I quite liked it, probably in part because expectations were lowered.
it’s true we did not get to know most of the characters that well, due to the sheer number, but I liked most of them. It really wasn’t that different from a war movie in that regard — you get to know the troops, who are kind of stick types— just enough to care a bit whether they survive.
That brings up the next point, in that you really didn’t know who, if anyone, was “safe.” That’s very unusual for a Marvel film. Of course, the mechanism is built into the story that any of them could come back story.
I liked as well that characters chose sides in ways that were not expected, but for me the reasons worked well enough. Even more unexpected that one character decided not to fight at all. Nothing was “automatic” in that regard.
It defied the Marvel formula, for the most part. And it seemed to me to be making a pretty ballsy political statement as well, but I’ll avoid saying more as I’m sure some will especially dislike that.