The Random Thread

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We need a group name for people who post on The Carrier.

In the old days we were Millarworlders – what are we now?




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  • #13343

    Apparently Norway is demanding that all ships wishing to enter their ports have bar codes painted on them.


    It’s so they can scan da navy in.




  • #13346

  • #13357

    I got soul… but I’m not a soldier

  • #13622

    From today I’m going to use a lot more keyboard shortcuts on my computer.

    I’m taking back Ctrl.

  • #13728

    Is it International Meet Twins Day or perhaps there’s some sort of convention or something in the water?

    Because so far at work today I’ve met half a dozen sets of twins. That seems excessive.

  • #13729

    Sebastian Stan’s cryptic Instagram post has ignited another round of Marvel controversy (x)

  • #13886

    Sorry to drop into the thread like this but I need some advice.


    Someone sent me this image by artist Eric Zawadzki.

    Its the cover for Heart break issue 6 from sky bound and image comics.



    Heart Attack 6 cover



















    Now here’s my Logo for my Comics Label Aroha Comics


    Should I be worried?

    I haven’t Trademarked the design anywhere but the one thing I do have up my sleeve is that the outline is my right hand.

    I dunno.

    I‘m probably overthinking this.

  • #13901

    I think the ‘healer’s hand’ symbol (with the swirl in the palm) is a common enough design that it’s probably very unlikely the inspiration for that image came from your Aroha logo.

    While the basic concept is similar, the execution of it is very different looking. So I don’t think there’s any risk of confusion if that’s what you’re worried about.

  • #13911

    I wouldn’t worry if it’s just an image used on one cover, with 500+ US market comics coming out every month that kind of coincidence is going to happen. If it was a consistent theme or logo then it could be but looking at the other covers for the book it doesn’t seem to be present.

  • #13920

    thanks guys. Your right of course. I’m over thinking it.

  • #13953

    Mark, I find that when you seem to be overthinking something, getting it out in writing tends to help. I see the comparison but it is not similar enough to worry about it. You have put your life into this and it is right to be concerned so it was a good thing to come here and get a second opinion.

  • #14095

    Just found out about this:

  • #14408

    I was looking for a book with Tibetan art and came across this: at a measely 10,000 euros it’s practically for free.



    Each copy is sgned by the Dalai Lama and it comes with that bookstand.


  • #14411

    My old man was interviewed by a popular parody radioshow on his career:


  • #15064

    Couldn’t decide whether to put this in SCIENCE! or the Weird News Thread:

  • #15103

    Couldn’t decide whether to put this in SCIENCE! or the Weird News Thread:

    That’s nature’s version of GODZILLA vs. KING KONG

  • #15257

    Have to stay away from the comments sections on Facebook and other social media. There are people who post just to piss you off especially in the political topics to divide people even more.

  • #15261

    Really? People troll public forums like Facebook just to be annoying?! I’m SHOCKED; shocked, I tell you!!

  • #15262

    Facebook can’t take all the credit either. Posting political comment to piss people has been happening here (or MW) since 2002.

  • #15264

    Ever looked at Newsarama?

  • #15267

    Even innocuous stories have comment sections that will devolve into political yammering.

    Welcome to the Internet.

  • #15356

    Steven Spielberg’s Daughter Mikaela Is Becoming a Sex Worker

  • #15388

    Steven Spielberg’s Daughter Mikaela Is Becoming a Sex Worker

    I wonder if her dad will direct her movies?

  • #15440

    Steven Spielberg’s Daughter Mikaela Is Becoming a Sex Worker

    I wonder if her dad will direct her movies?

    You’re sick just for thinking that. :-)   ;)

  • #15442

    Steven Spielberg’s Daughter Mikaela Is Becoming a Sex Worker

    I wonder if her dad will direct her movies?

    You’re sick just for thinking that. :-)   ;)

    It could be an Oscar winner!

  • #15457

    I presume Twitter is now full of ‘adult’ puns on Spielberg movie titles?

  • #15468

    AI: Artificial Insemination.

    Stuff like that, you mean?

  • #15568

    Schindler’s Fist?

    Snatch Me If You Can?

    Indiana Bone and the Temple of Spume?

    I’ll stop now…

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  • #15572

    I  heard that a Japanese director asked her to star in a hentai/live action combo called ET: The Extra Tentacle 

  • #15575

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  • #15622

    I’ve had an unusual run of sales on one of my t-shirt designs the last week or two, a Transformers one. I tried to find out why – I assume it’s been found and posted on a forum somewhere – but instead only managed to find that design being pirated on several sites. They’re mostly fly-by night print on demand ones, but also Threadless and Amazon, of all places. Threadless took down the pirated design ASAP, Amazon are dragging their feet over it (I had to fill in a form, as soon as I did that, I got an auto-reply in about 11 seconds saying they couldn’t determine I was the owner of the design, please provide more information and had me fill in exactly the same form again :unsure:) and the fly-by night sites are either ignoring me, or in one case arguing that anything uploaded to the internet doesn’t automatically have copyright protection and thus becomes fair game for anyone else to copy.

    Anyway, the upshot of this is that I hadn’t realised Threadless was open to anyone, I thought it was more curated, so I’ve opened a store there (there’s presumably a market for at least one of my designs there, so I might as well make some money from it) and THEY SELL CUSTOM SKATEBOARDS! They’re $90 each mind, but I (or you – preferably you, thinking about it) could get one of my designs on an actual skateboard that someone with balance and better knees than me could conceivably do tricks on! Radical.

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  • #15806

    Everybody wants to print, but no one wants to refill the paper tray

  • #15913

    The world of social media had me amused today. The Conservative party chancellor posted a picture of himself preparing his budget with a large bag of Yorkshire Tea. Twitter went mad with calls of boycotts for the product and whoever runs the social media account called for everyone to calm down, they don’t endorse any party, they can’t stop someone posting a photograph with their tea in it.

    The account manager then made a call to remember there are humans on the end of this stuff and they did nothing wrong.

    One of the first responses clearly didn’t quite get the message and went into a multi-tweet rant about the damage austerity has done (which I agree with but it really has nothing to do with Yorkshire Tea). The response was a classic:

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  • #15963

    That’s it.  I’m switching to PG Tips!

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  • #15980

    Still not quite as ridiculous as that time someone realised they don’t actually grow the tea in Yorkshire and lost their shit, calling them liars.

  • #15994

    The Conservative party chancellor posted a picture of himself preparing his budget with a large bag of Yorkshire Tea. Twitter went mad with calls of boycotts for the product

    Would you say this is a bit of a tempest in a teapot?

    No, you wouldn’t?

    I’ll just be running along, then…

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  • #16021

    To make a long story short…

    What would you do?

  • #16023

    To make a long story short…

    What would you do?

    I’d refill the paper tray in the copier. Obviously.

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  • #16167

    I’d refill the paper tray in the copier. Obviously.

    Yeah, that’s what you say. But I used the copier after you last week, and there was no paper left.

    Also, someone drank the rest of the coffee from the pot before the break and didn’t make another pot for the rest of us. Again.

    If this keeps happening, I’ll have to bring a knife.

  • #16173

    It wasn’t me!

    You can have my flask. I drink too much anyway.

  • #16185

    It wasn’t me!

    That’s what they all say!

    You can have my flask. I drink too much anyway.

    Thanks! Also, there is no combination in which the words “at work”, “too much” and “coffee” make sense to me.

  • #16188


    My brain is thrumming. Is thrumming a word it should be

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  • #16197

    My new ambition is to find a job with a communal coffee pot. Sounds like paradise.

    Is that actually a real thing? If so, how could anyone take it for granted and let the pot run dry for the rest. I thought it was reserved for hard-bitten cop shows or something. I can’t tell if Christian is only messing.

  • #16206


    I note that you don’t actually state that you drank too much coffee. I also note that Jameson Special Reserve can act as a stimulant.

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  • #16229

    Coffee isn’t working. I shall test your personal experience with immediate effect. If nothing else, work today will be fun.

  • #16250

    My new ambition is to find a job with a communal coffee pot. Sounds like paradise. Is that actually a real thing? If so, how could anyone take it for granted and let the pot run dry for the rest. I thought it was reserved for hard-bitten cop shows or something. I can’t tell if Christian is only messing.

    Oh yeah, it absolutely is real. I started the communal coffee pot, and founded it on communist principles: everybody according to their needs and abilities, meaning that if you want to drink from the communal pot, you bring in coffee, milk etc. whenever you feel like it’s your turn. And you put on a new pot when you empty it.

    The last bit still needs to be worked out. There seem to be people resisting our communal ethics. But I have already written one almost-harshly-worded e-mail about it, so we will see.

    Also, a teacher show should be a lot like a cop show. Especially when it comes to the scenes when people are taking breaks and standing around the coffee pot. People on the edge. Cynics laughing at the idealists. Men broken by the things they have seen.

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  • #16254

    Also, a teacher show should be a lot like a cop show. Especially when it comes to the scenes when people are taking breaks and standing around the coffee pot. People on the edge. Cynics laughing at the idealists. Men broken by the things they have seen.

    Like the fourth season of The Wire?

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  • #16267

    Like the fourth season of The Wire?

    …I guess? Sadly, The Wire forms one of the holes in my cultural knowledge.

  • #16269

    Like the fourth season of The Wire?

    …I guess? Sadly, The Wire forms one of the holes in my cultural knowledge.

    You need to get on that

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  • #16356

    Like the fourth season of The Wire?

    …I guess? Sadly, The Wire forms one of the holes in my cultural knowledge.

    You need to get on that

    After the Transformers stuff, mind.

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  • #16491

    Like the fourth season of The Wire?

    …I guess? Sadly, The Wire forms one of the holes in my cultural knowledge.


    Ohhhh you’ve got something to look forward to. The Wire is the best tv thing ever made.

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  • #16513

    It’s an absolute masterpiece. Even Alan Moore loves it.


    EW: Do you ever relax and just watch television?
    Alan Moore: Selectively, mostly on DVD. The absolute pinnacle of anything I’ve seen recently has got to be The Wire. It’s the most stunning piece of television that has ever come out of America, possibly the most stunning piece of television full-stop.
    That’s a great example of storytelling that takes its time.
    Absolutely, that is grown-up television! It’s novelistic.
    You get to find out about all these tiny different aspects of Baltimore, to build up a huge picture of the city with all of its intricacies — from the wharf side, to the kids in the projects, to the power structure with the boardrooms and police department and governor’s office. And it’s got some great writers: it’s got George Pelecanos and David Simon. And so many wonderful characters, Bubbles, Omar. So yeah, everything else looks pretty lame next to The Wire.
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  • #16521

    It is interesting in light of Moore’s own novels too, he really took that “single location explored from every angle” concept to its apex with Jerusalem. 

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  • #16529

    A mugging is a forcible redistribution of wealth…

  • #16624


    She may only be two, but Princess Charlotte is already showing language abilities beyond her years, it has been reported.

    As well as her native English, the tiny Royal – who started nursery school this week – is already picking up Spanish phrases from her Spanish nanny.

    Princess Charlotte was this week said to be making huge strides toward becoming bilingual thanks to Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.

    I do find the monoglot view on these things hilarious, this is true for billions of 2 year olds globally. This was the norm for me, my wife, for my kids and every kid in Malaysia and a fair few do three or more.

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  • #16632

    It’s also a good example of the media working to make the Royals seem special and important by making something a few people know is mundane but making it out to be exceptional

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  • #16643

    It’s also a good example of the media working to make the Royals seem special and important by making something a few people know is mundane but making it out to be exceptional

    Yeah. Call me when Charlotte has a grasp of DCU continuity. THAT would be exceptional.

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  • #16648

    It’s also a good example of the media working to make the Royals seem special and important by making something a few people know is mundane but making it out to be exceptional

    Yeah. Call me when Charlotte has a grasp of DCU continuity. THAT would be exceptional.

    There’s a happy medium between “something plenty of kids do” and “something nobody can do”

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  • #16701

    Well, all I know is Todd dubbed me queen of Ireland, ergo me exceptionally non-mundane.

    Tis but a sheeeeeeee-it quest: :mail: By royal decree, I shall recuse Christian from the usual humdrum of bribing me with tiaras and pearls and curtseys and cloaks upon puddles and whatnot if he goes forth and watches The Wire forthwith.

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  • #16719

    I have a friend who’s a publican in Kuala Lumpur but Dublin born and bred.

    He has some weird obsessions, he despises Tony Blair and still rants about him daily even though he left power 12 years ago. His politics are very left wing and anti war but he only goes after Blair and leaves Bush and gang alone. He’s incredibly patriotic, which to be fair is quite typical of people who move overseas but he takes it a step further with daily social media posts on how Ireland is best at everything, even though he’s chosen not to live there for 25 years.

    Anyway this week he’s been posting about the royal visit of William and Kate to Ireland and has turned rather weirdly into a 70 year old Daily Express reader from Tunbridge Wells. Every 2 minutes there’s a comment about how wonderful the couple with photos and links to various news sources about the ‘glowing duchess’ and all that. If that isn’t weird enough I looked at some of the comments underneath the Irish press stories and they have quite a few crazed royalists there like those people who camp out for 3 weeks on the pavement to see a royal baby for 10 seconds. I knew there were plenty in the UK but surprised to see so many Irish also in on it.

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  • #16721

    The most royal-obsessed person I know in Ireland is an American woman I used to work with, who insisted we try and watch Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding on stream in the office, but wound up just going into the canteen and watching it on the TV in there because every site showing it got hammered.

  • #16742

    Todd dubbed me queen of Ireland,

    I’ve always thought of you as more of the Grace O’Malley (aka Granuaile) type, more of a pirate queen.

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  • #16749

    Aka Gráinne Mhaol who sailed away to Galway bay with Lord Sydney. He was a right dick.

  • #16758

    In my last company there was a project manager named Grainne working with us out of the Limerick office. As you can imagine the name was pretty unfamiliar with a Malaysian office (I once even had a guy pronounce Dave as ‘Dah-vay’). The added problem though was she had a really deep voice so people on conference calls would accidentally misgender her (she wasn’t trans, just had a really deep voice).

    I had to ask the guys joining the call to get on 5 minutes early and give them fair warning of her correct gender so no embarrassing situations occurred.

  • #16821


    (I speaks pirate anois. Stick a fada in somewhere and I’ll sound more Pirate Queen Gráinne).

    My voice currently sounds like I’ve been chewing on tinfoil. I had a bit of an accident with some chicken on Wednesday. But I forgot not to overtalk today.

  • #16901

    My new ambition is to find a job with a communal coffee pot. Sounds like paradise.

    They’re not all they’re cracked up to be.  Like most things Communist, they seek out the lowest common denominator.  So the coffee in them is generally the shittiest available. ;-)

  • #16907

    Food and drink taste nicer when shared.

    If I was Christian’s comrade no one would dare contribute bad coffee for him to drink.

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  • #16942

    Food and drink taste nicer when shared.

    Had a conversation today at a local liquor shop with the guy in charge of ordering the wines that they sell. Very passionate about wine, he made this observation: while beer is generally purchased in individual 12-oz or 16-oz servings, a bottle of wine is meant to be shared, and the experience of drinking wine with your family or friends is a very communal, social one.

    One moment I really enjoy is when I open a bottle of wine that I picked out specifically for a shared meal and, during the course of the meal, someone comments that they really like they’re drinking.

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  • #16947

    It’s nice to see others enjoying something you’ve taken the time to choose.

    Communal confelicity!

  • #16958

    Food and drink taste nicer when shared.

    Had a conversation today at a local liquor shop with the guy in charge of ordering the wines that they sell. Very passionate about wine, he made this observation: while beer is generally purchased in individual 12-oz or 16-oz servings, a bottle of wine is meant to be shared, and the experience of drinking wine with your family or friends is a very communal, social one.

    One moment I really enjoy is when I open a bottle of wine that I picked out specifically for a shared meal and, during the course of the meal, someone comments that they really like they’re drinking.

    Depends on how you drink beer.  When I brew, I bottle in bombers and tend to share when I drink.  Also, kegs share a lot easier than bottles. ;-)

  • #16965

  • #16971

    My new ambition is to find a job with a communal coffee pot. Sounds like paradise.

    They’re not all they’re cracked up to be.  Like most things Communist, they seek out the lowest common denominator.  So the coffee in them is generally the shittiest available. ;-)

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  • #17016

    Food and drink taste nicer when shared.

    Had a conversation today at a local liquor shop with the guy in charge of ordering the wines that they sell. Very passionate about wine, he made this observation: while beer is generally purchased in individual 12-oz or 16-oz servings, a bottle of wine is meant to be shared, and the experience of drinking wine with your family or friends is a very communal, social one.

    One moment I really enjoy is when I open a bottle of wine that I picked out specifically for a shared meal and, during the course of the meal, someone comments that they really like they’re drinking.

    I disagree with that.

    Beer is also meant to be shared. You are buying packs of beer. Like wine, everyone gets a serving. The difference being beer already comes in pre-portioned servings. There is a fellowship when someone hands out bottles/cans to others who are present. It’s all part of the communal experience.

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  • #17022

    I disagree with that.

    I understand your argument, Todd, but my feeling is that sharing a bottle of wine is not the same as passing out bottles of beer.

    I have had occasions to share a 24-oz bottle of craft beer with other people (two or three others at most) — the Game of Thrones line of beers from Ommegang come to mind — which is similar to the wine experience; but breaking open a six-pack is a different kind of experience. Not better or worse, just different.

  • #17031

    I understand your argument, Todd, but my feeling is that sharing a bottle of wine is not the same as passing out bottles of beer.

    I guess it comes down to personal experience. For me, there is no difference. It’s all the same. The form of the alcohol is unimportant as the fellowship of the group is what truly matters.

  • #17041

    Lord of the Ring Pulls: The Fellowship of the Cans.


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  • #17045

    Lord of the Ring Pulls: The Fellowship of the Cans.


    Lord of the Ring Pulls: The Two Tallboys

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  • #17046

    Lord of the Ring Pulls: The Fellowship of the Cans.


    Lord of the Ring Pulls: The Two Tallboys

    Lord of the Ring Pulls: The Return of the Keg

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  • #17050

    The Hobbit: There and Becks Again

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  • #17320

    When t-shirt sizes go up to XXXXL, XL is really the new M.

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  • #17374

    I buy a lot of t-shirts at gigs. When it’s a British band, I buy M. When it’s an American band, M is massive on me so I buy S. It appears that Americans have redefined clothing sizes, presumably so they don’t feel bad about the sized they wear.

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  • #17381

    So losing weight would be shirking my patriotic duty!! :yahoo:

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  • #17386

    I buy a lot of t-shirts at gigs. When it’s a British band, I buy M. When it’s an American band, M is massive on me so I buy S. It appears that Americans have redefined clothing sizes, presumably so they don’t feel bad about the sized they wear.

    Maybe you fuckers are just tiny.  Actually, there are some American brands that are undersized too.  I wear a L most of the time and sometimes an XL for tiny ass brands.

  • #17411

    What if in a post-coronavirus world with all the voluntary social isolationism that goes on the Carrier becomes a chief information hub for the new global social economy?

    Obviously this means Queen Bernadette and President Gar…. and probably like Leader of the House Dave or something.

    Miqque for Chief of Staff!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #17420

    What if in a post-coronavirus world with all the voluntary social isolationism that goes on the Carrier becomes a chief information hub for the new global social economy?

    Obviously this means Queen Bernadette and President Gar…. and probably like Leader of the House Dave or something.

    Miqque for Chief of Staff!

    No, I’m Chief of Staff. Miqque is over Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Todd.
  • #17427

    the Food and Drug Administration.

    You can skip the food bit on that one.

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  • #17431

    the Food and Drug Administration.

    You can skip the food bit on that one.

    He’s going to have the munchies afterwards so it still works.

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  • #17446

    Ooooh. Does this mean I get to tell everyone what to do?

    Did the apocalypse happen whilst I was in the mountains?

    I ask because I’m now on a bus and I’m the only passenger and there’s scarcely any traffic on the roads. It’s kinda eerie. I’m distracting myself by trying to come up with a role for Tim. I’m also practicing my royal wave out the window.

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  • #17453

    Did the apocalypse happen whilst I was in the mountains?

    It’s still going on.

    I was thinking about it and this isn’t my first apocalypse though previous ones were natural disasters (hurricanes). There is an eerieness right after the event but before cleanup truly begins. My best description is “post-apocalyptic ghost story”.

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  • #17456

    Ooooh. Does this mean I get to tell everyone what to do?

    Did the apocalypse happen whilst I was in the mountains?

    I ask because I’m now on a bus and I’m the only passenger and there’s scarcely any traffic on the roads. It’s kinda eerie. I’m distracting myself by trying to come up with a role for Tim. I’m also practicing my royal wave out the window.

    Presumably I am the sexy Attorney-General who may or may not be having an affair with the Queen and the administration is none-the-wiser/

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #17457

    Did the apocalypse happen whilst I was in the mountains?

    It’s still going on.

    I was thinking about it and this isn’t my first apocalypse though previous ones were natural disasters (hurricanes). There is an eerieness right after the event but before cleanup truly begins. My best description is “post-apocalyptic ghost story”.

    It’ll be grand so. Had worse.

    Are your Toddettes okay now?

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  • #17458

    Ooooh. Does this mean I get to tell everyone what to do?

    Did the apocalypse happen whilst I was in the mountains?

    I ask because I’m now on a bus and I’m the only passenger and there’s scarcely any traffic on the roads. It’s kinda eerie. I’m distracting myself by trying to come up with a role for Tim. I’m also practicing my royal wave out the window.

    Presumably I am the sexy Attorney-General who may or may not be having an affair with the Queen and the administration is none-the-wiser/

    I haven’t decided. Too many suitable options. But if that role pleases you…

    …Hang on, there’s another Queen? A rival to the throne. Who is she and where is she hiding?

  • #17461

    Are your Toddettes okay now?

    All are well.

    I hope all is well with you and yours.

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  • #17462

    I do wonder if there will be a baby boom early next year as so many events have been cancelled. Will people stay home and with nothing else to do, start having more sex than usual?

  • #17465


    I’ve enough to keep my hands occupied. Right now I’m busy excavating a tunnel to Straya-Land. No particular reason. If Boris can build his bridge, my tunnel is entirely feasible.

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  • #17467

    Will people stay home and with nothing else to do, start having more sex than usual?

    With all the great new stuff on Netflix?! Are you nuts??!!

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  • #17471

    What if in a post-coronavirus world with all the voluntary social isolationism that goes on the Carrier becomes a chief information hub for the new global social economy?

    Obviously this means Queen Bernadette and President Gar…. and probably like Leader of the House Dave or something.

    Miqque for Chief of Staff!

    Fuck.  Give me back Trump.  Plllleeeeassssse. ;-)

  • #17483

    What if in a post-coronavirus world with all the voluntary social isolationism that goes on the Carrier becomes a chief information hub for the new global social economy?

    Obviously this means Queen Bernadette and President Gar…. and probably like Leader of the House Dave or something.

    Miqque for Chief of Staff!

    Fuck.  Give me back Trump.  Plllleeeeassssse. ;-)

    Ronnie is Ambassador to Canada.

  • #17501

    Ronnie is Ambassador to Canada.

    That could be a problem; I don’t think Ronnie speaks Canadian.

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  • #17516

    Ronnie is Ambassador to Canada.

    That could be a problem; I don’t think Ronnie speaks Canadian.


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