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Report anything you have here. Not wish lists for face recognition login and stuff like that but things not working.

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  • #1807


  • #1810


    Fun fact: The character Mark in The Room is named after Matt Damon, as Wiseau thought he was “Mark Damon”.
    Also, sorry for reporting you when I meant to quote you, Todd.

  • #1869

    For those interested. I did figure out that you can also jump to the last post in a thread by clicking on the timestamped listed under “Freshness” when the flag is gone.

  • #2033

    Hello chums

    Is there a way of navigating to other threads when you get to the end of a thread?

    Or is the only way to scroll right back up to the top of the thread you are reading and access via the links at the top of the page?

    Glad we have the flags, that was something that was really putting me off, I’ve scrolling through every post every time I access a thread.



  • #2065

    Yes! My biggest problem with the board is having to scroll back to the top of the tgread to navigate to a different one. It’s been made a lot worse by the increased number of posts allowed per page.

  • #2069

    Hello chums

    Is there a way of navigating to other threads when you get to the end of a thread?

    Or is the only way to scroll right back up to the top of the thread you are reading and access via the links at the top of the page?

    Glad we have the flags, that was something that was really putting me off, I’ve scrolling through every post every time I access a thread.



    On desktop, there should be a black bar across the top of the screen with shortcuts to the sub-forums. On mobile, I think you’ll just have to press the up arrow circle (floating in the bottom right) and watch as it scrolls you back to the top.

  • #2072

    It’s quite therapeutic, watching it scroll back through time.

  • #2081

    It’s quite therapeutic, watching it scroll back through time.

    What you call therapeutic, I call maddening.

  • #2108

    thanks Martin

    Bit of a pain using it on mobile but I’m sure I’ll get used to it

  • #2133

    With the long threads I’m often finding it quicker to just go back to the main forum in the URL bar rather than using the forum controls.

  • #2134

    I find myself mashing the “back” button to get out of threads. It works reasonably well.

  • #2138

    And that way you get to see all the purple flags turn black, which is always nice.

  • #2190

    Or open threads in new pages/tabs… that’s also pretty useful too.

  • #2191

    What you call therapeutic, I call maddening.

    Go to your zen place Ronnie. Be one with the board and the board will be one with you.

  • #2195

    I think @ronniem has broken the random thread whilst creating the language one.

  • #2197

    It is quite random though so maybe it’s meant to be a meta thing?

  • #2201

    I think @ronniem has broken the random thread whilst creating the language one.

    What’s it doing?

  • #2203

    If you post in the random thread, it appears in the language thread instead.

  • #2204

    Looks like both threads have the same url.

  • #2214

    Don’t you hate when that happens?! I’m always afraid of going to a Halloween costume party and discovering that I have the same url as another guest. Soooo embarassing!!

  • #2216

    What’s a nice url like you doing in a place like this?

  • #2244

    If you post in the random thread, it appears in the language thread instead.

    Just tried to duplicate the issue and could not. So either Gar has fixed it or it’s something on your end.

    Looks like both threads have the same url.

    Not getting that either.
    For me the Random Thread has this url:
    And the Language Thread has this url:

  • #2251

    If it helps, Ronnie, I’m finding that clicking on the Random Thread title takes me to the Random Thread, but clicking on the flag next to the Random Thread title takes me to the Language Thread.

  • #2288

    Hey, so i seem to be double posting alot.

    It’s happened like 3 or 4 times in the last week maybe?

    I’m just clicking submit once – is it just my crappy internet connection or can it get fixed like the facial recognition thing?

  • #2290

    Specifically for you I am researching rectal recognition before you post.

  • #2295

    What a bum deal.

  • #2303

    I’m okay with mooning my laptop everytime i want to log on to this forum.

    See, you thought i wouldn’t like that, but you must have momentarily forgot i was Australian.

  • #2305

    I assumed you already did that anyway.

  • #2309

    I’m mooning all of you right now!

  • #2317

    Gar is having this installed for you:

  • #2435

    I find myself mashing the “back” button to get out of threads. It works reasonably well.

    I just tried that there, only thing is it takes you back to earlier posts you’ve read already when you click the flag to re-enter the thread again

  • #2441

    I find myself mashing the “back” button to get out of threads. It works reasonably well.

    I just tried that there, only thing is it takes you back to earlier posts you’ve read already when you click the flag to re-enter the thread again

    Yeah and I’ve had it throwing me into threads at random, days old points occasionally too. It would be more convenient with fewer posts per page. Less jerking around in the image heavy threads (on mobile) as images load in too.

  • #2458

    Views are divided on the number of posts per page. It was changed on request.

    I’m okay to set it how people want but can’t bend to several different personal preferences. We should maybe start a poll with the proviso that the view of Patreon subscribers will hold more sway as without them none of this would exist.

  • #2492

    Gar, you’ll never be a good dictator if you go around asking other peoples opinions. Just choose and charge forwards. You’ll never please anyone so you may as well at least please yourself!

  • #2509

    you may as well at least please yourself!

    I think he already does that when the wife and kids aren’t around.

  • #2535

    you may as well at least please yourself!

    I think he already does that when the wife and kids aren’t around.

    In his basement thinking of Liz Hurley.

  • #2545

    He must think he’s Hugh Grant or something….

  • #2632

    Why do some names appear black and some appear purple on the front page?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Bruce.
  • #2637

    I honestly don’t know, I was wondering that too. The plugin I used to display that has no explanation of the colours beyond the Keymaster and Moderators should show up differently.

    Maybe it’s just for a bit of variety.

  • #2641

    for me, the up arrow is nostalgic. it is like rewinding a video on an old vcr before they increased the speed of the rewind. remember Blockbuster and Be Kind Rewind! :-)

  • #2654

    I thought the board colour scheme was that all purple text was a link, and then the purple text turns black once you have clicked on the link/visited that page.

    So presumably the black names are ones you have clicked on, and the purple names are ones you haven’t.

  • #2665

    Well, I think it’s pretty obvious why I’m purple. I don’t know about everybody else though.

  • #2667

    Well, I think it’s pretty obvious why I’m purple.

    Lack of circulation?

  • #2707

    Well, I think it’s pretty obvious why I’m purple. I don’t know about everybody else though.

    Shitty taste?

  • #2712

    Sometimes when I try to post, I get :

    Access Denied
    Allow Request

    You have been blocked from entering information on this blog. In order to prevent this from happening in the future you may ask the owner to add your network address to a list that allows you full access.

    Please enter your email address and a short note requesting access here.
    e-mail for contact (required):
    message :
    Please prove you are not a robot.

    Enter the SUM of these two numbers:

    Is anyone else getting this, or just me?

  • #2715

    No, I’m getting it.

    Usually when I post gifs

  • #2716

    No, I’m getting it.

    Usually when I post gifs

  • #2723

    I’m getting it too, occasionally.

  • #2728

    Okay, now im triple posting – and its happening on both my home laptop, phone, and work computer and on different connections.

    I know its probably my fault, but what am i doing wrong?

  • #2730

    Okay, now im triple posting – and its happening on both my home laptop, phone, and work computer and on different connections.

    I know its probably my fault, but what am i doing wrong?

    Something to do with your face?

  • #2762

    That is so mean, Todd, I would never say mean things about your face

  • #2767

    The double posting is usually a consequence of an unstable internet connection.
    On the access denied, the spam filter is still a little over enthusiastic. I have added your email addresses into an ‘allow list’ which should stop the prompts.
    JR – you have a tendency to just post a link with no comment which is probably why it’s hitting you hardest as to a program that’s the behaviour many spammers have when offering cheap Ray-Bans.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by garjones.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by garjones.
  • #2775

    That is so mean, Todd, I would never say mean things about your face

    But you’re not under oath either.

  • #2799

    On an unrelated topic, does anyone want some cheap Ray-Bans…?

  • #2800

    On an unrelated topic, does anyone want some cheap Ray-Bans…?

    No dodgy looking link = no sale, spambot.

  • #2801

    On an unrelated topic, does anyone want some cheap Ray-Bans…?

    Who buys ray-bans on a message board? I only buy them when randomly tagged in someone’s Facebook post about a really great deal.

  • #2807


    I made $45678 at home reading message boards and talking about comics!

    Click this amazing Link to find out how!

  • #2808


    I made $45678 at home reading message boards and talking about comics!

    Click this amazing Link to find out how!

    You didn’t mention how reading the forum has “enlarging” properties!

  • #2809

    Actually, it appears the forum won’t let me say a certain word that rhymes with “venus” … and begins with a P

  • #2815

    Oh, you forgot to thank our Nigerian benafactor, Prince Suliman Tunji VI of the Omuti.

  • #2816

    Lawyers do everything in triplicate, don’t they?

  • #2836

    Is that why they charge three times as much as they should?

  • #2839

  • #2857

    <iframe title=”Can You Imagine A World Without Lawyers? (The Simpsons)” width=”1060″ height=”795″ src=”; frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

    Shakespeare was so extreme in his hate of lawyers, that he had a bit character say ” “Let’s kill all the lawyers”

  • #2878

    Was it just my 4G, or did the board go down for awhile?

  • #2966

    Yeah there was a problem with the hosting company today, server went down.

  • #2984

    Web host.

  • #3040

    Is there a way to go to my last read post in a thread when I open it, or do I have to always scroll down to find it. If the latter we may need to reset threads more often than we were.

  • #3041

    If you click on the flag it should take you to your last read post.

  • #3042

    Click the purple flag next to the topic title.

  • #3136

    Ah. Thanks guys

  • #3142

    The politics thread has a phantom second page. I think it’s maybe due to one missing post – it says there’s 151, which would start a new page, but post 151 isn’t showing, if you click the flag or open on page 2, you just get a reply box and no messages.

  • #3145

    Post 151 is like Trump’s tax returns; it’s there, but no one can see it.

  • #3172

    One of Johnny’s posts was marked as spam by the overactive spam filter. I think I can see why as he was discussing arms sales and the word ‘sales’ appears repeatedly as it would in a lovely cheap Ray-Bans post. I do know a way around this which is add every regular user’s name into an allow list but unfortunately I can’t see a way to extract the name, I’d have to do it one by one. I’ll check with my WordPress guy if he can get it out of the back end.

  • #3196

    The board keeps logging me out, even if I click the “remember me” box. My computer is not doing this with any other sites, so I figure it must be on the board’s end.

  • #3296

    I’ll check with my WordPress guy if he can get it out of the back end.

    You’re lucky this board makes it harder to embed phrasing memes :|

  • #3400


  • #3846

    The ‘back end’ came good. I added each regular username to the allow list so fingers crossed the missing posts that end up in the ‘spam’ section will disappear.

  • #3867

    The ‘back end’ came good.

    You’re doing it deliberately now.

  • #3882

    You’re doing it deliberately now.

    I hope so.

  • #3896

    How are the karma points calculated?

  • #3899

    How are the karma points calculated?

    It just tots up every upvote you get on any posts I think. There may be a slight delay in it registering.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by garjones.
  • #3901

    Is there a page where we can view top karma earners? I feel that it’s a meaningless award without a proper cut throat competition and people placing side bets on the winner, not to mention the opportunity of the winner delivering an acceptance speech and/or drenching us in champagne.

  • #3902

    There may be a slight delay in it registering.

    That looks like it may be the case.

  • #3907

    It feels like Karma should really reward you for the upvotes you give to other people.

  • #3915

    Is there a page where we can view top karma earners? I feel that it’s a meaningless award without a proper cut throat competition and people placing side bets on the winner, not to mention the opportunity of the winner delivering an acceptance speech and/or drenching us in champagne.

    Dave Wallace is so far ahead of anyone else that I don’t think there is even a question.

  • #3935

    It feels like Karma should really reward you for the upvotes you give to other people.

    …says the man with twice as many points as the guy who runs this site.

  • #3937

    If I have a high karma score it’s only because others have been kind enough to give me upvotes. So really:

    we're all winners

  • #3943

    I’ll check with my WordPress guy if he can get it out of the back end.

    You’re lucky this board makes it harder to embed phrasing memes :|

    Yeah, that really sounded like Gar was referencing his angus. :-)

  • #4124

    I’ve had two posts vanish when I edited them. One in the Movie news thread and one in Funny pictures.
    Is there something that triggers this that I can avoid?

  • #4142

    I don’t know what causes it Steve. I did do a bit of Googling and it seems others have spotted it and there may be a code fix which I’ll try and get in next week.

  • #4360

    There seems to be a double copy of the topic I started in Creative Central last night. Not sure how I did that, but if one of them could be deleted when a mod has a spare minute…?

  • #4385

    Another one of my posts has dissappeared. If someone could have a look?

    The Storytelling Thread


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by SteveUK.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by SteveUK.
  • #4392

    When I look at the board on my computer, the posts seem to in bold. It is like that when I viewed it using Edge and Chrome. It looks fine on my phone.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by Todd.
  • #4396

    I have also noticed that I can only edit my posts once. I cannot do it multiple times.

  • #4398

    I have also noticed that I can only edit my posts once. I cannot do it multiple times.

    Are you sure it’s not just the ‘Edit’ link going light-grey as an alternate colour to show it’s been clicked? It makes it look like a dead link but you can actually click it again.

  • #4399

    When I look at the board on my computer, the posts seem to in bold. It is like that when I viewed it using Edge and Chrome. It looks fine on my phone.

    I made a change today to make the text black and bold for the old duffers like @miqque and @davidm .

    Even Matt Murdoch should be okay with it now. If it doesn’t reflect in your browser then clear the cache.

  • #4594

    Is there any point to the file upload feature?

    It won’t let me upload anything above 512kb – which is … I can’t think of anything below that.

  • #4607

    I’ve set it higher

  • #4608

    Great! Here comes the porn tsunami!

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