What might be the thoughts on this tree option? I’m linking the map location, so the areas can be seen, but I was thinking of doing perhaps 3 “groves” of trees, in different areas? The main differing of this, would be that there would not be a plaque to be seen or ‘left’ there, and I of course, assume, that though there’s no ‘current’ plans for tree removal, there will likely be in the future.
We also have an opportunity to have a tree or bench created in Australia in his memory; making him Global, if there’s interest?
I also *really* like the idea of a memorial page for him and hope that someone runs with it.
It would be lovely to see a place that holds stories, knowledge, art, music and all things Miqque. We could happily purchase a domain name & the space to host it, or a considerable chunk of time (I believe, if possible) if there’s an interest in creating by any creatives out here.
I’ll be asking the Director at ReefCares about a character name in honor of Miqque as well, so he’ll be ‘memorialized’ in trying to end human trafficking & raise awareness.
How can we gauge interest in a possible commission piece here in within this community best?
Thanks for your assist with these things. I appreciate.
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