives of Scranton has botox in her earlobes’ I do wonder if either of you are mistaking the site for Mumsnet. 😂😂



  • #64752

    I am always aware of posting into the ether though and remembering the group. I’m not posting detailed local history here even though it may fascinate me.

    Good point…

    In the old MW politics thread, there was a member who called himself Tristang. He was a right wing conservative from Louisiana (Southern US)and he was trying to impose his views on the thread. Well, none of it went over well especially his quotes on “real Americans”.

    Well, I don’t be another Tristang here. Just saying… Wonder if he is a Trump guy. Who knows? Who gaf?

  • #64761

    Tristang was almost certainly a Trump guy but I’d say he was a little different, he was discussing things everyone was engaged in (or a lot of people) but with a different political slant to most and being confrontational. He did get a lot of reaction at least.

    Like I said I’m not really interested in directing what anyone wants to discuss, in the end if nobody is interested it just dies anyway, like trying to get Duck Tales to sustain its own thread. 😂

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  • #64831

    like trying to get Duck Tales to sustain its own thread. 😂

    So…who’s up for an ANIMANIACS thread?!

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  • #65110

    I decided to mix up my avatar theme for now. I will get away from the young women for now. I said before that it was to get your attention and some like Christian called bovine excrement on that reason. So, as not to be seen as a pervert or dirty old man, hence, the change…

    This thread used to follow this formula: I would post something, (some dating philosophy or whatever) and everyone (like TMasters, RussellH, Stephanie, Sabrina, ParkerMcCombe and others) would rail against me. Well, it is time for a change and the change will come.

  • #65162

    Well, it is time for a change and the change will come.

    Are you changing your avatar to Sam Cooke?!

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  • #65167

    I will get away from the young women

    They’ll be absolutely delighted, I’m sure.

    for now


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  • #65200

    Here is some news:

    Courtney Stodden, the one I linked about who was groomed as a teen to be a Barbie doll wife of that creepy old guy has evidently recovered from her ordeal. Well at least she recovered enough to find new love and get engaged.

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  • #65309


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  • #65430



  • #65628

    like trying to get Duck Tales to sustain its own thread.

    Was that a cheap shot? :-)

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  • #65629

    Was that a cheap shot?

    A cheap shot on an open goal.

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  • #65631

    Was that a cheap shot?

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  • #66402

  • #66441

    Ok… A past posting that I will get back on. Besides the thread is a little dormant:

    related an experience when he met his brother’s ex:

    We talked a bit and then went our separate ways. A guy who was hosing down the sidewalk asked me, “Man, how you let that pass?” I said, “That’s my brother’s old girlfriend.” He said, “Oh, but still, yo, keep it in the family.” I LMAO and walked on.

    Now, to be clear JR said nothing wrong. The guy with the hose observing them referred to her as “that”. I have heard this so many times where guys refer to a hot woman (a “10” as it were) as a thing. Expressions like “I’d tap that”, “I’d hit that”, etc…
    It is a further objectifying someone and it never ends really. Some would argue that it refers to the woman’s beauty/hotness but you can’t separate the two as the beauty and the woman are one for the most part.

    While we are on this subject, some here (mostly from overseas) objected to me referring to a young woman in her 20’s as a girl.
    It is not that big an issue in the States. Not to get into a huge debate on semantics, but there is a wide range to the term. A preteen is a little girl. The expression to an adult male “Do you like girls? ” is not a question of pedophilia but heterosexuality.
    ‘Nuff said… for now.


    Getting back to those terms “I’d tap that”: Society in general usually refers to sex as something a man does to a woman especially the slang, i.e. “I ****ed her. You can pretty much think of several words to fill in the **** space and that proves the point.
    It is rarely referred to as something both parties engage in mutually.

    Ok… Any thoughts? Opinions?

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  • #66448


  • #66500


    Memorial Day weekend has passed. It marks the unofficial start of Summer even though it is really 6/20. A lot of restrictions have been lifted by the local governments here meaning restaurants, bistros, cafes, are opening up more. This Summer is being called on social media “hot girl Summer” among other names. Everyone wants to make their mark this time given that we were all shut ins last year. They want to do by dating, hooking up, going on the prowl… I never blamed or objected to young women projecting their sexuality. Never did! Never will! C’est la vie!

    Someone here was putting words in my mouth saying I objected to women projecting sexuality. But I always stressed even in my al-xism “dating shape” about everyone – both women and men – to get in shape and project sexuality on dates. Hello!!!


    I knew a woman who was on a first date and the way the guy had an attitude, treated the waiter, complainied about the food, etc. made her make it the last date with him. Hey, some bail because for them it was the other person’s attitude, others because it wasn’t a good fit for them, wasn’t exciting… Whatever.

    Ever bailed on someone?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Al-x.
  • #66648

    A helpful guide for all you single boys out there.

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  • #66667

    I love the generalisations like ‘Slovenian women are very beautiful’ combined with a picture of a stunning model. Like they are all going to look like that.

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  • #66676

    I love the generalisations like ‘Slovenian women are very beautiful’ combined with a picture of a stunning model. Like they are all going to look like that.

    Slovenian women aren’t just beautiful, they’re also…

    Checks notes…


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  • #66682

    I skipped through it and came to the conclusion that it is an Incel fantasy. They actually say the Cambodian women(1) are very attracted to white men. the email address attached to it was These guys want the perfect model with household expertise who wave goodbye as you are off to storm the Capitol. It is such a well made parody that incels would not know the difference.

    Would it lessen your enjoyment if your target never realized it was a joke?

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  • #66686

    They actually say the Cambodian women(1) are very attracted to white men.

    They also point out the annual stipend to the family to retain the services of your new cambodian waifu.

    I don’t think the video is a joke. I really don’t.

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  • #66687

    Marilyn Manson is in the news these days, as more women who formerly dated him are coming forward with their horror stories.

    Hello! You know he is a devout Satanist, right? What were you expecting?

    Marilyn Manson Accused Of Rape, Assault In Lawsuit By Ex-Girlfriend

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Al-x.
  • #66691

    Hello! You know he is a devout Satanist, right? What were you expecting?

    I thought he was just a knob who likes to dress up.

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  • #66702

    I’m not sure how Manson identifies religiously (nor am I defending him) but most “satanists” are simply trolling the church. I wouldn’t put much stock into professed “religions”, there’s a whole lot of “christians” that rape and murder.

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  • #66720

    Yeah Satanists aren’t, like, Hammer Horror or Suspiria, they’re just libertarians who like to play dress up.

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