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  • #50281

    Wanted to update ❤

    Michael was cremated this last Friday, will be sent to me within the next day or two. Just docusigned the finishing papers a bit ago.
    Hope you’re all staying safe, excellent & kind!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Jessy.
    15 users thanked author for this post.
  • #45064

    Miqque Treebeard Loveland

    Be Kind & Stay Excellent

    Perfect! (I think) :heart:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Jessy.
    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #44997

    Hello Loverlies,
    I hope you’ve all had a safe week. I wanted to give you an update.
    So far;
    Miqque’s ashes should be shipped to me in this coming week. I’ve authorized for part of them to be picked up locally, to be scattered in selected areas locally as well.
    An order form has been mostly filled out to be sent into the Forestry Dept in Longmont Co, though I’m not sure of the park the tree will be located at this time, I am to understand I’ll get a map of the park & location the tree & plaque will be set.  I still need to choose the wording! (3 lines, 25 char each). I’m leaning towards;
       Miqque Treebeard Loveland
       Keep kind & excellent
    I’ve secured a place for memories, tributes, art, stories, etc to be put up & shared in honor of Miqque. It’s paid for for the next 5 years.
    I’d be happy to create subdomains, emails and possibly allow access to someone who may be interested in helping.
    For now, there’s a simple page over at TreeBeardFam – I do have this forum directly linked as well. I hope that’s ok.
    There are a few other things in the works too but they’re moving parts that I’m not ready to quite reveal yet.
    If there’s more that you feel I should know, do or be aware of, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know.
    For now, keep kind, to yourself & to others. Talk soon!

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  • #44266

    I’ve been asked a few questions and I knew the answers for some, but some, I’m either not *for certain* or I just don’t trust my memory 100%. If you happen to know, would you please share with me, so I can contact the Chapel, so they can get the correct information on his Death Certificate, instead of listing “unknown(s)”.
    Thank you!

    Where was Miqque born (like, we know the stars & all the other stuff, but for legal Human here on Earth reasons?)
    Did Miqque ever serve in the military?
    Name of Miqque’s father or mother? I believe his mother was Betty – I don’t trust my memory for more though.

    Sorry for asking such personal things on such a public forum. Thank you for understanding. :heart:

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  • #44256

    What might be the thoughts on this tree option? I’m linking the map location, so the areas can be seen, but I was thinking of doing perhaps 3 “groves” of trees, in different areas? The main differing of this, would be that there would not be a plaque to be seen or ‘left’ there, and I of course, assume, that though there’s no ‘current’ plans for tree removal, there will likely be in the future.

    We also have an opportunity to have a tree or bench created in Australia in his memory; making him Global, if there’s interest?

    I also *really* like the idea of a memorial page for him and hope that someone runs with it. :heart: It would be lovely to see a place that holds stories, knowledge, art, music and all things Miqque. We could happily purchase a domain name & the space to host it, or a considerable chunk of time (I believe, if possible) if there’s an interest in creating by any creatives out here.

    I’ll be asking the Director at ReefCares about a character name in honor of Miqque as well, so he’ll be ‘memorialized’ in trying to end human trafficking & raise awareness.

    How can we gauge interest in a possible commission piece here in within this community best?

    Thanks for your assist with these things. I appreciate.

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  • #44141

    I’m simply humbled by the posts here; reminded of communities in the past – so very thankful that Miqque had that here and you all had him. <3
    I’ve been trying to brainstorm some, thinking of losing friends online in the past and wanted to share an idea/thought. Part of my past, was creating memorial pages for people, my online community members really (chatting since 1992) that had passed on, with guestbooks, etc for people to leave their memories & such on, along with photos, art, music, etc that might be created.
    Seems to me there might be a plethora of talent around, if there would be an interest to do a similar thing here for Miqque? I’m certainly far too rusty (and executive dysfunctionaly mucked up) to help much but would gladly like to see how I can try if there might be a value to others?
    Similar lines, what might be a collective thought of some ‘fandom’ art in honor of Miqque – I vision him on that rocket, also with the Infinity Gauntlet as well – should we commission a piece to commemorate that? I don’t have a need or want to ‘hold’ a piece myself like that but I’m all but certain that Miqque would get a kick out of it and would insist the artist be compensated.
    I do believe I’ll be ordering a tree to be planted in the Longmont Co area; if there is input people would like to assist with there, I’d happily share details (I believe the tree type, park location are choice options) – as well as wanting to get a collective input on the plaque that will go with his tree. There will be a total of 3 lines, with 25 characters per line available.
    What are some other impactful things you can think of to help honor him? Thanks for helping me brainstorm some of these things. I’ve truly no desire to do this alone; though I know I can if needed (cos I understand *that* too).
    I’ll close this for now – Thanks again guys.

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  • #43867

    My name is Jessy; I really wish I were here for other reasons at an earlier time. I’m another one of Miqque’s online family members through another platform, though very much through a community as well.
    It seems to be how us hermits roll. :whistle:
    I’ll be stepping in as proxy for Miqque to be sure that he is cared for and respected afterlife and would really like to honor and pay tribute to him as best as possible. That means that I could use your help too, I’m sure. We were ALL his family.
    If I can answer any questions or even just be there, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I know he didn’t waste his time on people, so I’m certain I’m in good hands here for as much as he considered you all family.
    I truly wish I could comfort each of you that is feeling this loss; please remember there’s no wrong way to grieve. Please, feel your feelings. He would want it. It’s how we become healthier and I know *that* was one of his ultimate needs in being the amazing Human that he was; Humanity’s mental health to be restored.

    In Solidarity, with love,

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