This is a thread to talk about Star Trek
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This is a thread to talk about Star Trek
I’ll lay off the pictures for a while.
Then again, there hasn’t been much discussion here anyway, so…
I’m a nerd.
Me too.
I’ll lay off the pictures for a while.
Then again, there hasn’t been much discussion here anyway, so…
You don’t have to. I’ve been enjoying them.
Ok Todd… you got it.
Thanks for the affirmation.
I needed that…😀
Live long and prosper, Al.
Not using magic to solve problems:
“Wave your magic deflector array and expelliarmus the Borg with a patronus burst, Mr Chatokay.”
“Wave your magic deflector array and expelliarmus the Borg with a patronus burst, Mr Chatokay.”
That’s basically Saga, of course. (Well, and Manifest Eternity before that, and… I am sure there’s a dozen novels we could come up with that do sci-fi magic.)
I am sure there’s a dozen novels we could come up with that do sci-fi magic
You are not sure there’s a dozen novels we could come up with that do sci-fi magic.
“Wave your magic deflector array and expelliarmus the Borg with a patronus burst, Mr Chatokay.”
That’s basically Saga, of course. (Well, and Manifest Eternity before that, and… I am sure there’s a dozen novels we could come up with that do sci-fi magic.)
No that’s Star Trek Voyager. That was a literal quote from Voyager
Ok, another question. I’ve seen a joke (maybe this forum, I forget) about Miles O’Brien spending his lonely hours making people from the transporter pattern buffer.
The thing is, why is it a joke? Why would you not do that? Ethically, is bringing a dead security guard back to life for a few hours any worse than making a brand new one in the holodeck to amuse you?
For that matter, is that why red-shirts are so nonchalant about beaming down and getting killed? They don’t permanently die, they are resurrected from the pattern buffer after the mission. (And if they are not, I want a Star Trek episode where the widow of a dead security guard sues Star Fleet for not bringing her husband back.)
So by logical extension of what is routine technology in the Federation, it would be crazy if O’Brien wasn’t making temporary playmates in the transporter room. I mean, you just would.
Hmm. Exactly how much do we know of Keiko’s background?
Short answer is, the writers either couldn’t concieve of or didn’t want to work through the implications of the technology.
(Thankfully, some of Keiko’s childhood is fleshed out in the show, mostly in TNG. Of course, it’s all in dialogue so those could be lies or implanted memories. But if we go down that route, we don’t see anything of a lot of character’s pasts…)
Ok, another question. I’ve seen a joke (maybe this forum, I forget) about Miles O’Brien spending his lonely hours making people from the transporter pattern buffer.
The thing is, why is it a joke? Why would you not do that? Ethically, is bringing a dead security guard back to life for a few hours any worse than making a brand new one in the holodeck to amuse you?
For that matter, is that why red-shirts are so nonchalant about beaming down and getting killed? They don’t permanently die, they are resurrected from the pattern buffer after the mission. (And if they are not, I want a Star Trek episode where the widow of a dead security guard sues Star Fleet for not bringing her husband back.)
So by logical extension of what is routine technology in the Federation, it would be crazy if O’Brien wasn’t making temporary playmates in the transporter room. I mean, you just would.
Hmm. Exactly how much do we know of Keiko’s background?
Taking is a step further, all of the information in the pattern buffer is digital. Theoretically, they could make a “clone” army of the same person.
Taking is a step further, all of the information in the pattern buffer is digital. Theoretically, they could make a “clone” army of the same person.
You know…
Some of these YouTube videos like this one are interesting, but apparently someone has way too much time on their hands to sort this all out:
William Shatner found JJ Abrams Star Trek’s use of Leonard Nimoy ‘totally gratuitous’
William Shatner found JJ Abrams Star Trek’s use of Leonard Nimoy ‘totally gratuitous’
Sounds like someone is bitter that he wasn’t used gratitiously.
I thought he was asked at the time but refused?
Two bits of news:
Prodigy and Lower Decks panels announced for San Diego Comicon at Home
The Motion Picture Director’s Edition to be remastered in 4K (only in dvd right now)
Facebook groups are talking these days about the Tuvix episode in Voyager whether Janeway’s decision was right or wrong to revert him back to Tuvok and Neelix.
Interesting dilemma, but I also compiled a small list of all the episodes where the transporter (a “malfunction” actually) was used as the main plot device. There were so many outcomes like combining 2 people like the Tuvix episode, splitting one into a good and bad person, crossing dimensions, time travel, reverting to children, preserving a person for a century, and on and on…
Perhaps the Federation, if they were smart, should look into transporter tech, try to recreate and possible control the outcomes to use as a weapon.
Remember that episode where the crew beamed to this asteroid populated by Indians and Kirk lost his memory and became this Indian leader with that hot Indian girl?
(The girl became pregnant with his child and was stoned to death in the end)
Well, the actress was Sabrina Scharf and after her acting career, she went on to many interests, studied law and became an attorney, and is currently into real estate.
(The girl became pregnant with his child and was stoned to death in the end)
I thought he was asked at the time but refused?
That doesn’t sound like the William Shatner I know!
There’s conflicting reports about this, it seems. Some that say he was asked for a cameo and wanted a bigger role and never got that offer. But the Shat himself has said he wasn’t contacted.
“Nobody ever asked me, and I’m just sorry that I’m not in your wonderful movie,” Shatner says, addressing Abrams in a YouTube video uploaded Thursday.
The actor’s strangely understated statement follows Abrams’ assertion earlier this month in an interview with SciFi Scanner that Shatner “was very vocal that he didn’t want to do a cameo.”
“We tried desperately to put him in the movie, but he was making it very clear that he wanted the movie to focus on him significantly, which, frankly, he deserves,” Abrams told the website. “The truth is, the story that we were telling required a certain adherence to the Trek canon and consistency of storytelling. It’s funny — a lot of the people who were proclaiming that he must be in this movie were the same people saying it must adhere to canon. Well, his character died on screen. Maybe a smarter group of filmmakers could have figured out how to resolve that.”
Now the original Captain Kirk is calling bullshit on the sci-fi auteur’s claim — but in a nice way.
“Nobody ever came to me and said, ‘We have a cameo,’ OK?” Shatner says. ” And maybe you wrote it, but it never presented itself to me. But the truth is, I wouldn’t have wanted to do a cameo, because you would have clipped that out. I mean, it doesn’t fit.”
Shatner unsurprisingly has tried to have it both ways. Around the time of the first Abrams movie he was saying that he’d written a way to bring Kirk back and he didn’t know why they didn’t use that; then by the third movie he was saying it would be silly to bring Kirk back and he couldn’t think of a way to make it work.
Shatner is… mercurial like that.
As some of you know, I have been on TikTok and Youtube these days and I also mentioned the diverse effects of the transporter that were never heard from again in any of the given Star Trek Series. There have been other tech, ship modifications, experimental medical procedures, phasing cloaking devices, that were only used once and never again, even when they could have been handy in later episodes or series.
Anyway, this is a 10 minute video that makes some pretty smart observations. Again, someone has way too much time on their hands. 🤣
Yeah, Kirk died in Generations, so there really wouldn’t be any way to bring in an Old Man Kirk for Shatner to play in the Abrams movie.
They would have needed to do some serious retconning*, or have Shatner play an aged version of the Kelvinverse Jim Kirk.
*And, to be brutally honest, they way they used Kirk and Generations was shit, anyway. I sort of get the feeling that Moore and Braga had a bigger and better movie in development, but Paramount wanted it faster and cheaper, and they kept whittling away at the story until we got the dud that ended up on the screen.
*And, to be brutally honest, they way they used Kirk and Generations was shit, anyway. I sort of get the feeling that Moore and Braga had a bigger and better movie in development, but Paramount wanted it faster and cheaper, and they kept whittling away at the story until we got the dud that ended up on the screen.
Basically what they did with ST V.
Generations was made under incredible pressure, Braga and Moore literally started working on the script the day after they finished on All Good Things. And it was a nightmare to break, they originally were throwing around the idea of the Enterprise A and D encountering each other and doing the standard team up of a fight and then working together – but there was no way audiences would see Picard and the D crew as the heroes in that story, not exactly ideal when the idea was to pass the torch for the movies from the TOS crew to the TNG one. There were massive production issues – planned new costumes were binned leading to Frakes and LeVar Burton wearing Avery Brooks and Colm Meany’s DS9 costumes at points, the TV sets looked terrible on film, prompting the harsh lighting to hide flaws, reshoots were needed after negative reactions to Kirk’s death…
Not a good time.
Notable omissions for the TNG image (or at least i couldn’t see them):
The fish dude played by Mick Fleetwood
Also, who is the dude sitting on top of the holodeck door?
Also, who is the dude sitting on top of the holodeck door?
I think that’s actually Q, it looks like his outfit from the episode where he’s turned into a human.
Great! Fleetwood fish dude, Moriarty, and Q all present and correct!
Appreciate the inclusions of the “boobs out” Duras sisters and the “let’s never mention them again after this one episode despite setting up a massive conspiracy storyline” parasite.
Great! Fleetwood fish dude, Moriarty, and Q all present and correct!
Appreciate the inclusions of the “boobs out” Duras sisters and the “let’s never mention them again after this one episode despite setting up a massive conspiracy storyline” parasite.
Hey, they were mentioned in The Drumhead!
Appreciate the inclusions of the “boobs out” Duras sisters
For the first time in my life I’m wondering whether I should have watched more Star Trek.
Why not start with Voyager and all the odd numbered movies and take it from there?
You’re a mean one, Mister Grinch.
Also, who is the dude sitting on top of the holodeck door?
I think that’s actually Q, it looks like his outfit from the episode where he’s turned into a human.
I think it’s the other Q from that episode played by Arnie from L.A. Law. He wore the same outfit that Q did.
Playmates Toys Boldly Returns To The Star Trek Universe
Next ‘Star Trek’ Film To Be Directed By ‘WandaVision’s Matt Shakman
Next ‘Star Trek’ Film To Be Directed By ‘WandaVision’s Matt Shakman
Appreciate the inclusions of the “boobs out” Duras sisters
For the first time in my life I’m wondering whether I should have watched more Star Trek.
Also, who is the dude sitting on top of the holodeck door?
I think that’s actually Q, it looks like his outfit from the episode where he’s turned into a human.
I think it’s the other Q from that episode played by Arnie from L.A. Law. He wore the same outfit that Q did.
Yeah, I figured that after I found the other print.
JULY 11, 2021 – In case you missed it: things are happening on the set of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.
Last week, series lead Anson Mount, who plays Captain Christopher Pike on the series, posted a short production update, and gave fans the tiniest of hints as to what’s to come. Mount tweeted: “Last ep of Season 1 starts shooting today. Old school fans are going to [be] VERY excited to see what we’re trying to pull off with this one. Getting to do many things I’ve never attempted as an actor. So much fun!”
Mount’s tweet is a good sign that production is winding up on the show’s first season, but it will still be a while before we can expect to see it on our screens. Only Star Trek: Lower Decks season two, Star Trek: Prodigy and Star Trek: Discovery season four are expected to air in 2021, with Star Trek: Strange New Worlds joining Star Trek: Picard season two no earlier than next year, 2022.
However, you won’t have to spend too much time waiting around for new Star Trek: with Lower Decks premiering in just a month, on August 12th, and Disco season four expected to follow on shortly after, 2022 is just two short Star Treks away.
Too late now:
SDCC Panel
Timecode for Prodigy trailer
Timecode for Lower Decks S2 trailer
Loved Boimler talking to the Tom Paris plate. And the Tamarian security officer.
The first two episodes are called:
That’s Adam Nimoy with the Spock ears on, he talks about that moment in For the Love of Spock.
He married the Dax actress Terry Farrell IIRC…
He did, Ira Stephen Behr wound up directing What we left Behind, the documentary about DS9 instead of Nimoy because he was unavailable for key shooting days due to timing from their wedding.
So, that episode was less banned and more the BBC and RTÉ dropped it when they showed TNG in the early 90s. It was shown on Sky a year or two later, advertised as the “banned episode”, but they cut the reference to Irish unification from the episode. It tended to be shown in various repeats on satellite/cable/digital TV from that point on, either with or without the Irish line cut seemingly at random. Home video releases of the episode were always uncut, as is the episode on Netflix in the UK and Ireland.
It was screened uncut in Belfast as part of a cultural festival in 2007, and was finally shown on the BBC later that same year. It never aired on RTÉ before they allowed their rights to TNG to lapse.
I never thought about the weight gain issue but that’s a good point. I would be conjuring up Magnum ice creams on a regular basis.
Maybe it all actually tastes really shit.
I expect the replicators are pre-programmed to make all the food low fat whether you like it or not, because the Federation is a nanny state that wants to control your entire life.
They probably need some sort of restrictions on the replicators to keep the alcoholics under control.
“Whiskey. Scottish. Peat.”
I expect the replicators are pre-programmed to make all the food low fat whether you like it or not, because the Federation is a nanny state that wants to control your entire life.
Also, I’d be shocked if Starfleet personnel didn’t self-select somewhat to people who were inclined towards athleticism and wouldn’t be particularly over-indulgent when it came to food. But even within that set of parameters, there are people who are a bit overweight like Chief O’Brien and Ensign Tilly and even they engage in strenuous physical exercise like kayaking and running.
Or are pre-screened by a discriminatory recruitment process?
Or are pre-screened by a discriminatory recruitment process?
It’s called auditioning.
Maybe it all actually tastes really shit.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
I expect the replicators are pre-programmed to make all the food low fat whether you like it or not, because the Federation is a nanny state that wants to control your entire life.
Also, I’d be shocked if Starfleet personnel didn’t self-select somewhat to people who were inclined towards athleticism and wouldn’t be particularly over-indulgent when it came to food. But even within that set of parameters, there are people who are a bit overweight like Chief O’Brien and Ensign Tilly and even they engage in strenuous physical exercise like kayaking and running.
I would think that, by Star Trek time, they can probably regulate weight by limiting the body’s ability to turn excess calories into fat. Or something like that.
And, yeah, I know about Scotty in the movies.
It is, apparently, not a 100% effective process.
And, yeah, I know about Scotty in the movies. It is, apparently, not a 100% effective process.
Or, it’s 100% effective but Scotty still found a way to hack it. Because why shouldn’t he enjoy his comfortable middle-age poundage if he wants to?
And, yeah, I know about Scotty in the movies. It is, apparently, not a 100% effective process.
Or, it’s 100% effective but Scotty still found a way to hack it. Because why shouldn’t he enjoy his comfortable middle-age poundage if he wants to?
Scotty’s ingenuity, knowledge, and experience outweigh his weight.
Alex Kurtzmann has been fired from Star Trek and all the modern shows are being decanonised in favour of making Axanar and Star Trek Continues official productions.
And I’m being handed a note…
ViacomCBS Extends Alex Kurtzman’s Contract As They Map Out Star Trek Universe Future On Paramount+
I’m WAY more interested in a potential Worf sitcom than any of that other shit.
An ageing Worf has to move in with his slovenly son Alex and hijinks ensue!
I’m WAY more interested in a potential Worf sitcom than any of that other shit.
An ageing Worf has to move in with his slovenly son Alex and hijinks ensue!
Son of Mogh and Son
An ageing Worf has to move in with his slovenly son Alex and mixed-race grandson Bingo, and hijinks ensue!
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