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Home » Forums » The Loveland Arms – pub chat » The David Meadows Haircut Thread
I assume this is a remake of Hewligan’s Haircut, but by the people who worked on Legion of Super Heroes in the 1800s
Barber shops and beauty salons We’re allowed to open back up in Texas on May 8 with safety protocols they have to comply with.
Last Wednesday, I went and got a shave and haircut. My barber works alone in a small suite so I felt comfortable going to him. We both followed the safety protocols and it worked out just fine. It felt so good to get my hair cut.
Isn’t it wonderful that we are allowed to get our hair cut.
Everyone is allowed to get their hair cut.
As long as you aren’t too fussy who does it.
Isn’t it wonderful that we are allowed to get our hair cut.
It’s even more wonderful to not be infected with a disease.
Everyone is allowed to get their hair cut.
As long as you aren’t too fussy who does it.
My wife cut my hair in the backyard. And she charged much less than my usual barber, so I gave her a very generous tip.
Everyone is allowed to get their hair cut.
As long as you aren’t too fussy who does it.
My wife cut my hair in the backyard. And she charged much less than my usual barber, so I gave her a very generous tip.
Just the tip?
My wife cut my hair in the backyard.
Lucky you, my wife will only cut the hair on my head.
Well, at least hairstyle are being kept out of the Morrison / Moore copying “feud”.
Moore has noted that he actually adopted Morrison’s current hairstyle over sixty years ago, the moment he was born.
I can’t copy either option. Where are my options?
Small vertical snips with embroidery scissors.
Slow and steady like Sonic when he’s at the tricksy platform bits but not quite so laid-back as Mario; when he pauses too long he falls asleep.
I can’t copy either option. Where are my options?
What about the Sinead O’Connor option? That way you can use your embroidery scissors to cut up a photo of the Pope.
As soon as international travel is available, I’m moving to India.
Who knew Sachin Tendulkar, India’s most loved cricketer, could also give a decent haircut?
With salons shut during a nationwide lockdown, Tendulkar briefly turned barber for his son – and the result, a buzz cut, didn’t look bad at all.“As a father you need to do everything…” he wrote in the message that accompanied a video on Instagram, showing off his skills.
The display certainly entertained his 22.3 million followers, who were amused, full of praise or simply thrilled to see a new update from his life.
But, by Tendulkar’s own admission, he did have some help: his daughter, Sara.
I have a cunning plan, my lord.
I have suggested that barbers start advertising “eye tests” for anyone that needs one.
I’m a genius
It is starting to get very warm here and yesterday I was contemplating going the Morrison route. Only problem is I don’t have the right equipment.
Only problem is I don’t have the right equipment.
It is possible to shave with a kitchen knife if one has to. I have video proof.
It is starting to get very warm here and yesterday I was contemplating going the Morrison route. Only problem is I don’t have the right equipment.
It is starting to get very warm here and yesterday I was contemplating going the Morrison route. Only problem is I don’t have the right equipment.
Phrasing? Archer, I can say you’re a former agent of ISIS and you can’t say I’m lying. You’re in no position to talk about phrasing.
It is starting to get very warm here and yesterday I was contemplating going the Morrison route. Only problem is I don’t have the right equipment.
Phrasing? Archer, I can say you’re a former agent of ISIS and you can’t say I’m lying. You’re in no position to talk about phrasing.
The Hair and Barber Council, which represents 11,000 salons, estimates most of its members would be ready by mid-June.
The Department for Business has told Radio 1 Newsbeat that 4 July remains the earliest date they can open in England.
Salons have been closed since the lockdown began on 24 March.
Keith Conniford, the CEO of the Hair and Barber Council, says many salon owners want to open on June 15, alongside other non-food retail outlets.
He says: “I have spoken to a number of practitioners I know within barbering and hairdressing and resoundingly they said yes.”
4 July remains the earliest date they can open in England
Cool, they can open up just in time for the holiday.
Sure, it’s all right if you’re Bruce Wayne. He’s got a butler to cut his hair. Bastard.
If your butler said no, DavidM, ask your maid to do it. Or your chauffeur; he’s got nothing else to do right now.
Sure, it’s all right if you’re Bruce Wayne. He’s got a butler to cut his hair. Bastard.
If your butler said no, DavidM, ask your maid to do it. Or your chauffeur; he’s got nothing else to do right now.
My chauffeur’s busy testing his eyesight on a drive to Metropolis.
Haven’t shaved since I’ve been in the office – so that’s about 10 weeks. Overdue for a haircut too. Barbers are open here; I just haven’t gotten around to it – I’d rather wait until I’m back at work.
Haven’t shaved since I’ve been in the office – so that’s about 10 weeks. Overdue for a haircut too. Barbers are open here; I just haven’t gotten around to it – I’d rather wait until I’m back at work.
You look like a character from a Dostoevsky novel!
He looks like Neil Gaiman (but with fewer grey hairs).
Haven’t shaved since I’ve been in the office
If I saw you walking down the street, Andrew, I’d cross over to the other side. Just sayin’…
Haven’t shaved since I’ve been in the office
If I saw you walking down the street, Andrew, I’d cross over to the other side. Just sayin’…
Typical of how the Bourgeoisie treats the Proletariat.
Barbers are open again here but I may wait. They are required to wear full PPE gear including Face Shields(the big hard plastic ones). I would feel like a lab specimen.
I would feel like a lab specimen.
But….isn’t that what we all are?
Talking of ‘buzz’. I got fed up, ordered some clippers online and shaved the whole lot off myself.
(I rocked a ‘number 2 all over’ for many years so it isn’t that drastic a move).
Post a picture!
Fuck, we’ve been talking about self-hair-experimentation for ages now and I didn’t think to post this until now:
Couldn’t cop the abuse anymore; got a haircut yesterday and thought a shave should go with it. So it begins again.
Rocked this in between, briefly.
That’s called a smile!
You should see him when he’s trying to look scary!
Couldn’t cop the abuse anymore; got a haircut yesterday and thought a shave should go with it. So it begins again.
Rocked this in between, briefly.
That’s called a smile!
You should smile more, Andrew!
That’s called a smile!
Dear God no it’s not! A smile is when the edges of your mouth move upwards recognisably! I demand you try it and show another foto!
I know this thread originated from David’s anger at politicians and their mysterious lovely hair during lockdown.
I have to say I’d quite like Boris Johnson to break the rules and be a hypocrite because that mop on his head right now is offending my eyes.
Okay, so I had needed a haircut since before this began.
Always wear a baseball cap at work (steel fabrication) and wings were sticking out the sides and I couldn’t stand it.
Took out the shears late March (I’ve had a goatee multiple times in my life, this time maybe 7 years?).
Sides gone (right to the back), and I love it.
People really like the pics including my sisters (because you can make long, wet hair look good).
The following weekend I’m braver and do more.
Looks awesome and the word Mohawk applies.
Can’t believe it’s the end of the world and I’m looking Road Warrior awesome!
But the hair that’s left is a mop. Does not look good when it’s dry.
One of those attachments should solve this.
First one does very little.
Second one and Bam! Bad idea to start at the front.
Eff me, the soldiers (lots) have abandoned their posts!
Arrgh! Okay, just accept it and go even shorter all over.
Things can’t get any worse.
What the? That little spot at the back was apparently a sign.
Not a lot of foilage between the trees.
You can be bald, shave your head bald, and all is ok.
Other than that the world demands a full head of hair (because 90% of the world are bastards).
Well, it taught me a couple of things.
How not to care what other people think.
When you are grooving the Apocalypse, don’t fuck with it (and the whole fantasy/reality thing).
But I do like the shaved sides.
So maybe not Road Warrior, but Peaky Blinders is cool…
The following weekend I’m braver and do more.
Looks awesome and the word Mohawk applies.
Can’t believe it’s the end of the world and I’m looking Road Warrior awesome!
You know the rules, Sean:
Pictures, or it didn’t happen.
I was overdue a haircut before Lockdown started and was enjoying my hair being a bit long for the first time in a while. Nowhere near the majestic ponytail I used to have, but down around my eyes.
Given I don’t have a good pair of clippers and my hair’s pretty damn thick, I decided to just go with it and let it grow long again. I’d forgotten how much of a pain than can be, especially as it’s not quite long enough to tie up fully yet.
I’ve resorted to wearing a bandana and actually, it’s pretty great. Really simple way of keeping it all out of the way at the front. I wish I’d had the self confidence to wear one back in the day.
That said, I’m still getting a short back and sides as soon as it’s safe to go to a barber again.
That post was a fun ride. Clearly, you’re not related to Colin Robinson…
Even though he’s also bald.
I could have had a haircut for a while now, but decided I’d let it grow some more. I think I’m going to have a bit of big hair for this summer.
Barbers round the corner: packed at 9.30, and a row of socially-distanced plastic chairs outside full of people queuing in the rain.
Barbers in Fewster Square: row of plastic chairs with people queuing but not in the rain because there’s an awning round the shopping centre.
Barbers on the way to Felling: queue of people but no chairs so they’re standing in the rain. Was tempted to tell them about the luxury at Fewster Square.
Barbers in Pelaw: still closed and shuttered.
Posh hairstylists in Pelaw: non-socially-distanced mob of people crowding round the door. Luckily, people who go to posh hair stylists are expendable.
That concludes my Saturday morning exercise.
My hair remains uncut.
My friend got a home haircut. It took around nine hours in the end.
Whereas I could easily have my hair cut, but still haven’t been. I just like looking more and more like a wooly mammoth.
(I’ll go before the new school year starts, though. No sense in frightening the new kids.)
Whereas I could easily have my hair cut, but still haven’t been. I just like looking more and more like a wooly mammoth.
And a little bit like you’ve been bitten by a radioactive spider.
And a little bit like you’ve been bitten by a radioactive spider.
Rather a little bit like he’s a not-too-perfect clone of someone bitten by a radioactive spider.
Def getting Kaine vibes.
It’s at least the second time.
Double party time!!
I’ll get my beer!
Sláinte, Tintin!
Seeing as David posted a before and after pic it’s technically a triple party!!!
How do we know that’s really DavidM in those photos? It could be the customer who was ahead of him at the barbershop.
I think this thread needs to continue until we can obtain clinical proof of his Meadows-ness. It’s the only way to be sure.
How do we know that’s really DavidM in those photos?
I’m telling you; It’s yer man from Leon!
No it isn’t. It’s David. You’ve all seen his face before.
Unless… is this yet another Prometheus reference I’m missing? After a while, I kinda tuned them out.
That’s not really that long . I remember back in the day Christian would have a something looking like a Garden bush. Todd, do you have any of those pictures from back then?
I do have some, of course, but as our official pictorial chronicler, this is indeed up to Todd.
My local barbers are being pretty damn smart.
Hand sanitiser on arrival, masked / faceshields, numerous anti-bac cleaning sprays, one disposable gown per customer and they haven’t whacked their prices up, unlike some places. £2 increase, which feels reasonable, up to £14.
My local barbers are being pretty damn smart. Hand sanitiser on arrival…
The first thing they do when I walk in to my local barber shop is to point a temperature gun at me to make sure I don’t have a fever. I assume if it was too high I would be thrown out. That’s very comforting.
The first thing they do when I walk in to my local barber shop is to point a temperature gun at me
That sounds like something a Spider-Man villain would use to explode people.
The first thing they do when I walk in to my local barber shop is to point a temperature gun at me to make sure I don’t have a fever. I assume if it was too high I would be thrown out. That’s very comforting
It’s been mandatory here for any indoor outlet since early April. They are meant to refuse entry if you show over 37.6 degrees celsius (99.68 in old money).
I sometimes question the accuracy of the temperature guns though as the one at pub quiz last night did show 32.2 c which would mean I was in severe hypothermia, probably dead. 😂
To be fair most of the time they show a normal healthy temperature.
I sometimes question the accuracy of the temperature guns though as the one at pub quiz last night did show 32.2 c which would mean I was in severe hypothermia, probably dead
Kathy got one yesterday, for work purposes. She tested it on me and I am so cold I am probably clinically dead.
This is an intelligent, highly educated, technology-literate person who read all the instructions and still couldn’t use the thing properly because she has no concept of how far “3cm” is.
Hope work goes well.
Shaved off my mhouszteaäschio
That’s easy for you to say!
paging @SteveSensible
Although I do stand by my previous claim that it may just as well be yer man from Leon.
Guess what I forgot to do before we went into Lockdown III ?