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Ah I was only joking with you really. Nobody appreciated back then the scale of what was to come next.
I’m just amazed that you found that 2-year-old text so quickly, Dave. Makes me wonder if you’ve been saving it all this time just for a moment like this, you conniving bastard!!
If that preacher dude can’t sing to people on an airplane, then U2 shouldn’t sing to people hiding in a bomb shelter.
If that preacher dude can’t sing to people on an airplane, then U2 shouldn’t sing to people hiding in a bomb shelter.
Do you not see how these situations are totally different, or did you just give Ogul your password for some reason?
If there was one song that should’ve been played in that subway in Kyiv, it would be this one:
Those poor bastards in that bomb shelter, just when you’re thinking it can’t get any worse, Bono shows up.
Hey… you guys were on a roll. Nice! LOL!!!!!
That was funny about Bono, the fundamentalists playing on the plane, Ogul. 😂
Those poor bastards in that bomb shelter, just when you’re thinking it can’t get any worse, Bono shows up.
I would have paid cash money for someone in there to ask Bono to pay his fucking tax.
can’t argue with the logic there.
This is what happens when you don’t give that wolf a banana.
Tuvix! No!
That guy in blue Janeway was talking to is from the group Rage Against the Machine! Nice!
They were fighting capitalist imperialism by hitting those banks
(I feel this is unfair, I hand out pro-choice badges at Pride)
What, they don’t make pro-choice pens?!
What, they don’t make pro-choice pens?!
Misread that as “pro-choice penis” and they do make those, they’re called dildos.
(I feel this is unfair, I hand out pro-choice badges at Pride)
What, they don’t make pro-choice pens?!
This could be an untapped merchandising avenue!
I realised it was a spoof when I saw that Sam Ryder wasn’t topping the bill. Because of course he will be.
Here’s a how-well-do-you-know-me question: which one of those acts do you think I’ve seen in concert?
Here’s a how-well-do-you-know-me question: which one of those acts do you think I’ve seen in concert?
Napalm Death?
Here’s a how-well-do-you-know-me question: which one of those acts do you think I’ve seen in concert?
Nope and nope. I’ve never even heard of Wizbit. (Just googled: it was a TV programme not a band )
Here’s a how-well-do-you-know-me question: which one of those acts do you think I’ve seen in concert?
Nope and nope. I’ve never even heard of Wizbit. (Just googled: it was a TV programme not a band
I wish there was a way to Uber-like that post above.
When my sister taught elementary school in the late 1970s a student came up to her and said “Miss Scanlon, did you know that Paul McCartney was in a band before Wings?!”
Here’s a how-well-do-you-know-me question: which one of those acts do you think I’ve seen in concert?
Dumpy’s Rusty Nuts.
(It’s probably Chico.)
I don’t know if the juxtaposition of the acts in that line-up was inspired by the real life presenting team for the Jubilee shows – Tom Cruise and Alan Titchmarsh.
Well it wasn’t supposed to be an actual quiz, but as you’re all so interested… it was Bonnie Langford.
And she was fantastic. Several months pregnant and still dancing enough to put your modern poplets to shame
Not from the concert I saw, but as it’s a picture thread I feel I ought to stay on topic
I don’t know if the juxtaposition of the acts in that line-up was inspired by the real life presenting team for the Jubilee shows – Tom Cruise and Alan Titchmarsh.
I think it’s more to do with the “this is who we could get” odd-lineup vibe of the actual poster.
(I think Cruise and Titchmarsh were just presenting that horse show the other day, not this concert.)
(I think Cruise and Titchmarsh were just presenting that horse show the other day, not this concert.)
They are named for the main show I think and the real lineup isn’t that weird. It is fairly broad which isn’t a surprise as the audience is very broad, I’d think most people know who most of them are.
Everybody knows who most of them are, but I expect few people actually want to see more than two or three of them. A bill like that should be spread over ten different concerts, so actual fans of the performers can see who they want without sitting through six hours of tedium.
Man, Prince Andrew’s getting desperate.
Those cats knew exactly what they were doing and loved every second of it.
It’s 25 plus 2, plus 3 =30
each man paid 9 dollars into a pool.
that makes up 25 for the room and 2 for the ‘tip’
I’m sorry, Dan, that’s a brave effort but obviously not correct. The real reason is that mathematics as we’ve been taught it is a lie, it doesn’t work, never has worked, and our entire civilization is built on a faulty premise.
Yea, Biden can just click his fingers and the Right and the gun lobby will just let him ban guns.
Well what he’s doing right now is just going to lead to a few dozen more dead kids next month
Well what he’s doing right now is just going to lead to a few dozen more dead kids next month
I’m sorry, Dan, that’s a brave effort but obviously not correct. The real reason is that mathematics as we’ve been taught it is a lie, it doesn’t work, never has worked, and our entire civilization is built on a faulty premise.
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