Star Wars Thread

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As part of the testing process I thought I’d kick off the traditional Star Wars thread.

The Obi-Wan Kenobi series with Ewan McGregor has been confirmed for Disney+ to begin shooting next year.

There’s also been new footage previewed from Rise Of Skywalker, although it’s not online

Sounds like it could be interesting.

Viewing 100 replies - 201 through 300 (of 992 total)
  • #5974

    Thanks go to @paul-f for setting up the Mandalorian spoiler thread.

  • #5986

    Technically, though, it’s not the downloading you get fined for, but the uploading part that automatically happens with torrents – with that act, you are distributing someone else’s property and that’s what you get sued for.

    Oh that makes more sense… Still though, there must be some torrent clients that allow you to disable uploads… but even then, there are direct download sites, or yeah those streaming ones, although I don’t like those… that’s where I got a ransomware from… u_u
    I still think it’s super silly they go after people who download… uploaders, sure… but eh… whatever.

  • #6052

    but even then, there are direct download sites, or yeah those streaming ones

    Yeah, all of that is still not exactly legal, but as far as I know you don’t get sued and fined for doing it.
    Which is why I’ll think about downloading The Mandalorian if fucking Disney won’t give me a choice.

  • #6058

    Yeah, all of that is still not exactly legal, but as far as I know you don’t get sued and fined for doing it.

    I think it’s all illegal but as with many things online the numbers are so huge you go for the low hanging fruit. It’s like drivers speeding, 95% get away with it but that doesn’t mean it isn’t illegal or you can’t be caught and fined.

  • #6092

    Oh that makes more sense… Still though, there must be some torrent clients that allow you to disable uploads…

    I still think it’s super silly they go after people who download… uploaders, sure… but eh… whatever.

    I don’t think there any torrent clients that allow you to disable uploads. It’s part of the protocol. You can delete the torrent the client immediately after you’ve downloaded, that’s generally considered poor etiquette, though. You’re supposed to leave the torrent active until you’ve uploaded at least a 1:1 ratio of it.
    Even if you delete immediately after downloading, you can still be held legally liable for copyright infringement just for being in the swarm because you’re making the copyrighted material available for others to download from you.
    I don’t think anyone has gone after DOWNLOADERS, just UPLOADERS (which includes stuff like torrents and P2P networks like Napster). Going after downloaders would be like someone suing you for watching a video on youtube, or reading an article on a blog or message board that someone copied and pasted. The media always focuses on “illegal downloaders,” but every case I’ve ever read about someone getting in trouble, even if they’re called downloaders, have gotten pinched for uploading.

  • #6135

    Pirate Bay WARNING: Thousands SUED for downloading for FREE, as legal action intensifies
    However, the sheer volume of lawsuits filed in January 2018 points to a dramatic increase to that number in 2018.
    Those figures come courtesy of legal analytic company, Lex Machina.
    The analysis from the California-based company reveals there were 1,019 file-sharing cases filed in the United States last year – an average of 85 a month.

  • #6153

    Ugh. Maybe I’ll stay on the right side of the law after all.

    (Though honestly, my main thing is, I don’t need to download stuff for free, I can afford to pay for it and do want to make that contribution to the stuff I like to watch. If Disney would give me the fucking chance to do so!)

  • #6167

    The interesting bit in the detail of that story is all but 15 of those legal letters came from porn production companies.
    So stick to Porn Hub for that and you should be okay!
    For all my joking by the way I don’t pirate things unless there is no other available source either. I pay for Netflix, Amazon and iFlix but certain material doesn’t make it here or can be heavily censored so sometimes the torrents come into play.

  • #6196

    If Disney would give me the fucking chance to do so!

    Look, Christian, weve talked about this before: Disney don’t like you and don’t want your money.

    Frankly, you’re too tall. Maybe HBO Max will accept you.

  • #6214

    I don’t think there any torrent clients that allow you to disable uploads. It’s part of the protocol. You can delete the torrent the client immediately after you’ve downloaded, that’s generally considered poor etiquette, though. You’re supposed to leave the torrent active until you’ve uploaded at least a 1:1 ratio of it.
    Even if you delete immediately after downloading, you can still be held legally liable for copyright infringement just for being in the swarm because you’re making the copyrighted material available for others to download from you.
    I don’t think anyone has gone after DOWNLOADERS, just UPLOADERS (which includes stuff like torrents and P2P networks like Napster). Going after downloaders would be like someone suing you for watching a video on youtube, or reading an article on a blog or message board that someone copied and pasted. The media always focuses on “illegal downloaders,” but every case I’ve ever read about someone getting in trouble, even if they’re called downloaders, have gotten pinched for uploading.

    You can’t disable entirely the upload, probably, but you can limit it to nothing. Honestly I always delete when done, ’cause I have poor e-tiquette, obviously, but also, let’s be honest, even if I leave it for an entire week, I won’t even upload a 10% of what I downloaded… I never have, probably a thing with my ISP and how it limits the uploads a lot more than the downloads. That’s always been a huge struggle in sites that ask you to have a 1:1 ratio… hence why you always have the option to pay.
    And yeah, going after downloaders is stupid and not really even feasible. They do it from time to time to scare people, but eh…

  • #6292

    Even if one could disable uploads on the torrent client, their IP address will still show up in the swarm and that’s probably enough to show intent to distribute copyrighted materials. So that probably isn’t going to protect anyone from being sued. I don’t know if anyone has tried to use that as a defense or not, though.
    With some of the old P2P networks like WinMX, you could set the folder you wanted to allow uploads from. One trick to skirt liability was to set the upload folder to your browser cache. Then you could download as much as you wanted to without offering anything in return, and if someone you were downloading from peeked at your profile, it would look like you were offering thousands of files, and they wouldn’t cut you off mid-download for being a scummy little leech. …or so I’ve heard.

  • #6308

    Well as I said, there are other non-risk options… well, at least in terms of getting sued because of uploads… the direct downloads. However, they’re a pain in the ass to find and usually are filled with pop-up links and what probably spywayre (the sites they’re hosted on), but hey, if you’re careful enough, that works pretty well I reckon. I’ll try one from one site I know and see how complicated it is…

  • #7681

    Finally got around to booking my tickets for Rise of Skywalker on opening night.

    Despite there not having been quite as much hype and build-up this time (everything around it feels a bit quieter in general) I’m really looking forward to it – I’ve managed to avoid most of the footage outside of the main trailers, so I’m hoping the film has lots of surprises up its sleeve.

  • #7773

    God knows I have my criticisms of the sequel films, but this? This was funny:

  • #7848

    This is funnier:


  • #8054

  • #8059

    I just saw an article that casually mentioned that The Phantom Menace is now as old as the original Star Wars was when all the Special Edition re-releases came out.

    And I thought, no, that can’t be right, because… 

    And then I thought, fuck. 

  • #8060

    And then you thought that those kids better get off your lawn.

  • #8064

    So does anyone have any final speculation on how everything will wrap up in The Rise Of Skywalker? Killing off Snoke also seemed to kill off that rampant speculation, which is a shame.

    I’m guessing it’s going to turn out that Snoke was Palpatine’s brother, Palpatine is secretly Darth Vader’s dad and Rey’s grandpa, and she’ll marry Kylo Ren in a big ceremony on Naboo.

  • #8072

    I wouldn’t be shocked if it turns out Palpatine really is her grandfather. It would be a way around Last Jedi’s reveal about her parents without undoing it.

  • #8100

    Seriously, I half expect them to somehow explain Anakin’s parentage and tie it up with Palpatine somehow. That always felt like a bit of a loose end to me.

  • #8101

    The idea that Palpatine created Anakin has been doing the rounds for years.  Soule played with the idea in his Vader run too.

    But I go with the idea that that mystery is better left a mystery, much like Wolverine’s origin is best left hazy.

    It makes for a great villain line, but it works better for me if it’s also utter bullshit.  Changing tack:

    And then you thought that those kids better get off your lawn.

    And they were playing with red double savers.  Huh, wonder who that could be?

  • #8102


  • #8104

    The idea that Palpatine created Anakin has been doing the rounds for years.  Soule played with the idea in his Vader run too. But I go with the idea that that mystery is better left a mystery, much like Wolverine’s origin is best left hazy.

    It was always kind of implied by the prequel trilogy I think. Maybe it’s best to leave it like you say.

    I just get the sense Abrams is not going to be able to resist tying it all up too neatly.

  • #8106

    I do think Disney want a tidy continuity, there are some great hanging threads but they are very much niche material.  In the main? It’s all very tidy.

  • #8107

    Abrams destroyed Vulcan.

    He’s quite prepared to create a great disturbance in the Force.

  • #8108

    Yeah, but Trek’s a multiverse, SW is really trying not to be.

  • #8109

    Abrams destroyed Vulcan.

    The big twist in Episode IX is going to be that it was actually the Death Star that destroyed Vulcan.

  • #8114

    Abrams destroyed Vulcan.

    The big twist in Episode IX is going to be that it was actually the Death Star that destroyed Vulcan.


  • #8115

    And then Leia kneed him in the nuts.

  • #8119

    And then Leia kneed him in the nuts.


  • #8142

    Kabuki adaptation of Star Wars staged

  • #8173

    Yeah, but Trek’s a multiverse, SW is really trying not to be.

    I’m not sure SW is trying to be anything except long lasting and successful?

    There’s been no big plan for this trilogy. When Rian Johnson came onboard he was given a pretty free hand to keep what he wanted and ditch what he didn’t (Kylo’s mask, Snoke, the mystery of Rey’s family) and now we’re seeing Abrams bring back the mask (which he clearly does like) and the Emperor.

  • #8194

    But I go with the idea that that mystery is better left a mystery, much like Wolverine’s origin is best left hazy.

    This.  It’s honestly one of the main reasons why I loved The Last Jedi so much.  The thing that always made Star Wars special to me was that the universe felt so vast and a lot of that was down to the mystery behind certain things.  Everything after Return of the Jedi has seemed to me to be about answering questions asked in those initial films and slowly Checkov’s Gunning the entire universe.  TLJ just kind of threw all of that out the window and opened more doors than it closed.  I hope The Rise of Skywalker doesn’t go too hard on trying to undo that.

  • #8196

    ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’: Finn and Poe Aren’t Boyfriends, but J.J. Abrams Hints at LGBTQ Representation

    I think we all know who the real gay couple in SW is.


  • #8201

    Mainstream dramatic structure is built around asking, then answering questions.

    And this isn’t new by the way, it goes back over two thousand years. Chekhov didn’t invent ‘Chekhov’s Gun’ he just gave us a memorable short hand for the trope.

    ‘Rise of Skywalker’ wont be a three hour lecture designed to address every last detail of the previous films, but it will pay off a lot of what’s been set up.

  • #8204

    Mainstream dramatic structure is built around asking, then answering questions. And this isn’t new by the way, it goes back over two thousand years. Chekhov didn’t invent ‘Chekhov’s Gun’ he just gave us a memorable short hand for the trope. ‘Rise of Skywalker’ wont be a three hour lecture designed to address every last detail of the previous films, but it will pay off a lot of what’s been set up.

    To some extent.  However, thus far answering the long standing mysteries in this universe and making that the focus of the films ends up being largely unfulfilling.

    What is the origin of the Force? Midichlorians

    Who is/was Boba Fett? A clone of Jango Fett

    Where did Darth Vader come from?  Immaculate conception

    Star Wars is one of the few universes that felt like it didn’t steeply drop off once you left what had been captured on screen even before any Extended Universe material had been created.  When every Jedi is a Skywalker and every new character is somehow miraculously connected to an old character it starts to feel like other less developed fictional universes.

  • #8205

    The problem there isn’t that there were answers, it’s that they were bad answers.

  • #8206

    Other than Boba none of those were really questions though. Last Jedi didn’t answer most of the questions asked in TFA, it just eliminated them. It certainly didn’t raise any additional interesting questions.

  • #8208

    Hmm, Last Jedi discussion…. I think my view of that is pretty much well known, so no point in rehashing it.

  • #8212

    Hmm, Last Jedi discussion…. I think my view of that is pretty much well known, so no point in rehashing it.


  • #8213

    I’m not sure SW is trying to be anything except long lasting and successful?

    It does but what’s required to do that long-term?  What has enabled superheroes, Trek and Bond to keep going over an extended period of time?  I think the answer in part is a certain flexibility where continuity is concerned.  In contrast, Wars tends to try to resist engaging in that flexibility, which is a double-edge.

    Positively, it sets Wars apart from its competitors; negatively, over time it can become more and more difficult to manage.  Eventually, it took just over 20 years, Legends did run itself into the ground.  In contrast, superheroes regularly reboot, either overt or covertly.

    Disney’s strategy thus far appears to be limiting the stories for any one era and organising it by era blocks – it’s not a bad strategy, might work for a time – if all Disney wants from SW is money at an achievable level, it might suffice.  If they want far more profit out of it, that might become more difficult.  The big challenge isn’t making money out of the ST, that’s done – it’s the post-Skywalker material that is more of a wildcard.  It’ll still make money, that’s guaranteed but what’s less clear is those corporate expectations.

  • #8431

    The problem there isn’t that there were answers, it’s that they were bad answers.

    True. But on the other hand, it’s also true that not every mystery needs to be revealed; sometimes that just weakens the story.


  • #8580

    Oh, don’t worry.  The films end in about 10 days but the Internet will be burning about it forever.

  • #8589



    Star Wars

  • #8597

    One of the things I really don’t like about a lot of the Star Wars movies, especially the prequels, is how they reveal details about characters’ backstories tying together for no real reason.

    Empire Strikes Back – Vader is Luke’s father. OK?
    Return of the Jedi – Leia is Luke’s sister. Adds Nothing! Dumb!
    The Phantom Menace – Vader built C-3PO. Ridiculous!
    Attack of the Clones – All the stormtroopers are cloned from Boba Fett’s dad. Eh?
    Revenge of the Sith – Yoda and Chewbacca are good friends. Dumb!

  • #8598

    One of the things I really don’t like about a lot of the Star Wars movies, especially the prequels, is how they reveal details about characters’ backstories tying together for no real reason.

    I am kind of worried that Abrams is going to lean this way in Rise of Skywalker. I know we joked about it upthread but I wouldn’t put it past him to try and reveal some family connection for Rey to the main players, whether it’s Vader or Palpatine or Luke or Han/Leia or all of those somehow. It wouldn’t be hard to make that connection, despite what we learned in The Last Jedi.

  • #8600

    I am kind of worried that Abrams is going to lean this way in Rise of Skywalker. I know we joked about it upthread but I wouldn’t put it past him to try and reveal some family connection for Rey to the main players, whether it’s Vader or Palpatine or Luke or Han/Leia or all of those somehow. It wouldn’t be hard to make that connection, despite what we learned in The Last Jedi.

    It’s not what I’d like to see happen but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s what he has planned.  Due to some of the things said when TFA came out, I think it will somehow be Obi-Wan that she’s connected to.  Something tells me Palpatine is being reintroduced as a stand in (or maybe what he would have done all along) for Snoke too.

  • #8601

    I kind of get bringing back Palpatine for the end – seen in numerical order, he’s a major presence in the first three movies, pops up for a mention and a cameo in 4 and 5 before coming back as the big bad in 6 – and it feels odd for him to disappear altogether from the sequel trilogy. Maybe it would have been easier for him to have been revealed to be the guy behind Snoke all along, whether a disguise or an avatar or whatever.

    But yes, Obi-Wan would maybe be more interesting as a family connection for Rey. Although if Rey was connected to Palpatine and/or Vader it would make a nice parallel with Kylo Ren in terms of the hero of the sequels being related to the old villains, while the new bad guy is the son of the old heroes. It would fit in with the ‘grey area’ approach to dark and light that has been hinted at in the sequel trilogy so far, particularly TLJ. The idea that some kind of compromise needs to be found.

  • #8602

    If Rey’s a Kenobi, then a Kenobi may get to succeed in redeeming a corrupted Skywalker, which would be a nice reversal.

    One of the things I really don’t like about a lot of the Star Wars movies, especially the prequels, is how they reveal details about characters’ backstories tying together for no real reason.

    Empire Strikes Back – Vader is Luke’s father. OK?
    Return of the Jedi – Leia is Luke’s sister. Adds Nothing! Dumb!
    The Phantom Menace – Vader built C-3PO. Ridiculous!
    Attack of the Clones – All the stormtroopers are cloned from Boba Fett’s dad. Eh?
    Revenge of the Sith – Yoda and Chewbacca are good friends. Dumb!

    I am very upset that you reminded me of Yoda and Chewbacca.

    I never took it that the Stormtroopers from the OT were all Fett clones though. TFA confirms it’s not the case but even before I don’t think AOTC really suggested that.

  • #8604

    It’s more of RotS post-Order 66 thing, but we’re definitely supposed to believe the first generation of stormtroopers were all clones. It’s part of why people claimed to be so angry when the first TFA teaser showed a black stormtrooper – they were all supposed to be clones.

  • #8605

    Attack of the Clones – All the stormtroopers are cloned from Boba Fett’s dad. Eh?

    Hand in your fan card! Clonetroopers, not stormtroopers, clonetroopers!

    I never took it that the Stormtroopers from the OT were all Fett clones though. TFA confirms it’s not the case but even before I don’t think AOTC really suggested that.

    At some point the Empire moved away from using clones is the easy answer.  Why? Probably due to the clones dying out and that indoctrinated recruits, true believers in the Empire, were deemed more effective.

    It’s part of why people claimed to be so angry when the first TFA teaser showed a black stormtrooper – they were all supposed to be clones.

    That was bullshit 4 years ago and it’s bullshit now.  That lot would have been going nuclear no matter what.


    Meanwhile, the Internet, in 9-10 days time:

  • #8609

    I’ve read some pretty interesting spoilers for the next DSW film (not something I’ve ever done for any movie before). I’m not going to go into them but I’m waiting for a full synopsis after the movie is out to see how accurate they are. I don’t expect anything but a mine of comdey gold from this movie, that’s all I want.

  • #8610

    The Empire would also have a vested interest in putting all the warriors and potential warriors under their rule to work rather than risk billions being swayed to rebels or organized crime.

  • #8616

    If Rey’s a Kenobi, then a Kenobi may get to succeed in redeeming a corrupted Skywalker, which would be a nice reversal.

    In a interview connected to TFA, someone said it was significant that it was Kenobi’s (both Guinness and McGregor’s) voice heard when Rey finds the lightsaber.

    I never took it that the Stormtroopers from the OT were all Fett clones though. TFA confirms it’s not the case but even before I don’t think AOTC really suggested that.

    One of the later Special Edition tweaks was to go back and have the Jango Felt actor rerecord all Stormtrooper dialog from the OT.

  • #8617

    I kind of get bringing back Palpatine for the end – seen in numerical order, he’s a major presence in the first three movies, pops up for a mention and a cameo in 4 and 5 before coming back as the big bad in 6 – and it feels odd for him to disappear altogether from the sequel trilogy. Maybe it would have been easier for him to have been revealed to be the guy behind Snoke all along, whether a disguise or an avatar or whatever.

    It just cheapens the end of ROTJ a bit if he wasn’t actually dead.  It would be almost as bad as bringing Vader himself back.  I know there was EU stuff that brought him back but it was dumb in the larger scheme of things even if some of the stories were interesting.

  • #8618

    Why? Luke survived falling down a similar shaft. A master smith lord could easily do better.

  • #8619

    Why? Luke survived falling down a similar shaft. A master smith lord could easily do better.

    Luke didn’t explode and what’s a smith lord?

  • #8620

    Neither Palpatine necessarily. Just because you assume he did doesn’t make it true.

    A smith lord is a dark lord of autocorrect. And you call yourself a Star Wars fan.

  • #8624

    Why? Luke survived falling down a similar shaft. A master smith lord could easily do better.

  • #8625

    If were JJ Abrams (and I’m not saying I’m not) I would make:

    • Rey be half Palpatine/half Kinobi/half Skywalker
    • Baby Yoda returns
    • the final fight would be between Light Rey and Dark Rey with lots of force-kung fu and lens flares
    • Benedict Cumberbatch would be revealed as Anakin
    • It turns out Milo Rambaldi was the first force user
    • the bad guys plan is to Build another Death Star but this time it blows up universes
  • #8628

    Have seen the trailers right? You do know the end fight is on a Death Star that can blow up the universe don’t you?

  • #8634

    Darth Morrissey

  • #8636

    Wait until I tell you about my plans for the spin-off trilogy starring Fetta Bob, the galaxy’s greatest bounty hunter and cheese lover.

  • #8662

    If were JJ Abrams (and I’m not saying I’m not) I would make:

    • Rey be half Palpatine/half Kinobi/half Skywalker
    • Baby Yoda returns
    • the final fight would be between Light Rey and Dark Rey with lots of force-kung fu and lens flares
    • Benedict Cumberbatch would be revealed as Anakin
    • It turns out Milo Rambaldi was the first force user
    • the bad guys plan is to Build another Death Star but this time it blows up universes

  • #8668

    I’d actually pay to see the Last Skywalker if it was the clips from the trailer, and then 120 minutes of Rian Johnson printing out fan theories from the internet and literally shitting on them.  Written and directed by JJ Abrams.

  • #8669

    the Last Skywalker

    Episode X?

  • #8670

    the Last Skywalker

    does it involve an arcade game and a intergalactic con man?

  • #8671

    the Last Skywalker

    does it involve an arcade game and a intergalactic con man?

    It involves shit.  Literal shit.

  • #8672

  • #8673

    I’d actually pay to see the Last Skywalker if it was the clips from the trailer, and then 120 minutes of Rian Johnson printing out fan theories from the internet and literally shitting on them.  Written and directed by JJ Abrams.

    I felt like that’s what this scene did with a lot less fecal matter.

  • #8674

    I’d actually pay to see the Last Skywalker if it was the clips from the trailer, and then 120 minutes of Rian Johnson printing out fan theories from the internet and literally shitting on them.  Written and directed by JJ Abrams.

    I felt like that’s what this scene did with a lot less fecal matter.

    In all honesty that’s one of the best scenes in Star Wars.

  • #8675

    In all honesty that’s one of the best scenes in Star Wars.

    Agreed. I love it.  It’s when I knew the film was going to be great.

  • #8686

    In all honesty that’s one of the best scenes in Star Wars.

    Agreed. I love it.  It’s when I knew the film was going to be great.

    Ironically reading this post is when I knew Ronnie had his head up his ass. :-)

  • #8689

    They still bear the scars of the Sand Monologue.  A terrible trauma that.

  • #8691

  • #8693

    Lucas has always had a difficult relationship with Star Wars fandom, and classifying The Force Awakens as a movie it’ll like isn’t exactly an endorsement. According to the filmmaker, he’s always been disappointed that fans didn’t really, in his estimation, understand Star Wars, and to him Disney and J.J. Abrams’ film was a reaction to that fact.

    “The issue was ultimately, they looked at the stories and they said, ‘We want to make something for the fans.’ People don’t actually realize it’s actually a soap opera and it’s all about family problems – it’s not about spaceships,” Lucas said in an interview with CBS This Morning. “So they decided they didn’t want to use those stories, they decided they were going to do their own thing so I decided, ‘Fine.’”

    For all his struggles with Star Wars fans, particularly their reaction to the prequel trilogy. It does seem that George Lucas wanted his version of the story told. As much money as the Lucasfilm deal made him, it’s hard not to see Lucas as a little bit disappointed. Lucas himself may have summed his feelings up best in The Story of Science Fiction.

    “If I’d held onto the company I could have done it,” Lucas told James Cameron. “And then it would have been done. Of course, a lot of the fans would have hated it, just like they did Phantom Menace and everything, but at least the whole story from beginning to end would be told.”

  • #8697

    Fucking hell George, way to draw the wrong concluision by paying too much attention to the Arsehole Brigade.

    There’s an entire generation of fans who’ve celebrated the 20th anniversary of TPM this year because that was their starting point and they grew up with it.  The PT was their SW!

  • #8699


  • #8700

    He did say, “a lot of the fans would have hated it,” not all.

    And he’s right, they would. Just as a lot of fans of everything get riled up and tear into things. it’s always been part of the creative life. No doubt prehistoric cave artists had to deal with h8ers.

    He was fed up with it and thought he could pass the problem on to Disney. That part of it worked, it’s their problem, not his, but I get that he has mixed feelings about the way it’s gone since then.

  • #8701

    The soundtrack listing may leak some plot points.

  • #8702

    No doubt prehistoric cave artists had to deal with h8ers.

  • #8703

    The soundtrack listing may leak some plot points.

    Thanks for posting that Gar, I think I’ll be skipping this. I understand that the Star Wars films allow fiery explosions in space but the whole galaxy burning down is a bit much.

  • #8704

    Come on Will, don’t try and kid us, you’ll be straight in there for the Poe and Finn scene.

  • #8705

    Pretty sure they just did Boba Fett’s voice. We watched the OT a couple weeks ago (last LFL Blu Ray), and I don’t recall them talking weird.

  • #8707

    The soundtrack listing may leak some plot points.

    If the film actually has all these scenes, it will be Disney’s first multi-billion-dollar blockbuster!!

  • #8709

    Come on Will, don’t try and kid us, you’ll be straight in there for the Poe and Finn scene.

    If I change my tune it’ll be because of that and the prospect of seeing Chewbacca finally pay for his crimes.

  • #8714

    In all honesty that’s one of the best scenes in Star Wars.

    Agreed. I love it.  It’s when I knew the film was going to be great.

    Ironically reading this post is when I knew Ronnie had his head up his ass. :-)

  • #8727

    All will proceed as I have foreseen….


    Ronnie posts green milk GIF.


    Someone else posts the “fuck you Ronnie” image.

  • #8732

    All will proceed as I have foreseen….


    Ronnie posts green milk GIF.


    Someone else posts the “fuck you Ronnie” image.

  • #8775

    I am kind of worried that Abrams is going to lean this way in Rise of Skywalker. I know we joked about it upthread but I wouldn’t put it past him to try and reveal some family connection for Rey to the main players, whether it’s Vader or Palpatine or Luke or Han/Leia or all of those somehow. It wouldn’t be hard to make that connection, despite what we learned in The Last Jedi.


    The second panel would be the relevant one…

  • #8787

    All will proceed as I have foreseen….


    Ronnie posts green milk GIF.


    Someone else posts the “fuck you Ronnie” image.

    I’ve trained you all well.

  • #8804

    I booked my tickets today for opening day. I’m excited but very much hoping the don’t reverse the Rey lineage stuff. I’d really hate that.

    I love cinema prices in Malaysia. US$12.49 for 3 Imax tickets. I paid more than that for one bog standard seat in NY 5 years ago.


  • #8807

    I booked my tickets today for opening day. I’m excited but very much hoping the don’t reverse the Rey lineage stuff. I’d really hate that.

    I love cinema prices in Malaysia. US$12.49 for 3 Imax tickets. I paid more than that for one bog standard seat in NY 5 years ago.


    Please ensure job security by leaving your trash on the seats.

  • #8808

    Of course I will, anything else would be damaging to the economy.

  • #8809

    Please ensure job security by leaving your trash on the seats.

    He should probably leave a tip too with as much trash as he leaves and as little as he paid for those tickets. ;-)

  • #8812

    Tipping culture is damaging, excuses below minimum wage rates. Disney can just put up with a few dollars less in their $10bn haul. I’m sure they’ll survive. :yahoo:

  • #8820

    But Gar, there’s no more films after this, they’re reliant on streaming! Please support a struggling multibillion conglomerate. Won’t somebody think of the shareholders?


  • #8822

    Tipping culture is damaging, excuses below minimum wage rates. Disney can just put up with a few dollars less in their $10bn haul. I’m sure they’ll survive. :yahoo:

    It’s not Disney I’m worried about but those poor theater employees who are just getting a fraction of that pittance you paid for tickets.

  • #8827

    I am kind of worried that Abrams is going to lean this way in Rise of Skywalker. I know we joked about it upthread but I wouldn’t put it past him to try and reveal some family connection for Rey to the main players, whether it’s Vader or Palpatine or Luke or Han/Leia or all of those somehow. It wouldn’t be hard to make that connection, despite what we learned in The Last Jedi.


    The second panel would be the relevant one…

    I had that issue of MAD magazine when I was a kid.


    Reading it now, it occurs to me that those names… “Lube Skystalker,” “Princess Laidup,” “Dart Zader”… sound like they’re from a Star Wars-themed porno.

    I can’t remember… was “Han Solo” renamed “Hand Solo?”

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