Now I wonder if Mordo, or someone is going to somehow start going through the multiverse wiping out Wandas.
I enjoyed the movie very much. I would have enjoyed it more if my infectious zombie dislike had not been lingering.
Now I wonder if Mordo, or someone is going to somehow start going through the multiverse wiping out Wandas.
I enjoyed the movie very much. I would have enjoyed it more if my infectious zombie dislike had not been lingering.
Based on the F/X of the creation of Westview scene, the Vision was created from the same FX as the Mind Stone, which was completely different than the scarlet energy. I have a feeling that part of vision’s consciousness took residence in her when she killed him the first time.
With the revelation of the repaired Vision body, it isn’t too big of a stretch to imagine that the “mind stone matrix” housed in hex matter will just repossess the body when it is sent in. Wanda will probably go away with Strange or Agatha and Vision will raise the kids who will age themselves up to Young Avengers era maturity to help fight the last battle.
The official family announcement is on Boseman’s Twitter account which I can’t seem to post a link to. (Edit: let’s see if this works)
Fuck, fuck, fuck. He’s been looking so thin. I had hoped he was just prepping for a role.
I used to watch The Batman/Tarzan Adventure Hour when I was a kid. That’s the show that introduced me to Bat-Mite.
And the crazy grows. That person who thinks they KNOWS the truth and now they are the only ones who can stop teh evil!
And then they try to drive a train into a fucking hospital ship. No, this isn’t a movie.
Re: Trek and Telepathy
There were telepathic humans in Old Trek. There’s a telepathic subspecies of Andorian; then there are the Medusans; and the Deltans, and Betazoids. Oh, and those children from the TNG episode whose immune systems were so over engineered they were killing their parents; they were telepathic and telekinetic.
Really, I’m more surprised there isn’t more tech-based telepathy in Trek.
So, from what I’m reading here, they don’t need Picard, they need Shepherd.
So, Austin is going to shelter in place some time tomorrow after Dallas county and Waco.
I’m more interested after reading it, particularly some of the big set pieces. One of those scenes is going to give me gooseflesh if it’s realized the way that it is written.
Yeah, lots of cursing. :)
I don’t really know why it is Rated R. Maybe it was the gore? But it was too cartoony to make a “Rated R” impression. Suicide Squad had more adult situations and it was PG 13. Deadpool earned its R. Part of me is wondering if someone wanted this to be “Deadpool-like” but it’s “Deadpool-lite.”
I greatly enjoyed it, but I didn’t see anything worth an R.
Oooh, this looks good. I’m a sucker for this font.
I couldn’t navigate from the main page. I had to use the pull down menu in the upper left corner. Is that working as intended?
It’s a lot of movie for 100 minutes and I was entertained the entire time. I like how they were kind of in each others orbit the entire time. They all knew of each other, or each other’s work and it was fun watching them work around those bumps whether they were mistaken or earned.
Hah! They’re whipping out the Time Variance Authority (The TVA) for Loki!
Hello John Cena!!!
I can’t wait for this.
I admit it, I squeed, I squeed alot.
Side note about Romulans and Vulcans. The split apparently happened so long ago that Vulcans retain their species’ psionic potentials and the Romulans have lost theirs. At least I don’t recall it ever being depicted outside of a mention of the Remans, who showed up much, much, much, later.
After reading the info on X-Factor, which features characters I like, the narrative stumbling block for me with Hickman’s stuff is coming full circle. They aren’t resurrecting anyone. They’re making copies. Hell, the point of the book is to make sure someone is dead before making a copy so there won’t be two of them around.
I really like those characters though. But I’m getting the same “no, no, no” feeling when my roommate wants me to play “Paranoia.” I just can’t get invested in copies. It’s an old SF annoyance, but it’s a center piece of the X-Books now. I love the characters in X-Factor. I may just have to “la-la-la” it just to read about the characters.
I was prepared to shrug at the royal stuff, but after seeing stuff like this, I can’t blame them.
I read Marvel’s Incoming #1 and I really like the set up, and the old elements being brought into to play. I was really not looking forward to a rehash of Civil War.
My biggest take away is The Cotati seem to be back in play.
Re: Gilliam,
Given that the cast and crew have a lot of people of continental African origin involved with the movie (Hell, Wakanda’s language is Xhosha), and BP’s box office numbers in Africa, his statement is even more tone deaf. Of course, production reality isn’t what he was going for.
I have just gotten back from Frozen two and I have succumbed. I like this song too damn much. I drove home way too fast singing this song like a crazy person.
Excellent! Congratulations!
Something is definitely happening.
And here I am looking for AbFab giffery.
Woot! I want to live in the Treehouse!