Top Lists


I make a lot of Top 5 lists. Maybe you do to?

No need to restrict it to Top 5, it can be Top 10 or Top 3 or Top whatever.

Bottom lists are also allowed, obviously.

Feel free to share, comment, criticize and take inspiration.

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  • #95479

    Bold to not include Ditko!

    His art looks like shit.

  • #95481

    Bold to not include Ditko!

    His art looks like shit.

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  • #95483

    I’m not being entirely truthful, but I couldn’t resist the shock value of that statement.

    But in actuality, having grown up with artist styles that build on and have evolved from the art of “the greats” my appreciation of comic book art has come to a point where I appreciate and to a certain level expect more than what people like Ditko and Kirby did on covers and interiors. Much like I expect more from writers than I expect when reading an old Stan Lee-penned tale.

    That does not mean to discount their contributions to the medium, be it in character designs or the evolution of the art of sequential storytelling. I can appreciate those things all the same, while at the same time having a hard time reading their comics.

    It’s not like I expect every person at a rave festival to appreciate Kraftwerk just because they did it first.

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  • #95484

    I do get that, but with Ditko I think there is genuinely something great on the page with his Spider-Man.

    It’s not just that he set the tone for so much that came after; because actually, in a lot of ways, Marvel immediately ditched a lot of Ditko’s approach to the character when Romita Sr came in and made everyone attractive and everything look much more slick and glossy.

    But when you look back at Ditko’s figure work and his strange faces and figures and poses, there’s nothing quite like him as far as Spidey is concerned – and to me it creates a unique feeling that few Spider-Man artists have even tried to emulate (Marcos Martin springs to mind, and McFarlane kind of did a take on it in his own way – but I think many more artists have been in the Romita Sr tradition).

    As for the rest of your list though, it’s hard to argue. They’re all defining Spidey artists.

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  • #95485

    Marvel immediately ditched a lot of Ditko’s approach to the character when Romita Sr came in and made everyone attractive and everything look much more slick and glossy.

    it creates a unique feeling that few Spider-Man artists have even tried to emulate (Marcos Martin springs to mind, and McFarlane kind of did a take on it in his own way – but I think many more artists have been in the Romita Sr tradition).

    Interesting, I’ve never thought about his art (or the legacy thereof) in that way. Then I’ve never studied Ditko closely either, simply because what I’ve been seeing on the pages hasn’t been to my immediate liking.

    I do appreciate the input, Dave! Maybe I’ll dive in to his Spider-Man more fully the next time I need a reading binge.

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  • #95487

    I love Ditko’s art (maybe on Strange it’s even more dazzling) but I do appreciate how it’s not immediately attractive.

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  • #95604

    Top 5 acts of Diablo II Resurrected

    1. V
    2. II
    3. III
    4. I
    5. IV


    Top 5 Diablo II Resurrected boss fights:

    1. Diablo
    2. The Ancients
    3. Baal
    4. Griswold (The D1 Nostalgia giving me a kicking here, and he would probably have been added higher up if he spoke in Gothenburgese)
    5. Andariel


  • #95610

    Top 5 Red Dwarfs (Dwarves?):

    1/ VI

    2/ V

    3/ IV

    4/ III

    5/ II


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  • #95612

    Top 5 Red Dwarfs (Dwarves?):

    Reds Dwarf

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  • #95614

    Top 5 QI panelists (no internal order):

    Alan Davies

    Noel Fielding

    Bill Bailey

    Aisling Bea

    Sarah Millican

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  • #95616

    Top 5 Red Dwarfs (Dwarves?):

    1/ VI

    2/ V

    3/ IV

    4/ III

    5/ II



    1) V

    2) 2

    3) IV

    4) 1

    5) VI

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  • #95617

    That seems harsh for III, which contains Marooned and “where do all the calculators go?” but there is no wrong way to make such a list, really… so long as nothing after VI is on it.

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  • #95619

    That seems harsh for III, which contains Marooned and “where do all the calculators go?” but there is no wrong way to make such a list, really… so long as nothing after VI is on it.

    To be honest the order changes each time I do it.

    I’ve really come to appreciate series 2 in recent years, which really takes the core concept and vibe of series 1 and perfects it. It has some great ideas and more expansive concepts (as well as maybe the best episode they ever did – Thanks For The Memory, with a clever concept and structure that I’m sure a young Steven Moffat must have enjoyed) but without losing that isolation and loneliness aspect.

    That aspect diminished a bit with later series where everything seemed a bit more populated and adventurous, but having said that I do love the busier feel of IV-VI too – and VI in particular has some of the best gags the series has ever done (Legion is maybe the funniest episode per minute of all Red Dwarf).

    In that context, III is kind of the transitional series where you were still spending a lot of time on board the ship but starting to branch out with more guest characters and varied locations, and a refreshed look and feel for the show overall.

    In short, Red Dwarf, it’s good isn’t it?

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  • #95623

    It’s not like I expect every person at a rave festival to appreciate Kraftwerk just because they did it first.


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  • #95625

    It’s not like I expect every person at a rave festival to appreciate Kraftwerk just because they did it first.


    I mean, I agree. Kraftwerk is easily in my Top 5 bands of all time.

  • #95653

    Top 5 Borderlands 2 NPCs:

    1. Claptrap (Who else?)

    ARE YOU SERIOUS? that hunk of tin needs to STFU.

    1. Lilith(I actually met her VA. nice person)
    2. Mad Moxxi
    3. Tiny Tina (her raid on Dragon Keep- great DLC)
    4. Torgue (another great DLC)
    5. Scooter

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  • #95656

    top 5 QI (from my limited viewing)
    Rich Hall
    Bill Bailey
    Alan Davies
    Jimmy Carr
    Standard Female(i forget their names)

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  • #95657

    Standard Female

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  • #95683

    ARE YOU SERIOUS? that hunk of tin needs to STFU.

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  • #95685

    top 5 QI (from my limited viewing)
    Rich Hall
    Bill Bailey
    Alan Davies
    Jimmy Carr
    Standard Female(i forget their names)

    I was considering Rich Hall as well. Sean Lock too.

  • #95690

    Top 5 Alien franchise films

    1. Aliens
    2. Alien
    3. Alien³
    4. Alien: Covenant
    5. Alien Resurrection

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  • #95695

    Top 5 aliens:

    1/ E.T.

    2/ Spock

    3/ Grimlock

    4/ Zim

    5/ Superman

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  • #95697

    Top 5 Movie Robots:

    1. Robocop

    2. C3po

    3. R2d2

    4. Wall-E

    5. T-800

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  • #95698

    Top 5 Fives:

    1) Johnny 5

    2) Red Dwarf V

    3) Thunderbird 5

    4) The Famous Five

    5) Five Guys

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  • #95699

    1) Johnny 5

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  • #95700

    Top 5 Movie Robots:

    1. Robocop

    2. C3po

    3. R2d2

    4. Wall-E

    5. T-800

  • #95701

    Top 5 Movie Robots:

    1. Robocop

    2. C3po

    3. R2d2

    4. Wall-E

    5. T-800

  • #95702

    Top 5 Five Songs:

    1/ The one by Queen

    2/ Everybody Get Up

    3/ Um… yeah, I haven’t thought this through at all…

    4/ Something by someone else? What did Westlife do? A Billy Joel song?

    5/ My Lovely Horse

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  • #95704

    Top five Thunderbird vehicles in order of coolness.

    1) Thunderbird 2

    2) Thunderbird 3

    3) Thunderbird 4

    4) Thunderbird 1

    5) Thunderbird 6

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  • #95709

    1) Thunderbird 1

    2) Thunderbird 2

    3) Thunderbird 4

    4) Thunderbird 3

    5) Thunderbird 6

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  • #95710

    Outrageous ranking. Thunderbird 1 is a rocket, Thunderbird 3 is a bright red space rocket that flies out of a swimming pool! No contest.

    At least we agree that Thunderbird 5 is a big boring hunk of junk.

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  • #95714

    No, no Thunderbird 1 flies out of the swimming pool! Its launch sequence is much cooler than Thunderbird 3’s. Not quite as cool as the Thunderbird 2 launch sequence, but it still edges ahead of 2 in overall coolness by virtue of being faster.


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  • #95716

    Top 5 Babylon stations

    5: Babylon Station

    4: Babylon 2

    3: Babylon 3

    4: Babylon 5

    5: Babylon 4

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  • #95718

    No, no Thunderbird 1 flies out of the swimming pool! Its launch sequence is much cooler than Thunderbird 3’s. Not quite as cool as the Thunderbird 2 launch sequence, but it still edges ahead of 2 in overall coolness by virtue of being faster.


    Oh yeah, you’re right. I had misremembered.

    Thunderbird 2 is the coolest because of the pods. Pods are cool!

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  • #95719

    No, no Thunderbird 1 flies out of the swimming pool! Its launch sequence is much cooler than Thunderbird 3’s. Not quite as cool as the Thunderbird 2 launch sequence, but it still edges ahead of 2 in overall coolness by virtue of being faster.



    Thunderbird 2 is the coolest not just for aesthetic reasons, but because of the interchangable modules that store smaller Thunderbirds. It is the perfect combination of function and form.

    Here are the launch sequeces for 1-4:

  • #95722

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  • #95742

    Top 5 Babylon stations 5: Babylon Station 4: Babylon 2 3: Babylon 3 4: Babylon 5 5: Babylon 4

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  • #95744

    Look at the counter-rotating sections and the positioning of the solar panels! And it has engines! It won the original Shadow War!

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  • #95746

    Seeing as your list is numbered 5-4-3-4-5, does that make #3 the top pick?

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  • #95759

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  • #95884

    Are replicants robots? if so

    1. Roy Batty

    2. Rusty the boy robot

    3. Marvin  from Hitchhikers(especially when voiced by Alan Rickman)

    4. Vision from Avengers

    5. Data


    p.s. after watching Thunderbirds clip, the Tracy family need a trip to a good Esthetician(MY GOD! the eyebrows are out of control). I am sure Lady Penelope could recommend one.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #95936

    Found this old wizard Top 10 Spider-Man stories. It’s from around 1998 or so, so nothing from the 2000s on this list.

    I actually forgot about High Tide when making my list. I really like that story. Maybe it wouldn’t make my list anyway, but something about it really works for me. It’s also one of the few instances where Spider-Man kills someone, and while that may sound wildly out of character for anyone who hasn’t read the story… Read the story.

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  • #95937

    Split the post in two because I didn’t want to wait for the forum to eat the post before I did so:

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  • #96029

    Top 5 prisoners:

    5 Number 66
    4 Number 16
    3 Number 2
    2 Number 6
    1 WHO IS NUMBER 1???

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  • #96037

    Top 5 TV shows

    1. Band of Brothers
    2. Twin Peaks
    3. Game of Thrones
    4. Chernobyl
    5. South Park

    I did not consider any of the BBC Earth series, like Planet Earth, Blue Planet etc. While I find that Game of Thrones kind of shit the bed at the end, that doesn’t disqualify it from this list. The first 4-5 seasons are still miles ahead of any competition in the fantasy genre. Bested only by the LotR movies, which are not eligible for this list because they are movies.

    South Park has a special place in my heart. It’s a bit uneven, sure, but when it’s good it’s sometimes so genius and so damn fucking funny I had to include it. Rick and Morty is a close runner-up there, but not quite it.

    Neon Genesis Evangelion was also close to be included, but in my mind it wasn’t quite top 5.

    A final honourable mention: The Wire.

  • #96043

    Top 5 (actually 6) TV shows:

    1. Thunderbirds
    2. Star Trek (original)
    3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    4. Twin Peaks
    5. Babylon 5 / Blake’s 7 (tie)

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  • #96046

    Top 5 vegetables:

    1/ Broccoli

    2/ Carrot

    3/ Potato

    4/ Corn

    5/ Spinach

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  • #96048

    Top 5 Vegetables:

    1. Cheese

    2. Marijuana

    3. Chips/Crisps

    4. Popcorn

    5. Ice Cream

    Not sure if it’s obvious or not, but my diet went out the window during the summer.

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  • #96181

    Top 5 Ridley Scott movies:

    1. Blade Runner
    2. Alien
    3. The Martian
    4. Robin Hood Prince of Thieves

  • #96475

    Top 5 people to have on your side in a big bar brawl. Current, historical and or fictional. Persons or characters.

    1. Doc Holliday
    2. Batman
    3. Frank Castle (The Punisher)
    4. Morpheus
    5. Obi-Wan Kenobi

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  • #96476

    4. Morpheus

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by DavidM.
  • #96483

    Top 5 Vowels:

    1/ a – naturally

    2/ o – gives us that lovely ‘oo’ sound to play with

    3/ i – that cheeky little dot keeps us all paying attention

    4/ u – to be commended for its charity work with q

    5/ e – overrated

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  • #96484

    that cheeky little dot keeps us all paying attention

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  • #96485

    Top 5 Vowels

    1. A – Heck, this might even be my favourite letter. Great for screaming, something I enjoy doing. And it’s also the first letter of the alphabet.

    2. Ö – This one does a lot of the jobs pulled by U in the english language. Öööh > Uuuh. Ö is also a swedish word (for Island). Also the last letter of the alphabet.

    3. Å – This one is excellent at enhancing the melody of the language. And it’s also a word, for creek or river. And sometimes it means “on”.

    4. Y – This is definitely, 100%, a vowel in swedish and that this fact might irritate someone automatically qualifies a spot on this list.

    5. O – One of my favourite O-sounds is when you breathe in while saying it. I think I would onomatopetically spell that sound “oof”, but that’s not the full story. Great vowel, would say again.

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  • #96488

    Not fair making up extra vowels!

  • #96490

    Not fair making up extra vowels!

    Well, be happy Ä didn’t make the list.

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  • #98095

    Top 5 Studio Albums

    No internal order, except for #1:

    1. Röyksopp – Melody AM (2001)
    Kraftwerk – Radioaktivität (1975)
    Röyksopp – The Inevitable End (2014)
    Teddybears STHLM – Rock N Roll High School (2000)
    Daft Punk – Discovery (2001)

    Top 5 Swedish studio albums (no internal order)

    Hinkstep – Sunrise from the treetops (2014)
    Doktor Kosmos – Evas Story (2000)
    The Knife – Deep Cuts (2003)
    Nationalteatern – Barn av vår tid (1978)
    Håkan Hellström – Känn Ingen Sorg För Mig Göteborg (2000)

    (I disqualified Teddybears STHLM from the second list because they were on the first and so that it wasn’t too easy.)

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  • #98106

    Top 5 Studio Albums

    No internal order, except for #1:

    1. Röyksopp – Melody AM (2001)
    Kraftwerk – Radioaktivität (1975)
    Röyksopp – The Inevitable End (2014)
    Teddybears STHLM – Rock N Roll High School (2000)
    Daft Punk – Discovery (2001)

    Top 5 Swedish studio albums (no internal order)

    Hinkstep – Sunrise from the treetops (2014)
    Doktor Kosmos – Evas Story (2000)
    The Knife – Deep Cuts (2003)
    Nationalteatern – Barn av vår tid (1978)
    Håkan Hellström – Känn Ingen Sorg För Mig Göteborg (2000)

    (I disqualified Teddybears STHLM from the second list because they were on the first and so that it wasn’t too easy.)

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  • #98107

    I saw them live after they released their second album. I believe it was in Stockholm, not sure.

    The show was something alright. Very artsy and very fitting!

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  • #98114

    Top 3 bands I saw live on Sunday

    3: Priest
    2: Mimi Barks
    1: Combichrist

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  • #98128

    Top 5 Swedish studio albums (no internal order)

    Viktoria Tolstoy – Shining On You (2004)
    Viktoria Tolstoy – My Swedish Heart (2005)
    Flower Kings – Waiting for Miracles (2019)
    ABBA – The Album (1975)
    ABBA – ABBA (1977)

    It’s possible that I don’t know many Swedish bands B-)

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  • #98134

    It’s possible that I don’t know many Swedish bands

    You should really listen to Samla Mammas Manna. I really think they would be partly up your alley. In fact, I’ve posted one of their performances (on an american TV show) on one of the board iterations and I remember you liking it to some extent. If I don’t misremember, you drew some unsurprising parallels between them and Focus.

    It was this performance btw:

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  • #98135

    Top 5 Movie Robots:

    1. Robocop

    Robocop’s a cyborg, not a robot.

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  • #98136

    Top 5 Movie Robots:

    1. Robocop

    Robocop’s a cyborg, not a robot.

    Can’t wait until you get a load of my Top 5 Vegetables list above.

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  • #98137

    Top 5 Movie Robots:

    1. Robocop

    Robocop’s a cyborg, not a robot.

    Can’t wait until you get a load of my Top 5 Vegetables list above.

    In an attempt to nip that one in the bud:

    “Fruit” vs. “Vegetable”: Thyme To Explain The Actual Difference

  • #98294

    Been hassling back and forth all day with a “Top 5 movie endings” but there’s so many to choose from.

    My sketch of a list looks like this:

    Brokeback Mountain – “Jack, I swear”



    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas – “Just another freak, in the freak kingdom”


    Bill & Teds Bogus Journey

    Back to the Future II

    Life of Brian

    Dead Poets Society

  • #98299

    BTTF2, but not 1? You crazy

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  • #98300

    Also, The Matrix needs to be on that list somewhere.

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  • #98304

    I guess there’s a difference between best ending and best last line, but my list of best last lines would include Steve Rogers’ “I had a date”.



  • #98309

    Also, The Matrix needs to be on that list somewhere.

    Phonebooth Superman? Meh.

  • #98310

    My list of great endings might include:

    Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
    The Sixth Sense
    Dead Poets Society
    Infinity War

    Or it might include something else entirely :unsure:

  • #98312

    Also, The Matrix needs to be on that list somewhere.

    Phonebooth Superman? Meh.

    I think Superman is already phonebooth Superman.

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  • #98316

    The climax of the Matrix movie is very good, but that’s not how the movie ends. The movie ends with Neo exiting a phone booth and flying away.

    I think Superman is already phonebooth Superman.

    In a complete ripoff of at least two Superman tropes.

  • #98319

    That is a great way to end it, though. It’s an ending that screams, “Anything could happen now, there are endless possibilities… no, our mistake, here’s a lame sequel to take away all the joy you might have had debating this in the pub for years afterwards.”

    See also: Blade Runner.


  • #98398

    Top 5 recreational drugs:

    1. Hashish – all kinds of Marijuana/THC takes the top spot on my list but smoking hashish (and black afghan) is my favourite way of getting high.
    2. LSD – Good for therapy, good for a laugh. Caution is warranted but man, it’s good.
    3. Amphetamine – Maybe a bit controversial of me to mention it as such, seeing as I’ve had a major problem with it, but at the same time it can’t really come as a surprise, right? I love me some speed.
    4. Ketamine – Amazing for a laugh. And good for some therapy. A tad expensive and short-lived, but it’s goooood. Caution warranted: Addictive.
    5. Magic Mushrooms/Psilocybin/Psilocin/4-HO-DMT – Call it what you will. Better for therapy than for a laugh, but still good.

    Honourable mentions: Alcohol, Nicotine, Mescaline, Salvia Divinorum, GBL/GHB.

    Dishonourable mentions: Caffeine, Cocaine, Nitrous Oxide.

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  • #98493

    Top 5 things to get at the pick and mix

    1/ Fizzy cola bottles (note – not actual bottles)

    2/ Jelly beans (note – not actual beans)

    3/ Those white chocolate buttons with the sprinkles on top (note – not actual buttons)

    4/ Fried eggs (note – not actual fried eggs)

    5/ Giant strawberries (note – not actual strawberries)

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  • #98513

    Top five persons I would invite to write an episode of Doctor Who, if I was the showrunner:

    5) Mikael Niemi
    4) Warren Ellis
    3) Alastair Reynolds
    2) Alan Moore
    1) China Miéville

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  • #98527

    1/ Fizzy cola bottles (note – not actual bottles)

    Are these the pink and turquoise ones?

  • #98530

    Top 5 Lösgodis (or pick and mix, whatever you want to call it):


    1. Happy Cola

    2. Salta Nappar

    3. Amerikanska Linser

    4. Marianne

    5. Banana Bubs

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  • #98536

    4. Marianne

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  • #98540

    1/ Fizzy cola bottles (note – not actual bottles)

    Are these the pink and turquoise ones?

    I tend to get the regular brown and white ones, coated in even more sugar.

    Not sure what the pink and blue ones are all about. Pepsi bottles?

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  • #98544

    Not sure what the pink and blue ones are all about.

    I think it’s got something to do with putting them in ones mouth. Like boobs and cocks.

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  • #98545

    Not sure what the pink and blue ones are all about.

    I think it’s got something to do with putting them in ones mouth. Like boobs and cocks.

    Ah, the ol’ Amsterdam pick and mix.

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  • #98546

    Boobs and cocks and drugs. I wouldn’t want a life without them.

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