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This is a thread to talk about Star Trek
I laughed a few times at that. Looking forward to it.
Any word on who has the international rights?
Reminds me of The Orville…
I’m not really sure what to make of this. I’m not sure a cartoon comedy really fits in with Trek.
Reminds me of The Orville…
I’m not really sure what to make of this. I’m not sure a cartoon comedy really fits in with Trek.
You never saw TAS?
Reminds me of The Orville…
I’m not really sure what to make of this. I’m not sure a cartoon comedy really fits in with Trek.
You never saw TAS?
Any excuse:
DISCO is back baby, awwwwww yeah
BREAKING: ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Season 3 Will Debut In October
Good to know. Feels like ages since it went away.
I saw this on Facebook:
Did anyone else watch Lower Decks? I thought it was good but not great. I laughed a fair bit, but it very much felt like throw a ton of jokes at the audience so at least a few land. The plot aboard the Cerritos felt like it could have been an average episode of TNG, but here it was partially played for laughs so I appreciated that.
There’s a lot of Rick and Morty DNA in here, most notably the rapid-fire joke delivery and a lot of the design work, especially the aliens ont he planet the Cerritos is making Second Contact with and the giant bug monster that Mariner and Boilmer wound up having to fight.
While I agree with everything Lorcan wrote I would frame the comparison to Rick and Morty differently.
It’s trying very, very hard (in both writing and animation styles) to be Rick and Morty. Too hard for me. Not enough to dissuade me from watching the next episode but enough for me to hope that this show can find its own identity and style along the way.
Also, it felt to me like the entire episode was played at… 125% speed. It was a little too fast. Maybe I’m getting old. Saving grace? Most yous are older.
Yesterday, we wrote about reports that Hawley’s project had apparently fallen by the intergalactic wayside, possibly due to being centered on a massive pandemic tearing its way through the Federation. (And really, the whole concept strains plausibility; how could any advanced civilization let such a thing happen?!) But those same reports also contained a tidbit we’d initially missed about Tarantino’s maybe-movie, i.e., that it was apparently going to be set in a very QT comfort zone-affirming locale: On the surface of a gangster planet.
Specifically, the movie’s script—written by Mark L. Smith—was apparently a riff on the second-season Original Series episode “A Piece Of The Action,” a.k.a., “The One Where There’s A Gangster Planet.” Which, besides sounding like a joke—”Did you hear about Quentin Tarantino’s Star Trek movie? People stand around wearing suits and point guns at each other”—also sounds like it’d be a lot cheaper than having to film a bunch of spaceship stuff.
Yesterday, we wrote about reports that Hawley’s project had apparently fallen by the intergalactic wayside, possibly due to being centered on a massive pandemic tearing its way through the Federation.
I want my Noah Hawley Star Trek. Why can’t I have good things?
I really really really hope QT does not get the opportunity to do a Star Trek film.
I really really really hope QT does not get the opportunity to do a Star Trek film.
You know what they replicate on burgers on New Amsterdam?
I really really really hope QT does not get the opportunity to do a Star Trek film.
You know what they replicate on burgers on New Amsterdam?
No but I hear they serve you Romulan ale in the holodeck.
Yesterday, we wrote about reports that Hawley’s project had apparently fallen by the intergalactic wayside, possibly due to being centered on a massive pandemic tearing its way through the Federation.
I want my Noah Hawley Star Trek. Why can’t I have good things?
I believe it’s the fault of wild boars and little piggies.
Nevermind Hawley Trek, I want a flamethrower. That would be good.
Heads up, kids!
CBS All Access has posted the first episode of Lower Decks and all six of last season’s Short Treks to youtube.
Act fast, these have been up for about five days, and they’ll probably be pulling them today or tomorrow. Might be a good chance for those non-Americans who were denied access to Short Treks to view them.
And naturally, they’re region-locked so you can’t view them outside the US (without a VPN)
Episode 3 of Lower Decks continues the “pretty funny, but not a laugh riot” path. There’s usually at least one scene per week that gets me good though, and this time it was the haymaker fight. Plus “congratulations, you look like a fucking scratching post”
Oh, and the shout out to Chief O’Brien at the end.
The Lower Decks episode is no longer available but I did watch the shorts.
They were really bad. for me, they were tedious and predictable. It looks like I may have to let Star Trek go like I did Star Wars. They are not for me anymore.
I wonder how much cutting they’re gonna do to get around the swearing, sex and violence.
This week’s Lower Decks didn’t have many laughs for me, but I enjoyed the story overall. And I will absolutely be doing those sarcastic Vulcan salutes.
I wonder how much cutting they’re gonna do to get around the swearing, sex and violence.
Not that much I’d imagine. US TV never cares about violence and the swearing and sex stuff I thought was so infrequent I couldn’t see why it was there. Basically restricted the audience for no good reason.
I wonder how much cutting they’re gonna do to get around the swearing, sex and violence.
Not that much I’d imagine. US TV never cares about violence and the swearing and sex stuff I thought was so infrequent I couldn’t see why it was there. Basically restricted the audience for no good reason.
I get the impression is was simply to be “edgy”.
I get the impression is was simply to be “edgy”.
I wonder how much cutting they’re gonna do to get around the swearing, sex and violence.
Not that much I’d imagine. US TV never cares about violence and the swearing and sex stuff I thought was so infrequent I couldn’t see why it was there. Basically restricted the audience for no good reason.
Aside from the fucks, there’s a few random pisses and shits in there that generally got ignored by people who got really angry about when Tilly Said Fuck. And there are naked Klingon breasts in a sex scene at one point.
Yeah but the Klingon tits were on so briefly I missed them and thought it was a joke. I think they can also get away with ‘piss’ on network TV nowadays.
Bear in mind I am used to HBO Asia presenting stuff like Game of Thrones and Westworld with all nudity and swearing cut out, this is an easy job in comparison. Cut the 2 seconds of boobs and a little ‘muddy funstering’ and you’re away.
My favourite was when I was in India and watching HBO in the hotel, they trailed Wild Orchid, the infamous Mickey Rourke and Carre Otis shagging movie. I left before it came on but had to imagine it only lasted about 20 minutes after they’d taken the knife to it.
The Lower Decks episode is no longer available but I did watch the shorts.
They were really bad. for me, they were tedious and predictable. It looks like I may have to let Star Trek go like I did Star Wars. They are not for me anymore.
I found them to be a really mixed bag.
“Q&A” and “Ask Not” were okay, kind of forgettable.
“Children of Mars” wasn’t bad, just gave a bit of backstory for Picard.
The two animated ones were kind of odd. The one with the robot and tardigrade was pretty much kiddie fare, and the CGI one was a folk tale that didn’t seem particularly “Star Trek” to me, more like something you’d see on the Short Film Channel.
“The Trouble With Edward” was bizarre and off-putting.
Edward was a creepy motherfucker… and I’m not sure how he ended up in Starfleet. He was like Barclay Squared. His exchange with Rosa Salazar, about whether or not the conversation was over or not, was kind of funny in a Monty Python way, though.
I did sort of like Rosa Salazar’s character and wouldn’t mind seeing more of her.
But I definitely did not like the way the Tribbles were handled. I know people grow weary of grousing about continuity and canon, but this is one of those things that bugs me. In “The Trouble with Tribbles,” nobody knows what a Tribble is. They’re a completely new lifeform. But “The Trouble With Edward” drops into the continuity a decade before “The Trouble with Tribbles.” I would think that a dangerously invasive species such as Tribbles would be known about by Starfleet, and they should be included in the Library Computer if they’re a known animal. Being careful not to introduce invasive species into alien ecosystems should be a huge priority for Starfleet.
And that’s not even getting into the issue of having the Tribbles be genetically engineered by Edward to reproduce so quickly. It comes off like lame fanfiction, answering a question that didn’t need to be answered that actually damaged the original with unnecessary backstory.
Paramount really needs someone around to tell them not to do shit like this.
All in all, the first group of Short Treks fared better.
I wonder how much cutting they’re gonna do to get around the swearing, sex and violence.
The violence shouldn’t be an issue. There’s a lot more violence and gore on police procedurals like CSI and Criminal Minds than there was on Discovery. Hell, Hannibal aired on NBC, and there was stuff in that would probably have gotten an NC-17 if they submitted it to the MPAA for theatrical release.
As for the nudity and swearing, it would be easy enough to overdub Tilly’s “fucking” into “That’s so freaking cool!” and trim out the Klingon boobies.
It also wouldn’t surprise me if they filmed cleaned up alternate takes with an eye toward broadcast on commercial stations. HBO did this with The Sopranos and Sex & The City, where they would film takes without the four-letter words and nudity that could be inserted into later edits.
He’s been here for years!
He’s been here for years!
Four out of five voices in my head say you should leave us alone.
It’s still a month away, but there’s been no mention of Disco S3 from Netflix UK, which makes me wonder if they’ve dropped it. I’d hope not, but who knows with Netflix these days.
I’ve read a few reports from fairly reputable sources (Radio Times, Digitalspy) that say Netflix definitely still has it for season three, but I guess they could be wrong.
I’ve read a few reports from fairly reputable sources (Radio Times, Digitalspy) that say Netflix definitely still has it for season three, but I guess they could be wrong.
Yeah, but some guy in a papier-mache head said Netflix refused to keep the show around and it’s definitely been cancelled this time.
And Kurtzman has been fired! Again! For the 100th time!
During the stream of the Discovery panel you could see that NF will premiere the 3rd season the following day that it airs in CBS All Access.
Also, Lower Decks panel, time stamped to the clip for the second half of the season, showing a familiar face dropping by
And btw, the emojis created for the Twitter hashtags today are available as stickers in the official shop:
It’s still a month away, but there’s been no mention of Disco S3 from Netflix UK, which makes me wonder if they’ve dropped it. I’d hope not, but who knows with Netflix these days.
And Kurtzman has been fired! Again! For the 100th time!
‘Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ will warp us all into Captain Pike’s backstory
Captain Christopher Pike was without a doubt the highlight of “Star Trek: Discovery” Season 2. “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” will finally tell his story.
Patient “Star Trek” fans have waited 55 years for Captain Christopher Pike to have his own series — and that series will finally launch in just a few months.
Pike was portrayed by Jeffrey Hunter in the original “Star Trek” pilot, “The Cage,” shown to NBC in 1965. But NBC executives rejected the pilot and both the captain and Hunter left the show.
“Star Trek: The Original Series” (TOS) went on to kick off in 1966 with a new captain at the helm, Captain James T. Kirk (played by William Shatner). Pike only had cameo appearances in TOS and throughout the franchise. But finally, Pike’s untold story will finally see the light in the new series “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,” which will premiere soon (at a time to be announced). The new series will star Anson Mount, who portrayed Pike in season two of “Star Trek: Discovery” last year.
On “Star Trek Day,” which ran online Sept. 8 from CBS All Access, cast and creators of the new show talked about what to expect.
“My favorite thing I’ve read about this show has been that if you think of ‘The Cage,’ the original pilot, as being the actual pilot, that this is the longest pilot series,” joked co-executive producer Henry Alonso Myers during the panel.
Co-executive producer Akiva Goldsman added that while she couldn’t take credit for pioneering the expression that this is the longest pilot series, she still loves it. “I’ll say it anyway,” she said in the same panel.
Series participants in the panel shared that they are excited to bring a fresh take to the classic plotlines of “Star Trek.” Long-time fans will recognize the character Spock, this time played by Ethan Peck. A new addition to the starring cast will be the ship’s Number One (second in command), played by Rebecca Romijn.
Goldsman said the aim of the new series is to tell “Star Trek” stories in what she termed a “classic mode,” that would be a mostly episodic approach of traveling to “strange new worlds”, as the series introduction used to say, and having adventures on different planets. (Most later “Star Trek” series have used different show formats.)
But, unlike the approach of TOS that showed little character development between episodes, “Strange New Worlds” will show changes from episode to episode. To be fair to TOS, however, most shows of the 1960s were focused on only weekly plots, as this was well before cable and streaming allowed fans to better follow their favorite characters and see how they change over the years.
“We have room to meet new aliens, see new ships, visit cultures while maintaining [that] audiences are sophisticated,” Goldsman said of the new show. “So if Kirk falls in love and the lover dies one week, the next week, he’s going to still feel it. That’s the thing that we really want to kind of carry over. Bring a modern character sensibility to the kind of classic episodic storytelling.”
Those involved in the new show had to stay quiet about its development for close to a year while “Star Trek” showrunner Alex Kurtzman confirmed CBS’ interest in another new “Star Trek” series — “Strange New Worlds.” There have been a flood of new “Star Trek” shows in recent years for fans to enjoy, including “Discovery,” which premiered in 2017 with the third season airing in October and “Picard,” which premiered in 2020 with a second season in production.
Fans of TOS often talk about the dynamics and personality differences between the three main characters: the bold Kirk, the rational Spock and the always-worrying Leonard McCoy (played by DeForest Kelley). This new series will show some similar spirit, writer Akela Cooper said during the panel.
“The fun thing in the room has been coming up with cool and unique situations and scenarios to put them [the characters] in. That will bring out certain aspects of their personalities that we can play with, and see how they would bounce off of each other, complement each other but also contrast against each other — and just see how those puzzle pieces fit. That’s been the most fun for us,” Cooper said.
In the series, Peck will be portraying a younger, less mature Spock, who’s just left training at Starfleet Academy. His portrayal will follow the iconic performances of the character by Leonard Nimoy in TOS and Hollywood’s Zachary Quinto. Because of Spock’s popularity, Peck said he was in shock when “Strange New Worlds” was confirmed to him a few months ago.
“I got a phone call … from Alex, very nonchalant,” he recalled. “I got a bunch of questions like, what are you doing? What you’ve been up to? [Alex added], ‘Your show’s going.’ And I was like, ‘Are you serious?’ Asking the most serious man in the world, right?” Peck said during the panel with a laugh.
“He was like, ‘Uh huh,'” Peck added. “I went for a walk in shock, and went to the grocery store and stared at cold beverages for like, 20 minutes.”
Number One has been in the canon since “The Cage,” said Romijn, but since the character has never been written into a script there is fresh ground for the series to tread upon, she added.
“She’s never been written, so I can’t wait to find out [about her],” she said. “How vast her skill set is, you know, what are the arrows in our quiver. My number one question is, what’s her backstory? I had a delightful meeting with the writers’ room a couple months ago, and they floated an idea for Number One’s backstory that I’m not going to share right now, because it blew my mind,” Romijn said.
As the team prepares to show their stories to the world, they’ve been taking inspiration from all the “Star Trek” series, especially watching and rewatching TOS, several writers and actors said during the panel. They added that “Strange New Worlds” will stay true to the long devotion to diversity that “Star Trek” engendered, starting with TOS premiering a Black actor (Nichelle Nichols), Japanese-American actor (George Takei) and the Russian character (Walter Koenig) on American television in the more conservative era of the 1960s.
“It’s inspired me, certainly, and it makes me want to be a better person,” Peck said of the legacy of “Star Trek.” “I think it’s all about graduating ourselves to sort of greater unity and acceptance and curiosity.”
Not long until new Discovery now (15th, is it?). I hope that’s good.
Not long until new Discovery now (15th, is it?). I hope that’s good.
Yeah, he Lower Decks finale is this coming week, DISCO kicks off the week after.
I have to say, Lower Decks has been really enjoyable. Not every episode has been a laugh riot, but I’m always amused, the callbacks to other Treks are good (this week’s ep where Mariner makes a holodeck movie is basically sending up every single Trek movie, from Jerry Goldsmith’s bombastic score to JJ lens flares and overblown warp effects was jam-packed), and the characters are always amusing.
I think Lower Decks is probably the best Trek since DS9
Speaking of DS9, despite my partner being a Trek fan, she’s never seen DS9.
I decided that lock down is the perfect time to remedy this, but dear God! It’s tough going.
Season 1 has some great episodes but we’ve had to resort to using the wiki’s for which eps to skip and even then, 10 eps into season 2 I think she hates it. Or at least she keeps asking when does it get good.
Or at least she keeps asking when does it get good.
I mean, “When Worf arrives” is a good indicator, but that’s almost halfway into the show’s run…
I’ve been enjoying Lower Decks. Far more than I thought I would.
I just had no interest, but it has really grown on me.
If you call it a comedy and grade it on that, well no, but that’s unfair anyways.
It’s got humor, enough to put me in a good mood. I’ve grown to love the characters.
And it gets to play loose with the rules. Very fun.
It’s recommended. At the same time I would be hesitant to over-sell it.
Some Star Trek fans can be bitches, sometimes. Just let them find out on their own.
I think Lower Decks is probably the best Trek since DS9
Speaking of DS9, despite my partner being a Trek fan, she’s never seen DS9.
I decided that lock down is the perfect time to remedy this, but dear God! It’s tough going.
Season 1 has some great episodes but we’ve had to resort to using the wiki’s for which eps to skip and even then, 10 eps into season 2 I think she hates it. Or at least she keeps asking when does it get good.
When Sisko gets the Defiant and starts blowing up everything in sight.
When does DS9 get good? – typed into google and and autocomplete available at the “D”
They suggest midway through season 2 to and on into 3. From memory this seems right.
When does ST:DS9 start getting good?
Someone suggests the last episode of season 2 ‘The Jem’Hadar’. If I was to re-watch, I would start there.
season 3 not perfect, but it’s finding what works.
Then Worf joins in season 4, and it’s strangely easier to watch with a female companion.
Also, If Sisko has hair, you need not care.
Sisko with goatee? That’s the DS9 for me.
made me laugh, and then looking into that…
Avery Brooks (Benjamin Sisko) wanted to shave his head, but directors were concerned that he would look too much like Hawk, a character he played in the 1980s series Spenser: for Hire. It was only after Brooks was identified more with Sisko than Hawk that he was allowed to shave his head.
TNG: When Riker grows the beard
DS9: When Sisko shaves his head
When Sisko gets the Defiant and starts blowing up everything in sight.
“Defiant” is the 55th episode of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the ninth episode of the third season.
It is also the first episode to air following the release of Star Trek Generations.
Yes, it definitely helped the show get better.
See, the surprise of the S3 opener is, until then, phasers had been these single, thin orange lines. When Defiant opens up on the Jem’Hadar? Yeah, that was a surprise.
I really enjoyed the first season of Lower Decks, that finale made me smile a lot, for a lot of reasons.
Oh, and there is a news concerning Prodigy that should be dropping in minutes.
She is back
‘Star Trek: Voyager’ Actress Kate Mulgrew To Reprise Iconic Role Of Captain Janeway On Nickelodeon’s ‘Star Trek: Prodigy’
— Deadline Hollywood (@DEADLINE) October 8, 2020
Hide the coffee
The kids are still hanging on waiting for that Harry Kim comeback.
She is back
As a captain?!?
Last time she was in a ST movie, she was talking to Picard as an Admiral.
She is back
As a captain?!?
Last time she was in a ST movie, she was talking to Picard as an Admiral.
Option 1: Prodigy is set prior to Voyager being lost in the Delta Quadrant
Option 2: Prodigy is set between Voyager’s return to the Alpha Quadrant but before Janeway’s promotion
Option 3: Janeway gets demoted at some point after Nemesis
Option 4: Sod all people saw Nemesis and a bunch of the people who did see it forgot that Janeway was in it or that she’d been promoted to Admiral, and the reporting on this news reflects that.
a bunch of the people who did see it forgot that Janeway was in it or that she’d been promoted to Admiral,
*raises hand*
They pretty much built the Picard show around the events of Nemesis, so I guess someone somewhere cares about that movie.
They pretty much built the Picard show around the events of Nemesis, so I guess someone somewhere cares about that movie.
It was more JJTrek than Nemesis really.
Meant to post this the other day, Loved the conspiracy guy in Lower Decks’ finale
Wondering when CBS All Access drops new episodes of Star Trek Discovery?
3 AM ET (Midnight Pacific) on Thursdays.
That’s 5 1/2 hrs. from now.
Is DISCO being launched on an episode a week basis or is it all being dumped at the same time?
I presume weekly episodes as that’s the CBS All Access model to keep people subscribed.
Is DISCO being launched on an episode a week basis or is it all being dumped at the same time?
Weekly, as per usual. Memory Alpha has all the episode titles and air dates. Unlike previous years it’s on Netflix a full day after the US airing instead of a few hours later.
Presumably that’s a case of the CBS release shifting earlier? It was always a Friday release for Netflix before.
Yeah, I assume Netflix wants to keep it as a Friday drop, and DISCO S1 and 2 and Picard were all Thursday night/Friday morning from our perspectives.
I may have already seen episode 1. And I choose to believe that Lurian who shows up is Morn, and he’s still alive in the 31st century.
I set up a dedicated spoiler thread for Discovery in case there’s enough interest.
I set up a dedicated spoiler thread for Discovery in case there’s enough interest.
Good idea.
This way we keep the complaints in one dedicated thread.
DISCO series 4 is beginning full production next month.
Put down the synthahol and drink to Qapla’ with new Klingon Bloodwine
I would like to start a rumor that Kathleen Kennedy has been fired from Lucasfilm, and will immediately take over Star Trek, while Alex Kurtzman moves over to Lucasfilm to oversee everything Star Wars, and see what the Fandom Menace crowd would do…
That’s the best idea I’ve heard all year
I would like to start a rumor that Kathleen Kennedy has been fired from Lucasfilm, and will immediately take over Star Trek, while Alex Kurtzman moves over to Lucasfilm to oversee everything Star Wars, and see what the Fandom Menace crowd would do…
I’m taking this to twitter immediately.
I wonder what took it so long?
Delays due to COVID, apparently. Originally DISCO series 3 was going to premiere before Lower Decks, but neither show was finished before lockdown began. Lower Decks was ready to go first so CBS All-Access decided to switch the release schedule around.
I like it!
Well, I had thought that with my finally finishing off Beyer’s Voyager run that was it for my interest in Trek books but there appears to have been all kinds of news.
First, John Jackson Miller is doing a Picard book that is a Rios story. He might be able to succeed for me where McCormck failed the impossible job she took on.
Next, talking of whom McCormack is doing a story of Michael’s future antics before she caught up with Discovery. Yeah, can’t see that one working for me but you never know where this author is concerned.
Finally, it looks like old Trek is getting a trilogy finale called Coda that is due end of the year. The theory doing the rounds, as Trek books about a made-up universe have to comply with made-up rules about what made-up stories count more than other made-up stories and which are and are not allowed, that it’s going to involve nefarious Krenim temporal plots. I’d like to think they don’t do this but will find out later, all this news came out over the weekend.
As to that Voyager duology? It’s all right. Some of it is a bit too neat in what it does, but it wraps up the set of books quite well, presumably with Coda in mind to some degree.
Forgot to post this, it’s a promo shot of the characters from Star Trek Prodigy, the new cartoon coming to Nickelodeon later this year.
As well as Janeway, apparently Captain Okona from that one Romeo and Juliet episode will be in it, again played by Billy Campbell.
Captain Okona from that one Romeo and Juliet episode will be in it, again played by Billy Campbell.
Talk about a deep cut.
I was always surprised Okana never showed up again. He always seemed like a character who would pop up a few more times. He’ll nowadays, he’d have his own spinoff series!
Captain Okona from that one Romeo and Juliet episode will be in it, again played by Billy Campbell.
Talk about a deep cut.
I was always surprised Okana never showed up again. He always seemed like a character who would pop up a few more times. He’ll nowadays, he’d have his own spinoff series!
He showed up in the DC comic IIRC, and was in a couple of novels and that’s it.
From a CBR interview with Colm Meaney:
You’ve played a lot of different roles throughout your career, but for sci-fi fans, you’re probably best known for Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. There are so many new Star Trek shows now, do you ever think of returning to the franchise?
No, I’ve always kind of felt like seven years in space was long enough. I had a great time doing it. And sometimes, you’re always a bit loathe to go back, especially with something that you enjoyed and was successful because going back, sometimes things end up being ruined. But, you never say never. I know there’s a lot of intrigue and that Patrick [Stewart] is doing his new series [Star Trek: Picard] now, and so, who knows? But it’s not something that’s ever been sort of in the forefront of my mind to go back and reprise [the character] O’Brien.
I was watching the TOS episode “Errand of Mercy” the other day, where Kirk and Spock beamed to this planet Organia to secure it as a strategic outpost in a future war with the Klingons who were also fighting to occupy it themselves. The people and leaders came across as this hopelessly primitive society who were also pacifists. In the end things weren’t quite as they seemed. It just gets to me how the Organians suckered them both…
I only wished that the future Star Trek shows followed up on some of the TOS material. It would have been nice to have had the Organians appear again (no offense to the Q continuum), as well as revisiting some of the planets that Kirk and crew changed decades ago (although I heard that the Archons went back to worshipping Landru), the Andorians and the Gorn could have been could have been brought back. Trelane? Maybe… but you get the point.
Also, while I’m sure he’s had times when he wasn’t getting work easily, Colm Meaney turns up all over the place.
I was watching the TOS episode “Errand of Mercy” the other day, where Kirk and Spock beamed to this planet Organia to secure it as a strategic outpost in a future war with the Klingons who were also fighting to occupy it themselves. The people and leaders came across as this hopelessly primitive society who were also pacifists. In the end things weren’t quite as they seemed. It just gets to me how the Organians suckered them both…
I only wished that the future Star Trek shows followed up on some of the TOS material. It would have been nice to have had the Organians appear again (no offense to the Q continuum), as well as revisiting some of the planets that Kirk and crew changed decades ago (although I heard that the Archons went back to worshipping Landru), the Andorians and the Gorn could have been could have been brought back. Trelane? Maybe… but you get the point.
I think that, from the 1980s on, Trek has tried to avoid god-level beings. (Q and the Wormhole Prophets notwithstanding). The TOS crew seemed to bump into them quite frequently — Trelane, The Organians, Metron, Apollo.
I think you sort of hit a point where a galaxy filled with super-evolved god-like aliens becomes boring and filled with deus ex machinas.
And, speaking of the Organians, they did put in appearance in fourth season episode of Enterprise. That took place a century before “Errand of Mercy,” though.
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