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Report anything you have here. Not wish lists for face recognition login and stuff like that but things not working.

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  • #32695

    Oh, there is one thing. How do I do the selective quote thing?

    It’s probably more difficult on a mobile device because selecting text is not easy there but on a computer you just run the mouse over the text you want to quote, like I just did, and then click ‘quote’.

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  • #32705

    Oh, there is one thing. How do I do the selective quote thing? Any time I’ve tried, it leaves out the poster’s name.

    On my phone, I just highlight the text I want to select and then hit the Quote button.

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  • #32706

    Should’ve given more detail. I’ve tried that before on both phone and computer. I’ll test again now.

    run the mouse over the text


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  • #32707

    Yay! No idea why that didn’t work before. Thanks both of you.

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  • #32708

    Everything is noticeably faster btw including clicking thanks. I just need to update my sluggish response time.

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  • #32710

    I know ‘thanks’ was achingly slow before. It is much better now.

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  • #32715

    This is almost giving me an actual anxiety attack, the PTSD from when my dad tried copying videotapes using two vcr and taped over the wrong one so I lost my pirated copy of Superman III is acting up.

  • #32718

    The links aren’t from anything new, things like and

    I’ll try w test here

  • #32719

    Huh. That worked. That was just pasting a copied link into the post.
    I’ll try using the ‘link’ function next

  • #32720

    Test link from

    And hopefully this will work

  • #32721

    So, everything seems to be working from my phone (which is Android – Samsung Galaxy Note 8).

    Maybe the issue is from my PC

    I’ll try something when I get home

  • #32765

    So in the DC Comics thread I just posted some stories with links, wouldn’t let me.

    I usually Highlight what I want and use the link function, but no.
    So I just pasted the links, again, no.

    The back button on my browser lets me get back to what I had.

    Put a space in before the ‘dotcom’, still no go.
    Removed the ‘dotcom’ and still no go.

    removed the beginning part of the url “HT….” and success.
    Although at that point it’s only letters.

    Oh, this is from my home computer.
    PC, and I do remember a big system update from Windows not so long ago…

  • #32770

    Ah, so a couple of things…

    There was a Feature Update to Windows last month, and another big ‘Cumulative’ one.
    Did that, and manually went through and updated a lot of stuff (including Google Chrome which I mainly use on my home PC).
    Cleaned all cookies, Defragged, etc.

    Well, tried to post the same links in the DC thread, and still failed.

    But used another site (Newsarama) and success!

    And I could also use the IMG function in the Image thread (a couple hours earlier and it would not let me).

    What does this all mean? I don’t know… maybe a mixture of things…

  • #32773

    I have another annoying question:

    Can anyone see JRCarters latest post in the Dawn of X thread in Comics? I can’t.  The last post I get is Don’s about Tini Howard.

  • #32774

    No. Same here.

    Your questions aren’t annoying.

  • #32776

    Yeah, I’m annoyed too.

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  • #32811

    As before, if you have links that are being rejected can you tell me which sites? That helps narrow it down in diagnosing a cause because I know it isn’t a site level problem rejecting all links.

  • #32815

    I just tried posting twice (basically the same thing) in the Politics thread and neither posted. I was quoting previous posts and there were no links.

  • #32823

    Do me a favour Todd (or anyone else) if this refusal to post in a particular thread happens again leave the page open and send me a PM.

    I suspect it’s the anti-spam software but can’t prove it. However I can temporarily disable it and see if the post goes through on second attempt. I can’t remove it too long because without it I get 10 spam bots an hour sign up. If I am able to see that’s the cause though I can try a different package.

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  • #32849

    I’ve been suspecting that “Todd” is actually a spambot. Now it’s been confirmed by software. Good to know.

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  • #32877

    I just tried posting twice (basically the same thing) in the Politics thread and neither posted. I was quoting previous posts and there were no links.

    I had an issue posting a long post in the news thread but I managed to track it to the word pornhub by chopping it up and guessing.

    Whenever I type a long post I hit the ctrl+a ctrl+c combo quickly before posting. Recommended.

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  • #32878

    I have made a collaborative google doc for all forbidden words. Add them as we find them!

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  • #32922

    Doing some testing on the spam filter

  • #32923

    OK that’s interesting. I get the post disappearing when I use the words on the list, I switched off the anti-spam software and it still happens. Which suggests there’s something more deeply embedded into the board software that rejects posts with certain words.

    I spotted a board wide setting for ‘maturity rating’ and we’ll see what that does.

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  • #32924

    ‘Not much’ seems to be the answer but I did see a setting that limited a post to 2 links. That may explain why Sean’s posts which have links to several publishers could get rejected. I set it up to 10 links so let’s see if that works:

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  • #32925

    Pornhub xanax vaccines 4chan neckbeards illuminati darknet tiananmen square massacre bleedingcool bioterrorism bombmaking chinese deathcamp revolution d-dos breivik racewar winne the pooh.



    Could it be trademarked stuff? Like Adderal, Lyrica, Coca Cola

  • #32929

    I found an anti-spam word list with the word ‘xanax’ in it. It contains some typical spam terms but also ones you could use in normal circumstances like ‘refinancing’. “work from home’ is one which I suspect might have been used a lot more with Covid-19 discussion.  Strangely though even though I switched it off it still rejects the posts.

    I think we’re getting to the bottom of the cause here though with the links. I suspect that the long post element is just because the more you write the higher the chances you use one of the banned words.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by garjones.
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  • #32931

    Thanks for your work with this! There are a lot of weird stuff on that quite long list. Pharmacy? I think I recognize a lot of this type of vernacular from e-mail spam and scam…

    If you deactivate the filter, don’t you need to restart the page or whatever?

  • #32934

    Yeah I think you can clearly see the logic in the list, it’s the usual subjects of spam mails selling prescription drugs, loans, trainers and the like.

    Normally I just ‘save settings’ and it works immediately on any other changes I do. So a little confused on this one.

  • #32935

    Pornhub xanax vaccines 4chan neckbeards illuminati darknet tiananmen square massacre bleedingcool bioterrorism bombmaking chinese deathcamp revolution d-dos breivik racewar winne the pooh

    #We didn’t start the fire…#

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  • #32937

    Who the hell is Thor Carlson?

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  • #32939

    Who the hell is Thor Carlson?

    He who shall not be named according to the Gospel of the prophet Gar!

  • #32955

    I’ve been suspecting that “Todd” is actually a spambot.

    Here’s a video with five reasons for why Todd is a spambot…

  • #32992

    I’ve been suspecting that “Todd” is actually a spambot.

    Here’s a video with five reasons for why Todd is a spambot…

    I am no spambot…

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  • #32994

    I am no spambot…

    No, you’re that creepy dude from American Beauty (not Spacey, the other one) only creepier:

  • #33009

    Toddybot! You could get a guest spot in Twin Peaks.

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  • #33010

    maturity rating

    Did you set it to “immature”?

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  • #33049

    Toddybot! You could get a guest spot in Twin Peaks.


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  • #33053

    That is not my Todd.

    Unless, did you get Jerry to do your bow tie?

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  • #33055

    That is not my Todd.

    Unless, did you get Jerry to do your bow tie?

    It’s a clip-on.

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  • #33059

    So it can double up as a clip in your hair. Think Tom Hardy hat meets Minnie Mouse.

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  • #33061

    …and Minnie was never seen again…

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  • #33064

    I now want to hear Tom Hardy voicing Minnie Mouse.

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  • #33067

    So it can double up as a clip in your hair. Think Tom Hardy hat meets Minnie Mouse.

    What hair?

  • #33085

    I now want to hear Tom Hardy voicing Minnie Mouse.

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  • #33091

    So it can double up as a clip in your hair. Think Tom Hardy hat meets Minnie Mouse.

    What hair?

    That’s the green ninja dude, that looks just like Rub-Zero but green. That fighting game…  Oral Komb-tart!  Erectile! Erectile is his name!

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  • #33093

    Best practice is to only every copy and paste into the plain text editor. The visual one tends to try and take the formatting of the source and ends up with loads of unparsed HTML tags on it.

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  • #33094

    Best practice is to only every copy and paste into the plain text editor. The visual one tends to try and take the formatting of the source and ends up with loads of unparsed HTML tags on it.

    Using ‘paste as plain text’ within the visual editor works fine for me, and lets you use all the functionality of that view without copying across formatting, so that’s how I always do it. The best of all worlds!

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  • #33101

    You’ve solved my issue with non-social distancing creeps, Dave. All I need is to creep them out with a Minnie Bane mask.

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  • #33358

    My laptop is not letting me sign in. When I put my name and password in, it directs me to a blank page. If I try to go to the site through a saved link, it shows me unsigned in. For a few minutes after my attempt, it says anything under /forums won’t respond. I am only able to post on my phone, because I was already signed in.

  • #33359

    Id be surprised if that ends up being a board issue, Kalman.

    Maybe clear your laptpop cache and check your login details?

  • #33364

    Best practice is to only every copy and paste into the plain text editor. The visual one tends to try and take the formatting of the source and ends up with loads of unparsed HTML tags on it.

    Using ‘paste as plain text’ within the visual editor works fine for me, and lets you use all the functionality of that view without copying across formatting, so that’s how I always do it. The best of all worlds!

    That option isn’t on my phone though, AFAIK.

  • #33370

    Best practice is to only every copy and paste into the plain text editor. The visual one tends to try and take the formatting of the source and ends up with loads of unparsed HTML tags on it.

    Using ‘paste as plain text’ within the visual editor works fine for me, and lets you use all the functionality of that view without copying across formatting, so that’s how I always do it. The best of all worlds!

    That option isn’t on my phone though, AFAIK.

    I only ever use the Carrier on my phone – for me, I do a long press within the typing field and it gives me the options to paste, paste as plain text or select all.

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  • #33372

    My laptop is not letting me sign in. When I put my name and password in, it directs me to a blank page. If I try to go to the site through a saved link, it shows me unsigned in. For a few minutes after my attempt, it says anything under /forums won’t respond. I am only able to post on my phone, because I was already signed in.

    You didn’t try to get bitcoins from Kanye, did you?!  :unsure:

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #33446

    Id be surprised if that ends up being a board issue, Kalman.

    Maybe clear your laptpop cache and check your login details?

    I cleared the cache, but it didn’t work. :negative:

  • #33460

    Youve probably been cursed then.

  • #33519

    I’ve just “reported” my reply in the Solicitations for October thread, that I linked from the DC Comics thread.

    But I can’t see the topic in the Comics Forum

  • #33535

    Maybe you shouldn’t post such offensive content, Sean

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  • #33542

    It’s not Sean’s fault if a new Bendis Legion issue has been solicited.

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  • #33606

    I’ve just “reported” my reply in the Solicitations for October thread, that I linked from the DC Comics thread.

    But I can’t see the topic in the Comics Forum

    “404 – Page Not Found”. Well, that sucks…

  • #34440

    A link wont post


  • #34442

    I suspect with a URL like that it’s banned words. Changing the name and adding as an attachment worked.


  • #34448

    It’s not Sean’s fault if a new Bendis Legion issue has been solicited.


  • #34449



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  • #34450



    Is that the 18th century dude who could and would eat anything and everything without ever stopping?

  • #34452



    Are you leaving?

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  • #34457



    Are you leaving?

    So long and thanks for all the fish!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #34471

    I suspect with a URL like that it’s banned words. Changing the name and adding as an attachment worked.


    Thanks, but now you have to answer the question

  • #34479

    The answer is HP sauce

  • #34481

    As long as it’s not mayonnaise, any answer is acceptable.

  • #34489

    What’s the question?

  • #34500

    As long as it’s not mayonnaise, any answer is acceptable.

    Could be worse than mayo. Could be egg-free fat-free mayo.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #34507

    As long as it’s not mayonnaise, any answer is acceptable.

    Could be worse than mayo. Could be egg-free fat-free mayo.


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  • #34866

    Hey, I tried deleting my account and starting a new one to see if that would help me get on it on my Chromebook. No luck.

    Gar, when I try to get to the sign in page, on all my devices, it gives me a 404 error. If I try from the sign in at the bottom of every page, my Chromebook freezes that tab, and my phone let’s me sign in, but I get a 404 error page before being able to get to any part of the forum.

  • #34873

    Which path do you take to sign on initially? I’m using Chrome and imagine others are too and no issues spotted.

  • #34944

    When I signed up again, I used my Chromebook, but it didn’t automatically sign me in, even after following the email link. When I try to reach the sign in page using the top left, I get a 404 message page. When I use the bottom of the page, the Chromebook makes the tab freeze, and my phone redirects me to the same 404 page, but once I go back to the main website, I’m signed in.

  • #34968

    Maybe its s virus or malwarr Kalman?

    It really doesnt sound like the problem is on the boards interaction side, but your connection with it.

  • #34978

    Yeah I can’t replicate any of the 404 errors so it does seem to be a local issue.

    Could be browser based or maybe a filter applied by your ISP. You can try using alternatives there to try and diagnose which it is (e.g. using a wifi hotspot to connect, using Firefox instead of Chrome etc).

  • #35112

    Gar, my laptop is broken and won’t charge.

    Plz fix now

  • #35113

    Have you tried switching it off and on again?

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  • #35116


    Wouldn’t repair laptop.

    Didn’t offer foot-rub. Terrible customer service.

    1 star.

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  • #35146

    Gar, I left my iPad on the bus. Stop wasting your time on Time and find my device!!

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  • #35153

    . Stop wasting your time on Time

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  • #35188

    I thought maybe it was something on both ends- maybe my computer needed something to access the forums, and maybe Gar would know?

    Can I be put back in the Treehouse?

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  • #37183

    It seems like there are several members that show up as “anonymous”. Is that on purpose? Makes following a conversation difficult… what’s the deal Gar?

  • #37185

    People who show up as Anonymous are people who have deleted their accounts. Bernadette and Tim recently deleted their accounts.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #37194

    Awwww, that’s sad to hear.

  • #37295

    Bernadette and Tim recently deleted their accounts.

    I was just reading the SCIENCE thread and because all deleted accounts are labeled anonymous an interchange between Bernadette and Tim looks like Anon is having a conversation with itself. :unsure:

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  • #37299

    I wouldn’t be too surprised if that was actually true.

    I would actually be surprised if that wasn’t true.

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  • #40813

    I keep getting caught out with the word filter in the random thread. Same post has disappeared a half dozen times.

  • #40826

    Have you seen the list of forbidden words? There are some surprising examples. Like “work from home”.

    You can bold a letter here or there to bypass the filter.

  • #40832

    The list is here:

    As Anders says there are some terms like ‘work from home’ or ‘lose weight’ that would be perfectly normal in a post.  I’m afraid I still haven’t found a way to get around it. I temporarily switched off two anti-spam add-ons but it still wouldn’t let me post any of the word list so I suspect it is hard wired into the BBPress software.

  • #40834

    I don’t think I used any of the words or phrases on that list and it’s too much of a pain in the tits to check more carefully than with a cursory glance.

    I understand why some of the phrases are filtered but the innocuous, everyday ones are a bit frustrating.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by Bruce.
  • #40848

    Look Bruce, your 100%-free viagr@ that reverses ageing whenever you watch P0rnhub might be innocuous and everyday for you, but it isn’t for the rest of us.

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  • #40853

    but it isn’t for the rest of us

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  • #40855

    work from home

    (just trying something out which may or may not work as a solution)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by garjones.
  • #41167

    Okay I switched off one part of the spam control on the board on Friday, so far it hasn’t inundated me with bots like I had when we launched. (The reason I had to add a lot was we were getting 250 fake accounts sign up a day and I don’t have the time or inclination to delete them all manually).

    Hopefully it can reduce some of the rejected posts due to trigger words.

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  • #41172

    I’ve also configured a ‘logon with Google’ button which should work now. Won’t make any real difference to the regulars here who are already signed up but can make it easier if any lurkers want to chime in without registering.

    I will monitor if it invites a load of bots selling sunglasses or not.

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  • #41173

    work from home

    (just trying something out which may or may not work as a solution)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by garjones.

    Testing something else clandestine

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #41174

    work from home

    (just trying something out which may or may not work as a solution)

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by garjones.

    Testing something else clandestine

    Well, I’m checking to see if the board still kills me posting with my VPN on like it has been.

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