It’s that time again…
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It’s very annoying. I have friends round tomorrow who probably won’t want to watch it so I will have to catch up on Sunday. Nobody spoil it for me!
Nobody spoil it for me!
I’m sure the singers will manage that regardless.
Don’t forget the songwriters. They have to share the blame for this.
Lorcan, are you disappointed yet again in your country? your combination of dishwasher(scullery) and green onion(scallion) Scullion failed to make it leaving IRL 3 for their last 10.
I love how the oddsmakers have put Ukraine at 1/3 odds thinking the sympathetic vote will be overwhelming.
Since it will be 3 pm in the my area I probably will miss it but enjoy all.
Lorcan, are you disappointed yet again in your country? your combination of dishwasher(scullery) and green onion(scallion) Scullion failed to make it leaving IRL 3 for their last 10.
Our entries are always shit shit instead of funny shit, so I don’t care if we get into the final or not. We shoulda sent the metal band in 2006, I tell you!
Are we down for a watchalong
I certainly hope so. I’m really looking forward to it.
I didn’t watch the semi-finals. Did the Rasmus get through?
I’m not clicking on that so I come in fresh tomorrow. But the image alone looks like we have a winner😂.
It’s the only entry I’ve seen ahead of tomorrow, but I can’t believe we’ll get anything better.
Eat Your Salad
I don’t bend that far.
This is clearly going to be an awesome year for ESC. I am very happy that I’ll even be going to an actual ESC party. With people. In the same place. Drinking beer and stuff.
Probably means I won’t be able to participe in a watchalong here. I’ll try to jump in now and then though.
Germany’s song this time isn’t terrible, it’s just a very boring pop song that sounds like you’ve heard it a thousand times before.
Obviously, Ukraine is going to win this year, yeah? No matter what their song is like.
Yes the Ukraine song is ok but yeah I expect them to win by landslide. Eurovision voting has always been political which is half the fun.
Yes the Ukraine song is ok but yeah I expect them to win by landslide. Eurovision voting has always been political which is half the fun.
You’re absolutely right, Dave.
How come Gar got all those likes for saying the same thing as Christian but with more words?
How come Gar got all those likes for saying the same thing as Christian but with more words?
It’s all political.
How come Gar got all those likes for saying the same thing as Christian but with more words?
Who are you again?
This football match better wrap up before Eurovision.
This football match better wrap up before Eurovision.
Apparently Eurovision is now going to be decided by a penalty shootout.
Thinking about the prospect of Ukraine winning tonight – if they do, then I presume they may would defer the traditional hosting duties next year. At the very least it’s probably an additional hassle that they really don’t need at the moment.
Just joined, thank u, Ben’s other half!!! Loved this last year so wanted to be able 2 get more involved! Really do hope that Ukraine does do well but time will tell.
Getting mixed signals from that chant, not sure what they’re saying
Christ thought this started at 9..
And, uh… correct me if I’m wrong, but this does not appear to be last year’s winner?
Thinking about the prospect of Ukraine winning tonight – if they do, then I presume they may would defer the traditional hosting duties next year. At the very least it’s probably an additional hassle that they really don’t need at the moment.
The winner can decline to host and one of the Big Four will do it instead
This PlayStation VR ad is mental
I think the winner can decline to host and one of the Big Four hosts instead.
This one gets points for that arpeggio, but those lyrics are pretty awful
They’re all so wet🤨
Bold of Portugal to enter peter, Paul and Mary
Romania: I need fewer shirt ruffles. Like half as many.
Stylist on their first day: Yeah, I think I can do that.
We all float down there with Portugal!
The Rasmus’ song is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Proper Christmas advert music there.
Czech – not bad.
Romania – how ….!!!
Portugal – same as Lorcan!!!
Finland – how ….!!!
Switz – was hoping it would get better, but didn’t!
France – a bit black for me (someone else mentioned satanism!!! Quite agree!!!).
Norway – enjoying the novelty aspect!
Liked the French one, Norway is suitably weird but the superimposed text makes it perfect
I never thought I’d be so behind the idea of giving bananas to wolves but here we are.
If France’s summons a hellish apocalypse, well, I’d be ok with that.
Didn’t I tell you about Norway?
It’s theirs to lose.
Serious problems gettin on here.
Anyway, Norway for the win so far.
Emoticon jackels
ooo, has the board stabilised now?
Nice to see the female host is finally moving on from her previous career as a Power Rangers villain.
Has the self destruct sequence been cancelled?
Let’s hope so.
I was not expecting those high notes when the guy in the sequin suit came out doing a hypeman stomp
Bold of Italy to sing their entry in two different keys.
I keep expecting a beat to drop but it’s not happening!
Norton said Italy probably don’t want to host again but this song might do well. What a terrible predicament! I mean, it’s not hard to *not* win Eurovision. Just send a shit song and alienate the rest of the continent.
This better end with a kiss.
All dogs in the area are flocking to my house
This feels like the final song in a musical I don’t want to watch where the two overcome it all to get together in the end.
Sorry guys not sure what went wrong but moaned to the ISP and seems better now. (Suspect they rebooted).
I really feel like this is just the last song from Belle, only shit
Armenia – getting better!
Italy – too slow, definitely expecting ….!!! Hugs!!!
Spain have just sent a pro wrestler limbering up before a match.
Hmm, this is speaking to me.
Bold of Spain to enter Madonna
Well everyone else has
What’s that Dara O’Briain joke?
Oh, yeah: “Something for the dads!”
Shows over folks…We have a winner!
This is actually pretty decent as a song. Think I still prefer France but these two are my top picks so far
Those are some very sparkly spanish men.
Sorry guys not sure what went wrong but moaned to the ISP and seems better now. (Suspect they rebooted).
Thanks Gar!
“Quiet and sincere”. Oh come on, Netherlands!
This football match better wrap up before Eurovision.
Apparently Eurovision is now going to be decided by a penalty shootout.
We all knew this day would come.
“Quiet and sincere”. Oh come on, Netherlands!
Read as “dull and boring”.
Netherlands – definitely needs a lot more …!
Al Ewing’s tweets are great on this tonight
I think the “folk music rap fusion” formula needs to go back to the drawing board.
What’s remarkable about this entry is that everyone else involved must have said “no, don’t worry, the hat looks good”.
Yeah, it’s kind of alright.
Well at least if Ukraine wins it won’t just be a fix, this is pretty decent
Yep, hitting that sweet spot between “this is a decent song” and “look at the state of these weird Europeans”.
I feel like Ukraine could just show Russia the dancing guy from this and it would drive them out of the country.
German saving money on musicians by having a one man band and saving money on staging by decking the place out in someone’s nan’s carpets.
Germany have sent the open-sandwich of one-man-bands.
Discount Eminem.