
Viewing 100 replies - 1 through 100 (of 209 total)
  • #126173

    The idea that you need a plan or roadmap before you start a trilogy is nonsense.  Not to mention that the only Star Wars trilogy that had a plan and roadmap was the prequels, and they’re objectively worse than the sequels.

    You don’t NEED a roadmap, but it would have been a good idea. You definitely need directors who try to tell the same story and not turn it into the argument sketch.

    – Kylo Ren wears a helmet!
    – No, he doesn’t!
    – Yes, he does!

    – There is big bad force user in charge!
    – No, there isn’t!
    – Yes, there is!

    – Rey’s lineage is important!
    – No, it isn’t!
    – Yes, it is!

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  • #126115

    I should have been obvious that it was a monumentally stupid idea to start a new trilogy of Star Wars movies not only without any plan or roadmap, but with two different writer/directors who instead of building on each others ideas contradicted them or retconned them. And I assume KK is to blame for that.

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  • #126094

    This might interest some of you:

    Invincible RPG kickstarter

  • #125851

    I took a quick peek av the reviews in the two largest morning papers in Sweden: “you need super-powers to not get bored” and “is this the death blow to super-hero movies?”

    So less than enthusiastic.

  • #125690

    The Red Ghost and his Apes fought Spider-Man twice in the 80’s or early 90’s.

    (But one of them is a monkey!)

  • #125654

    We still can’t make stretching powers look good, but we have a few months to figure it out. In the meantime, look at the strong rock, the fire and the invisibility!

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  • #125450

    I just read Batman – Hush for the first time. Parts of it were perfectly fine, but in the end it felt completely pointless. The story was not about a villain trying to trick Batman, but about a writer trying to trick the readers. The villain had no real plan and did not really try to accomplish anything. None of the things that happened served any purpose except misdierecting the readers.

    But the art was nice.

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  • #125140

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  • #125069

    What they should do is something like the book Batman – Legends of the Dark Knight. At least the way is was in the beginning when some creators just told a Batman story and were done after five issues. Each story should only care about itself. If there is a crossover going on att the same time – just ignore it! If Alfred is dead in the main continuity – use him anyway if you feel like it!

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  • #125043

    What happened to the concept of accessability? When I started reading superhero comics, I would search through the local shops for back issues, and if I found one that was a year old, or ten years old, I could understand it easily. That was nice. I miss it.

    The Ultimate comics was a good jumping on point, but they soon became a convoluted mess just like the other comics. Is it unrealistic to make a book about a super-hero where each story is finished, the status quo doesn’t change much, and they can be read in any order?

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  • #124489

    Great things: No silly jokes!

    Horrible things: Krypto is the wrong breed of dog!!!! (Just kidding!)

    It looks good so far. Keep it that way!

  • #124343

    Batgirl and Jimmy Olsen – The Read-Headed League!

  • #124083

    You might almost think that letting the president pardon criminals when he feels like it was a fucking stupid idea!

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  • #123809

    Well, the problem is that it is impossible to make parodies of conspiracy theorists, since the things they already believe are far sillier than anything you can make up.

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  • #122486

    The shitty one! :)

    The one directed by David Ayer. It’s one of the films I can’t stop thinking about, because it’s totally fascinating, since every part of it is really bad. Nothing that happens in it makes sense. Each scene seems to be written by someone who hadn’t been told what happened in the previous scene.

    (And if Superman becomes homicidal, who thinks that a small crazy woman with a baseball bat is going to stop him?)

    The one directed by James Gunn is good, but not great.

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  • #122455

    It looks like someone typed an AI prompt of “Suicide Squad, but shitter”.

    Being shittier than Suicide Squad is next to impossible!

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  • #122421

    That’s really lazy. Not even new designs just new colors.

    And women with heads smaller than their tits, apparently…

  • #121972

    Slow Horses 4, episode 1 — Fucking awesome!

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  • #121654

    I’m not surprised that it was cancelled, but surprised that it is officially stated instead of just not talked about it until the show is forgotten.

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  • #121484

    I always get a little sad when I see a trailer for a movie that looks really awesome and realize that I will have to wait several months before I can see it.

    That trailer does not make me sad! :)

    (And was the part with the traps in the forest straight from First Blood?)

  • #120600

    With good writing, we could get to know the characters, care about them and get a story with a resolution in less than 2 hours.

    So the problem isn’t the number of episodes.

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  • #120489

    Looking forward to Biden denouncing yesterday’s attack on Abraham Lincoln

    Fun fact: When Joe Biden was born, it was closer to the last day Abraham Lincoln was president than the first day when he would be president!

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  • #120292

    Is “Agatha All Along” the name for real? It sounds like a sitcom, like “Malcolm in the Middle” or “Everybody Loves Raymond”.

  • #119927

    I like the general look, but is surprised that the suit looks a bit to big for the actor. (It will probably look better in the move than it does in these pictures, so I’m sure it’s fine.)

    And another thing: Has Mr. Terrific been stabbed in the foot?

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  • #119497

    I gave up Book of Boba Fett after one episode, lasted through all of Obi-Wan Kenobi, but looking back that was only because the first episode was pretty good, and it mostly looked fine. The writing, directing and action was about as good as one of the instantly forgettable filler episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You might think that they at least would be able to match one of the good episodes with the money they have available…

    So I have not even tried to watch Ahsoka or The Acolyte. I will watch season two of Andor of course, because that was good for real.

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  • #118829

    I want to read that!

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  • #118798

    Potential cover for a random project for a role-playing game:

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  • #118281

    No one has mentioned the most important thing: The red underwear!

    (If looks fine. It’s hard to judge from the early images. I thought Robert Pattinsons Batman suit looked like total crap on the first photos, but it looked great on screen.)

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  • #118269


    This is a compact, well paced, well plotted, four episodes with an excellent cast. It also takes an interesting look at Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries.

    From a disability perspective it is of note for Shardlake being both a disabled character and is portrayed by a disabled actor, Arthur Hughes. Given his skills here, I’m not surprised that his Richard III was excellent.

    In casting terms, it’s interesting to compare Sean Bean’s version of Thomas Cromwell here, with Mark Rylance’s in Wolf Hall.

    Overall, this is well worth watching, if you have access to Disney+.

    Casting director: Do you know any actor who has experience playing a trusted advisor to a king, who then falls out of favor, gets beheaded and gets his head put on a spike?
    Assistant: Yes!

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  • #116309

    Did some testing with different types of colors.

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  • #115046

    I think the first episode was perfectly fine, but it felt more like Twin Peaks than True Detective.

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  • #114979

    There is an elevator in the science fiction bookstore in Gothenburg. It looks like this:

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  • #113827

    Isn’t the problem that the movies are so expensive that a 110 million opening is a flop? Apparently it cost 220 million to make, and that seems ridiculous compared to something like The Creator costing 80 million. If it was made in Russia, I would assume that the producers and mid-level bosses were stealing 2/3 of the budget. What Disney has for excuse is anyone’s guess.

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  • #113265

    Well, Crime & Punishment is probably not a good first book if all you have read is Harry Potter…

    But I think names should be translated if their mening is important to the story. So I’m all for translation of superhero names. But of course not their civilian names.

    So Batman should be Läderlappen in swedish, but his secret identity should still be Bruce Wayne, not Björn Wingård.

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  • #113086

    Damn! I loved everything I ever saw from him. The five years later Legion was awesome at the time.

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  • #113048

    With the Shoal I got so carried away that I made a one page comic to introduce him. It’s still in swedish, but the henchman first says that Fat Boris sleeps with the fishes, and then keep using fish metaphors, to bad results.

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  • #112996

    Some super-villains for another slow burning role-playing game project:

    The Stick Insect


    Schrödinger’s cat woman


    The Shoal

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  • #111711

    To me it looked like they had taken one scene each from a Star Wars movie, a Dune movie, a Warhammer 40k movie, a Star Trek movie, a Harry Potter movie, a Conan movie, a Vietnam war movie and some space horror movie, and then made a trailer of it.

    But it might still be good, of course.

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  • #111601

    Aaron and Mahnke on a Batman mini!

    Batman: Off-World

    6-issue mini series covering Batman’s first trip to space. Feels fitting with what Zdarsky had go down in the Failsafe arc.

    This is the kind of project that gets my interest – a compact, done-in-one story.

    Along with Christian Ward’s Batman: City of Madness there’s a good few interesting stories upcoming.

    DC do rely on Batman but with the stories being good, they have reason to.

    If anyone from DC is reading: This is the kind of thing you should be doing if you want my money!

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  • #111353

    I would have appreciated Loki season one more if, at any point, the supposed master manipulating god of mischief had done something clever, or unexpected, or anything at all except follow other people around and doing whatever they told him to do.

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  • #111088

    I hope his plan is to force all journalists to go out into the world and do research, instead of writing pointless articles about what someone said on twitter.

    But the smart money is on “he’s just incompetent”.

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  • #111073

    a black woman was handcuffed and arrested by Met police yesterday on suspicion of skipping a £1.70 bus fare (which they later admitted she’s actually paid).

    Wait, what?!

    As ever it’s slightly more complicated than these headline summaries suggest. Racism in the police force is a big problem but we’re not yet at the stage where they’re marching paying travellers off public transport and handcuffing them just because they’re black.

    Apparently the lady in question didn’t show proof of having paid for travel when requested by an inspector as part of a crackdown on fare dodging (even though it turns out she had in fact paid), they then all got into an argument which escalated to the point where she was restrained in front of her (understandably distressed) son.

    The only footage being widely shared is of the handcuffing – which is the culmination of what happened, but without any of the context or build-up which helps to explain how things got to that point.

    It still seems like an overreaction and undoubtedly badly handled by the police given the unnecessary escalation from such a minor issue, but “black woman is handcuffed for paying bus fare” is a simplification of a more complicated story.

    There was a similar case in Sweden a few years ago, and I wish the newspapers would choose a correct description instead of trying to make it sound sensational: “idiot woman causes a lot of unnecessary fuzz by refusing to show her ticket during an inspection”!

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  • #110689

    If they give him a mask it must be the original one with the whiskers around the mouth.

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  • #110688

    A good article on the future of social media:

    So where are we all supposed to go now?

    The TL DR: Message boards are back in town.

    The boards are back in town.

    So back to platforms made for communication rather than to keep people occupied so that they have time to see more adds?

    I approve!

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  • #109019

    Do they have blackmail pics of the other countries?

    Yes, we do!

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  • #108376

    So Spider-man will be played by a fictional asian-american girl?

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  • #107886

    I have seen spaghetti trees in Doctor Snuggles. Don’t you dare claim they are fake!

  • #107500

    Succession, season 4, episode 3.

    That was amazing, and unexpected!

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  • #105482

    This happens to me a lot. There is a superhero book that gets good reviews and recommendations. I buy the first two trades and enjoy it. By the third trade there is a crossover that makes absolutely no sense unless I buy some other comics, or it makes sense, but several of the chapters are made by other writers and artists than the ones I enjoyed, and I drop the book.

    Is there ANYONE who actually enjoys this? Who are the people who are excited about crossovers, and really want the story in their favorite books to be interrupted by them?

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  • #105316

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  • #105054

    Someone used the AI program Midjourney to generate images of different countries as super villains. Some of these designs are really cool.

    Artificial intelligence imagines 41 countries as supervillains — including South Africa

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  • #105053

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  • #104535

    Some illustrations for that fantasy game me and my friends have been working on for an eternity, or two.

    City on a turtoise

    Danger in the sewers

    Fighting all the way down


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  • #104487

    The Doctors new style.


    It looks nice and distinct, but the colors remind me of a sofa from the 70’s.

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  • #103574

    Yes, still great. Still the best Star Wars related thing ever.

    The only bad thing about it is that it makes Obi-Wan Kenobi seem even worse.

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  • #103233

    A coffin

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  • #103168

    Andor is now, offically, not just the best Star Wars show from Disney, but the best Star Wars thing ever. It’s better than The Empire Strikes Back, better than the comic books, the computer games, the animated Clone Wars by Tartakovsky and even better than the Holiday Special!

    Fight me!

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  • #102601

    This is just getting better and better.

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  • #102155

    Just this once, maybe they should focus on making ONE good movie NOW, rather than focus on how the characters from different movies will interact five movies down the line…

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  • #100379

    Who can I contact at Disney, to tell them to make more stuff like this, and to not make more stuff like Book of Boba Fett and Obi-Wan Kenobi?

    Even though not much happened in this episode, everything was still interesting and believable. The internal bickering among the rebels could have been forced and silly, but it felt just right.

    I assume there will be much more action next week.

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  • #99894

    I have now seen all three episodes, and this is the first Disney show that is good for real and not just fine/decent because it features characters we recognize from movies and comic books.

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  • #99835

    I have only watched the first episode yet, but everything is soooo much better than Obi-Wan Kenobi. It looks better, the writing is better, and the characters are not acting like total morons most of the time!

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  • #99497

    The have not used the story from issue 9 yet. I guess that is quite important ans will be told before Dream goes to hell.

    (The one about how Dream and Nada met and fell in love etc.)

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  • #98842

    Was it really a good decision to make She-Hulk completely CGI rather than using the real actress and computer trickery to make her bigger (and green)? They obviously has to do ut for the original Hulk, since he is more muscular than it is possible for a human to be, but She-Hulk still mostly looks like a normal woman, just a lot bigger (and greener).

    I’m not that bothered by it. I have enjoyed tv-series with far worse special effects. I just believe it would look better.

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  • #98513

    Top five persons I would invite to write an episode of Doctor Who, if I was the showrunner:

    5) Mikael Niemi
    4) Warren Ellis
    3) Alastair Reynolds
    2) Alan Moore
    1) China Miéville

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  • #98278

    I enjoyed it, but seriously: the actual episode was 20 minutes and the credits rolled for 10 minutes!

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  • #98092

    This extra episode was a nice surprise. But was there a reason it was one episode instead of two?

    The part with Calliope and Madoc was weirdly non-sexual. I think it was too easy to miss what he actually did to her. I even found a quote about it:

    I mean, I think they’re screwing, but it was written back in the dawn of time, so they do it in rows of asterisks, or between chapters.
    -Rose Walker, to a lady on a plane in Sandman #66, about a book she’s reading. The book being “Here Comes a Candle” by Erasmus Fry!

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  • #98091

    I already own, and have read, The Satanic Verses, but I really feel like ordering a few more copies and give them to friends and random strangers, just to piss of some far too religious assholes in Iran.

    Would you recommend it? I’ve never read it, and now I think think about it I don’t know a single thing about it–other than the controversy over it. I mean, I know absolutely nothing, not even whether it’s fiction of not-fiction.


    I seem to remember that it was pretty good, but it was a long time since I read it. I picked it up to see what all the fuzz was about, and I must have liked it, since I have read several other books by Rushdie since then.

    So I would recommend it, but I would recommend Midnights Children or Shalimar, the Clown even more.

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  • #98090

    I already own, and have read, The Satanic Verses, but I really feel like ordering a few more copies and give them to friends and random strangers, just to piss of some far too religious assholes in Iran.

    I have a The Satanic Verses-shaped hole in my bookshelf. If you want to do this for real, let me know over PM and I’ll give you my adress.

    I’ll send you some comics or other books in return. ;)

    I will contact you the next time I order some books. I assume swedish is fine?

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  • #97727

    I already own, and have read, The Satanic Verses, but I really feel like ordering a few more copies and give them to friends and random strangers, just to piss of some far too religious assholes in Iran.

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  • #97458

    I actually thought the latest episode was a step up, and am now excited to see how it ends.

  • #97336

    I think it was mostly great. Loved David Thewlis, and Stephen Fry as Gilbert was perfect (but should have been given more to do.)

    And there were some nice small details. Like the poster for Mucus Membrane in Johanna Constantines Newcastle dream.

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  • #97103

    Ha, just some fan art I saw on Twitter. Tennant is weirdly unrecognisable.

    Also, his jacket has the buttons on the wrong side.

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  • #96932

    Well, this is what could have been:

    Peters was a producer for a planned adaptation of the Sandman comics for Warner Bros., which became stuck in development in 2001. Sandman creator Neil Gaiman called the last screenplay for the film that Warner Bros. would send him “not only the worst Sandman script I’ve ever seen, but quite easily the worst script I’ve ever read.” In a 2005 interview regarding the film, Gaiman commented: “But Sandman movies, they just got increasingly appalling… They started out hiring some really good people… And then Jon Peters fired all of them and got in some people who take orders, and who wanted fistfights and all this stuff. It had no sensibility… they were horrible.”

    (From the wikipedia-page for producer Jon Peters.)

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  • #96798

    As I recall, Daredevil was like this:

    Season 1: Great!
    Season 2: Everything with the Punisher, really good. Everything with Elektra and the Hand, really boring.
    Season 3: Great again.

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  • #96797

    I’m sure some nerd has read through all comics ever published with Spider-man in them, and noted the passage of time to calculate that Peter Parker is at least 126 years old.

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  • #96415

    Daredevil: Born Again – Charlie Cox – 18 episode first season – Spring 2024

    Excellent, if there’s one thing the Marvel Disney+ series need it’s to be three times as long.

    You’re joking, but it was absolutely my main problem with Ms. Marvel.

    The showrunners come from the world of episodic TV (they did the Piper Perabo USA show Covert Affairs), so I have hopes it won’t be one long story stretched out. We might even see Matt be a lawyer, something I’m not sure ever happened on the Netflix show.

    My main problem with the Netflix show was that Matt and Foggy were total failures as lawyers. They should at least be good enough to pay the rent and their secretary.

  • #96401

    Daredevil: Born Again — Great news, but didn’t they use most of the story beats from Born Again i season 3? I assume they just like the name, like Age of Ultron.

    Wakanda Forever — Totally uninterested.

    She Hulk — This looks like fun. I have no problem at all with the CGI. I could enjoy action and adventure movies from the 80’s and they mostly look like total crap compared to the cheapest CGI available today.

  • #96148

    Watched the first episode of Westworld season 4. Too early to say anything yet, except that it’s nice with a science fiction show where a person dies when he’s impaled by a sword!

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  • #95778

    The last episode was ok, but it felt rushed, since they had wasted two episodes in Pakistan that could have been put to better use. And the whole djinn plot was incredibly uninspired, and got solved in a total anticlimax.

    All six episodes in New Jersey with a more mundane threat could have been great.

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  • #95728

    Better Call Saul is back! And with a great episode. As this series gets close to its end, every chapter has a season finale feel about it. Interested to see where they go from here.

    Yes, amazing. After Obi-Wan Kenobi, it feels great to watch a show where the characters are intelligent and resourceful.

  • #95403

    Each episode is worse than the previous one. Maybe that is because I liked the story about a fangirl who gets superpowers and tries to be a superhero, and am totally indifferent to the story about djinns who want to get back to their home dimension. They had a good thing, and replaced it with exposition dumps and flashbacks.

    I really hope the last episode gets back on track.

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  • #95261

    Guessing Namor looks like this to avoid Aquaman comparisons.

    Wouldn’t having him clean shaved, like in the comics, be a good start then?

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  • #94984

    It was a good start, but now it gets less interesting for each new episode, with boring information dumps and a totally average plot about other dimensions. Get her back to New Jersey to perform half-competent superheroic deeds. That was better!

  • #94040

    I still think most of the action sequences look really bad. To me it looks like early rehersals, where the actors are just going through the motions and have not yet practised enough to make it look convincing. The scene where the stormtroopers are advancing through the opened hangar door was particularly bad. The stormtroopers were walking slowly and firing their guns and the refugees were firing back, no one looked like they were aiming, and no one took cover. It was like an amateur reenactment of a battle.

  • #93857

    The first episode was pretty good. I just hope they can keep it up when they have to start telling a superhero story with a villain, which I assume they will do.

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  • #93466

    Well, since we now have trailers for the movie trailers, it’s not that surprising that they are announcing the date they will announce the date…

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  • #93442

    Hey, Netflix: I already knew that you are making a Sandman series. How about a release date?

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  • #93303

    The concept of “cultural appropriation” really upsets me. The people who are talking about it might try to reason and explain and motivate, but what they are saying is still this:

    People should or should not be allowed to do things based on the color of their skin!

    And I do not agree with that at all.

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  • #93072

    Episode 2 felt weirdly stiff. All the action was in slow motion and nothing in the Blade Runner city felt real. It was like a level in a computer game from the 80s where you can’t interact with anything, since it is just background and one opponent shows up on each screen and offers token resistance.

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  • #93003

    I’ve seen it now. It just got better and better. The part in California with the bullying girl and the lying was the weakest part, but that went away by episode 3, and from that on it was all good.

    Oh, and talking about Nightmare on Elm Street…

  • #92815

    The third season of Love, Death and Robots was mostly nice. The animation was amazing as always. Some parts are so realistic that you could almost think that it was live action and not computer animations.

    The episode with the fishing crew and the giant crab was the best one.

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  • #92661

    BCS. Just wow.

    Yes! Wow!

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  • #92596

    I have enjoyed all the previous seasons, so I trust them to know what they are doing.

  • #92359

    I can enjoy a comic book where the art is just decent, so I have no problem with a tv-show where the special effects are just decent. I’m more worried about the story. That has been the disappointing part of several of the Marvel-shows.

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  • #92328

    Not much action in this thread, so here is an illustration for a fantasy RPG:

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  • #91538

    Lalo Salamanca feels like a villain who should fight Batman or Daredevil.

  • #91385

    I just hope he asks Moffat to write an episode.

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  • #91099

    Sooo apparently now Finland and Sweden are thinking of joining NATO… wow, someone REEEEALLY wants to start WW3, don’t they? u_u

    I assume “someone” is Vladimir Putin?

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  • #90680

    I have no idea why I keep watching. There isn’t even a plot, just random shit happening. Each episode feels like the first episode of a new story.

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