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  • #9444

    *Good Luck everyone*

  • #8900
    1. In related news, is anyone in touch with Dr. Mike in other media? I don’t see him posting here lately. Hope all is well with him.

      Oh yes, I’m absolutely fine, thank you though! 😁

    (… checking Twitter is usually a fairly reliable way to work out if I’m dead or not 😉)


  • #6372

    It also begs the question why Xavier didn’t catalogue the 16 million Genoshan mutants.

    I think the implication is that he did, it will just take time to rebirth them all.

  • #5645

    I feel like no one likes the X-men as much me and Mike

    They’re in my DNA

  • #5342

    Yes; and Cullen Bunn has said Hickman was already pulling strings during his run.

    Blindfold will be much harder to justify (in-story) not resurrecting than Destiny.

  • #5324

    “bang” indeed.

  • #5252

    I do not trust him at all, no sirree, I do not trust him even one little bit.

  • #4834

    It’s the Krakoa Chill’n’Bang effect Tim: less aggro, more shagging.

  • #4764

    Still sounds worth it

    It adds a certain frisson.

  • #4763

    Hysterical people rarely rationally consider objective evidence Kalman.

  • #4727

    There was a definite sense somewhere that many of these series would be finite but we wouldn’t know how long they were planned for in advance?

  • #4704

    Porn tsunamis are all well and good until one happens, and people get unexpected things in their eye and start screaming they’ve gone blind, and other people start having allergic reactions to latex, and other people have things get snapped that were never meant to be snapped, and you’re the only person in the room with a medical degree

  • #4065

    Yeah, there are so many characters who were “dead” pre HoX 1 who now clearly aren’t. The strike team resurrections definitely not the first, or anywhere near it.

  • #4024

    (And yes, while I totally get there is some continuity-nerdery over this, I think it’s also part of the plot.

    The X-Men *are* acting oddly, albeit subtly so in most cases. I think the idea that Charles has been pulling strings in the background for a while is likely to be relevant. Though how he managed to go unseen by characters like Legion and Nate Grey is also intriguing)

  • #4023

    (And yes, while I totally get there is some continuity-nerdery over this, I think it’s also part of the plot.

    The X-Men *are* acting oddly, albeit subtly so in most cases. I think the idea that Charles has been pulling strings in the background for a while is likely to be relevant. Though how he managed to go unseen by characters like Legion and Nate Grey is also intriguing)

  • #4019

    I don’t think Hickman is paying any attention to the previous run.

    Cullen Bunn gave an interview this week where he said he was slightly limited in what he could do in his X-Men run because Hickman was *already* in the background planning for HoX/PoX.

    I think there’s going to be a degree of events from the last few years that will click into place the more of Krakoan Xavier’s work is revealed.

  • #3912

    Oh, the carte blanche for wholesale slaughter that Rosenberg had had to be with foreknowledge of Krakoan resurrection.

    I’m tempted to go back and reread that entire run to see if there are any subtle Easter eggs jumping out now.

  • #3872

    I thought the Pyro in Iceman was the new guy from X-Men Gold.

    Both. New X-Men Gold Pyro was in the Iceman run as well.

    (Bobby slept with New Pyro, and he and Young Bobby fought Original Aussie Pyro)

  • #3850

    I think he is planning on filling in some of the gaps – scenes like the flashback with Xavier and Doug as they made “first contact” with Krakoa for example imply there is at least some of the story we will get to see.

  • #3830

    implies that it was Xavier and the Five who brought him back, and if so, that was a few years ago – it shifts the timeline further back for when Krakoa became “active”

    … it also implies, which is also tricky, that Hope was working with Xavier/Krakoa at around about the same time as she was appearing in Rosenberg’s X-Men being an antagonist to Scott’s team.

  • #3828

    Genuinely, I totally love that Bobby is into the “living my best life” stage

  • #3825

    6. I hope there’s some banging. I feel like pirates should be doing a lot of banging.

    “Iceman’s Adventures with the Top Men” is the title of issue 4, so I think we’re good.

  • #3824

    Pyro died at the same time as Moira appeared to, around about UXM 389. That makes him the furthest back resurrection we know of so far I think.

    What’s more interesting is that original Aussie Pyro has been appearing in comics for a wee while now (he was in the 2018 Iceman series for an issue). He appeared to be resurrected as part of the Necrosha event and just didn’t go back to being dead after; this issue implies that it was Xavier and the Five who brought him back, and if so, that was a few years ago – it shifts the timeline further back for when Krakoa became “active”

    (What makes it trickier is that that Iceman issue came out at the same time as the Xavier/X resurrection storyline in Astonishing X-Men, which makes the timeline harder to pin down. The last scene of that Astonishing arc is X standing in a natural landscape saying “I have a new dream now”)

    Now, that’s either great seeding for Hickman waaaaaay before we would have expected it, or Hickman is making a good job of creating a cohesive narrative out of the mess of recent X-continuity.

  • #3747

    Pyro being *original* Pyro adds an interesting perspective to the resurrections.

  • #3447

    For all intents and purposes, Kid Cablesaying “Hey Mum” to jean makes perfect sense as she raised him with Scott as Redd and Slym in The Adventures of Cyclops and Pheonix.

    They did; but I think Nathan always referred to them AS “Slym” and “Redd”, not “Dad” and “Mum” didn’t he?

    Again, while it’s got a superficial explanation, it’s part of the whole atmosphere of unease I think Hickman’s deliberately creating.

  • #3210


    … but not always.

    Which is, I suppose, random

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Mike.
  • #3209

    … also, adding posts in the random thread still seem to pop up in the language thread for me

  • #3205

    I don’t know if this is deliberate or just random, but either way, it makes me grin

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Mike.
  • #2946

    So you think he’s trying to tell us something with Cyclops being overexpository?

    Yes; I think the changing register of the dialogue is deliberately telling us something about the characters and the plot.

    And I think on one level the characters are aware they’re playing up to the situation – I think that’s one of the points of the Scott/Lorna conversation, but yes, I think there’s something more than that underlying why we’ve got semi-Stepford X-Men.

    And I have *high* hopes for the banging Tim.

    (though logically, if it’s all about more mutants, we should expect Krakoan pregnancies relatively early on in the stories)

  • #2901

    The other thing about Vulcan, like Proteus, is that he is a reborn Omega with a, well, problematic history.

    A bit of psychic surgery to keep them harmless but with their power available should Krakoa require it?

    Oh, and speaking of which … I’ll place a bet now that in the Secret History of the Marvel Universe According to Moira MacTaggart, she had some sort of a hand in Chris Summers meeting Katherine.

  • #2896

    It was like Hickman was trying to channel Claremont in his strongest “announce what you’re thinking” style.

    See, I think that’s plot, not style, if that makes sense. The contrast, and the shift, in the tone and content of the dialogue within the issue suggests it’s not just a writing quirk. I think.

  • #2895

    Oh, and speaking of Summerses … I loved Corsair’s “look, son, you KNOW how weird this shit all looks right?!”

    There is something a bit Stepford Wives about it, but at the same time there are some really natural genuine feeling moments. As if when they’re not pushing against the boundaries of their programming, they’re relatively free to be their own selves, but when they start to hit the sides, they become more stilted and uniformly “on-message”

  • #2883

    Ah, see, I think both Scott and Lorna are unusually deferential in the field to Magneto (Scott calling Magneto “sir”?!), but it’s all superficial.

    As soon as it’s a tactical decision Scott immediately overrides Magneto – the Captain Commander’s word in the field is final.

    And then, when Scott and Lorna are talking, it’s almost like they’re affectionately indulging an older uncle.

    The changing pattern of dialogue style and tone is fascinating.

    This version of Cable calling this version of Jean “mom” feels weird … but it’s already an echo of one of the Cuckoos saying “yes mum” to Emma a few issues back.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Mike.
  • #2203

    If you post in the random thread, it appears in the language thread instead.

  • #2197

    It is quite random though so maybe it’s meant to be a meta thing?

  • #2196

    Post in random …

  • #2192

    Just out of interest Gar, how many people have registered?

  • #2191

    What you call therapeutic, I call maddening.

    Go to your zen place Ronnie. Be one with the board and the board will be one with you.

  • #2187

    I think Franklin’s current story arc in FF could easily be leading up to him leaving his family and coming to Krakoa, so wouldn’t surprise me at all.

  • #2072

    It’s quite therapeutic, watching it scroll back through time.

  • #2055

    I think at this stage, given the current status quo with Krakoa is beginning to be reflected in other MU titles, it pretty much has to be the prime/616 reality; anything else would need a Secret Wars style whole-line reboot wouldn’t it?

  • #2048

    . It’s one of those things we’ll get used to over time.

    … coincidentally, this is also the official Conservative line on life in apocalyptic post-Brexit Britain.

    Cup of tea?

    (NB: actual tea may no longer be available post-Brexit, please enjoy Hot Tea Substitute TM (soil in a cup of hot water))

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Mike.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Mike.
  • #1955

    This is a safe space Ronnie

  • #1940

    And the implication is that Moira specifically sought out MacTaggart as a genetic match likely to create a reality-manipulating mutant.

    … which also invites a different perspective on Xavier’s relationship with Gabi Haller, given Legion.

  • #1735

    I can do a short version of my theory: her long game is Mutants-in-Space

    (We’ve seen echoes of this in one of the other futures, and seeds (literally) planted in the current reality)

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