
Viewing 100 replies - 1 through 100 (of 487 total)
  • #106851

    Good to have you back Ronnie.  Going to stick around for a bit?

    Thanks, Ben.  Maybe for a bit.  I caught up on the What Is Going On In Your Life? thread and it was a bit overwhelming to take all of that in at one go.  Like reliving those years.  Will post something there in a bit.  I need to rework my resume tonight for an application.

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  • #106850

    Ronnie! Good to see you, man! I like the look, the hair’s kinda gorgeous. How did the grey get into your beard, but stay away from the main thing?

    Thanks, Christian.  Not really sure about the gray.  It’s a bit more white and I do have a little bit of that mixed in my hair just not as much.

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  • #106849

    Great to see you again Ronnie! When we met you were such a clean cut young man, now you’re a hippie! This was a recent trip to Jamaica

    Hey Andy!  How’s it going?  I’ve always wanted to grow my hair out and only made it to shoulder length one other time in my life.  Working from home gave me the opportunity to get past the awkward stage without much fuss.  I eventually want to donate it but am not quite ready to get rid of it.  Actually had some one at work last week ask if I was protesting something.  It was really bizarre.

    Would totally join you in the jazz cabbage if there weren’t a possibility of losing my job. ;)

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  • #106789

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  • #106782

    It’s been a while since I’ve talked to a fair few of you.  I had a bit of an email chat with Ben at the beginning of the year and meant to come back to check in.

    Anyway, it’s been over 3 years since I’ve cut my hair.  Here’s one from about a month ago.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by RonnieM.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by RonnieM.
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  • #75166

    Checking out the info on the iPhone 13 models

    The Pro and the Pro Max are the deluxe models and while most of the advertisement content is about the resolution pixels, battery life, and crisp photos, very few consumers really care and very few are professional photographers or that serious about it.

    I want it but… you know… there I go again… decisions, decisions.😂



    Who was that guy on MW who ALWAYS posted that movie gif of old Luke Skywalker drinking that blue milk?

    He did get carried away…

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Al-x.

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  • #44283

    Jessy, Do you know if any of Miqque’s roommates are still alive? Would they have access to some of his stuff? Maybe he has a birth certificate or something there. I have no idea how to get ahold of them though.

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  • #44181

    Hello, friends.  It’s been a while.  Thank you to Jessy, Todd, Dave and others for sending the messages that let me know of Miqque’s passing.  I read the news in my kitchen as we were cleaning up from dinner on Friday night and just wept.  It’s hard to believe I won’t chat with him again on this side of eternity.

    Miqque just seemed invincible.   No matter how much physical health and circumstances beat him down and crippled him, it just couldn’t seem to beat him.  Cancer, back problems, homelessness… that shit didn’t stand a chance against Miqque.  He fucked it up with a smile, kept on rolling and taking care of others with his words.  Whenever I see a long, rambling, multiple paragraph post somewhere, I can’t help but think of Miqque and the jokes about how he must have broke into his stash.  I can’t help but feel, like a true Jedi, Miqque didn’t die but just became stronger.  I hope his digital Force Ghost inhabits all the online communities he loved.

    One thing Miqque and I did share was faith in Christ.  He and I chatted several times about our struggles with our faith and how we knew the true expression of it was not to beat others down but to lift them up and help them no matter who they were or what their circumstance.  So while I know that there will be a Miqque shaped hole in mine and others lives, it does comfort me to know that he is now at rest with no more of the pain or suffering that this world seemed to liberally dole out to him.

    Lots of love to you all, my brothers and sisters.  May we all carry pieces of Miqque in our hearts and minds.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by RonnieM.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by RonnieM.
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  • #27177

    By comic standards, Rucka’s The Old Guard wasn’t his best work, but looks like it’ll be a fun Netflix movie

    Old Guard always seemed to be a rework/remix of a lot of a lot of Rucka’s tropes.  Always seemed to be a bit of a “What if Wonder Woman was Tara Chase?”  So it didn’t seem like much new in comic form but will likely work incredibly well in the absence of a Queen & Country film and hopefully scratch that itch.

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  • #27175

    Daredevil: Love & War: Gallery Edition – £19.59 – BooksEtc

    I picked up the original printing Marvel Graphic Novel not long ago and it’s a unique book.  I love the magazine size.  Wish Marvel did more of those.

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  • #27174

    Why do they have everything daisy chained into the headphone jack.  Judging by the size of that corner, it has to be at least a 12-14 channel mixing board.

  • #26710

    Rob’s spent a lot of time trying to find a worse take than that time he called me an asshole,

    Why did Rob Liefeld call you an asshole?

    He was posting on Millarworld about some upcoming comic that he was working on with a promised monthly schedule, some people were getting excited about it and I made some joke about it inevitably running late.  He did not take this well.

    I can’t remember if he finished that comic or if it just got delayed massively.  but it didn’t come out on time.

    Was it Youngblood: Bloodsport?

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  • #26700

    I thought part of the issue was that Gaiman’s home is on the small, secluded island of Skye that had mostly quarantined.

  • #26698

    That would make Rob Liefeld “able to see things clearly” and I’m pretty sure that’s not happening.

    Even if you don’t trust Rob’s assessment, a broken clock is right twice a day. ;-)

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  • #26695

    Rob’s spent a lot of time trying to find a worse take than that time he called me an asshole,

    Why did Rob Liefeld call you an asshole?

    Because Lorcan is an asshole? :unsure: ;-)

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  • #26547

    I’m likewise a bit up & down on Hickman’s X-Men, although suspect overall I’m enjoying it more than Dave. I think that may be tested with all those crossovers coming up with books and writers I have no interest in reading.

    Yeah… I think they have too many X-titles, and odd ones at that. Fallen Angels? Marauders? It just seems kind of scattershot, where there are a bunch of teams with random characters on them, in order to fit in all of the characters. I think it might have worked better with something like Uncanny X-Men, X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Excalibur, Wolverine. There are enough mutants to handle two teams of X-Men.

    How would he have lined up the release order to spell XMEN then???  Did you think about that? ;-)

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  • #23790

    For a while I was picking up 4-packs of local craft beers from my favorite watering hole in Manhattan, Haymaker; but since the stay-at-home orders in mid-March the bar has been shuttered. As of today I’m down to two 16-oz cans; I may have to resort to drinking Brooklyn Lager to stay alive.  :wacko:

    Do your supermarkets and grocery stores not carry craft beer?

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  • #23007

    Now how old was she when you were 25?

    Apparently, Jessica was two years old.  :unsure:    I should have put more thought into that joke.

    I assumed it was part of the joke.

    What about Farrah Fawcett?   ;-)

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  • #23004

    The new one will come with a 512gb solid state drive so should be nice and smoooooth.

    If that starts clicking, you might want to run.

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  • #22880

    I remember feeling sorry for a guy who wrote a lengthy blog post about the Superfriends influences he’d seen in Mark Millar’s DC work, sent it to him to read and Mark tweeted back he’d never seen a second of the cartoon and was only aware it existed from the ads in the back of the comics.

    I had made that connection before too.  It’s so weird as his stuff seems very in line with that and other creators with similar leanings (Alex Ross, Geoff Johns and a few others) tend to have gotten them from Superfriends.  It might just be the more Silver Age interpretations and personification of those characters.

  • #22399

    I cracked and watched Crisis minus the Batwoman episode. I mean, I’m used to books shipping late so I have to read incomplete stories :-)

    I think they did as a good a job as they could. It had all the inherent problems that a super-hero crossover normally has, i.e. big crowd scenes with characters just standing around like extras because it’s impossible to give them all dialogue, tons of yawn-inducing exposition because your plot is incoherent otherwise, bits that make no sense because you haven’t been following one of the titles (Arrow) for years, and side-quests that are blatantly padding because your story isn’t strong enough to fill five issues. But you put up with it because it’s just cool to see all these characters together.

    So, yes, it was cool :yahoo:

    I watched some of the clips on YouTube.  Really liked visiting heroes from other film and TV universes with the Smallville one probably being my favorite.

  • #22129

    Mostly I think he needed to get away from RonnieM.

    He can’t get away from me.  I know where he lives. ;-)

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  • #21423


    What the hell was that? :unsure:

    I know things get lost in translation but I got very lost here. Randomly transforming fish-girl with a weird sea wizard dad, a lot of shoggoth-like wave-fish-monsters, a giant sea-goddess, some dysfunctional marriage comedy, a (somehow) candle-powered boat and some old folks who feel like they should be in ‘Cocoon”?

    Well… it was different….

    It’s Little Mermaid filtered through a Japanese lens.

  • #20658

    Not only soon cleared up but 5 minutes later: “He’s my Friend!”. No he fucking isn’t, you’ve just barely decided not to murder him.

    Did you ever fight anyone on the playground?  That’s how it usually ends up.  I had a buddy that once refused to fight someone because he didn’t want to be friends later. ;)

  • #20634

    I’m not sure they would have got that much uptake if I’m honest. I think that for a lot of people monthly print issues are a habit that wouldn’t be replaced by digital copies and the promise of physical books months down the line.

    And while it’s a good idea in some ways I do think it’s a bit of a shaky model when you look at the practicalities of redeeming your guaranteed physical copy (especially when some of these stores may not survive long enough for the print editions to come through) and the logistics of actually getting several months’ worth of comics shipped once the stores finally start opening again (whenever that may be).

    Ya.  Sound more like a “wouldn’t it be cool if…” idea without a lot of logistics put to it.

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  • #19918

    but problematic when you’re expecting a story that is supposed to make sense.

    BvS makes perfect sense (except for maybe a couple of things at most). Now, Civil War’story on the other hand is very much a mess… yet you don’t hear people shitting as much on that movie… :unsure:

    But they told jokes while they beat each other up and crippled one of their friends. ;-)

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  • #19748

    But Holy Grail was groundbreaking in so many ways, from the early scene of Patsy clapping two coconut shells together in lieu of having actual horses, to the abrupt anachronistic final scene, which is the way I sometimes wish every movie would end.

    I think the downside to Holy Grail is that I grew up in geeky groups and it was way over-quoted.  So I grew to dislike it.

    I was at C2E2 one year and there was a group of guys cosplaying down to the squires following behind them with clapping coconuts as they “galloped” through the show floor.  Once again, it got a bit old though as they were more worried about their cosplay than anyone else on the con floor.

  • #19738

    Monty Python’s Holy Grail

    Yes, it is as funny as you remember, maybe more so.


    I’ve always been more of a Life of Brian guy. ;-)

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  • #19723

    Do people pronounce the Roosevelt in Teddy Roosevelt different than Franklin Roosevelt? I’ve heard some pronounce the “oo” as in “goose”. I thought it was o as in boat.

    They’re distant cousins.  So it should be pronounced the same.

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  • #19720

    Now that’s not to say this crisis couldn’t end up causing that push but right now I don’t think that’d be instigated by the big two. They also have the problem that retailers make a lot more effort to sell their products than Comixology who have not made any changes to improve their app of webstore for several years (since Amazon bought them to be blunt about it). As a new company Comixology was expanding rapidly and getting a huge number of downloads, now they don’t seem to be arsed.

    I initially thought Amazon’s purchase of ComiXology would be huge for them.  However, they don’t seem to have done anything positive for them.  For a while, I wondered if maybe they didn’t buy them to limit competition and eventually fold them into the Kindle app.  That doesn’t seemed to have happened either though.

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  • #19718

    Doom Patrol, Animal Man, New X-Men and Invisibles all benefit from being long-form works that can set up plots that don’t pay off for quite a while, at the same time exploring lots of different characters and ideas along the way.

    Haven’t read the others but I think New X-Men is one that had went off the rails by the end.  Though I did like the coda future story, Here Comes Tomorrow, but a lot of that was down to Silvestri’s art.  The story was still a little out there.

  • #19629

    Anyone here read Once & Future or The Hero?  Interested in a recommendation on either.

  • #19628

    If DC is going to continue publishing digitally, how will that work when the physical side of the industry starts up again in two, three, four, or six months?

    Will print then be months behind digital releases? Will DC flood the market with new comics once they start up again in order to catch up? Will they skip physical releases for those issues entirely, and just start up with physical copies when Diamond is up and running again? Will they pick up in print where they left off, reprinting the issues that were digital only until they catch up? Or is this how they will scrap print entirely?

    If they skip over the issues that were published digitally, or play “catch up” and flood the direct market with months worth of comics in order to catch print up with digital, both would probably be nightmare scenarios for struggling shops. If DC scraps print comics, I don’t see how it’s not the beginning of the end of the direct market and the end of comic book stores.

    TBD ;-)

  • #19627

    ..or maybe what TKO is doing too:


    Wasn’t TKO the one that was essentially doing direct distribution?

  • #19624

    Could the problems with Morrison’s Green Lantern come down to the fact that DC took away one third of his second season, reducing the issue count from twelve to eight in order to fit that event it later this year?

    I’d say no because it went off the boil long before that.

    Which is a shame because (like a lot of Morrison’s work), it started off truly incredible and just lost its way.

    I really think that a lot of times he’s better suited to the roll he had in 52 where he was the idea guy and everyone else made those work.

  • #19506


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  • #19498

    Yesterday is on HBO these days but I can’t bring myself to watch it as I am a Beatles fan… Sorry.

    I’m also a Beatles fan – it’s a loving ode to the group’s music, really.

    I can’t imagine non-Beatle’s fans really being interested.

  • #19382

    non existent yacht

    Comedy gold!

    What you don’t realize is that his yacht’s name is “non existent”.  It’s how he gets by here without appearing overly pretentious.   ;-)

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  • #19381


  • #19286

    Pretty sure that’s a Nissan GT-R.  So not a cheap car either.

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  • #19216

    I do remember that I liked Eisenberg’s Luthor. I mean, it was basically the same performance as in The Social Network, but that was pretty good, so there.

    To be fair, that’s the perfect Lex for this generation.  Golden/Silver Age Lex was the mad scientist (Von Braun/Oppenheimer), Bronze Age Lex was the Wall Street/real estate tycoon (Trump) and Modern Lex is a tech billionaire (Zuckerberg) which is a bit of a blend of the previous two.

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  • #19215

    I was very disappointed by series 2.  At times it felt like a literal copy of series 1, down to plot beats like Kovacs being saved from fighting in a bloodsport by a woman from his past happening at the same point in the series progression.  By splicing bits from books 2 and 3 together with little care for what actually made the books work, it diluted the power of those stories, and just wound up being meh.

    It really worked for me.  While some of the beats were similar, it felt like the second season was about different things.  I felt Season 1 was very much about life, death, age and youth.  Season 2 very much felt like it was about memory and loss.  I think it’s a strength that it can be a bit formulaic while playing with other elements.

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  • #19105

    Watched Knives Out on the weekend – it was… fine. The cast were all great, and I’d love to see more of the Benoit Blanc character, but the ending was a bit convoluted. It’s a better piece than Joker but only just.

    Really? I thought it was all straightforward at the end especially for a whodunnit.

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  • #19104

    He has a point. San Dimas High School football DOES rule.

  • #19103

    I have one ep of Altered Carbon left.

    I hate it so much, but I will finish it. How can something with so many interesting ideas be this boring?

    Season 1 or 2?  I really loved both.  Can’t get enough of it.

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  • #18946

    Are there people really insisting that everyone’s mind will be changed by a Snyder cut?

    In this instance, it might, because if all those rumours are true, then the movie will be indeed quite different… I’m not sure it’d be different enough that we could say it’s a “totally different JLA” movie, but there you go… Now, that doesn’t mean more people will like it, because it’d still be a Snyder movie, so very polarizing, but hey, there shouldn’t be any CGI weird upper lips… that’s always a plus =P

    What I’m saying is that I don’t think anyone who previous didn’t like Snyder is going to suddenly love a cut of Justice League that is closer to his vision.  I do think I would like a version closer to what he set out to make though.

  • #18912

    Apart from an end to the Coronavirus there’s little I’d like more than the Snyder cut gets released and it’s proper fucking shit. We have a bog average Justice League film and a director known for nice visuals and a poor story and the myth has been driven that Citizen Kane will emerge.

    Are there people really insisting that everyone’s mind will be changed by a Snyder cut?

    I’m only saying that I like Snyder’s work and would prefer to see more of what he had planned which he is not saying more exists.  I would think those who enjoy his work will most likely enjoy that version better and those who don’t shouldn’t bother.

  • #18670

    Genuine question on the Snyder cut: at this point, does it suit everyone’s purposes for it to remain this unseen, mythical, brilliant version of Justice League rather than have it made public (in whatever unfinished form)?

    As things stand, it allows Snyder and his fans to come out of it all with some dignity by claiming that studio interference and circumstances conspired to rob us of a brilliant film that would elevate the entire DCU to something amazing.

    But if it was actually made public it would inevitably be just as polarising as the released Snyder movies and we’d essentially be in the same place we are now, but without the promise of there being a secret better Justice League in existence somewhere.

    I would honestly like to see it someday.  I don’t think it will change anyone’s mind.  I would likely enjoy it because I enjoy Snyder’s films; those who don’t likely wouldn’t; and others would fall somewhere between or not care.

    However, I do think it’s hard to defend the theatrical cut as what Snyder had planned and not some WB exec driven mishmash.  Most of the stuff I liked was clearly Snyder and a lot of what I didn’t care for was obviously filmed after the fact.  I would like to see more of the New Gods flashback stuff and the Cyborg origin that the trailers seemed to hint at.

  • #18638

    Is that a prediction of the results of the election in November?

    I assume it’s Biden (scissors) will beat Sanders (paper) and Trump (rock) will beat Biden (scissors) but everyone will say that Sanders (paper) could have beat Trump (rock). ;)

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  • #18491

    The New Warriors thing is a bit head scratching though.  It’s hard to tell whether it’s meant to be a bit of a mean spirited parody or a really bad, honest attempt at this kind of thing.

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  • #18490

    Basically a DeviantArt OC versions of the original five X-Men. Pass :negative:

    That looks pretty cool.  It sounds like a lot of thought has gone into it.  I’m going to give at least the first issue a shot.

  • #18166

    Facebook run their moderation bu using an algorithm and then humans double check the posts being flagged. By all accounts they have sent the humans home (or rather been forced to by authorities) due to Covid-19 risks and people are getting very annoyed as all of today innocuous posts are being flagged and taken down for ‘violating community standards’.

    I suspect it may have happened to @tim earlier.

    If there ever was a job that screamed “work from home”, I would think that would be it.

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  • #18160

    1. Spider-Man – Daredevil

    2. Iron Man – Captain America

    3. Batman – Superman

    4. Captain American – See above

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  • #18006

    I picked up the new image reprint of 100% by Paul Pope the other day, having not even known it was coming out but having wanted to check it out for a long time.

    And it’s pretty good stuff!  The real draw is Pope’s art, which is amazing.  He was working in Japan for Kodansha prior to do this series and it really shows, his art has lots of heavy inks and screentone everywhere and a wonderful kinetic style.  It threads a fine line between stylisation and detail, which is aided by knowing exactly when to go for one style or the other.

    The subject matter – a series of interlinking relationships anchored around a strip club is really well done, with the stories threading in and out of each other.  There is a downside here though, in that a lot of the heavy lifting is done in narration – especially the relationship between Daisy and John. It’s really intense, but also very low-key and it works really well.

    Definitely going to track down Heavy Liquid, which is set in the same world.

    I wish Paul Pope was more prolific.  I’m still hoping for the second Battling Boy book someday though that is looking slimmer as time passes.

    I read Heavy Liquid a while back and enjoyed it, but never read 100%! Pope’s style is just great.

    I liked 100% quite a bit more than Heavy Liquid.

    My favorite Pope book by far is Batman: Year 100 though.  I feel like The Batman film has borrowed some of the design elements we’ve seen so far from it.

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  • #17665

    I really do love Murphy’s pencils.  I would probably double dip on a b&w only version of this and definitely for Chrononauts.  It’s one of the things I loved so much about Punk Rock Jesus

    For sure. Hollingsworth is a fantastic colourist and makes the book look good, but I think his work is even stronger uncoloured.

    Ya.  That’s not meant as any disrespect for Hollingsworth.  He does an incredible job.

  • #17660

    My local cinema is still open, but only every other seat.

    That’s an interesting (if somewhat misguided) solution.

  • #17655

    It does what it says on the tin – it’s a deluxe oversized hardcover version of Batman: White Knight – but disappointingly there’s little new here in the way of extras. The only additional items it has over the TPB are a few pencilled pages (which are beautiful – the pencils are incredibly tight and well-reproduced, and I could happily read an entire version of the story in this form), a variant cover from the DM hardcover, and some slightly larger versions of the design pieces in the TPB. It would have been nice to have a little more commentary or text from Murphy to delve into the thinking behind the book. This is still one of my favourite comics of recent years, so I don’t regret my purchase, but it would have been nice to have a little more added value here. Maybe they’re saving it for the inevitable Absolute.

    No bat-boobs?

    I really do love Murphy’s pencils.  I would probably double dip on a b&w only version of this and definitely for Chrononauts.  It’s one of the things I loved so much about Punk Rock Jesus.

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  • #17471

    What if in a post-coronavirus world with all the voluntary social isolationism that goes on the Carrier becomes a chief information hub for the new global social economy?

    Obviously this means Queen Bernadette and President Gar…. and probably like Leader of the House Dave or something.

    Miqque for Chief of Staff!

    Fuck.  Give me back Trump.  Plllleeeeassssse. ;-)

  • #17386

    I buy a lot of t-shirts at gigs. When it’s a British band, I buy M. When it’s an American band, M is massive on me so I buy S. It appears that Americans have redefined clothing sizes, presumably so they don’t feel bad about the sized they wear.

    Maybe you fuckers are just tiny.  Actually, there are some American brands that are undersized too.  I wear a L most of the time and sometimes an XL for tiny ass brands.

  • #17385

    David – I got an allow request for some reason or other and just authorised it. That should mean you won’t get that message any more, tell me if it is otherwise.

    You weren’t supposed to let him through.

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  • #17273

    This one is really hard to diagnose because essentially where it ends up for ‘first unread post’ is unique to each user.

    I just clicked on the Random Comics Thread and it took me to the latest post from Don. All working fine. I wasn’t able to check before now as no new posts had been made.

    We did have everyone find it broken on the politics thread which is how I discovered it didn’t like counting past 999 posts but that’s not the issue here so I’d need your help in trying to identify some pattern before being able to start to diagnose what the problem is.


    Hmmm.  In the threads where it happens, it always sends me back to the same post despite having correctly marked the “New” posts.  The most notable one is the one that Martin mentions.  The Random Comic Related Things thread always takes me to Todd’s SDCC coronavirus post.

  • #17272

    The Rama series is based on the idea that a Spaceguard was set up after a devestating and tragic meteor impact in 2077, but the date of impact gives me the chills, especially since one of the author’s most famous works is named 2001 and is set in that year: September the eleventh!

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  • #17271

    Still should’ve given poor Chewie his medal tho

    That was part of the “Internet Complaints to Rectify” checklist in Rise of Skywalker.

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  • #17270

    Brother in law has been praising John Wick as an example of action done right, while disparaging the MCU films – wife was keen to see what the fuss was about so we watched it on Saturday night (all three are on Netflix ATM). It was… fine? I wasn’t expecting it to be so silly (secret assassins’ hotels and all that); I thought it’d be a lot grittier. I didn’t find anything remarkable about the action sequences either. What am I missing here?

    I really like the first one.  It gets a bit weird after that.  Keanu is the definite draw.

    One of my buddies saw the first two and was talking about them with me and another friend.  This guy said he could get John’s motivation in the second film but didn’t understand killing all of those people over a dog in the first.  To which our third friend said, “Oh, Ronnie would totally do that.” ;-)

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  • #17267

    Backbone, Cronos, & Pan are my favorites by him, the rest are mixed bags.

    I was never a huge fan of Cronos but really like the others.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by RonnieM.
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  • #17266

    i realize it was mentioned before, but, 15 parts? Hickman is very confident in his hold on X men readers to think they are going to follow all those books, especially since, imo, the worst writer of an x-title is playing a prominent part in the crossover.

    How many X-books are there though?  That could only be 2 or 3 months worth of books as it runs through all of them.

  • #17054

    It’s also clear influence on Guillermo del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth. If you’re a fan of that (like I am) then I suggest checking this out.

    Have you ever seen del Toro’s Devil’s Backbone?  It’s probably my favorite of his films.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16958

    Food and drink taste nicer when shared.

    Had a conversation today at a local liquor shop with the guy in charge of ordering the wines that they sell. Very passionate about wine, he made this observation: while beer is generally purchased in individual 12-oz or 16-oz servings, a bottle of wine is meant to be shared, and the experience of drinking wine with your family or friends is a very communal, social one.

    One moment I really enjoy is when I open a bottle of wine that I picked out specifically for a shared meal and, during the course of the meal, someone comments that they really like they’re drinking.

    Depends on how you drink beer.  When I brew, I bottle in bombers and tend to share when I drink.  Also, kegs share a lot easier than bottles. ;-)

  • #16957

    That’s such a weird thing to claim. TFA did the same thing.

    Rey was the only non-Skywalker Jedi in TFA and it was pretty obvious that they were setting her up to be of some previous Jedi lineage until TLJ switched tactics.  TLJ also took things a bit further and finally showed a non-Skywalker/lineage Force user while also hinting that Rey and Kylo could forge a third option.

  • #16956

    I don’t know if I’d describe Bester as hard SF, especially not by modern standards

    Really?  Why?

  • #16955

    It has been raised here.

    The panel with Doug and Krakoa where Cyclops thinks he sees Warlock is pretty interesting. I wonder what Krakoa says there.

    That’s the exact scene I was thinking about.  Also, the number of X-Men that are acting out of character makes it hard for me to tell if there’s something going on or if its just Hickman, who seems to change character’s voices to fit his story.

  • #16954

    That’s interesting.  The day-and-date price for digital comics have always been the same as print in the US.  So if your LCS did any kind of discount, they were cheaper.  I didn’t realize digital had a slight discount in the UK.

    It’s not quite as straightforward as that, as it’s down to a combination of Comixology’s £/$ exhange rate being overly generous to UK customers until recently, and also to how each individual UK comic shop chooses to price the issues. (Each sets their own exchange rate, essentially – there isn’t a standard UK-wide price for a $3.99 book, say.)

    My LCS always seemed to use a pretty fair exchange rate and I also get a discount for having a standing order, so I was happy with the pricing for physical issues. But now my decision is even easier given the Comixology price hike.

    So how are they able to set their own exchange rates?  I’m surprised Diamond allows that.

  • #16901

    My new ambition is to find a job with a communal coffee pot. Sounds like paradise.

    They’re not all they’re cracked up to be.  Like most things Communist, they seek out the lowest common denominator.  So the coffee in them is generally the shittiest available. ;-)

  • #16899

    Are the purple “go to first unread post” buttons working properly for everyone? There are a couple of threads (if not all, but I’m definitely noticing it on the random comics thread) where for a while now they just take me to a weeks post in the thread instead of the latest/unread one (in this case it keeps taking me to Todd’s post about the coronavirus affecting comic cons).

    Ya.  There are some threads that have done that for me for a while too.  In most cases, it works perfectly fine but some just seem broken.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #16898


    I still like Reeves as a filmmaker but I’m not gelling with his design choices.

    Waiting for a trailer and then the movie.

    It all looks like a combo of Year 100 and White Knight to me.  Those were both more of a gear-head approach to a lot of Batman’s equipment.  I’m curious to see where it goes.

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  • #16897


    Oh god there’s more of them

    I see 4 members of X-Force in that case.  Who are the others? ;-)

  • #16896

    I think the danger of that is that without the Jedi/Sith stuff, Star Wars risks feeling like a fairly generic sci-fi universe.

    That’s one of the reasons I loved The Last Jedi so much.  It opened things up to have future Force users that weren’t Jedi, Sith or even Skywalkers.

    It feels like Rise of Skywalker reeled all this back in and put a hard cap on the “Skywalker Saga” while actually making it the “Palpatine Saga”.  I wouldn’t be surprised if they revealed that Palpy was actually Anakin’s dad at some point.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #16895

    I was under the impression that Clarke, Asimov and Heinlein are considered the Big Three of mid-20th century hard space sci-fi.

    Yes, I would have said the same. I was just curious whether it was still considered true, or if new writers had taken over.

    Not among the big 3 but I always recommend Alfred Bester among great hard sci-fi writers of the 20th century.

    I’m also a huge fan of William Gibson but he’s an entirely different kind of hard sci-fi.

  • #16894

    Is anyone else starting to get the feeling that Krakoa (and maybe Douglock or someone else) are fucking with the X-Men’s heads?  X-Men #7 seemed to drop a hint that something hinky is going on.

  • #16893

    I’d skip the Dawn of X trades, the individual issues don’t tie together in any major way.

    The Carrier consensus on the X-books is that X-Men, X-Force and Marauders are good to great, New Mutants is highly variable, and Fallen Angels and Excalibur are mediocre to bad.  But Fallen Angels went on hiatus after episode 6 due to Bryan Hill’s lack of availability so it’s a bit of a moot point.

    Just wait for the Everyone Gets a Sword crossover this summer where you have to buy all X-books to get the story like the old days. ;-)

  • #16892

    Anyone else seen a price jump today on Comixology UK? £1.49 books up to £1.99, £1.99 books up to £2.99 and so on. It’s similar to the ones we talked about last time, and that was only very temporary (but could have been a tryout for a more permanent increase) so we’ll see if it sticks this time. Not a great surprise but a little disappointing. I don’t buy a huge amount digitally these days, mostly just in sales, but this increase might be enough to make even those sale prices unattractive.

    That’s interesting.  The day-and-date price for digital comics have always been the same as print in the US.  So if your LCS did any kind of discount, they were cheaper.  I didn’t realize digital had a slight discount in the UK.  I still prefer digital.  It’s the difference in an MP3 player and a big binder full of CDs to me only greatly multiplied.

  • #16891

    I read Giant Size X-Men #1 and enjoyed it a lot. It’s maybe a little too reverential to Morrison and Quitely and sticks a little too close to their template, like a cover version that isn’t confident enough to do something differently to the original. But it was a decent ride with nice, clear art and the final revelation is interesting and ripe for follow-up.

    Can you spoil the ending?  I’ve only been picking up the main X-Men book.

    I also read X-Men #7 and thought it was pretty good, an interesting musing on the philosophical and moral questions raised by the mutant resurrection program, and also an interesting way to address the legacy of House of M.

    I feel like this book finally found its stride a few issues ago.  It still feels a bit like vignettes to pay of to a larger story than a story within itself though.

    I think it will help, Ben, as #39 ends on a literal cliffhanger. However, I can’t imagine Death Metal #1 will pick up the moment afterwards; it will be more like “some time later” so as not to alienate newer readers, thereby rendering the entire Justice League run superfluous. There’s also some thematic problems that I have with the denouement of “The Justice/ Doom War” that perhaps strike a little too close to home; knowing your tastes these will likely give you cause for concern too, Ben. I am still looking forward to Snyder/ Capullo’s Death Metal, but I feel like this series ultimately squandered its early potential and left a bitter taste in my mouth.

    I have similar feelings on Snyder’s Justice League run.  It had a lot of early promise to fizzle out at the end.  I honestly don’t look for there to be much payoff.  If you remember, Dark Nights: Metal had a similar fizzle at the end.  It almost felt like a new universe was created at the end where Doom won and the heroes were saved and sent to another universe.  I also wonder if John’s Doomsday Clock finally finishing and its continuity changes impacted this at all.

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  • #16890

    Interestingly in the Twitter threads someone pointed out that Amazon have not made the same adjustments. You can buy the first trade of Hickman’s X-Men there for £7.49 while it’s £10.99 on Comixology. Since you can synch them up into app I’ll be taking a closer look at the Amazon store now.

    I’m sure it comes down to different legacy contracts between Amazon and ComiXology before their purchase but there are times that it feels like Amazon would just prefer to shut it down and roll it into their Kindle business.

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  • #16143

    From the publisher who brought you Everyone Gets a Hammer, comes this year’s hottest X-over…

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #15963

    That’s it.  I’m switching to PG Tips!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #15961

    I am proud to say that I never bought a single issue of Wizard magazine.

    Why are you proud of that?  Wizard was a great magazine.  It was great at hyping new books and new talent.  I think the space it left is one of the problems in comics now.  No one has really filled it.

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  • #15957

    Funnily enough, Brian Hibbs just wrote an editorial on this phenomena at Bleeding Cool earlier too. Worth a read to see it from a retailer’s perspective.

    Hibbs is writing for BC now?  Are they blackmailing him?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #15754

    Nope, it is a season Ticket. they are printed on thin cardboard like paper. i don’t have mine with me but here is a picture of a similar ticket.

    Cool.  I used to work for the media department at the university I attended.  One of the first things someone had me laminate was hockey tickets (on heat paper).  I was horrified when they came out the other end completely black.  I had no way of knowing at the time.  I did have a lot of laminated posters back then.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #15752

    It’s not as far fetched as you might think.  Marvel almost took over DC once.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #15658

    Don’t or can’t?

    Don’t. Possibly can’t too, but I don’t know because I don’t :-)

    I question your order there but OK.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #15541

    The site does seem faster, Gar.  I would be for doing away with the voting scheme.  Dave had the most to lose and it sounds like he’s for it too.

    Also, it seems that our efforts to thwart Don’s posting have failed.  Time to move on to Plan G.  Wait, this is in the Moderator’s thread, right?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #15539

    My current bookmark is a laminated sports ticket. it is durable like a bookmark but it is like a receipt. I would say that is chaotic neutral (combo of true neutral and chaotic good). I don’t understand the leaf anyways so I will go with my version of Chaotic Neutral. I am lucky that my work lets me use the laminating machine to save my tickets.

    Does it not completely black them out?  Are sports tickets not printed on heat paper anymore?

  • #15538

    Intelligent songs wrapped up in dramatic orchestral arrangements. This is why prog rock is the best genre.

    Does it have a nice beat that you can dance to? I mean, I was never able to dance to any Yes songs.

    I am unable to answer the question. I don’t dance.

    Don’t or can’t?

  • #15537

    I’ve always really liked Dan DiDio.  He has a huge passion for comics and has always been super kind and hospitable to me in person.  I’ve heard others in the industry say similar kind things about him.  I’ll be curious to see what his next move is.  I’ll also be curious to see how DC replaces him.

  • #15058

    Wow.  That Morrissey guy is a real winner.

  • #15057

    I can’t recall Mystique ever referring to Destiny as her wife before although I haven’t read every X-Men comic in recent years.

    For those that don’t know they were always intended to be a couple, even the first panel introducing them hints at it. When Mystique is introduced in Days of Future Past it’s commented on how she looks like Nightcrawler. Claremont intended that Destiny and Mystique were his parents. Her shape changing power meaning she could actually biologically change sex, not just her appearance, and father a child.

    This was an idea way too out there for editorial in the 1980s so like a lot of stuff from Claremont and Byrne in that era there’s a lot hinted at but never said around characters’ sexuality.

    I thought it was always heavily implied that Azazel was Nightcrawler’s dad or is that a much later addition?

  • #14962

    Cancelled At #6

    I like this one.  Maybe the controversy will get it to #7.

  • #14871

    Nice to see Glyn Dillon (brother of the late Steve Dillon) say he was working on the designs for The Batman. He’s a really talented guy and hopefully the WB cash can allow him to make another graphic novel as good as The Nao of Brown.

    He posted a few stills of the costume on his Instagram profile. I like the look of it – the armour rather than a plastic suit look.

    Supposedly the bat emblem is made from the gun that killed his parents.

  • #14870

    Is there some kind of history to United Kingdoms International Powerhouses?  No wonder they changed it.

    It’s a joke about the Ukip political party in the UK, which was largely behind the push for Brexit.

    Ahhh.  Thanks.  I’ve been mostly trying to stay out of American politics.  So UK politics is a whole other level removed.

  • #14869

    I feel sorry for Paul Grist. Feels like he’s being thrown under the bus here.

    Theres still time for the title to be changed but I think it’s unlikely.

    Maybe the hubbub around the title will give the book more publicity.  It seems like the kind of book that would have otherwise just gone under the radar.

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