The Random Thread

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We need a group name for people who post on The Carrier.

In the old days we were Millarworlders – what are we now?




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  • #1385

    Carriers makes it sound like we have a disease :negative:

  • #1386


  • #1387


  • #1388


  • #1389

    If this is the Carrier then we are surely the Carried?

  • #1390

    The Carried sounds like a dreadful new Image Comics series.

  • #1393


  • #1394

    Maybe Carry-Offs

  • #1395


  • #1402


  • #1407

    Carrie Doesn’t Live Here Anymore.

  • #1409


  • #1410

    Joker: I like that

  • #1412

    Or maybe Crewmen.

  • #1416

    Carrier Pigeons

  • #1430

    Bleed travelers or Bleeders for short.

  • #1440

    Aren’t Bleeding Cool posters known as Bleeders?

  • #1441


  • #1443

    Carrier Pigeons


    What up, my fellow pigeons? Coo coo!

  • #1452

    The Carried sounds like a dreadful new Image Comics series.

    Or the title of a terrible horror show/novel/movie .

  • #1453


  • #1457

    The People Formerly Known as Millarworlders (TPFKaMWers)?

  • #1458



  • #1460

    I’m giving myself over to the misery. Things are pretty grim right now, but I don’t think I am going to descend into madness. I hope everybody who is suffering will find relief. Metta.

  • #1587

    I had kind of a freak out yesterday, things are better now. Maybe I should just expect this to happen every now and then. Didn’t do myself any harm or anything, I just yelled like a madman. I think I scared my neighbors a bit.

  • #1593

    I had kind of a freak out yesterday, things are better now.

    You need to eat more profiteroles, Arjan. :-)

    Hope all is well today.

  • #1603

    Maybe they could be prescribed as an antipsychotic?

  • #1618

    Some websites you all might want to check out:
    Pawnhub – Chess porn
    Quornhub – Veggie porn
    Normhub – Conventional porn
    Hubbabubbahub – Bubblegum porn
    Wubhub – Ewok porn
    You’re welcome :)

  • #1623

    Bubbahub- redneck porn

  • #1701

    Actually, Quornhub was a real thing- the site you’re parodying changed itself to Cornhub a few April Fools ago, with “Hot Husking Action”. It was all over the internet because nobody was ready for that.

  • #1888

    elp- karn evil 9 pt 2

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Rocket.
  • #1890

    elp- karn evil 9 pt 2

  • #1930

    Lyrical snippets?

  • #1932

    Nope. Make your own thread for that shit. ;-)

  • #1946

    It’s odd going back to the old board. It’s like visiting a store that is closed and going out of business. There is still product in the store but you can’t buy anything. You know the building is going to be demolished and everything inside will be gone. It’s a bit surreal.

  • #2143

    My eyes are blurry and I can’t read shit and the login tho the Carrier was like that maze in the Harry Potter Movie with the apple-cheeked Bat-boy. Is it Chrome? Is Google the only one with very-light-grey-on-white text that cannot be changed? Or – is it me? Am I going computer-blind? Are all other colors in nature just fine (with changing leaves) and pretty, yet only this communication style tends to fade?Don’t query about high contrast, that resets everything EXCEPT THE TEXT IT NEEDS TO CHANGE!

    Do other browsers do this? Or, really – is it just me?

  • #2173

    We need a group name for people who post on The Carrier.

    In the old days we were Millarworlders – what are we now?




    Well, I’m a Miranda.

    Miqque is obviously a Samantha.

  • #2240

    Testing to see if I can duplicate the Random/Language Thread issue.

  • #2250

    If it helps, Ronnie, I’m finding that clicking on the Random Thread title takes me to the Random Thread, but clicking on the flag next to the Random Thread title takes me to the Language Thread.

  • #2252

    If it helps, Ronnie, I’m finding that clicking on the Random Thread title takes me to the Random Thread, but clicking on the flag next to the Random Thread title takes me to the Language Thread.

    I just clicked on the flag to get here. I wonder if there needed to be a new post in this thread to fix things. Maybe people were actually getting redirected to the other thread before.

  • #2253

    Could be – clicking on the flag now works correctly for me too.

  • #2362

    Has it been said enough that Hugh Grant should punch himself in the junk every time Elizabeth Hurley posts a bikini pic?

  • #2380

    He could just whack off to it instead, like normal people.

  • #2383

    Hugh Grant is doing fine, he has a very attractive wife. I wouldn’t cry for him too much or imagine he’s wanking off in a basement due to a lack of dating opportunities.

    Saying that Hurley looks magnificent for a woman in her fifties.

  • #2384

    imagine he’s wanking off in a basement

    Hey, if JR wants to imagine that, we should let him.

  • #2412

    You all realize JR is just using this as an excuse to post T&A pics, right?

  • #2431

    He doesn’t need an excuse.

  • #2567

    He doesn’t need an excuse.

    At least they’re not his furry T&A pics

  • #2846

    We Can’t Decide If These 10 Anti-Masturbation Products Are Hilarious Or Just Downright Weird

    They can be both.

  • #2849

    20 Funny Things People in the 1970s Were Totally Guilty of Doing
    20 One-Hit Wonders Every ’70s Kid Remembers

  • #2879

    We Can’t Decide If These 10 Anti-Masturbation Products Are Hilarious Or Just Downright Weird

    They can be both.

    Say it with me: It can be two things.
    (First one on the Carrier to use that :yahoo: )

  • #2979

    20 Funny Things People in the 1970s Were Totally Guilty of Doing
    20 One-Hit Wonders Every ’70s Kid Remembers

    I only know about half those songs. But I didn’t listen to much music in the 70s.

  • #2998

    But I didn’t listen to much music in the 70s.

    But you do listen to musicians now in their 70s (20s in 1968, 70s in 2019) :yahoo:

  • #3017

    I know 19 of those 20 songs, but I draw a blank on Peter McCann’s “Do You Wanna Make Love”. That’s probably a good thing.

  • #3028

    The only song on that list I’ve never heard before is “Do You Wanna Make Love”.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by JRCarter.
  • #3113

    What are the rules for a digital photograph when you apply for an e-visa? Do you need an official passport photograph or can you just upload any picture you have on your computer?

    I’ve been making a bucket list of countries I want to see before I die, but for some I need a visa, and I hate that process. The big ones (literally) are China, India and Russia.

  • #3120

    My official passport photo is one that I uploaded from my computer. The application process here lets you do that now.

  • #3129

    You mean just a pic you made with your webcam?

  • #3130

    It has to follow certain rules (clear photo of head and shoulders against a flat pale/white background, and the usual rules about neutral expressions and nothing obscuring the face), but yes, just a home-taken photo. I took mine on my phone.

  • #3144

    The last time I needed a passport photo, I went to a small store on lower Broadway that sold cigarettes, lottery tickets, newspapers, and passport photos. I don’t think the proprietor went to Passport Photo School, he just had the right equipment to issue the right size of photos instantly.

  • #3148

    I noticed earlier, while looking at the profile page of a friend, that Facebook was putting people I’d blocked years ago in the “hey, look at all the mutual friends you have with these people, why not befriend them” bit. Which is rather concerning.
    In this instance it wasn’t too much of a problem, it was just a few ex-colleagues who probably don’t even remember me and that I pre-emptively blocked because I didn’t want to talk to them outside of work. But, there are several members of the more toxic side of my family that I also blocked ages ago and I’d most definitely not want them to be able to see me on there. As I started poking around into it, it stopped happening, though I’m not sure if it was due to anything I did.
    Has anyone else noticed this?

  • #3210


    … but not always.

    Which is, I suppose, random

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Mike.
  • #3254

    They’re going to build this skyscraper in Rotterdam. I am not too crazy about modern architecture but this looks pretty cool. Basically it is two towers connected by another little skyscraper lying on its side.

  • #3301

    How do you stand on the floor in the skyscraper that’s lying on its side? Magnetic boots? :unsure:

  • #3306

    One of my coworkers has received a weekend trip to Chernobyl as a birthday present from his girlfriend. He’s a big fan of the recent HBO TV series.
    We’ve been googling the growing tourism infrastructure in the area.
    Anyone fancy an ice cream;

  • #4400

    There’s a city in Turkey called Batman;

  • #4403

    There’s also a city in Turkey called Bruce Wayne, but you never see them both in the same location.

  • #4470

    I was asked to print off some attendance list today for a Christmas play my kids are doing. The first name on the cast list was awesome:

    Jovial Bong.

  • #4656

    Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit.
    Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
    Philosophy is wondering if a bloody mary counts as a smoothie.

  • #4738

    There’s a city in Turkey called Batman;

    And when Batman Begins came out, they tried to get WB to pay them or be banned from Turkey.

  • #4739

    There is also a Batman University there:


  • #4795

    In no particular order I miss

    The Village Voice

  • #4803

    When does officially shut down? Is today the last day?

  • #4807

    In no particular order I miss

    Soiuxie and the Banshees
    The Village People
    Prince Valliant

  • #4808

    I regret

    True Blood

  • #4811

    When does officially shut down?

    There was no date set, it’s whenever Jim finds the time. He’s been quite quiet recently so probably busy.

  • #4950

    As of Today, ‘Blade Runner’ is No Longer Set in the Future

  • #5026

    I regret

    True Blood

    I don’t! It was great fun while it lasted. Bit shlocky, always over the top, always sexy.

  • #5125

    When does officially shut down?

    There was no date set, it’s whenever Jim finds the time. He’s been quite quiet recently so probably busy.

    It looks like it is down now.
    Millarworld is dead! Long live The Carrier!

  • #5265

    A lady walks into the library and asks: “Do you have any books on paranoia?”

    The librarian answers: “They’re right behind you!”

  • #5273

    When does officially shut down?

    There was no date set, it’s whenever Jim finds the time. He’s been quite quiet recently so probably busy.

    It looks like it is down now.
    Millarworld is dead! Long live The Carrier!

    Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to say goodbye to our good friend Millarworld and commit its data to the Wayback Machine..
    We will now read from the 16th chapter of the Revelation to St. Urbaine the Lexicographer:

    And the programmer receivedeth the thirty-fourth rule from The Lord. And he spoketh with trembling “This beith a fearsome rule, yet who can knoweth the mind of our Lord, Berners-Lee? And yea,this beith the thirty-fourth rule: if it existieth there beith porn of it” And I heardeth a wicked man shotingeth from the deep web “Beith not our Lord Al Gore?” And the programmer saideth to me: “Reply!” And I rebukedeth the wicked man who beith in the deep web: “Haveth thou not readeth the Epistle of St. Snopes, where the Apostle declareth clearly that this beith a heresy?! How can one sayeth that St. Gore is our Lord? Away with ye! Thou deserveth the perdition of the dark web”

    In the name of the Google, the Twitter and the Holy Facebook, Amen.

  • #5286

    Someone put quite a bit of thought into this:

    Dracula (1965 Disney Animated Film)

  • #5293

    Someone put quite a bit of thought into this:

    Dracula (1965 Disney Animated Film)

    Or had too much time on their hands.

  • #5294

    Someone put quite a bit of thought into this:

    Dracula (1965 Disney Animated Film)

    Or had too much time on their hands.

    It can be two things!

  • #5297

    I actually used to joke about Disney doing an animated Dracula movie. Right around the time Disney’s Tarzan came out, I’d read somewhere that Tarzan was one of the most adapted characters in literature, Dracula being another.

  • #5310

    I actually used to joke about Disney doing an animated Dracula movie. Right around the time Disney’s Tarzan came out, I’d read somewhere that Tarzan was one of the most adapted characters in literature, Dracula being another.

    I’m surprised Tarzan is up there as one of the most adapted. The top’s surely got to be Sherlock Holmes.

  • #5316

    When we say “adapted” are we including being printed on mugs and lunch boxes? Because there’s no way Holmes can compete with a Disney property there.

  • #5321

    When we say “adapted” are we including being printed on mugs and lunch boxes? Because there’s no way Holmes can compete with a Disney property there.

    I wouldn’t have thought so no, as there’s no real “adaptation” going into merch (certainly not printing a picture on a mug). And Disney doesn’t really count as “literature” to begin with.

  • #5333

    From the Disney Dracula cast: Sterling Holloway: John Seward: A doctor; one of Lucy’s suitors and a former student of Van Helsing.
    Not sure how seriously I could take this film if the doctor has Winnie the Pooh’s voice. But now I really want to see this!!

  • #5376

    Yeah, George Sanders as Dracula is the only casting pick I really agree with.

  • #5401


    I can remember getting up to change the channel and when the TV dial was all worn out I had to use the pliers.

  • #5409

    I am taming the feral cats in my neighborhood

  • #5438

    From the Disney Dracula cast: Sterling Holloway: John Seward: A doctor; one of Lucy’s suitors and a former student of Van Helsing.
    Not sure how seriously I could take this film if the doctor has Winnie the Pooh’s voice. But now I really want to see this!!

    At least Dracula doesn’t have Winnie the Pooh’s voice.

  • #5452

    At least Dracula doesn’t have Winnie the Pooh’s voice.

    Are you kidding?! I’d pay good money to see the original DRACULA dubbed with Winnie the Pooh’s voice.

  • #5454

    At least Dracula doesn’t have Winnie the Pooh’s voice.

    Are you kidding?! I’d pay good money to see the original DRACULA dubbed with Winnie the Pooh’s voice.

    Oh, bother!

  • #5479

    Apparently Rumi is one of the best selling poets across the world…I wonder how many poets can live from their work. I think Gar said even Seamus Heaney didn’t really sell a lot of his work. I think T.S. Eliot also didn’t really sell a lot while he was alive.

  • #5509

    Yeah poetry sells like shit.

    If Rumi is selling millions good luck to him, I hope he gets a good movie deal.

    (Yes I am joking and realise he died many centuries ago).

  • #5511

    Honestly Rumi is fantastic. Although the translation I have is a free translation, I think most of his works rhymes in Persian but the translation is in free verse. Funy that the most read poet in the US is Iranian!

  • #5521

    With the joys of austerity my hometown local council can’t afford to put up Christmas lights any more, so the local rugby club has volunteered and is looking for donations. Luckily the little town has friends in high places.

    Don’t vote Tory.

  • #5562

    Funy that the most read poet in the US is Iranian!

    He’s presented as a “Persian” poet, and I’m not sure lot of Americans realize that Iran was Persia. Even if they consciously do, I think there’s a subconscious break in continuity between “Persia” and “Iran” either due to the name change under the Shah, or the Iranian Revolution, or (and most likely) both.

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