The Boys – SPOILER discussion

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Season two starts today, so here’s a place to discuss it.

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  • #40395

    The strength of Ryan’s lasers — which were surprisingly powerful — are way more powerful than even Homelander’s when Ryan gets angry enough.

    Hmmmm. This may prove significant in future.

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  • #40445

  • #40446

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  • #40451

    By the way, her German wasn’t half bad. You could tell she wasn’t a native speaker, but it’s also clear she really worked on the pronunciation. Or alternatively, I think there may be a slight yiddish accent to this (as Aya Cash, who is playing Stormfront, is – the irony! – from a Jewish family).

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Christian.
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  • #40561

    Had to know TV Sins would get around to this show:

  • #40634

  • #40658


    That woman who managed to escape that asylum and hitchhiked. She had the power to crush things by telekinesis. Hope she comes back next season. I don’t see these showrunners as people who just drop storylines and do nothing with them.

    I could be wrong though.

    Oh… and some new character named Soldier Boy will come next season. I hear he is a parody of Captain America. We’ll see…

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
  • #40667

    Just finished it and read the thread here.

    Glad all you cunts enjoyed it.

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  • #40840

    I do wonder where they’ll go next because I don’t recall the CB all that much, but it seems they’ve departed quite a bit from the CB, so I legit have no clue what they’re gonna do next time around.

    It’s working very much like an MCU adaptation. They are constantly using and referencing stuff that happens in the comic but not using the same narrative. Which I like as it retains the spirit of the piece but you can still be surprised by the twists and turns.


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  • #40852

    Glad all you cunts enjoyed it.

    Hey Bruce remember what Butcher told Ryan  : Don’t be a cunt. its good advice for children. As a teacher, you should remember that.

    Edit: as far as Season 3 goes, here is a quote from Eric Kripke.

    I think anyone expecting Jensen to show up and be a good guy, they will be disappointed. I’ll say that! [

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #40858

    I knew that SF wouldn’t last because she is a Nazi and the villain just has to get theirs… Now she is still alive but mostly blown away. Will she come back with robotics and be Darth SF? Who knows?

  • #40879

    Well one thing I hope is we see the Boys take on some supes in season 3, like they did with transluscent, it’s the one thing they haven’t really done on the show yet, as an “official unit” at least… I’d really like to see them get into direct confrontation with some C-listers, see what Frenchie comes up with to neutralize them, etc…

    One theory I have right now is that, since Homelander is going  insane, they could pull a reverse CB and have him dress as Black Noir to commit murders and shit like that… that’d be a neat reversal.

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  • #40885

    Well one thing I hope is we see the Boys take on some supes in season 3, like they did with transluscent, it’s the one thing they haven’t really done on the show yet

    One thing they specifically haven’t done, unlike the comic fairly early on, is let the Boys get their hands on Compound V to even up the fights. It was probably the most interesting aspect of the first half of the comic’s run that Hughie accidentally kills the Blarney Cock character.

    It’s not a bad thing, they are playing a lot more on the grey areas of the much better second half of the comic run but they also have to be careful to not overuse the blackmail idea to get the hopelessly outmatched ‘heroes’ out of a pickle at the last minute each time.

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  • #40887

    Well one thing I hope is we see the Boys take on some supes in season 3, like they did with transluscent, it’s the one thing they haven’t really done on the show yet

    One thing they specifically haven’t done, unlike the comic fairly early on, is let the Boys get their hands on Compound V to even up the fights. It was probably the most interesting aspect of the first half of the comic’s run that Hughie accidentally kills the Blarney Cock character.

    It’s not a bad thing, they are playing a lot more on the grey areas of the much better second half of the comic run but they also have to be careful to not overuse the blackmail idea to get the hopelessly outmatched ‘heroes’ out of a pickle at the last minute each time.

    Yeah, I wouldn’t mind them setting up an elaborate plan to twat a Supe and actually pulling it off next year.

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  • #40888

    they also have to be careful to not overuse the blackmail idea to get the hopelessly outmatched ‘heroes’ out of a pickle at the last minute each time

    I agree, one of my few criticisms of the show would be how often this device has already been wheeled out.

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  • #40916

    True. And it’s not really always convincing. I mean, Stan Edgar’s job this season mainly seemed to be helping them out in some way.

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  • #40923

    Also, the longer the story goes on and as characters’ allegiances change it gets harder to keep track of who knows what and why they’d still be concealing it for the benefit of the other characters.

    Still, it’s a minor niggle at best.

  • #40925

    Perhaps the Boys survive as no one can comprehend that a bunch of ramshackle non supes could have some sort of effect?

    At points where there has been organised resistance its been taken down or already been in Vaugt control.

    Hmm in terms of the big picture. Are the boys having an effect on Vaught – or giving them what they want?

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  • #40943

    True. And it’s not really always convincing. I mean, Stan Edgar’s job this season mainly seemed to be helping them out in some way.

    Yeah that whole thing with Edgar and Butcher seemed a bit lazy, to be honest… that is UNLESS Edgar had a plan and a reason to be so nice to them on several occasions. But if there wasn’t, then yeah, kinda lazy writing and it undermined Edgar’s character too…

  • #40945

    Of course there’s a plan: You don’t fuck with the money.

  • #40947

    Fuck Money!!! by Suspect Bendanna on SoundCloud - Hear the world's sounds

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  • #40948

    Mr Anders? Mr Edgar will see you in the boardroom now.

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  • #40950

    Is it time?

    *takes pants off, cocks gun*

  • #40952

    I’ve never heard it called that before.

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  • #40958

    Clearly, I have more gun/cock/pants experience.

  • #40963

    Pull your pants up Mr Anders, the vacancy for Love Sausage has been filled for some time – not that you were in with a shot.

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  • #40996

    Hmm in terms of the big picture. Are the boys having an effect on Vaught – or giving them what they want?

    Good question. I mean, bringing in Stormfront was always a risk for them and probably one they weren’t really confortable with. It seems like they don’t really care about all that world domination conspiracy stuff, they just want to sell weapons. As long as there’s a supes cold war going on and people are eating up the entertainment aspect of the supes, they’re making money on all fronts and don’t actually need to assissinate people and all that dangerous stuff. So we’re probably starting season 3 with Vaught in a pretty happy place.

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  • #41038

    But still, realistically, Butcher & co. have been a thorn in Edgar’s butt for a while… and not a minor one… because of them, the VERY effective and great at her job Stillwell is dead, compound V’s existance went public, Stormfront’s past also went public, Homelander found out about his son,etc… and they’ve had to do a ton of clean-up, both physically and PR-wise… so it doesn’t make sense that Edgar would’ve let them live at Butcher’s mom place, and even less help them later on…

    I mean Butcher proved he really likes the whole blackmail schtick, it would’ve been more expedient to take him and his gang out. So yeah, unless Edgar’s got a very specific plan in mind and he needs the Boys alive for some reason, that whole thing was a bit badly written.

  • #41074

    so it doesn’t make sense that Edgar would’ve let them live at Butcher’s mom place, and even less help them later on…

    No it doesn’t, that’s quite right. I do think that that was just bad writing. The dialogue in the scene with Edgar and Butcher was well written, and that painted over some of the cracks, but the idea in itself – that he’d help Butcher in order to get Homelander’s son away from him – just doesn’t make a lot of sense.

  • #41082

    Yeah that was my main complain with this season… so the writing on everything concerning the characters was GREAT. Top notch!

    But in terms of the plot, meaning the connective tissue for all of those character-driven scenes?? nah, pretty bad all in all.

    It’s like they had all these great scenes that they wanted to do, some really great character-driven scenes, but then they just came up with whatever lazy bullshit to string them together.

  • #41171

    Yeah, that’s a good way of putting it. I could actually see that that’s how they worked on this season. I mean, stuff like, suddenly Queen Maeve shows up for the big fight against Stormfront. I can see why they wanted her there, but they didn’t even bother to think up a scene in which she is shown to be following the Boys or whatever, they just put her there with no reason at all.

  • #41177

    Yeah the “Maeve teleporting everywhere” thing was a glaring example of that, but not the only one, far from it. I’d need to re-watch the first season, but I don’t remember it being as disjointed as S2… :unsure:

  • #41225

    that he’d help Butcher in order to get Homelander’s son away from him

    They have been hiding the kid his entire life. One of the first things HL does with the kid is take him to that restaurant. OF Course Edgar wants the kid separated from HL but he can’t do it himself. Enter Butcher. The Maeve thing does require a little disbelief but I think there is a time gap between Maeve finding out about SF and her arriving on the scene.

    All you critics remind me of the saying “this is why we can’t have nice things” You can’t be satisfied with a Great show, you need to start picking at it looking for flaws. Since nothing is perfect, you find them and start pulling at them.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #41239

    All you critics remind me of the saying “this is why we can’t have nice things” You can’t be satisfied with a Great show, you need to start picking at it looking for flaws. Since nothing is perfect, you find them and start pulling at them.

    I was very much satisfied and happy with it… doesn’t mean we can’t discuss the flaws as well as the nice things in it…

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  • #41265

    OF Course Edgar wants the kid separated from HL but he can’t do it himself. Enter Butcher.

    They guy he knows wants to take Vaught down, has killed some of his supes and has blackmailed him before. And who he can assume will turn against him or rat him out if things go wrong. Instead of using his own people to execute a discrete kidnapping whenever the boy is back at school, which has to happen at some point – there’s no hurry for Stan Edgar, after all. Yeah, I know with which option I would go.

    Yeah, loved the season and I hope we’re not dampening anyone’s enjoynment by talking about the flaws.

    All you critics remind me of the saying “this is why we can’t have nice things” You can’t be satisfied with a Great show, you need to start picking at it looking for flaws. Since nothing is perfect, you find them and start pulling at them.

    Like Jon said for himself, I’m completely happy with the season and I did praise the things I liked about it. But as you say, there’s no (or at least very few) perfect works and I am always interested in talking about what worked and what didn’t work in a story. I am not looking to spoil anyone else’s fun though, so sorry if it had that effect on you.

  • #41269

    I feel like the point of the Butcher/Edgar scene is to show both sides compromising their principles in search of an expedient solution. For both of them it’s a “deal with the devil” and as an audience we know those don’t tend to turn out well (and I think that the way the scene was played suggested that both were aware of the possibility that the other would betray them).

    I think a scene like that works well enough dramatically (especially in terms of showing the erosion of Butcher’s principles in terms of being willing to make a deal with the person responsible for kidnapping his wife and the child just to get what he wants) that I can forgive any of those “yeah but why didn’t they do this” criticisms.

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  • #41280

    In a recent episode of The Watch podcast, the showrunner reveals that that final scene of Homelander, pleasuring himself over the cityscape, in a perverted tribute to so many iconic superhero images over the years, was filmed for the second episode of season 1 – Amazon wouldn’t have it at the time.

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  • #41296

  • #41297

    I’m sorry if anyone felt offended by my comments. I am just at the point where there is so much shit in the world, do we really need to find fault with one of the few bright spots? that is just my opinion. I have so much crap in my life. I need all the good things I can get but that does not mean I should impose my opinion on any one else. So I apologize if anyone viewed my comments as an attack.

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  • #41354

    No worries, mate. And I get it. There’s a lot of negativity on the internet, after all. I mean, take Al-X’s link to the article above there as an example:

    The Boys and Netflix’s The Umbrella Academy, (both having just finished their second seasons and ramping up for their third) have been called into question for their use of the harmful trope. Karen Fukuhara stars in The Boys as Kimiko Miyashiro, who is mute. Justin H. Min of The Umbrella Academy plays Number Six Ben “The Horror” Hargreeves, a ghost. Throughout each show’s respective first seasons, both characters had little to no dialogue and limited interaction with the rest of the cast despite being integral parts of the show’s overall story.

    It’s an interesting connection to make, but it’s also more than a bit nonsensical, isn’t it? Neither of these chatacters are mysterious/exotic alien types. One is a ghost (and does actually talk a lot, for a ghost), and the other is a victim of terrible abuse. More importantly, both of these characters have been very communicative and explored as characters in the most recent seasons of their respective shows.

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  • #41363

    I think it’s also a lot in how you perceive and adapt things.

    In the original comics ‘The Female’ is essentially based on the idea of a feral child, which in my knowledge has never been an Asian stereotype, her silence nothing at all to do with being demure and subservient (which is a stereotype for east Asian females).

    For the TV show they aged her up, most probably for practical reasons, they need someone who can do the fighting on screen (Fukuhara has a brown belt in karate) and casting children is always difficult due to limited legal working time. Being live action then creates a new problem because with limited parts for Asian actors they have one sitting there a lot of the time as the blokes get to show off, which doesn’t really apply to a drawing in a comic. Kripke recognised that problem and fleshed the character out and after season 2 it’s quite unfair to say expressing via sign language and facial expressions is less of an acting challenge or prominent role.

    Marlee Martin won an Oscar for it in the 80s.

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  • #41405

    Oh yeah that article is BS on both accounts but particulalry concerning Kimiko… she’s an amazing character in the show… hell, the one absolute constant is how great pretty much every single character is in The Boys. Both in how they’re written and how they’re played.

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  • #41406

    Karen Fukuhara has been putting in an absolutely stellar performance. She probably has the hardest role in the show. She has to convey thoughts and emotions without saying a word. That can’t be easy.

    The Boys star Karen Fukuhara responds to Eric Kripke’s regret about her character

  • #41764

    If you watch much of the behind the scenes material, Karen is very vocal and active. She does not sit there and act demure.  I enjoy her input.

  • #41781

    The problem with Starr and Urban chewing sooo much scenery everytime they’re on screen is that they kind of overshadow everyone else, but every single actor is great in this show… 2 of my favorites are precisely Kimiko and Frenchie…

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  • #42066

    The Boys Promotes Two

    Following The Boys‘ Season 2 finale reveal that — SUPER-BIG SPOILER ALERT for those who have not finished bingeing all of the Amazon series’ sophomore run! — congresswoman Victoria Neuman is behind the exploding heads, the dysfunctional superhero drama has promoted her portrayer, Claudia Doumit, to series regular for Season 3, our sister site Deadline reports. Last viewers saw, Hughie had sought out Victoria for a job on her staff, not knowing that she is a supe. (END SPOILER ALERT)

    Additionally, Colby Minifie, who plays stressed Vought exec Ashley Barrett, has also been upped to full-time status.

    Doumit co-starred in The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke’s gone-too-soon NBC drama Timeless, while Minifie’s TV credits include Fear the Walking Dead, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Jessica Jones.

  • #43425

    It’s like the cops using the Punisher’s skull symbol:

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  • #43434

    I like Antony Star’s comment on this.
    “The art of ignorant dumbfuckerry”
    — Antony Starr (@antonystarr) November 15, 2020


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #43607

    I suppose they’re watching The Boys in the same way that Barney Stinson watches movies:

  • #45814

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  • #45820

    I laughed out loud at that one. Well played.

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  • #46057

    Antony Starr is a special human being.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Rocket.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #46062

  • #50641

    Critics’ Choice Super Awards: The Winners

    Best Superhero/Comic Book Series: The Boys (Amazon)

    Eric Kripke points out that The Boys is the first show that ever won a Critics Choice Award that has an exploding whale and a 10-foot penis.

    Best Actor in a Superhero/Comic Book Series: Antony Starr, The Boys (Amazon)
    Best Actress in a Superhero/Comic Book Series: Aya Cash, The Boys (Amazon)

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  • #50662

    I’m sure they’re all extatic over winning “best actor/actress in a Superhero/cb series” in the “Critic’s Choice SUPER Awards”!! =P

    Also, is that a real thing?

  • #50664

    Also, is that a real thing?

    It does sound pretty sketchy.

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  • #50668

    Well, at least there actually was some competition last year, what with Umbrella Academy and Doom Patrol.

    Ewan McGregor got his award for best actor in a superhero movie in Birds of Prey because he was pretty much the only actor in a superhero movie last year.

  • #50695

    I dunno… honestly Anthony Starr deserves an award, and not some shitty award that segments shows by category as if to patronize to people… give him a fucking emmy for best actor in a TV show period, no distinctions… he sure as fuck deserves it.

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  • #50718

    No argument there, I completely agree he does.

  • #50740

    “And the Emmy goes to… Anthony Starr’s jaw muscles!”

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  • #50753

    He is fully deserving but we know awards shows only ever reluctantly give anything to genre material. Ricky Gervais (via Kate Winslet) was perfectly right on Extras what you need to do to get the big awards.

  • #50755

    what you need to do

    Harvey Weinstein timeline: How the scandal unfolded - BBC News


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  • #50786

    He is fully deserving but we know awards shows only ever reluctantly give anything to genre material.

    It’s all genre material though, isn’t it? I mean, at least the vast majority… whether they’re rom-coms, modern dramas, historical dramas, police procedurals, etc… Most TV shows are “genre material”, it’s just that they STILL look down on sci-fi/fantasy (unless something like GoT goes huge and they can’t ignore it) and specially comicbook/superhero stuff, despite the fact that superheros have been keeping them afloat for the past decade at least. It’s quite hypocritical at this point.

  • #50806

    I’m not sure it’s hypocrisy, more like snobbery:

    Some genres are more equal than others, you philistine. ;)

    Always liked the line in Pratchett’s bio which said he was sometimes accused of writing literature.

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  • #51202

    what you need to do to get the big awards.

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  • #56276

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  • #56650

    Some rather disturbing fan art:

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  • #56704

    Starr loves the Milk imagery.

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  • #57743

    Jaz Sinclair To Star In ‘The Boys’ Spinoff For Amazon

  • #57781

  • #57874

    Oh, I didn’t know this was gonna happen.

    The project was first announced as being in development in September. Set at America’s only college exclusively for young adult superheroes (and run by Vought International), the untitled series is described as an irreverent, R-rated show that explores the lives of hormonal, competitive Supes as they put their physical, sexual, and moral boundaries to the test, competing for the best contracts in the best cities.

    Sure, I guess. As long as the same people are involved in making it as in The Boys.

  • #58077

    competing for the best contracts in the best cities.

    i missed this part. I wonder how many people are fighting for that prestigious Sandusky Water park contract? I hear they give you all the Fresca you can drink. :yahoo:

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  • #59224

  • #59488

    ‘The Boys’: Katia Winter To Play Cult Role From Comics In Season 3 Of Amazon Series

  • #65553

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  • #65975

    On Twitter Jack Quaid tweeted this as “hey come listen to this song that my girlfriend did about the guy I killed” :whistle:

  • #67310

    Anatomy of an Emmy-Worthy Scene: The Boys’ Antony Starr and Writer Rebecca Sonnenshine Break Down Homelander’s Emotional Confrontation

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  • #67346

    Anatomy of an Emmy-Worthy Scene: The Boys’ Antony Starr and Writer Rebecca Sonnenshine Break Down Homelander’s Emotional Confrontation

    That was interesting, cheers. Starr is really good in this scene, but then of course he usually is.

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  • #67554

  • #67987

    The Boys Season 3 Will Make Fans ‘Freak Out,’ Antony Starr Says

  • #68012

    The Boys Season 3 Will Make Fans ‘Freak Out,’ Antony Starr Says

    Simon Pegg is joining the cast?!

  • #68016

    The Boys Season 3 Will Make Fans ‘Freak Out,’ Antony Starr Says

    Simon Pegg is joining the cast?!

    He’s already in the cast! :rose:

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  • #68408

    Well, you know, if The Boys doesn’t freak you out, it’s just not properly done.

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  • #68700

    The BoysTV twitter account warned tweeters that they will be blocked if they had a Supe avatar. Antony Starr tweeted. this is the result. :good:


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Rocket.
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  • #68960

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  • #72218

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  • #72277

    Anthony Starr is just generally great and I completely loved him in Banshee, but the way he relishes his role and has fun with it is just especially endearing.

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  • #72457

    He is a very easy going guy(except in his hometown rivalry with Karl Urban). I called Homelander the Donald Trump of superheroes to his face and he laughed & said that’s a good one.

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  • #75502

    The Boys’ College-Focused Spin-Off Is a Go at Amazon –

    The Boys’ ‘R-Rated’ College-Set Spinoff Ordered to Series at Amazon – TV

    ‘The Boys’ Spinoff Series a Go at Amazon With New Showrunners – Hollywood

    ‘The Boys’ Spinoff Series Greenlighted By Amazon With Michele Fazekas & Tara Butters As Showrunners –

    ‘The Boys’ Spinoff Ordered at Amazon, Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters Take Over as Showrunners –

    The planned spinoff of “The Boys” has officially been ordered to series at Amazon, Variety has confirmed.

    In addition, Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters will take over as showrunners following the exit of Craig Rosenberg. Rosenberg is an executive producer on “The Boys” but departed the spinoff over creative differences.

    Set at America’s only college exclusively for young adult superheroes (and run by Vought International), the untitled series is described as an irreverent, R-rated show that explores the lives of hormonal, competitive Supes as they put their physical, sexual, and moral boundaries to the test, competing for the best contracts in the best cities.

    Jaz Sinclair, Lizze Broadway, Shane Paul McGhie, Aimee Carrero, Reina Hardesty, and Maddie Phillips have all previously been announced to star in the series.

    Fazekas and Butters have previously served as co-showrunners on series like “Agent Carter,” “Emergence,” “Ressurection,” and “Reaper.” As a writing team, they have also worked on “Hawaii Five-O,” “NCIS: Los Angeles,” and “Law & Order: SVU.”

    They are repped by ICM and Gendler & Kelly.

    Like “The Boys,” the spinoff will be produced by Sony Pictures Television and Amazon Studios. Fazekas and Butters serve as showrunners and executive producers. “The Boys” creator Eric Kripke will executive produce via Kripke Enterprises along with “The Boys” executive producers Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg, and James Weaver of Point Grey Pictures, Original Film’s Neal H. Moritz and Pavun Shetty, Ken Levin, Jason Netter, Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson, and Michaela Starr. Ennis and Robertson created the comic book on which “The Boys” is based. Erica Rosbe and Zak Schwartz are co-executive producers. Loreli Alanís will serve as executive in charge for Point Grey Pictures.

    “Much like ‘Mork & Mindy’ spun-off from ‘Happy Days’—which is an insane and true fact—our spinoff will exist in the Vought Cinematic Universe, yet have a tone and style all its own,” Kripke said. “It’s our take on a college show, with an ensemble of fascinating, complicated, and sometimes deadly Young Supes. Michele and Tara are stone-cold geniuses, we’re thrilled to have them steer this ship, and grateful to Sony and Amazon for the opportunity. We love this show and can’t wait for you to see it. Also, ‘Baywatch Nights’ spun-off from ‘Baywatch,’ and it had vampires. Vampires!”

    “The Boys” spinoff was first announced as being in development September 2020. The mothership series recently completed production on Season 3, with a premiere date for the new season pending. The show received five Emmy nominations this year, including one for best drama series.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Sean Robinson.
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  • #75745


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  • #77122

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  • #77968

    Laurie Holden as the Crimson Countess:

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  • #77977

    jesus… obvious photoshop looks like obvious photoshop… =/

  • #78081

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  • #78461

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  • #80203

    ‘The Boys’ Get Animated With ‘Diabolical’ Anthology Series on Prime Video (VIDEO)

    More of The Boys is on the way at Prime Video as Amazon announced the pickup of Diabolical, an eight-episode animated anthology spinoff series during the streamer’s virtual panel at CCXP Worlds 2021.

    The show is set in the same universe as Prime Video’s original hit The Boys, which recently wrapped filming its third season. Diabolical is expected to arrive in 2022 on Prime Video in more than 240 territories and countries worldwide.

    The announcement was shared in the form of a video message from The Boys actor Karl Urban who is known for playing Billy Butcher, the leader of the titular vigilante group who is responsible for keeping misbehaving Supes in line. Diabolical unveils never-before-seen stories in The Boys universe which is based on the comics by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.

    Helping bring these stories to TV is the star-studded team of creative minds that include Awkwafina, Garth Ennis, Eliot Glazer and Ilana Glazer, Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen, Simon Racioppa, Justin Roiland and Ben Bayouth, Andy Samberg, and Aisha Tyler.

    “Surprise! We’re almost finished with eight episodes of our animated series, Diabolical. We gathered together some incredible creators and we gave them one rule…just kidding, there’s no rules. They blew the doors off it, delivering eight completely unexpected, funny, shocking, gory, moist, emotional episodes. You think The Boys is nuts? Wait till you see this,” says Diabolical executive producer Eric Kripke.

    Fellow executive producers and Diabolical writers Rogen and Golberg added, “Ever since we saw the animated film The Animatrix, a series of short animated films set in the universe of The Matrix, we’ve wanted to rip it off. Today that dream has come true.”

    Kripke is the current showrunner of Prime Video’s The Boys which he also executive produces alongside Rogen and Goldberg. All of them executive produce Diabolical alongside Racioppa, Ennis, Robertson, James Weaver, Neal H. Moritz, Pavun Shetty, Ori Marmur, Ken F. Levin, Jason Netter, Michaela Starr, Loreli Alanís, Chris Prynoski, Shannon Prynoski, and Ben Kalina.

    See the fun announcement, below, and stay tuned for additional details on the fun animated project arriving on Prime Video next year.

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  • #80216

    I have one question Is Darick doing ALL the animation?

    these anthologies always fail because of weak links. Animatrix, Star Wars Visions, etc. all have, imo, “what were you thinking” or “did your 5 year old do this art” episodes. After having to suffer through her performance in Shang Chi I am definitely not looking forward to Awkafina’s episode.

  • #82096

    Exclusive Interview: The Boys Showrunner Eric Kripke Declares Homelander Would Beat Superman In A Fight

  • #82108

    Yeeeah, he hasn’t seen the Snyder movies, has he? xD

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #82121

    Yeeeah, he hasn’t seen the Snyder movies, has he? xD

    Or read Action Comics #775.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
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