
Viewing 100 replies - 1 through 100 (of 545 total)
  • #126101

    I don’t really understand why they did this media update event thing at all to be honest. They don’t have any big announcements and nothing to show from the 2 projects that are currently filming. It’s just Gunn telling us the stuff he said would happen, still isn’t happening and might never happen…Very odd.

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  • #124687

    I can’t stand Lobo and I’ve never really rated Momoa either to be honest. But this seems like better casting than him as Aquaman ever did.

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  • #124309

    I do think we’ll get an announcement in the next year or so that Fiege will step back from running the show full time, probably with a successor named as well.

    That way they can promote Secret Wars as being another finale to his whole tenure and whatever comes next as a “new era”.

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  • #123218

    The Penguin has been a pleasant surprise with how good it is. My favourite thing about it is that they haven’t tried to pull a Sony and make Oz into some kind of antihero. He is still very much a villain and he’s doing awful things to achieve power.

    My only nitpick with it is that no one has mentioned Batman. The Bat would be the talk of the villain community so it’s kind of unbelievable that they wouldn’t be talking about him.

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  • #123212

    At least there will be some kind of conclusion and they’re not pulling a Netflix.

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  • #122794

    He was good in Rebel Ridge and looks exactly like the character, so pretty good casting.

  • #122739

    It’s shocking because they really seemed to think they had something here. Opening at Venice and dropping the review embargo weeks before release, Gaga doing a companion album and just doing it at all after saying they wouldn’t..It’s funny to see so much misplaced confidence be so roundly rejected.

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  • #122663

    All while having a much bigger firefighter standing behind you, with a much larger firehose that will fight all your fires for you.

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  • #122463

    The Katy Perry album was a PR disaster. Not only were the songs a bit shit, but making a “female empowerment album” produced by a guy thats been accused of rape, is a crazy thing to think people won’t pull you up on in 2024.

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  • #122446

    Oof, that’s the Marvel film I’ve been looking forward to most and that is a seriously dull first trailer.

  • #122201

    I won’t even waste my time watching it to be honest. It’s cancellation seems certain at this point.

  • #122131

    We know Trump loves a good fictional serial killer, so could he be getting migrants mixed up with famous dog eater Michael Myers?🤨.

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  • #121452

    Watched the second season of Interview with the Vampirethat just went up on the iPlayer and it’s just as good as the first. It’s really well written, especially the way it plays with the fact that this is a story that’s being told, sometimes from different points of view. And the acting is top notch, especially Sam Reid as Lestat, who actually isn’t in this season very much but is fantastic when he shows up.

    Its a bit of a shame this is kind of buried away on the BBC in the uk because I think it’s one of the best shows on at the moment that people don’t talk about.

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Ian Smith.
  • #120984

    I think it’s quite clever because they needed a new villain after the Kang/Majors mess and Doom always seemed like the obvious choice. But him coming out of nowhere and being an Avengers level threat right away is a bit of a stretch. But casting RDJ means the audience will have a connection with the character straight away and then playing with that connection and him being a villain could be really fun to see.

    I think he’ll definitely show up in Fantastic Four. Him being the villain of that world and then the FF coming to the MCU to see he’s a hero could be a nice concept. I just hope they’ll let him be an actual full on villain and not try and do some kind of redemption arc.

    Although they’ll now have a RDJ shaped body back in the MCU again. Sure would be nice if Tony Stark somehow managed to back up his brain before he died🤷‍♂️.

    And talking of the FF, the footage they showed looked really promising. I’m loving the retro future style they’re going with.

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  • #120921

    The only dangling plot thread I can think of is Monica ending up with the X-Men at the end of Marvels.
    Loki tied the Kang story up quite well for me, so I don’t see why they’re locked into this course of storytelling. Although i imagine they’ll take this movies box office as a sign that they should just push on regardless.

  • #120918

    I thought it was an enjoyable watch and even though I’ve been over Reynolds whole shtick for awhile now, I still laughed a lot during it. Jackman is reliably great as Wolverine, but I did think the story was essentially a bland version of the Logan plot. An old and jaded Logan that’s traumatised by the death of the X-Men, that learns to be a hero again thanks to X23🤷‍♂️.

    I genuinely though i missed something at the end, because for all the talk about this being Deadpool in the MCU and farewell to the Fox universe..Well, it’s not. He’s in the MCU for like 5 minutes in a scene that really makes no sense. Why does he want to be an Avenger in the first place?. They’re not even from his universe. And then he ends the movie still in his Fox universe..It was very odd.

    I was surprised by my lack of nostalgia for the whole thing really. When Chris Evan’s first showed up and I thought he was an alternate Cap, I wasn’t really that moved by it. And then when he turned out to be Johnny Storm, I just thought “ Well, that’s that big potential Secret Wars Cap return moment ruined then🙄”. Although I did think it was funny when he went full Denis Leary in the post credit scene.

    And the whole “sad” Green Day thing at the end doesn’t really stir up much emotion when most of the movies featured in were a bit shit to begin with. It’s like all the people trying to pretend the Amazing Spider-Man movies were good all along when Garfield popped up in No Way Home.

    Seeing Snipes as Blade was cool, but that line about him being the only Blade was just an odd thing to have when your actively developing another Blade movie.

    So it was enjoyable but I still don’t think the Multiverse can be done justice to in live action. They’ve show they just dont have the scope to make it as big and exciting as it needs to be to really sell it the way comics and animation can.

  • #120718

    Personally I don’t see anything noble about him and all the “Oh, isn’t he a hero for stepping down and putting the party first” talking heads are cringy as fuck.

    Trump didn’t want to let go of power and neither does Biden, which is why he’s spent the last three weeks trying to gaslight everyone into to thinking his brain isn’t fried.

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  • #120639

    I really want Beetlejuice Beetlejuice to be good, but it just has that whiff of latter-day Tim Burton to it. I was getting a lot of Dark Shadows vibes from it, which I thought was a bit of a mess.

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  • #120610

    It’s a hell of a screenplay. I did not see Covid making a surprise reappearance in the 2nd act.

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  • #120576

    So it looks like the Absolute line is a new universe possibly created by Darkseid?🤷‍♂️. The rumoured creator lineup looks interesting, but the designs of the “new” trinity is surprisingly boring. Batmans upped his creatine intake, Wonder Womans got some ink and Superman’s gone a bit emo..Hardly groundbreaking.

  • #120497

    Hmm, adventures with 13 and just her one companion Yas..Neat idea, they should have made a tv show about that.

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  • #120495

    Trump will be acting like a right hard man now that he’s survived an assassination attempt. But I’ve heard that Biden stays up past 9:00pm some nights…Yep, you read that right. 9..P..M😎🇺🇸🫡.

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  • #120494

    I agree that she’s better suited to comedies. She comes off really bubbly in interviews so seems better suited to lighter fair. I’ve never really bought her as a dramatic lead.

  • #120484

    Well at least no one will be talking about senile Biden anymore and there’s no chance he’ll stand down after this🙄.

    This will definitely boost Trumps campaign. That image of him covered in blood surround by secret service, will be on a million t shirts by Monday.

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  • #120270

    France left wing leader Melenchon who might be up for prime minister wants talks with Putin. Also, he is a certified nutter. Interesting weeks ahead in France.

    It’s a good thing there’s no massive sporting event coming up that they’ll have to deal with as well😬😬..

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  • #120213

    Oh dear😬😬.

    • This reply was modified 8 months ago by Ian Smith.
  • #120212

    Yeah I felt the same about The Bear unfortunately. The episode in the hospital with Jamie Lee Curtis, might be the most cringy self indulgent bullshit I’ve ever seen. It felt like an SNL parody of the show.

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  • #120211

    Just noticed that Galloway lost his seat already😂😂. Glad the voters saw through his fuckery pretty quickly.

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  • #120142

    Feels about right for the Tories. The under 100 seats polls always felt like wishful thinking to me.

    The SNP collapse isn’t a surprise unfortunately after the last couple years. I’ve voted SNP for years, but I didn’t today.

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  • #120108

    It’s all so very sad. Boris having to stump for the man that helped start off the wave or resignations that led to him standing down. And Sunak fucking his campaign so badly that he’s had to wheel this shambles of a man out..It’s a fittingly comical end to this whole mess.

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  • #120038

    I think it’s clear that Biden is just a normal 81 year old man, who has trouble forming coherent sentences, mixes up words, gets confused etc. It’s just common behavior for his age. The problem is democrats are only now realizing that that might not be appealing to the voter. They’re fucking idiots

    There are plenty of 80 year olds that can still string a thought and sentence together and still look like they can get around by themselves. I watched a video earlier of Biden debating Trump in 2020 and it’s like a completely different person. His decline over the last 4 years is crazy to see.

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  • #119913

    Okay, this looks much better than that first image. Terrific looks straight from the comics.




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  • #119847

    Bet Sutekh was sitting there loving all the drama of this will they won’t they.

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  • #119842

    They should have had the Doctor change the channel on the tv screen that was playing Pyramids of Mars and give the Two Doctors a quick watch.

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  • #119839

    Well at least I didn’t go and see one of the midnight cinema showings. That would have been brutal.

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  • #119838

    Man, I was really hoping this would be good, but the whole thing left me feeling rather cold.

    In the end Sutekh seemed to be dealt with quite easily and everything he did was undone, so what was the point?. He’s been attached to the Tardis for years but it’s only when the Doctor blew a whistle that it finally fought back?. They can’t seem to decide if the Tardis is just some Time Machine or a kind of sentient being/machine that is in it with the Doctor.

    The Susan tease came to nothing, as did the Ruby mystery. I get not wanting to make her another Amy/Clara where all of time and space swirls around her. But They leaned soooooooo hard into the tease that the actual pay off landed with a massive thud.

    Who is Mrs Flood?…I don’t really give a toss anymore to be honest🤷‍♂️. She’ll probably just be another random god, the god of storytelling probably.. It’s not the mystery I was really that invested in because the pay off seems so obvious and boring.

    And don’t forget the universe was dying and 14 was just out there chilling with Donna in his perfectly functioning Tardis that doesn’t have an evil god attched to it I guess?🙄.. And I’m really gonna need this Doctor to stop crying. I think he’s done it pretty much every episode now and it’s just way too much. That should be a real moment, but it just comes off to me as extremely overdramatic and a bit of a drama school shortcut to show emotion.

    I’ve been split on this season, but this capper makes me lean into it being a bit of a flop overall which is a real bummer.

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  • #119813

    I’d be more excited about that if Batman 2 was already to come out, but since we’re years away from that, it feels odd to have this out in the wilderness as part of something there’s not a lot of buzz for.

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  • #119696

    That was fun. Definitely a ton of setup and the first half felt like I was being hit with a bunch of information I already knew. But the ramp up to the end reveal was cool and reminded me of the old RTD days.

    Susan has to show up in some fashion in the finale. There’s no way they dig up that plot thread and just use it as a fake out. And Ruby has to be some kind of demigod at this point, If only to give the Doctor some kind of weapon/advantage over the other gods. Because I’ll be pissed if he beats Sutekh with another silly game.

    Looking forward to the next week. Hoping it’ll be big and flashy considering they’re doing the cinema screenings.

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  • #119656

    I don’t think Labour really have to wow with their manifesto or policies because they’re basically being gifted No 10 because the Tories have fucked up so badly and people want some kind of change, even if it’s not as extreme as some would like.

    Personally I just don’t have the energy to be thinking about the possible party compositions five years from now. For all we know the economy could see a sudden upswing, Starmer could be really popular and lead us into a golden age, another plane might finish Farage off for good or we might get Covid Part 2 that puts us all out of our misery🤷‍♂️.

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  • #119622

    I really enjoyed Afterlife so had high hopes for Ghostbusters Frozen Empire, unfortunately it’s an absolute mess of a film.

    It has way too many characters. You’ve got the og Ghostbusters, the Afterlife cast, most of who have nothing to do but show up anyway. And then you’ve got James Ancaster who is actually quite good but it’s a role that could have been given to one of the already established characters. Then you’ve got Kumail Nanjiani whose entire plot line is just dumb and should have been written out after the first draft.

    McKenna Grace was the real star of Afterlife but here she’s just a sulky teen, who is meant to be a genius but for the sake of moving the plot forward they have her do one of the dumbest things ever and it’s just silly.

    And the whole Frozen Empire thing feels like an afterthought for the last 15-20 minutes of the film. The villain was a cool design but a total waste of time.

    I wouldn’t be so annoyed if I didn’t like Afterlife so much..This Feels like a massive fumble that probably kills any hope of a third.

  • #119500

    Yeah that felt like a complete waste of time to me. We’ve had years of the Doctor being this basically sexless being, So I don’t really buy him seemingly falling in love in the space of an episode. Especially with such a boring and forgettable character🤷‍♂️.. I also have zero interest in Brigerton or that particular period setting, so this episode was not made for me at all. Hopefully the two part finale will save this series from being a total bore.

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  • #119414

    I loved the Evil Dead film from Alvarez, but he’s not really done anything decent since imo. But this does look good so I’m hopeful.

  • #119309

    ‘3 Body Problem’ To Run For 3 Seasons On Netflix

    I just guessed it would be 3 seasons since there’s 3 books, but good to know there’s a plan and that we’ll get the whole thing. I’m hoping they’ll film it all together so it won’t take an age to see it wrap up.

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  • #119299

    I enjoyed that. I was thinking about halfway through that there had to be some kind of twist and I though it was when the Lindy sold the dancer guy out to get away, so the reveal that they were all racists was unexpected and quite well done..I especially like how it reframes the rest of the episode you just watched.

    And we finally get Ruby and The Doctor acknowledging Susan Twist keeps popping up. Interested to see what the larger plot is going to be here.

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  • #119128

    Matalas was only the sole showrunner for the 3rd season of Picard which I thought was the strongest season of any of the recent Star Trek tv. And he was also the creator/showrunner on 12 Monkeys, which is a show I’ll always sing the praises of. I wish we weren’t bothering with a Vision show, but I’ll give it a shot.

  • #119106

    Yeah that was a frustrating one. Started off well with a nice creepy atmosphere but I zoned out a bit when it became obvious everything we were seeing was going to be undone by the end.

    What was future Ruby saying to make everyone scared?, what was with the weird hand gestures from future Ruby?, why 73 yards? so has Albion not actually been stopped then since this never happened? and why was it even happening at all?!?🤷‍♂️… It feels like RTD thought “oh, that was Ruby all along” is the only explanation needed, but for me it just brings up more questions. I don’t need everything spoon fed to me, but there’s a fine line between being mysterious and just not bothering to answer questions because you don’t actually have the answers.

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  • #119049

    D:Ream blasting in the background was a lovely touch. I can’t see the Tory campaign wanting to reuse that footage😂

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  • #119044

    Looks like we’re headed for a uk election in July.

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  • #118916

    DC Solicitations for August 2024

    at GamesRadar/Newsarama

    at CBR

    at Comics Beat

    at AIPT

    Written by DAN JURGENS and RON MARZ
    Variant covers by ALAN QUAH and KEN LASHLEY
    1:25 variant cover by DAN HIPP
    RAISED UV cover by JON BOGDANOVE ($10.99 US)
    $9.99 US | 80 pages | Variant $9.99 US (card stock)
    ON SALE 8/28/24
    30 years ago, one of the DCU’s brightest heroes fell from grace, driven over
    the edge by his failure to save Coast City and millions of people. In the
    famed EMERALD TWILIGHT storyline, Hal Jordan became PARALLAX in the
    wake of Coast City being annihilated. After that, he almost succeeded in
    refashioning the entire timeline and resetting reality to restore his home
    in the ZERO HOUR event. Luckily, the heroes prevailed and destroyed this
    villain and timeline for good…or so we thought. Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
    is about to discover Hal and his vision have survived, and they’re willing to
    do whatever it takes to make sure their world prevails!
    Writers Dan Jurgens and Ron Marz return to the world of Zero Hour with
    an art team comprised of all-star DC talent to celebrate this landmark
    anniversary. What repercussions will their story today have for those of
    tomorrow? Find out in this oversized special packed with action and your
    favorites from the ’90s!

    Oh I’ll have to pick that up. Ron Marz and Darryl Banks doing a Kyle Rayner book again is definite buy for me.

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  • #118915

    Hawkeye was my favourite of the Disney+ shows, but I don’t think we need another season. A Young Avengers movie seems like the natural next step for those characters to me.

    I’m fully expecting Ironheart to get the Echo treatment. Black Panther 2 was awful and that character was extremely unmemorable in it, so I don’t see much excitement for a spinoff series.

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  • #118892

    Saw Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning, and two things stand out for me:

    1. Fuck, this movie has a lot of exposition. It’s like a third of the movie is spent on explaining a needlessly complicated plot.

    2. Mission Impossible really has become a pretty unremarkable James Bond clone, hasn’t it? This movie pretty much copies the Bond formula step by step, and apart from some nice action setpieces I kept wondering why I was even watching this predictable, bland movie. Fallout was saved by Cavill’s performance, I suppose, but at this point, I think the Cruise/McQuarrie combination is delivering fare that is very much just (slightly sub-)standard.

    Also, Cruise’s age is really showing. They’re kind of at the point where they can’t keep just ignoring it, and they really should make it part of the story that he’s way past his prime.

    I put my initial disappointment with it down to my cinema experience being a bit crap. But watching it again at home I think it’s on the weaker side of the franchise.

    The AI villain was to big of step into sci-fi for me. The universe has always been heightened, but that was a bit of shark jump moment. The retcons of the IMF agents being criminals, Ethans secret pre MI1 love interest who was killed by some big bad we’ve never heard of..It all feels like a franchise running on fumes.

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  • #118759

    Fury Road was amazing in the theatre, but I don’t think it holds up watching it at home.

  • #118724

    Well another year done..Roll on 2025!

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  • #118721

    Not a bad winner overall

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  • #118714

    Aww, Ireland should have done better there.

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  • #118708


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  • #118684

    UK getting fuck all this year again😂

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  • #118682

    Ireland doing well so far

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  • #118665

    I’m going to try and see Apes next week. Zero interest in Furiosa though.

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  • #118663

    AI Nightmare fuel.

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  • #118659

    Ireland, Norway or Switzerland for me.

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  • #118652

    Feel like I should be slaughtering some vampires right now.

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  • #118643

    Good voice, but his toxic relationship with the cameraman is making me uncomfortable

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  • #118636

    One of those songs that’s not awful but doesn’t really stand a chance at winning.

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  • #118633

    New Mortal Kombat character unlocked.

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  • #118628

    Feels like that’s bonkers enough to win

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  • #118606

    It’s actually quite fun. Like turn tab,e thing.

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  • #118604

    The deleted Inception ending.

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  • #118585

    This KKK rebrand just isn’t landing folks.

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  • #118583

    This new season of Moon Knight is confusing.

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  • #118580

    The Austin Powers gag feels like an afterthought to cover for a mediocre song

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  • #118562

    It’s like the single ladies video….But shite.

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  • #118558

    Lots of laying on the floor tonight. Hope they’re cleaning it well between songs.

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  • #118554

    Thjs is quite good.

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  • #118540

    The presentation is cool. But the song and his voice is quite weak.

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  • #118533

    That had potential milkmaid quality…But she seemed to be holding back.

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  • #118529

    Brought to you by Google Street View

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  • #118521

    I don’t think this is who Ireland was trying to summon.

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  • #118518

    Mr Worldwide joining the Blue Man Group was not something I was expecting

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  • #118511

    This is great

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  • #118509

    Best staging so far

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  • #118502

    Not enough sleeves to go around.

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  • #118495

    Come get yer maw!!. She’s singing again.

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  • #118492

    Love this missile strike graphic they keep using😂

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  • #118485

    Pass the poppers😜

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  • #118478

    For all the fuss, that was a forgettable song.

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  • #118477

    Chevron 7 locked.

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  • #118474

    Expecting Isreal to decimate their completion tonight…Really blast the other singers until the cant take anymore

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  • #118458

    Little hand wave through the fire there…Proper hard man.

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  • #118452

    I don’t think this is what Ukraine meant when they said they wanted bombs.

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  • #118443

    They look like they should have a prank channel on YouTube.

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  • #118423

    Grahams in a cupboard apparently

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  • #118422

    And it begins!!

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  • #118420

    Didn’t love Space babies. It was all a bit silly, the ending trying to make me care about the snot monster didn’t land and i just found the babies voices to be quite grating.

    The Devils Chord started well, I liked the setup and the villain. But the mystery of Ruby is being sold a bit to hard, it feels like Clara 2.0. And I hope the Pantheon don’t just show up and battle the Doctor in some silly game all the time. This was way too repetitive of the 60th special with the game of catch.

    So a mixed bag, but I’m interested to see if we see Susan, what’s up with the Tardis and why have two references to the Time Lord genocide?🤷‍♂️.

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  • #118271

    I’m prepared to have my mind changed by seeing better images..But just from this, i kind of hate it.

    The fact they’re taking inspiration from the New 52 is an immediate red flag. It also looks very much like a MCU style costume by trying to make it look like real fabric.

    Still looking forward to seeing what Gunn does. But that’s a weird first image to show imo.

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  • #118254

    New Doctor Who and Eurovision on the same day!..No way this place won’t burst into flames.

    I’ve only heard our entry and it sounds like a bit of a dud. I kind of expected Olly Alexander to go all out, but it feels weirdly toned down…Maybe the staging will sell it more🤷.

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  • #117697

    I haven’t bought a monthly comic in years but reading the solicits, the whole Absolute Power and the lead up to it sounds fun to me. I’ll definitely give the trades a try.

  • #117299

    It’s a very well put together trailer. It’ll be interesting to see how this measures up to the first one.

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  • #116988

    Resurrections was a disaster but I like Goddard and I think there’s plenty of potential in the Matrix universe, so I’m cautiously optimistic about this…Let’s just add the Wachowskis to the list of writers/directors that should be kept away from their creations.

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  • #116981

    The whole thing is a shit show.

    I’ve worked with younger people before at my last job and I’ll occasional think oh I wonder what so and so is up to now. But as a 39 year old guy, I’d never actually reach out to make contact because I’d feel super weird and I know the optics of me messaging a 17-20 year old girl are not good.

    So while I think he made a huge lapse in judgment by even making contact with her, I don’t see anything illegal from the “evidence” that was shared. Yeah his back and fourth with her looks a bit problematic, it’s also cut to ribbons with zero context. And the fact she calls herself a “slut for lineart” in the same texts shes using against him, makes me think that’s just how they spoke with each other.

    She can say she wasn’t out to “cancel” him but thats bullshit. We all know how the internet works by now. Innocent until proven guilty is a myth at this point. Even people that have been proven innocent in court are still pariahs. He could’ve pleaded his case all day long but the damage was clearly already done.

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