The Mandalorian – SPOILERS

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Just going to create a separate thread for this, considering it won’t be available legally for a lot of users for five months.

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  • #45647

    I’ve just finished reading a novel which literally has a spaceship named Falcon Crest in it, and it fits the idiom of the story but I kept thinking of the TV show and this conversation while reading it.

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  • #45994

    I quite enjoyed this week’s episode, even if there were quite a few long stretches that felt like Mandalorian: The Video Game.

    Seeing the return of the sonic mines from Episode II was a nice little callback too.

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  • #46024

    I quite enjoyed this week’s episode, even if there were quite a few long stretches that felt like Mandalorian: The Video Game.

    Seeing the return of the sonic mines from Episode II was a nice little callback too.

    Yeah, this is pretty much where I was with the episode too. The bits that didn’t feel like a computer game were way better than prior episodes for action and character work

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  • #46076

    An OK set-up episode for the finale.

  • #46095

    I kinda liked this episode… more nifty helmets! Plus they actually did something interesting with the prison dude and even with Mando. And no baby Yoda… =P

    Also, good to see Pedro Pascal showing up for work… :unsure:

  • #46286

    Suppose The Mandalorian Secretly Cast Luke Skywalker — Who’d Be Your Pick?

    Suppose The Mandalorian Secretly Cast Luke Skywalker — Who’d Be Your Pick?

  • #46399

    Pedro Pascal Debunks Mandalorian Season 2 BTS Conflict Rumors

  • #46634

    Fuck you, Mandalorian. You stupid piece of shit TV show.

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  • #46640

    Pretty low-key episode this week. Can’t imagine there will be much stuff to talk about.

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  • #46645

    That moment where Mando took off his helmet would have had a lot more impact if he hadn’t done it last week. I didn’t like that episode, and this just makes it even worse in retrospect.

    Luke Ex Machina was annoying. I’m much happier when the show is doing it’s own thing and not bowing down at the movies or the cartoons. Mando did almost nothing this whole season, he just teamed up with people who did everything for him.

    If we’re done with Mando as the main character, that’s perfectly okay with me.

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  • #46651

    If we’re done with Mando as the main character, that’s perfectly okay with me.

    I’m not clear on whether The Book Of Boba is a separate series or just the next season of Mando, and he’s now the lead.

  • #46652

    Also, I wish Luke had explicitly renamed Grogu as “Baby Yoda” so it was canon.

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  • #46653

    I’m not clear on whether The Book Of Boba is a separate series or just the next season of Mando, and he’s now the lead.

    Yeah, I’m guessing we’ll find out later today. The December 2021 date makes me think it’ll be S3, or maybe it’ll be in place of The Mandalorian next year and S3 will be sometime in 2022.

    The use of Chapters for The Mandalorian episode titles makes me think it could be part of this show too. I wouldn’t be surprised if S3 is back to “Chapter 1.”

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  • #46662

    Fuck you, Mandalorian. You stupid piece of shit TV show.


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  • #46676

    Haven’t seen it, just a bit with the skyspoiler… guess it wasn’t all that complicated to bring him in after all, but WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FACEEE???? Jeeeesus this Disney Star Wars needs to get the fuck away from those cgi face monstorsities… They could’ve just cast someone for fuck’s sake… you got an actor on your payroll who’d be perfect…

    Anyhoo… I guess I’ll watch it later… xD

  • #46685

    I’m not clear on whether The Book Of Boba is a separate series or just the next season of Mando, and he’s now the lead.

    There was some scuttlebutt about Pedro Pascal not being happy with the series or some other behind-the-scenes drama, and wanting out or getting let go or something.

  • #46708

    I’m not clear on whether The Book Of Boba is a separate series or just the next season of Mando, and he’s now the lead.

    There was some scuttlebutt about Pedro Pascal not being happy with the series or some other behind-the-scenes drama, and wanting out or getting let go or something.

    Apparently it’s a load of bollocks though

  • #46714

    Well, that was…. interesting.

    Not sure how I feel about it really.

  • #46729

    I enjoyed it . To me, it was narratively consistent with the Star Wars universe.  We know from the Last Jedi that Luke was gathering force sensitive individuals to train to become Jedis when he was younger. That movie was polarizing among fans so I think i get the animosity. I don’t think the next season will be about Boba because he is not Mandalorian and Mandalorians want nothing to do with him.  The story that started with S1 E1 is now complete. Mando found the kid and delivered him to his people(so to speak).  I think the next season will either be about the retaking of Mandalore or a completely new story and neither needs Din Djarin. Maybe they switch Mandalorians the way they switch directors :unsure:

    pet peeves- I think we have found someone who is a worse actor than Gina Carano- the wrestler woman following Bo Katan. It was amusing that we had 2 genre favorites(Sackhoff and Wen) being followed by 2 whose physical prowess exceeds their acting prowess.

  • #46741

    So does this mean that when Ben Solo destroyed Luke’s Jedi school, he also killed Grogu?

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  • #46744

    Yes, it turns out the real power behind Snoke was frog-lady, and she finally got her revenge for those eggs.

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  • #46748

    pet peeves- I think we have found someone who is a worse actor than Gina Carano- the wrestler woman following Bo Katan. It was amusing that we had 2 genre favorites(Sackhoff and Wen) being followed by 2 whose physical prowess exceeds their acting prowess.

    I mean, it must be hard to even act when there’s barely a script in there… It’s funny ’cause it was incredibly boring for an episode that should’ve been a lot more exciting… even the Luke scene felt a bit meh, although hey, it’s kinda nice seeing him in action and in his prime at least.

    But seriously, they should’ve gone for an actor… not only the CGI was wonky (although there were some other truly horrendous CGI shots in the episode), but to top it off his dialogue was out of synch with his mouth, which made the experience even more jarring. And the toy yoda looked like toy yoda a couple of times… I dunno, you’d think they’d throw more money at the only show they’ve got.

  • #46752

    So does this mean that when Ben Solo destroyed Luke’s Jedi school, he also killed Grogu?

    That’s the big Q: Will they kill Baby Yoda off or chicken  out?

    I’m half expecting a sense of outrage from Disney, that we should be grateful for the episode and how dare it is linked to a later one.  That’s not how their SW works.  It’s all in isolation – until they say it’s not.

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  • #46761

    Yes, it turns out the real power behind Snoke was frog-lady, and she finally got her revenge for those eggs.

    Probably not canon, but it should be!

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  • #46764

    So does this mean that when Ben Solo destroyed Luke’s Jedi school, he also killed Grogu?

    That’s the big Q: Will they kill Baby Yoda off or chicken  out?

    I’m half expecting a sense of outrage from Disney, that we should be grateful for the episode and how dare it is linked to a later one.  That’s not how their SW works.  It’s all in isolation – until they say it’s not.

    I do wonder if many SW fans have thought it through and asked the same question. Hell, I wonder if Disney realizes this. I suspect that when some executive or creative on the payroll figures this out, we’ll get a statement that he’s a alive and well somehow.

  • #46765

    Yes, it turns out the real power behind Snoke was frog-lady, and she finally got her revenge for those eggs.

    Those eggs were how they cloned the Emperor. So while Grogu was inadvertently doing the right thing in eating them, he was ingesting evil and was literally being corrupted from the inside. In a century or so, Grogu will become the greatest evil the galaxy has ever seen!

    The lesson here is he was wrong to eat Frog Lady’s eggs.

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  • #46788

    pfff… as if they were gonna get rid of baby yoda… I wish the show would just do it, but they’ll obviously reunite them. That’s the one thing I could say it was a bad idea to use Luke… if it’s permanent, then fine, but if it’s not, then bleh…

  • #46794

    So the big finale was the cast watching the play through of a video game. Thrilling. And then the incessant need to tie everything back to Skywalker lore… Yeah, can’t imagine I’ll be back for another season of this one. Luckily there are approximately five million other Star Wars shows coming up to choose from.

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  • #46795

    So the big finale was the cast watching the play through of a video game. Thrilling.

    I described it to a friend (who enjoyed it) earlier as “Din Djarin and his friends fight their way into the worst cinema in the Galaxy and then watch a Star Wars movie on a tiny screen”. And it cracked him up.

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  • #46801

    Luckily there are approximately five million other Star Wars shows coming up to choose from.

    You mean five million Skywalker Lore tie-ins.

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  • #46803

    I really don’t get why people are upset that Luke showed up… I understand being upset with the CGI and the lip-synching issues and whatnot, but what did people expect was gonna happen when they introduced a baby motherfuckin yoda? :unsure:

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  • #46826

    what did people expect was gonna happen when they introduced a baby motherfuckin yoda?

    Yes, when I watched Season 1 Episode 1, and they revealed baby Yoda, my first and only thought was “That means we’re going to see Luke Skywalker before the end of Season 2!!” :-)

    Personally, I think Jon Favreau has been doing a fantastic job with the corner of the SWU that he has been given control of. In particular, this season he’s tied the Mandalorian storyline more directly into the overall canon of the films and the animated series without bogging every episode down with too much unnecessary baggage. As someone who has been a fan of this Universe since seeing the first film in theaters in 1977, and been disappointed with the prequels and underwhelmed but satisfied by the JJ Abrams trilogy, The Mandalorian in general has exceeded my initial expectations, and I’ve eagerly looked forward to each Friday when a new episode drops.

    Sure, I could nitpick certain moments or actions, but why bother? The bottom line is I’ve been entertained and thrilled by this series, I hope there is a third season, and I look forward to seeing if the other proposed SW series on Disney+ are able to reach the level of quality that Favreau and his team of writers and directors and actors have given us for two seasons.

    Best wishes.

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  • #46843

    I really don’t get why people are upset that Luke showed up… I understand being upset with the CGI and the lip-synching issues and whatnot, but what did people expect was gonna happen when they introduced a baby motherfuckin yoda?

    Because it’s Star Wars, and people get angry because it doesn’t match the story they made up in their own heads and they weren’t give the story they wanted.

    At least what I was told time and time again when I said I hated The Last Jedi.

    Oh, and you’re a toxic fan if you criticize anything Disney puts out.

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  • #46848

    The only potential issue I saw with bringing in Luke is the danger he takes over the story.

    They handled that well by bringing him in only for the finale.

    Plus setting up Grogu as needing training and there’s only one provider of that if followed through on.

  • #46849

    Jurgen Klopp?

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  • #46850

    I could go with having some Heavy Metal Jedi.

  • #46915

    The only potential issue I saw with bringing in Luke is the danger he takes over the story.

    Not with a CGI Luke, he doesn’t… they clearly don’t have the money for him to take over 10 minutes, let alone the whole show… =P

  • #46944

    Boba Fett Series Confirmed as a Mandalorian Spinoff; Pedro Pascal Will Be Back as Mando for Season 3

    Jon Favreau has closed the book on speculation about the Boba Fett series that was teased at the end of The Mandalorian‘s Season 2 finale, confirming that it is a standalone spinoff.

    “This is actually separate from The Mandalorian Season 3,” the EP shared Monday on Good Morning America.

    The Book of Boba Fett, as it is titled, is already filming, “and then we go into production after that with Season 3 of The Mandalorian, with the main character we know and love (played by Pedro Pascal).”

    The Book of Boba Fett, which will be set within the timeline of The Mandalorian, was held back from the many other series announcements made at Disney Investor day, Favreau said, because “we didn’t want to spoil the surprise.” And indeed, ever since The Mandalorian’s Season 2 finale came to a close, Disney+ had been 100-percent mum on what The Book of Boba Fett is and isn’t.

    Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen are set to star in the spinoff, reprising their roles as Boba Fett and assassin Fennec Shand, while Favreau will EP the series with Dave Filoni and Robert Rodriguez.

    After delivering a most unexpected (yet not) and out-of-this-world cameo with the actual finale’s closing moments, The Mandalorian slipped in a post-credits scene in which Boba Fett (played by Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones‘ Morrison), with help from Fennec Shand (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s Wen), gunned down Bib Fortuna to lay claim to the throne inside Jabba the Hutt’s palace on the planet Tatooine. After the formidable duo settled in, the title card “THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT…. COMING DECEMBER 2021” appeared on-screen.

    In the immediate wake of the tease, some assumed that The Book of Boba Fett was a well-rumored standalone spinoff, while others wondered aloud if the intrepid bounty hunter was possibly “taking over” The Mandalorian, at least for Season 3 — which is also set to premiere in December 2021. (Besides the overlapping release dates for sister series, there was also the question of what The Mandalorian will look like now that Din Djarin’s quest is completed.)

  • #46977


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  • #46981

    This some crappy, work out the phrase, cryptic crap?

  • #46982

    This some crappy, work out the phrase, cryptic crap?

    There’s a thing on top of the other thing, and both things rhyme. Like elf on the shelf.

  • #46983

    Disney’s lawyers are frantically working out the paperwork for the Han Solo / Rolo marketing campaign as we speak.

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  • #46985

    This some crappy, work out the phrase, cryptic crap?

    There’s a thing on top of the other thing, and both things rhyme. Like elf on the shelf.

    Din on the car? Djarin on the Time Machine? Don’t get it.

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  • #46990

    It’s the piece of shit on the piece of shit.

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  • #46991

    Disney’s lawyers are frantically working out the paperwork for the Han Solo / Rolo marketing campaign as we speak.

    That one works.

    It’s the piece of shit on the piece of shit.

    This one too.


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  • #46992

    Aldi Boba Fett on the not-a-time-machine-yet

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  • #47003

    “I’m going to give you my last Rolo.”

    “I know.”


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  • #47025

    There’s a thing on top of the other thing, and both things rhyme. Like elf on the shelf.

    yea but I think it loses its appeal the more syllables you have to use.

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  • #47070

    Fett on a ‘vette.


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  • #47073

    Mando on Lando


    Lando on Mando

  • #47350

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  • #47352

    On the bright side of things, if he dies there’s a chance Din Djarin might actually accomplish something instead of just standing on the sidelines while a character who wasn’t even in his show makes all Djarin’s personal growth and sacrifice worthless.

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  • #47353

    So who opened their presents early only to find coal?

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  • #47356

    So who opened their presents early only to find coal?

    The only coal I got was this piece of shit TV show.

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  • #47363

    So who opened their presents early only to find coal?

    The only coal I got was this piece of shit TV show.

    Was it actually coal or really the charred remains of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru?

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  • #47364

    You’re on the naughty list for life.

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  • #47384

    So I got caught up on the last three episodes. They lived up to my expectations and my expectations were very, very low. Mando continues to be a poorly executed character.

    And this brings me to Boba Fett. I fear we’re heading down the same path with him. Nothing against Morrison but BF has zero personality. I blame the writers and directors for this. I really wish they had used the asshole dick version from Robot Chicken. Now he had charisma!

    Someone took RC dialogue and dubbed it in a Mandalorian scene. Fucking hell, that was so much better than what we actually got:

    Sadly, I think The Book of Boba Fett is going to be as bland as The Mandalorian.

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  • #47395

    Someone took RC dialogue and dubbed it in a Mandalorian scene. Fucking hell, that was so much better than what we actually got:

    That was pretty hilarious alright. And yes, having that character in the Mandalorian would’ve been the biggest, boldest curveball from any movie company in 2020.

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  • #47555

    Watched the last four episodes in one go, and they were fine.
    – Ahsoka Tano’s reasons for not wanting to train Grogu were all bullshit. Pft. But other than that, she was pretty cool and it was a fun proper western episode.
    – Liked what they did with Bill Burr’s character and that episode was good fun overall, but it’s a bit weird how he goes off on that guy because he got all those guys that he served with killed and then, in a further act of redemption… blows up the base with all the grunts and everybody in it? Who worked out the internal logic for this one?
    – Second-to-last episode was nicely done action. Good to see Ming-Na Wen back. Jesus, how is this woman almost sixty? I liked the Boba badass moments well enough. Too bad stormtroopers can’t run sideways, or they’d have easily dodged that big boulder though.
    – It was funny how that guy at the start was all “I had friends on that Death Star”. Heh heh heh. So the Dark Troopers are, like, really slow Terminators? Man, that’s so lame. Good enough action other than that though, and personally I liked the Skywalker appearance. This is how I saw Luke for the first time, just walking into Jabba’s palace and waltzing through it like an unstoppable force. I’m glad I got to see that again.

    But yeah, I immediately had the same thought as Tood: Shame the kid is going to be killed by Ben Solo.
    Man, at this point it really would make sense to just de-canonise the sequels.

    So, yeah, overall, not a bad season. Fun enough. It’s still not a great show, but it’s alright as long as you don’T think too much about it.

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  • #47693

    I could post this in the WW84 thread but this works here too.  Pedro Pascal is a good actor but………..  I admire his acting skill but I just don’t like him. I have seen him in 3 things: Kingsman2, Mandalorian, and WW84. It probably doesn’t help that he plays 2 villains and a helmeted character but at best he is just there. Could it be that he is given very little to work with?  Both WW84 and Mando shows a evil/self interested person being redeemed by a child and the heel turn in K2 was, for the most point, unexplained.

    Is it his fault? all these roles were fairly high profile with K2 being the least but it followed a successful movie in Kingsman so I can’t blame him for taking those roles. In the end, i think he may be a good actor but not good enough or charismatic enough to overcome a poor script and I may be blaming him for the overall disappointments I have felt in these projects.

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  • #47701

    Narcos is Pascal’s best work.

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  • #47716

    I think he was great in the role of Oberyn Martell in GAME OF THRONES.

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  • #47725

    I completely forgot about that one. He was really on point with that role

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  • #47728

    Yeah no, he’s good… it’s probably the scripts. I don’t think he’s “lead actor” material though.

  • #47775

    This sounds like a great moment to plug the great little indie sci-fi western Prospect, starring Pedro Pascal (first as antagonist, then less so):

    The role is actually fairly close to Mando, but he’s really really good in this.

  • #47783

    I could post this in the WW84 thread but this works here too.  Pedro Pascal is a good actor but………..  I admire his acting skill but I just don’t like him. I have seen him in 3 things: Kingsman2, Mandalorian, and WW84. It probably doesn’t help that he plays 2 villains and a helmeted character but at best he is just there. Could it be that he is given very little to work with?  Both WW84 and Mando shows a evil/self interested person being redeemed by a child and the heel turn in K2 was, for the most point, unexplained.

    Is it his fault? all these roles were fairly high profile with K2 being the least but it followed a successful movie in Kingsman so I can’t blame him for taking those roles. In the end, i think he may be a good actor but not good enough or charismatic enough to overcome a poor script and I may be blaming him for the overall disappointments I have felt in these projects.

    This is actually a big part of why I’m so angry at the show. Pascal is clearly a good actor and he excels when given good material. So take episode 7 this year. He absolutely nailed the sequence in the canteen where Darin had to take off his helmet and was insecure and awkward. His body language in that sequence was amazing, it was one of the things that gave me hope that the show was getting better.

    And then it was rendered pointless because if Djarin had walked away after he put Grogu on the plinth it would have all worked out the same way because Luke would have made his way to Gideon’s cruiser and saved the day regardless. I’m usually not a fan of saying that a prequel or sequel “ruins” another story by being bad, but this was the conclusion of the same story and it basically told us that Djarin making one of the biggest sacrifices he could turned out to be for nothing.

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  • #47787

    This is actually a big part of why I’m so angry at the show. Pascal is clearly a good actor and he excels when given good material. So take episode 7 this year. He absolutely nailed the sequence in the canteen where Darin had to take off his helmet and was insecure and awkward. His body language in that sequence was amazing, it was one of the things that gave me hope that the show was getting better.

    Yes, it was the best part of the series by far.

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  • #47793

    this was the conclusion of the same story and it basically told us that Djarin making one of the biggest sacrifices he could turned out to be for nothing.

    I think that’s true if you think that the significance of him taking his helmet off only extends to its significance as a sacrifice of his values for the sake of Grogu.

    But I think the series has been seeding a larger story thread about him realising that the principles he’s been brought up to believe in aren’t necessarily correct, that he’s essentially been raised by a fairly extreme cult and that “the way” might not actually be the right way.

    We see it earlier in the season with Bo Katan and the other Mandalorians and we also get elements of it in the episode where Boba shows up, and more of it in that seventh episode.

    Essentially the moments with him taking the helmet off are about personal growth for him, not just an expression of how much he’s willing to sacrifice for Grogu.

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  • #47797

    But I think the series has been seeding a larger story thread about him realising that the principles he’s been brought up to believe in aren’t necessarily correct, that he’s essentially been raised by a fairly extreme cult and that “the way” might not actually be the right way. We see it earlier in the season with Bo Katan and the other Mandalorians and we also get elements of it in the episode where Boba shows up, and more of it in that seventh episode.

    I wish those elements would be A LOT more at the forefront, because that’s an actually interesting story to be told… instead of wasting time playing space nanny to that shit-ass puppet.

    So here’s hoping that’s the direction the show takes (knowing full well the green turd will make his comeback by mid-season at most).

  • #47799

    Yeah, I think Dave is right about all of that, but it’s only hinted at. I mean, obviously it’s hard to show character growth when you’ve got a Man with No Name kind of character that never talks… but it’s not like they couldn’t have done more with this if they’d pursued it in the plots.

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  • #47802

    this was the conclusion of the same story and it basically told us that Djarin making one of the biggest sacrifices he could turned out to be for nothing.

    I think that’s true if you think that the significance of him taking his helmet off only extends to its significance as a sacrifice of his values for the sake of Grogu.

    But I think the series has been seeding a larger story thread about him realising that the principles he’s been brought up to believe in aren’t necessarily correct, that he’s essentially been raised by a fairly extreme cult and that “the way” might not actually be the right way.

    We see it earlier in the season with Bo Katan and the other Mandalorians and we also get elements of it in the episode where Boba shows up, and more of it in that seventh episode.

    Essentially the moments with him taking the helmet off are about personal growth for him, not just an expression of how much he’s willing to sacrifice for Grogu.

    Let’s just say I have no faith in the show to deliver that kind of long-term storytelling in any sort of satisfactory way.

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  • #47806

    I think that’s all fair. The show is definitely hinting towards that story a lot, so there’s more to the helmet stuff than just how much he will give up for Grogu, but given the style of the series I don’t really expect it to be at the forefront. More as gradual character growth.

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  • #47810

    Let’s just say I have no faith in the show to deliver that any kind of long-term storytelling in any sort of satisfactory way.


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  • #48029

    A new food choice for your baby:

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  • #48044

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  • #55000

    #FireGinaCarano Trends After Actor Compares Being Republican to Being a Holocaust-Era Jew

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  • #55002

    Wow. That is batcrap crazy.

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  • #55004

    Well, that ought to play well with the half-Jewish Jon Favreau…

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  • #55010

    Let’s be honest, Cara Dune is not essential to the show.

    If her character is never seen again, it’s not a loss. It can be mentioned that she was reassigned by the New Republic somewhere else.

    The character, and by extension the actress, are quite disposable.

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  • #55023

    Let’s be honest, Cara Dune is not essential to the show.

    I seem to recall Disney+ was planning RANGERS OF THE NEW REPUBLIC with her character in a recurring role as a Marshall of the New Republic. If so, they’re probably rethinking that idea.

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  • #55032

    Well it seems she’s been fired… sooo… that’s that I guess…

  • #55033


    Lucasfilm Calls Gina Carano Social Media Posts “Abhorrent”; Actress No Longer Employed By ‘Mandalorian’ Studio

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  • #55035

    Ugh. Well, I still don’t think that you have to have sensible political views to play a minor role in a Star Wars series, but she’s got no-one to blame but herself.

    “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views,” she wrote.

    I kinda wish someone would just sit her down and explain to her how it is different.

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  • #55037

    Meh, that’s not offensive, just ignorant… and specially tone deaf.

    There’s a lot more at work here than just a celebrity saying dumb shit on social media… but beyond that, yeah, when are they gonna learn and stay the fuck away from social media? I mean, it’s really not that complicated… =/

  • #55039

    Yeah, and it’s not like this is a case of her saying just one stupid thing on social media and getting fired for it. She’s consistently brought the wrong kind of attention to herself and the show, and there’s always going to be a limit to how much of that they can bear. She’s had plenty of second chances.

    Honestly though I can’t believe her management hasn’t stepped in and made it clear to her that if she doesn’t stop posting stupid shit on Twitter she’s going to lose her job.

    Maybe they did and she went ahead anyway – she’s clearly intending to provoke with this stuff.

    Making a comparison like that to jewish persecution during the holocaust is a pretty big way to go out though. It’s not like you can really claim innocence and “cancel culture” after that.

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  • #55041

    Reading up on some of it this morning her Twitter posts really have been a Greatest Hits of dumb shit to say on social media that’ll get you fired.

    “All I did was make fun of mask-wearers, mock trans people, question the effectiveness of COVID vaccines, suggest the election mail-in votes were rigged, and then compare myself to jews during the holocaust!”

    I’m surprised she lasted as long as she did.

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  • #55042

    Let’s be honest, Cara Dune is not essential to the show.

    I seem to recall Disney+ was planning RANGERS OF THE NEW REPUBLIC with her character in a recurring role as a Marshall of the New Republic. If so, they’re probably rethinking that idea.

    I think it’s pretty clear they were, but they announced the Rangers show and stayed quiet on the casting.  Assumption at the time, with Disney having ridden out the Dawson controversy, was that she’d be in it but she kept the tweets going, cue certain contract clauses being activated.

    Also, not that this latest one would ever have been acceptable, but she tweeted this within two weeks of Holocaust memorial day!

  • #55043

    Maybe they did and she went ahead anyway – she’s clearly intending to provoke with this stuff.

    There’s a lot of money to be made on the reactionary outrage circuit.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #55044

    Yeah, and it’s not like this is a case of her saying just one stupid thing on social media and getting fired for it. She’s consistently brought the wrong kind of attention to herself and the show, and there’s always going to be a limit to how much of that they can bear. She’s had plenty of second chances.

    she’s clearly intending to provoke with this stuff.

    Yeah no, I know… what I meant is that I’ve noticed a trend of escalation with this tpye of thing, where someone says something silly that someone else finds offensive or whatever, so they get called out but they go on the defensive, and then they get more agression, so they get even more defensive…and so on and so on until it really gets bad… then you add some other factors that I ain’t gonna get into right now… and well, that’s how we get these type of dumbshit messes.

    Anyways, guess she saved us from another dreky SW show… =P

    Also, Whedon should be very grateful… Carano almost stole his spotlight… =/

  • #55045

    There’s a lot of money to be made on the reactionary outrage circuit.

    No kidding…

  • #55053

    Maybe they did and she went ahead anyway – she’s clearly intending to provoke with this stuff.

    There’s a lot of money to be made on the reactionary outrage circuit.

    Probably not as much as headlining a Disney streaming series though.

    Let’s be honest, Cara Dune is not essential to the show.

    I seem to recall Disney+ was planning RANGERS OF THE NEW REPUBLIC with her character in a recurring role as a Marshall of the New Republic. If so, they’re probably rethinking that idea.

    I think it’s pretty clear they were, but they announced the Rangers show and stayed quiet on the casting.  Assumption at the time, with Disney having ridden out the Dawson controversy, was that she’d be in it but she kept the tweets going, cue certain contract clauses being activated.

    Also, not that this latest one would ever have been acceptable, but she tweeted this within two weeks of Holocaust memorial day!

    Disney was set to announce the spinoff series Rangers of the New Republic with her as the headliner in December at their investor’s meeting but held off after her comments in November.

    Honestly though I can’t believe her management hasn’t stepped in and made it clear to her that if she doesn’t stop posting stupid shit on Twitter she’s going to lose her job.

    Maybe they did and she went ahead anyway – she’s clearly intending to provoke with this stuff.

    Yeah, about that:
    ‘The Mandalorian’ Actress Gina Carano & UTA Part Ways In Wake Of Social Media Controversy

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  • #55088

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  • #55093

    Saw this on Facebook today

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  • #55106


  • #55108

    Ted Cruz pivoting into a culture war YouTuber after he left office was probably the last thing any of us expected.

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  • #55109


    Is that really surprising? that was the only logical next step… the radical right is gonna claim her as their own, and the sad truth is the radical left pushed her to it… this literally Jordan Petersen 2.0 (and many many more, for that matter).

  • #55111

    Nah, she made herself one of them; she was clearly aligned with everything they believe already.

    Also, Ted Cruz seems to be a bit confused when it comes to the difference between an actor and a character.

    Love the Lucy Lawless suggestion; hope they go with it.

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  • #55129

    and the sad truth is the radical left pushed her to it…

    ? You mean she faced consequences for being a racist pos?

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  • #55140

    and the sad truth is the radical left pushed her to it…

    ? You mean she faced consequences for being a racist pos?

    To be fair “don’t be a bigot” is a pretty radical position for Americans.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #55142

    ? You mean she faced consequences for being a racist pos?

    Yeah sure… I keep forgetting how much of a bad idea is to try to discuss certain topics in here. No biggie… Moving on…

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