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  • #65276

    100th anniversary was yesterday


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  • #65282

    Tulsa was a large scale massacre and even though it might not happen again still… Let me explain:

    Some years ago, I was dressed up in a suit and rode with a friend in a Jaguar. When we parked and got out, I noticed some whites passing by in the street looking at me funny. I realized it was because of the car and their own notions.

    Some black and Hispanic students I knew who have minority status attending elite universities often get asked “How did you get in here?” or “What are you doing here?” as if they were trespassing.

    See, it’s all part of the same notion that people of color don’t deserve and can’t really have nice things. There were some whites (like Trump) who resented it that Obama went to Columbia and Harvard Law. More recently, others were a little pissed off that Meghan Markle landed a prince of the royal family and had an extravagant fancy televised wedding.

    It is not a perfect world I know, but some resentful feelings haven’t changed.

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  • #65363

    Seems legit, these people have nothing to hide.


    China State Media Says Country Must Prepare for Nuclear War With U.S. After Biden Asks for COVID Probe

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  • #65367

    Woman Hacks Off Boss’ Penis As He Allegedly Tried To Rape Her

    Understandable response if he did try to rape her.

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  • #65463

  • #65526

    It has gotten to the point that states are using gimmicks as an incentive for people to get vaccinated.

    Some of the offers are lotteries, scholarships, and even assault rifles.

    It is a theatre of the absurd.

  • #65527

    assault rifles

    Well that’s logical. Vaccines and assault rifles, it’s all about protecting yourself. Right? :unsure:


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  • #65710

    Canada has really gotten it together in the vaccine rollout and plans are underway in stages to open things up.
    70 something percent have had the first shot, now it’s rolling in faster and we’ll all be fully vaccinated during the summer.

    But then I heard a scathing opinion on a radio blurb about how things really are.
    Because we’ve decided we’ve had enough, and we’ve decided we need to enjoy the summer, we’ve decided the vaccine is all.
    Get it, get it faster, get it to the people.
    We want to open the border with the U.S., then everywhere. Concerts, Sports, whatever we want.
    We’ve suffered enough, too much as a matter of fact. Not doing that again.

    Many 3rd world countries are only at the 0.1% level.
    Not having a concerted global approach ensures that this will not go away.
    Variants will occur, and could be vaccine-resistant.
    Maybe we can have yearly shots to manage, but no guarantees.

    Basically, everyone screwed up at the beginning, and no one has shown they’ve learned how to work together, can do wants best for the planet.

    Can’t say I disagree. 0.1%? Zero-point-one percent? Disgusting number.
    Not saying don’t get vaccinated, or delay. Please jump at the chance.

    A quick search and they were referencing Why the world needs to address vaccine inequality

    Dr. Omer Javed addresses the global vaccine inequality which is prevailing due to the rich nations’ greed. Such nations are responsible for hoarding vaccines while developing nations suffer and struggle to fulfill their own vaccine requirements.

    “But while hundreds of millions of vaccine doses have been administered globally, there are deep disparities. In high-income countries, vaccine supplies are sufficient to provide for around one in four people, on average; in low-income countries, this figure drops to one in 500. At this point, it should go without saying that no one will be safe until we have made these cutting-edge technologies available to everyone. The longer we delay, the greater the risk that dangerous new variants will emerge.” – What it will take to overcome the pandemic’ by Palitha Abeykoon, Maha El Rabat, and David Nabarro, and published recently in Project Syndicate (PS)

    As per ‘Airfinity’, a company that produces data on life sciences, there were already around 2.8 billion vaccine doses produced globally. Moreover, according to a recently released report titled Covid-19: make it the last pandemic, and produced by the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response there are around 5.7 people of age 16 and over.

    Hence, if there were no vaccine hoarding by rich countries, the number of vaccines produced would already have been enough to vaccinate (on two doses-per-person basis) the entire global population of age 16 and over.

    However, the world is witnessing a huge vaccine inequality where the rich countries have a lot more vaccines at their disposal than needed for their adult population, while the poor countries, mainly in the global south, are acutely struggling.

    For instance, Canada and the USA had 6.5 and 3 times more vaccines than needed (on two doses-per-person basis), while on the other hand, countries in Eastern Europe had 1.8 doses per adult, and Pakistan had only 1 dose per adult for 2021.

    More in link…

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  • #65712

    My wife got her second shot today.

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  • #65720

    We want to open the border with the U.S., then everywhere. Concerts, Sports, whatever we want.

    Looking at the UK news I am bewildered by the obsession over holidays abroad. The red top tabloids angry that holidays to Portugal now require quarantine.

    After people have gone a year being unable for large periods to go to the pub or a restaurant or cinema or even visit their own family can they not wait a year for a beach holiday? In countries with high vaccination levels the main threat still out there is a variant that is more vaccine resistant and the singular reason that may come in is foreign travel.

    I just find it bizarre.

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  • #65723

    Basically, everyone screwed up at the beginning, and no one has shown they’ve learned how to work together, can do wants best for the planet.

    Can’t say I disagree. 0.1%? Zero-point-one percent? Disgusting number.
    Not saying don’t get vaccinated, or delay. Please jump at the chance.

    A quick search and they were referencing Why the world needs to address vaccine inequality

    Note that Oxford University was going to release their vaccine formula for free until Bill Gates convinced them to license it to AstraZeneca instead. And then he was arguing that we cant just give or license it to the Global South because, and this is almost a direct quote: “we can’t trust their manufacturing facilities” – which is, of course bullshit because we trust them to make a hell of a lot of stuff for us. It’s just Gates using his whitewashed reputation from his alleged charitable work to profit even more.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by lorcan_nagle.
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  • #65725

    We want to open the border with the U.S., then everywhere. Concerts, Sports, whatever we want.

    Looking at the UK news I am bewildered by the obsession over holidays abroad. The red top tabloids angry that holidays to Portugal now require quarantine.

    After people have gone a year being unable for large periods to go to the pub or a restaurant or cinema or even visit their own family can they not wait a year for a beach holiday? In countries with high vaccination levels the main threat still out there is a variant that is more vaccine resistant and the singular reason that may come in is foreign travel.

    I just find it bizarre.

    See also the bizarre accompanying redefinition of “staycation” as a holiday anywhere in the UK, rather than a holiday where you stay at home.

    If you’re going on a trip somewhere else it’s a holiday, whether or not it’s in your own country.

    The sniffiness about holidaying in the UK is pure snobbery, tone-deaf middle-class wankery from people who are used to foreign travel on a regular basis rather than being happy just to be able to get a break anywhere.

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  • #65793

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  • #65797

    The sniffiness about holidaying in the UK is pure snobbery, tone-deaf middle-class wankery from people who are used to foreign travel on a regular basis rather than being happy just to be able to get a break anywhere.

    To the holiotine with them.

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  • #65825

    North Carolina student denied diploma after wearing Mexican flag over graduation gown

    A North Carolina high school student was denied his diploma for wearing a Mexican flag over his graduation gown.

    Ever Lopez draped a Mexican flag over his blue gown at Asheboro High School’s graduation ceremony Thursday night.

    Livestreamed video footage from the ceremony shows the principal ask him to take the flag off. After an unsuccessful attempt to take it off, he was handed his diploma holder, which the other students also received. But after walking across the stage, he was denied his actual diploma.

    The incident has sparked outrage and led to a protest outside the school Friday. However, the school district insists that Lopez’s actions “violated the ceremony’s dress code” and “the incident is not about the Mexican flag.”

    Lopez said he wore the flag to honor his family as he’s the first to graduate from high school in his immediate family.

    “I just gotta represent,” Lopez said to the Courier-Tribune. “I did it for my family. They came over here to give me a better future.”

    Lopez and his parents were called to Principal Penny Crooks’ office to speak about the incident and he was told he could receive his diploma if he apologized for the situation, the paper reported.

    “I ain’t apologizing for nothing,” Lopez said following the encounter to the paper. “It’s you who should be apologizing. You’re the one doing wrong.”

    Afterwards, Lopez’s family was escorted off the school property “after a request was made by Principal Crooks,” Asheboro police told ABC News. Asheboro police officers were working the graduation in “an approved off-duty capacity.”

    Asheboro City schools said in a statement that the graduation dress code was shared with students ahead of time and allowed for students to decorate their graduation caps, but “the wearing of a flag of any kind is a violation of the dress code.” In livestream footage of the graduation a number of students are seen with alterations to their caps, featuring handwritten messages, drawings or flowers.

    The school district said Friday in a statement that it supports “our students’ expressions of their heritage in the appropriate time and place.”

    “We continue working to resolve this issue with the student and his family so that he will receive his diploma from Asheboro High School. He has worked very hard and we commend him on this great achievement. We are confident in his abilities and we know he has a bright future ahead of him,” the statement added.

    In a follow-up statement the school district said: “This incident is not about the Mexican flag. Students were encouraged to express their identity by decorating their mortar boards. A number of students followed the protocol and had the Mexican flag and other representations appropriately displayed during the ceremony.”

    On Friday a group of around 30 people gathered outside the high school to show support for Lopez, demanding he receive his diploma. An online petition has also garnered more than 73,000 signatures as of Saturday.

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  • #65877

    I think I have to agree with the school on this one. Just imagine if some student wrapped herself in the Confederate flag to honor her family’s southern heritage. The dress code may have been established to prevent just such a disruptive incident, and was made known well before the ceremony; Ever Lopez could have added a Mexican flag to his cap in accordance with that dress code, and this incident would not have been an “incident.”

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  • #65920

    North Korea Slams Israel for Turning Gaza Into ‘Huge Human Slaughterhouse,’ ‘Massacring Children’

    Does anyone else hear a pot calling a kettle something?

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  • #65922

    You may remember a theme running in right wing circles over the past few years about ‘No-Go Zones’ in Europe where Muslims run the streets with sharia law. It was always complete nonsense but The Daily Mail outdid itself in proving that on the weekend by citing Didsbury near Manchester as an example.

    This is Didsbury no-go zone:

    It’s a flowery and very affluent middle class suburb of the city where they have dedicated cheese and vegan shops.

    Look carefully though and maybe the sharia enforcers are hidden behind the plant pots, ready to pounce.

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  • #65923

    Very good of the Sharia Mafia to structure that town square around a big wine shop.

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  • #65931

    It was always complete nonsense but The Daily Mail outdid itself in proving that on the weekend by citing Didsbury near Manchester as an example.

    The Mail, literally three weeks ago:

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  • #65934

    You’re not looking at this through the right conspiracy theory filter.

    Clearly the Mail reporters and/or editors want to move to Didsbury but the property prices are out of their reach. As we know from Scooby-Doo, the way to drive down the price of property that you want is to invent a boogy-man.



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  • #65944

    This is Didsbury no-go zone:

    Truly horrifying.

    I think I have to agree with the school on this one. Just imagine if some student wrapped herself in the Confederate flag to honor her family’s southern heritage. The dress code may have been established to prevent just such a disruptive incident, and was made known well before the ceremony; Ever Lopez could have added a Mexican flag to his cap in accordance with that dress code, and this incident would not have been an “incident.”

    Yeah, sounds like the school is in the right there. I don’t know about not holding on to his diploma, though, that doesn’t seem like something they can do for such a long time. They should’ve just told him off and given him his diploma after the event. By not doing that, they’ve kinda brought this controversy unto themselves.

  • #65945

    I for one wouldn’t go near any area where there is a cheese shop next door to a vegan shop.

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  • #65949

    I for one wouldn’t go near any area where there is a cheese shop next door to a vegan shop.

    Yeah, I imagine the vegans frequently find the cheese shop grating.

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  • #65952

    We want to open the border with the U.S

    and soon. I have until June 30 before I have to cancel my pass to the Fan Expo in Toronto. They are throwing so many benefits at people to come and I would hate to miss out.

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  • #65954

    I for one wouldn’t go near any area where there is a cheese shop next door to a vegan shop.

    Yeah, I imagine the vegans frequently find the cheese shop grating.

    They just need to grin Camembert it.

  • #65969

    They just need to grin Camembert it.

    Are you okay, Todd? That one must have hurt a lot!!

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  • #65973

    Yeah Todd, next time choose your puns more caerphilly.

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  • #65985

    Dave to Todd:

    Anything you can do, I can do feta

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  • #65992

    These puns are not that gouda and getting cheesier by the minute. Just let it brie.

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  • #66018

    This thread is sponsored by


    The Cheese Hamlet is a family run independent business that started trading in Chorlton in 1960, evolving from bakery to cheese and fine foods in 1972 from our new premises in Didsbury.

    Over the years we have achieved many awards for our traditional retailing and commitment to the fine food sector. We have been winners of the Speciality Cheese Retailer of the Year for 3 consecutive years as well as Delicatessen of the Year on more than one occasion, to add to our collection numerous other awards for traditional high street retailing.

    We travel the world judging cheese competitions as well as sourcing some of the finest cheeses available to us in the UK. We are extremely passionate that each piece of cheese that leaves our shop in Didsbury either through a personal visit or delivered via mail order is in peak condition for your enjoyment.

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  • #66037

    Is that what hipsters call a cheese & ham omelette?

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  • #66041

    HAM and cheese? In a sharia no-go zone!?

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  • #66044

    HAM and cheese? In a sharia no-go zone!?

    No wonder they’re conducting a proxy war against them via the vegan deli.

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  • #66057

    HAM and cheese? In a sharia no-go zone!?

    No wonder they’re conducting a proxy war against them via the vegan deli.

    That there is a blockbuster film in the making!!

    Oh, wait, looks like Helen Mirren beat us to it

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  • #66276


    There is a debate about having critical Race theory and the 1619 project taught in the main core curriculum in schools.
    One side says it is the true history of America by people of color in the light of slavery, segregation, genocide and so on.
    Others oppose it as being anti-white and so on.

    I guess we can add this to the debate of Columbus in America and other debates regarding Africa, European colonialism, etc.
    It never ends but apparently there is an effort not to raise people’s consciousness.

    If you want to find out more, here are some links:

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  • #66340

    White people shouldn’t be afraid that teaching true history will stoke anti-white feelings, because we can point to the fact that we have eradicated all forms of inequality and prejudice since those times.

    Wait… we can point to that fact, can’t we? :unsure:


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  • #66364

    Kumbaya, DavidM.

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  • #66390

    there is an effort not to raise people’s consciousness.

    Have you met any Trumpers? there is an effort to remain ignorant and unaware

    Others oppose it as being anti-white and so on.

    The old saying “winners write History”  Winners, i.e. The current ruling class, are losing their grip on how History is presented. Aanti-white and so on is just people talking about the history the ruling class has been trying to repress.

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  • #66436

    Wow… a Pulitzer

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  • #66473


    There is a debate about having critical Race theory and the 1619 project taught in the main core curriculum in schools.
    One side says it is the true history of America by people of color in the light of slavery, segregation, genocide and so on.
    Others oppose it as being anti-white and so on.

    I guess we can add this to the debate of Columbus in America and other debates regarding Africa, European colonialism, etc.
    It never ends but apparently there is an effort not to raise people’s consciousness.

    If you want to find out more, here are some links:

    I liked the Daily Show bit on this.

  • #66609

    What will this mean for Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip?

  • #66610

    Hard to tell, it’s a coalition that contains a settler supporter as PM but also an Arab party. I’d suspect any legislation would need to be pretty bland to get past a group like that.

  • #66649


    Jeffery Toobin, a legal analyst who had appeared on CNN, was suspended 9 months ago for being caught live on a hot Zoom camera masturbating.

    Now he has been reinstated.

    For all the talk about cancel culture, what does it mean for him to come back? Does it mean that people like Al Franken will also come back in time?

    See, the GOP doesn’t completely get rid of any of its members for a sex scandal. If they did, they might all be gone. I won’t even get into Matt Gaetz or Donald.

    A talk host (no names) said that if this goes far enough, you would have to oust JFK and even MLK.

    Thoughts? Opinions?

  • #66651

    A talk host (no names) said that if this goes far enough, you would have to oust JFK and even MLK.

    Why, did they both have a wank while they were on a Zoom call too?

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  • #66684

    A talk host (no names) said that if this goes far enough, you would have to oust JFK and even MLK.

    Why, did they both have a wank while they were on a Zoom call too?

    Abbreviated presidents and preachers do that about me but I don’t know what digress means.

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  • #66690

    It’s what Diglett from Pokemon evolves into.

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  • #66694

    That talk show host sounds pretty stupid because all MLK did was cheat (and even that’s debatable, iirc Coretta denied it happened and I’m gonna believe her over the FBI).

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  • #66747

    That talk show host sounds pretty stupid because all MLK did was cheat (and even that’s debatable, iirc Coretta denied it happened and I’m gonna believe her over the FBI).

    Hey, what reason would the FBI, who …*checks notes*… sent King letters trying to convince him to commit suicide would lie about him?

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  • #66753

    Putting this in a broader context…

    It raises the issue about cancel culture: Do we pick and choose the people we want to keep? Do we pick and choose the indiscretion?

    The Dems lost some valuable people over this. The GOP did not with their strategy.

  • #66760

    It raises the issue about cancel culture:

    No, it doesn’t. The reason for that is that cancel culture does not exist.

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  • #66968

    The old saying “winners write History”  Winners, i.e. The current ruling class, are losing their grip on how History is presented. Aanti-white and so on is just people talking about the history the ruling class has been trying to repress.

    Really then:


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  • #66987

    But remember Al, with Homelander, you can do anything you want.

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  • #67127

    This tweet from yesterday is by the new Israeli Prime Minister’s spokesman for Arab media.


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  • #67150

    The new PM is Bennnett who is more hawkish than Netanyahu. So that’s no surprise.

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  • #67164


    There is a debate about having critical Race theory and the 1619 project taught in the main core curriculum in schools.
    One side says it is the true history of America by people of color in the light of slavery, segregation, genocide and so on.
    Others oppose it as being anti-white and so on.

    I guess we can add this to the debate of Columbus in America and other debates regarding Africa, European colonialism, etc.
    It never ends but apparently there is an effort not to raise people’s consciousness.

    If you want to find out more, here are some links:

    The thing is, I think probably most people who want CRT taught are well-intentioned, but there are also some mad ideologues out there pushing a subversive agenda under the nomer of CRT. This graph is from the National Museum of African American History and Culture, apparently. Apparently being on time and being polite is “whiteness” now. They’re actually more racist against black people than they are being against whites.






  • #67186

    Have you met any Trumpers? there is an effort to remain ignorant and unaware


    When the Donald was in office and there was talk about foreign aid, he complained about sh*thole countries. What he doesn’t realize is that with most of those countries, the natural wealth (gold, diamonds, etc.) was taken from the land when they were colonies. Same thing with India and other countries.

    Some Trump supporters actually said that Africans were better off in the slave trade than to be stuck in Africa, that slavery (and segregation) wasn’t that bad after a while, some slaves preferred it and more nonsense. They couldn’t even identify where Egypt was, thinking it was in the Middle East. On another note, Rick Santorum recently said that the Native American Indians were hopelessly primitive and had nothing when the European settlers came.

    I could go on about more ignorance on their part, but it can all be summed up by what Carl Sagan said, namely that the education system failed a lot of people. I would add it is also the other way around.

    Critical Race Theory, although not perfect, would help in doing away with this nonsense thinking, but some don’t want it because it apparently makes whites look so bad.

    They don’t want to raise people’s consciousness.

    In the Politics section, I posted two Youtube videos if you are interested.

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  • #67187

    This graph is from the National Museum of African American History and Culture, apparently.

    Maybe you should go and confirm whether that’s the case?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #67191

    This graph is from the National Museum of African American History and Culture, apparently.

    Maybe you should go and confirm whether that’s the case?

    It reads like it should be a fake made by some right winger, doesn’t it? But it’s real. It was removed from their site after criticism.



    Donald Trump jr and Ben Shapiro are assholes but in this case they were right.

  • #67192

    This graph is from the National Museum of African American History and Culture, apparently.

    Maybe you should go and confirm whether that’s the case?

    It reads like it should be a fake made by some right winger, doesn’t it? But it’s real. It was removed from their site after criticism.



    Donald Trump jr and Ben Shapiro are assholes but in this case they were right.

    What were they right about? Actually looking at the diagram, it’s a hell of a fucking reach to say that describing being on-time and polite as being part of “whiteness” is some sort of attack. Like the whole thing is listing values and ideals that are associated with whiteness, and there’s no value judgement attached.

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  • #67193

    Maybe we shouldn’t be taking racial analysis from Donald Trump Jr and Ben Shapiro.

    That chart’s barely CRT. CRT is about how the modern concept of race was founded to justify the slave trade and tracking how race evolved over time to keep Black people, and soon other races, in an underclass. It’s not about attacking white people, which as Lorcan points out that chart doesn’t even do. I think some of the chart is kind of dumb but it’s not emblematic of CRT at all.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #67194

    Maybe we shouldn’t be taking racial analysis from Donald Trump Jr and Ben Shapiro.

    That chart’s barely CRT. CRT is about how the modern concept of race was founded to justify the slave trade and tracking how race evolved over time to keep Black people, and soon other races, in an underclass. It’s not about attacking white people, which as Lorcan points out that chart doesn’t even do. I think some of the chart is kind of dumb but it’s not emblematic of CRT at all.

    Yeah, if it had a line about how white Americans are the biggest babies on the planet, then it’d be CRT

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  • #67195

    Maybe we shouldn’t be taking racial analysis from Donald Trump Jr and Ben Shapiro.

    That chart’s barely CRT. CRT is about how the modern concept of race was founded to justify the slave trade and tracking how race evolved over time to keep Black people, and soon other races, in an underclass. It’s not about attacking white people, which as Lorcan points out that chart doesn’t even do. I think some of the chart is kind of dumb but it’s not emblematic of CRT at all.

    Yeah, if you call being polite a white cultural value (as if such a fucking thing even exists) and then say black people have internalized these traits from the dominant culture, then i’d say they are being more racist against black people than against white. Same for things like “planning for the future”, “delayed gratification” etc.


    Also it essentializes white culture. Basically that part is is the old “white people can’t dance, they’re so lame” bullshit. Steak and potatoes, bland is best, don’t show emotion.


  • #67200

    Yeah, if you call being polite a white cultural value (as if such a fucking thing even exists) and then say black people have internalized these traits from the dominant culture, then i’d say they are being more racist against black people than against white. Same for things like “planning for the future”, “delayed gratification” etc.

    It doesn’t say that though.

  • #67216

    People do read the title of that chart, yes? The bit that starts “Aspects and assumptions of“, yes?  Because it’s kind of key to it.  The central idea is there is nothing natural or set about anything of the society we live in – everything is a social construct.

    But if that is so then it is within our ability to change those constructs, which is where you start getting objections because, if the system works just fine, why should it be changed?

    If anything the bit is hilariously contradictory, with an entire section, competition, being utterly opposed to the communication section that follows.  “Be aggressive” is more or less followed by “be polite”.  (Which suggests how the Coens concluded the more polite a society is, the more psychopathic it is beneath the surface and they go to town with the idea in Fargo.)

    If you assume that being polite is an exclusively white trait, then yeah, you are also assuming that blacks cannot be polite so, easy solution: Don’t make the assumption in the first place.


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  • #67425

    Ronnie Oneal Found Guilty of Murdering Girlfriend and Daughter After Representing Himself by Screaming at Jurors, Cross-Examining Son He Tried to Kill

    How does that old saying go? “A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client”?

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  • #67636

    751 unmarked graves found at former Residential school in Saskatchewan, Canada

    BBC link, — CBC link, — NY Times link, — Al Jazeera link, — Guardian link

    An indigenous nation in Canada says it has found 751 unmarked graves at the site of a former residential school in Saskatchewan.
    The Cowessess First Nation said the discovery was “the most significantly substantial to date in Canada”.
    It comes weeks after the remains of 215 children were found at a similar residential school in British Columbia.
    Earlier this month Cowessess started using ground-penetrating radar to locate unmarked graves.
    “This is not a mass grave site. These are unmarked graves,” said Cowessess Chief Cadmus Delorme.

    There will be more schools in more Provinces, and I hope every single one is found.
    The truth has to come out, fully and completely, from every level involved.

    There’s more info to come (751 is just an estimate, 10% either way), but I’ve heard a quote that they can prove removal of tombstones, and that is a crime itself. The Catholic Church can be tied to directly to this.
    Earlier this month the Pope acknowledged the find in BC, but did not apologize.
    That hurt a devastated community, and they are calling for far more.
    Everyone watching for what he says now.

    This is proof of extermination. The word racism is not enough, they didn’t have the slightest respect. Like they decided they were animals (Nuns told them they didn’t have souls. Imagine a 3 year old hearing that…).

    I hope the Church pays, and pays severely.
    Don’t stop hounding until.
    If they don’t like it, they are free to shut down, after the bank accounts are taken over for the victims

    And this is just the start.
    Nasty, horrible, and painful, but it has to happen.

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  • #67648

    Developing story:

    Many feared dead after Florida beachfront condo collapses

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  • #67676

    751 unmarked graves found at former Residential school in Saskatchewan, Canada

    A very tragic revelation, but sadly not surprising given the stories we hear about the abuses (mental, physical and sexual) carried on by representatives of the Roman Catholic Church in other locations including Ireland and the US. I was born a Catholic and went to Catholic school for twelve years, and while there were many kind, devout and considerate priests, nuns, and brothers, there were also some who were cruel and selfish and predatory.

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  • #67677

    Developing story:

    Many feared dead after Florida beachfront condo collapses

    I’m sure Florida Governor Desantis will find a way to blame this on Biden and the Democrats.

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  • #67684

    Developing story:

    Many feared dead after Florida beachfront condo collapses

    Christel watched this on the news and they had a security video showing the collapse as it happened. It was unreal.

    I’m sure Florida Governor Desantis will find a way to blame this on Biden and the Democrats.

    In all seriousness, it would not surprise me in the least if this was sinkhole related. Florida is the sinkhole capital of the US due to a perfect storm of natural conditions. I had just told Christel that was my suspicion as to the cause when we heard on the news that there were reports that the building was sinking like a fraction on inch per year and the building owners were monitoring it.

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  • #67725

    I remember watching a documentary a few years back about a very similar looking collapse in the UK and the ‘post mortem’ found that one key section was supported by plasterboard. On full review the mystery wasn’t why it collapsed but why it hadn’t years earlier. Yet somehow it got through all the checks to be built.

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  • #67735

    They’re getting ready to sentence Derek Chauvin.

  • #67751

    Derek Chauvin Receives 22 and a Half Years for Murder of George Floyd

    Better than no time, I guess. Probably won’t even live out his sentence.

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  • #67752

    No offense…

    I have known of Al Sharpton being here in NYC all these years. He is a decent men who means well and makes good points.

    That being said, I am tired of seeing him every press conference regarding black social injustice.

    After a while, it just gets repetitive, almost like the “thoughts and prayers” after every mass shooting.

    Imho, Sharpton should step back out of the spotlight, mentor someone and let that person in when it is time.

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  • #67784

    Probably won’t even live out his sentence.

    Here’s hoping…

  • #67798


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  • #67812

    The thing is, I think probably most people who want CRT taught are well-intentioned, but there are also some mad ideologues out there pushing a subversive agenda under the nomer of CRT. This graph is from the National Museum of African American History and Culture, apparently. Apparently being on time and being polite is “whiteness” now. They’re actually more racist against black people than they are being against whites.

    But maybe it makes more sense to look at the things people actually want to teach in schools rather than those “mad ideologues” that may or may not be out there?

    Here’s an article in an education magazine explaining what teaching CRT at schools actually means:

    And here’s a quote that is key:

    Thus much of the current debate appears to spring not from the academic texts, but from fear among critics that students—especially white students—will be exposed to supposedly damaging or self-demoralizing ideas.

    I’m afraid you’re doing the same thing here, Arjan, looking at the issue from the perspectives of your fears only instead of what it is actually about.

    At the same time, some of the confusion probably derives from the fact – and this is talked about in the article, as well – that CRT is something that has been going on on a scholarly level that can’t just be transferred to schools 1:1, and that at this point, a lot of what teaching CRT at school means is pretty unclear, as there aren’t a lot of school materials and curriculums out there yet. What is pretty clear though is what the states enacting laws against CRT at schools want: they want to falsify and bury America’s history of institutionalised racism. You’re supposed to shake your head at the time of segregation a bit, but thank God MLK came and things have been great ever since. They’re trying to write history by law and exclude the suffering of minorities from it. It’s pretty insane.

    And honestly what CRT basically means is being aware that race is a construct, and one that has been used politically in a lot of ways. It’s not a new or radical idea; fuck, when I was at uni I took a seminar on constructions of race and one of the core texts was Frantz Fanon’s “Black Skin, White Masks”, which was published in 1952.

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  • #67816


    Sharpton has straightened his hair there. Appropriation. 😂

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  • #67910

    After the Pope had refused to apologize for their role in 215 deaths, 2 Catholic Churches on Indigenous Land were burned to the ground.
    Then the graves of 751 in the Province of Saskatchewan (very much a feeling that there are tons more)

    Earlier today, another 2 churches were burned to the ground

    I’m not condoning that (especially when we’re vulnerable to forest fires, and it’s that season, and the whole province is in a heat wave that is only getting worse, plus they don’t have the resources in the North/Interior), but there is no more poo-pooing it away.
    The hardest hit community is speaking, yelling.
    Government to commit resources to crime scenes (to put it mildly), and the Church to make a statement accepting responsibility, and promises moving forward.

    We’re about 6 hours from the Pope speaking?
    I wonder if he gets it, actually understands the stakes?
    This isn’t going away.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #67917

    I’m not condoning that (especially when we’re vulnerable to forest fires, and it’s that season, and the whole province is in a heat wave that is only getting worse, plus they don’t have the resources in the North/Interior), but there is no more poo-pooing it away.
    The hardest hit community is speaking, yelling.
    Government to commit resources to crime scenes (to put it mildly), and the Church to make a statement accepting responsibility, and promises moving forward.

    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

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  • #67926

    Why does this not surprise me?

    Engineer Warned of ‘Major Structural Damage’ at Florida Condo Complex

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  • #67986

    The death toll is at nine.

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  • #68187

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  • #68192

  • #68219

    Some good news:

    BREAKING: N.Y. grand jury said to return criminal indictments against Trump’s company and its CFO

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  • #68238

    Some good news:

    The news gets better:

    Trump’s CFO surrenders early

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  • #68583

    Has this case really been anything other than a frame job?

    Key witness in Assange case admits to lies in indictment – Stundin


  • #68595

    Has this case really been anything other than a frame job?

    Nope, nah-ah. Frame job, absolutely.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #68611

    The witness, who has a documented history with sociopathy and has received several convictions for sexual abuse of minors and wide-ranging financial fraud, made the admission in a newly published interview in Stundin where he also confessed to having continued his crime spree whilst working with the Department of Justice and FBI and receiving a promise of immunity from prosecution.

    Well, that all sounds lovely. B-)

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  • #68751

    The most famous crime reporter in the Netherlands, who was a beloved figure, was shot in Amsterdam tonight. Looks bad.


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  • #69018

    16-year-old who allegedly shot Marine in Times Square surrenders to police

    I mean, the good news is that the shooting wasn’t fatal, but still…

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  • #69036

    16-year-old who allegedly shot Marine in Times Square surrenders to police

    I mean, the good news is that the shooting wasn’t fatal, but still…

    The kid pulled the gun to win an argument and fired randomly. Also I have a feeling that the cops stopped looking for him. There were plenty of witnesses yet the kid ended up turning himself in 10 days after the shooting.

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  • #69762

    So, if you haven’t heard about this yet, there’s been massive floodings in Germany, and this has been happening right in my neck of the woods. Bonn and Köln have luckily been mostly spared because the Rhine has only risen a little, but many of the other places that have been hit worst are all just like 50km or so away, right around the corner. Some towns have just been swept away by the floods, more or less, with houses crashing down and quite a lot of people killed – death toll’s over a hundred right now with hundreds more missing.

    There are some more crazy before-and-after pics here:

    So, you know, fuck. It’s stopped raining and I don’t personally know anybody who has been more than just inconvenienced by this (having their cellars flooded, that kind of thing) but there’s a lot of people who have lost everything in an event that nobody thought could happen. Well, you know, apart from us all being aware that we’ve been engineering a new climate for our planet in which these kind of weather catastrophes will in the future be possible in places where they weren’t before. But surely, this won’t happen to us, and surely not for decades to come!

    Silver lining is that this has happened during our election campaigns so all of the parties will be pushed further towards fighting climate change, even the conservative one (which is still most likely to win). It’s good timing to have a demonstration of how fucked we are right now.

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  • #69790

    Silver lining is that this has happened during our election campaigns so all of the parties will be pushed further towards fighting climate change, even the conservative one (which is still most likely to win).

    I think you underestimate the number of people who believe climate change is entirely natural and not caused my men, and that the best thing we can do is invest in big engineering projects to hold back the effects because we can’t do anything about the cause.

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  • #69807

    Glad you’re okay, Christian! Things look horrendous out there.

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  • #69823

    I think you underestimate the number of people who believe climate change is entirely natural and not caused my men, and that the best thing we can do is invest in big engineering projects to hold back the effects because we can’t do anything about the cause.

    Those guys are definitely a factor, but not as much in Germany as in other countries. And luckily, that’s not a position any of the German parties take, except for the right-wing populist AfD. Even before this and in spite of corona, a majority of Germans saw fighting climate change as one of the most important issues in politics, with the Green Party soaring in surveys for a while there.

    The thing is that the CDU under Merkel have just been paying lip service to the idea of fighting climate change while enacting policies that often did the opposite. This particular disaster may be enough to not let them get away with that anymore.

    Also, the floods have hit the Southern part of Germany now.

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  • #70012

    Proud Boys leader pleads guilty to burning D.C. church’s Black Lives Matter banner

    And yet they call Antifa terrorists.

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  • #70129

    ‘I’m sorry, but it’s too late’: Alabama doctor on treating unvaccinated, dying COVID patients

    Dr. Brytney Cobia said Monday that all but one of her COVID patients in Alabama did not receive the vaccine. The vaccinated patient, she said, just needed a little oxygen and is expected to fully recover. Some of the others are dying.

    “I’m admitting young healthy people to the hospital with very serious COVID infections,” wrote Cobia, a hospitalist at Grandview Medical Center in Birmingham, in an emotional Facebook post Sunday. “One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine. I hold their hand and tell them that I’m sorry, but it’s too late.”

    Three COVID-19 vaccines have been widely available in Alabama for months now, yet the state is last in the nation in vaccination rate, with only 33.7 percent of the population fully vaccinated. COVID-19 case numbers and hospitalizations are surging yet again due to the more contagious Delta variant of the virus and Alabama’s low vaccination rate.

    For the first year and a half of the pandemic, Cobia and hundreds of other Alabama physicians caring for critically ill COVID-19 patients worked themselves to the bone trying to save as many as possible.

    “Back in 2020 and early 2021, when the vaccine wasn’t available, it was just tragedy after tragedy after tragedy,” Cobia told this week. “You know, so many people that did all the right things, and yet still came in, and were critically ill and died.”

    In the United States, COVID is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated, according to the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In Alabama, state officials report 94% of COVID hospital patients and 96% of Alabamians who have died of COVID since April were not fully vaccinated.

    “A few days later when I call time of death,” continued Cobia on Facebook, “I hug their family members and I tell them the best way to honor their loved one is to go get vaccinated and encourage everyone they know to do the same.”

    “They cry. And they tell me they didn’t know. They thought it was a hoax. They thought it was political. They thought because they had a certain blood type or a certain skin color they wouldn’t get as sick. They thought it was ‘just the flu’. But they were wrong. And they wish they could go back. But they can’t. So they thank me and they go get the vaccine. And I go back to my office, write their death note, and say a small prayer that this loss will save more lives.”

    More than 11,400 Alabamians have died of COVID so far, but midway through 2021, caring for COVID patients is a different story than it was in the beginning. Cobia said it’s different mentally and emotionally to care for someone who could have prevented their disease but chose not to.

    “You kind of go into it thinking, ‘Okay, I’m not going to feel bad for this person, because they make their own choice,’” Cobia said. “But then you actually see them, you see them face to face, and it really changes your whole perspective, because they’re still just a person that thinks that they made the best decision that they could with the information that they have, and all the misinformation that’s out there.

    “And now all you really see is their fear and their regret. And even though I may walk into the room thinking, ‘Okay, this is your fault, you did this to yourself,’ when I leave the room, I just see a person that’s really suffering, and that is so regretful for the choice that they made.”

    Cobia said that the strain wears on healthcare workers after the trauma of 2020 and 2021.

    “It’s really hard because all of us physicians and other medical staff, we’ve been doing this for a long time and all of us are very, at this point, tired and emotionally drained and cynical,” she said.

    Cobia said the current wave of Delta patients reminds her of the time in October and November of 2020, just before Alabama’s peak of coronavirus cases and deaths.

    “What we saw in December 2020, and January 2021, that was the absolute peak, the height of the pandemic, where I was signing 10 death certificates a day,” she said. “Now, it’s certainly not like that, but it’s very reminiscent of probably October, November of 2020, where we know there’s a lot of big things coming up.”

    Cobia worries that the upcoming school year will lead to a similar surge.

    “All these kids are about to go back to school. No mask mandates are in place at all, 70% of Alabama is unvaccinated. Of course, no kids are vaccinated for the most part because they can’t be,” Cobia said. “So it feels like impending doom, basically.”

    Cobia also had a personal experience with the virus, contracting it in July while 27 weeks pregnant with her second child. Her symptoms were mild and the child, Carter, was delivered early out of caution but suffered no serious complications.

    Her husband, Miles, is also a physician, and the couple says they were both extremely cautious about wearing protective equipment but one of them still caught the virus and gave it to the other, as well as other family members.

    “We still went to work but we masked 100% of the time,” Cobia said. “We didn’t go anywhere or do anything, we ordered through Shipt for all of our groceries, we did nothing at the time.”

    Cobia said she delivered in September without incident and got the vaccine herself in December when it was made available to healthcare workers.

    “I did not hesitate to get it,” she said. “There was a lot unknown at that time, because I was still breastfeeding about whether that was safe or not. I talked to as many other physician colleagues as I could and spoke with my OB as far as data that she had available and decided to continue breastfeeding after vaccination.”

    For people who are hesitant to receive the vaccine, Cobia recommends speaking to their primary care physician about their concerns, just as she did.

    “I try to be very non-judgmental when I’m getting a new COVID patient that’s unvaccinated, but I really just started asking them, ‘Why haven’t you gotten the vaccine?’ And I’ll just ask it point blank, in the least judgmental way possible,” she said. “And most of them, they’re very honest, they give me answers. ‘I talked to this person, I saw this thing on Facebook, I got this email, I saw this on the news,’ you know, these are all the reasons that I didn’t get vaccinated.

    “And the one question that I always ask them is, did you make an appointment with your primary care doctor and ask them for their opinion on whether or not you should receive the vaccine? And so far, nobody has answered yes to that question.”

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  • #70138

    I can’t help but blame Suzanne Scott and Rupert Murdoch (CEO and Executive Chairman of FOX News, respectively) for the current wave of COVID deaths among the unvaccinated. And Mark Zuckerberg for not aggressively shutting down Facebook accounts that spout lies about the vaccine.

    But in the end, each individual has to take personal responsibility for ignoring the recommendations and pleadings of Fauci and the CDC.

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