The Trades Thread: collected editions discussion

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  • This topic has 1,125 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Dave.

Are you tired of reading comics in short, monthly instalments?

Do you yearn for nice, smart books with spines, dustjackets and no ads?

Are you willing to pay ridiculously inflated prices for hardcover reprints of comics you already own in three different editions, just because the page size in the new version is ½” bigger?

Then this is the thread for you!

Viewing 100 replies - 101 through 200 (of 1,126 total)
  • #78376

    Lone Wolf and Cub and other related books up on Humble Bundle. Lone Wolf and Cub is worth price of entry alone. I got a Kindle Fire for my birthday in October so Ill be all over this.

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  • #78444

    Murder Falcon is getting a deluxe OHC

    And the first of the Busiek reprints are showing up. Arrowsmiths in OHC form. “This edition, in hardcover for the first time, will present the art as PACHECO originally intended.” ‎ 978-1534322066

    Also Astro City Metrobook v1. “Collects KURT BUSIEK’S ASTRO CITY, VOL. 1 (#1-6) & VOL. 2 (#1-12, #9;)” ‎ 978-1534322042


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  • #78448

    Murder Falcon is getting a deluxe OHC

    Great. Will have to pick that up.

    Hope Extremity gets a complete collection too.

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  • #78455

    I own Arrowsmith in singles and the original trade but will likely get the HC.  So pleased it’s back so I want to support it.


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  • #78478

    Recent reads:

    Helm Greycastle Volume 1

    This was an interesting take on the mythology of Mexico.  It was a little confusing at first as it’s more fantasy alternate history than alternate history, which takes a bit of getting used to.

    Hope they continue it.

    Time After Time Volume 1

    This was a surprisingly refreshing take on time travel from the Write It In Blood team.  It’s trump card is not getting bogged in the mechanics of how time travel works, it simply says it does and asks what happens them.  The answer is cross-time crime syndicates!

    American Vampire: 1976

    For a long time I really thought this series was fated to join the long, long list of comic serial stories forgotten or abandomed by their creators, doomed to remain unfinished.

    Fortunately, it proved not to be so and this is an excellent conclusion.  Though, it probably works better when you can pick up the dizzying array of references to preceding tales that are scattered across it – I had a, at best, hazy recall as it had been so long.

    This worked really well, both as a conclusion and a final musing on the nature of the US.

    Hopefully, there will eventually be a second omnibus to accomany the first.

    Nocterra Volume 1

    This was a fun ride and quite distinct from Snyder’s other works.  Some excellent art from Daniel, backed up with colours to match made for a great opening shot.

    It’s also neatly done in the end pages how future arcs are set up and alluded to.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Ben.
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  • #78813

    Panini have released a Captain Britain omnibus, covering the excellent Alan Davis run on the book. Price looks pretty decent for this kind of thing.

  • #78829

    I was thinking of grabbing that but saw some mixed reviews – apparently it isn’t oversized in the usual Marvel omnibus style and some people have compared its production values unfavourably to the Marvel US editions.

    Has anyone here bought it?

  • #79075

    Sad to see the new Astro City trade is just a paperback trade, not an OHC – still, get it if you haven’t read it.  Even 25 years on, no one has really replicated its take on superheroes.  Out in March.

  • #79385

    Ultimate Omnibus – ‎ 978-1302945657 Doesn’t even have Ultimates 3 though, so what’s the point?

    Isn’t that a point in its favour? :unsure:

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  • #79387

    I haven’t bought it but I saw it in Forbidden Planet the other day. It’s definitely a smaller format than US omnibuses but looked decent enough and I think has content at the end not included in the US edition, though I’ll have to check to be certain if that.

  • #79391

    Black Friday offers:

    Speedyhen – 10% off with code BLACKFRIDAY21

    Wordery – Buy 3 books, get 15% off with FRIDAY15

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  • #79398

    Thanks Ben. You’ve just saved me a chunk of cash on some preorders with that Speedyhen code.

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  • #79402

    Twitter does have its uses.

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  • #79498

    Good news, bad news:

    The bad – Boom under-printed for both OHCs for Once And Future and Sonething Is Killing The Children.  How this plays out in terms of UK availability is anyone’s guess.

    The good – The OAF OHC will collect the first three trades, not two! This renders it far better.

  • #79502

    That’s great news. Even more tempted to grab that now.

  • #79510

    Wondering if I erred in waiting for Immortal Hulk OHC’s.

    Checked around for the regular HC’s and I can’t even find the first one, plus the others aren’t even on sale (for me) this weekend.
    I guess I can wait a little longer.

  • #79514

    The existing HCs are OHCs. The fourth one just came out.

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  • #79515

    Did a quick look on Book Depository:

    OHCs 3-4 came out this year so ought to still be available

    OHCs 1-2, however, were 2019 and 2020 respectively so might be a bit harder to obtain.

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  • #79516

    That’s great news. Even more tempted to grab that now.

    If you can!

  • #79517

    Omar did also mention that Boom has reprinting scheduled for both but later in 2022:

    • Once & Future – April
    • Something Is Killing The Children – July

    For collecting trades, Near Mint Condition is a very good YT channel to subscribe to.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by Ben.
  • #79521

    That’s great news. Even more tempted to grab that now.

    If you can!

    £26.84 at Speedyhen with Ben’s code so I’ll take a punt there.

  • #79613

    The existing HCs are OHCs

    Ah, so they are. While they are smaller than Black Hammer Library editions or Absolutes, they match up with Once and Future Deluxe (which is just a touch bigger than other Deluxe comparables).

    I guess regular size would be the Reckless books and DC’s Earth one series.

    Vol.’s 1 & 2 seem to be unavailable online, but can be found in stores.
    As a consumer I am a bit unhappy with the sales around here anyways, so I guess I can wait.
    Plus my unread pile is massive.
    It’ll go on the list with John Byrne’s FF vol. 2 omnibus, the Fatale Deluxe HC’s, and a few others.

  • #79930

    Well, there’s a revoltin’ development.  The King in Black omnibus will come in at a RRP of $150.  May be the first Marvel omnibus at that price but it won’t be the last.

    Other news is August 2022 sees Marauders OHC2 and Hellions OHC.  Good to see those listed.

  • #79951

    Dealer Alert

    X-Men: Inferno Prologue Omnibus now going at BooksEtc for £47.43!

  • #79971

    Thanks, Ben. I had ordered the direct market edition from FP – got to love the Art Adams cover! But, this is £10 cheaper, so I’ve cancelled that and ordered this instead.

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  • #79984

    I finally finished reading Jason Aaron’s Thor run, having binged the back half of it (inc. War of the Realms and the first few Avengers trades) over the last couple of weeks.

    The run never quite achieves the highs of that initial God Butcher arc, but remains highly engaging throughout. Exciting, world/ realm shaking events, combined with moments of beautiful introspection from the characters involved. Accompanied, for the most part, with some excellent artwork from the likes of Dautermann, McGuiness, del Mundo and Ribic.

    At times, elements did feel stretched out and padded. I certainly don’t buy that the whole Jane Foster storyline or the inclusion of the Ultimate Thor was the plan along. But, it is to Aaron’s skill as a writer that he manages to weather the storm (sorry) and stick the landing remarkably well.

    I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Avengers chapters. I had kind of dismissed the book when it launched, but the crazy all out action of the book is infectious. I’ll certainly be continuing to read this further on Marvel Unlimited.

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  • #80503

    Really good to have Inferno Prologue omnibus in place.

    Fall of the Mutants in May 2022, then the last piece needed will be Uncanny X-Men omnibus 5.

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  • #80509

    Really good to have Inferno Prologue omnibus in place.

    Fall of the Mutants in May 2022, then the last piece needed will be Uncanny X-Men omnibus 5.

    oh, is it released?

  • #80513

    Omnibus 5? Nope, no sign of it yet.

    Inferno Prologue is out.

  • #80963

    I purchased a Transformers humble bundle years ago. Never got around to reading the books as it was a pain in the arse reading on the computer. Got them on my Kindle now and looking for a suggested reading order. These are the titles and the order they are automatically sorted in to. Is this ok or is there a better order?


  • #80967

    They’re not all related.

    Classics 1-4 is the Marvel US run. Regeneration One is a follow up to that, but you’re missing a few volumes.

    Fall of Cybertron is a video game tie-in. Rage of the Dinobots is a TV show tie-in.

    For the others, there are gaps, but a rough order is:

    Autocracy, Spotlight, All Hail Megatron 1-4, For All Mankind, MTMTE v1, RiD v1, MTMTE v2, RiD v2.

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  • #81070

    Recent reads I’ve forgotten to review:


    A fun AWA miniseries by Bryan Hill, who one day might return to the Postal series, this one focuses on a tricked out super-car, think Knight Rider, but the computer is the digitised soul of its last driver.

    Covid Chronicles

    A set of 10 true short stories covering the globe, this is an excellent collection but one you have to be in the right frame of mind to read.

    Batman: The World

    A short story collection by a global set of creators, by its nature, it will be patchy and hit ‘n’ miss, but that’s not to say it’s bad.


    Johns and Frank’s creator owned series isn’t the first volume in a multi-volume epic.  Instead, this tells the story of one hero inthe US, both pre and post apocalypse – Geiger.  In doing so, it mentions various other heroes and that’s where they’re going next, to tell one of their stories.  In effect it’ll be an anthology tale.  It’s pretty good, but then this is a cheap collection so, at that price, I’m inclined to not be that critical.

    Star Wars: High Republic Volume 2

    I continue to really enjoy the various strands of this SW project, especially now as it’s doing events in parallel.  Why wasn’t Avar and other Jedi available to help during the Drengir attack on Valo? Because they were occupied with a sentient carivorous plant hive-mind! One deep in the depths of wild space and originally imprisoned by the Sith.

    Wonder Woman: Lords and Liars

    Collecting Tamaki’s run into one high value package, this 11 issue collection is a good run, with excellent art from Janin- sadly not enough – but Pigh succeeds him and is also very good.  Based around Diana having to deal with a supposedly redeemed Max Lord, who finds out that another time, he got his neck snapped by her! Tamaki uses all this well and it’s a fun read.

    Dreadnoughts: Breaking Ground

    A Dredd origin story in effect, Carroll uses the space to explore just what the US moving to the Judge system would really mean.  With angle set, he explores what happens when the rights US citizens are told are inviolate become removed.  It’s not pretty.  It is also pretty fascinating and Higgins’ art is excellent.

    Far Sector

    This is a superb collection.  In every respect, story, art, concept, value-for-money, it aces it.  The story is intricate and complex, the art is stunning, it uses the space of the 12 issues it has to maximum effect and the story in turn uses the Green Lantern mythos very effectively.  Buy this.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Ben.
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  • #81079

    Bought Far Sector as singles and thought it was great.

    I’m currently catching up on 3 years of Firefly.  Done vols 2-4 today and enjoyed it though because I bought it in singles I need to track down a one shot that I thought was unrelated.

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  • #81099

    Is that the Boom run of Firefly?

  • #81100

    Bit of Amazon fishing showed up the OHC6 for King’s Batman run, due end of July next year.

  • #81175

    Is that the Boom run of Firefly?

    It is.  I read vols 2-6.

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  • #81358

    Dealer Alert

    X-Men: Hellfire Gala OHC now at BooksEtc for £33.23.

    The Old Guard: Tales Through Time at SpeedyHen for £10.76.


    As we head for Covid Pandemic Year 3, the state of play for trades has changed once more with my experience in recent months being:

    • DC – Toss-up between BooksEtc, if they get the items, then SpeedyHen, then Blackwell’s
    • Image – Now down to SpeedyHen vs Blackwell’s, BooksEtc have increased significantly for these ones.
    • Marvel – BooksEtc remain the leaders for now but you have to be in the right place, at the right time.
    • IDW – Even match between the above trio.
    • Dark Horse – Used to be BooksEtc, but has shifted to SpeedyHen vs Blackwell’s

    There are still good prices to be accessed, but diversifying the sellers looks to be the way to go.

    Edit – And then, just to prove you can’t entirely rely on patterns, BooksEtc currently have copies of Witchfinder Omnibus 2 for £20.05

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Ben.
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  • #81447

    Working my way through various Humble Bundles. Picking away at the Millarworld one. How well received was Space Bandits as I thought it was dull as shit. Lots of nice visuals, sure, but none of that counts for heehaw when you don’t really care

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  • #81465

    Man, I don’t even remember hearing of Space Bandits, so I’m guessing it wasn’t a big hit with many people.

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  • #81466

    Man, I don’t even remember hearing of Space Bandits, so I’m guessing it wasn’t a big hit with many people.

    All I remember of Space Bandits is Millar talking about how original and fresh it was, while everyone else pointed out that it looked like a direct rip-off of Kim & Kim (probably unintentional, as Millar clearly doesn’t read anyone else’s comics).

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  • #81468

    Wow, that is pretty blatant lifting.

    Anyone read Kim & Kim? Looks to be three trades.

  • #81474

    I’ve never read Kim and Kim but I’d recommend it over Space Bandits all day long.

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  • #81482

    Man, I don’t even remember hearing of Space Bandits, so I’m guessing it wasn’t a big hit with many people.

    All I remember of Space Bandits is Millar talking about how original and fresh it was, while everyone else pointed out that it looked like a direct rip-off of Kim & Kim (probably unintentional, as Millar clearly doesn’t read anyone else’s comics).

    Oh yeah, I remember that now. Doesn’t even have better art. I’ve not read Kath & Kim and I don’t like Mags Visaggio, but I suspect it is better.

  • #81490

    Space Bandits was very dull and nothingy, despite the nice art.

    The new Millar/Scalera collaboration, King Of Spies, is much better.

  • #81492

    People keep saying the art was nice; I’m assuming that cover isn’t by Scalera then? Because it looks awful.

  • #81496

    People keep saying the art was nice; I’m assuming that cover isn’t by Scalera then? Because it looks awful.

    That’s a Howard Chaykin “Legends” variant. There was a gimmick where those covers were only 75c, as opposed to $3.99 for the regular cover. The others were by José Luis García-López, Walter Simonson, Klaus Janson, and Dave Gibbons, none of them all that good.

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  • #81506

    Sharkey the Bounty Hunter was even worse than Space Bandits. A lot of dynamic panels that confuse storytelling and a very by-the-numbers plot. Weird that it was set up as a sequel to Space Bandits but doesn’t appear to be connected at all.

  • #81507

    Sharkey was actually published before Space Bandits.

    I think the ending of Space Bandits is meant to be a cameo from that earlier series to tease that the two stories are going to cross over at some point.

    As far as I know that hasn’t happened yet.

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  • #81510

    Space Bandits was very dull and nothingy, despite the nice art.

    The new Millar/Scalera collaboration, King Of Spies, is much better.

    It was quite dull in the end.

    I will give credit though for the first issue, a lot of new series are pretty awful at establishing stuff in the first issue. Space Bandits is a really great example of how to do it right, it sets up the two leads’ stories, gives them motivation, they hook up at the end with revenge on their minds. It’s a great start that sadly isn’t followed up as well as it should have been.

  • #81551

    It’s a great start that sadly isn’t followed up as well as it should have been.

    Mark Millar comics put succinct.

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  • #81570

    Xmas Dealer Alert

    Synder and Capullo Batman Omnibus 2 now at BooksEtc for £51.06!

  • #81577

    Sharkey the Bounty Hunter was even worse than Space Bandits. A lot of dynamic panels that confuse storytelling and a very by-the-numbers plot. Weird that it was set up as a sequel to Space Bandits but doesn’t appear to be connected at all.

    I read the first issue of each and that was as far as I got. I thought they were really bad. They seemed like very weak pitches for Adult Swim animated series.

  • #81724

    Near Mint Condition did a preview of Marvel’s April 2022 solicits.

    It’ll probably get bumped but for now Immortal Hulk OHC5 is set for September 2022.

  • #81740

    Dealer Alert

    SpeedyHen have copies of both Post Americana and Moonshine: Volume 5 – The Well in stock for £10.76

    Edit – Scheduling changes spotted:

    • Decorum OHC now 22 March 2022
    • Valkyrie OHC moved from April to end of May 2022
    • Something Is Killing The Children OHC1 – now start of Februay 2022.
    • Once And Future OHC1 – the same
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Ben.
  • #81887

    Got a bookcase to break? Speedyhen have a good price on a Huge spidy collection


  • #81937

    The World of Black Hammer Library Edition Volume 4
    Hardcover – Sept. 27 2022

    Collects Skulldigger and The Unbelievable Unteens in a deluxe, oversized hardcover format with a new cover, sketchbook extras, and more!

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  • #81956

    Good to have that confirmed.  Hopefully it’ll be followed by a Reborn LE.

  • #82042

    Got a bookcase to break? Speedyhen have a good price on a Huge spidy collection


    Is this just a repackaged omnibus? By David Mandel and Ralph Macchio???

  • #82043

    I think it’s slightly different to the existing omnibus and reprints as it’s based on scans of the original issues (ads and all) to replicate as closely as possible the feeling of reading the original comics. As opposed to the cleaned up linework and colouring of the modern reprints.

    I’m not sure I really see the value in it though, especially not at that price – and given that it only collects some of the Lee/Ditko issues (whereas the first ASM omnibus collects the whole lot).

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  • #82045

    Is this just a repackaged omnibus? By David Mandel and Ralph Macchio???

    I believe it’s larger than an omnibus but the colouring is the origina.
    Paper stock? Who knows.

    This suggests it’s close to the artworks original size which might mean that old colouring flaws are more obvious

    This XXL-sized collector’s dream, close in size to the original artworks, features the first 21 stories of the world’s favorite web slinger from 1962–1964. Rather than recolor the original artwork (as has been done in previous decades’ reprints of classic comics), TASCHEN has attempted to create an ideal representation of these books as they were produced at the time of publication. The most pristine pedigreed comics have been cracked open and photographed for reproduction in close collaboration with Marvel and the Certified Guaranty Company. Each page has been photographed as printed more than half a century ago, then digitally remastered using modern retouching techniques to correct problems with the era’s inexpensive, imperfect printing—as if hot off of a world-class 1960s printing press. Three different paper stocks, including an uncoated and woodfree paper, were exclusively developed for this series to simulate the feel of the original comics.

    I’d probably buy an FF One at that price

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Dan.
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  • #82064

    Good to have that WOBH:LW confirmed.

    Yes it is, but they (Jeff Lemire Deluxe books) seem to have slowed down. I seem to remember 2 a year pace for BH, this this will be over a year.
    Gideon Falls is finished, but still don’t see DE Book 2 (Sept. would be one year).
    Ascender? Haven’t heard, but no way I don’t wait to put a Deluxe version beside Descender 1 & 2.

    Pandemic related issues? I guess I hope it’s that rather than them wavering over sales/profits issues.

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  • #82104

    Hopefully it is just pandemic related, lots of stuff is being bumped due to printing problems.

    Holiday reads:

    Wonder Woman: Afterworlds

    On the one hand, it is hard to be cheesed off over a 10-issue collection I got for £11, but, this wasn’t that great.  It’s an OK read but not as good as Tamaki’s preceding run.

    Moonshine: Volume 5 –  The Well

    I can’t say this is a series that I love, but the sheer technical skill and partnership of Azzarello and Risso make it work well.

    It ends the way you’d expect – violently.

    The Old Guard: Tales Through Time Volume 1

    This is a good collection of 12 short stories with various of the main characters turning up.

    Brink Volume 4

    It took me a while to get hooked by the start of the earlier volumes but this one starts off far better and takes a very satirical track from the off with the hate boxes concept.

    What’s a hate box? Every time you swear it applies an automatic $1 fine to your money.  Abnett has a lot of fun with this shit – $1 fine – and you can tell he’s having a fucking – $1 fine – good time.

    Will be nabbing Volume 5 in a few months.

    Beasts of Burden: Occupied Territory OHC

    This was another good, standalone adventure in the series, well told by the team of Dorkin and Dewey.

    Post Americana

    Easily the biggest surprise of the lot, I was expecting good things from this but it instead of being very good, it was excellent.

    Skroce packs in loads of dark humour into this post apocalyptic and he isn’t afraid to tell a complete story in seven issues, which only made it all far, far better.

    Very, very fun.


    It says Volume 1, but I think that’s more aspiration than fact, as volume 2 might be a long time coming.  Don’t let that put you off though, as this is a great new story from the Skyward team of Henderson and Garbett.

    Very enjoyable with fantastic art.


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  • #82106

    Post Americana Easily the biggest surprise of the lot, I was expecting good things from this but it instead of being very good, it was excellent. Skroce packs in loads of dark humour into this post apocalyptic and he isn’t afraid to tell a complete story in seven issues, which only made it all far, far better. Very, very fun.

    Yeah, I just finished this in singles and enjoyed it a lot. Very silly, imaginative and quite extreme in places but always fun. And the art is great.

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  • #82125

    I reread The Wrong Earth v1 recently, which really holds up. Excellent premise superbly executed.

    I then read The Wrong Earth v2, which I got for Christmas, which… isn’t as good. It’s still pretty solid, but it’s a bit underwhelming compared to the first. There’s a surprisingly big disconnect from the first mini – a one year time jump – in which significant stuff happens. I can understand the desire to just skip along to that stuff being established, but it feels like there’s a middle part to the over-arching story missing frankly. Not that this is the end either – it’s more open-ended than I expected. And I am keen to read more. But my expectations were very high and not quite met.

  • #82295

    I had a nice surprise last night. The Plot Holes by Sean Murphy, that I backed on Kickstarter nearly 2 years ago, has been dispatched. I’d genuinely forgotten about it.

  • #82296

    I had a nice surprise last night. The Plot Holes by Sean Murphy, that I backed on Kickstarter nearly 2 years ago, has been dispatched. I’d genuinely forgotten about it.

    Same. Mine is on its way and should be here by the end of the month.

    Which bundle did you go for? I got the HC and Artist Edition book.

  • #82317

    Just the HC it seems. I avoided more than a cursory glance of the digital edition but the little I saw looked fantastic.

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  • #82318

    Yeah, I didn’t even download the PDF as I want to read the book for the first time in print.

  • #82424

    Looking forward to getting my copy!

  • #82433

    I’m genuinely excited about this

    Britain’s most controversial comic is back with two of Britain’s most controversial creators!


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  • #82437

    Wow.  You have reason to be!

  • #82439

    Huh, I thought Kevin O’Neill had retired from comics altogether.

  • #82443

    I seem to remember Alan Moore announcing that rather than Kevin himself.

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  • #82472

    Well I’m happy he’s back anyway and will definitely get this.

  • #82478

    Head’s up for some potential bargains:

    Zavvi have a cache of random, out of print Marvel trades at discounted prices (mostly). There’s no category for them, so you’ll just have to search by “graphic novel”. I strongly suspect they’ve come into an old pallet of remaindered stock and haven’t marked them as such. I’ve ordered New Warriors Classic v2, X-Factor Complete Collection v2 and Exiles Ultimate Collection v5 for £5-10 each.

    Zavvi doesn’t have a great track record on fulfilment, mind, but worth a go.

  • #82488


    Bugger it! Wrote a lengthy post about this book, but it seems to have got lost in the ether. Annoying. Anyway, the gist of it was, I managed to get hold of a first printing of this bad boy. It’s a great series for fans of Buffy, Stranger Things, and/or Hellboy.

    The hardcover’s a lovely presentation of the first story arc (#1-15 or the first three trades). There’s a second printing coming later this year.

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  • #82495

    Bugger it! Wrote a lengthy post about this book, but it seems to have got lost in the ether.

    I’ve checked and can’t see anything pending approval, sorry Vikram.

    The HC looks nice. I fell off SIKTC after the second arc as I felt like it was spinning its wheels, but maybe I should give it another look with this new collection.

  • #82497

    Thanks for checking, Dave. No worries. I think the third trade is worth a look as it completes the first story arc. The second trade was very much a middle chapter, so I definitely concur that it felt like it was spinning its wheels when taken on its own. The third trade is where you can tell Tynion realises that he’s on to a winner here. There’s a greater confidence and surety in the writing, and the scope of the story really starts to open up too, whilst bringing the initial Archer’s Peak storyline to a worthy conclusion.

    It’s worth remembering that the series was only supposed to be a five issue mini originally, that got extended to 15; before getting extended again to an ongoing. You can literally see that reflected on the page, I think.

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  • #82826


    Pleasantly surprised that this arrived today, a week earlier than it was expected. Funded from an Indiegogo campaign in May 2020, almost two years ago. Gorgeous looking book, although slightly worse for wear from international shipping. Really look forward to reading it.

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  • #82829

    My bundle arrived today too, hooray.

    Looking forward to reading it.

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  • #82832

    Lucky buggers. No sign of mine though Nemesis The Final Heresies did arrive.

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  • #83057

    Fine Print v.1 TPB

    I picked this up after having enjoyed previous Sejic books like Sunstone and Harleen. Unfortunately it’s not quite on the same level as those books, although it was an ok read.

    Partly the problem is that it feels like several disparate ideas are thrown together without enough connecting tissue to make it feel coherent as a whole. There’s one strand that’s about grounded relationship drama and emotional baggage (more akin to Sunstone) and there’s a whole different strand about a fantasy world of angelic and demonic creatures, beings of desire and love and how they interact with the mortal plane.

    While they both work ok individually (the real-world section was the most successful for me) they intersect awkwardly, and neither one feels like it really makes sufficient progress by the end of the volume to really have me hooked. The premise of the series doesn’t really come into focus until the end of this book, which is fine for a first issue but not so much for a full TPB-length OGN. And there’s also a third strand about an asexual character which is introduced upfront, at the very start of the book but then mostly forgotten about, leaving them feeling more like a plot point than a genuine part of the story.

    Still, the art is nice and (like Sunstone) the adult/sexual elements are handled well – it’s explicit but never feels sleazy or crass, and crucially it always serves the story and characters rather than seeming gratuitous.

    Ultimately though I was hoping for something a bit more assured and coherent from this.

  • #83085

    Dealer Alert

    Karl The Viking Book 1 now at BooksEtc for £12.77

    Black and white Don Lawrence art, pre-Trigan Empire.

  • #83099

    Usagi Yojimbo: Bunraku

    This is the first trade of the IDW series, which sees Usagi jump to colour and, well, it’s fine. Decent enough stories (though not classics) except for Adachi, which is a retelling of the first Usagi story mixed with an almost beat for beat redraw of the battle of Adachi plain flashback from the start of the Mirage or Dark Horse run, and so feels a bit redundant really.

    As someone who usually isn’t that keen on black and white comics (I struggle with pre-colour 2000AD for instance, and it’s often genuinely struggling to parse detail and make sense of what’s happening), I’m surprised to find myself saying this, but I don’t think moving to colour really adds anything to Usagi. I never had a problem with it being black and white. Tom Luth’s colours are fine, if a bit basic and dated, but I don’t feel like the comic would be any worse without them. In fact it’d maybe be better. But I guess being in colour is a requirement of IDW’s. :unsure:

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  • #83606

    I received my Gen 13: Starting Over Deluxe Edition today. It reprints the original 5 issue mini, the interim #0, and the first five issues of the main series (plus various & sundry pinups and all 13 variant covers). These are categorically not good comics, but Jeff Campbell’s artwork is just so fun, and there’s so little of it out in the world, that this was a must buy.

    I hope there’s a volume 2 and 3 to reprint the whole Campbell run, but it’s probably unlikely.

    Funnily enough, the series does get much better after Campbell leaves. John Arcudi and Gary Frank’s run from #25 to #41 was one of Wildstorm’s better books.

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  • #83760

    Dealer Alert

    BooksEtc have the Bermuda mini by Layman for £8.77.

    Worth a punt at that price.

    Edit – they also have the Detective Comics HC1 by Tamaki and Mora for £13.22.

    Not sure for how long they’ll have it, DC is pretty erratic on supply.

  • #83857

    The Plot Holes HC

    This was fairly light stuff, but it’s an enjoyable romp with a likeable cast of characters.

    There’s a nice character-oriented story at the heart of it, and the device of being able to jump through various books and visit the worlds of lots of different stories keeps things fresh and allows for some cool diversions (and plenty of fun Easter Eggs).

    Plus the art is really nice and the book itself is top quality, with some decent process stuff in the backmatter too.

    Maybe not my favourite Murphy book overall, but I’m glad I backed it.

  • #83860

    Is it full color or is that just the cover?

  • #83862

    Yeah full colour inside – Matt Hollingsworth and Dave Stewart.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #83873

    My copy of Karl The Viking Book 1 has arrived and it is stunning.

    A big, high value package with page after page of dense storytelling, with each page featuring incredibly detailed black and white art by Don Lawrence.  All on oversized, quality paper to show it off.

    Now when are they publishing the final volume of The Trigan Empire?

  • #83914

    Volume 4 is due in May I think.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #83916

    Thanks, haven’t been find anything in the usual places.

    Edit – just found it on Blackwells, due 26 May 2022.

  • #84035

    Talk of the devil


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  • #84211

    Bump Watch

    Feels appropriate:

    Echolands HC1 bumped to July

    Two Moons Volume 2 now end of March / start of April

    Fraction Thor Omnibus to June

  • #84314

    Upcoming DHC stuff from Bkackwells:

    July sees part 1 of new Blacksad! They All Fall Down 1.

    Plus Hellboy: The Silver Lantern Club HC

    August sees Hellboy: Land of Giants HC.

    September has Madman Library Edition Volume 3

    Plus the already spotted World of Black Hammer Library Edition Volume 4.

    October sees Tales From Harrow County Library Edition.

    Plus Blade of the Immortal Deluxe HC Volume 7

    2000AD stuff:

    Lawless Book 4 due June

    Brink Volume 5 moves to November

    Judge Dredd: Citadel due July.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #84350

    Thanks for that. Dont know anything about Harrow County, but a quick check and it looks interesting enough so Library Edition is pre-ordered!

  • #84352

    The main Harrow County series is 4 LEs.  It’s a great littke horror tale from Bunn and Crook.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #84363

    he main Harrow County series is 4 LEs. It’s a great littke horror tale from Bunn and Crook.

    Seconded; it is a great example of Southern Gothic horror, well executed by the creative team.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #84383

    Dealer Alert

    SpeedyHen preorders now active for:

    Deadly Class OHC3 £28.22

    Transformers Phase 3 OHC2 £30.88

  • #84531

    The Many Deaths Of Laila Starr TPB

    This arrived today and I read through the entire thing in one sitting tonight. I loved it. A beautiful and poetic comic about life and death and the stuff that makes up our lives.

    It felt very heavily influenced by Daytripper – which is an all-time favourite of mine – as well as having shades of Death/Sandman to it too.

    Filipe Andrade’s art is just beautiful and Ram V’s writing is very elegant and creative, with conversations that have a lovely grounded but lyrical quality to them.

    I don’t want to say too much as I enjoyed going into this entirely unspoiled, but it’s well worth checking out if you haven’t already.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
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