Video Games – What Are You Playing?

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From Playstation to Xbox, through smartphone, Steam and Switch – what’s pushing your buttons?

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  • #80590

    Halo Infinite multiplayer is “free to play”. So free to download and no xbox live gold subscription needed to get online. Downloaded it last night and had a few games. Felt good to be playing against real people. Didn’t do terribly well but was fun nevertheless.

  • #80595

    NoClip are putting out a documentary about DMA and have put out a companion podcast focusing on the excellent music from Grand Theft Auto 1 and 2. It’s on Youtube and the usual podcast apps. Well worth a listen to for fans of those games and game history in general.

  • #80597

    Squadrons is more a homage to old SW flight sim arcade games that don’t have much in the way of competition.

    Then as now, the main competition seems to be MechWarrior.

  • #80598

    Speaking of games under a brand name, how about those Star Trek games?

    I tried that bridge crew game which for the most part puts in the decision making captain seat. It was Ok, but I heard that the other ST games were a bit overrated because they were under the name and there are other spaceship games not Star Trek but are overall better.

  • #80600

    Speaking of games under a brand name, how about those Star Trek games?

    The only Star Trek game I’ve ever played was the one that tied in with the first JJ Abrahms movie. It was total fucking toilet. Equal parts broken and boring.

  • #80602

    Well, these were a real mixed bag:

    Starting off with the great, I took the PS5 Spider-Man as far as I could go, got the main campaign and the DLCs up to the high 90%  plus, which was very unexpected for me.  The remaining challenges are the Taskmaster / Screwball stuff I find infuriating.

    What was that really forgettable game? Oh yeah – Godfall – What a stinker.  What’s weirder is it does this thing where it says you are starting as a Level 50 character, but all your weapons appear to start Level 1, but the biggest problem? When you attack with a sword it moves the camera frther, which narrows your already narrow view of the combat arena.  You have an evade move but if you can’t see what you need to evade, it’s not much good.  Add in lying difficulty options, with easy still being hard and it’s a game that I didn’t want to keep playing.  The idea that this mimics Destiny 2 in any way is laughable.

    Lego DC Supervillains started off well, then wrecked with poorly explained mechanics and a 2D radar for a 3D driving sequence with rubbish controls that finished it off. Pity, it started so well.

    Killzone Shadow Fall – This game badly, badly needs an accessibility reworking.  As it is?  It’s a FPS with no auto aim!  It also clearly wants you to do stealth but restricts your gameplay options very narrowly and, if you get spotted? There is no stealth cooldown / cooloff – once they know you are there the enemies will know where you are anywhere on the map and shoot you with perfect accuracy.  To stop infinite enemy supply, you must hack alarms, but these are often hard to spot or, if you spot them, there likely is no stealth route to them.  Oh and if you are spotted and get killed bythe infinite Helgast, the restart checkpoint is after you have triggered infinite enemy spawn! The OWL is a good idea badly executed as it both relies on touchpad directional swipes – which are no good for me – and for the action icon to “light up” – of course, that suggests a more obvious shade than the light, so-light-it-blends-into-the-background, cyan on a small icon.  Similarly, the location pulse doesn’t go far enough or tell you enough to practically do much and the shade of orange opted for doesn’t stand out enough amid the graphic detail.  All of this, combined with an “easy” setting that is nothing of the kind, makes the game gorgeous but near unplayable for me.

    Enter The Matrix – Technically, this is an advert, but what an advert! It is one hell of a tech demo, showing off a frequency and detail of action that we haven’t previously seen.  It’s also savvy enough to know its flashy chase sequence can only work with a lot of assist to the player.  The only thing that would improve it is seeing the night effects.  But hey, it’s a freebie that’s well worth looking at, with a deliciously meta story script that hits what its aiming at.  Kind of strange having the Matrix 20 odd years later, in a tech demo for the most photorealistic graphics going.

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  • #80603

    Enter The Matrix – Technically, this is an advert, but what an advert! It is one hell of a tech demo, showing off a frequency and detail of action that we haven’t previously seen.  It’s also savvy enough to know its flashy chase sequence can only work with a lot of assist to the player.  The only thing that would improve it is seeing the night effects.  But hey, it’s a freebie that’s well worth looking at, with a deliciously meta story script that hits what its aiming at.  Kind of strange having the Matrix 20 odd years later, in a tech demo for the most photorealistic graphics going.

    Oh, I haven’t heard of this. Will have to check it out.

  • #80604

    I think it only became available yesterday.

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  • #80628

    Apparently this got announced at the VGAs

    Don’t know if it’s gonna be a RTS like the old one/warcraft kind of thing, or something different, but hey, it’s interesting at least. Hope it’s an old-school-ish kind of RTS though, I have fond memories of Dune 2.

    Edit: No, nevermind, it seems it’s actually more like the first Dune game, which was a strategy game, but not like Dune 2/Warcraft. Bummer… but hey, it could be interesting.

    There’s a website to go with it if anyone’s interested:

  • #80916

    Question sparked by this:


    Do modern video games truly let you “shape” the plot, or do you just choose from a list of pre-determined plots presented by the game designer (as that cartoon illustrates)?

    I know that open world games are a big thing now, where you get x billion unique planets to explore, etc., so I’m guessing that they are simply an environment into which you actually do create your own plotlines?

  • #80918

    The extent to which your choices affect outcomes really depends on the game.

    To some extent, the outcomes are always predetermined, in the sense that you can’t make something happen in a game that wasn’t programmed in to it.

    But there’s a broad spectrum of this stuff.

    Some games are very “on rails”. The story of something like The Last Of Us, say, is pretty set, and aside from some minor details the only options are for you to play through a predetermined story or die in the process (after which you restart and try again).

    Something more open-world like the GTA series does have that larger set story, but you have a lot more latitude in terms of what order you do things in, where you go, what you do with your time etc. – you could spend all your time driving around having fun causing chaos and ignoring the story altogether if you choose, because there are so many tiny interactions with minor characters/objects/locations programmed into the game that it gives a very effective impression of complete freedom. The story wouldn’t be great, but you can have fun.

    For other games there are a number of set paths that branch off as you make certain choices, and you can get vastly different outcomes of the story depending on what route you take. So effectively the game has multiple different stories that you can play through multiple times and get to the end of by making different choices at different points. Like a Choose Your Own Adventure Book.

    Then there’s stuff like Minecraft that has very little story but which gives you a lot of freedom to create worlds and characters all of your own and interact with people from all over the world, and create an endless open-ended experience where what you do definitely has an effect, even if it’s only a small one in the grand scheme of things. More like simulating real life I guess. Similarly with procedurally generated stuff like No Man’s Sky where you’re never getting the same game twice, as so much is randomly generated that it’s like a new experience each time.

    But then with stuff like that, you obviously lack the guiding narrative hand that comes with a strong story, so it can be less satisfying – with something like The Last Of Us, that sense of being part of a great story is a big part of the appeal, even when you know you can’t really change the outcome. A bit more like the appeal of watching a great movie – just a movie you can run around and participate in.

    Again, ultimately you can’t get anything out of a game that the developers didn’t put in it (unless you start messing with the code yourself), but some games offer more freedom and more of a genuine sense of cause and effect and variety of outcomes than others.

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  • #80919

    Do modern video games truly let you “shape” the plot, or do you just choose from a list of pre-determined plots presented by the game designer (as that cartoon illustrates)?

    I know that open world games are a big thing now, where you get x billion unique planets to explore, etc., so I’m guessing that they are simply an environment into which you actually do create your own plotlines?

    You kinda just described real life, but to a lesser, more restricted degree… :unsure:

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  • #80931

    Do modern video games truly let you “shape” the plot, or do you just choose from a list of pre-determined plots presented by the game designer (as that cartoon illustrates)? I know that open world games are a big thing now, where you get x billion unique planets to explore, etc., so I’m guessing that they are simply an environment into which you actually do create your own plotlines?

    It won’t particularly answer your question (certainly not as well as Dave did) but the apple TV series Mythic Quest has an episode where the game’s writer spends an afternoon with one of the testers and they try to convince each other of the importance of pre-written narrative vs spontaneous narrative (that is, moments that come about from the player(s)’s actions rather than the game’s scripting).

    The strip is I think snarking more at games like those made by TellTale (such as the Walking Dead) and Mass Effect 3, which made a big deal about offering branching narratives, based on player choices (do you want to be polite or a dick to person A? When forced between saving person B or C, which will you choose) but which all ends up largely being irrelevant to the core story resolution (Person B or C just ends up standing around in the background making little contribution, for instance).

    There’s a good video about how Mass Effect 3, which was the culmination of a trilogy built on purportedly tracking and building upon these player choices, failed to make this work.

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  • #80942

    Hmmmm… Strange

    Thought I posted this, but:

    Anyone here use the Cheat Engine on some games? I get tempted sometimes to give my character unlimited this and that, godmode etc…

  • #80946

    I use it quite frequently, but mainly to slow down or speed up a game accordingly. It’s actually not that easy to use, but not super complicated either… it depends on what you want to do… sometimes it’s easier/better to download a trainer. However, don’t use it in multiplayer, obviously… =P

    Be careful though, some game might detect it and you could get in trouble, or the game could simply freeze or close down, some games don’t allow its usage (few that I’ve seen, but still). Single player games are usually ok.

  • #80947

    I know

    I use it sparingly.

    There are programmers/hackers who have developed a script (“trainer”) to go with the engine for some games. If you use the script and check off the boxes on the checklist, you can give yourself everything.

  • #80961

    No, trainers are like independent executables… CE uses scripts, yeah… honestly I don’t use it that way, I just search and modify the values I need, but again, the most useful feature is being able to slow down/speed up games, tbh.

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  • #81004

    Mass Effect 3 gets a lot of flak for the ending but before that it has sequences that do pay off the trilogy rather neatly, particularly the story with the Geth and their creators.

    Miles Morales: Spider-Man

    A year later, I finally played and finished this.  It gets some flak for being 10-15 hours but, to me, that still felt substantial.  The Spider-Man DLC was the perfect set-up for this game, as it continues the story seanlessly – hopefully Spider-Men 2 does the same.

    The city has never looked better, this one just having the edge even on the PS5 version of its predecessor.  The snow effects in a couple of sections was uncannily real. It’s also improved the web-swinging, hard as it may to believe.

    It has some gameplay weaknesses – targeting is still a bit floaty and the enemies always seemed to have a bit too much health for my liking.  The biggest weaknesses arose in some of its audio puzzles, as they lacked a visual cue that would have helped greatly.  There’s the odd pacing issue, especially on the final level.  The pacing was all over the place and the final boss fight went on far too long.  The epilogue section did more than make up for that, especially with the Spider-Cat costume, which is brilliant.

    Story? It’s mostly very good, what drags it down from being great is the (fe)male toxic masculinity of Phin.  That character starts off OK and rapidly collapses into a snarling, psychopath macho bastard.  I was pretty much cheering at the end when she was disposed of.  It’s not as if the game needed her to go that route with Prowler, Rhino and the wonderfully smoothly evil, what would a fit, attractive Boris Joyhnson look like, total psychopath in Simon Krieger.  He was a superb villain, especially with that corporate tagline: “Roxxon. We’re here for you.”

    For a game that gets so much right on accessibility, it also highlights its stumbles more sharply – like the lack of turn-on visual cues on audio-based puzzlesand a lack of subtitles during some fights.  Most of the time it is very, very good in this respect.

    When I got to grip to grips with Miles’ venom abilities and really started using those, in both stealth and combat, the game got great. True, there is the alert hive-mind that definitely needs working on for the sequel as does some of the stealth arenas.  But overall? It’s a very good game, with some very neat diversity aspects woven in like signing and black lives matter.

  • #81006

    No, trainers are like independent executables… CE uses scripts, yeah… honestly I don’t use it that way, I just search and modify the values I need, but again, the most useful feature is being able to slow down/speed up games, tbh.

    Well Jon… I won’t argue with you over semantics. This is what I meant:


    It works with the engine and checking out the boxes on the list… The heading says it is a trainer, but… whatever.
    Whatever it is that gives me infinite this and that and puts me in godmode. 😂

  • #81009

    Yeah, that is a trainer… now that I think about it, I might still be using a decade old version of cheat engine that doesn’t support that kind of stuff xD

    I bet there’s a stand alone version of that trainer though. Anyways, no one play that game so go ahead lol…

  • #81022

    Ernie Hudson confirms new Ghostbusters game.

    And that’s where Ernie Hudson comes in; speaking as part of an interview shared on the Countdown City Geeks YouTube channel earlier this week, Hudson revealed he’d only recently been contacted in relation to the game, as preparations begin for recording.

    “I just got an e-mail, because we’re doing another video game,” he explained. “They’re scheduling it now to do the recording and I’m not too sure who’s going to do it. I know me and [Dan Aykroyd], I think, I’m not sure if [Bill Murray] will do anything on it.”

  • #81035

    Anyways, no one play that game so go ahead lol…


    You know… I am sofa king behind on a lot of games, but I really don’t care. I am under no obligation to finish them all.

    I am a huge fan of the old style Tomb Raider games (the graphics are dated, but they still remain a very intelligent game imho).
    Now, these other fans who are programmers modified the old engine and made their own custom levels online free to download.
    The latest one sets old style Lara Croft in the setting of War of the Worlds, where she takes on villains and the aliens.

    I wish I had the time. I only play on rainy days and other boring days.

    If you are interested:

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Al-x.
  • #81258

    Speaking of Ubishit, I played Farcry 3 recently… it was alright… the first half was much better with the guy from BCS, by the second half I kinda got bored with the whole treasure hunt and side objectives, so I mostly did the main missions. Is FC4 the other good one? might check that one out in a couple of years =P

    You must mean FarCry6 – I’ll probably grab it eventually but generally don’t pay full price for games.

    My take, FC3 (set on a pacific island) was really good, FC4 (set in a Nepal-esque country) was even better ((though very similar to 3; just bigger), one of my all time favourite games (though there are two sections that are quite scary/creepy/un-nerving that I hate revisiting)).

    FarCry5 (set in Montana) was a huge step down, but if you can get the minor follow-up FarCry: New Dawn for cheap it comes with my highest recommendation. Smaller map than the other games (it’s a section of the map from FC5, but almost 20 years later), but a great aesthetic, cool weapons and a decent plot.

    PlayStation Plus was made free for the most recent weekend so I gave it a go for FIFA20. It was pretty enjoyable so they suckered me in to pay for a month. The thing is I’m really getting trounced in FIFA; like 6-1 is a typical score…

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by Andrew.
  • #81406

    EA: Andrew, you need Ultimate Team to win! Hand over your cash, all your cash.

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  • #81647

    RedOut: Space Assault

    Curently on sale for £5.19 with a PS+ discount, sounds like it can’t go wrong? Oh but it does and so very, very badly.  It doesn’t matter how cheap you get a game if that game’s design destroys the game and that’s what happens here.  I tried, I did, but this game desires self-destruction just too much.

    Initially, it seems straight-forward enough, shoot, avoid, upgrade the ship.  Then you hit the first wall that is a mission where you have no chance of success unless you have upgraded your ship to a certain level.  It is utter rubbish and nearly saw me decide against continuing.  Instead I went the route Klingon route of vengeance, powering up the ship via level grinding and then blasted that cruiser to ash.  Then, after two decent levels, it throws in this “race” level.  It was awful, I did it pure luck then a few levels later it throws in an even nastier one. And that was it, three strike and out.

    Given who made it, it is surprising that the “race” levels are so goddamn awful.  Here’s how it works: You have no course indicator, you have no sustained acceleration or braking, just a set boost that expires in the most incredibly awful places.  You have a camera that will steer you into obstacles and scenary without warning and that, combined with the above pieces, render these levels an abomination of game design. Unlike the earlier level that required a certain amount of upgrades, there is no option to races.  You have to do them perfect or fuck off.  Know what? I’m taking the hint and fucking off to play something more enjoyable.

    And that’s a shame because it is difficulty for the sake of difficulty that destroys this game.  The third race has these pillars that move up and down, so you have to slow down and time your boost right to pass through, mess one up? Restart the level because your chances are fucked.  But why would you slow down, in that way, in the context of a race? Fly around them? The camera actively blocks this.  So you have a race that requires perfection while compromising your view massively and no sustained way to accelerate or tell your motion relative to the obstacles.  It was pure luck I did the second race, that’s how close it was.  It would have been so easy to solve this – win the race, they join; lose the race? You kill a few of them and press gang the others.  Dark? Sure, but they’re all crapbags you’ll want to kill anyway.

    Even on the shooting sections where the game is strongest it has both a very erratic camera and lock-on that never seems to be fast enough or particularly effective.

    You might think a game cannot possibly offend with a price of £5.19 but, believe me, it absolutely can.

  • #81706

    Playing some split screen 2 player Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1&2 with my daughter. She is absolutely shite at it but, in her defense, she is only six. The game is something that continues to grow on me and when you are in the zone it’s an absolute blast. I b ailed on a 500 000 point combo which was pretty annoying this evening but getting back on the board and landing a 1 000 000 combo made up for it!

  • #81708

    She is absolutely shite at it but, in her defense, she is only six.

    I’ve seen your instagram posts about yous playing board games and she seems rather competitive. Be sure to post us pictures of smashed controllers when she gets older.

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  • #81709

    I actually had to tell her off this evening for punching the controller in a rage. A firey temperament.

  • #81710

    Now where could she have learnt that from? ;)

  • #81731

    She is absolutely shite at it but, in her defense, she is only six

    That sounds more like an excuse than a defence.

    I’ve been playing the Switch remake of Link’s Awakening, which is fun. I think this is the one I’d use to introduce a kid to the series. Not too difficult but not a push-over, the puzzles are generally not too obtuse and it holds your hand a bit more than the original by having that owl turn up and tell you where to go next, give dungeon hints etc, most of which you can see again any time on the map screen.

    That said, there have been a couple of moments where I’ve been wandering around, not entirely sure of what to do next ti progress  and I’ve played the original loads of times.

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  • #81777

    Kids got a Switch for Christmas. It’s an excellent console, brilliantly designed and versatile and just tons of fun. Albeit with stupidly tiny game cartridges.

    Anyway, any recommendations would be welcomed! I picked up Breath Of The Wild for me and the kids have got Mario Kart, Mario Maker, Mario Party and a few other games that don’t have Mario in the title (I’m rapidly becoming au fait with the routines of Just Dance 2022) but I’d be interested to know what the other highlights are for the console.

  • #81783

    Snipperclips is a great kid-friendly co-op puzzle game.

    Octopath Traveler is an interesting JRPG (especially visually).

    Mario Odyssey is excellent.


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  • #81786

    Luigi’s Mansion 3 looks great and the first was brilliant way back when.

    Ninty’s prices do take the mick, which is why I haven’t bagged it yet.

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  • #81804

    I’d definitely recommend getting a pro controller, too. The Joycons as a pair are fine for some stuff, but if there’s no motion controls the “proper” controller wins out for me (and they’re less likely to get stick drift, too).

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  • #81844

    Have to second the Pro Controller.  Not cheap but it’s a quality bit of kit.

  • #81885

    Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham

    Due to playing and spending too much time on this absolute piece of crap I no longer care or have any confidence in the new Lego Star Wars game because it’ll be the same idiocy that kills this game.

    Too often I couldn’t tell what I had to do, clearly see what to do or trigger inputs, because those require me to be in precise positioning. I only stuck with it as long as I did because it was a no refund, digital buy.  Even at £7.99, it’s a con.

    The final straw? A puzzle which requires me to check the colours on some pillars before jumping onto a changing platform, which is an instant kill if you get it wrong, but you cannot have both pieces of visual info on the screen at once! All I can conclude is that this game was made with the sole purpose of torturing children and adults.

    The same kind of stupid, idiotic, difficult bullshit game design crops up on Lego Harry Potter too.  There’s puzzles with next to no reset feature, lying signposting and ….  It’s a very cynical, lazy, bastard piece of game design and Travellers Tales ought to be ashamed of that and this.

    I’ve still got Lego Supervillains, as a PS+ freebie, wonder how long that’ll last before the same plague strikes it.

  • #81888

    I do find similar complaints with the Lego games sometimes. Mostly they’re very fun and intuitive but occasionally there’s a puzzle mechanic that either isn’t clear or is very faffy to get right, without much in the way of clear direction, which can get very frustrating and kill that sense of fun stone dead.

  • #81896

    I 100%ed the first Lego Batman and have consequently never felt the urge to play any of the others at all. Quite a frustrating game in places.

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  • #81930

    Another excellent documentary from NoClip. This one focusing on DMA Design, the company that would eventually become Rockstar. Weird seeing the original DMA offices on film as I’ve walked by those before when visiting Dundee.

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  • #82032

    Rumours seem to suggest that N64 GoldenEye 007 is being ported to Xbox.

    Believe it when I see it but I’d be keen to replay it with a modern, less challenging control scheme.

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  • #82091

    Started playing the Guardians Of The Galaxy game on the PS5. Only a couple of hours in so far, but it’s a fun game with a good team dynamic, and it keeps things fairly linear (which I like).

    It also has a good sense of humour and looks amazing, with that same sense of vibrant colour that the movies have. Looking forward to playing more of this.

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  • #82102

    While technically not a game, Free Guy is a hugely fun film for anyone who’s ever played games.

    Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham / Lego Super Villains

    In the end, I couldn’t leave either of these unfinished.  Though both games did, for different reasons, give indications of what I need to see in the upcoming new Lego Star Wars.

    Having got past that infernally designed puzzle, the rest of Lego Batman 3 was surprisingly more straight forward, which only emphasies the main problem with the game: It is terribly uneven.  It has some really good sections, the Resogun homage shooting levels are a lot of fun but then it follows up with a puzzle that makes no damn sense.

    Lego Super Villains suffers from that same uneven nature coupled with poor signposting and graphical clutter.  The last is more significant than might be thought, as while it’s a better looking game – and should be as it was made in 2018 compared to its 2014 predecessor – the graphics get in the way of the gameplay.  Whether that be having difficulty seeing your character because there’s four others on the screen, enemies and a boss, with lots of flashy attacks, obscuring your view – or the attack windows for the boss – or telling what something is and knowing how to interact with it.   I’d press the hint button and up would come ‘use laser on gold items’, only problem is, due to lighting effects, the gold item did not look gold to me.  Similarly, another time was to use a batarang, but I hadn’t used that technique in 10 levels.  Which leads neatly to the other problem is it’s very hard to keep track of which character has which ability and the game thinks you can do this easily.

    And then there is the True Hero / Villain status from getting enough studs which is all over the place, some levels you’ll do it easily on, on others it’ll look impossible to do and others times you’ll feel, quite justifiably, it’s been stolen from you.

    When both games are on a roll they are good, the story is well executed, there’s good voice work, it can work really well.  Until it doesn’t….

    As to what Lego Star Wars needs? Accessibility options, lots of them.

    Bayonetta (PS4)

    Playing this remastered edition in boosted form on a PS5 was superb fun.

    It’s a short game, you can be done in 7-8 hours but it is such a lunatic ride.  It’s not perfect, the Witch Time statue sequences bring a well-paced game to a screeching halt every time they turn up, the camera can be imperfect, but the main action of killing demonic angels in very creative ways? It remains ace.  Someone should have surpassed this game by now but nope, it remains in a league of its own.  How many other games finish a boss fight by you feeding the boss to your giant demon hair-dog?

    Assassins’ Creed Crossover

    Comprised of a story section in both Odyssey and Valhalla, if you have both games, this is a rather excellent freebie.  It’s also a far bigger piece of content than I expected, adding a new area to each game.

    It’s nothing that innovative, but it does throw some interesting story curveballs and even a hint, depending on how you read it, as to how the upcoming Infinity could work.

  • #82105

    I’ve started playing Hitman 2 for which you can (if you want) port over all the content from Hitman 1 (assuming you own that, or have borrowed a disc off a friend, I guess). That’s pretty cool, as there are sone quality of life changes between the two games and you can go back and use the unlockables from Hitman 2 in 1’s levels for more variety. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t copy over your progress into Hitman 2, so I’m not sure I can really be arsed to replay every map to mastery level 20 to get every unlockable. Hopefully Hitman 2’s locations offer their own versions of the basic unlockables like lockpicks and sniper rifles.

  • #82110

    Yeah I was pretty bummed when I started playing Himan 1 then a few weeks later they announced you could do that, hence rendering all my time playing 1 a bit of a waste… u_u

    I’ve been wanting to play Hitman 2, but it’s like 120GB and that’s quite the commitement… I don’t have that kind of HD real estate available, so I’ll need to finish some stuff and delete a lot of stuff beforehand.

  • #82158

    Nino No Kuni II

    It’s predecessor managed the rare feat of utterly destroying itself a few hours in with its Test of Friendship rubbish.  This one? Took a bit longer but it’s going the same way.  The reason? Skirmishes, a supposed RTS minigame that the game really, really loves and I don’t.

    Why? Because, if the minigame is an accurate representation of the RTS genre, then the genre deserves to be dead and stay dead. As all the strategy and tactics in the world don’t matter a damn when your enemy can do a mass teleporting in of reinforcements, dispersed across the map to simultaneously hit you all over the place.  At the same time, it’s so chaotic you can’t tell how you’re doing or even see how you’re doing, it’s a mass of moving blobs.  Finally, levels don’t matter, so you might think you can do a Lv 7 battle with your Lv 9 forces but you’ve no defence against mass teleportation.  Nor can you develop your forces outside of battle, bar research, but that doesn’t seem to have much impact either.

    Outside of this, the kingdom development is both time locked and inflexible.  The party ARPG part is pretty good, neat graphics, but the block and the sense of feedback for attack and defence could be much better.  There is a neat visual style for the battles.  Outside of that, the running around the world view looks oddly discordant, it doesn’t look right.

    But the biggest problem is its mandatory skirmishes – I’ve done a few, they’re unpleasant to play so I don’t want to.  There are better games competing for my attention.

    Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

    Returning to try to do stuff I left a year ago has been kind of fun but this game would be so much better without the bullshit.  Like, you head for a treasure indicator, it’s underground, where’s the entrance? It doesn’t want to tell you.  Odin’s Sight? That half-blind bastard’s sight is useless.  The raven? Also useless.  So you run aimlessly around for a few minutes and then look up the answer on YouTube.  Online guides? They take the mick with stuff like ‘go to the cave’, yes, I’ve been trying to do that. Where. Is. It?

    The anomaly sections are a masterclass in how not to do 3d platforming – badly designed mechanics, poor signposting and view, along with controls you’re not even told about.  Done a couple but there’s been others where I got nowhere and there’s far better things to do than this crap.

  • #82402

    I picked up Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate this week, as it was only £15 on Amazon (which isn’t bad given it’s a full game plus a raft of expansions that usually go for the price of another full game on top). I have to admit though, I was a little hesitant about it, given the Great Hassle I had with WB over Mortal Kombat XL.

    (very long story short: the MK XL proclaims everywhere that it comes with “all” content available but it doesn’t, it tries to sell you more stuff as soon as you boot it up, content that existed before the XL release. I complained to WB about this being misleading, they didn’t care. I went to the Advertising Standards Authority about it, who backed up my claim and WB lied to them about it being a mistake but still wouldn’t do anything about it. I went to pretty much anyone who might be able to exert some pressure on WB – Sony, Trading Standards, the UKIE – with no joy. Ultimately, in a last ditch attempt, I sent a formal letter to WB outlining that they’d missold the game and essentially lied to either me or the ASA and threatened legal action I couldn’t actually possibly afford to bring and amazingly WB caved. Made all that content free for everyone going forward (quietly ignored my suggestion they refund everyone who had been duped into paying for it), I assume because they knew they’d get clobbered in court).

    So I was pleased to see that MK 11 Ultimate is more careful in stating what it is it includes. They’ve clearly actually had a lawyer look over this instead of letting a copywriter go nuts with promises they can’t keep. It states up-front on the box that it comes with Kombat Pack 1, Kombat Pack 2 and the Aftermath expansion. There’s also a surprisingly handy page on their support website that clearly outlines what is in each of those and what each different release of MK 11 includes. Not gonna lie, I felt a little swell of pride seeing that.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t make it entirely as clear cut as you’d hope and it’s a very confusing set-up.

    First, installing the game. It comes on two discs and has a download code for the DLC. That was odd, I thought. Upon closer inspection, the code if for the DLC if you want to install this PS4 disc version on the PS5. I don’t know why it can’t get all that off the disc like the PS4 does, but whatevs, not a problem for me, I’m using a PS4. The two discs are a data disc and a play disc. They clearly state to put the data disc in first, so I did. The console tells me “please insert the data disc first”. :unsure: I take it out, put the play disc in and… it installs off it. Seems the discs have been misprinted, but are at least both present.

    I left that going, did something else, came back to it a couple of hours later, put the other disc in and booted up the game. Looked good. Went to do a quick 1-on-1 battle and 75% of the characters are locked and unavailable. WTF? Has the DLC stuff not installed correctly? Went to the main menu, opened the “handily” placed store tab and it’s offering to sell me the DLC packs supposedly included with the game. Not this shit again. I went back to the 1-on-1 select screen though and noticed the lock on characters was a download symbol and it said “time until available with a little timer”. Turns out, it’s still installing stuff, off this second disc, it just lets you play a barebones version of the game while it’s doing this. It’s an odd choice, but I guess that was Street Fighter 5’s entire schtick.

    So I did poke around the fragments of the game available for a little bit, but it said it’d be 20 minutes until chunks of it were available, so I just suspended the game, but the PS4 in rest mode and went to bed, assuming it’d sort itself out overnight. Turns out, not so much. The game has to be open and running to finish installing everything, which is just bizarre. I’d say it took 40 minutes total before it actually finished “unlocking” everything.

    The store section is still cluttered with DLC packs I already own through the Ultimate edition though (and none marked as being owned, so presumably it’s entirely possible to buy them again). I’ve ended up comparing the list of all the DLC packs available in the PS store with the ones on WB’s list as included in Ultimate and as near as I can tell there are two that, for whatever reason, I’d still have to buy separately for £5 each and one which was a pre-order thing for Aftermath, isn’t included in Ultimate directly, but can be got through the in-game “premium store” using the in-game currency of “time crystals”.

    (There’s yet more minor content that the game’s offered me as reward for downloading an app and signing up to a newsletter, FFS)

    I have zero idea what the “premium store” is nor how “time crystals” are earned. I mean, I know you can buy them from the PS Store, which I have no intention of doing, but presumably they can also be earned in game? It’s hard to tell, because a quick look at my player card show six other in-game currencies of sorts (coins, easy fatality tokens, skip match tokens, some green things, some silver things :unsure: ). It’s pretty damn confusing. I had a look at the character customisation system too, which allows you to make highly customised variations of fighters, from which versions of their moves they have, which fatalities they can use, what skin they have and even which intro and exit poses/lines they use. It is mind-bogglingly comprehensive and there’s a load of other stuff to it I’ve not mentioned because I don’t understand it at all.

    So, crucially, the core game looks pretty cool. I had fun in the couple of matches I did, (just as I did with MK XL after the Great Hassle). But good god does everything else to do with the game make for one heck of a mess. WB may have made this latest game more compliant with, you know, advertising law, but it’s still almost pointedly confusing in terms of what you do and don’t get and how.

    Is it really so much to ask that they just put out a properly “komplete” edition that just has everything in one simple package?

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  • #82409

    I’m glad it’s not just me who finds all this stuff needlessly baffling. I had similar confusion installing the PS5 version of MK11 with half of the content not working on first play. I don’t know why they have to make it all so complicated.

    Between this and Street Fighter V they’ve managed to take two of the most straightforward, simple fighting game franchises and make it feel like an achievement just to start playing a match.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #82444

    Injustice 2 was the same deal… the “complete” version wasn’t even complete on PC, it was missing a few skins which were unbuyable on steam unless you bought another version of the game… NRS can be messy with that sort of thing…

    That said, when you buy the game + the seasons, what you’re getting is basically characters and in some instances story expansions and some special promotional skins… the in-game costumes and items you still need to unlock or pay to get them, which can be a drag because it’s VERY grindy.

    Well, to make it short, since I was on PC I used cheats to give myself both types of currencies because fuck it no one cares =P

    Point being, PC gaming is better.

  • #83112

    Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4

    This should be a clear cut success but, despite some good graphics and a neat Lego aesthetic riff on the Potter world, there’s a real nasty bastard of a game at the heart of this.

    Bad visual signposting, obscure puzzles, fiddly controls – they all up to a frustrating experience where the “challenge” is a combination of either trying to work what to do or doing it or both.

  • #83161

    One of the 3 “free” games on PS+ this month was racing game Dirt5 – I bought its predecessor last year and enjoyed it enough, but this one leans a lot more into OTT arcade style fun and it’s better for it. I’m also playing online and doing reasonably well, better than on FIFA anyway. Pretty addictive!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #83231

    Microsoft spends $70bn on Activision Blizzard:

  • #83232

    And keeps Bobby Kotick.

    Also, the purchase is to drive metaverse activity, which should raise red flags.

  • #83235

    I don’t buy the metaverse angle at all.

    I suspect (hope) it’ll get clobbered by an anti-trust suit.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #83237

    And keeps Bobby Kotick.

    I believe he is indebted to serve until his masters present him with clothes.

  • #83262

    News just in: When the deal is done, so is Kotick.

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  • #83284

    News just in: When the deal is done, so is Kotick.


  • #83285

    News just in: When the deal is done, so is Kotick.

    Have you got a source on that? Because Microsoft’s own press statement said they were keeping him on.

  • #83286

    News just in: When the deal is done, so is Kotick.

    Have you got a source on that? Because Microsoft’s own press statement said they were keeping him on.

    Vague and unconfirmed.

  • #83287

    News just in: When the deal is done, so is Kotick.

    Have you got a source on that? Because Microsoft’s own press statement said they were keeping him on.

    The wording of the statement was somewhat ambiguous. It said he would remain CEO, but not for how long.

    Now it seems the expectation is that he will stay on until the deal closes but leave afterward.

    This WSJ article seems to be where this has come from:

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #83289

    I mean, even if he’s gone (and he most probably will be gone, because lawsuits and shit), the dude is still getting a nice golden parachute, so it’s not like it’s a “win”, but I guess it’s better than nothing.

    Anyways, people who use the Xbox gamepass thing are gonna be very happy in the near future. Also, I wonder if this means I’ll be finally able to buy & play Blizzard games on Steam… probably not, but hey, here’s hoping =P

  • #83302

    The guy is a billionaire, but him not being in the CEO position will be significant and could see other dodgy individuals leg it.  That would be a good outcome.

    MS know they will get too much flak for retaining him hence the interpretation he’ll be paid off and shuffled away.  I doubt they would put that out explicitly so it is reading between the lines.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #83461

    Lego Star Wars has a release date – 4 April 2022.

  • #83466

    April the fourth be with you

  • #83469

    More like Travellers Tales fuck it up

  • #83470

    Bad visual signposting, obscure puzzles, fiddly controls – they all up to a frustrating experience where the “challenge” is a combination of either trying to work what to do or doing it or both.

    I agree. I’ve played loads of these Lego games with the kids and the Harry Potter ones are by far the most frustrating. Far more than the others you are faced with a ‘what am I supposed to do now’ scenario.

    The Marvel Lego games are definitely the best, especially the second one. The ‘free play’ section is excellent flying around between the different worlds.

    I’m currently playing Dragon Age: Origins, liking the story, hating the mechanics really, compared to Skyrim I have no idea what I am doing in combat, there are probably too many options for me. May have to check some Youtube guides to push me along.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #83476

    Dragon Age Origins you want a guide for, it is deep.

    As to the new Lego Star Wars, I might have been a bit too influenced by the older games.

    The video does a very good job of showing what has changed – likely what they’ve spent the time on.

    I spotted better targeting and perspective – two of the big flaws in the older games.

    So based on the video I’m giving this a shot.  If nothing else it has an absurdly high level of content – 9 films, 20 planets, 300+ upgradeable characters.

    The only red flag is the “in-game purchases” bit but that could refer to character packs / level add-ons for stuff like Rogue One, Solo, Mando and Fett plus future series.

  • #83478

    I agree. I’ve played loads of these Lego games with the kids and the Harry Potter ones are by far the most frustrating. Far more than the others you are faced with a ‘what am I supposed to do now’ scenario.

    Yeah I played through them with my daughter last year and we had to look up quite a few walkthrough videos.

    I think partly it’s because the different characters and spells in the HP games give you so many options in terms of possible ways to solve a puzzle or overcome a hazard, and then don’t give you clear enough pointers as to which ones to use when.

  • #83481

    These posts are going to help my wife quite a bit!

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  • #83944

    Assassin’s Cred Valhalla

    For a game that is all about trying to be accessible, it has some weird decisions in it in this respect – like rendering some map markers white on a white or cream background and you can’t change the colour designation.

    Similarly, a good amount of the content – the anomaly puzzles, the standing stones and shanty collection – I neither understand nor see the fun in.

    Having gone as far as I can with it, it’d be a far better game without the bullshit.  Without it deciding it doesn’t want to indicate something interactive easily, with its puzzles being weird – the ninth century should have rolled out those indestructible doors all over the place.

    Wrath of the Druids

    Taking a trip to Dublin was fun, as was building up the trade network, establishing outposts and so on.

    The Kings Pleas on the optional quests were hilarious and become even more so after you’ve met the Kings later.  That lot are going to care about being detected, taking damage or collateral damage? It was blatant game conditions rubbish.

    The story itself was pretty good but let down by a weak finale, whereby people go nuclear on you at the drop of a hat, nor do your conversation choices really steer the plot in any way.

    The driuds were weak enemies too, reliant on teleportation and lots of graphical clutter interfering with the view of the action.

    The world design for Ireland was this DLC’s strongest card, with not even Paris really matching it – as ninth century Paris is a dump.

    The Siege of Paris

    Whatever fool designer and manager decided adding in unkillable rat swarms was a good idea needs a severe talking to, as these things wreck the DLC whenever they turn up.  As killable enemies? They’d work.  As immune to almost everything super rats? No, no they don’t.

    The story isn’t bad but it’s undermined by the same flaws in the previous DLC – simplistic politics and character responses, but furthe weakened by a final boss where you apparently have a choice in what to do with him, but it’s so badly conveyed you won’t pick up on it.  And, by the time you get to that point, the option game wants you to see as bad looks pretty damn fitting.

    It’s a pity as some of the stuff is pretty smart.  The scythe is a great addition and absurdly overpowered, but also very fun for the same reason.

    For the price I got the season pass for, both worked well enough – I certainly got more than the estimated span from them.  The Beowulf story was an OK mini extra too.

  • #83975

    So many games… So far behind.

    Still, what do you all think about Microsoft buying Activison Blizzard?

    Then again, Activision has its own internal problems:

  • #83977

    SkillUp’s video is a good one on it.

  • #84002

    Playing some Avengers but…

    All the details about factions, picking up items to your inventory, earning points to get better gear, dismantling, going to all these locations, gamepad moves… get a little too much.

    I was an Asteroids man before my reflexes got shot. Tomb Raider is a lot slower. But these games are so colorful and test the cpu and graphics card.

    Then again, I didn’t build my pc to be a $2k word processor nor a $2k PlayStation.😀

  • #84024

    If your PC is smoking, you need a new PC.

  • #84250

    Getting back into games and this Black Panther extra:

    The boss fight is taking on this guy holding this ridiculously oversized machine gun that looks as big and heavier than him (just like those Image comics from the 90s).

    When I attack too much, he forms a protective bubble and his health meter goes back up.

    I have the habit of button mashing, not caring what I press (I use the XBox pad so it is a lot of X, some Y). I have to break out of that habit and press with a purpose.

    The thing about boss fights is not to lose but to learn. See what the “boss” did, notice things, see what you did wrong, and get back at it with a new plan.

    I won’t turn to that Cheat Engine script with it’s god mode. Least not yet anyway. 😂

  • #84252

    Drop the difficulty down Al?

  • #84257


    Not all the time.

    Where would the fun be in cheating all the time?

  • #84260

    Changing the difficulty isn’t cheating, if the option is there.

    Story, aka very easy, settings are far more common now than five years ago.

    In large part due to the recognition that difficulty doesn’t always have to define a game.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #84280


    As for Black Panther… I lost a few times on the boss fight. Then I had to quit the game and tonight, I thought I would pick up where I left off, namely a few feet away from the boss. Turns out I have to start the level over again. Can’t manually save and start from there. Apparently, I have to do the level and take out the boss in the sitting, then it will save.

    I was sofa king p*ssed off but that is how it is.

    This is not Asteroids anymore. 😂 Or Tomb Raider 3 (1998) for that matter.

    Say… Anyone here pay a few bucks online to get better costumes for the characters you play?

  • #84297

    Say… Anyone here pay a few bucks online to get better costumes for the characters you play?

    I’ve never bought cosmetic DLC (unless it comes in a bundle with other stuff). I have signed up to mailing lists to get some though and man, you wouldn’t think Warner Bros would have enough going on to email you every day but they sure managed it.

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  • #84370

    Some recent plays:

    Guacamelee 2. Great fun platforming and beat em up. I love the fact that all the special moves have double uses – combat and traversal. Tricky in places but never feels unfair. There an optional side dungeon that is significantly tougher than the base game. After a few attempts i threw in the towel – didn’t want the positive experience tainted by frustration.

    Burnout Paradise Remastered. Already own this and it’s on the backwards compatible list but downloaded this version with a slightly shiner coat of paint as it’s guaranteed fun with it’s arcadey driving and repeated high speed crash carnage. It also comes with the DLC included which I haven’t played before so helps me justify double dipping.

    Timesplitters 2. Recently added to the xbox backwards compatibility list. Bought for £2 in a recent sale. Had a quick go – as fun as I remeber it on the PS2 weird control quirks aside.

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  • #84433

    Now I switched to the Hawkeye storyline. I am in this deserted Earth in the future roaming and taking on these old robots.

    The graphics are so vivid. You are in another world. Can get addicting.


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  • #84513

    Sony are buying Bungie for $3.6bn

    Pretty canny move, stops MS nabbing all the big FPSs.

    Also, out of Call of Duty, Doom, Wolfenstein and Destiny 2, D2 was the best by far.  It wasn’t even a contest.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #84522

    I am starting to get pulled back in… and I don’t really mind.

    Ok… I got Avengers, Guardians, and I played all the Arkham games because they had the Marvel and DC brand on them.
    I also got into some Star Wars and Trek games (I am sofa king way behind) because they have the brand SW and ST.

    I surmise that there may be BETTER RPG games than what I mentioned as well as BETTER space battle/adventure games, but they are under the radar as it were because they aren’t branded under a big, popular name. So they remain underrated.

    Thoughts? Opinions?

    I know that Steam has a recommendation section (ie. If you like X, you might want to try Y) etc.
    But what do you say?

  • #84523

    Oh, Mass Effect is up there with Trek and Wars in terms of being epic SF.

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  • #84524

    Oh, Mass Effect is up there with Trek and Wars in terms of being epic SF.

    ok.. Maybe two years from now for me after I get finished with my backlog of games. 😂

  • #84525

    By then we might have the new Mass Effect game too!

  • #84627
    Booted up Uncharted on PS5 and…. it is not the same game.
    Graphics are better yes, the haptic feedback is excellent, as is the 60 FPS but it is the accessibility options that have transformed it.  And one of these, the biggest change, is not in the PS4 version.
    It is “consistent centre dot”.  Idea is it helps anchor and read the 3d space.  Tried it out and….. Wow, it made a huge difference.  Tiny change but so very helpful.
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  • #84818

    I couldn’t stand seeing Stark in that crude outfit anymore.
    So I chipped in to get him a real Iron Man armor.

    Now, I see in the Marketplace all the little things you can
    purchase to get a more stylish and violent take down move and some
    fancy reaction/celebration.

    So that is how the games really makes their money😂

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #84830

    That’s how they get ya, yeah =P

    But it’s kinda crap because sometimes it feels they purposedly design something mediocre in order to sell DLC skins.

  • #84870

    That’s how they get ya, yeah =P

    But it’s kinda crap because sometimes it feels they purposedly design something mediocre in order to sell DLC skins.

    When the Batman Arkham games first started, there were all these sites by these programmers giving cheat codes and also these free skin packages you can just download and if you follow the instructions correctly on which directory to put it in, you can play Arkham with the free Batman skin. That was fun.

    Now, it seems the companies caught on and made a market of skins like the Endgame movie costumes, the Hawkeye show costumes for Clint and Kate Bishop, the Black Widow movie skin, etc…

  • #84874

    Well, I mean “free” is a matter of degrees… you still had to sign up to a website or something like that… nothing’s free =P

    And they still do that, you can still find free codes and stuff like that but you gotta keep a look-out, which can be tedious.

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  • #84877

    Coincidentally, I read a news story this morning about Halo Infinite giving away free skins. Just have to buy some expensive nail varnish to get it.

  • #84914
    Manticore: Galaxy on Fire
    This was doing rather well for itself.  A mostly straight forward space shooter with a good look in its aesthetic, so what went wrong?
    It destroyed itself in the same way RedOut Space Assault <did.  It put in a “race” level where you have to collect all the orbs in time but made the visible view of the “course ” you are to follow very, very compromised.  The result is you miss orbs or run out of time because you can’t see where to go quickly and easily in a full 3D space.
    It has a couple of other weaknesses on addition to the above game killer.  One is a ‘follow the ping’ exploration system.  Why so many game designers love this shit I’ll never know.  It is awful.
    The other irritant is boss enemies have a weakness that you should adjust your loadout for, but it won’t always tell you the weakness until after you start the mission and you can’t change your load out.  It’s dumb, irritating design.
    For £1.79 I can’t be that annoyed at it but definitely don’t pay the full price of £17.99 for it.  It is, however, sad to see a good game screw itself over for the sake of a pointless game wall block.  And both games did exactly that.
  • #85019

    10 Black Innovators Who Changed the Gaming Industry

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  • #85130

    This Avengers forces you to start as the young girl and through her the game opens up.

    My mistake was skipping that section and getting to Iron Man, Hawkeye, Panther.

    They should have put in Carol Danvers as Marvel instead of the young girl.

    Then again if everyone had a choice, no one would have started with the young girl. I sure didn’t and didn’t want to.

    It is fun though evading the robots and probes.

    Til next time

  • #85149

    Then again if everyone had a choice, no one would have started with the young girl. I sure didn’t and didn’t want to.

    Interested to know why you think this. Is it because she’s a young girl?

    Lots of gamers are young girls – and lots of gamers who aren’t are still happy to play as a wide variety of characters.

    Or is it just a case of wanting to get to the ‘big guns’ of the Avengers straight away?

    I haven’t played the game, but am I right in thinking it’s Kamala Khan? She’s a great character in the comics so I hope they’ve managed to translate that to the game.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #85159

    I haven’t played the game, but am I right in thinking it’s Kamala Khan?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #85189

    Then again if everyone had a choice, no one would have started with the young girl. I sure didn’t and didn’t want to.

    Interested to know why you think this. Is it because she’s a young girl?

    Lots of gamers are young girls – and lots of gamers who aren’t are still happy to play as a wide variety of characters.

    Or is it just a case of wanting to get to the ‘big guns’ of the Avengers straight away?

    I haven’t played the game, but am I right in thinking it’s Kamala Khan? She’s a great character in the comics so I hope they’ve managed to translate that to the game.

    Yes. It is to play as one of the big guns right from the start

    Yes. I am talking about Kamala Khan.

    I really have to say these vivid graphics are so much better than Tomb Raider 3 and Asteroids…😂

    Cute. Years ago, there was some show in Asia with all these startling lights and a lot of kids started throwing up or something. (Disney + issues a warning now before it streams a show).

    Now this Avengers game got a warning about the lights before the game starts. They even have this spoiler of sorts about these attacking spider robots if you have arachnophobia.

    I just wish HBO Max warned me about that huge starfish and all those rats in that Suicide Squad movie.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Al-x.
  • #85289

    Last night’s Nintendo Direct was a bit of a surprise smash hit. Short notice announcement for a stream about “games due in 2022”, which I figured just meant lots of focus on that upcoming Kirby game, Splatoon 3 and maybe Breath of the Wild.

    But then they announced a new Mario Strikers, a new Wii Sports, ports of Portal, a remake of Front Mission 1, a remaster of Chrono Cross with a previously Satellaview exclusive text thing added in, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, a 2DHD remake of Live A Live for pete’s sake and then 48 DLC tracks for Mario Kart 8, doubling the size of the game.

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  • #85311


    Ever played and was doing real well on a level or a big boss fight and a young one like a toddler was around and they pushed a button and turned the whole thing off? 😂

    I mean… That is almost as bad as watching a close playoff NFL game where there are seconds left, 3rd and goal from the 3 yard line and … you know.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Al-x.
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