The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Thread – SPOILERS INSIDE!!!

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Since this is starting up on Friday, March 19th, I figured we should have a dedicated thread to discuss it with spoilers.

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  • #57863

    Reactions to the first episode seem to be along the lines of “solid MCU fare.”

    These two have me intrigued though:

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  • #57877

    Like the “does exactly what it says on the tin” approach to naming these shows.

    I guess going with Captain America: Sidekicks would be stretching the branding a little too much.

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  • #57880

    Like the “does exactly what it says on the tin” approach to naming these shows.

    I guess going with Captain America: Sidekicks would be stretching the branding a little too much.

    “The B-listers”

  • #57881

    I suppose Stargate already did The Other Guys.

  • #57882

    I guess going with Captain America: Sidekicks would be stretching the branding a little too much.

    They could’ve gone with Agents of Cap, for a double dip =P

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  • #58029

    ‘The Falcon And The Winter Soldier’: Marvel Boss Kevin Feige On Possible Season 2 “Ideas”; Anthony Mackie Teases ‘Black Widow’ Spinoff

    Season 1 hasn’t even premiered yet.

  • #58087

    I like the clip.  I like the banter. I like the Falcon cgi. If they have the same guy who choreographed Winter Soldier and Civil War, they should be fine.

    classic geek argument: whats the difference between wizards and sorcerers?

    as for the name I would have gotten simpler : Sam & Bucky.

    btw, how many of you had a friend call it Falcon and the (Winter) Snowman? its happened twice to me.








    for old school baseball/sitcom fans— Sam(malone) and Bucky(dent) :-)


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Rocket.
  • #58091

    A reminder for those over here that, because of daylight savings, the first two episodes will be out at 7AM on Fridays.

  • #58092

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  • #58112

    btw, how many of you had a friend call it Falcon and the (Winter) Snowman? its happened twice to me.

    Hell, I’ve been doing it! I have to think for a second a lot of times before I say it.

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  • #58526

    I thought it was fine, but not exciting at all. It definitely gave off Netflix-style “first act of a long movie” vibes, especially with the main characters not meeting yet.

    The big action scene was technically impressive enough, but I had no investment, and it felt very similar to other action scenes in The Mandalorian, Iron Man, etc.

    I’m looking forward to getting more Wyatt Russell at least. Watch Lodge 49, people!

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  • #58528

    Yeah, I thought it was ok but a slow start. For a setup episode there was a surprising amount of what feels like padding (watch an Avenger try to get a bank loan!). But Mackie and Stan are both very watchable, the opening action scene was decent enough (if a bit meaningless) and the final reveal is potentially interesting.

    Hopefully it kicks up a gear next week and they have the two title characters get together, as their chemistry is one of the main aspects that had me interested in the show.

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  • #58549

    It definitely feels like they want to deal with the fallout of Infinity War and Endgame, but not in a movie, so here we are. There’s nothing bad in this episode, but like you guys said, nothing special either. With Batroc showing up, and them reusing the Winter Soldier musical sting for Bucky’s flashback/nightmare it felt like an adjunct to The Winter Soldier as much as the later movies, and I’m there for that.

    I do like that they’re adding layers of complexity to nominally supporting characters and especially making Bucky a vulnerable figure is very welcome in terms of characterisation. But at the same time the fight at the start leaned heavily into a MCU thing of having cartoony violence that has really horrible implications when you think about it for a few seconds – Age of Ultron was especially bad for this. Here Falcon kicks a guy out of a plane, and repeatedly damages helicopters to the point they slowly fall out of the sky and a few other similar moments where he’s basically killing people in a way that’s going to be pretty horrible for the person who’s about to die but the show forgets about them as soon as they’re out of frame.

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  • #58559

    With Batroc showing up, and them reusing the Winter Soldier musical sting for Bucky’s flashback/nightmare it felt like an adjunct to The Winter Soldier as much as the later movies, and I’m there for that.

    Yep, I definitely felt that too.

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  • #58561

    I do like that they’re adding layers of complexity to nominally supporting characters and especially making Bucky a vulnerable figure is very welcome in terms of characterisation. But at the same time the fight at the start leaned heavily into a MCU thing of having cartoony violence that has really horrible implications when you think about it for a few seconds – Age of Ultron was especially bad for this. Here Falcon kicks a guy out of a plane, and repeatedly damages helicopters to the point they slowly fall out of the sky and a few other similar moments where he’s basically killing people in a way that’s going to be pretty horrible for the person who’s about to die but the show forgets about them as soon as they’re out of frame.

    Agree on this too. We were almost laughing at how coldly he was causing so much carnage and how it was all skipped over.

    I’m not saying we need an Austin Powers “family of a henchman” scene, but if you’re going to adopt a serious militaristic tone to these superheroes then it’s hard to just gloss over the fact that they’re quite casually killing a lot of people.

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  • #58562

    It was okay. I’m just not that invested in either of the characters, and this didn’t do anything to change that. I wish they’d just sweep the whole “blip” thing under the carpet and forget about it once and for all, and I really do not care about Sam’s family business. Bucky is a little more sympathetic, but the writing isn’t up to much, so neither his meeting with the shrink or his path to redemption ring true so far.

    Did I mis-hear the bit about the Flag-Smashers or is their goal really to unite the world by doing away with all borders? Wouldn’t that be a good thing..??

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  • #58563

    Did I mis-hear the bit about the Flag-Smashers or is their goal really to unite the world by doing away with all borders? Wouldn’t that be a good thing..??

    That’s the same as the comics.

    The first Flag-Smasher was born Karl Morgenthau, the son of a wealthy Swiss banker-turned-diplomat, in Bern, Switzerland. He wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a diplomat until his father was trampled to death in a riot at a Latverian embassy. He came to believe that humanity needed to do away with the concept of countries and nationalism that made people feel superior to those of different nationalities.

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  • #58564

    Did I mis-hear the bit about the Flag-Smashers or is their goal really to unite the world by doing away with all borders? Wouldn’t that be a good thing..??

    That was odd how that was dropped in and then not explained – just accepted by both as a terrible thing. Presumably we’ll find out more details as the show goes on.

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  • #58565

    That was odd how that was dropped in and then not explained – just accepted by both as a terrible thing. Presumably we’ll find out more details as the show goes on.

    He says something along those lines, then says, “so you can see why a lot of people are on board with it” presumably meaning that even he agrees it’s a good idea… in theory.

    I’m assuming their actual motives are a little more nefarious, but for now… I’m Team Flag-Smasher!

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  • #58568

    On the whole “blip” thing, I remember thinking when Endgame came out that it was going to kind of screw the MCU over because you now had a world that had been fundamentally altered by this five-year event that would have thrown things into chaos and complicated everything. And in all of the post-Endgame stories it does feel like more of a storytelling burden than an opportunity.

    Hopefully now that it’s been sufficiently dealt with in Spidey, Wandavision and here the future MCU projects won’t feel the need to keep acknowledging it. At this point it’s best just ignored I think.

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  • #58574

    Wyatt Russell does not have a good chin for that Cap helmet.


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  • #58672


    And of course, today the FALCON AND WINTER SOLDIER show debuts on Disney+, which I sadly have very mixed feelings about. I’m really happy for Sebastian Stan, who I think is both a great guy and the perfect Bucky/Winter Soldier, and I’m glad to see him getting more screen time finally. Also, Anthony Mackie is amazing as the Falcon, and everyone at Marvel Studios that I’ve ever met (all the way up to Kevin Feige) have been nothing but kind to me… but at the same time, for the most part all Steve Epting and I have gotten for creating the Winter Soldier and his storyline is a “thanks” here or there, and over the years that’s become harder and harder to live with. I’ve even seen higher-ups on the publishing side try to take credit for my work a few times, which was pretty galling (to be clear, I’m NOT talking about Tom Breevort, who was a great editor and really helpful).

    So yeah, mixed feeling, and maybe it’ll always be like that (but I sure hope not). Work-for-hire work is what it is, and I’m honestly thrilled to have co-created something that’s become such a big part of pop culture – or even pop subculture with all the Bucky-Steve slash fiction – and that run on Cap was one of the happiest times of my career, certainly while doing superhero comics. Also, I have a great life as a writer and much of it is because of Cap and the Winter Soldier bringing so many readers to my other work. But I also can’t deny feeling a bit sick to my stomach sometimes when my inbox fills up with people wanting comments on the show.

    So… I’m sure I’ll watch it, and you should too if you’re a Marvel movie universe fan, but I’ll probably be waiting a while to check it out myself. So please don’t email me any spoilers, I guess, but go give Sebastian Stan lots of love wherever he is online.

  • #58690

    New Cap!

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  • #58698

    It was ok… really first like the first chunk of a movie which is great because of the production values, but not good in terms of pacing. I get why Wandavision was a series, the episodic nature played a huge meta-part in the story… here? it just seems like they’re forcing us to watch a movie in chunks for some reason… :unsure:

    Wyatt Russell does not have a good chin for that Cap helmet.

    He doesn’t have anything going on for him… They didn’t even give him a cool suit, which is very disappointing. I kinda wish they had gotten someone like John Cena… and not, I’m not making a meme.

    for the most part all Steve Epting and I have gotten for creating the Winter Soldier and his storyline is a “thanks” here or there, and over the years that’s become harder and harder to live with.

    How unsurprising… apparently Satrlin got more money for KGBeast appearing in BvS than he did for all of his MCU characters… now, I don’t know if that changed with IW and Endgame, but something tells me “no”.

  • #58722

    I enjoyed the first episode. There’s a lot to unpack with the two lead characters. The Captain America movies got so crowded after Winter Soldier that there really wasn’t much scope to explore them there, so plenty of material to work with in these six hours or so.

    Who wants to guess when the boat gets destroyed? I’ll go with episode four.

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  • #58725

    I enjoyed it for what it was. I appreciated that they are delving into the characters and trying to give them some depth.

    While WandaVision was fun and innovative, it was still a MCU product. They will only go so far in depth and range. Superficially, Marvel TV series may do some different and experimental things that you won’t see in the movies but ultimately, they will stay at the same level as their cinematic kin. I am not expecting an series to be like Legion in terms of depth or boundary-pushing. Legion was a true outlier and the shows being on Disney+ and being tied to the movies limit how far they can go.

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  • #58761

    Enjoyed that enough.

    Although, for all it is an impressive opening sequence, the carnage is up there with John Wick!  But this could be a new version of the ‘no body’ rule – if you see none, no one died.

    It’s also clear that they want to make each series distinctive, while each fits into a larger picture.  Good casting again too – Like that they nabbed the actress that plays Billings in Bosch as Bucky’s shrink.

    The end scenes set up some very interesting territory too.

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  • #58780

    Wait, isn’t Falcon a soldier? It didn’t shock me he was killing, even though yeah, I did notice the body count, but only in the sense that I was aware it was a Disney show. But it’s a show about 2 soldiers and a whole bunch of terrorists, so… :unsure:

    Anyhow, I didn’t LOVE it, but I liked it… what I loved is the focus on those 2 characters, and particularly on the Falcon. His new costume is really cool (even though I’m really over the whole MCU militaristic aesthetic, at least it fits him). I still don’t like Bucky’s new arm… his flashback only reinforced how much better the previous design is.

    Oh and the lenght of this episode felt just about right, not too short and not too long… it was starting to drag out a bit but they closed it before I went “boriiing”.

  • #58840

    How unsurprising… apparently Satrlin got more money for KGBeast appearing in BvS than he did for all of his MCU characters… now, I don’t know if that changed with IW and Endgame, but something tells me “no”.


    DC have always been better with this stuff. Creators complain the sums are low but they do pay out for other media appearances of characters they’ve created.

    Marvel just give ‘thanks’, they also don’t pay anything for foreign editions of any of their comics so if a book sells half a million in say a Spanish translation the writer and artist don’t get a penny. Other publishers do give a royalty.

  • #58841

    As to the show, it was entertaining enough. Winter Soldier’s therapy and redemption story is interesting, Falcon’s fishing and finance one less so.

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  • #58843

    Fishing and finance… FF… Fantastic Four appearance confirmed!

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  • #58844

    DC have always been better with this stuff. Creators complain the sums are low but they do pay out for other media appearances of characters they’ve created. Marvel just give ‘thanks’, they also don’t pay anything for foreign editions of any of their comics so if a book sells half a million in say a Spanish translation the writer and artist don’t get a penny. Other publishers do give a royalty.

    I do detect a certain amount of Disney thinking in this. I suspect that any formal acknowledgement/royalty beyond a “thanks” opens a door that their lawyers would probably rather not open.

    Like Brubaker says, that’s the deal with Work For Hire and you have to accept that, even if at the time he created the Winter Soldier it was difficult to imagine the character becoming a household name with his own TV series.

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  • #58965

    This is such a movie. It starts with an amazing action sequence then we see our lead characters in their down time before the shit hits fan.  I wish they would have progressed the story a bit more. I was unfulfilled with the length of the episode. But I am confident it will get better.

  • #58971

    I do detect a certain amount of Disney thinking in this. I suspect that any formal acknowledgement/royalty beyond a “thanks” opens a door that their lawyers would probably rather not open.

    It’s all a little weird because in truth that hasn’t happened with Warners, they have pretty watertight contracts that the ‘creator participation agreements’ may even possibly strengthen that kind of argument. In the Marvel v Friedrich suit over Ghost Rider they brought in John Byrne as a witness to admit he earned over $10million at Marvel so couldn’t have been exploited. Marvel also very briefly change their terms for a year or two so guys like Liefeld actually do get payments for the likes of Deadpool and Cable.

    It also seems from what I’ve read that Disney is not going to contest ‘Steamboat Willy’ going public domain in the next two years or  Warners with Action Comics #1 (but there’s still time).

    I know Disney are rightly famed for their litigious nature but it’s not really any change of policy from before they bought Marvel.


  • #58973

    I was thinking… it’s pretty crazy, almost kismet I’d say, that both the Falcon & WS came out literally the next day after the Snydercut, because if this show goes as I think it will (and as it seems it will), the 18-19 of March 2021 might be a watershed moment for the entertainment business…

    We’re probably witnessing the complete and utter blurring between traditional theatrical movies and streaming TV shows with these 2 projects… I mean, listen, if the shows goes as it seems it will, it’ll basically end up being the “snyder cut” of a Falcon & WS movie that could’ve been… think about it. This is the moment Marvel/Disney and DC/WB just changed the landscape.

    Mark my words =P

  • #58977

    I mean, listen, if the shows goes as it seems it will, it’ll basically end up being the “snyder cut” of a Falcon & WS movie that could’ve been… think about it.

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  • #58986

    Do I really need to spell it out?

  • #58988

    It also seems from what I’ve read that Disney is not going to contest ‘Steamboat Willy’ going public domain in the next two years or  Warners with Action Comics #1 (but there’s still time).

    They won’t contest it because they know they’d lose this time. Unlike previous times they’ve managed to get copyright extended, there’s now a well organised movement against copyright extension, which even has the backing of organisations like the MPAA.

    That’s moot though because Marvel Studios wasn’t even compensating creators before they were owned by Disney.

    There have been a few exceptions though, most notably Bill Mantlo, creator of Rocket Raccoon. He requires full time care after he was hit by a car in 1992, and after Guardians proved to be a success, his brother negotiated a “very nice compensation package” with Marvel Studios which enabled him to receive care in his home rather than an institution.

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  • #58991

    Do I really need to spell it out?

    The Snyder Cut is a new four-hour edit of a superhero movie from a few years ago that has debuted on a streaming service. Falcon and Winter Soldier is a brand new 45-minute weekly superhero TV series that has debuted on a streaming service.

    So they’re both about superheroes and have debuted on a streaming service, but beyond that I don’t see a huge similarity.

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  • #58993

    Both of them do not feature Steve Guttenberg. Coincidence?

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  • #58998

    Do I really need to spell it out?

    The Snyder Cut is a new four-hour edit of a superhero movie from a few years ago that has debuted on a streaming service. Falcon and Winter Soldier is a brand new 45-minute weekly superhero TV series that has debuted on a streaming service.

    So they’re both about superheroes and have debuted on a streaming service, but beyond that I don’t see a huge similarity.

    Alright then… so one is basically a 4 hour long, high production blockbuster-level movie split into 6 chapters, the other is a 6 episode high production blockbuster-level show, that when you add the runtime, it comes to about 4 hours too. One is a movie that could be watched as a series (up to a point), the other is a series that could be watched as an entire 4hr long movie.

    Granted, F&WS was obviously written as an actual series, so it has a series structure, plus as I said, unless there’s something very “series-like” later on, I don’t think this will feel like a show like Wandavision did, this doesn’t look like it’s gonna be episodic is what I mean…

    So yeah, these two things are kind of blurring the line between movies and shows in a pretty spectacular fashion, at the same time, and not any “time”. This might have a big impact going forward when considering the bigger pitcure, in fact I really think it will… That’s all.

  • #59000

    I dunno, as far back as Daredevil on Netflix people were talking about it being a “13 hour movie” or whatever. I think that’s more just a function of how this stuff is delivered and consumed these days. I don’t see any of these recent releases as really changing the game in a fundamental way, other than maybe the production values on the Disney+ series.

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  • #59013

    Well, sure, but the context has changed radically since DD1… I do see a possible shift… not just because of the format, but yes, like you say, the money and production values, but also, if streaming services start allowing more creative freedom AND put their money where their mouth is, they could really start attracting A+ talent… actors and directors included… plus we still have to see what the post-covid landscape looks like, but there might be some irreversible changes after all is said and done.

  • #59018

    ‘The Falcon And The Winter Soldier’: Disney+ Reports That Marvel Series Premiere Is Streamer’s Most Watched Ever

    Disney+ says that The Falcon and The Winter Soldier ranks as the most watched series premiere ever for the streaming service during its opening weekend, Friday, March 19 – Sunday, March 22, and the most watched title overall for the same time period on a global basis, including in Disney+ Hotstar markets. No viewership numbers were provided whatsoever.

    Disney+ did not provide any degree of viewers for Falcon and the Winter Soldier specifically in regards to WandaVision‘s weekend premiere or The Mandalorian‘s season 1 or 2’s weekend premieres. The streaming service only mentioned that Falcon, WandaVision and season 2 of Mandalorian are the streaming service’s top three most watched weekend premieres.

    SambaTV however reports that 1.7 million households tuned into Falcon and the Winter Soldier last weekend besting the 1.6M who tuned into WandaVision‘s opening weekend. SambaTV collects data from terrestrial TVs.

    Disney’s latest Marvel TV show had 759k US HHs tune in on Friday, beating WandaVision‘s premiere day tune in (655k households on Friday, Jan. 15), but not quite the 1.0M US HHs that watched The Mandalorian‘s Season 2 premiere on the first day.
    Marvel Studios’ The Falcon and The Winter Soldier stars Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson aka The Falcon, and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier in a post Avengers: Endgame world after The Blip. With Captain America retired, the world is in need of new one, however The Falcon finds the weight of the shield to be too heavy. However, unbeknown to him, a new Captain America was selected. Directed by Kari Skogland with Malcolm Spellman serving as head writer, the six-episode series also stars Daniel Brühl as Zemo, Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter, and Wyatt Russell as John Walker. The series dropped on Friday and for a six-episode run.

    More Marvel series will be dropping on Disney+: There is Loki on June 11 with Hawkeye and Ms. Marvel later this year.

    Separately, SambaTV reports 1.8M US households whowatched at least 5 minutes of Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max over the weekend. Diversity breakdown for households were Black (+17%), Hispanic (+20%), and Asian (+18%) people in them over-indexed. Of the 25 largest markets, the most over-indexing were San Francisco (+67%), Sacramento (+33%), and Los Angeles (+32%).

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  • #59020

    reports 1.8M US households whowatched at least 5 minutes of

    That’s like a whole D+ show episode without the credits, no? =P

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  • #59231

    ‘Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ Head Writer Promises a Very Different Sharon Carter

  • #59234

    Falcon and the Winter Soldier’ Head Writer Promises a Very Different Sharon Carter

    She hasn’t been the same since she shared that kiss with Steve Rogers…

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  • #59237

    She hasn’t been the same since she shared that kiss with Steve Rogers…

    … and got dumped in favor of her aunt. You missed half of it =P

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  • #59368

    That was definitely better. Some of the stuff still didn’t quite work (I’m not sure what the point of the couples therapy scene was, in continuity), but it did a good job of kicking off the plot and bringing in most of the main players.

    The digressions worked better than in the first episode too, like the Isaiah Bradley scene. I’m definitely more optimistic about the show than I was after the first episode.

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  • #59374

    I enjoyed it, especailly because it gave the Flag Smashers a decent motivation – it appears that under the blip people were provided for better than they were before? It’s a bit of a reductive take but it’s better than “rarr anarchists just want to smash things because rarr” like was implied in episode 1.

    Not sure if that opening scene was meant to be a commentary on how the US military pays to advertise at sports games in the US, was just a way to show the patriotism angle of Cap’s image, or was an ad by the US military – given the insignia on the Cap is Back posters and Walker and Hoskins’ costumes it won’t be surprising if they’re taking money from the military.

  • #59375

    under the blip people were provided for better than they were before?

    Thanos was right by DarthMoga on DeviantArt

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  • #59389

    Well, again it was okay but meh at the same time. I did like that they brought Isaiah in, and who I’m assuming is gonna be Patriot, I hope they’ll explore that whole thing a lot further… I had a feeling they would introduce them here, I didn’t expect it so soon though.

    Walker should avoid wearing the helmet. I like the actor though, I really wish they’d given him a better costume… I suppose they will IF he makes it to the end of the show and becomes USAgent… :unsure:

  • #59390

    under the blip people were provided for better than they were before?

    Thanos was right by DarthMoga on DeviantArt

    Well like I said, it’s reductive and that’s partially because Thanos was wrong, but at least it’s trying.

  • #59402

    it appears that under the blip people were provided for better than they were before?

    All the resources, half the people, so it makes sense. Maybe people started appreciating what they had, too, having experienced so much loss. Or maybe it’s just that people like Trump and Rupert Murdoch were blipped.

    The whole show feels very disjointed to me, and packed to the brim – as well as our two stars, we have a new Cap, Battlestar, Isiah Bradley (and son?), the Flag-smashers, the people who are trying to stop the Flag-smashers, and now Zemo – who may or may not be behind the Flag-smasher’s opponents.

    It needs to slow down, and do one thing well. For instance what exactly was the point of the scene with Isiah, other than to say, “oh look, it’s Isiah.”



  • #59464

    Enjoyed the second ep, it built well on the first and flowed nicely.

    At the start, during the interview with Walker, all I could think of was Homelander.  Later in the episode he recovered from that.

    The truck fight was a good action sequence.  The counselling scene was funny, more so if you also know Raynor as Billings, who’s used to dealing with Bosch.

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  • #59474

    For instance what exactly was the point of the scene with Isiah, other than to say, “oh look, it’s Isiah.”

    Well they introduced that racial theme last episode when they showed Walkercap, so I’m guessing there’ll be more of that. Honestly I though that was the best part of the episode. A lot more interesting than hunting down a bunch of super soldiers, though at least they’re giving them an interesting ideology.

  • #59475

    All the resources, half the people, so it makes sense. Maybe people started appreciating what they had, too, having experienced so much loss. Or maybe it’s just that people like Trump and Rupert Murdoch were blipped.

    Well yeah, that’s the comic logic. But didn’t they explicitly say it was half of all life, and not just sentient life? So that’s animals, and plants and bacteria – half of all land on Earth would cease to be arable overnight. Or even if it just animals that’s still half of all livestock and birds and insects. Losing half of all people means losing half of the people involved in production and logistics so it’s not as easy as “all the resources, half the people”. But I’d be amazed if any MCU production goes into that level of detail.

    The moral of the story is that Mathusianism is pseudoscience and it’s shocking that it’s accepted by so many people.

  • #59477

    I quite enjoyed it although I agree with Steve that it feels like it has a lot going on. Obviously it’s all setting up story threads for later but it’s not done very elegantly.

    Having said that, the action is decent, the story is fine and there is at least some attempt to touch on some relevant themes of the moment (even if it’s a bit heavy-handed).

    I also liked the decision to make Walker seem like an alright guy as I thought it was more dramatically interesting than the obvious route of making him unlikeable – so I was a bit disappointed that they so quickly pushed him into asshole territory later on.

  • #59484

    I kinda wish they’d dressed “Battlestar” as Bucky first just to piss Bucky off even more =P

    Other than that, I was wondering… so at some point Falcon tells Walker they’re “free agents” so they have more flexibility or something… does that mean the Sokovia accords got recinded then? I thought the whole point of that was to not have “free agent” superheroes and have them be accountable, much like Walker is…

    Also, I’m guessing Walker and Hoskins are getting some of that SS juice at some point, probably drving Walker a bit crazy and over-excited.

  • #59486

    Other than that, I was wondering… so at some point Falcon tells Walker they’re “free agents” so they have more flexibility or something… does that mean the Sokovia accords got recinded then?

    I wondered that myself. I couldn’t remember whether Infinity War/Endgame ever mentioned a change there.

  • #59495

    The show is perfectly enjoyable and the big action scenes are fun, yet the best parts by far are the character driven scenes like meeting Isaiah or Sam and Bucky’s therapy session. The whole deal with the Flag Smashers doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense so far. Maybe they’ll tidy that up next week.

    One thing I was trying to figure out is who exactly are the Avengers at this point? Does the team exist at all?

    Carol and Fury are off in space doing space things. Thor and the Guardians too. Spider-Man is presumably on the run. Wanda is dealing with her issues with Strange. Vision is floating around aimlessly. Black Panther will be doing Wakanda things. That leaves Hulk, Hawkeye, Ant-Man and Wasp as the potential line up, I think? Falcon is certainly not bothered about the whole initiative, it would appear.

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  • #59501

    One thing I was trying to figure out is who exactly are the Avengers at this point?

    By this point they’re probably down to Korg, Ned Leeds, Happy Hogan and Luis from Ant-Man.

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  • #59506

    You would think that if the government was going through a rebranding exercise with Captain America that they would want to tie it in with the Avengers for added credibility.

  • #59512

    oopsie…. wrong thread… falcon soldier yadda yadda…

  • #59514

    You would think that if the government was going through a rebranding exercise with Captain America that they would want to tie it in with the Avengers for added credibility.

    Are the Avengers still government-endorsed after Civil War/IW/Endgame? I lose track of all this stuff.

  • #59520

    “A good question….for another time.”

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  • #59591

    Really like this show. The action is absolutely amazing for a TV thing, the Winter Soldier’s trauma is very convincing and so is Falcon’s private troubles (even though, yeah, he really should have some Stark or military money…). New Cap is also a good character, and I like that they actually made him more likeable than either of the two main guys.

    There’s a lot of plot stuff that is only semi-convincing – is that Torres guy secretly working with Falcon instead of, like, with his own superiors? Why aren’t they doing all of this shit officially (and, like, get paid for it, Falcon?)? And the same goes for the tension between Falcon, WS, and the new Cap. It’d make all the sense in the world for all of these guys to work together, but we’re not at that point of the plot yet, so let’s give them huge egos so that they won’t do that, even if they don’t have those egos when they’re not talking to each other.

    It’s fine, though, I don’t mind any of that. Dialogues are good, action is great, intrigue is okay (I like that even though the Flag Smashers’ motivation seems a bit bullshit, they’re at least playing them seriously and making them people who really believe in their goals and are ready to sacrifice themselves for them – not just, like, evil dudes). Very much looking forward to the next episodes.

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  • #59592

    Oh, and I thought that Isaiah scene and the confrontation with the cops afterwards were very good. Maybe they bit off a bit too much with these themes for what the series is, but we will see.

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  • #59597

    There’s a lot of plot stuff that is only semi-convincing – is that Torres guy secretly working with Falcon instead of, like, with his own superiors? Why aren’t they doing all of this shit officially (and, like, get paid for it, Falcon?)? And the same goes for the tension between Falcon, WS, and the new Cap. It’d make all the sense in the world for all of these guys to work together, but we’re not at that point of the plot yet, so let’s give them huge egos so that they won’t do that, even if they don’t have those egos when they’re not talking to each other.

    The whole “we’re independent operators” thing doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny – like if that’s the case why is Falcon working with the military at all? Who’s flying him across the world in C-130s? And if he’s working as some sort of PMC in a bird costume, why isn’t he getting paid?

    But yeah, it’s really just there to serve the plot and stop Falcon and Bucky from teaming up with Walker at this point in the story.

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  • #59621

    But yeah, it’s really just there to serve the plot and stop Falcon and Bucky from teaming up with Walker at this point in the story.

    Also because Disney/Fiege realized it would be crazy to call it The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and the new Captain America and Battlestar…Oh Yeah, and Sharon Carter.

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  • #59627

    I only recently realised Nu-Cap is Kurt Russell’s son.

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  • #59630


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  • #59637

    I only recently realised Nu-Cap is Kurt Russell’s son.

    Ah. Well that makes a lot of sense.

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  • #59729


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #59929

    Oof, not a fan of this one at all. The Zemo breakout/team-up stuff was ridiculously rushed, and didn’t make a lick of sense. The Madripoor stuff was very generic, and seeing them go “undercover” wasn’t nearly as fun as the show seemed to think it was.

    I’m much more interested in the John Walker side of the show, and there was barely any of that. I don’t care about The Power Broker, and every time we met a new character who wasn’t The Power Broker I grew less interested.

    The show is already overstuffed, and I don’t see any way adding in Ayo from Black Panther halfway through is going to improve that. She’s not a character I care about, even in that movie, but I guess she’s the one name character whose actor they could get.

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  • #59935

    I didn’t dislike it, but this episode was definitely overstuffed, like it should have been two or even three episodes.

  • #59943

    Three episodes in and while I like how they’re adapting the elements they’re using into the MCU – moving Isaiah Washington into the 50s for instance – it’s still not making for a particularly arresting show. The first episode was really slow, the second not much faster and now this one was doing too much and yet not enough with Walker.

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  • #59954

    I liked the Madripoor stuff. From the CG cityscape to the Mos Eisly via Bladerunner underworld, I thought it was nicely realised.

    The show’s a fricking mess though.

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  • #59955

    Wyatt Russell loves that everyone hates his new Captain America: ‘I don’t like telling people how to feel’

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  • #59967

    ‘The Falcon and the Winter Soldier’: Steve Rogers Really Screwed Sharon Over

  • #59982

    Yup… he did… then he dumped her for her aunt… :good:

    Funny how they completely sidestepped that awkward subject…

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  • #59984

    Granted, said aunt looks like this:

    But still, dick move, Rogers.

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  • #59989

    Hey man, I’m not blaming him… but yeah, dick move, Rogers indeed =P

    Also, they keep talking about how they stole the shield and all that, I know they’re refering to the very brief moment is CW where Cap & Bucky get arrested (and BP doesn’t ’cause diplomatic inmunity bitches!!!) and “they” seize the shield… fine, but 1) Surely the shield legally belonged to someone, and I’m thinking either Rogers or Stark, but 2) if it belonged to the US gvmt, then they should’ve also arrested Tony ’cause he totally took it at the end of CW?

    I don’t know, that whole plot point is very shaky… I wish they’d stop mentioning it, or just clarify the issue… but at any rate, it’s a weak excuse to have Sharon basically made into a pariah, you’d think Fury or basically anyone else would’ve already secured a pardon for her… I didn’t really buy that whole thing.

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  • #59991

    The ending with Sharon getting into the car with the bodyguard and her demeanor completely changing makes it seem like there’s more going on with her than she’s letting on. I hope she doesn’t turn out to be The Power Broker or something stupid like that.

    Also, is she the one who killed Selby, and are we supposed to know that? I assumed it was her when I first watched, but I just rewatched the sequence and am now confused. It’s an oddly edited scene, where Selby is killed by a gunshot through a window, then there’s a fight and a chase, and then Sharon shows up with a gun. She seems to blame them for Selby being dead though, so I guess she either didn’t do it, and that’s another mystery, or she did it but we’re not supposed to think that?

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  • #59992

    I enjoyed 3. I liked the slow burn with Walker. One of the funniest lines in the world to me is “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” smh. He is starting to believe his press clippings. I loved the appearance of Okoye. Of course Wakanda is going to be concerned with Zemo(would get a big laugh if we see adhesive X not that he is wearing the purple hat). I did not think it was overstuffed. The princess Bar sign was a god easter egg. I wish Tyger Tyger showed up or maybe that was her with Sharon at the car. I think people are blowing out of proportion the relationship of Cap and Sharon in MCU. I believe it is nothing like the comics situation. I wonder if Cap is now her creepy old Uncle Steve. Emily van Camp is doing a great job with her portrayal. Sharon is such a bad ass.

    I don’t care about The Power Broker, and every time we met a new character who wasn’t The Power Broker I grew less interested.

    You know who he is in the comics, right, Paul? I like that they haven’t revealed him yet. its kinda like Agnes/Agatha from Wandavision. IS he going to be like the comics version or not.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Rocket.
  • #59994

    You know who he is in the comics, right, Paul? I like that they haven’t revealed him yet. its kinda like Agnes/Agatha from Wandavision. IS he going to be like the comics version or not.

    I only know the version who showed up in Nick Spencer’s Ant-Man, who I think was just some guy.

  • #60010

    The ending with Sharon getting into the car with the bodyguard and her demeanor completely changing makes it seem like there’s more going on with her than she’s letting on. I hope she doesn’t turn out to be The Power Broker or something stupid like that.

    Also, is she the one who killed Selby, and are we supposed to know that? I assumed it was her when I first watched, but I just rewatched the sequence and am now confused. It’s an oddly edited scene, where Selby is killed by a gunshot through a window, then there’s a fight and a chase, and then Sharon shows up with a gun. She seems to blame them for Selby being dead though, so I guess she either didn’t do it, and that’s another mystery, or she did it but we’re not supposed to think that?

    Yeah, I assumed it was somebody else, but it was way confusing.

    I don’t know, that whole plot point is very shaky… I wish they’d stop mentioning it, or just clarify the issue… but at any rate, it’s a weak excuse to have Sharon basically made into a pariah, you’d think Fury or basically anyone else would’ve already secured a pardon for her… I didn’t really buy that whole thing.

    Yeah, none of it makes a lot of sense. They should at the very least have inserted a bit of dialogue hinting at something being wrong with Fury (if he and Sharon had protocols they used to communicate, him currently being a Skrull would mess with things). But I suppose Sharon’s reveal at the end means it all doesn’t matter, as she’s been lying. I assume/hope she’s actually still working for Shield.

    Anyway, The plot was a bit of a nonsensical mess this time around, and the episode didn’t click very well. I do like what they’re doing with Zemo; they’re turning him more into comic book Zemo than he was before, but it’s working for me. Woke Zemo was kind of fun. And Sharon had the only really good action scene in this episode, and she was pretty badass there.

    What else? The Selby actress chewed the scenery in a really bad way. (That whole sequence was pretty badly directed when it came to the interactions, I thought.) The villains’ motivations remain murky, in spite of bad expositionary dialogue trying to flesh them out. The snappy banter didn’t really work most of the time in this episode. And what the hell, Zemo shoots a guy and the reaction is just, “Don’t do that again”? Seriously? They should’ve at least keep him cuffed or something now. Though to be fair, this is pretty much on them. It was obvious Zemo would kill the guy who re-created the super-soldier serum if he got the chance, so it’s on them for letting him near him with the gun. But again, he obviously will do that again, given who he is, and they seem to be too dumb to realise that.

  • #60013

    Dammit, they missed a perfect opportunity to use the “you think this letter on my head stands for France” line when NuCap had that guy backed up against the wall.

    I enjoyed this version of Zemo in Civil War more than most people seemed to and he was fun here once again. It is very easy to imagine him heading up a Thunderbolts show in the near future.

    The rest of the episode was a mess. Fine ideas but weakly executed. I can give them a pass if the show gets back on track for the second half.

    Not sure why Isaiah was in the “previously on” section when he was nothing to do with this episode. Hopefully it means we get more of him soon, though.

  • #60014

    Not sure why Isaiah was in the “previously on” section when he was nothing to do with this episode. Hopefully it means we get more of him soon, though.

    Presumably because his blood was what was used for the baseline for the new super-soldier serum

  • #60017

    I think they could just leave it at “someone else made super soldier serum” for the purposes of this episode. Bringing up Isaiah just makes me think we’re going to get more about him in specific, which we didn’t.

    This show seems like it would benefit from more episodes than Wandavision had, not less.

  • #60024

    As with most Marvel projects, I’m not thinking too hard on the series and am enjoying it. It, like WandaVision, is a solid B- series. I think I’d also give that rating to most of the movies. It’s fun and entertaining but I doubt I’d watch it again.

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  • #60027

    I’m not thinking too hard on the series and am enjoying it.

    This is my approach to most films and series of this type (superhero/action/fantasy); as long as lack of logic is not waved in my face too obviously, I just sit back and let myself be entertained. Does the Sharon Carter backstory stand up to scrutiny? Probably not, but for the purpose of this current storyline I’m fine with that.

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  • #60048

    Zemo made an offhand remark about a fashion-forward black man being thought of as a pimp in the States. I never realised that Sam Wilson actually did have a history as a pimp in his original comics origin story.

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  • #60052

    I never realised that Sam Wilson actually did have a history as a pimp in his original comics origin story.

    It was actually a retcon by Steve Englehart during his Cap run. Thankfully it was later re-retconned out of Sam’s past. I like a lot of Englehart stuff, but that was not his finest hour.

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  • #60170,_Inc._(Earth-616)

    Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation

    Power Broker was also responsible for the strength augmentation of the U.S. Agent and Battlestar in the comics.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #60240

    More speculation:

    Is Thunderbolt Ross FALCON AND WINTER SOLDIER’s Power Broker?

  • #60336

  • #60401

    Seems like Zemo dancing is a meme now.

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  • #60404

    Baron Meme-o.

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  • #60454

    They released the Zemo Cut!

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