Hi Matt: thanks for your insight and recommendations. In the past I used Amazon Books for my academic books and I made very little money on my sales, perhaps that’s why Jeff Bezos is so rich. Ha
I will check out the other web sites but it seems that ComicXology is the big kid on the block and maybe getting a large readership is of value as well. I had 1000 copies of my Teslaman Fights Dirty comic printed and in 6 months was able to sell 800+ but then Covid-19 put a stop to my plans to attend comic venues. I’m hesitant on doing a second printing.
I’m interested in your YouTube promotion and hope to hear more about it. I do lots of YouTube videos, more on culture and travels under my channel: armsantana. Check it out.
Hope to keep in contact.
PS I’m attaching a page on my comic. Do you have a web page I can check out?