Star Wars Thread

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As part of the testing process I thought I’d kick off the traditional Star Wars thread.

The Obi-Wan Kenobi series with Ewan McGregor has been confirmed for Disney+ to begin shooting next year.

There’s also been new footage previewed from Rise Of Skywalker, although it’s not online

Sounds like it could be interesting.

Viewing 100 replies - 401 through 500 (of 992 total)
  • #12293

    My friend gave me her Disney+ login so I’ve now watched all of The Mandalorian and liked it a lot. I imagine some were put off by the slowness of the overarching Baby Yoda plot but I prefer that it went for an episodic style with the journeying duo get involved in the plights of locals. That feels more in line with the Western/Samurai tone of the story.

    Seeing the prequels on the Disney+ homepage made me realize that I was curious about watching them again. Partly because Rise of Skywalker was such a trainwreck and partly because the nostalgia-fest of the Disney movies has made me realize how innovative the prequels are on a design level. I wanted to try and appreciate the prequels on a visual and imaginative level rather than focus too much on the wooden dialogue and poor performances of some of the cast.

    I’ve since watched Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones and am halfway through Revenge of the Sith. I quite liked Phantom Menace, although Jar-Jar is still awful. I had a glimmer of hope that maybe I’d find him less annoying as I hadn’t watched the movie in about a decade but no, he still sucks. That said, Ahmed Best is an undeniably talented slapstick actor, almost Kramer-level. It’s just that his character doesn’t fit the rest of the movie and has a grating voice.

    Anakin is another weakness of the prequels. He’s too innocent in I and too petulant in II-III. I think pretty much everyone’s in agreement about that so there’s no need to go any more into it.

    But Obi-Wan? Qui-Gon? Naboo? The Gungan city? Podracing? Sebulba? Darth Maul? Jango Fett and Zam Wessell? Kamino? The opening battle of Episode III? The weird bubble-opera that Palpatine takes Anakin to? All great stuff. Detective Obi-Wan in Episode II is probably the highpoint of the prequels, although the rest of the movie barring the opening speeder chase is a pretty bad, especially Anakin and Padme’s awkward romance.

    I was surprised to see that Phantom Menace used a fair amount of miniatures but that’s abandoned in II for CGI spaceships and landscapes that make the climactic battle in II an ugly, weightless mess. But thankfully the CGI improved a lot in III (although the Blade Runner-inspired Coruscant always looked great).

    I’m happy with my decision to go back to these movies because, although they’re very flawed, there’s a lot in them to like. I no longer think of Ep I & III as bad movies. Still not a patch on the OT but they’re much, much better than the Abrams films and about as good as Solo.

    And so, because I might as well–my ranking: V, IV, VI, VIII, Solo, Rogue One, III, I, VII, II, IX. If I were to add The Mandalorian I’d slot it between VI & VIII.

  • #12322

    Will is my friend

  • #12952

    Rumours are being posted that the Obi Wan show has hit issues with the scripts and is being rethought.

    Star Wars at Disney doesn’t seem to be plain sailing.



  • #12954

    Better to take their time than rush anything.

    Some people on Twitter are losing their minds of course.

  • #12955

    Some people on Twitter are losing their minds of course.

    As if millions of voices cried out in terror.

  • #12963

    Whatever the Obi-Wan show turns into, I hope it feels like an actual TV show rather than a movie stretched into six episodes.

    It being only four episodes now doesn’t raise my hopes on this front.

  • #12991

    Rumours are being posted that the Obi Wan show has hit issues with the scripts and is being rethought.

    “Not enough baby Yoda, people! And can we get baby Chewbacca in there too?”

  • #12992

    Rumours are being posted that the Obi Wan show has hit issues with the scripts and is being rethought.

    “Not enough baby Yoda, people! And can we get baby Chewbacca in there too?”


  • #13008

    Rumours are being posted that the Obi Wan show has hit issues with the scripts and is being rethought.

    “Not enough baby Yoda, people! And can we get baby Chewbacca in there too?”


    Or Ewoks, as they’re known.

  • #13021

    Rumours are being posted that the Obi Wan show has hit issues with the scripts and is being rethought.

    “Not enough baby Yoda, people! And can we get baby Chewbacca in there too?”


    Or Ewoks, as they’re known.

    Otherwise known as Meth Head Care Bears

  • #13025

    We all know what is needed:

  • #13537

    Now this? This is how you design a book:

  • #13760

  • #13763

    Episode X: Tokyo Drift

  • #13771

    Test footage for a proposed Star Wars TV show, from before the Disney era, has been rediscovered. It was sitting on a VFX company’s Vimeo page for years, but got buried under other projects as they posted new material for all the other TV shows and films they’ve worked on. This is what was possible ten years ago, but still too expensive at the time for Lucas to go ahead with the series.

  • #13929

    I see the stormtoopers were just as deadly shots.

  • #13933

    I see the stormtoopers were just as deadly shots.

    That was a horrible gun fight. Both sides were only a few feet apart from each other! WTF?!?!

  • #13955

    the guns were firing cgi lasers and the holders of the guns were probably not the best stunt actors.

  • #15134

  • #15463

    Another new project that nobody has any information on:

    Director J.D. Dillard and ‘Luke Cage’ writer Matt Owens have been tapped to develop a project, but it is unclear whether its a theatrical or Disney+ release.

    As Lucasfilm maps out the next phase of Star Wars movies, executives are grappling with this question as development moves ahead: Which characters and stories justify theatrical releases and which should arrive exclusively on streaming platform Disney+?

    I think reducing Star Wars to just expensive TV movies is only going to hurt in the long-term.

    I don’t how they plan to differentiate the ones that do get cinema releases, especially now the main saga is allegedly over?

  • #15511

    ‘Luke Cage’ writer Matt Owens


    I think reducing Star Wars to just expensive TV movies is only going to hurt in the long-term.

    Oh, I think that might actually be a good idea. Get some stories out there without all the pressure, make sure they look as good as TV can look… They’ll probably be better movies that the ones we got in the theatres.


    I don’t how they plan to differentiate the ones that do get cinema releases, especially now the main saga is allegedly over?

    I am sure they will let us know :)

  • #15546

    I think reducing Star Wars to just expensive TV movies is only going to hurt in the long-term.

    Yeah, far more than Trek, I think Wars really is seen as a cinema first series, the other mediums, though they have their fans, don’t really get a look in.

    As to whatever this new thing is, wake me up when it gets a trailer.  If it gets a trailer.

    ‘Course, it’ll probably be on Disney fucking +.

  • #15548

  • #15684

  • #15686

    As to whatever this new thing is, wake me up when it gets a trailer. If it gets a trailer. ‘Course, it’ll probably be on Disney fucking +.

    It will probably never get out of development hell like every other Star Wars project that’s been announced over the past couple of years.


  • #15758

    On Monday night, the five Project Luminous authors and Mike Siglain, creative director, at Lucasfilm, gathered at Walt Disney Studios to pull back the curtain on the cross-medium event. Siglain said he first pitched the concept of an inter-connected historical Star Wars story back in 2014. Now, after tons of creative meetings, concept art, and Kathleen Kennedy’s stamp of approval to go wild and experiment, Lucasfilm and its publishing partners have beget “The High Republic” era. Taking place in a pax romana of the Star Wars universe, The HIgh Republic stories find the Jedi serving as a kind of Knights of the Roundtable for the galaxy, and a new threat, the punk-apocalyptic Nihil, pushing them to the brink. The premise of the books and comics boils down to a simple question: “What scares the Jedi?”

    In Phase 1, the stories include Soule’s novel Light of the Jedi, Ireland’s middle-grade novel A Test of Courage, Scott’s The High Republic Marvel comic, Gray’s Into the Dark novel, and Older’s IDW book The High Republic Adventures. In the future, the High Republic will add additional publishing partners including Abrams, becker&mayer!, DK, Insight Editions, Titan Publishing, and Viz Media.

  • #15764

    So it’s all novels and comics at the moment? Interesting. I wonder if they’re using it to experiment with concepts that could potentially make it to a wider audience later on, similar to how people have talked about Marvel Comics acting as an ideas factory for the movies and TV shows.

  • #15767

    A pity they are not also doing an audio play, Jedi: Dooku Lost was excellent.

  • #15783

    Very hard pass on “The High Republic”. ANOTHER prequel holds no interest for me.

    It would have been far more interesting to incorporate many of those ideas into a post-Episode IX universe. A Reconstruction Era of rebuilding after the First Order and a brand new threat entering the picture.

    With the High Republic, will Snoop Dogg finally become a Jedi Knight?

    Star Wars is well and truly dead to me. I zero interest in what has been put out in recent years and what is coming. What really sucks is I don’t even have the Original Trilogy anymore, as that has been butchered up. It was fun while it lasted.

  • #15784

    Very hard pass on “The High Republic”. ANOTHER prequel holds no interest for me.

    As with other Star Wars projects supposed to be taking place far in the past, I don’t really mind it in these cases. I mean, this is so far removed from the present of the movies that it might as well be their future as their past. There really isn’t any direct connection anyway.

    I’m fine with the general idea of the High Republic. It’s kind of the scenario that I expected back when I first heard about the prequels.

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  • #16270

    Well, the RoS novel has reignited the controversies of the film but with the twist that the author is being harassed on Twitter for having done her job as good as she could.

    Meanwhile, the door to audio stories in Project Luminous may not be as shut as I thought.

  • #16275

    What about the novel is controversial?

  • #16277

    What about the novel is controversial?

    Female characters have dialogue, I’m guessing?

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  • #16279

    What about the novel is controversial?

    Among other things, it confirms that Palpatine is a clone.

  • #16283

    What about the novel is controversial?

    Female characters have dialogue, I’m guessing?

    Worse – written by a female.   Yes, such is the hellspawned environment of parts of Twitter.

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  • #16291

    What about the novel is controversial?

    Female characters have dialogue, I’m guessing?

    Worse – written by a female.   Yes, such is the hellspawned environment of parts of Twitter.

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  • #16296

    Not sure if it’ll display right, but fan behavior is having an effect on the business side of Star Wars:

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  • #16329

    That’s bullshit, it’s like people don’t know about pen-names… give me a break…

    If that’s a problem with their business then they should fire whomever is in charge of their business, because that’s the most non-problem ever.

    Re: Palpatine… haven’t watched the movie, but wasn’t it implied he was a clone? How is it a controversy? Did I miss something? =/

  • #16331

    No it wasn’t implied he was a clone. It was stated that Snoke was a clone. The clear implication was that this was the same Palpotine from RotJ (he had battle damage and was hooked up to life support systems).

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  • #16332

    huh, I thought he was disintegrated at the end of episode 6… didn’t look like a survivable fall… plus establishing that Snoke was a clone, it just makes sense he’d also be a clone… a body clone, that is, since I suppose his consciousness could’ve just jumped to that back up body.

  • #16337

    At no time was it ever even hinted that he might not be the real Palpotine in the movie. They literally hand wave away how he’s still alive by say ‘dark Sith magic?’.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by rory.
  • #16345

    Why would a Palpatine clone have all the same disfigurement that the Emperor got from the fight with Mace Windu?

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  • #16354


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  • #16360

    Maybe as a body double he had to go through the same disfigurement to be convincing. Poor bastard.

    Still, at least he’s not just stuck in a tube like those Snoke clones.

  • #16362

    If Palpatine can live on in cloned bodies, what’s to keep him from jumping into another cloned body after dying in Rise of Skywalker?

    So much for the vaunted Story Group.

    After The Last Jedi, I’m really at a point where I just sadly shake my head. The people shepherding Star Wars are completely clueless about the mechanics of the Star Wars universe, basic storytelling skills, and logic.

    I have no idea where it’s coming from… Iger, Horn, Kennedy, the Story Group, the individual filmmakers. It seems like they keep fumbling the ball at every turn, and when they dig themselves into a hole, they just keep digging deeper. It’s a rudderless ship with too many chefs and no captain.

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  • #16363

    It seems like they keep fumbling the ball at every turn, and when they dig themselves into a hole, they just keep digging deeper. It’s a rudderless ship with too many chefs

    As a big fan of mixed metaphors this paragraph made me very happy.

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  • #16367

    I was not unhappy with the finale of the Abrams trilogy. If nothing else, I can now hope that everyone is done with the Skywalker saga, and will now turn their creative talents toward the vast but barely-explored Star Wars universe. THE MANDALORIAN was a good start, and I’m looking forward to seeing more stories on the big and small screens that continue to add to the SWU.

    Marvel and Fiege were smart to begin introducing non-Avengers characters in the MCU in an effort to expand potential stories beyond standard superhero/supervillain stuff. Disney/Lucasfilms/Bad Robot now have the opportunity to move beyond the Jedi/Sith stuff they’ve milked to death since 1977.

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  • #16377

    I think the danger of that is that without the Jedi/Sith stuff, Star Wars risks feeling like a fairly generic sci-fi universe.

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  • #16380

    I don’t have a problem with Jedis. Ezra, Kanan and Ahsoka were good in Rebels. But I agree they need to get rid of the Skywalkers. it was a very dysfunctional family and they can rest in peace.

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  • #16381

    Looking at Eps I-IX as a whole, does anyone else find it weird that it’s referred to as the “Skywalker Saga?”

    Nobody named Skywalker, or related to them, accomplished a damned thing they set out to do.

    Anakin didn’t balance the force. Anakin didn’t kill the Emperor. The Rebellion, led by the Skywalker twins, didn’t defeat the Empire, it just came back under a new name. Luke didn’t reestablish the Jedi Order. Leia didn’t rebuild the Republic. Ben didn’t do much of anything except throw tantrums. What was the point of the Skywalkers?

    Rey is, ultimately, the one who did everything. She killed the Emperor. She and her crew ended the First Order. She balanced the Force. She will, presumably, go on to reestablish the Jedi Order.

    And she’s a Palpatine.

    Shouldn’t it be called “The Palpatine Saga?”

    I can’t believe how badly Disney botched this. It’s just completely baffling that they would let this happen. Disney shareholders should revolt. They destroyed Star Wars. It’s going to be a third-rate franchise like Pirates of the Caribbean in a few years.



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  • #16386

    Shouldn’t it be called “The Palpatine Saga?”

    You haven’t seen the yet-to-be-scheduled Episode 0, in which it is revealed that Palpatine was Anakin’s real father. All this stuff about a virgin birth was just Shmi being coy; Palpatine sired the entire Skywalker clan.

    Or not.

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  • #16389

    Why would a Palpatine clone have all the same disfigurement that the Emperor got from the fight with Mace Windu?

    Brand Recognition…. =P

    Why would Snoke? Maybe his DNA was corrupted by Windu’s attack or byt he dark force or some shit like that… I’m not at all into SW, but I’ve read/seen sillier shit, so I guess that didn’t even cross my mind as a problem :unsure:

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Jon.
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  • #16405

    You haven’t seen the yet-to-be-scheduled Episode 0, in which it is revealed that Palpatine was Anakin’s real father. All this stuff about a virgin birth was just Shmi being coy; Palpatine sired the entire Skywalker clan.

    That’s been an actual theory since Phantom Menace.

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  • #16408

    Yep and, despite many claims to the contrary, never actually confirmed.

  • #16619

    And she’s a Palpatine. Shouldn’t it be called “The Palpatine Saga?”

    Fair point!

    But Rey assumes the Skywalker name in the end, doesn’t she? So, the name’s not the name of a family anymore, but it’s become, like, a symbol of fighting for the light side of the force and being on the side of the downtrodden and, um, turning to the dark side at the drop of a hat and kissing your sister and stuff, I guess. See?

  • #16629

    Well, the name “Skywalker” always sounded like a title to me… So, what I’d do is a new story far in the future where they introduce new characters as skywalkers, but they’re not family-related, it’d be more like a group of vigilantes of the galaxy… I guess turn that name into something like the mandalorians… maybe some of them are jedis and some ain’t… I dunno… I always thought it was a cool name for a squad or something like that.

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  • #16647

    Given that Luke’s last name was originally intended to be Starkiller, it’s ironic that the First Order’s new weapon was designed, in fact, to kill stars.

    “The Rise of Starkiller” isn’t as awe-inspiring, though, is it?

  • #16731

    Given that Luke’s last name was originally intended to be Starkiller, it’s ironic that the First Order’s new weapon was designed, in fact, to kill stars.

    “The Rise of Starkiller” isn’t as awe-inspiring, though, is it?

    Well, not surprising they changed that name… that’s not a good name for a hero… specially around those times in Hollywood… =/

  • #16741

    t’s ironic that the First Order’s new weapon was designed, in fact, to kill stars.

    Pity they didn’t fire that gun.

  • #16851

    So, what I’d do is a new story far in the future where they introduce new characters as skywalkers, but they’re not family-related, it’d be more like a group of vigilantes of the galaxy…

    Yeah, that’d be a cool idea for a continuation.

  • #16896

    I think the danger of that is that without the Jedi/Sith stuff, Star Wars risks feeling like a fairly generic sci-fi universe.

    That’s one of the reasons I loved The Last Jedi so much.  It opened things up to have future Force users that weren’t Jedi, Sith or even Skywalkers.

    It feels like Rise of Skywalker reeled all this back in and put a hard cap on the “Skywalker Saga” while actually making it the “Palpatine Saga”.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they revealed that Palpy was actually Anakin’s dad at some point.

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  • #16912

    That’s such a weird thing to claim. TFA did the same thing.

  • #16957

    That’s such a weird thing to claim. TFA did the same thing.

    Rey was the only non-Skywalker Jedi in TFA and it was pretty obvious that they were setting her up to be of some previous Jedi lineage until TLJ switched tactics.  TLJ also took things a bit further and finally showed a non-Skywalker/lineage Force user while also hinting that Rey and Kylo could forge a third option.

  • #16975

    TLJ also took things a bit further and finally showed a non-Skywalker/lineage Force user

    I find this a bit of a strange thing to say, as ever since Phantom Menace it’s been pretty clear that part of the Jedi recruitment process is identifying force-sensitive children from around the universe and bringing them into the Jedi order to help to train them and enable them to deal with their powers.

    There are hundreds of Jedi running around in the prequel trilogy and no indication that we’re meant to think that all of them come from a special lineage.

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  • #16977

    Thats obviously true but the Skywalkers are special in the same way that any fucking chosen one in any fucking fantasy story is special.

    The whole “prophesied to bring balance to the force” thing, which, really is anyone’s guess as to what that’s about, ties the narrative down to the Skywalkers and arguable also Rey.

    If you want to speak to the idea that anyone can be a Jedi, which is obviously established cannon, then you need to move focus to those anyones being Jedis.

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  • #16986

    Yeah I don’t understand why people got so excited with the kid at the end of TLJ… we had a whole trilogy full of random jedis running around… The initial problem was making Rey’s parentage a mystery… they should’ve just added a line saying “oh my parents got killed in a xxx accident” or whatever, and that would’ve been that… Rey would’ve been just another random jedi like Samuel L Jackson. :unsure:

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  • #17000

    Star Wars is really kind of monarchist propaganda. You aren’t special if you’re not from these bloodlines.

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  • #17002

    hinting that Rey and Kylo could forge a third option.

    Pass me the barf bag.

    The whole “prophesied to bring balance to the force” thing, which, really is anyone’s guess as to what that’s about

    And they’re never going to explain what it was either.  That whole concept went and wrecked Legends, it’s currently doing an encore act now.

    I find this a bit of a strange thing to say, as ever since Phantom Menace it’s been pretty clear that part of the Jedi recruitment process is identifying force-sensitive children from around the universe and bringing them into the Jedi order to help to train them and enable them to deal with their powers. There are hundreds of Jedi running around in the prequel trilogy and no indication that we’re meant to think that all of them come from a special lineage.

    Which is why I find so much of TLJ’s claim dubious, this isn’t new material even at the film level.  It wasn’t Jedi lineage that set Rey apart in TFA, it was her being in the lead position as a character which hadn’t been done before.  Of course, after that? They fucked it up.

    What’s uncanny is the same sort of stuff that TLJ did with Rey has now cropped up with Whittaker’s Who.  The thinking seems to be that gender in itself is character, so having a lead woman in the story is enough.

    Star Wars is really kind of monarchist propaganda. You aren’t special if you’re not from these bloodlines.

    The later Legends material has its fans but a lot of critics because this is the direction it went in.  Not a Jedi bro? Get the fuck out of here.  You a Skywalker Jedi? Fuck, that’s God-level dude., all those extra midis mean you can bench press 500Ib…  It didn’t work for a lot of people.

    Changing tack, I remain ambivalent on the High Republic idea, I find myself caught at the point of whether I should financially reward the same company that thought the sequels were so brilliant.  Which is a shame because it’s the kind of concept I have liked most in SW material – new era, new takes, new ideas perhaps.  It’ll make enough money with or without me but I think the success will be modest and nowhere near whatever Disney expects.

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  • #17003

    If you want to speak to the idea that anyone can be a Jedi, which is obviously established cannon, then you need to move focus to those anyones being Jedis.

    Obi-Wan is a key Jedi character in the original trilogy, the main point of reference for light-side Force users alongside Yoda, basically the main light-side-Force-dude of all time. Neither of them are Skywalkers.

    In the prequel trilogy we had Qui-Gon Jinn as a very prominent light-side Jedi, then the whole Jedi council (with a few more prominent light-side Jedi with fairly major roles, like Mace Windu) and then all the background Jedi we see, none of whom are Skywalkers either.

    Obviously the Skywalker family are very prominent in the story because they’re the main characters, but that’s very different from the story suggesting that only Skywalkers can be Force-sensitive or important Jedi.

    I don’t think anyone has ever felt that Star Wars has implied that only the Skywalkers can be prominent force-users, until The Last Jedi where suddenly everyone suggested the film was being incredibly bold by saying that anyone could potentially be in touch with the force. Well, yeah, we already knew that, it just wasn’t the focus of the Skywalker family saga.

    I get the complaint, but it feels like a complaint that could be made about any fantasy story that suggests its central character is extra-special and different even to other special characters. Like complaining that the Harry Potter series suggests that only his family can be magical, which would obviously be nonsense.

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  • #17019

    Those are all fair points, but it’s a bit like Tim says. I mean, this examples –


    I get the complaint, but it feels like a complaint that could be made about any fantasy story that suggests its central character is extra-special and different even to other special characters. Like complaining that the Harry Potter series suggests that only his family can be magical, which would obviously be nonsense.

    – is that the equivalent would be that in more than half the Harry Potter books, the only people using any magic at all would be the ones related to Harry – and Voldemort (who is potentially Harry’s grandfather).

    That’d be a very small magic universe. And I feel the same with these movies – why are they limiting this to the Skywalkers? It’s so much less fun. It was a different thing in the OT, because there the setting was all about a galaxy that had lost its magic, but the new movies should’ve gone a different way because they should’ve been about re-establishing that magic.

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  • #17023

    That’d be a very small magic universe. And I feel the same with these movies – why are they limiting this to the Skywalkers?

    Because that’s the way the nine-film saga set itself up forty years ago?

    ESB and ROTJ pretty much set up the nine-film saga to be a generational family epic focusing on the Skywalker family.

    The upcoming prequel trilogy would be about Anakin Skywalker’s fall to the Dark Side set against the backdrop of the Republic becoming the Empire.

    The original trilogy was about Luke Skywalker, Anakin’s son, becoming a Jedi Knight set against the backdrop of the Rebellion defeating the Empire.

    The sequel trilogy was more open, but story logic would dictate that it would follow the third generation of Skywalkers, the children of Luke, and Leia & Han, rebuilding the Jedi Order as the New Republic established itself. (Which is what the old EU did.)

    But then Disney gave us a muddled mess of a sequel trilogy that does nothing but rehash the story of the original trilogy. The Disney trilogy was essentially a soft reboot, where it took away everything that was accomplished in the first six films so they could retell the OT with their own new group of characters instead of moving the story forward to a proper conclusion.

    And I wholly agree with Dave that it’s just bizarre that people can watch the first six Star Wars movies and come away thinking that only Skywalkers could be Jedi Knights. That sounds like something one of my cousins who can’t tell the difference between Star Trek and Star Wars would say.

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  • #17024

    That’s one of the reasons I loved The Last Jedi so much. It opened things up to have future Force users that weren’t Jedi, Sith or even Skywalkers.

    Rogue One did it first, and better, with Chirrut Îmwe.

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  • #17025

    The “bring balance to the force” thing is Anakin dying in the process of killing Palpatine, right? That’s why Lucas made a point in the prequels to establish that the Sith are always just two people.

    Until the ST there wasn’t a “light side” of the force, there was the force and there was the dark side–using the connective power of the force for personal gain. With the dark side users gone the force was in balance again.

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  • #17026

    why are they limiting this to the Skywalkers? It’s so much less fun

    And I get that complaint, but I think (like Jason said) that this complaint is more about Disney’s era dropping the ball and not coming up with a very good Skywalker story for the sequel trilogy, compared to the strong arcs that underpinned the OT and PT (whatever you think of the PT, there was a solid arc for Anakin underneath it, even if it was mishandled).

    Until the sequel trilogy “it’s just all about the Skywalkers” wasn’t a complaint anyone voiced, because, well, they were telling decent stories about the Skywalkers!

    Ironically, if Johnson had gone more conventional and revealed Rey to be Luke’s daughter (as was heavily suggested by TFA) it might have made for a stronger Skywalker storyline for the sequel trilogy, albeit a more predictable one.

    Anyway, none of this is really about Force powers being limited to one dynasty, which I think has always been a bit of a red herring argument (albeit one that’s obviously going to gain traction easily today, given our greater sensitivity to and awareness of issues around privilege in general).

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  • #17027

    Until the ST there wasn’t a “light side” of the force, there was the force and there was the dark side–using the connective power of the force for personal gain. With the dark side users gone the force was in balance again.

    I’m not sure. Certainly I felt that the prequels contained some implicit criticism of the way the Jedi behaved, that they were cold and arrogant and not as clever as they thought, and that there was an element of negligence in letting the dark rise. The kind of thing that Luke voices explicitly in Last Jedi, basically.

    I like the idea of finding a desirable grey area in the middle more than the idea that the Jedi are always wholly good and right and beyond reproach.

  • #17028

    And the Skywalker family is hardly a dynasty. It was a father and two kids. It’s not exactly the Targaryen family tree, y’know. (Though there might be some near-incest involved.)



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  • #17029

    Until the ST there wasn’t a “light side” of the force, there was the force and there was the dark side–using the connective power of the force for personal gain. With the dark side users gone the force was in balance again.

    I’m not sure. Certainly I felt that the prequels contained some implicit criticism of the way the Jedi behaved, that they were cold and arrogant and not as clever as they thought, and that there was an element of negligence in letting the dark rise. The kind of thing that Luke voices explicitly in Last Jedi, basically.

    I like the idea of finding a desirable grey area in the middle more than the idea that the Jedi are always wholly good and right and beyond reproach.

    The Jedi aren’t the force, though. The Sith were abusing the force, giving into the temptation of the force’s dark side, throwing the binding power of the universe out of whack.

  • #17030

    And the Skywalker family is hardly a dynasty. It was a father and two kids

    Poor Shmi, always getting the shitty end of the stick.

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  • #17032

    The Jedi aren’t the force, though. The Sith were abusing the force, giving into the temptation of the force’s dark side, throwing the binding power of the universe out of whack.

    Yeah, but the Jedi have always been presented as the ‘light’ counterpoint to that, no? Using it in a positive, selfless way.

    The force itself is pretty neutral, just a lifeforce/energy/universal connection kind of thing.

  • #17034

    The force itself is pretty neutral, just a lifeforce/energy/universal connection kind of thing.

    Right, that’s what I’m saying. It’s a neutral world soul type idea. The “light side” the ST introduced takes the Force away from its Eastern (Buddhist/Taoist) origins. The force is universal connection, using that connection to sway people’s emotions and build personal power corrupts it. The Jedi weren’t tapping into a “light side” of the force, they were more like caretakers of the force in its natural state. They had institutional problems but never perverted the force.

    The dark side of the force is better understood as the temptation force sensitive people feel to abuse that limitless power and connection.

  • #17035

    The “bring balance to the force” thing is Anakin dying in the process of killing Palpatine, right? That’s why Lucas made a point in the prequels to establish that the Sith are always just two people.

    Yeah, kind of.

    It’s difficult to analyze this stuff because George Lucas is so mercurial, but it’s stated in the prequels, albeit in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it fashion, that the existence of the Sith are what is imbalancing the Force. The idea is that a “Chosen One” will come along and  destroy the Sith once and for all, thus restoring balance to the Force.

    It is in these lines of dialog:

    “With all due respect, Master, is he not the Chosen One? Is he not to destroy the Sith and bring balance to the Force?” (Obi-Wan Kenobi in conversation with Yoda and Mace Windu, ROTS)

    You were the Chosen One! It was said that you would destroy the Sith, not join them! Bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!” (Obi-Wan to Anakin in ROTS)

    The Sith seem to represent a disharmony within the Force that needs to be eliminated to restore balance. Though most people’s takeaway seems to be that the Jedi and the Sith need to exist in some kind of harmony, which does not seem to be the intent here.

    Until the ST there wasn’t a “light side” of the force, there was the force and there was the dark side–using the connective power of the force for personal gain. With the dark side users gone the force was in balance again.

    That’s always been my takeaway way back from the OT. That the “Light Side” and the “Dark Side” aren’t actual things, but have to do with the intent of the people channeling and using the Force. The Force is just an energy field, neutral like gravity or magnetism. When it is used altruistically, it is the “light side.” When the user uses it for personal gain or the acquisition of power, they can be said to be tapping into the “dark side,” though it is the same thing.

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  • #17036

    The force itself is pretty neutral, just a lifeforce/energy/universal connection kind of thing.

    Right, that’s what I’m saying. It’s a neutral world soul type idea. The “light side” the ST introduced takes the Force away from its Eastern (Buddhist/Taoist) origins. The force is universal connection, using that connection to sway people’s emotions and build personal power corrupts it. The Jedi weren’t tapping into a “light side” of the force, they were more like caretakers of the force in its natural state. They had institutional problems but never perverted the force.

    The dark side of the force is better understood as the temptation force sensitive people feel to abuse that limitless power and connection.

    Ok, got it. Yeah, with you.

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  • #17039

    why are they limiting this to the Skywalkers?

    I think they decided to follow Lucas, who around the time ROTS came out, was spinning the 6-films as Anakin’s story.  That was met with quite a bit of resistance too.  The two trilogies work far better as two linked stories, one is Anakin’s the other is Luke’s.

    The “bring balance to the force” thing is Anakin dying in the process of killing Palpatine, right? That’s why Lucas made a point in the prequels to establish that the Sith are always just two people.

    Anakin Skywalker, he had one job and he couldn’t even do that right.

    Certainly I felt that the prequels contained some implicit criticism of the way the Jedi behaved, that they were cold and arrogant and not as clever as they thought, and that there was an element of negligence in letting the dark rise

    To me, TLJ goes that one step too far in going too close to the idea that the Jedi deserved to be killed.  The other objection is the idea they could have out-played their adversary – the whole point of the PT is that the game is stacked against the Jedi to lose, whichever way they go.  The Clone Wars were, in part, to destroy and diminish the Jedi and they do so.  “Allow” makes the claim that there’s a SW out there where the Empire and the Death Stars didn’t happen.  Then again the same film likes to go to the idea of unreliable narration and characters lying to themselves and the audience that it’s hard to know how much credit to assign to anything anyone says in it.

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  • #17042

    Hey, Anakin did all right until JJ Abrams came along

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  • #17043

    Yeah, that’s a fair point Ben. By the time we join them in Phantom Menace there’s not really anywhere for them to go.

  • #17059

    Isn’t the implication in both the OT and the new T that the Jedis are basically gone? It’s not so much that “only the Skywalkers” can be Jedis, but rather the fact that Anakin and Luke were 2 of the last Jedis, with Luke being literally the last Jedi left in TLJ.

    What I’m trying to say is that the Jedi are a cult that practise the “light side of the force” while the Sith are a cult that practise the “dark side of the force”… Doesn’t mean there can’t be any number of force users, both good and bad, or in between, who subscribe to neither the Jedi cult or the Sith cult.

    I mean, that’s what I understand as a casual viewer… maybe I’m wrong… but anyways, I don’t mind the movies focusing on the Skywalkers because… well because why not… it’s never implied they’re “the only ones capable of being Jedis”, or even being a specially super powerful family… I mean, sure Vader was pretty powerful, but the Emperor was always more powerful, so was Obi Wan, and Yoda… and Luke was not really all that powerful either, but even if he were, that’s not really an issue, because we were always shown more powerful force users… they just happened to be old as fuck and they all died (or got killed in the prequels)… Luke was just the youngest recruit and ended up being the last Jedi (not force user).

  • #17085

    Luke was just the youngest recruit

    I thought it was established that Luke was actually kind of old to start training as a Jedi; didn’t Yoda say as much to Obi-Wan’s spirit on Dagobah? And certainly Anakin was much younger than Luke when Qui-Gon began training him.

  • #17132

    Yoda says he’s too old, and the prequels make the same point about Anakin.

    Jedi’s are trained from an early age.

  • #17134

    Okay let me correct: Luke was just the youngest (and only) recruit left at that point…

  • #17163

    Or, conversely, he was the oldest (and only) recruit left at that point.



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  • #17164

    Sure but my point is that the other 2 jedis we met were old and died (and Vader and the Emperor were also old and died), so Luke was the last jedi by default, although he might’ve not been the most powerful. The “Skywalkers” are important more because of the circumstances rather than because they’re “chosen” or because they’re a special family or whatever…

  • #17165

    Okay. Let me correct: into the garbage chute ya buncha scruffy nerd herfers.

    Disney Princess “Im Mary Poppins Y’all” Leia.

    She rescued herself and saved the clueless manverse a lot. Still should’ve given poor Chewie his medal tho

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  • #17181

    Okay let me correct: Luke was just the youngest (and only) recruit left at that point…

    The way I always took it was that Obi-Wan and Yoda were weaponizing Luke against Darth Vader. Anakin and Palpatine were always particularly strong with the Force, and Luke, being Anakin’s offspring, would be at that level as well. And that Force-wielders at that level were exceptionally rare, so they were kind of stuck with the twins.

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  • #17186

    Yoda says he’s too old, and the prequels make the same point about Anakin.

    Jedi’s are trained from an early age.

    Which is weird, right? Some space wizard turns up, tells you how your toddler can do all sorts of special things and takes your kid away to love with him and his fellow space wizards in isolation to learn the ways of their cult.

    They’d be as well calling them Moonwalkers.

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  • #17204

    Rey would’ve been just another random jedi like Samuel L Jackson.

    There ain’t nobody like Samuel L Jackson.

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  • #17271

    Still should’ve given poor Chewie his medal tho

    That was part of the “Internet Complaints to Rectify” checklist in Rise of Skywalker.

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  • #23293

    Star Wars Hot Rod?! How to Build a Replica of Luke Skywalker’s X-34 Landspeeder

  • #23396

    Still should’ve given poor Chewie his medal tho

    That was part of the “Internet Complaints to Rectify” checklist in Rise of Skywalker.

    Not seen Rise of Skywalker.

    Forget algorithms, I’m certain every future film will make a gajillionbillion eurodollars if they focus solely on rectifying internet complaints.


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  • #23448

    Well, I mean, Ep9 made 1 billion less than 7… I’m not so sure about that =P

    By the way, can Ep9 be considered a flop even though it made a billion? Probably not… but it must’ve been a severly disappointing result…

  • #23485

    That’s about right. I don’t think a film with that size of audience can ever be called a ‘flop’ but it can be disappointing in the context of what they could expect.

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