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This was OK. I suspect the text pieces enhance it further, but the font made those hard to read for me.
Where the book excels is its depiction of the US post WW1. It’s easy to forget about prohibition and what it represented in the US. That strand of buried, and-not-so-buried, intolerane runs through the story.
Garth Ennis Battle Action
A seven story celebration of the Action, Ennis writes the set, with excellent art collaborators to back him up.
Ennis writing war stories is a no-brainer. All of these are excellent – nab it.
Robin and Batman HC
The only flaw here is that this should have been an OHC.
That aside, where art partners are concerned, Nguyen is up with Sorrentino where Lemire is concerned. Both artists on their own are excellent, but their work with Lemire tends to be that bit better still.
This is a compact, three issue tale focuses on Robin in relation to Batman. And it is a great little story that deserves attention.
Rogue Sun Volume 1
Part of the Massive-verse started by Kyle Higgins and friends, this is the first of the books in addition to Radiant Black.
On the one hand, Dylan’s eventual destination of no longer being the arse he starts off as is probably assured. Even so, starting him off as a bullying slacker is a bold choice and, after the six issues collected here, I can’t say I like the character. But I suspect some smart follow through based on how Radiant Black approached well known superhero concepts.