The whole premise of the movie just falls to pieces when you think about it.
How did the Saab uncrash itself? It was being driven by an inverted protagonist, but the car itself wasn’t inverted, was it? Does the inverted person have some kind of inversion field around them?
And we saw the broken mirror on the BMW get repaired when the Audi hit it. But where did the broken mirror come from? At some point before the chase, someone would have had to put a broken mirror in the car (an inverted repair).
And the building that gets blown up twice in the final battle, where it is blown up from two different temporal directions. It gets destroyed, reassembles itself, then gets destroyed again. It is only whole at the 5:00 mark at both directions, then it’s shown destroyed in both directions. So how was it built to begin with? At what point did it exist as a whole structure?
The bullets suffer from the same problem as the mirror. Especially the one at the opera house.
Imagine that I’m sitting at home with a gun staring at my wall. I fire the gun at the wall, the bullet lodges into the wall and puts a hole in sheetrock. A week later I pull the bullet out with a pair of pliers and plaster over the hole.
Now, with an inverted bullet, there’s a bullet hole in the wall, I aim the gun, pull the trigger, and the bullet jumps back into the gun and the wall repairs itself. Did the bullet hole exist in the wall when the house was built, or, at some point before pulling the trigger, did I jam the bullet in there with a pair of pliers?
There is also the matter of the protagonist shooting his inverted self in the arm. Once he’s inverted, the wound slowly begins to appear in his arm until he fights with his past self and the bullets gets sucked from his arm. This could possibly explain where the inverted bullet holes and broken mirror come from, though the walls and opera house floor that took the bullets, and the broken car mirror ,were never inverted themselves
It looks kind of cool, and they tried to handwave it away with some lines about time still mostly flows forward, but you’ll tear your hair out if think too hard about it…
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