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Report anything you have here. Not wish lists for face recognition login and stuff like that but things not working.

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  • #404

    The edit post option seems to have disappeared. Did we abuse it?

  • #412

    Quite the opposite. I made a change to extend it to 190 years. I can still see it but I have mighty board powers. Anyone else?

  • #414

    It’s completely disappeared for me. I tried to edit the post I made in the trades thread this morning but had no luck.

    Edit: I appear to have successfully edited my post.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Bruce. Reason: Testing whether I can edit or not
  • #416

    Okay looks like somehow I accidentally set the edit limit to 9.2 minutes. I set again to 9999999 minutes.

    How does it look now?

  • #418

    Worked a treat.

  • #485

    Okay looks like somehow I accidentally set the edit limit to 9.2 minutes

    I love how randomly specific that amount is :D

  • #491

    Ha ha, I was trying to set it to 9999999 to basically leave editing open. I’m not sure what fat fingered technique I must have done to hit the full stop key which is nowhere near the 9. Neither is the 2 for that matter. It shall remain a mystery.

  • #498

    I posted a (rather lengthy!) post in the video game thread. The sub-forum lists me as the last poster in the thread, but the actual post isn’t appearing. :unsure:

  • #500

    Did you try and edit it? There seems to be weird black hole now with some edited posts. It happened with one of Ben’s and now this but all others work fine. I’m not sure to be honest what’s causing it.

  • #508

    Yeah, I edited it to take out an attempt at line break code.

  • #511

    Until I figure out what’s the cause it may be a good idea to copy the text to the clipboard before editing.

  • #525

    So I had something similar happen with an edit. I copied the text to clipboard in case it lost it. It lost it and I tried reposting the copied text which is not showing up either. Thanks, Gar.

  • #530

    So I figured out that if I added text instead of just trying to repost the same text, that works.

  • #549

    There are a couple of ways.

    You can adjust the colour settings on your monitor or alternatively get some coloured cellophane and attach it to your screen.

    Just kidding – no there’s no user side function to alter the background.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Eduardo.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by garjones.
  • #737

    The comics thread is showing two ‘new’ alerts for me on the main forum view, even after I’ve looked at everything. Not sure if it’s related to the issue with ‘hidden’ edited posts.

  • #867

    I tried marking all as read and they still remain unread.

  • #893

    Just kidding – no there’s no user side function to alter the background.

    If you know CSS, you can use the Stylus add-on to change how the site looks for you.

    So far, the only changes I’ve made are to fix paragraphs being squashed together:

    div.bbp-reply-content p

    and to add a background colour to quotes:

    blockquote.d4pbbc-quote p
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by paul f.
  • #895

    Oh, and to hide signatures, which I couldn’t find an option for in settings:

  • #922

    Is there a way to jump to the last unread post in a thread? Clicking on the thread name takes me to the first post and the time stamp takes me to the final one.

  • #927

    If you click on the flag it should take you to the first unread post (or thereabouts – sometimes it seems to take me to the last post I read).

  • #929

    Is there a way to jump to the last unread post in a thread? Clicking on the thread name takes me to the first post and the time stamp takes me to the final one.

    Oh god yes. This will break me if there isn’t a way around it

  • #930

    The flag, Mark. The flag.

  • #941

    It seems nobody has mentioned it yet but you can click on the flag.

  • #968

    Is there a way to see who has voted up a post?

  • #969

    Nope, not that I know of. It may be for the best after a big argument recently over who votes what up, we can remain in ignorant bliss.

  • #971

    Not the flag. That button at the top of each section saying Mark all as read has not worked.

  • #990

    You are right, it doesn’t. It came as part of a plugin, that I see after a bit of Googling relied on a previous plugin they say is no longer supported. I’ll do some searching to see if there’s a better option available or there’s a code to fix it.

  • #1011

    I’ve noticed that on my desktop I stay logged in so long as my browser is open, but on my cell phone it logs me out automatically after a certain period of time. Is this a setting that can be modified?

  • #1013

    Is it possible to send PMs here? (Not post menstrual syndrome)

  • #1015

    Yes, feel free to send any Prime Ministers here that you think would be interested.

    (Theresa May is a big fan of the Trades thread, I believe.)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Dave.
  • #1019

    Rutte would probably like it here. Assuming this is still the internet’s premier gay dating website.

  • #1020

    Click the “Send a Message” under someone’s name to PM them. Only tested it once so far though.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by RonnieM.
  • #1024

    What does the flag next to the topic title do? :unsure:

  • #1026

    You’ll have to figure it out on your own.

  • #1030

    I’ve noticed there’s no indication of reply to a particular post that is not immediately before or quoted within the post. Is there a way to put something that would point back to the previous post? In the meantime, I’m probably just going to start quoting the post I’m replying to as a workaround.

  • #1037

    Yes there’s something weird going on with the “edit” function… fortunately you can hit back on the browser so you can at least save the text.

    Also, I can’t skip a line, no matter how many enters I hit hit… u_u

  • #1038

    I mean skip a line like
    (this should be empty)

  • #1039

    I’ve done a workaround by putting periods on the in between lines.
    Like this.
    The edit function is also working fine for me now. The “Optional reasons for edit” line is a bit weird though.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by RonnieM. Reason: Fuck you
  • #1041

    Nope, not that I know of. It may be for the best after a big argument recently over who votes what up, we can remain in ignorant bliss.

    Huh. I must have missed that. Sounds kinda dumb.

  • #1044

    I missed it too. So it must have happened in one of the politics or news threads.

  • #1056

    It was in the old-MW Diversity thread.

  • #1146

    Wow, that’s what people got out from that whole thing… amazing… xD
    anyhoo… lemme try this real quick
    A-ha! so that works, but totally not optimal u_u let’s try editing…
    Okay editing seems to be working fine…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Jon.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Jon.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Jon.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Jon.
  • #1247

    I’ve seen a coding fix online for the paragraph spacing issue. Will get my dev to try and put it in over the next day or two.

  • #1256

    But the flag isn’t always there :wacko:

  • #1258

    It is if there are new posts. There just aren’t any new posts in your shitty topics. ;-)

  • #1262

    Just a thought too. I think since this kind of board design came in we’re more used to scroll down than pagination. I can increase the number of posts per page (it was initially set at 15 and I increased to 25), just wondering if there are any downsides to that. I suppose it may take longer to load but we’re in broadband days now.

  • #1266

    Ya. The page break seems to hurt the flow of conversations now.

  • #1268

    Okay I took it up from 25 to 150 per page. Let’s see how it works. If no issues I could take up higher.

  • #1271

    Possibly the Pictures thread might end up being quite data-heavy if it tries to load the whole thing.

  • #1275

    Flags are working great… except they disappear once used, but not too much of an issue I guess… the 150 posts per page seems like a good idea, good call =)

  • #1317

    Possibly the Pictures thread might end up being quite data-heavy if it tries to load the whole thing.

    Yeah and that’s really something we’ll be able to see by trying it out. I can adjust the post count per page up or down pretty easily if I get feedback some threads are taking too long to load.

    I’m personally not having any issues with it but that is on a fast fibre connection so may not apply to all.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by garjones.
  • #1335

    This post is testing


    line spacing

    please ignore

  • #1360

    Anyone knows what’s the difference between black flags and purple flags?

  • #1361

    There’s nothing written in the release notes for the plugin. Maybe black is for threads you’ve posted in or it’s just different colours for the lols.

  • #1365

    Anyone knows what’s the difference between black flags and purple flags?

    As far as I can tell, purple flags indicate threads you have not read yet and black flags mean you have read it.

  • #1483

    Say… can we upload images like on ‘other’ board or only deeplinking allowed?

  • #1484

    Not right now. It takes storage to upload pictures and we’re still exploring the bounds of that. So for right now you will need to link from another source. Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by RonnieM.
  • #1485

    Anyone knows what’s the difference between black flags and purple flags?

    As far as I can tell, purple flags indicate threads you have not read yet and black flags mean you have read it.

    Uh… maybe… I dunno, sometimes they’re black even though I haven’t read it… I just tried opening a thread with a purple flag in a new window, it does goe black… but when I read it, the flag disappears… so :unsure:

  • #1493

    In my experience so far, when I click on a purple flag it brings me to the first unread post in that particular thread. After I leave the thread, the flag is black. Also, if I exit the site and then come back, if that thread has no new posts, there is no flag at all.

    The key phrase is “so far”…

  • #1519

    I just realized the upvote for a post is at the TOP of the post now! I’ve been liking the wrong fucking posts!!!
    Still can’t figure out the picture thing, Ronnie tried to help but I’m hopeless.
    On another note, my screen has the green background cutting off the edges of the text box when making a post, do I need to adjust something in the settings? Also don’t see a post preview button…

  • #1520

    On another note, my screen has the green background cutting off the edges of the text box when making a post, do I need to adjust something in the settings?

    Are you posting on a mobile device? I get that when I post on my phone too.

  • #1524

    Okay I have added attachments of a limited size. Try it out.

  • #1525

    let’s see…
    Yup, seems to be working but it also seems to always go to the bottom of post, which isn’t really an issue as far as I’m concerned…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Jon.
  • #1529

    Seems to work.

  • #1532

    Mine works too.

  • #1559

    Here we go:

  • #1562

    I like how it reduces the images to thumbnails too… that should help with loading times… noice! =)

  • #1565

    If you can hotlink though I’d prefer it, will be keeping an eye on the storage use.

  • #1605

    A couple of little changes. I got rid of the ‘mark all as read’ because it doesn’t work so was a waste of time.

    There will be a funny little yellow icon thing no which will take you to the next unread post automatically.

  • #1608

    I did this for 6 times and it doesn’t really work, it’s for the best that it got removed.

  • #1610


  • #1611

    The flags! Farewell, we hardly knew ye.

  • #1613

    There will be a funny little yellow icon thing no which will take you to the next unread post automatically.

    I’ve clicked on this and it’s taken me to the final post each time. Dunno if that’s the case for anyone else.

  • #1614

    Yes, I got the same as Bruce.

  • #1615

    The yellow flags were working for me but they just went away.

  • #1617

    Flags are back. The two replacement plugins I tried were crap.

  • #1619

    What a rollercoaster!

  • #1622

    Is there anyway to split up the report, quote and reply options? I just mashed report instead of reply to Dave’s post (this isn’t the first tone I’ve done it). That said this is less a problem with the board and more a problem with me getting used to the new interface.

  • #1624

    Is there anyway to split up the report, quote and reply options? I just mashed report instead of reply to Dave’s post (this isn’t the first tone I’ve done it). That said this is less a problem with the board and more a problem with me getting used to the new interface.

    No the layout is all set in the plugin. 3 times people have accidentally reported posts, two of them were you. :-)

  • #1626

    Ah well, I’ll get my thumbs on a strict diet so they’re less fat and clumsy in future!!!

  • #1628

    I just mashed report instead of reply to Dave’s post

    To be fair, Dave deserved it.

  • #1631

    I forget to tell you that you got rid of my gif on the signature (my text stayed), i’m curious to know why it had to remove.
    (i deleted my previous comment because you haven’t noticed or answered my question)

  • #1639

    I forget to tell you that you got rid of my gif on the signature (my text stayed), i’m curious to know why it had to remove.
    (i deleted my previous comment because you haven’t noticed or answered my question)

    I didn’t get rid of your gif, wouldn’t even know how to do it. It’s probably not supported in the system.

  • #1666

    BTW, I was thinking, wouldn’t it be better to just have one general forum (+the treehouse as a separate thing for obvious reasons) instead of the 4 current ones? Might make navigation a bit easier, and I don’t really think we’re gonna need 4 different sections all that much in the long run… what do you guys think?

  • #1670

    Is the treehouse outside of google search results, like MW’s treehouse? Or is there another reason it is apart?

  • #1681

    I like having the separate forums. I feel like having a dedicated sub-forum encourages a bit more comics chat than before.

  • #1710

    The Treehouse is only visible to members we select to see it. The other forums are visible to anyone who visits the site even without logging in.

    We’ll keep the separate sections intact, the format of this board is not conducive to the long scroll that the Discourse one has.

  • #1711

    I would like face recognition login please

  • #1718

    Your face would like face-recognition login.

  • #1727

    Ohmigod it soooooo would

    HOW can we make this happen??

  • #1730

    The Treehouse is only visible to members we select to see it. The other forums are visible to anyone who visits the site even without logging in.

    We’ll keep the separate sections intact, the format of this board is not conducive to the long scroll that the Discourse one has.

    Oh, is the Treehouse actually up and running? I can’t get in to it (I just get “page not found” still).

  • #1731


    Tim's Face

  • #1738

    I’ve gone blind in one eye, is that part of the process?

  • #1741

    I’ve gone blind in one eye, is that part of the process?

    No, there are still some glitches. You should be blind in both eyes and your face should be on fire.

  • #1757

    I’ve gone blind in one eye, is that part of the process?

    That’s likely the result of something else you’ve been doing…

  • #1768

    Until Jim allowed people to join upon request I thought the Treehouse, on the old board, on non-Treehouse threads was like Fight Club.

  • #1771

    Times change, this group has gotten smaller and the reasons for it existing changed.
    Originally Jim set it up because he didn’t want off topic threads (away from pop culture) to detract or distract from Mark’s brand. That’s no longer a concern as this site is independent of any of those worries. I was going to not set it back up but many expressed that they liked a place they could discuss personal stuff or share photos that wasn’t public so it stayed.There’s less activity there now because a lot of the Treehouse threads can go back in the pub.
    As long as people have spent time with the board long enough to be part of the community they can go in.
    If any regulars can’t access it they can tell me here because it needs to be added on one by one and I’ve lost track. Some have changed usernames and I may not recognise who they are.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by garjones.
  • #1786

    If any regulars can’t access it they can tell me here because it needs to be added on one by one and I’ve lost track. Some have changed usernames and I may not recognise who they are.

    Hi there. Remember me?

  • #1790

    If any regulars can’t access it they can tell me here because it needs to be added on one by one and I’ve lost track. Some have changed usernames and I may not recognise who they are.

    Hi there. Remember me?

    No. Are you Al?

  • #1805

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