

I figured there needed to be a “Space” thread.
If the mods think it should be rolled into the Science thread, I have no problem with that.
If it’s the “nutjobs” this thread seems to pull in you’re worried about, just double-up on the tinfoil hat
The following has been debunked. see post #9 on Dec.14th)
Toldya about the tinfoil hat…
Scientists Just Found an “Impossible” Black Hole in The Milky Way Galaxy
A newfound black hole in the Milky Way is weirdly heavy
Monster black hole that ‘should not exist’ discovered in the Milky Way

The chemical composition of our galaxy’s most massive stars suggests that they lose most of their mass at the end of their lives through explosions and powerful stellar winds, before the star’s core collapses into a black hole.

The hefty stars in the mass range that could produce a black hole are expected to end their lives in what is called a pair-instability supernova that completely obliterates the stellar core. So astronomers are scratching their heads trying to figure out how the black hole – named LB-1 – got so chonky.

“Black holes of such mass should not even exist in our galaxy, according to most of the current models of stellar evolution,” said astronomer Jifeng Liu of the National Astronomical Observatory of China.

“LB-1 is twice as massive as what we thought possible. Now theorists will have to take up the challenge of explaining its formation.”

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  • #105477

    Scientists spot 1st gamma-ray eclipses from strange ‘spider’ star systems

    An artist’s depiction of a spider star system, or a star orbiting a rapidly rotating pulsar.

    Astronomers have detected the first gamma-ray eclipses from a “spider” star system, in which a superdense rapidly rotating neutron star called a pulsar is feeding on a stellar companion. These never-seen before gamma-ray eclipses are caused by the low-mass companion star of the pulsar moving in front of it and very briefly blocking high-energy photons.

    An international team of scientists has found seven spider systems undergoing such gamma-ray eclipses, while scouring more than 10 years of data from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. In one case, the finds helped the scientists to discover how a spider system is tilted in relation to Earth, and to determine the mass of the pulsars in such systems. In the future, the research could help scientists define what mass marks the dividing line between neutron stars and black holes.

    “One of the most important goals for studying spiders is to try to measure the masses of the pulsars,” Colin Clark, an astrophysicist at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Germany and lead of the research team, said in a statement(opens in new tab).

    How spider systems are born

    Like all neutron stars and black holes, pulsars form when massive stars run out of fuel for nuclear fusion and the outward energy that supports them against gravitational collapse ceases. As the core of such a star collapses and outer material is blown away in a supernova, the core’s rotation increases massively, just like an ice skater drawing in their arms to speed up their rotation.

    The core collapse results in a neutron star, a body with the mass of the sun or more crammed down into a diameter of around 12 miles (17 kilometers), about the width of a city here on Earth — so dense that a mere teaspoon of it would weigh 4 billion tons, the equivalent of 600 Great Pyramids of Giza stacked on a spoon.

    If the star is massive enough, the inward force of gravity overwhelms this material, which is 95% neutrons, and forces a complete collapse that triggers the birth of a black hole. Quite where the dividing line isn’t clear, however.

    “Pulsars are basically balls of the densest matter we can measure,” Clark said. “The maximum mass they can reach constrains the physics within these extreme environments, which can’t be replicated on Earth.”

    Pulsars are also considered extreme stellar remnants because they blast out intense radiation. Because these beams aren’t aligned with their axis of rotation, they sweep across space, with their emissions appearing as pulses in regular intervals as they turn to face Earth, almost like a cosmic lighthouse.

    Scientists believe that spider systems form when one star in a binary system evolves faster than its partner, forming a pulsar with beams of light, including gamma-rays, sweeping in and out of our view on Earth.

    Early in the pulsar’s existence it “feeds” on material from its binary companion, dragging this material away in a stream of gas that carries angular momentum. The accretion of this gas onto the pulsar adds angular momentum to the stellar remnant and speeds up its rotation, or causes it to “spin up.”

    As the pulsar spins more rapidly, it stops feeding and begins blasting high-energy particles and radiation at its stellar companion, superheating and eroding the side of the star facing the pulsar.

    These spider systems are divided into two categories with suitably arachnid-inspired monikers; A black widow system contains a pulsar and a stellar companion with less than 5% of the sun’s mass, while a redback system partners a pulsar with a larger stellar companion that has between 10% and 50% the mass of the sun. (In both species, female spiders sometimes eat their mates.)

    Gamma rays put a tilt on spider system observations

    Astronomers have been able to gather a wealth of information about spider systems from the light they emit. For example, visible light can reveal how quickly the companion is traveling, and radio wave measurements can reveal the pulsar’s rotational speed.

    But these observations are based on motions toward and away from Earth and are therefore influenced by the angle at which these systems are orientated with regard to Earth. For systems we see face-on, changes in this motion are slight and can produce signals that look confusingly like those from a smaller, slower-orbiting system seen side-on. That difficulty means knowing the system’s tilt is vital for understanding that system and its mass.

    Astronomers can use visible light observations to assess the system’s tilt, but these measurements can be complicated. For instance, if the companion star’s superheated side moves in and out of view, it can create fluctuations in the system’s visible light signature. Also, astronomers are only just beginning to understand the superheating of stars, so models built around different heating patterns can give different results.

    In a spider system, gamma-rays are only generated by the pulsar, not the companion star, and are so energetic that they are unaffected by dust and debris in the system and can only be blocked by the companion star — so if the gamma-ray signal disappears, astronomers can be sure that the pulsar was eclipsed by the companion star. It’s an unambiguous sign that astronomers are seeing the system side-on, letting scientists confirm the companion star’s velocity and the pulsar’s mass.

    But these gamma-ray eclipses had eluded astronomers, hence the new research.

    Spotlight on a spider

    One of the spiders the team studied was particularly fruitful.

    PSR B1957+20 was the first black widow ever discovered, identified in 1998. But in more than a decade of Fermi data, Clark and his team found 15 missing gamma-ray photons, the constituent particles of light. Fifteen photons may not sound like a lot, but it’s a significant find because of how precise the timing of pulsars is.

    Originally, scientists calculated the tilt of PSR B1957+20 at 65 degrees compared to our line of sight. This measurement, made using visible light, had resulted in the pulsar’s mass being estimated at 2.4 times that of the sun. The calculation made PSR B1957+20 the heaviest-known pulsar and sat right at the theoretical mass limit that divides a neutron star and a black hole.

    With the new data Clark and the team calculated that PSR B1957+20 is actually tilted at 84 degrees, reducing the pulsar’s mass to 1.8 times that of the sun — a measurement much more in line with neutron-star formation theories.

    “There’s a quest to find massive pulsars, and these spider systems are thought to be one of the best ways to find them,” Matthew Kerr, a co-author on the project and a research physicist at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., said in the same statement. “They’ve undergone a very extreme process of mass transfer from the companion star to the pulsar. Once we really get these models fine-tuned, we’ll know for sure whether these spider systems are more massive than the rest of the pulsar population.”

    Not only does the new work mark a step forward in our understanding of spider systems and pulsars in general, but it exemplifies the impact of the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope on high-energy astronomy.

    “Before Fermi, we only knew of a handful of pulsars that emitted gamma-rays,” Elizabeth Hays, Fermi project scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, said in the statement. “After over a decade of observations, the mission has identified over 300 and collected a long, nearly uninterrupted dataset that allows the community to do trailblazing science.”

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  • #105578

    No, the Big Bang theory is not ‘broken.’ Here’s how we know.

    The first publicly released science-quality image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, revealed on July 11, 2022, is the deepest infrared view of the universe to date.

    The James Webb Space Telescope, not even finished with its first full year of observations, has delivered some real stunners. But amid the breathtaking images and unprecedented findings, there was a puzzling claim: that the telescope had detected galaxies in the incredibly young universe. Those galaxies were so massive and appeared so early that they, the headlines claimed, “broke” the Big Bang model of cosmology.

    The claim went viral, but as with many things on the internet, it’s simply not true.

    Now, there’s more research to back up the Big Bang. Recently, researchers took a more careful look at the data and determined that the distant galaxies discovered by the James Webb Space Telescope are, indeed, perfectly compatible with our modern understanding of cosmology.

    The potential problem with distant galaxies isn’t that they exist. In fact, the modern formulation of the Big Bang theory, called ΛCDM cosmology (the Λ stands for dark energy, and CDM is short for “cold dark matter”), predicts galaxies to appear in the very young universe. That’s because billions of years ago, there were no galaxies, or even stars, at all. When our universe was much smaller and much denser than it is today, everything was much more uniform, with only tiny density differences appearing here and there randomly.

    But over time, those density differences grew, with the slightly denser pockets pulling more material onto them. Over hundreds of millions of years, those pockets formed into the first stars, and eventually grew to become the first galaxies.

    In fact, one of the main goals of the Webb telescope was to discover and characterize those first galaxies, so finding galaxies in the incredibly young universe is a point in favor of the Big Bang theory, not against it.

    So what’s the conflict, then? The apparent tension came about because of the estimated masses of those galaxies. Several were quite large — well over 10^10 solar masses. That is still much smaller than the Milky Way, but for the early universe, they are quite gigantic.

    The researchers who discovered these galaxies estimated that their large masses put them in tension with many models of galactic formation and evolution. At the extreme end, the researchers claimed that it might even be possible for no galaxy formation model within the ΛCDM framework to create such large galaxies so quickly.

    A matter of some debate

    But those claims hinged on measuring a precise distance to those galaxies — an incredibly difficult task at these extreme distances. For the record-breaking galaxies that could be tension with cosmological models, the researchers relied on something called a photometric redshift, which fits a rough light spectrum of a galaxy to a model to estimate a distance.

    That method is notoriously unreliable, with simple effects — like excess dust surrounding the galaxies — making them appear more distant than they really are.

    To accurately judge if the Big Bang is in trouble, a new team of researchers used Webb to identify galaxies with a much more precise and reliable method of determining distance, known as spectroscopic redshift. This technique identifies the spectral lines of known elements emitted by the galaxies and uses them to measure the redshift, and thereby the distance, to the galaxies.

    Using this more accurate technique, the team found a sample of four galaxies. All those galaxies were just as distant as the previously identified galaxies, but they had confirmed, reliable distances. However, these galaxies had much smaller masses: around 10^8 and 10^9 solar masses.

    So the question then became, does ΛCDM allow for these smaller galaxies to exist at such a young age in the history of the universe, or does the tension remain?

    In come the simulations

    Building galaxies is no easy task. While pen-and-paper mathematics can allow cosmologists to chart the overall history and evolution of the cosmos within the ΛCDM model, galaxy formation involves the complex interplay of many kinds of physics: gravity, star formation and supernova explosions, dust distribution, cosmic rays, magnetic fields and more.

    Accounting for all these interactions requires the use of supercomputer simulations that take the raw, primal state of the universe as it was billions of years ago and follow the laws of physics to build artificial galaxies. That’s the only way to connect what we see in the real world (galaxies) with the fundamental parameters of the ΛCDM model (like the amount of normal and dark matter in the cosmos).

    The simulations allowed the researchers to play around with many kinds of models. If no models could generate galaxies of that mass at that age, then ΛCDM would be in trouble.

    Thankfully, there were no such problems. The appearance of galaxies with 10^8 solar masses in the early universe was no sweat for ΛCDM, the team explained in their research paper, which has been submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters and is available as a preprint via arXiv.

    As usual, this isn’t the final answer. Astronomers may yet confirm the distance to a very large galaxy in the early universe that may force us to rethink our understanding of galaxy formation, and maybe even the ΛCDM cosmological model. In science, it’s always important to keep an open mind. But the exaggerated claims made from the early Webb data aren’t enough to worry about yet.

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  • #105579

    Watch a green comet make its first Earth approach in 50,000 years with this free webcast

    The comet should remain visible throughout the month and may be visible to the naked eye as a faint green glow in dark sky locations.

    An illustration of the night sky on Feb. 1 showing comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) at perigee.

    Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is making its closest pass by Earth, and you can watch it pass by for free without even stepping outside.

    On Wednesday (Feb. 1), the comet will reach its closest point to Earth, known as perigee. Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) hasn’t been this close in 50,000 years and according to some predictions, it may never be seen again. That makes the close pass this week even more significant, as it could be our last chance to witness this “messenger from the outermost reaches of our solar system.”

    While many skywatchers will be out braving the cold January nights this week to catch a glimpse of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), not everyone will have the right conditions, equipment or availability to see it. Luckily, the Virtual Telescope Project is hosting a free online livestream of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) at perigee courtesy of the project’s website or YouTube channel. The livestream begins on Wednesday (Feb. 1) starting at 11:00 p.m. EST (0400 GMT on Feb. 2).

    C/2022 E3 (ZTF) has already passed by its closest point to the sun and has led to some amazing astrophotography worldwide that shows off the comet’s gorgeous green tail.

    Make sure to try and view the comet while it remains in the night sky, as this might be our last look at C/2022 E3 (ZTF) before it leaves our solar system. Geza Gyuk, an astronomer at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, said in a statement that for comets similar to C/2022 E3 (ZTF) with highly elliptical orbits that swing them out to the outermost regions of the solar system, “it is very easy for them to have their orbit perturbed thus making them leave the solar system entirely.”

    When it approaches on Wednesday (Feb. 1), the comet will be in the Camelopardalis constellation in the northern skies. While at perigee, the comet will be within 26 million miles (42 million kilometers) of Earth, equal to roughly 28% of the distance between the sun and Earth.

    The comet should remain visible throughout the month and may be visible to the naked eye as a faint green glow in dark sky locations, but will certainly be visible through binoculars or a telescope.

    If you want to see comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) up close or try your hand at taking your own photos, be sure to see our guides on the best telescopes and best binoculars that can help. Don’t forget to also check out our guides on how to view and photograph comets, as well our best cameras for astrophotography and best lenses for astrophotography to get started.

    Just remember: The amazing images of the comet featuring bright colors and a clearly-defined tail were taken with professional-level equipment and are usually stitched together from multiple long exposures. I caught the comet myself on Friday (Jan. 27) with a pair of tripod-mounted 25x magnification binoculars, and it appeared as a small, misty green smudge located just above Ursa Major. Still, any view of one of these distant messengers is worth it, whether online or in the night sky.

    Clear skies and happy comet hunting!

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  • #105595

    New cosmic map reveals the universe’s matter isn’t as ‘clumpy’ as it should be

    Maps of the sky taken by the Dark Energy Survey telescope in Chile (left) and the South Pole Telescope (right).

    Scientists have released one of the most accurate maps of the universe’s matter ever created, featuring precise measurements of its distribution throughout the cosmos.

    One surprising revelation from the map is that matter isn’t as “clumpy” as our current best model of the universe suggests it should be, meaning something could be missing from our standard cosmological model.

    By helping to reveal how matter in the very early cosmos was flung outward before it formed galaxies, stars and planets, the new map could give scientists a better understanding of how the universe evolved.

    Following the creation of matter and the rapid expansion during the Big Bang around 13.8 billion years ago, the universe expanded and that matter spread outward. As this matter, mostly in the form of hydrogen and helium, cooled, it led to the formation of the first stars, which then synthesized heavier elements.

    By tracking the path of this primordial matter as it spread outward and looking at how it is distributed today, scientists can rewind time and recreate that early epoch of the universe. Doing this, however, requires a huge amount of astronomical data.

    For the new map, the team used data collected by the Dark Energy Survey in Chile and the South Pole Telescope. This combination of observational methods helped the team ensure that an error in one set of measurements wouldn’t undermine the overall results.

    “It functions like a cross-check, so it becomes a much more robust measurement than if you just used one or the other,” Chihway Chang, an astrophysicist at the University of Chicago and co-lead author of the research, said in a statement.

    Dark matter, too

    Both the Dark Energy Survey, which surveyed the sky between 2013 and 2019, and the South Pole Telescope use a technique called gravitational lensing. Because mass causes space-time to warp, when light travels from a background object past a massive foreground object, it bends the path of this light. In some cases, this results in the foreground object acting as a natural lens, amplifying the light from the background object. The bigger the mass, the greater the curve in space-time and the more extreme the effect on light, meaning massive galaxies in our line of sight make brilliant gravitational lenses.

    While gravitational lensing is good for tracking the normal, everyday matter that makes up stars and planets, this technique is also great at tracking dark matter, a mysterious form of matter that makes up about 85% of the universe’s mass. Dark matter is invisible because it doesn’t interact with light, but its existence can be inferred by gravitational lensing because it does interact with gravity.

    The Dark Energy Survey in Chile.

    The study authors said they used the two data sets to pinpoint the locations of the universe’s matter more precisely than was possible in previous attempts.

    While most of the results agree with current theories of universal evolution, there were signs of an interesting quirk — one that past analysis attempts have also spotted.

    “It seems like there are slightly less fluctuations in the current universe than we would predict assuming our standard cosmological model anchored to the early universe,” Eric Baxter, an astrophysicist at the University of Hawaii and a member of the research team, said in the statement.

    The results suggest that the universe is less “clumpy” — clustering in specific areas rather than being evenly spread out — than previous models of the cosmos had found.

    This may indicate that something is missing from our model of the universe. However, to solidify this idea, the disparity will have to be apparent in more surveys and mapping projects.

    The current project is significant because it mixes two very different sources of data to obtain useful information and could point to future similar collaborations as increasingly powerful observatories come online.

    “I think this exercise showed both the challenges and benefits of doing these kinds of analyses,” Chang said. “There’s a lot of new things you can do when you combine these different angles of looking at the universe.”

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  • #105645

    Gigantic ‘alien’ comet spotted heading straight for the sun

    Scientists think it may have come from another solar system.

    Scientists have spotted an enormous, ‘alien’ iceball streaking straight towards the sun.

    The 3.7 mile-wide (6 kilometers) comet, called 96P/Machholz 1, is thought to have come from somewhere outside our solar system, and is being monitored by the NASA-European Space Agency (ESA) Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft as it zips toward our star inside the orbit of Mercury, leaving an icy trail in its wake.

    Comet tails are primarily composed of gas, which trickles behind the frozen clumps of ice and gas as they are heated by the sun’s radiation. In 2008, an analysis of the material shed by 150 comets found that 96P/Machholz 1 contained less than 1.5% of the expected levels of the chemical cyanogen, while also being low in carbon(opens in new tab) — leading astronomers to conclude that it could be an interloper from another solar system. Now, its plunge towards the sun might reveal even more of its secrets.

    Machholz 1 as imaged by NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) spacecraft.

    “96P is a very atypical comet, both in composition and in behavior, so we never know exactly what we might see,” Karl Battams(opens in new tab), an astrophysicist at the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC, told in new tab). “Hopefully we can get some beautiful science out of this and share [it] with everyone as soon as we can.”

    David Machholz first spotted the eponymous comet in 1986 using a homemade cardboard telescope. Most comets that fall towards the sun tend to be smaller than 32 feet (10 meters) wide, and consequently get burned up as they approach our star.

    But the gigantic size of Machholz 1 (it is more than two-thirds the height of Mount Everest) appears to protect it from complete evaporation, and the SOHO has spotted the comet making five close passes around the sun since its discovery. The icy interloper’s closest approach to the sun came on Tuesday (Jan. 31) when it was three times closer to our star than Mercury.

    The comet may have found itself on its strange orbit after being ejected from its original solar system by the gravity of a giant planet. Then, after a considerable amount of time wandering the cosmos, an accidental rendezvous with Jupiter could have bent its trajectory to ensnare it around our sun. Other theories also suggest that the comet might not be alien, but may have formed in poorly-understood regions of the solar system or had its cyanogen blasted off by repeat journeys around the sun.

    SOHO has spotted more than 3,000 comets since its December 1995 launch, although the spacecraft’s primary mission is to observe the sun for violent eruptions called coronal mass ejections, or solar flares that can cause geomagnetic storms on Earth. The most powerful of these storms can disrupt our planet’s magnetic field enough to send satellites tumbling to Earth, and scientists have warned that extreme geomagnetic storms could even cripple the internet.

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  • #105647

    Chaotic ‘knot’ of merging galaxy clusters captured in multiple wavelengths

    Some 780 million light-years from Earth, at least three galactic clusters are undergoing a chaotic merger, and using data from a variety of telescopes, astronomers captured the massive collision in a striking new image.

    The smaller galactic clusters, each of which comprises hundreds or thousands of individual galaxies, are combining to form an even larger galactic cluster known as Abell 2256.

    To determine what’s going on inside this entanglement, astronomers compiled data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the European Space Agency’s XMM-Newton, both of which are space telescopes, as well as Pan-STARRS at Haleakala Observatory in Hawaii; the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in Pune, India; the Low Frequency Array in the Netherlands and neighboring European countries; and the Very Large Array near Socorro, New Mexico.

    A composite image of galactic cluster Abell 2256 shows the chaotic entanglement of three smaller clusters within it.

    The result is a composite image showing multiple wavelengths: X-rays in blue, radio waves in red, and optical and infrared light in yellow. The X-rays indicate clouds of hot gas, while the radio waves show jets of energy shooting out from the black holes at the centers of galaxies throughout the cluster, as well as “relics,” or filamentary structures showing old shock waves from the violent collision. The optical and infrared dots indicate individual galaxies within Abell 2256.

    Kamlesh Rajpurohit, an astronomer at the University of Bologna in Italy who leads a team studying Abell 2256, hopes to use images such as this one to unravel the mysteries of how these enormous galactic clusters, which are among the biggest structures in the universe, come to be. One reason they’re an intriguing subject to study is that galactic clusters are the largest known particle accelerators in the universe, theorized to be the source of mysterious cosmic rays. With such a detailed image, astronomers can continue to study the potential origin of these mysterious blasts of energy, which travel near the speed of light.

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  • #105669

    Jupiter now has the most moons in the solar system, beating Saturn thanks to 12 newfound satellites

    Move over, Saturn: Jupiter is the solar system’s new ‘moon master’

    An illustration of the orbits of Jupiter’s moons, not including its newly found 12 moons.

    Jupiter isn’t just the largest and most massive planet in the solar system — now, the gas giant also boasts the largest number of moons orbiting it after scientists discovered another 12 moons, bringing the behemoth’s total up to 92.

    The orbits of the 12 hitherto undiscovered moons of Jupiter have been published by the Minor Planet Center (MPC) operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, according to a new report from Sky and Telescope. The dozen new moons represent a 15% increase in the planet’s known moons. With these new discoveries, Jupiter seizes the record for “solar system planet with most moons” from the previous record holder, Saturn.

    Scientists have found 83 moons to date around the ringed gas giant, the second-largest planet in the solar system. However, astronomers have also found tons of rocks down to about 2 miles (3 kilometers) wide around Saturn without yet tracking the objects precisely, according to Sky and Telescope(opens in new tab). As instruments become capable of studying these smaller moons, Jupiter may have to relinquish its new title back to Saturn.

    Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Carnegie Institute for Science in Washington, D.C., has submitted the observations of the Jovian system, which were taken between 2021 and 2022, for publication. The delay between observing the new moons and confirming them comes because astronomers had to track the rocks for a full orbit in order to ensure they were actually orbiting Jupiter.

    And all of the new moons circle Jupiter far from its surface, taking more than 340 Earth days to complete an orbit of the gas giant, according to Sky and Telescope. Of the 12 new moons, nine are particularly distant: The MPC estimates these nine moons to have orbits longer than 550 days. These moons are all also relatively small: only five of those nine moons are thought to have a diameter greater than 5 miles (8 km).

    The nine particularly distant moons also have retrograde orbits, meaning that they circle the gas giant in the opposite direction of its rotation; the inner Jovian moons, in contrast, have “prograde” orbits in the same direction as the planet’s rotation. The new moons’ retrograde orbits imply that Jupiter’s immense gravitational influence may have captured these moons, with the smaller ones possibly the remains of larger bodies broken apart by collisions.

    Others of the newly found moons are in prograde orbits, suggesting they formed around Jupiter. These particular prograde orbiting moons are located in a middle swath of space with 13 other Jovian moons: closer to the planet than the outer retrograde moons but farther away than the large inner moons — Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto — which are referred to as the Galilean moons because they were first discovered by Galileo Galilei in the early 1600s.

    These prograde moons were tougher to spot than the outer retrograde Jovian moons. “The reason is that they are closer to Jupiter and the scattered light from the planet is tremendous,” Sheppard told Sky and Telescope. The light reflected by Jupiter obscures these moons, so by 2000 astronomers had discovered only five of these moons. In the intervening two decades, only eight more of this group had been found.

    Prograde Jovian moons outside of the Galilean moons fall into two groupings. The closest is the Himalia group, which is named after the fifth largest Jovian moon, Himalia. The group lies between 6.8 million to 7.5 million miles (11 million to 12 million km) from Jupiter and has a population of nine, two of which are among the new discoveries.

    Thus far only one Jovian moon has been discovered between the Galilean moons and the Himalia group, Themisto, possibly due to the glare from the gas giant hiding smaller moons.

    Further out at around 10 million miles (17 million km) from Jupiter are the Carpo group, named after Carpo, a Jovian moon Sheppard discovered in 2005. Before this clutch of discoveries, there was only one moon in this group besides Carpo itself, so the discovery of another doubled the population of this group.

    The newly discovered prograde Jovian moons could make excellent targets for future missions that are set to make flybys of Jupiter, including the European Space Agency’s JUICE mission set to launch in April and NASA’s Europa Clipper set to launch in October 2024.

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  • #105837

    A dwarf planet beyond Neptune has a mysterious ring that astronomers can’t explain

    The ring is so far from the dwarf planet’s surface that its material should have coalesced into a moon. But somehow, it didn’t.

    Dwarf planet Quaoar has a ring of material that defies the rules of physics.

    A mini-planet orbiting in the frigid outer reaches of the solar system has a Saturn-like ring of dust and debris that defies the rules of physics, a new study has revealed.

    The planet in question is called Quaoar and it’s the seventh largest of the known dwarf planets of which Pluto is the king. Discovered in 2002 and about 697 miles wide (1,121 kilometers), Quaoar is one of the so-called trans-Neptunian objects, small planets orbiting beyond the solar system’s outermost planet Neptune.

    Residing in the Kuiper Belt, the doughnut-shaped ring of rocky and icy debris in the outer solar system, Quaoar is a proud owner of its own moon, the 100-mile-wide (160 km) Weywot. And a recent observation campaign revealed that it also has a ring of material in its orbit.

    That by itself wouldn’t be so special. The gas giant Saturn is known to possess a whole series of rings. Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus also have some. One other trans-Neptunian object — Haumea — has been found to have a ring, and the space rock Chariklo that orbits between Saturn and Uranus also has one. So what exactly sets Quaoar’s ring apart?

    Quaoar’s ring is at a very unusual distance from its parent body. In fact, before astronomers discovered Quaoar’s ring in observations from several telescopes conducted between 2018 and 2021, they had thought that it was impossible for a ring to exist at such a distance. With a radius of about 2,420 miles (3,885 km) from Quaoar’s center, the ring is too far away from the dwarf planet that its gravity should no longer be able to keep the material dispersed. Instead, it should coalesce under its own gravity and form another moon, just like Weywot. By not having done that, the ring has breached what astronomers call the Roche limit, the first known ring around a celestial body to have done so.

    “What is so intriguing about this discovery around Quaoar is that the ring of material is much farther out than the Roche limit,” Giovanni Bruno, an astronomer at Italy’s National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and one of the authors of the paper, said in a European Space Agency (ESA) statement. “As a result of our observations, the classical notion that dense rings survive only inside the Roche limit of a planetary body must be thoroughly revised.”

    The ring was discovered during a series of occultations, essentially eclipses, when Quaoar passed between Earth and several more distant but much brighter stars. When an occultation occurs, the light of the background star temporarily dims. The effect is only visible to very sensitive telescopes and is frequently used to detect exoplanets orbiting stars in our Milky Way galaxy, which is why ESA’s exoplanet hunter Cheops was among the telescopes watching these Quaoar occultations.

    When astronomers analyzed the data, they realized that apart from the main dip in the background stars’ brightness, they could detect two smaller drops. Since drops occurred before and after the main occultation, respectively, the researchers thought that Quaoar must be surrounded with a ring.

    Several Earth-based telescopes also observed the occultations with similar results, but Cheops’ data were particularly valuable as they proved that the odd dimmings were not caused by the effects of Earth’s atmosphere.

    “The Cheops data are amazing for signal to noise,” Isabella Pagano, also of INAF and a member of the Cheops Board, said in the statement. “The signal to noise is a measure of how strong the detected signal is to the random noise in the system. Cheops gives a great signal to noise because the telescope is not looking through the distorting effects of Earth’s lower atmosphere.”

    Now astronomers have to either rethink the Roche limit or come up with another explanation for the existence of Quaoar’s ring.

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  • #106104

    Sun unleashes massive X2-class solar flare during geomagnetic storm watch (video)

    The huge X2.2 solar flare erupted from a new sunspot on the face of the sun.

    An X2.2-class solar flare erupts from the sun on Feb. 17, 2023 in this image captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory

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  • #106203

    Hubble telescope captures dazzling stellar duo in Orion Nebula (photo)

    The Hubble Space Telescope captured a photo of two young stars surrounded by thick clouds of dust in the Orion Nebula.

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  • #106204

    ‘Runaway’ black hole the size of 20 million suns found speeding through space with a trail of newborn stars behind it

    Astronomers have discovered a “runaway” black hole, potentially the first observational evidence that supermassive black holes can be ejected from their host galaxies.

    An illustration showing a black hole being ejected from a galaxy’s center, as a trail of brightly glowing gas follows behind

    Astronomers have spotted a runaway supermassive black hole, seemingly ejected from its home galaxy and racing through space with a chain of stars trailing in its wake.

    According to the team’s research, which was published on the pre-print server in new tab) and has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, the discovery offers the first observational evidence that supermassive black holes can be ejected from their home galaxies to roam interstellar space.

    The researchers discovered the runaway black hole as a bright streak of light while they were using the Hubble Space Telescope to observe the dwarf galaxy RCP 28, located about 7.5 billion light-years from Earth.

    Follow-up observations showed that the streak measures more than 200,000 light-years long — roughly twice the width of the Milky Way — and is thought to be made of compressed gas that is actively forming stars. The gas trails a black hole that is estimated to measure 20 million times the mass of the sun and is speeding away from its home galaxy at 3.5 million mph (5.6 million km/h), or roughly 4,500 times the speed of sound.

    According to the researchers, the streak points right to the center of a galaxy, where a supermassive black hole would normally sit.

    “We found a thin line in a Hubble image that is pointing to the center of a galaxy,” lead study author Pieter van Dokkum, a professor of physics and astronomy at Yale University, told Live Science. “Using the Keck telescope in Hawaii, we found that the line and the galaxy are connected. From a detailed analysis of the feature, we inferred that we are seeing a very massive black hole that was ejected from the galaxy, leaving a trail of gas and newly formed stars in its wake.”

    Confirming the tail of an ejected black hole

    Most, if not all, large galaxies host supermassive black holes at their centers. Active supermassive black holes often launch jets of material at high speeds, which can be seen as streaks of light that superficially resemble the one the researchers spotted. These are called astrophysical jets.

    To determine this isn’t what they observed, van Dokkum and the team investigated this streak and found it didn’t possess any of the telltale signs of an astrophysical jet. While astrophysical jets grow weaker as they move away from their source of emission, the potential supermassive black hole tail actually gets stronger as it progresses away from what seems to be its galactic point of origin, according to the researchers. Also, astrophysical jets launched by black holes fan out from their source, whereas this trail seems to have remained linear.

    The team concluded that the explanation that best fits the streak is a supermassive black hole blasting through the gas that surrounds its galaxy while compressing that gas enough to trigger star formation in its wake.

    “If confirmed, it would be the first time that we have clear evidence that supermassive black holes can escape from galaxies,” van Dokkum said.

    A five-step schematic showing two black holes in a binary partnership before a third black hole intrudes, upsetting the balance at the galaxy’s center and sending one of the black holes careening into intergalactic space. Panel 6 shows the gassy trail observed in the new study.

    Black holes on the move

    Once the runaway supermassive black hole is confirmed, the next question that astronomers need to answer is how such a monstrous object gets ejected from its host galaxy.

    “The most likely scenario that explains everything we’ve seen is a slingshot, caused by a three-body interaction,” van Dokkum said. “When three similar-mass bodies gravitationally interact, the interaction does not lead to a stable configuration but usually to the formation of a binary and the ejection of the third body.”

    This might mean that the runaway black hole was once part of a rare supermassive black hole binary, and during a galactic merger, a third supermassive black hole was introduced to this partnership, flinging out one of its occupants.

    Astronomers aren’t sure how common these massive runaways are. “Ejected supermassive black holes had been predicted for 50 years but none have been unambiguously seen,” van Dokkum said “Most theorists think that there should be many out there.”

    Further observations with other telescopes are needed to find direct evidence of a black hole at the mysterious streak’s tip, van Dokkum added.

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  • #106238

    Massive ‘forbidden planet’ orbits a strangely tiny star only 4 times its size

    The discovery could challenge our theories of how gas giants like Jupiter form.

    Artist’s conception of a large gas giant planet orbiting a small red dwarf star called TOI-5205.

    Astronomers have discovered an unusual planetary system consisting of a Jupiter-sized planet orbiting a tiny star that is only four times the size of the solar system gas giant. This “forbidden” configuration of a massive planet orbiting a relatively tiny star could challenge theories of how gas giant planets form.

    The extrasolar planet, or “exoplanet,” orbits a red dwarf star designated TOI 5205 that is much cooler and smaller than the sun. The small size and relatively cool temperatures of these M-dwarf stars, the most common type of stellar body in the Milky Way, make them redder than the sun.

    Though on average this class of stars hosts more planets around them than other star types, it was previously believed that their formation makes them unlikely to be orbited by gas giants. The discovery of this exoplanet  —  designated TOI 5205b  —  by astronomers using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) telescope challenges that concept. The planet was confirmed and characterized by the team using various ground-based telescopes and instruments.

    “The host star, TOI-5205, is just about four times the size of Jupiter, yet it has somehow managed to form a Jupiter-sized planet, which is quite surprising!” team leader and Carnegie Science astronomer Shubham Kanodia said in a statement.(opens in new tab)

    Though gas giants have been discovered around M dwarf stars before, none of them have been discovered orbiting such a low mass example of this class of star-like TOI-5205.

    Planets are created in spinning discs of gas and dust called “protoplanetary discs” that surround young stars. This material is the remains of the same matter that collapsed to birth its central star. When dense patches collapse under their own gravity planet cores are born and they then collect more material.

    Current planet formation models suggest that to birth a gas giant it takes material equivalent to 10 times the mass of Earth. This first forms a rocky core and this core goes on to accumulate gas to form the disc to grow a giant planet. This process has to occur quickly, however.

    “In the beginning, if there isn’t enough rocky material in the disk to form the initial core, then one cannot form a gas giant planet. And at the end, if the disk evaporates away before the massive core is formed, then one cannot form a gas giant planet. And yet TOI-5205b formed despite these guardrails,” Kanodia explained in the statement. “Based on our nominal current understanding of planet formation, TOI-5205b should not exist; it is a ‘forbidden’ planet.”

    To picture how unbalanced this system is to planetary systems that astronomers expect, imagine our star the sun squashed down to the size of a grapefruit. That size reduction would mean the largest gas giant in our solar system, Jupiter, would be about the size of a garden pea.

    The TOI-5205 system is more like a pea orbiting a lemon.

    A Jupiter-like planet orbiting a sun-like star could be compared to a pea going around a grapefruit; for TOI-5205b, because the host star is so much smaller, it is more like a pea going around a lemon.

    The size disparity in the size is so great that when TESS used the drop in light caused by a planet as it passes in front of its star, known as the transit method, that dip in light was 7% of the star’s total light output.

    That makes the dimming of TOI-5205 by this Jupiter-sized exoplanet the largest known drop in light caused by an exoplanet transit.

    This extreme dip in light or technically, “large transit depth,” could make the system ideal for follow-up investigations with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

    Observations with the JWST could help determine the composition of TOI-5205 b’s atmosphere and may shed light on the processes that birthed this “forbidden” planet.

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  • #106373

    DART’s epic asteroid crash: What NASA has learned 5 months later

    We now know that we can knock an asteroid off course.

    DART’s view of the asteroid Dimorphos less than two minutes before impact on Sept. 26, 2022.

    NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission had two main goals: to show that an asteroid could be targeted in a high-speed encounter, and to demonstrate that the target’s orbit could be changed — a technique astronomers hope to use for planetary defense should a dangerous space rock come our way.

    “DART has successfully done both,” astronomers report in a new study(opens in new tab). The mission’s resounding success shows that a “kinetic impactor” like DART is a “viable technique to potentially defend Earth if necessary,” researchers note in another(opens in new tab) new study.

    Those two studies are part of a raft of five DART papers published online Wednesday (March 1) in the journal Nature. In the five studies, astronomers shared additional findings from the mission using data the probe sent home up in the leadup to its colllision with Dimorphos, a moon of the 2,560-foot-wide (780 meters) asteroid Didymos, on Sept. 26, 2022, and in the crash’s aftermath.

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    Record breakers! Super-close dwarf stars orbit each other in less than a day

    The cool stars are separated by just around 1.5 million miles, 1% the distance between Earth and the sun.

    Ultracool dwarfs are much fainter and dimmer than the sun and therefore are hard to find.

    Scientists have discovered a record-breaking binary star system consisting of two ultracool dwarf stars so close to each other that they complete an orbit in under a day.

    The stars are separated by just around 1.5 million miles, about 1% the distance between the Earth and the sun, which means a year for these stars lasts just 17 hours. This makes the star system the tightest ultracool dwarf binary ever found.

    The binary system, designated LP 413–53AB and located in the constellation of Taurus, was discovered by Northwestern University and the University of California San Diego (UC San Diego) astrophysicists using the W. M. Keck Observatory on the slopes of the dormant Maunakea volcano in Hawaiʻi.

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    Astronomers catch rare glimpse of oldest known supernova, which dates back to Year 185

    In the year 185 A.D. Chinese astronomers witnessed a temporary ‘guest star’ emerge in the sky.

    Material scattered by a supernova explosion that took place in the year 185 seen by the Dark Energy Camera.

    A new image taken by a camera designed to study dark matter has revealed remnants of an ancient supernova explosion in unprecedented detail.

    The image, captured by the Dark Energy Camera on the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Víctor M. Blanco 13.2-foot (4 meters) Telescope at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, shows scattered tendril-like clouds of dust and gas dispersing around the supernova’s central point.

    These torn pieces encircle an area larger than the apparent size of the full moon set between the constellations Circinus and Centaurus in the southern sky. The odd cloud, known to astronomers as object RCW 86, is believed to be material from a star that exploded more than 1,800 years ago with such ferocity that it drew the attention of ancient Chinese astronomers and chroniclers.

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  • #106374

    What is the Kuiper Belt?

    The cold, donut-shaped region known as the Kuiper Belt is full of icy bodies.

    On the edge of the solar system away from the warmth of the sun is a vast ring of millions or even trillions of icy bodies, known as the Kuiper Belt.

    The Kuiper Belt is a cold donut-shaped region of icy objects that circles the outer solar system beyond the orbit of the eighth planet from the sun, Neptune.

    It is similar to the main asteroid belt, found between Mars and Jupiter, in that its objects are comprised of material leftover from the formation of the solar system around 4.6 billion years ago, according to NASA(opens in new tab).

    The Kuiper Belt is far larger than the main asteroid belt, up to 20 times as wide and 20 to 100 times it’s mass according to Nine Planets.

    Like the main asteroid belt, the Kuiper Belt was shaped by the orbit of a giant planet. While the gas giant Jupiter fabricated the structure of the main asteroid belt, it was the orbit of Neptune that prevented material from coalescing into a large planet and thus that carved out the thin disk of the Kuiper Belt.

    Humanity is only just beginning to explore the Kuiper Belt with just two spacecraft traveling out there thus far. In 1983, the Kuiper Belt region was visited by NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft, which crossed into the belt but didn’t visit any of its worlds. It was followed by the New Horizons spacecraft which conducted an investigation(opens in new tab) of Pluto and its companion Charon in 2015 after a decade-long journey from Earth. The spacecraft went on to visit other Kuiper Belt objects including Arrokoth, the icy ‘space snowman’.

    NASA writes(opens in new tab): “The Kuiper Belt is truly a frontier in space — it’s a place we’re still just beginning to explore and our understanding is still evolving.”

    A composite image of the Kuiper Belt object Arrokoth.

    We asked Dr. Samatha Lawler, an astronomer in the United States a few questions about the Kuiper Belt and objects at the edge of the solar system.

    What is the Kuiper Belt?

    The Kuiper Belt is a collection of small, icy bodies that orbit the sun farther away than Neptune. It’s very similar to the asteroid belt, but colder and farther away from the sun.

    What kind of objects are found in the Kuiper Belt?

    The icy bodies in the Kuiper Belt are called “Kuiper Belt Objects” (I know, creative), or KBOs for short. Pluto is the best-known KBO, and one of the reasons it was demoted from being a planet was that thousands of other KBOs have been discovered orbiting in the same region. Only Pluto and one other KBO, Arrokoth, have ever had close-up pictures taken by a space probe. Pluto was visited by the New Horizons probe in 2015, and Arrokoth in 2019. Pluto is very round, made of water ice mountains and nitrogen ice glaciers, and has 5 moons. Arrokoth is only 18 miles (30 km) across, very red, and shaped like a snowman. All other KBOs have only been studied using telescopes, and even the best telescopes on Earth and in orbit still see them as dots, so we don’t know as much about their shapes and colors as Pluto and Arrokoth.

    What makes these Kuiper Belt objects interesting?

    There are thousands of them that we know of, and probably hundreds of thousands bigger than 62 miles (100 km) across, waiting to be discovered and measured by astronomers. Each one of them is a little leftover bit of planetary material that formed somewhere in the solar system and was placed on its current orbit by gentle nudges from the planets or even the galaxy.

    What can the Kuiper Belt tell us about the solar system?

    By carefully measuring the orbits and information about the composition, we can learn where everything in the solar system formed, and how it may have been reorganized. Studying the Kuiper Belt has taught us that Neptune formed much closer to the sun than where it is today, and it migrated outward. Computer simulations have shown us that the KBOs we see today were shoved onto those orbits as Neptune moved.

    What is the most surprising discovery made regarding the Kuiper Belt since you began studying it?
    Seeing the shape of Arrokoth was completely shocking to me. I think it’s safe to say that no one expected it to be snowman-shaped. But just knowing that one snowman-shaped object exists means that we need a way to form it, and many astronomers have worked on computer simulations to reproduce that shape, which tells us much more about the detailed steps of planet formation.


    The Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud are the two main reservoirs of comets in the solar system.

    NASA says that the inner edge of the doughnut-shaped Kuiper Belt begins at the orbit of Neptune and a distance of around 2.8 billion miles (4.8 billion kilometers) from the sun, with its main concentration of bodies ending at around 4.6 billion miles (7.4 billion km) from the star.

    Astronomers usually measure vast distances like this within the solar system in “Astronomical Units” (AU) with 1 AU equivalent to around 93 million miles, the average distance between the Earth and the sun.

    This puts the inner of the Kuiper Belt at 30 AU from the sun and the end of its main region at about 50 AU. There is another more disordered region(opens in new tab) of the Kuiper belt called the “scattered disc” that continues out to around 1,000 AU away from the solar system’s central star. Those distances mean that the Kuiper Belt is one of the largest structures in the solar system.(opens in new tab)

    The Kuiper Belt may not be the most distant band of icy bodies in the solar system, however. Scientists hypothesize that even further out than the Kuiper Belt is a collection of objects called the Oort Cloud that is often confused with the Kuiper Belt.

    While short-period objects are believed to originate from the Kuiper Belt, according to NASA(opens in new tab) the Oort Cloud is believed to be the source of long-period comets that take longer than 200 years to circle the sun.

    The inner edge of the Oort is believed to exist between 2,000 and 5,000 AU from the sun, while the outer edge could be 10,000 or even 100,000 AU from our star, which NASA says(opens in new tab) is one-quarter to halfway between the sun and the nearest neighboring star.

    Continued in next post…

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  • #106375

    Kuiper Belt part 2…

    The Kuiper Belt is shown beyond the orbit of Neptune. One of its inhabitants is Eris, on a highly tilted and elliptical orbit.


    The Kuiper Belt is named for Dutch astronomer Gerard Kuiper (1905–1973) who in 1951, proposed the existence of a disc-shaped region of icy objects beyond Neptune from which comets originate.

    Prior to the work of Kuiper, the first Kuiper Belt inhabitant to be discovered was Pluto found by Clyde Tombaugh(opens in new tab) at the Lowell observatory in February 1930. This means astronomers had discovered the Kuiper Belt long before they knew about it, though finding Pluto did lead to speculation about other objects existing out past Neptune.

    In 1943 Irish astronomer Kenneth Edgeworth(opens in new tab) published a paper arguing that solar system bodies and their distribution were not bounded by the orbit of Pluto, which can be seen as the genesis of the Kuiper Belt concept. Though Kuiper presented a much stronger case in favor of this idea 8 years later, many astronomers called this band of icy bodies the “Edgeworth-Kuiper” in reference to that contribution.

    Confirmation of the existence of the Kuiper Belt would have to wait for another four decades. According to John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory(opens in new tab) in 1992 University of Hawaii researchers Dave Jewitt and Jane Luu discovered a small body orbiting the sun beyond Neptune.

    This object, the first “classical TNO (Trans-Neptunian Object),” was eventually designated 1992QB1 and triggered the discovery of thousands more Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs). NASA points out that since the discovery of 1992QB1 astronomers have discovered over 2,000 KBOs.

    The reason it took so long to discover Kuiper Belt belt objects is that they are so small and so far away.


    John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory says Kuiper Belt bodies are classified as follows:

    Cold Classical KBOs (Kuiper Belt Objects)

    Cold refers not to temperature but to circular uninclined orbits. These objects are located in a band 6 AU wide between 42 and 48 AU from the sun and 3 AU.

    These KBOs tend to be small, with none 500 miles across or wider. They are also redder in color than other KBOs.

    The term “classical” refers to the fact these objects are on the type of obit Kuiper spoke about.

    These are likely to be comprised of the original material that comprised the Kuiper Belt, unperturbed by the orbit of planets.

    Hot Classical KBOs

    “Hot” refers to the fact these KBOs have non-circular and inclined orbits.

    This means these objects while usually located, at similar distances from the sun as cold classical KBOs can travel much further from the sun during their orbit.

    Their sizes and colors vary, greyer than cold classicals, they also tend to be larger. They are found in a band around 12 AU thick.

    Resonant KBOs

    These KBOs are locked into a resonant dance with Neptune. 3:2 resonants make two orbits of the sun for every 3 orbits of the ice giant.

    The 2;1 resonants, sometimes called “little Plutos” because the dwarf planet is a member of this group, make one orbit for every two orbits of Neptune.

    Scattered KBOs

    These KBOs possess unstable orbits, possibly because they have passed too close to Neptune and the ice giant’s gravity has knocked them off-course.

    These chaotic orbits can carry these bodies as far as 100s of AU away from the sun at their most distance, and closer than Neptune to the star at their closest.

    Extreme TNOs (Trans-Neptunian Objects)

    A very new grouping, there are only a few members of this category. These objects may eventually be revealed to not be part of the Kuiper belt at all as they can travel as far as 1,000 AU from the sun.


    The Kuiper Belt is home to millions of rocky and icy objects referred to as either Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) or trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). The frigid condition of these objects is due to their vast distance from the sun. NASA says(opens in new tab) there may be trillions of icy objects in the Kuiper Belt, with hundreds of thousands of these objects having diameters larger than 62 miles (100 km). It is home to at least five known dwarf planets, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, Quaoar, and of course Pluto.

    Many of these dwarf planets have their own moons and even their own faint ring systems, with scientists recently spotting a ring around Quaoar(opens in new tab) which also has its own moon Weywot. Around 80 KBOs have been discovered to have binary companions of similar sizes meaning it can’t be accurately determined which is the main body and which is the moon, these are referred to as “binary KBOs.”

    The dwarf planets of the Kuiper Belt

    Name – Radius (miles) – Orbital period (Earth years) – Average distance from the sun (AU) – Known moons – Rings? – Discovered
    Pluto 715 248 5.9 Charon, Nix, Styx, Kerberos & Hydra No Feb 1930
    Eris 722 557 68 Dysnomia No Jan 2005 from data collected in 2003
    Haumea 385 285 43 Namaka & Hi’iaka Yes, Discovered in 2017 2003
    Makemake 444 305 45.8 S/2015 (136472) or MK 2 (Provisional) No 2005
    Quaoar 345 65.3 44 Weywot Yes discovered in 2023 2002


    This artist’s impression shows the distant dwarf planet Eris. New observations have shown that Eris is smaller than previously thought and almost exactly the same size as Pluto.

    The largest Kuiper Belt objects are Pluto and Eris, Pluto has a diameter of around 1,430 miles (2,380 km) while Eris’s diameter is slightly larger at around 1,444 miles (2,330 km). There are as many as seven other Kuiper Belt objects known with diameters between around 600–900 miles (950–1,500 km). Only these larger KBOs are expected to have their own atmospheres.

    The smallest KBO(opens in new tab) ever seen in visible light has a diameter of just 3,200 feet and was spotted at a distance of 4.2 billion miles away, but the constant collision of these objects means the Kuiper Belt is a population by a multitude of much smaller fragments.

    KBOs can vary in color and surface reflectivity(opens in new tab). Pluto, for example, reflects around 60% of incident sunlight that falls upon it, as a comparison Earth reflects just 10%.

    Other KBOs have darker surfaces with reflectivity ranging from 20% to as low as 4%. John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory suggests that the darkest(opens in new tab) of these objects could be rich in complex carbon-rich polymers. The color of Kuiper Belt objects is believed to range from dark grey to red, with this the result of a wide range of chemical compositions and their evolution though this is difficult to determine at such great distances.

    KBOs also come in a range of shapes, with arguably the most unusual being that of (486958) 2014 MU69(opens in new tab) or Arrokoth  —  meaning “sky” in Powhatan/Algonquian language  — which  is also referred to as the “space snowman” due to its shape.

    Discovered by the New Horizons science team in 2014 using the Hubble Space Telescope, Arrokoth is double-lobed and partially flattened. The “head” and “body” of this 22 miles (35 kilometers) long, 12 miles (20 km) wide, and 6 miles (10 km) thick snowman are composed of two separate bodies that have merged into one, a so-called “contact binary.” Unlike its snowman namesake, however, the object which went by the name “Ultima Thule” prior to its official naming in 2019, is extremely red in color.

    Perhaps the most infamous hypothesized tenant of the solar system is “Planet X” or “Planet 9” following the demotion of Pluto to a dwarf planet. Proposed to exist way beyond Pluto, this Neptune-sized world would have a highly elongated orbit.

    The primary line of evidence(opens in new tab) for this planet as it was proposed in 2015 is the strange elongated orbit of some smaller KBOs at the outskirts of the Kuiper Belt. This could be caused by the gravitational influence of an undiscovered massive object, though evidence beyond this has been scarce and controversial.


    The Kuiper Belt as we see it today might actually be a lot more empty than it used to be. The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)(opens in new tab) says observations of the Kuiper Belt have led to the development of the “Nice Model” which suggests that the mass now in the Kuiper Belt, around 0.1 times the mass of Earth, is too great to have grown by accretion over the age of the solar system.

    This means that the Kuiper Belt may have once contained material equivalent to 10 or even 100 times the mass of Earth, 100 to 1,000 times more than the mass it has today. The loss of this mass likely occurred due to shifting in the orbits of the giant planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

    According to NASA(opens in new tab) as the latter two planets were forced to drift outwards by Saturn and Jupiter they bent the path of many icy objects inwards. The massive gravity of Jupiter slingshotted out to the edge of the solar system, probably forming the Oort Cloud, or out of the solar system entirely.

    NASA adds(opens in new tab) that the Kuiper Belt is still eroding today, objects there collide creating smaller collisional fragments which collide again grinding these objects to dust. This dust is then blown out of the solar system by streams of charged particles from the sun known as the solar wind.


    The most infamous object in the Kuiper Belt is Pluto which is at the heart of a debate surrounding what should be considered a planet or what should not. The justification for downgrading Pluto to a dwarf planet, a decision made by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) in 2016, is explained here in this piece published here on the Library of Congress(opens in new tab) website.

    Even further out in the solar system than the Kuiper Belt is an icy shell of billions or even trillions of objects called the Oort Cloud. You can chill and read about in more detail with these resources from NASA(opens in new tab).

    Thus far only one spacecraft has visited the Kuiper Belt when in 2015 the New Horizons mission flew past Pluto and its moons. You can read about the mission in more detail here on the official NASA website(opens in new tab).

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  • #106577

    ‘Missing link’ protostar may prove solar system’s water is older than the sun

    “We can now trace the origins of water in our solar system to before the formation of the sun.”

    Astronomers have detected an abundance of water in the form of gas in a disk of planet-forming material that surrounds a distant star. The disk appears to contain hundreds of times more water than in all of Earth’s oceans.

    The discovery could give clues as to how water moves from star-forming clouds of gas and dust to planets, and could also indicate that Earth’s water may be older than the sun.

    The team of astronomers reached their conclusion as a result of observations of V883 Orionis, an infant star or “protostar” located around 1,300 light-years from Earth in the Orion constellation using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Northern Chile.

    “We can now trace the origins of water in our solar system to before the formation of the sun,” National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) astronomer and research lead author, John J. Tobin, said in a statement.(opens in new tab) “V883 Orionis is the missing link in this case.”

    This artist’s impression shows the planet-forming disc around the star V883 Orionis. In the outermost part of the disc water is frozen out as ice and therefore can’t be easily detected. An outburst of energy from the star heats the inner disc to a temperature where water is gaseous, enabling astronomers to detect it. The inset image shows the two kinds of water molecules studied in this disc: Normal water, with one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, and a heavier version where one hydrogen atom is replaced with deuterium, a heavy isotope of hydrogen.

    They studied a heavier version of water in the disk of gas and dust around the young star which will one day collapse to create planets, comets, and asteroids. Instead of the usual composition of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms in heavy water, the hydrogen atoms are replaced with deuterium, a hydrogen isotope that contains a proton and neutron in its nucleus rather than just a proton.

    Because heavy water forms differently than traditional water, it can be used to trace when and where water is formed. A similar technique has previously been used to determine that the water/heavy water ratio on Earth is the same as that of the wider solar system, implying water may have been delivered to our planet via comets.

    Thus, the team was able to determine a “path” for water: From massive clouds of gas and dust that collapse to form stars, to the planetary disks that grow around these infant stars and eventually birth planets, asteroids and comets, and finally presumably to those objects themselves.

    This diagram illustrates how a cloud of gas collapses to form a star with a disk around it, out of which a planetary system will eventually form.

    Water’s journey from star-forming clouds to the clouds themselves has been observed in the past, as has the transfer of water from comets to planets, but the link that sees waters move from around stars to comets has been missing until now

    “The composition of the water in the disk is very similar to that of comets in our own solar system,” Tobin explained. “This is confirmation of the idea that the water in planetary systems formed billions of years ago, before the sun, in interstellar space, and has been inherited by both comets and Earth, relatively unchanged.”

    One of the reasons that this connection in the journey of water may have been hitherto unobserved is that water exists in the form of ice while found in planet-forming disks of gas around young stars, and is thus hidden from view. This is because water in the form of gas can be spotted via the radiation it emits as its molecules vibrate, but the motion of these molecules is far more subdued when water is frozen solid.

    The problem is complicated further by the fact that water in its gas form is more common at the heart of these disks closer to the warmth of the central star, but here its emissions are obscured by the dust in the disk. These regions are also too small to be spotted with current telescopes.

    The team was able to side-step these difficulties in this case because the disk of V883 Orionis is usually hot as a result of dramatic outbursts from the central protostar heating it. This brings the temperature up to the point at which water is no longer in the form of ice but is gaseous even in more distant regions and is therefore detectable.

    ALMA images of the disk around the star V883 Orionis, showing the spatial distribution of water (left, orange), dust (middle, green) and carbon monoxide (blue, right). Because water freezes out at higher temperatures than carbon monoxide, it can only be detected in gaseous form closer to the star. The apparent gap in the the water and carbon monoxide images is actually due to the bright emission of the dust, which attenuates the emission of the gas.

    The sensitivity of ALMA, which is comprised of 66 radio telescope antennas spread across the Atacama Desert, not only allowed the team to spot gaseous water around V883 Orionis but also let them determine the composition of the water and its distribution. This showed that the disk contains no less than 1,200 times the water found in all of Earth’s oceans combined.

    he researchers intend to use the forthcoming Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), under construction at the top of the Cerro Armazones mountain in Chile to further investigate the gaseous water in similar planet-forming disks.

    “This will give us a much more complete view of the ice and gas in planet-forming disks,” research author and Leiden Observatory Ph.D. student Margor Leemker said.

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  • #106578

    Rare black hole 1 billion times the mass of the sun could upend our understanding of galaxy formation

    An illustration of a quasar, which the new black hole is an early form of, blasting a jet of hot, radioactive wind into the cosmos.

    A rare supermassive black hole found hiding at the dawn of the universe could indicate that there were thousands more of the ravenous monsters stalking the early cosmos than scientists thought — and astronomers aren’t sure why.

    The primordial black hole is around 1 billion times the mass of our sun and was found at the center of the galaxy COS-87259. The ancient galaxy formed just 750 million years after the Big Bang and was spotted by the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), a radio observatory in Chile, in a tiny patch of sky less than 10 times the size of the full moon.

    Obscured beneath a cloak of turbulent stardust, the rapidly growing black hole was seen consuming part of its accretion disc of orbiting matter while spewing the leftovers out in a jet traveling close to the speed of light. The monster black hole appears to be at a rare intermediate stage of growth, somewhere between a dusty, star-forming galaxy and an enormous, brightly glowing black hole called a quasar.

    More in link…


    Wormholes might bend light like black holes do — and that could be the key to finding them

    An illustration of a theoretical wormhole tunneling through space-time

    If wormholes exist, they could magnify the light of distant objects by up to 100,000 times — and that could be the key to finding them.

    Wormholes are theoretical funnel-shaped portals through which matter (or perhaps spacecraft) could travel great distances. To imagine a wormhole, suppose all of the universe were a sheet of paper. If your starting point were a dot at the top of the sheet and your destination were a dot on the bottom of the sheet, the wormhole would appear if you folded that sheet of paper so the two dots met. You could traverse the entire sheet in an instant, rather than traveling the entire length of the sheet.

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    Dark energy could lead to a second (and third, and fourth) Big Bang, new research suggests

    A Hubble telescope image showing multiple generations of stars densely layered in a nearby galaxy.

    Will the universe end in a bang or a whimper? A pair of theoretical physicists have proposed a third path: perhaps the universe will never end.

    In a study that attempts to define the nature of dark energy — a mysterious phenomenon thought to be causing the universe to expand faster and faster every moment — the physicists find that cosmic expansion isn’t always a given.

    Rather, they write, dark energy may periodically “switch” on and off, sometimes growing the cosmos, sometimes shrinking it down until the conditions are right for a new Big Bang to occur — and for a new universe to be born.

    more in link…

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  • #106579

    Bright new comet discovered zooming toward the sun could outshine the stars next year

    The newly discovered comet C/2023 A3 is making a close approach around the sun for the first time in 80,000 years, and might be as bright as a star in fall 2024.

    Comet ISON seen making a close approach to the sun in 2013. A newly discovered comet, C/2023 A3, will appear far brighter in the sky if it survives the sun’s rays in fall 2024.

    A newly discovered comet may appear as bright as a star in the night sky by fall 2024.

    The comet, known as C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS), was first noted by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) telescope project in South Africa on Feb. 22, according to the Minor Planet Center. Astronomers at the Purple Mountain Observatory in China also discovered the comet independently on Jan. 9, so both observatories are cited in the comet’s full name. Skywatchers around the world have since observed it in new and old images, with the earliest detection found in images taken by a wide-field camera on a telescope at Palomar Observatory in California on Dec. 12, 2022.

    Currently, C/2023 A3 is between Saturn and Jupiter, according to EarthSky(opens in new tab). It’s traveling at a zippy 180,610 mph (290,664 km/h) and is likely to make its closest approach to Earth on Oct. 13, 2024.

    Astronomers estimate that the comet orbits the sun only once every 80,660 years. This trip around, the comet will make its closest approach to the sun — known as perihelion — on Sept. 28, 2024, according to EarthSky.

    All of this depends, of course, on the comet staying in one piece. Comets are loosely bound balls of ice, rock and dust, and they often break up when they approach the sun and start to heat up.

    If the comet does hang together, it may become visible in amateur telescopes in June 2024, according to EarthSky, before passing between Earth and the sun on its way to perihelion. At perihelion, the comet will be low on the eastern horizon and may not be visible to many viewers on Earth; as it swings past Earth on its outbound journey into the solar system, it will appear higher in the sky. Skywatchers will likely get their best views in late October, as the comet moves through Serpens Caput (the western part of the constellation Serpens) and into the constellation Ophiuchus in the evening sky.

    As viewed from Earth, the comet may be as luminous as the brightest stars in the sky during its upcoming flyby, according to EarthSky. This is brighter than the green comet C/2022 E3 that just passed by Earth in January. That comet had a brightness of around magnitude +4.6, just visible to the naked eye. The new comet may have a brightness of magnitude 0.7, potentially peaking at magnitude -5, similar to Venus at its brightest. (Lower numbers mean greater brightness on the stellar magnitude scale.)

    Much is yet unknown about C/2023 A3, including its size. Without more data, astronomers are still debating the comet’s chances of survival. In a message chain for astronomers(opens in new tab), University of Pennsylvania postdoctoral researcher Qicheng Zhang(opens in new tab) summed up the situation, calling C/2023 A3 the most promising comet in years to provide naked-eye views but cautioning that these hopes could be dashed. “C/2023 A3’s survival, while promising, is not guaranteed at this point,” Zhang wrote.

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  • #106729

    they named the tech “DICER” which reminds that astrophysicists have too much time on their hands and their creativity lacks.

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  • #106911

    Skyscraper-size asteroid will get closer to Earth than the moon on March 25

    Asteroid 2023 DZ2 will zip between Earth and the moon’s orbit on March 25 and may be visible with the right telescope.

    An asteroid three times the size of the one that blew out windows in Chelyabinsk, Russia in 2013 will zip by Earth at half the distance of the moon on Saturday (March 25).

    Fortunately, the asteroid, known as 2023 DZ2, will make a clean pass by our planet, speeding by at 17,426 mph (28,044 km/h), according to EarthSky(opens in new tab). Skywatchers with 6-inch (15 centimeters) telescopes or larger have an opportunity to see the space rock on Friday evening (March 24) from the Northern Hemisphere. The Virtual Telescope Project(opens in new tab) will also show a livestream of the asteroid at 7:30 p.m. EDT on Saturday (23:30 UTC).

    Observed through a telescope from the Northern Hemisphere, the asteroid will look like a slow-moving star over the southeastern horizon, east of the constellations of Orion, Canis Major and Canis Minor, according to EarthSky. Its closest approach will be at 3:52 EDT (19:52 UTC) on March 25.

    The newfound asteroid 2023 DZ2 is seen during its close approach to Earth on March 25, 2023 in a NASA animation.

    The asteroid was first discovered by astronomers at the La Palma Observatory(opens in new tab) in the Canary Islands in February 2023, according to EarthSky, and is estimated to be between 144 and 325 feet (44 and 99 meters) in diameter. Because it crosses Earth’s orbit, the asteroid is known as an Apollo-class asteroid. Though the precise origin of 2023 DZ2 is unknown, most near-Earth asteroids are natives of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter that were kicked out of their typical orbits by interactions with Jupiter, according to the Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology(opens in new tab) (2003).

    If 2023 DZ2 were to smash into Earth, it would potentially cause major damage. The Chelyabinsk meteor that exploded over Russia in 2013 was likely about 59 feet (18 m) long and damaged 7,000 buildings, injuring more than 1,400 people (mostly due to flying glass). The new visitor is estimated to be at least three times larger.

    Fortunately, the asteroid will remain about 107,500 miles (173,000 kilometers) from Earth, according to the Virtual Telescope Project. Given what is known about 2023 DZ2’s orbit right now, there is a 1-in-430 chance that it will impact Earth on March 27, 2026. However, according to EarthSky, that slight chance is likely to vanish as astronomers learn more about the asteroid’s trajectory. The space rock orbits the sun every 3.17 years.

    While 2023 DZ2 does not currently present a threat to Earth, the NASA Center for Near Earth Studies Sentry program is currently monitoring 24 known objects(opens in new tab) with small chances of hitting Earth in the next century.

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  • #106912

    Sorry, E.T. fans: Interstellar visitor ‘Oumuamua isn’t an alien spacecraft. It’s just passing gas.

    We’ll probably never know for sure, but this new explanation holds water, scientists say.

    Leaking hydrogen may be speeding up the mysterious interstellar object ‘Oumuamua.

    Since its surprise arrival in the solar system in 2017, the interstellar object ‘Oumuamua has puzzled scientists. A duo of American astronomers now think they have solved one of the space rock’s lingering mysteries.

    First thought to be an asteroid, later recast as a likely comet, and by some even considered a possible alien spaceship, the 650-foot-long (200 meters) ‘Oumuamua zoomed through the central solar system in late 2017. During its brief visit, the rock approached Earth within 15 million miles (24 million kilometers), about 62 Earth-moon distances, and disappeared a few weeks after its discovery.

    Observations made within this short period of time soon proved that ‘Oumuamua was on what astronomers call a “hyperbolic” orbit, a boomerang-shaped trajectory that indicated the rock is not native to our solar system but was only passing through the sun’s neighborhood and would never be seen again.

    The first interstellar body ever observed, ‘Oumuamua was a sensation, prompting astronomers all over the world to bury themselves in the available data to learn all there was to learn about the object.

    One of the questions that scientists struggled to answer had to do with Oumuamua’s speed, which seemed to increase as the rock rounded the sun. Large bodies, such as planets and stars, can give smaller objects, including comets and asteroids, a gravitational kick that speeds them up. But in the case of ‘Oumuamua, which at 54 miles per second (87 kilometers per second) cruised three times faster than an average solar system comet, these gravitational kicks couldn’t explain the observed acceleration.

    This acceleration swayed many scientists to conclude that, rather than an asteroid, ‘Oumuamua must be a comet. Comets in the solar system receive additional momentum from the water and dust that evaporates from their icy nuclei as they warm up close to the sun. These comets, however, are famous for their spectacular tails that light up as a result of the outgassing process. And ‘Oumumua showed no signs of a tail.

    Many scientists have tried to explain the mechanism behind ‘Oumuamua’s acceleration, but all of the proposed ideas have had significant gaps. In a new study, Jennifer Bergner, an assistant professor of chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley and Darryl Seligman, a U.S. National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University, propose a new theory, which they think might finally put the issue to rest.

    “I have been trying to explain the outgassing for several years now,” Seligman told “First, I thought that perhaps there just wasn’t too much dust in the outgassing [to form the coma]. Later, we thought that perhaps it was made of some more volatile material than what we see in usual comets, such as hydrogen, nitrogen or carbon monoxide. But there were theoretical issues with each of these explanations.”

    Hydrogen, for example, would require extremely cold temperatures to freeze into objects the size of ‘Oumuamua, and scientists don’t expect such temperatures inside the dense molecular clouds where these objects form, Seligman said. Nitrogen is not ubiquitous enough in the Milky Way to account for the expected number of such bodies in the galaxy, he added.

    Seligman and Bergner now propose that there might be nothing extraordinary about ‘Oumuamua’s chemistry. Instead, the object was subject to processes outside the solar system that astronomers don’t know about from our observations of domestic comets.

    “A comet traveling through the interstellar medium basically is getting cooked by cosmic radiation, forming hydrogen as a result,” Bergner said in a statement(opens in new tab). “Our thought was: If this was happening, could you actually trap it in the body, so that when it entered the solar system and it was warmed up, it would outgas that hydrogen?”

    The team’s calculations showed that, theoretically, the force of this outgassing hydrogen could explain the strange acceleration of ‘Oumuamua. The astronomers even found experimental studies more than 40 years old that demonstrated that high-energy particles, such as those present in cosmic rays, can split molecular hydrogen from water ice but keep it trapped inside an ice block.

    “What’s beautiful about Jenny’s idea is that it’s exactly what should happen to interstellar comets,” Seligman said in a statement. “We had all these stupid ideas, like hydrogen icebergs and other crazy things, and it’s just the most generic explanation.”

    Although ‘Oumuamua is gone forever, Seligman hopes that new interstellar visitors will be discovered soon that will help astronomers find any remaining answers, and also provide a window into other star systems in our Milky Way galaxy. New telescopes that are expected to supercharge this research are expected to come online within the next decade.

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  • #106914

    Space Calendar

    Apr. 6: The full moon of April, known as the Pink Moon, will arrive at 12:34 a.m. EDT (0534 GMT).

    Apr. 20: The new moon will arrive at 12:12 a.m. EDT (0512 GMT).

    Apr. 20: A rare hybrid solar eclipse will occur today. The solar eclipse will be visible to observers across southeast Asia and Australia.

    Apr. 22: The Lyrid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active between Apr. 16 and Apr. 25 each year.

    May 5: The full moon of May, known as the Flower Moon, will arrive at 1:34 p.m. EDT (1834 GMT).

    May 5: A penumbral lunar eclipse will occur today! Some parts of the lunar eclipse should be visible in South/East Europe, Much of Asia, Australia, Africa, Pacific, Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and Antarctica.

    May 5: The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active between Apr. 15 and May 27 each year.

    May 19: The new moon will arrive at 11:53 a.m. EDT (1653 GMT).

    June 3: The full moon of June, known as the Strawberry Moon, will arrive at 11:42 p.m. EDT (0442 GMT on June 4).

    June 4: Venus reaches its greatest elongation — its greatest angular distance — 45 degrees to the east of the sun.

    June 18: The new moon will arrive at 12:37 a.m. EDT (0537 GMT).

    June 21: Today marks the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the winter solstice for the Southern Hemisphere.

    July 3: The full moon of July, known as the Buck Moon, will arrive at 7:39 a.m. EDT (1239 GMT).

    July 17: The new moon will arrive at 2:32 p.m. EDT (1932 GMT). 3rd Quarter: A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch the Euclid mission for the European Space Agency (ESA). Euclid aims to learn more about the parts of the universe we can’t see — specifically, dark energy and dark matter.

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  • #107166

    The largest black hole ever discovered can fit 30 billion suns. We found it with gravity and bent light

    The ultramassive black hole in the galaxy cluster Abell 1201 packs a mass of 30 billion suns.

    Astronomers discovered the largest black hole ever seen thanks to its ability to bend light.

    Astronomers have just discovered what may be the largest black hole known to date.

    The giant black hole has a mass of 30 billion suns and sits at the center of a galaxy located hundreds of millions of light-years from Earth. Astronomers call the cosmic monster an ultramassive black hole, as opposed to the usual galactic supermassive black holes that weigh anywhere between a few million to a few billion solar masses.

    Astronomers discovered the black hole during observations of a galaxy located farther away from Earth than the one centered around the monster black hole, while using the gravity of the foreground galaxy to magnify the background object. This effect, known as gravitational lensing, is a result of gravity bending the light around extremely massive objects. Serving as nature’s own telescope, gravitational lensing frequently helps astronomers to increase the magnification of objects too distant to be properly visible to human-made telescopes.

    “This particular black hole, which is roughly 30 billion times the mass of our sun, is one of the biggest ever detected and on the upper limit of how large we believe black holes can theoretically become, so it is an extremely exciting discovery,” James Nightingale, an astrophysicist at Durham University in the U.K. and lead author of the new study, said in a statement(opens in new tab).

    The team arrived at the size of the black hole by analyzing the magnification of the foreground object in a series of images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. Using sophisticated computer modeling, the scientists were able to simulate how much light bends around the foreground galaxy where the black hole resides. They tested thousands of black hole sizes before arriving at a solution that matched the observations.

    The black hole, located in one of the galaxies of the Abell 1201 galaxy cluster, is the first discovered using this technique. Although enormous, the black hole is not very active, meaning it’s not swallowing too much material and therefore not producing strong X-ray radiation. Such black holes are nearly impossible to study by other methods.

    “Most of the biggest black holes that we know about are in an active state, where matter pulled in close to the black hole heats up and releases energy in the form of light, X-rays, and other radiation,” Nightingale said. “However, gravitational lensing makes it possible to study inactive black holes, something not currently possible in distant galaxies. This approach could let us detect many more black holes beyond our local universe and reveal how these exotic objects evolved further back in cosmic time.”

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  • #107167

    Hubble telescope spies mysterious celestial object that defies classification

    Z 229-15 — imaged here in beautiful detail by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope — a celestial object that lies about 390 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra.

    Space is hard, the adage goes. And we’d extrapolate that sentiment to the classification of celestial objects, particularly ones like Z 229-15.

    A newly released image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope shows Z 229-15, which, at first glance, simply appears to be a spiral galaxy, given its two spiraling arms of stars emanating from a bright core. But it’s far, far more than that.

    Z 229-15 is one of those objects that fits several classifications, according to a statement(opens in new tab) released by the European Space Agency (ESA). “Z 229-15 is one of those interesting celestial objects that, should you choose to research it, you will find defined as several different things,” the statement reads. While it’s impossible to pin down a singular classification for Z 229-15, there are several overlapping definitions that together describe this wondrous celestial object.

    First and foremost, Z 229-15 is indeed a galaxy, which is a gravitationally bound collection of stars.

    Second, it’s an active galactic nucleus (AGN), or rather, it contains an AGN. An AGN is a region at the center of a galaxy that is exceptionally bright due to a supermassive black hole at its core. It’s not the black hole itself that’s so luminous, but rather all the material from the galaxy that has been trapped in a spinning disk around it, having been drawn toward the black hole by its intense gravitational pull. That disk heats up and emits massive amounts of energy across the electromagnetic spectrum, resulting in the brightness.

    And that’s not all. Z 229-15’s AGN is also a quasar, which is a specific subtype of AGN. The criteria for an AGN to be classified as a quasar include extreme brightness and a great distance away from Earth — on a cosmic scale, of course. As you can see from the Hubble image, Z 229-15 is indeed very bright in the center. And given that it’s 390 million light-years away from Earth, it’s far enough away to be considered a quasar (though that distance means it’s actually a “nearby” quasar).

    You bet there’s more. Most quasars are so bright that they drown out our view of the stars in the galaxy. But when a quasar isn’t that bright, allowing us to see stars, it’s considered a Seyfert galaxy. And per the stars visible in its Hubble portrait, Z 229-15 is definitely a Seyfert galaxy.

    So, technically, Z 229-15 is a Seyfert galaxy with a quasar-subclass AGN. As ESA, which co-manages Hubble with NASA, calls it, Z 229-15 is “Everything, in one place, all at once” — a clever nod to this year’s Academy Awards Best Picture winner “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once.”

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  • #107185

    NASA has money to waste as well as time to kill.  j/k :scratch:


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  • #107663

    Bizarre object 10 million times brighter than the sun defies physics, NASA says

    The strange ultraluminous object breaks a physical law called the Eddington limit.

    An artist’s impression of the merger of two neutron stars, which could form a hypermassive neutron star.

    Something in outer space is breaking the law — the laws of physics, that is.

    Astronomers call these lawbreakers ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), and they exude about 10 million times more energy than the sun. This amount of energy breaks a physical law known as the Eddington limit, which determines how bright something of a given size can be. If something breaks the Eddington limit, scientists expect it to blow itself up into pieces. However, ULXs “regularly exceed this limit by 100 to 500 times, leaving scientists puzzled,” according to a NASA statement(opens in new tab).

    New observations published in The Astrophysical Journal(opens in new tab) from NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), which sees the universe in high-energy X-rays, confirmed that one particular ULX, called M82 X-2, is definitely too bright. Prior theories suggested that the extreme brightness could be some sort of optical illusion, but this new work shows that’s not the case — this ULX is actually defying the Eddington limit somehow.

    Astronomers used to believe ULXs could be black holes, but M82 X-2 is an object known as a neutron star. Neutron stars are the leftover, dead cores of stars like the sun. A neutron star is so dense that the gravity on its surface is about 100 trillion times stronger than that of Earth. This intense gravity means that any material pulled onto the dead star’s surface will have an explosive effect.

    “A marshmallow dropped on the surface of a neutron star would hit it with the energy of a thousand hydrogen bombs,” according to NASA(opens in new tab).

    The new study found that M82 X-2 consumes around 1.5 Earths’ worth of material each year, siphoning it off of a neighboring star. When this amount of matter hits the neutron star’s surface, it’s enough to produce the off-the-chart brightness the astronomers observed.

    The research team thinks this is evidence that something must be going on with M82 X-2 that lets it bend the rules and break the Eddington limit. Their current idea is that the intense magnetic field of the neutron star changes the shape of its atoms, allowing the star to stick together even as it gets brighter and brighter.

    “These observations let us see the effects of these incredibly strong magnetic fields that we could never reproduce on Earth with current technology,” lead study author Matteo Bachetti(opens in new tab), an astrophysicist at the Cagliari Astronomical Observatory in Italy, said in the statement. “This is the beauty of astronomy … we cannot really set up experiments to get quick answers; we have to wait for the universe to show us its secrets.”

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  • #107664

    Newfound asteroid is a long-term ‘quasi-moon’ of Earth

    2023 FW13 has been in Earth’s vicinity since 100 B.C. and will stay until at least A.D. 3700.

    The newfound space rock 2023 FW13 has an orbit that keeps it as a constant companion of Earth, like that of 2016 HO3, which is shown here.

    Astronomers have discovered yet another ancient cosmic companion of Earth.

    The newfound asteroid 2023 FW13 circles the sun in sync with Earth, making it our planet’s “quasi-moon.” The space rock is in an orbit so elaborate that “it sweeps out halfway to Mars and in halfway to Venus,” Sky & Telescope’s David Chandler reported(opens in new tab) Friday (April 7).

    The asteroid was first spotted on March 28 by scientists using the Pan-STARRS survey telescope, which snaps pictures of the night sky from its perch atop Haleakala, a dormant volcano on the Hawaiian Island of Maui.

    The space rock’s presence was soon confirmed using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in Hawaii and the Kitt Peak National Observatory and Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter in Arizona. After passing all checks, its discovery was officially announced(opens in new tab) on April 1.

    The news caught the attention of Adrien Coffinet, a journalist at the French news website Futura – Inspirons l’avenir(opens in new tab). By chalking out the asteroid’s path using an orbit simulator developed by amateur astronomer Tony Dunn, Coffinet was the first to find that 2023 FW13 travels around the sun in the same amount of time that Earth does, while also looping around our planet. These details led him to conclude that the space rock is likely a quasi-moon or quasi-satellite of Earth.

    While 2023 FW13 — which could be about 65 feet (20 meters) wide, according to early estimates — tags along with Earth, astronomers say the sun has significantly more influence on the space rock. Earth disturbs the asteroid’s orbit only slightly, in such a way that it always hovers in the planet’s vicinity, Coffinet reported Thursday (April 6)(opens in new tab). Each year, the space rock ventures within 9 million miles (15 million kilometers) of Earth. For reference, at the closest point in its slightly elliptical orbit around Earth, the moon comes within about 223,693 miles (360,000 km) of our planet.

    2023 FW13 is not the first object of its kind discovered in Earth’s cosmic neighborhood. Astronomers think the space rock’s orbit is similar to that of that asteroid Kamo’oalewa, also known as 2016 HO3, another Earth quasi-satellite spotted in 2016 that never drifts too far from the planet.

    Since 2023 FW13’s discovery, citizen astronomers scouring archival data have found sightings of the asteroid since 2012. Using all that data, they calculated past and future orbits of the space rock, and think it has been in our general neighborhood since 100 B.C. and will stay until at least A.D. 3700, according to Sky & Telescope’s David Chandler(opens in new tab). “If that’s correct, 2023 FW13 would be the most stable quasi-satellite of Earth ever found,” Chandler writes.

    Like Kamo’oalewa, astronomers think 2023 FW13 does not pose a threat to Earth.

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  • #108253

    James Webb Space Telescope detects water vapor around alien planet. But where did it come from?

    If confirmed, the presence of an atmosphere would be a breakthrough for exoplanet research.

    This artist concept represents the rocky exoplanet GJ 486 b, which orbits a red dwarf star that is only 26 light-years away in the constellation Virgo.

    We could be on the verge of a major breakthrough in the search for other worlds that might support life.

    Astronomers used the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to observe water vapor around a distant rocky planet. The water vapor could indicate the presence of an atmosphere around the extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, a discovery that could be important for our search for habitable worlds outside the solar system. However, the scientists behind the discovery caution that this water vapor could be coming from the world’s host star rather than the planet itself.

    “Water vapor in an atmosphere on a hot rocky planet would represent a major breakthrough for exoplanet science,” principal investigator behind the findings and Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory researcher, Kevin Stevenson said in a statement(opens in new tab). “But we must be careful and make sure that the star is not the culprit.”

    The exoplanet, designated GJ 486 b, orbits a red dwarf star located 26 light-years away in the Virgo constellation. Although it has three times the mass of Earth, it is less than a third the size of our planet. GJ 486 b takes less than 1.5 Earth days to orbit its star and is probably tidally locked to the red dwarf, meaning it perpetually shows the same face to its star.

    Red dwarfs like the parent star of GJ 486 b are the most common form of stars in the cosmos, meaning that statistically speaking, rocky exoplanets are most likely to be found orbiting such a stellar object.

    Red dwarf stars are also cooler than other types of stars, meaning that a planet must orbit them tightly to remain warm enough to host liquid water, a vital element needed for life. But, red dwarfs also emit violent and powerful ultraviolet and X-ray radiation when they are young that would blast away the atmospheres of planets that are too close, potentially making those exoplanets very inhospitable to life.

    That means astronomers are currently keen to discover if a rocky planet in such a harsh environment could manage to both form an atmosphere and then hang on to it long enough for life to take hold, a process that took around a billion years on Earth.

    In an attempt to answer this question, the team pointed the JWST and its Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) instrument toward GJ 486 b and observed the planet as it crossed, or transited, the face of its star. Despite the fact the planet is extremely close to its star and has a temperature of 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 degrees Celsius) making it unfavorable to liquid water, the astronomers discovered traces of water vapor.

    The fact that GJ 486 b transits its star from our perspective means that when it is in front of the red dwarf, starlight shines through the atmosphere of the exoplanet. Different elements and chemical compounds absorb and emit various wavelengths of light that enable them to be identified, meaning looking at the light emanating from the planet during a trip around its star can reveal what its potential atmosphere is made of. Searching for these chemical fingerprints in atmosphere-filtered starlight is called “transmission spectroscopy.”

    The astronomers observed GJ 486 b with the JWST for two transits, each of which lasted just an hour. They then analyzed the collected data using three distant methods which showed the same pattern  —  a flat spectrum with an interesting peak in shortwave infrared light. They determined that the most likely cause of this peak was water vapor.

    This graphic shows the transmission spectrum obtained by Webb observations of rocky exoplanet GJ 486 b. The science team’s analysis shows hints of water vapor; however, computer models show that the signal could be from a water-rich planetary atmosphere (indicated by the blue line) or from starspots from the red dwarf host star (indicated by the yellow line). The two models diverge noticeably at shorter infrared wavelengths, indicating that additional observations with other Webb instruments will be needed to constrain the source of the water signal.
    “We see a signal and it’s almost certainly due to water,” research lead author and University of Arizona astronomer Sarah Moran said. “But we can’t tell yet if that water is part of the planet’s atmosphere, meaning the planet has an atmosphere, or if we’re just seeing a water signature coming from the star.”

    Water vapor has previously been seen in starspots, which we call sunspots on our own star the sun. These spots are darker, cooler regions of stars that form when high concentrations of the magnetic field deep within a star are brought up to its surface. These regions can form disturbances such as solar flares or coronal mass ejections (CMEs).

    Even though GJ 486 b’s host star is cooler than the sun, water vapor could still concentrate in starspots. If that is the case, this could create a signal that mimics a planetary atmosphere.

    “We didn’t observe evidence of the planet crossing any starspots during the transits. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t spots elsewhere on the star,” research co-author and University of Michigan scientist Ryan MacDonald said in the statement. “And that’s exactly the physical scenario that would imprint this water signal into the data and could wind up looking like a planetary atmosphere.”

    If there is an atmosphere around GJ 486 b, then radiation from its red dwarf parent star will constantly erode it, meaning it has to be replenished by steam from the exoplanet’s interior ejected by volcanic activity.

    To determine if this water vapor is from an atmosphere around this exoplanet and just how much water is present astronomers will need to further observe GJ 486 b and its star. To do this the JWST’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) will examine the system, focusing on the planet’s permanently star-facing “dayside.”

    Should GJ 486 b have a thin atmosphere or no atmosphere at all then the hottest region of its dayside should be directly under the red dwarf star. If this hottest point is offset, however, this could indicate the presence of an atmosphere that is thick enough to circulate heat.

    The JWST’s continuted investigation of this planet will also integrate another instrument aboard the powerful space telescope, the Near-Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS).

    “It’s joining multiple instruments together that will really pin down whether or not this planet has an atmosphere,” Stevenson concluded.

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  • #108457

    James Webb Space Telescope snaps amazing photo of alien asteroid belt

    The debris structures around the star Fomalhaut are more complex than comparable features in our own solar system.

    NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured this image of the dusty debris disk surrounding the young star Fomalhaut using its Mid-Infrared Instrument. The image reveals three nested belts extending out to 14 billion miles (23 billion kilometers) from the star. The inner belts were revealed by Webb for the first time.

    The first asteroid belt ever found outside the solar system is more complex than expected, new observations by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) reveal.

    Astronomers used JWST to examine the dusty ring system around Fomalhaut, a young, hot star that lies about 25 light-years from Earth and is visible with the naked eye in the constellation Piscis Austrinu, the Southern Fish.

    Fomalhaut’s ring system consists of three nested belts that extend out for around 14.3 billion miles (23 million kilometers) — about 150 times the distance between Earth and the sun. The rings are more complex than either the Kuiper Belt, a ring of frigid bodies beyond Neptune, or the main asteroid belt, which sits between Jupiter and Mars, the new JWST observations show.

    Annotated version of the Fomalhaut image captured by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.

    Astronomers discovered a dusty structure surrounding Fomalhaut in 1983 using NASA’s Infrared Astronomical Satellite. Yet the two inner belts of this system had never been sighted before this observation with the JWST.

    The dust belts around the young star are thought to be debris from collisions between larger bodies like asteroids and comets, and are therefore referred to as “debris disks.” These disks are different than protoplanetary disks, which hold material that later gloms together to form planets. Debris disks form later, after planets are in place.

    “I would describe Fomalhaut as the archetype of debris disks found elsewhere in our galaxy, because it has components similar to those we have in our own planetary system,” András Gáspár of the University of Arizona, the lead author of a study announcing the new results, said in a statement(opens in new tab).

    “By looking at the patterns in these rings, we can actually start to make a little sketch of what a planetary system ought to look like —  if we could actually take a deep enough picture to see the suspected planets,” Gáspár added.

    Fomalhaut’s outermost belt, which is twice as large as the Kuiper Belt, has been imaged previously by the Hubble Space Telescope, the Herschel Space Observatory and the ground-based Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). None of those instruments were able to see the interior structure within the outer belt, however.

    “Where the JWST really excels is that we’re able to physically resolve the thermal glow from dust in those inner regions. So you can see inner belts that we could never see before,” study team member Schuyler Wolff, also of the University of Arizona, said in the same statement.

    Going forward, astronomers hope to image debris disks like Fomalhaut’s around other stars using JWST.

    “With Hubble and ALMA, we were able to image a bunch of Kuiper Belt analogs, and we’ve learned loads about how outer disks form and evolve,” Wolff continued. “But we need the JWST to allow us to image a dozen or so asteroid belts elsewhere. We can learn just as much about the inner warm regions of these discs as Hubble and ALMA taught us about the colder outer regions.”

    Just like Jupiter dominates the main asteroid belt and Neptune sculpts the Kuiper Belt, astronomers believe that debris disks outside the solar system may be shaped by unseen planets. That means there may well be a planet or two lurking in the rings around Fomalhaut.

    “We definitely didn’t expect the more complex structure with the second intermediate belt and then the broader asteroid belt,” Wolff said. “That structure is very exciting, because any time an astronomer sees a gap and rings in a disk, they say, ‘There could be an embedded planet shaping the rings!'”

    One feature already spotted by JWST in the rings may indicate the presence of forming protoplanets. The team saw what Gáspár labeled “the great dust cloud,” which may point to a collision in the outer ring of Fomalhaut between two “under construction” infant planets. This feature could therefore be an expanding cloud of very fine dust particles from two icy bodies that smashed into each other.

    A similar feature was spotted in the same ring by Hubble back in 2008. It had dissipated by the time the space telescope reexamined the ring system in 2014, researchers said.

    Deeper investigations of more systems like Fomalhaut with JWST could reveal how planets move through these pancake-flat disks. Observing the dust cloud itself, meanwhile, could reveal details about the structure of planetary systems other than our own. This includes discovering what their asteroids — which are much too small to see even with powerful instruments like JWST or Hubble — are like, and if they are similar to the space rocks that swirl around our star and its planets.

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  • #109385

    Strange star system may hold first evidence of an ultra-rare ‘dark matter star’

    In a distant star system, a sunlike star orbits an invisible object that may be the first example of a ‘boson star’ made of dark matter, new research suggests.

    An illustration of a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy.

    Astronomers long thought that a peculiar star system observed by the European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite was a simple case of a star orbiting a black hole.

    But now, two astronomers are challenging that claim, finding that the evidence suggests something far stranger: Possibly, a never-before-seen type of star made of invisible dark matter. Their research, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, was published April 18 on the preprint server arXiv.

    The system itself consists of a sunlike star and, well, something else. The star weighs a little less than the sun (0.93 solar mass) and has roughly the same chemical abundance as the sun. Its mysterious companion is much more massive — around 11 solar masses. The objects orbit each other at a distance of 1.4 astronomical units, about the distance at which Mars orbits the sun, making a complete orbit every 188 days.

    What could that dark companion be? One possibility is that it’s a black hole. While that would easily fit the bill in terms of the orbital observations, that hypothesis has challenges. Black holes form from the deaths of very massive stars, and for this situation to arise, a sunlike star would have to form in companionship with one of those monsters. While not outright impossible, that scenario requires an extraordinary amount of fine-tuning to make the match happen and to keep these objects in orbit around each other for millions of years.

    So perhaps that dark orbital companion is something much more exotic, as researchers propose in the new study. Maybe, they suggest, it’s a clump of dark matter particles.

    Dark matter is an invisible form of matter that makes up the vast majority of the mass of every single galaxy. We still do not have a solid understanding of its identity. Most theoretical models assume that dark matter is smoothly distributed in each galaxy, but there are models that allow it to clump up on itself.

    One of these models hypothesizes that dark matter is a new kind of boson. Bosons are the particles that carry the forces of nature; for example, a photon is a boson that carries the electromagnetic force. While we know of only a limited set of bosons in the Standard Model of particle physics, there’s nothing, in principle, stopping the universe from having many more kinds.

    These kinds of bosons wouldn’t carry forces, but they would still soak the universe. Most importantly, they would have the ability to form large clumps. Some of these clumps could be the size of entire star systems, but some could be much smaller. The smallest clumps of bosonic dark matter could be as small as stars, and these hypothetical objects get a new name: boson stars.

    Boson stars would be entirely invisible. Because dark matter doesn’t interact with other particles or with light, we could detect them only through the gravitational influence on their surroundings — like if a regular star were to orbit a boson star.

    The researchers pointed out that a simple model of boson dark matter could produce enough boson stars to make this result in the Gaia data plausible, and that replacing a putative black hole with a boson star could explain all of the observational data.

    While it’s unlikely that this is actually the discovery of a boson star, the authors still urged follow-up observations. Most importantly, this unique system gives us a rare opportunity to study the behavior of strong gravity, allowing us to examine Einstein’s theory of general relativity to see if it holds up. Secondly, if it is a boson star, this system is the perfect experimental setup. We can play around with our models of boson stars and see how well they can explain the orbital dynamics of this system and use that information to glimpse into the dark corners of the universe.

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  • #109759

    New Milky Way map reveals the magnificent messiness of our galaxy

    From a distance, our galaxy would be beautiful, if a bit messy.

    Illustration of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

    Astronomers have used the youngest objects in the Milky Way to build a new map of the galaxy’s spiral arms, and the results are far messier than expected.

    Even though the spiral arms of a galaxy look stunning and impressive, they are not much denser with stars than the gaps between them. A typical spiral arm has only about 10% more stars than average, so spiral arms aren’t regions of greater stellar concentration.

    Instead, the arms represent places of greater-than-average star formation. The arms are density waves, their formation triggered by gravitational interactions with satellite galaxies, that travel through a galaxy at their own speed, like ripples in a pond. As the waves travel, they slightly increase the density in that region of space as they pass by. When that happens, clouds of gas destabilize and collapse, leading to a new round of star formation.

    Those clouds go on to form all sorts of stars, from small red dwarfs to blue giants. Those giant stars don’t last long; a typical star of that size lasts only a few million years. By the time the spiral density wave finishes passing through, all of those stars will be gone, leaving behind only their smaller, dimmer siblings.

    So, when we look at a galaxy from afar, the bright giant stars outshine all the others, highlighting the appearance of the spiral arms.

    Young clues

    It’s relatively easy for astronomers to map the spiral structures of many distant galaxies, especially if they appear to us face-on. But creating a detailed map of our own Milky Way’s arms is much more difficult.

    Because we are embedded within the same galactic disk as the arms, we have to contend with tens of thousands of light-years of gas and dust, which are very effective at blocking many wavelengths of light, to make our observations. And so our maps of the Milky Way are surprisingly vague and filled with guesswork.

    Recently, however, a team of astronomers developed a new map of the spiral structure of the Milky Way and reported their results in a paper published in The Astrophysical Journal in April. To build their map, the astronomers focused on observations of three kinds of objects: high-mass star-forming regions, bright young stars, and young open clusters. All three of these object types represent fresh rounds of star formation in their own way, so they all should prove to be relatively reliable tracers of spiral arms.

    The high-mass star-forming regions are dense clouds of gas and dust that are actively forming giant stars. The interplay of radiation from the stars with the gas in the clouds generates “masers,” naturally occurring microwave lasers. Very long baseline interferometers, which are networks of telescopes scattered across the globe, have allowed researchers to measure the distances to dozens of these masers throughout the galaxy.

    Because giant stars do not live long, they do not have a lot of time to move away from their birth locations. Thus, where we see them today should be near the location of a spiral arm. The team used the positions of over 23,000 young stars from the Gaia catalog. By using only young stars with high-precision positions, the astronomers could ensure that they were closely mapping the locations of spiral arms.

    Lastly, the team used the locations of known young open clusters. Open clusters are associations of stars that formed from the same gas cloud but have not yet had enough time to drift away from each other. So these clusters, of which the team used nearly 1,000 samples, should be able to tell us where the spiral arms are.

    A new map

    Despite the volume of data, the locations of all of these young objects doesn’t even come close to covering the entire Milky Way. Instead, the researchers had to take the best-fit locations of the spiral arms in our local vicinity and extend them, reconstructing the entire lengths of the arms all the way from the edge of the galaxy back to the core.

    They found a total of seven spiral arms. Two of these, the Perseus and Norma arms, dominated the others; a distant observer would see these two arms stand out much more clearly. These arms begin at opposite ends of the Milky Way’s elongated core and wrap around each other, forming a symmetrical S-shaped pattern.

    The other five arms — the Carina, Sagittarius, Centaurus, Outer and Local arms — don’t extend nearly as far as the major two. Instead, they begin either as forks of the major arms or as loose segments of their own, neither of which wraps entirely around the galaxy.

    From a distance, our galaxy would be beautiful, if a bit messy. The two major arms would elegantly encircle each other, while the additional arms would fill in the gaps to create a grand display.

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  • #110003

    Strange radio emissions from a feeding star puzzle astronomers

    An illustration of a binary system in which a white dwarf is feeding on material stripped from a companion star.

    Astronomers studying the fastest and most dramatic nova ever recorded continue to find more puzzles than answers.

    Novas are sudden, bright flares of light in a two-star system created when a white dwarf, the core of a dying star that has run out of fuel, steals material away from its companion star, causing the white dwarf to temporarily brighten. A nova known as V1674 Hercules found in a bizarre binary star system — made up of a white dwarf and a shredded companion in the Hercules constellation — has been the object of much interest since it first erupted two years ago on June 12, 2021. Astronomers were baffled by its light and energy, which rang like a bell, as well as its mysterious and intense winds that pumped stellar material into surrounding space.

    Now, a team of researchers has spotted strange radio emissions sprouting from deep inside the V1674 Hercules nova that are very different from the high-temperature emissions normally seen during such events. “Right now, we’re trying to determine if the non-thermal energy is coming from clumps of gas running into other clumped gas which produces shocks, or something else,” Montana Williams, a graduate student at New Mexico Tech who is leading the new research, said in a statement.

    Wiliams revealed the strange emissions last week in a news briefing at the 242nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society being held in Albuquerque and online. Those emissions may be from interactions among chunks of stellar material ejected during the explosion, which is quite rare for “classical nova” such as V1674 Hercules, Williams said.

    “Classical novas have historically been considered simple explosions, emitting mostly thermal energy,” she added in the statement. “Instead, it seems they’re a bit more complicated.”

    To study V1674 Hercules, Williams and her colleagues are using the Very Long Baseline Array, which is a network of ten antennas spanning the United States from Mauna Kea in Hawaii to Saint Croix in Virgin Islands. By combining those observations with similar data from other telescopes also watching the nova, including the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array telescope facility in New Mexico and the space-based Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (or NuSTAR), the team hopes to understand what’s causing the mysterious radio emissions.

    An artist’s conception of V1674 Hercules, a classical nova hosted in a binary star system that is made up of a white dwarf and dwarf companion star.

    Researchers can measure how fast a nova evolves by observing how long the explosion takes to fade two magnitudes from its peak brightness. Extremely fast events take less than 10 days, moderate can ones take up to 80 days and the slow ones take anywhere from 80 to 150 days. The V1674 Hercules nova (or V1674 Her), whose flash of light was so bright that it could be seen with the unaided eye, took only 1.1 days to dim two magnitudes, or to about one-sixth of its original brightness.

    “V1674 Her at 1.1 days is on an extreme end of an already extreme end, so it earns the title of the fastest nova,” Williams said at the news conference last week.

    A newly released pair of images by Williams and her team depicts just how drastic that pulsating change in brightness was between July 2, 2021 and July 6, 2021.

    V1674 Hercules, currently the fastest nova on record, fades dramatically across four days from July 2, 2021 to July 6, 2021.

    Unlike supernovas which completely destroy a star in violent explosions, classical novas such as V1674 Hercules leave the host stars intact and fully capable of putting on multiple shows, giving astronomers many opportunities to study how the system works.

    In a broad brush, astronomers say studying the behavior and evolution of V1674 Hercules could also shed light on how galaxies evolve across eons, since the material that novas blast out into surrounding space is eventually recycled by nearby galaxies to feed the next generation of stars and planets.

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  • #112186

    Could an ‘Earth-like’ planet be hiding in our solar system’s outer reaches?

    Astronomers are racing to explain peculiar orbits of faraway objects at the edge of our solar system.

    Artist’s conception of the dwarf planet Sedna in the outer edges of the known solar system.

    Among the many mysteries that make the furthest reaches of our solar system, well, mysterious, is the exceptionally egg-shaped path of a dwarf planet called 90377 Sedna.

    Its 11,400-year orbit, one of the longest of any resident of the solar system, ushers the dwarf planet to seven billion miles (11.3 billion km) from the sun, then escorts it out of the solar system and way past the Kuiper Belt to 87 billion miles (140 billion km), and finally takes it within a loose shell of icy objects known as the Oort cloud. Since Sedna’s discovery in 2003, astronomers have struggled to explain how such a world could have formed in a seemingly empty region of space, where it is too far to be influenced by giant planets of the solar system and even the Milky Way galaxy itself.

    Now, a new study suggests that a thus far undetected Earth-like planet hovering in that region could be deviating orbits of Sedna and a handful of similar trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), which are the countless icy bodies orbiting the sun at gigantic distances. Many TNOs have oddly inclined and egg-shaped orbits, possibly due to being tugged at by a hidden planet, astronomers say.

    Two Japanese researchers used computer simulations to analyze the effects of such an undiscovered planet on the TNOs. Those simulations, which included evolutions of numerous real and model TNOs in the furthest reaches of an icy region, known as the Kuiper Belt, produced the extreme orbits observed for Sedna and other TNOs.

    Such a planet would be between 1.5 to three times Earth’s size and would reside somewhere between 23 billion miles (37 billion km) to 46 billion miles (74 billion km) from the sun, astronomers say.

    “It is plausible that a primordial planetary body could survive in the distant Kuiper Belt, as many such bodies existed in the early solar system,” researchers write in the new study.

    The quest to find hidden worlds

    Searching for planets lurking in the frigid edges of our solar system is not a new concept.

    The so-called Planet Nine, a world 10 times more massive than Earth, is thought to be responsible for at least five strange features in the solar system including the oddly inclined orbits of a few Kuiper Belt objects. This theoretical orb has captured the attention of many, but remains undetected. But research suggests if Planet Nine exists out there, it could be residing somewhere between 37 billion miles (59 billion km) to 74 billion miles (119 billion km) from the sun.

    Although the possibility of Planet Nine gained significant traction from research groups worldwide, the theory has also been controversial. Some astronomers argue that the highly eccentric orbits of TNOs, for which Planet Nine’s presence was considered necessary, could occur without the hidden planet’s presence.

    In 2021, an independent study in fact claimed data used by the team behind the discovery paper first theorizing Planet Nine was biased, and concluded that there’s a very low chance of such a planet existing.

    In comparison to Planet Nine, the newly hypothesized planet —- dubbed “Kuiper Belt Planet (KBP)” — would be much closer and more influential on the orbits of Kuiper Belt’s objects, especially those beyond 4 billion miles (7 billion km), according to the new study.

    It is worth reiterating that the KBP has neither been directly or indirectly spotted yet. If the KBP orbits within 34 billion miles (54 billion km), the authors say there’s a 90% chance of detecting it in the sky.

    However, more information about the structure of objects in the edges of Kuiper Belt is needed to either reveal or rule out KBP’s presence.

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  • #112187

    Space Calendar

    Sept. 14: The new moon will arrive at 9:40 p.m. EDT (0240 GMT on Sept. 15).

    Sept. 29: The full moon of September, known as the Harvest Moon, will occur at 5:58 a.m. EDT (1058 GMT).

    Oct. 8: The Draconid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active between Oct. 6 and Oct. 10.

    Oct. 14: The new moon will arrive at 1:55 p.m. EDT (1855 GMT).

    Oct. 14: An annular solar eclipse will cross North, Central and South America today!

    Oct. 20: The Orionid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active between Sept. 26 and Nov. 22.

    Oct. 28: The full moon of October, known as the Hunter’s Moon, will occur at 4:24 p.m. EDT (2124 GMT).

    Oct. 28: A partial lunar eclipse will occur today! Some parts of the partial lunar eclipse should be visible over Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, North/East South America, the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the Arctic and Antarctica.

    Nov. 4: The Southern Taurid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active between Sept. 28 and Dec. 2.

    Nov. 11: The Northern Taurid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active between Oct. 13 and Dec. 2.

    Nov. 13: The new moon will arrive at 4:27 a.m. EST (0927 GMT).

    Nov. 17: The Leonid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active between Nov. 3 and Dec. 2.

    Nov. 27: The full moon of November, known as the Beaver Moon, will arrive at 4:16 a.m. EST (0916 GMT)

    Dec. 12: The new moon will arrive at 6:32 p.m. EST (2332 GMT).

    Dec. 14: The Geminid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active between Dec. 4 and Dec. 17.

    Dec 21: Today is the winter solstice for the Northern Hemisphere and the summer solstice for the Southern Hemisphere.

    Dec: 21: The Ursid meteor shower peaks tonight! The shower is active from Dec. 13 to Dec. 24.

    Dec. 26: The full moon of December, known as the Cold Moon, will occur at 7:33 p.m. EST (0033 GMT on Dec. 27).

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  • #112241

    Ultra-powerful space explosion, 1st of its kind, may have been triggered by black hole star-destroyer

    In two weeks, the blast emitted as much energy as the sun will put out over its entire lifetime.

    An illustration shows a black hole ripping apart a star the kind of event that may be responsible for Luminous Fast Coolers — the universe’s most powerful and rapid explosions.

    An example of an entirely new type of cosmic explosion that vastly outpowers most supernovas could be the result of a small or medium-sized black hole destroying a star.

    The explosion, which has been named AT2022aedm, was seen emerging from a red galaxy located around 2 billion light-years from Earth by astronomers using the ATLAS network of robotic telescopes located in Hawaii, Chile, and South Africa. It was quickly recognized as something never seen before.

    “We’re always on the lookout for things that are a bit weird and different from standard kinds of supernovas, of which we find hundreds or even thousands per year,” Matt Nicholl, leader of the team behind the discovery and an astrophysicist at Queen’s University Belfast, told “AT2022aedm stood out because it was one of the brightest explosions that we’ve ever seen, and it was also one of the fastest to fade away after its peak.”

    The explosion spotted by Nicholl and the team emitted as much as 100 times more energy than an average supernova. Plus, while supernovas fade over the course of months, Nicholl noted that AT2022aedm faded to 1% of its original brightness in just 14 days, after which it completely disappeared. That means, in just two weeks, AT2022aedm emitted as much energy as the sun will in its entire 10 billion-year lifetime.

    It is of little wonder why AT2022aedm sent shockwaves through the team and earned itself a category of its own, with the scientists behind the discovery defining it as the first “Luminous Fast Cooler” or “LFC.” That name is a nod to the explosion’s qualities as well as to Nicholl and colleagues’ love for the English Premier League soccer team Liverpool Football Club, which also goes by the acronym “LFC.”

    “I think probably the most promising explanation for LFCs like AT2022aedm are models involving the destruction of stars by a black hole,” Nicholl explained.

    This was a conclusion he and colleagues arrived at by first eliminating some other prime suspects.

    The unusual suspects: How the finger got pointed at destructive black holes

    One of the first steps for Nicholl and the Queen’s University Belfast scientists to take was to eliminate some of the usual culprits for cosmic cataclysms.

    The explosion already didn’t present like a supernova, as it was too powerful and too fast, but the location at which it originated also helped distinguish this LFC as something entirely new.

    One of the most common types of supernova is a core-collapse supernova formed when huge stars with masses over 8 times that of the sun run out of fuel for nuclear fusion. The stars’ cores become unable to battle gravity any longer and ultimately collapse. This leaves behind a black hole or a neutron star at the heart of stellar wreckage from the outer layers of the star.

    “AT2022aedm can’t be a normal core-collapse supernova because the galaxy it is seen in only has old low-mass stars; it doesn’t have anything more than eight times the mass of the sun, and that’s what you need to have to get to get a supernova,” Nicholl explained.

    Alternatively, another common space blast, a Type-Ia supernova, happens when stellar remnants called white dwarfs strip matter from a companion star. This stripping of matter tips the white dwarf over the mass limit needed to trigger a supernova and create a neutron star or black hole, but these events create a uniform output of radiation. For this reason, astronomers call them “standard candles” and use them to accurately measure cosmic distances.

    AT2022aedm, however, doesn’t look like those at all.

    That led to the team pointing the finger at black holes. But even then, they were able to clear the usual suspects.

    An artist’s impression of a star being disrupted as it passes close to a supermassive black hole.

    Supermassive black holes get cleared

    Events that see black holes rip up stars and then feast on the stellar remains are rare, but not unknown. Astronomers have spotted many examples of these so-called “Tidal Disruption Events” or “TDEs” as well as the light emitted during the violent proceedings.

    TDEs usually occur when a star ventures too close to a huge supermassive black hole sitting at the heart of a galaxy. This black hole can have masses millions, or even billions, of times that of our sun. The gravitational influences of these monster black holes generate huge tidal forces in their star subjects that stretch and squeeze the stellar bodies, ripping them apart in a process called “spaghettification.”

    Yet, Nicholl and his colleagues immediately saw that this LFC couldn’t be the result of just any TDA driven by a supermassive black hole. Again, this is due partially to where the LFC appeared to originate from. Supermassive black holes sit at the heart of galaxies, and Nicholl said AT2022aedm was seen away from the center of its home galaxy. This means a smaller black hole (not at the heart of a galaxy) could be the culprit for this LFC.

    “If you had a lower mass black hole that was in a dense environment with lots of stars, and one of those stars got very, very close to the black hole, even a stellar black hole with a mass 10 to 100 times that of the sun would still be able to potentially tear up and consume one of the stars,” he continued.

    Nicholl added that he and the team haven’t yet ruled out a more intriguing suspect, however.

    There remains a chance the LFC could be the work of a “medium-sized,” or intermediate-mass black hole that sits between stellar mass black holes and supermassive black holes in terms of dimension, possessing between 100 and a few thousand times the mass of the sun.

    This is a tantalizing prospect not only because intermediate-mass black holes have remained elusive, but also because studying them could help explain how supermassive black holes grew to such intimidating sizes early in cosmic history.

    “Intermediate-mass black holes are expected to consume stars, and they don’t have to be the center of the galaxies because they could have been kicked out of the center by a bigger black hole,” Nicholl said. “LFCs could potentially be associated with intermediate-mass black holes, and if so, they would give us a new way to try to find and account for medium-sized black holes.

    “This is probably the most important thing you can do in terms of trying to understand how supermassive black holes got to be so big.”

    The team has already made considerable progress on its LFC investigation, searching through archival data to find two “cold cases” that match AT2022aedm, indicating this class of powerful cosmic explosions has been seen before but was buried in data and likely missed.

    The next step for Nicholl is to investigate globular clusters, which are incredibly dense groupings of stars that could provide conditions needed for small or medium black holes to destroy a star and fire off an LFC.

    Even if this search is a success, the thrill of discovering something entirely new is unlikely to have diminished for the astrophysicist.

    “We’ve been looking at the sky for a very long time, and sometimes people maybe think that we’ve seen all there is to see out there,” Nicholl concluded. “I think things like this are really exciting because they remind us that the universe still has a lot of surprises in store, and when we build a new telescope, we will find new things, and that is going to help us to understand our universe better.”

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  • #112283

    Astronomers may have discovered the closest black holes to Earth

    Scientists think two, or even three, black holes could live just about 150 light years from our planet.

    An image of the Hyades star cluster.

    Astronomers may have discovered that the closest black holes to Earth could be lurking in the Hyades Cluster, which sits only around 150 light-years from the sun.

    In fact, these black holes may have been ejected from the dense cluster of stars millions of years ago to wander the galaxy alone. Even so, they would still be around ten times as close as the black hole previously considered the closest to Earth.

    Visible in the constellation of Taurus, the Hyades is an open cluster of hundreds of stars. Open clusters like this one are collections of stars believed to have formed at the same time from the same massive cloud of gas and dust. Because of that, stars within this kind of cluster are known to share foundational characteristics like chemical compositions and ages.

    In order to make the detection of what could be the closest black holes to our planet, a team led by Stefano Torniamenti, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Padua, created a simulation of the movements and evolutions of stars in the Hyades. The simulation was also generated with black holes present in the equation. The scientists then compared results from this simulation with actual observations previously made of the velocities and positions of the open cluster’s stellar population. The latter dataset owes itself to the Gaia space telescope.

    “Our simulations can only simultaneously match the mass and size of the Hyades if some black holes are present at the center of the cluster today, or until recently,” Torniamenti said in a statement.

    Torniamenti and colleagues found the models which best lined up with observations of the Hyades were those that included two or three black holes inside the star cluster. Beyond this, simulations that involved black holes in the star cluster which theoretically got ejected no more than 150 million years ago also matched Gaia data.

    This is because, the team says, if those black holes had been violently tossed from the Hyades when the cluster was around a quarter of its current age — approximately 625 million years old — the collection of stars would not have evolved enough to remove evidence of their prior existence.

    Even if the black holes have been ejected from the Hyades by now, the researchers explain, they would still remain the closest black holes to Earth despite their rogue status. That is according to the simulations, which indicate that if the black holes aren’t currently in the Hyades, they are still close to it.

    Prior holders of the closest-black-hole-to-Earth record were Gaia BH1 and Gaia BH2, which, as their names imply, were uncovered with Gaia data just this year.

    Gaia BH1 is located 1,560 light-years away from Earth, while Gaia BH2 lies around 3,800 light-years away. Even though this means both black holes are located in Earth’s backyard (in cosmic terms, at least),they are still over 10 and 20 times as far away as the Hyades cluster and its potential black hole duo or trio.

    Both this new research and the prior discovery of Gaia BH1 and BH2 exemplify how Gaia, launched in 2013, has been reshaping astronomy. The space telescope made it possible for astronomers to study the positions and velocities of individual stars in clusters like the Hyades for the first time.

    Gaia is capable of such breakthroughs because it can accurately measure the positions and motions of billions of stars against a background sky. Tracking stellar movements with such high precision helps to reveal gravitational influences tugging on these stars, even if that influence comes from hidden objects like small stellar mass black holes.

    “This observation helps us understand how the presence of black holes affects the evolution of star clusters,” researcher author and University of Barcelona researcher Mark Gieles said. “These results also give us insight into how these mysterious objects are distributed across the galaxy.”

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  • #112665

    1st black hole imaged by humanity is confirmed to be spinning, study finds

    The historic ‘donut’ black hole M87* is, in fact, spinning.

    The Event Horizon Telescope, a planet-scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes forged through international collaboration, captured this image of the supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy M87 and its shadow.

    The supermassive black hole M87*, which rose to fame in 2019 when it became the first void to be imaged and revealed a fuzzy orange donut (then later sharpened by AI into a skinny ring), is now confirmed to be spinning. The announcement of this update came on Wednesday (Sept. 27). However, as to how fast M87* is spinning? That’s not yet known.

    For two decades, a network of radio telescopes have been eyeing the black hole, which resides in the heart of the Messier 87 (M87) galaxy about 55 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation Virgo. These instruments have been especially intrigued by a powerful jet of radiation and particles blasting from the black hole’s poles, and according to new results, that relativistic jet appears to be swinging like a pendulum on a 11-year cycle. Scientists say this is because of gravitational interactions between the spinning black hole, which is thought to be some 6.5 billion times more massive than the sun, and the disk of material around it, providing “unequivocal evidence” for the black hole’s spin.

    “We are thrilled by this significant finding,” Cui Yuzhu, who is a researcher at Zhejiang Lab in China and the lead author of the new study, said in a statement. To sniff out the 11-year swing period of the jet, Yuzhu explains the team had to accumulate high-resolution data tracing M87’s structure over two decades and conduct a thorough analysis to obtain the key information.

    The jet changes its directions by roughly 10 degrees once every 11 years, according to the new study. The results are also consistent with theoretical supercomputer simulations and will help shed light on how black holes form and evolve into the monstrous beasts we see them as all across the universe, scientists say.

    In 2019, astronomers had spotted wobbling jets escaping from a black hole much closer to us, about 8,000 light-years from Earth. Those jets swung over time periods of just a few minutes, which, to date, marks the most rapid oscillations of this kind observed by astronomers.

    Comparatively, the latest findings show M87’s black hole jets follow a much longer timeframe. However, they are still consistent with theoretical predictions made by Einstein in his landmark theory of general relativity.

    According to this theory, the spinning black hole is so massive that it pulls the surrounding fabric of space and time inward in what’s called frame-dragging. Specifically, the effect comes to light with the team’s new study because the spin axis of a black hole is not perfectly aligned with the rotation axis of the surrounding accretion disk from which the black hole sucks stellar material. This triggers the black hole’s jets to wobble ever so slightly, which was what was measured in the new study.

    The specific processes that cause black holes to spin are not very well understood. A leading theory suggests smaller black holes form by feeding on star matter through an accretion disk, which causes them to spin rapidly. Over eons, they are thought to collide and eventually merge to form supermassive black holes.

    These second generation black holes are expected to spin slower compared to their younger counterparts. To really confirm the hypothesis, researchers need to study spin rates of black holes sporting different sizes, and the latest study could be a step in that direction.

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  • #112956

    Euclid ‘dark universe’ telescope is back on track after finding its guiding stars

    The European Space Agency’s dark energy and dark matter spacecraft has once again found its guiding stars and is preparing for full “science mode.”

    An illustration of ESA’s “dark universe detective” spacecraft Euclid, which is ready for full science mode.

    The European Space Agency’s (ESA) dark universe detective, the Euclid spacecraft, is on track after locating its guiding stars, which it lost as a result of cosmic misidentification.

    The satellite can now begin investigating dark matter and dark energy, which are some of the greatest mysteries in cosmology. Dark matter accounts for 85% of the matter in the universe but is effectively invisible, and dark energy causes the cosmos to expand at an ever-increasing rate.

    Euclid launched to investigate these cosmological mysteries, sometimes collectively known as the dark universe, on July 1 and took a four-week journey to Lagrange point 2, a gravitationally stable point in the Earth-sun system. Although Euclid reached its destination safely, its operators noticed a problem after the spacecraft took its first incredible images of the cosmos: Euclid’s Fine Guidance Sensor was having trouble finding its guiding stars, which Euclid uses for navigation and thus are crucial to enabling it to point at precise areas of the sky.

    The cause of this issue was cosmic rays  —  charged particles that the sun emits during periods of high solar activity. The cosmic rays were impacting the Fine Guidance Sensor, creating signals that Euclid was incorrectly identifying as stars. In addition, stray light from the sun and solar X-rays were interfering with the spacecraft. As a result, artifacts caused by this interference occasionally outnumbered the real stars being spotted by Euclid, meaning the spacecraft couldn’t resolve the star patterns it needed to navigate.

    A striking example of the effect of this hiccup on Euclid’s operations is an image of a distant star field that shows strange loops and lassos, which, although beautiful, aren’t helpful in the search for the subtle patterns in distant galaxies and star clusters that could reveal clues about dark energy and dark matter.

    An image from Euclid shows the loops and swirls that resulted when the spacecraft’s Fine Guidance Sensor intermittently lost its guide stars.

    These types of glitches are often experienced during the initial phase of a spacecraft’s operations, known as the commissioning phase. Teams at ESA mission control have been working around the clock to better equip the craft for its space-based environment.

    The mission team created a software patch that was first applied to an electric model of Euclid here on Earth before being tested on the real thing at Lagrange point 2, which is   around 1 million miles (1.5 million kilometers) from home, ESA officials said in a statement. After being updated and undergoing 10 days of testing in orbit, the Fine Guidance Sensor is working as intended, and Euclid’s guide stars have once again been located.

    “Our industrial partners  —  Thales Alenia Space and Leonardo  —  went back to the drawing board and revised the way the Fine Guidance Sensor identifies stars,” Micha Schmidt, Euclid spacecraft operations manager, said in the statement. “After a major effort and in record time, we were provided with new on-board software to be installed on the spacecraft. We carefully tested the software update step by step under real flight conditions, with realistic input from the Science Operations Centre for observation targets.”

    Euclid is now ready to restart its all-important performance verification phase,  which was interrupted in August ,  during which final testing will be performed.

    “The performance verification phase that was interrupted in August has now fully restarted, and all the observations are carried out correctly,” Giuseppe Racca, Euclid project manager, said in the statement. “This phase will last until late November, but we are confident that the mission performance will prove to be outstanding and the regular scientific survey observations can start thereafter.”

    This is the last step before Euclid can start investigating the dark universe. Euclid will do this by examining around a third of the sky over Earth and by looking back over 10 billion years of cosmic history, mapping 3D models of galaxies to see how the 13.8 billion-year-old universe has taken shape and what role dark matter has played in this evolution. Euclid will also look at large-scale galactic disturbance to see the influence of dark energy as it pushes galaxies apart faster and faster.

    “Now comes the exciting phase of testing Euclid in science-like conditions, and we are looking forward to its first images showcasing how this mission will revolutionize our understanding of the dark universe,” Carole Mundell, ESA’s director of science, said in the statement.

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  • #113329

    New ‘galactic atlas’ offers stunning details of 400,000 galaxies near the Milky Way

    The Siena Galaxy Atlas is a treasure trove of information for scientists studying the structure of the universe — and, it’s free for the public to access.

    A new cosmic atlas contains precise details of nearly 400,000 galaxies in the Milky Way’s general neighborhood. And, beyond being of immense use for astronomers seeking hard data, the atlas also features beautiful images that are free for the public to access online and get to know our corner of the universe.

    Called the Siena Galaxy Atlas (SGA), this digital atlas was created using data from three astronomical surveys collected between 2014 and 2017 at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) and Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO). Together, those surveys are known as the DESI Legacy Surveys.

    Cosmic atlases of this type help astronomers spot patterns that help categorize new discoveries, such as stars that suddenly flare and then disappear  —  so-called “transients.” Plus, such atlases allow astronomers to identify which objects are contenders for detailed follow-up investigations. These databases must also be constantly updated to keep up with those discoveries, especially in the modern age when telescope technologies continue to rapidly improve.

    That’s where the SGA’s merit comes in. This atlas represents peak accuracy, promising to be a gold mine of galactic information for scientists aiming to investigate everything from the births and evolutions of galaxies to the distribution of dark matter and propagation of gravitational waves through space.

    “Nearby large galaxies are important because we can study them in more detail than any other galaxies in the universe; they are our cosmic neighbors,” John Moustakas, SGA project leader and a physics professor at Siena College, said in a statement. “Not only are they strikingly beautiful, but they also hold the key to understanding how galaxies form and evolve, including our very own Milky Way galaxy.”

    A mosaic of 42 galaxies in a new cosmic atlas containing over 400,000 collections of stars.

    Standing on the shoulders of giants

    Mapping the night sky is a practice that dates back centuries, with other notable cosmic atlases being the 1774 Catalogue des Nébuleuses et des Amas d’Étoiles (Catalogue of Nebulae and Star Clusters) created by French astronomer Charles Messier, the New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars (NGC), devised by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 and, more recently, 1991’s Third Reference Catalogue of Bright Galaxies, in which galaxies still bear the prefixes Messier (M) and NGC in their names, indicating they originally belonged to previous catalogs..

    The SGA stands on the shoulders of this astronomical legacy — but, whereas historic atlases have relied on antiquated equipment and photographic plates, the surveys that informed the SGA depended on state-of-the-art digital images captured by technology. For instance, this atlas was created with information from the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope in Chile, the Mosaic3 camera on the Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope and the 90Prime camera on the Bok 2.3-meter Telescope. Additional data was provided to the atlas by NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite.

    All together, these surveys cover an area amounting to 20,000 square degrees, which is equivalent to almost half of the night sky over Earth. This means the SGA comprises an absolutely huge amount of cosmic information in one place, including the locations, shapes and sizes of hundreds of thousands of large galaxies relatively close to the Milky Way.

    What really sets SGA apart is the accuracy of all that data, thanks to being built on images captured with highly sensitive instruments. SGA is also the first cosmic atlas to feature the light profiles of galaxies  —  a curve that describes how the brightness of the galaxy changes from its brightest point, usually at the center, to its dimmest, commonly at its edge.

    “Previous galaxy compilations have been plagued by incorrect positions, sizes, and shapes of galaxies and also contained entries that were not galaxies but stars or artifacts,” Arjun Dey, a project scientist and astronomer at the NOIRLab, said in the statement..”The SGA cleans all this up for a large part of the sky. It also provides the best brightness measurements for galaxies, something we have not reliably had before for a sample of this size.

    NGC 520, part of a new cosmic atlas, is a galaxy comprised of two colliding galaxies that met over 300 million years ago.

    “The SGA is going to be the pre-eminent digital galaxy atlas for large galaxies.”

    Some specific projects astronomers could undertake with SGA data include investigations into how stars form in differently shaped galaxies and how the distribution of dark matter  —  a mysterious form of matter that dominates our universe but remains effectively invisible  —  determines the positions of galaxies and how they cluster. The SGA could also help astronomers find the sources of gravitational wave signals detected on Earth because these faint ripples in the very fabric of space and time wash over our planet after traveling for millions of light years.

    “The public release of these spectacular data contained in the atlas will have a real impact not only on astronomical research but also on the public’s ability to view and identify relatively nearby galaxies,” NOIRLab Project director Chris Davis said. “Dedicated amateur astronomers will particularly love this as a go-to resource for learning more about some of the celestial targets they observe.”

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  • #113593

    ‘Bones’ of cosmic hand revealed in creepy NASA X-ray telescope views (video, photo)

    NASA’s newest X-ray space telescope has captured a ghostly view of a stellar explosion whose remains resemble a skeleton hand.

    NASA’s newest X-ray space telescope has captured a ghostly view of a stellar explosion whose remains resemble a skeleton hand in deep space  —  and just in time for Halloween.

    The “ghostly hand” — formally known as MSH 15-52 — was created by the the death of a massive star. This catastrophic event, called a supernova explosion, left behind a fast-spinning, superdense stellar corpse known as a pulsar.

    Pulsars are rotating neutron stars that have strong magnetic fields, which create powerful jets of charged particles and intense wind that forms what is known as a pulsar wind nebula. The pulsar PSR B1509-58 is located near the center of the image — or the base of the palm of MSH 15-52 — and injects particles into space, creating a glowing shape that resembles a human hand, according to a statement from NASA.

    This composite view shows the ghostly hand-like object that is MSH 15-52 as seen by NASA’s Chandra X-ray Space Telescope and the IXPE space telescope, revealing strange structures that resemble bones in a human hand.

    More in link…

    Jupiter has a creepy ‘face’ in haunting Halloween photo by NASA’s Juno probe

    NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured a ghoulish ‘face’ on Jupiter during a close flyby ahead of Halloween.

    NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured a ghoulish “face” on Jupiter during a recent flyby of the giant planet, giving us all a nice Halloween treat.

    Juno snapped the new image on Sept. 7, capturing a region in the gas giant’s far northern reaches that scientists call Jet N7. The area photographed exhibits swirling clouds and turbulent storms resembling an eerie, elongated face, serving as the perfect Halloween costume for Jupiter.

    The photo was taken during Juno’s 54th close flyby of Jupiter, from an altitude of about 4,800 miles (7,700 kilometers) and a latitude around 69 degrees north. The area photographed lies along Jupiter’s terminator — the dividing line between the day and night sides of the planet — which is why the planet appears to fade into the dark background of space, NASA officials wrote in an image description.

    Swirling clouds above Jupiter’s terminator — the dividing line between the day and night sides of the planet — resemble an eerie Halloween mask in a new photo captured on Sept. 7, 2023, during Juno’s 54th close flyby of the gas giant.

    More in link…

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  • #113594

    Evidence for ‘Planet 9’ may actually show our theory of gravity is incomplete

    An illustration of the Kuiper belt beyond which a hypothetical ninth planet has been suggested to dwell.

    Could data pointing toward a mysterious planet at the edge of the solar system actually suggest it’s time to revisit our theory of gravity?

    Evidence pointing toward the existence of an undiscovered ninth planet in the solar system may actually indicate our ideas of gravity are incorrect.

    Such is the conclusion of two scientists who studied the effect the wider Milky Way galaxy would have on objects in the outer edges of the solar system if gravity is described by a theory known as Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND).

    Various recipes of MOND might essentially explain how galaxies rotate as fast as they do without flying apart. Typically, most scientists believe this suspicious galactic structural hold suggests the existence of dark matter  —  an invisible form of matter that does emit or reflect light. The idea is that massive halos of dark matter envelop and gravitationally bind galaxies together, preventing their contents from flying outward like horses on a carousel spinning way too fast.

    MOND does away with the need for dark matter, instead suggesting Isaac Newton’s famous law of gravity is correct — but only up to a point. Instead, MOND suggests that, under great rotational velocities, a different type of gravitational behavior takes over. And that type of behavior applies to rotating galaxies.

    “MOND is really good at explaining galactic-scale observations, but I hadn’t expected that it would have noticeable effects on the outer solar system,” Case Western Reverse scientist Harsh Mathur, who conducted this new study with Hamilton College professor of physics Katherine Brown, said in a statement.

    MOND or Planet 9?

    The connection between MOND and a hypothetical Planet 9 may seem odd, but it emerges from the fact that the primary evidence for this world — that supposedly lurks at the edge of the solar system — is the strange behavior of objects in a distant structure called the Kuiper belt. The Kuiper belt is a disk in the outer reaches of our cosmic neighborhood that hosts various icy bodies like comets and asteroids.

    In 2016, some of these icy objects were found to have orbital anomalies and clustering unlike their fellow Kuiper belt dwellers  — and  this strange behavior, experts believed, could be the result of an undiscovered planet.

    Strange orbits like these have revealed the presence of planets before, with Neptune found as a result of its gravitational tug on other solar system objects, but Mathur and Brown wanted to know if strange Kuiper belt orbits could be the result of something else. Perhaps those orbits could be explained if MOND is the right recipe for gravity.

    “We wanted to see if the data that support the Planet Nine hypothesis would effectively rule out MOND,” Brown said.

    And ultimately, they found that the strange clustering could indeed be because of MOND. Mathur and Brown propose that over the course of millions of years, the orbits of some outer solar system dwellers could have been gravitationally dragged — instead of being aligned with the rest of the solar system, they find alignment with the gravitational field of the Milky Way.

    Mathur said the duo found that “the alignment was striking.”

    The scientists themselves urge caution in assessing their findings, admitting the dataset informing this research is small and suggesting that any number of other possibilities could be correct.

    “Regardless of the outcome, this work highlights the potential for the outer solar system to serve as a laboratory for testing gravity and studying fundamental problems of physics,” Brown concluded.

    The duo’s work was published on Sept. 22 in The Astronomical Journal.

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  • #113880

    Supermassive black hole at heart of the Milky Way is approaching the cosmic speed limit

    An image of Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way, which scientists think is spinning as fast as it possibly can.

    ‘Discovering that Sgr A* is rotating at its maximum speed has far-reaching implications for our understanding of black hole formation and the astrophysical processes associated with these fascinating cosmic objects.’

    The supermassive black hole at the heart of our galaxy isn’t just spinning — it’s doing so at almost maximum speed, dragging anything near it along for the ride.

    Physicists calculated the rotational speed of the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole, called Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), by using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory to view the X-rays and radio waves emanating from outflows of material.

    The spin speed of a black hole is defined as “a” and given a value from 0 to 1, with 1 being the maximum rotational speed to a particular black hole, which is a significant fraction of the speed of light. Ruth Daly, a physicist at Penn State, and colleagues found that the rotational speed of Sgr A* is between 0.84 and 0.96 — close to the top limit defined by a black hole’s width. The team described Sgr A*’s blistering speed in a study published Oct. 21 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

    “Discovering that Sgr A* is rotating at its maximum speed has far-reaching implications for our understanding of black hole formation and the astrophysical processes associated with these fascinating cosmic objects,” Xavier Calmet, a theoretical physicist at the University of Sussex who was not involved in the research, told Live Science in an email.

    Black holes are such a drag

    A black hole’s spin is different from those of other cosmic objects. Whereas planets, stars and asteroids are solid bodies with physical surfaces, black holes are actually regions of space-time bounded by an outer nonphysical surface called the event horizon, beyond which no light can escape.

    “While the rotation of a planet or star is governed by the distribution of its mass, the rotation of a black hole is described by its angular momentum,” Calmet said. “Due to the extreme gravitational forces near a black hole, the rotation causes spacetime to become highly curved and twisted, forming what is known as the ergosphere. This effect is unique to black holes and does not occur with solid bodies like planets or stars.”

    That means that when they spin, black holes literally twist up the very fabric of space-time and drag anything within the ergosphere along.

    This phenomenon, called “frame dragging” or the “Lensing-Thirring effect,” means that to understand the way space around a black hole behaves, researchers need to know its spin. This frame dragging also gives rise to weird visual effects around black holes.

    “As light travels close to a rotating black hole, the rotation of spacetime causes the light’s path to be curved or twisted,” Calmet said. “This results in a phenomenon called gravitational lensing, where the light’s trajectory is bent due to the gravitational influence of the rotating black hole. The frame-dragging effect can lead to the formation of light rings and even the creation of the black hole’s shadow. These are manifestations of the gravitational influence of black holes on light.”

    The theoretical top speed of a black hole is determined by how it feeds on matter and thus how it grows.

    “As matter falls into a black hole, it increases the black hole’s spin, but there’s a limit to how much angular momentum it can possess,” Calmet said. “Another factor is the mass of the black hole. More massive black holes have a higher gravitational pull, making it more challenging to increase their spin.

    “Additionally, the interaction between the black hole and its surroundings, such as accretion disks, can transfer angular momentum and affect the black hole’s spin,” he added.

    This could explain why Sgr A*, with its mass equivalent to around 4.5 million suns, has a spin speed between 0.84 and 0.96 but the rapidly feeding supermassive black hole at the heart of galaxy M87 — the first black hole ever to be photographed  —  is spinning at between 0.89 and 0.91, despite having the mass of 6.5 billion suns.

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  • #113881

    Is the vacuum of space truly empty?

    Even far from Earth, there’s plenty of stuff floating around in space.

    Imagine going out to the deepest, emptiest place in the universe, achieving a perfect, total vacuum. Would you be surrounded by emptiness? The answer to that question is much subtler than you might realize.

    The modern journey into the vacuum began in the 17th century, with a flashy experiment designed by Otto von Guericke, mayor of the town of Magdeburg in the Holy Roman Empire. As part of a political stunt to show that his city had rebounded after the ravages of the 30 Years’ War, von Guericke put on a demonstration for the emperor and other notables to show off his newly invented vacuum pump. By placing two hemispheres together and pumping out all of the air, Otto showed that not even a team of horses could pull the hemispheres apart.

    Contrary to millennia of thought in Europe following Aristotle’s argument that “nature abhors a vacuum,” von Guericke showed that the vacuum was possible.

    In the decades following von Guericke’s demonstration, philosophers and scientists wondered if the vast reaches of space were filled with some sort of material known as the ether, which would serve two purposes: One, it would still prevent a true vacuum from forming, and two, it would function as a medium for light waves to propagate through.

    However, in the late 1800s, two physicists in Cleveland, Albert Michelson and Edward Morley, devised a clever experiment to measure changes in the speed of light as Earth moved through the ether. No changes were detected — and soon, Einstein would demonstrate that the speed of light was always constant — so scientists eventually moved away from the concept of the ether, allowing for the possibility of a true vacuum.

    Still, even far from Earth, there’s plenty of stuff floating around: charged particles zipping here and there, wandering hydrogen atoms, bits of fluff and dust minding their own business. Even though the density of interstellar space is billions of times lower than even our emptiest human-made vacuum chambers, it’s not 100% percent empty.

    To reach the emptiest places in the universe, you have to travel to the cosmic voids, the vast regions of nothingness that dominate the volume of the cosmos. In the depths of the largest voids, you can stand hundreds of millions of light-years from the nearest galaxy. The cores of the voids are so empty that not even dark matter — the mysterious, invisible form of matter that makes up the bulk of every galaxy — doesn’t even have a presence.

    But still, space wouldn’t really be empty. Suffusing the entire cosmos are lightweight, neutral particles called neutrinos as well as the radiation left over from the early days of the universe. This radiation, known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB), is responsible for over 99.99% of all the radiation in the universe, and it’s impossible to escape. So, even in the darkest voids, you’re not entirely lonely.

    A map of the sky shows the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), a remnant of the period of the early universe when this lost dark matter might have existed.

    So let’s say you were to build a giant box thick enough to block out the neutrinos and the CMB, leaving you alone inside. (Technically, the walls of the box would emit photons of their own, but let’s leave that aside for this thought experiment.) Would you be alone then?

    Quantum physics provides a surprising answer: No. Physicists have discovered that quantum fields soak all of space and time, and these quantum fields give rise to the particles of everyday life. But when left to their lonesome, the quantum fields have an intrinsic energy, known as vacuum energy. This energy is omnipresent throughout the universe. Even though you wouldn’t have any particles around you, you’d still have this energy to be your sole companion.

    So what if you concocted a device to nullify the vacuum energy (which is technically impossible, but let’s keep going with the thought experiment)? Would you finally, truly be alone in the universe, surrounded by the perfect ideal of an all-encompassing nothingness?

    The answer to that is … it depends. You’d still be an object in space, and some view space itself to have existence. We like to think of space as just a mathematical abstraction, a way for us to measure location and extent. But the concept of space began to take on a more concrete character with the work of René Descartes, the 17th-century genius who invented a mathematical foundation to describe space. If you’ve ever written down the x- and y-axes of a Cartesian grid, you have Descartes to thank for it.

    Isaac Newton elevated the concept of space to serve as an absolute background for the motion of objects and the physical laws that govern their behavior. This is modern physics in a nutshell: Objects move and interact with each other on the background of space, which is assumed to exist.

    Einstein took this one step further with general relativity, where space is promoted from a background stage to a starring actor — a dynamic, flexible entity that responds to the presence of matter and directs the motion of that matter. It is space itself, and especially its dynamics, that gives rise to the force of gravity.

    So is space just a mathematical abstraction, a tool we use to describe the relationship between physical objects, or is it something more? Here’s an interesting thought: What about gravitational waves? Gravitational waves do not require the presence of matter or energy to move; they simply exist as undulations in space-time itself. So if space is just a mathematical tool, then how can the waves exist on their own?

    There is no firm answer to the question of whether true nothingness can exist. It could be that the concept of space is just a mathematical trick and does not exist in its own right. Or it could be that no matter where you go, you’re always somewhere in space, so you’ll always be surrounded by something.

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  • #115360

    Something ‘fishy’ is happening with the Milky Way’s dark matter halo

    The Milky Way, seen from our location inside it by the Gaia spacecraft.

    For reasons that remain mysterious, it seems our galaxy is different from the others.

    Stars have been caught crawling around the outskirts of the Milky Way more sluggishly than expected, a slow motion that scientists say can only be explained if our dark matter galaxy map is wrong.

    Specific Velocities of stars around the edges of galaxies have historically been dead giveaways for the presence of dark matter in those galaxies. This is because astronomers can measure a galaxy’s “rotation curve,” which charts the orbital velocities of stars against their distances from the center of a galaxy.

    If no dark matter were present (and hence the gravitational influence it offers) were absent, stars would begin to slow down the farther they orbit from the center of a galaxy. Instead, however, in the 1960s and early 1970s, astronomers Vera Rubin and Kent Ford noticed that the rotation curves of galaxies were flat. In other words, the orbital motion of stars did not drop off with distance. They maintained pace. The explanation for this, scientists believe, is that galaxies are ensconced within haloes of dark matter. These haloes are thought to be densest at the center of the galaxy; it is the gravity from this dark matter that keeps stars moving.

    But here’s the thing — because we sit inside our galaxy, and lack a bird’s eye view of it, measuring the rotation curve of our Milky Way has proven more difficult.

    What is needed is accurate distance information so that we know how far from the galactic center various outlying stars are. In 2019, Anna-Christina Eilers of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) led a research team that used the European Space Agency’s star-measuring Gaia mission to chart the orbital velocities of stars out to 80,000 light-years from the galactic center.As expected, the researchers found a flat rotation curve with only the merest hint of a decline in velocity for only the outermost stars in that sample.

    However, new results that combine Gaia measurements with those from APOGEE (Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment), performed on a ground-based telescope in New Mexico, USA, and which measures the physical properties of stars to better judge their distance, have indeed measured the Milky Way’s rotation curve for stars out farther than ever before, to about 100,000 light years.

    “What we were really surprised to see was that this curve remained flat, flat, flat out to a certain distance, and then it started tanking,” sLina Necib, who is an assistant professor of physics at MIT, said in a statement. “This means the outer stars are rotating a little slower than expected, which is a very surprising result.”

    “At these distances, we’re right at the edge of the galaxy where stars start to peter out,” added MIT’s Anna Frebel in the same statement. “No one had explored how matter moves around in this outer galaxy, where we’re really in the nothingness.”

    The decline in orbital velocity at these distances implies that there is less dark matter in the center of our galaxy than expected. The research team describe the galaxy’s halo of dark matter as having been “cored,” somewhat like an apple. The crew also says there’s not enough gravity from what dark matter there seems to exist there, to reach all the way out to 100,000 light years and keep stars moving at the same velocity.

    “This puts this result in tension with other measurements,” said Necib. “There is something fishy going on somewhere, and it’s really exciting to figure out where that is, to really have a coherent picture of the Milky Way.”

    The next step, says Necib, is to employ high-resolution computer simulations to model different distributions of dark matter within our galaxy to see which best replicates the falling rotation curve. Models of galaxy formation could then try to explain how the Milky Way galaxy arrived at its specific, cored-out distribution of dark matter — and why other galaxies didn’t that.

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  • #120366

    An Astronomer Has Found the Hardest Evidence Yet for the Elusive Planet Nine – Popular Mechanics – May 1st 2024

    We could be getting closer to solving the universe’s biggest mystery.

    – Scientists have been searching for a ninth planet to explain the orbital eccentricities of Uranus and Neptune (and dwarf planets like Sedna and Pluto) for more than a century.
    – For the past decade, one of the leading theories attempting to explain these oddities is that an extremely far-flung planet that we have yet to detect could be orbiting the Sun.
    – Now, one of Planet Nine’s leading proponents has extensively compared models—both including the planet and not including the planet—and reportedly found strong statistical evidence for its existence.

    Over the course of millennia, scientists have made some pretty big strides in figuring out how our Solar System ticks. Putting the Sun in the center was a big help (thanks Copernicus), and discovering distant planets such as Uranus and Neptune—while discounting other phantom planets such as Vulcan—helped describe some of our system’s strange orbital anomalies.

    But while there’s certainly been progress, the work is far from over—especially because wobbles in the orbits of our far flung ice giants (along with dwarf planets like Pluto and Sedna) suggest there’s something out there that we’re still missing.

    A fair number of explanations have been put forth to try and understand this unexplained “wobble,” including undiscovered belts, a grapefruit-sized primordial black hole, or even (more controversially) a misunderstanding of astrophysics. However, the leading theory is that far beyond the orbit of Neptune lies another planet that is causing these orbital perturbations—Planet Nine.

    One of the main proponents of this idea is Caltech’s Konstantin Batygin, who (along with colleague Mike Brown) revealed what was described as a “road map” for a finding a proposed ninth planet that’s roughly five times the size of an Earth—an icy super-Earth or a mini-Neptune—in 2016. Fast forward eight years, and Batygin is back with even more evidence that a ninth planet is the most likely explanation for the orbital data gathered throughout the Solar System.

    “What we show in this paper is that not only is Planet Nine up to the task, moreover it’s that the … orbital distribution that the Planet Nine model predicts is perfectly consistent with what we see in the data,” Batygin said on the podcast Event Horizon. “Conversely, a Solar System without a Planet Nine can be ruled out with a confidence of five sigma [a.k.a. a statistical discovery].”

    In the latest paper, currently uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, the researchers plugged in known celestial forces—from planets, stars, and the Milky Way itself—and ran multiple simulations, some of which included a Planet Nine (P9) and some of which did not. They found that the P9-inclusive simulations more accurately reflected what astronomers see in the Solar System, which means that some planetary body (possibly around 400 to 800 time further from the Sun than Earth) has avoided our gaze for millennia.

    And for good reason. At such an astronomical distance, the presumed faintness of the planet would make it incredibly difficult to detect, even using telescopes like PanSTARRS or the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory. But Planet Nine’s elusive nature isn’t its only problem. If the planet did exist, it would be on an extremely strange trajectory around the Sun—so strange, in fact, that some astronomers say it could challenge our understanding of planetary science.

    Simply put, there is just too much about our own Solar System we still don’t know to be certain of one solution over another. However, when the Vera C. Rubin Observatory goes online sometime in 2025, one of its missions will be providing unprecedented clarity into what lurks beyond Neptune, potentially revealing 10 times as many Solar System objects as are known today.

    For centuries, astronomers have been shining a flashlight, hoping to stumble upon a cosmic mystery in the darkness. Hopefully when the Vera C. Rubin Observatory finally arrives, it’ll be like turning on a light switch.

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  • #122180

    Mystery of dwarf planet Ceres’ origin may finally be solved, thanks to retired NASA spacecraft

    An image of dwarf planet Ceres captured by NASA’s Dawn mission.

    Was Ceres born in the main asteroid belt, or did it migrate there from the outer solar system?

    Scientists have used data from a long-retired NASA Dawn spacecraft to solve the mystery surrounding the origins of the strange dwarf planet Ceres.

    Ceres currently resides in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and most theories surrounding its creation suggest that it was also born there. Yet, this dwarf planet has some strange characteristics that set it apart from other main asteroid belt objects.

    This has led some scientists to speculate that the 596-mile (960-kilometer) wide dwarf planet may have originated at the outer edge of the solar system and may have migrated inwards to its current home.

    Not only is Ceres the largest body in the main asteroid belt, but it also seems to have a more complex geology than its fellow occupants. One particular puzzle is the presence of frozen ammonia on Ceres, which the Dawn spacecraft found when studying the dwarf planet between 2015 and 2018.

    Ammonia is thought to be stable only in the outer solar system, away from the sun and radiation that causes it to evaporate. Its presence, therefore, suggested that Ceres could have formed far from its current home.

    Now, data collected from one of the oldest impact craters on Ceres, the 40-mile (64 km) wide Consus crater, could dispel the migration theory and show the dwarf planet indeed formed in the main asteroid belt.

    “At 450 million years, Consus Crater is not particularly old by geological standards, but it is one of the oldest surviving structures on Ceres,” Max-Planck Institute researcher and team member Ranjan Sarkar said in a statement. “Due to its deep excavation, it gives us access to processes that took place in the interior of Ceres over many billions of years – and is thus a kind of window into the dwarf planet’s past.”

    The answer may be ice volcanoes

    Ceres is a cryovolcanic body with volcanoes that spew not scorching hot lava but frigid icy sludge. This icy volcanism has driven the evolution of the dwarf planet over the course of billions of years and could still be occurring today.

    Studying the Conus Crater, one of Ceres’ smaller impact craters located on the dwarf planet’s southern hemisphere, revealed remnants of a brine that has risen to the dwarf planet’s surface from its interior, specifically a liquid layer between the mantle and crust, over billions of years.

    While most of the deposits found in Ceres’ scattered impact craters show light-colored, whitish salt deposits, the material in isolated spots of the Conus Crater is more yellowish in hue. This material appears to be rich in ammonium, a type of ammonia with an extra hydrogen ion.

    Scientists had previously figured the process needed to create ammonium wouldn’t have worked as close to the sun as the main asteroid belt because it evaporates too quickly. These new findings are the first to connect ammonium with salty brine from Ceres’ interior, supporting the idea that Ceres is an asteroid belt native.

    To reach their findings, the team assumed the building blocks of ammonium were part of the material that originally formed Ceres. Because it wouldn’t have combined with the other materials in the dwarf planet’s mantle, a thick layer of ammonium would have accumulated in the brine between the mantle and the dwarf planet’s surface or crust. This blanket of ammonium would stretch through the entirety of Ceres.

    Over billions of years, Ceres’s cryovolcanoes would have brought this brine and its ammonium content to the crust, where it would have seeped into layered crystalline structures called phyllosilicates.

    “The minerals in Ceres’ crust possibly absorbed the ammonium over many billions of years like a kind of sponge,” team leader and former Lead Investigator of Dawn’s camera team Andreas Nathues said.

    These would then be exposed by impacts upon Ceres by other asteroids in the main asteroid belt.

    Outside of the Consus Crater, conspicuous patches of the yellowish-bright material investigated by the team are found in deep craters of Ceres. This suggests concentrations of ammonium are greater deeper in the core of the dwarf planet.

    The speckles of this yellowish ammonium-rich material to the east of the Consus Crater are thought by the researchers to have been exposed by an asteroid collision around 280 million years ago.

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  • #122262

    I hear Ceres, and I just want to add “Station”.

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  • #122407

    Earth is about to get a mini-moon (temporarily). What to know about asteroid 2024 PT5. – USA Today

    This story was updated to add new information.

    The Earth will soon have a second mini-moon, although it will be a brief visit.

    Scientists wrote about the mini-moon and its anticipated orbit around Earth in a study published earlier this month in the non-peer-reviewed journal AAS Research Notes.

    The small asteroid was discovered on Aug. 7 by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), a NASA-funded program. Now named asteroid 2024 PT5, it will be captured in Earth’s gravitational pull between Sept. 29 and Nov. 25. After that, it will escape Earth’s orbit and be pulled toward the sun before continuing its travels around our solar system.

    Projected path of asteroid 2024 PT5

    During its 56-day orbit, Asteroid 2024 PT5 will travel in a horseshoe-shaped trajectory before leaving Earth’s gravity.

    It’s unlikely we can catch a glimpse of the passing mini-moon as it enters Earth’s gravity. The NASA JPL Small-Body Database states that 2024 PT5 won’t be visible to most amateur telescopes due to its extremely low absolute magnitude of 22, which is too dim even for backyard binoculars or telescopes.

    Where did 2024 PT5 come from?

    At times, the gravitational pull of neighboring planets can bring asteroids into Earth’s orbit. These small objects, such as 2024 PT5, are called Near-Earth Objects, or NEOs, according to NASA. The Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) estimates that there are more than 35,000 NEOs, and 99% of NEOs are made up of asteroids.

    Researchers think 2024 PT5 came from the Arjuna asteroid belt, which is a group of small asteroids that follow dynamically cold, Earth-like orbits, according to Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    How big is the mini-moon 2024 PT5?

    Compared to Earth’s moon, which has a diameter of 2,159 miles, asteroid 2024 PT5 is just a tiny spec measuring at about 33 feet wide. That’s about the width of a city bus.

    This is not the first mini-moon that Earth has had. 2024 PT5 is tracing a very similar path to asteroid 2022 NX1, which was also about 33 feet in diameter. In 1981 and 2022, the asteroid 2022 NX1 briefly orbited Earth as a mini-moon. In 2051, that asteroid will reappear as a transient mini-moon, according to

    It won’t be the last time we see 2024 PT5 either. It’s expected to reappear in 2055, according to

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  • #124161

    Scientists find secret comet in the asteroid belt — how many others are there?

    Images of 456P/PANSTARRS taken by the Walter Baade Magellan Telescope on Oct. 3 (left) and by the Lowell Discovery Telescope on Oct. 26 (right). A small tail can be seen on 456P, which is visible at the center of each image.

    Comets masquerading as asteroids are being found in increasing numbers, with 14 now known in the asteroid belt.

    A new “main-belt comet” — a comet-like object masquerading as an asteroid in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter — has been identified, bringing the tally of these beguiling objects up to 14.

    Along with “dark comets,” which scientists think make up 60% of all near-Earth objects, main-belt comets belong to a broader population with the umbrella moniker of “active asteroids.” In general, all of these objects are on orbits typical of asteroids, but they display signs of activity — in particular, they exhibit “outgassing” to form a coma and a tail just like a comet. They therefore blur the lines between rocky asteroids and icy comets, showing that pigeon-holing such bodies as one or the other can be a futile effort.

    The term “main belt comet” was coined by Henry Hsieh of Arizona’s Planetary Science Institute and Dave Jewitt of the University of California, Los Angeles in 2006, when just three such objects were known. The latest to be discovered, catalogued as 456P/PANSTARRS (meaning that it is the 456th periodic comet known, and was discovered by the Pan-STARRS project), is just the 14th main-belt comet to be found.

    “There are still very few confirmed main-belt comets known,” said Hsieh in a statement. “We want to build up a population so we can get a clearer idea of what their broader properties are — such as their sizes, activity duration and distribution within the asteroid belt, for example — so that they can be better used to trace ice in the solar system in general.”

    Pan-STARRS, the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System, consists of two observatories in Hawaii and is designed to spot asteroids and comets in the night sky, as well as other transient phenomena. It discovered 456P/PANSTARRS in 2021, when the object appeared to be active with a small dusty tail.

    However, sometimes asteroids begin ejecting dust when they collide with other small asteroids or meteoroids — the Hubble Space Telescope, for example, has captured examples of this happening. While such incidents fall under the umbrella title of active asteroids, they are short-lived and do not outgas in the same manner that comets do. So, a question remained: What type of active asteroid was 456P/PANSTARRS?

    Hsieh, along with Scott Sheppard of the Carnegie Institution for Science and Audrey Thirouin of Lowell Observatory, have spent the past few years keeping tabs on 456P/PANSTARRS. This intriguing object was discovered when it was 3.35 astronomical units (501 million kilometers, or 311 million miles) from the sun. When the eight-meter Gemini South telescope in Chile observed it in June 2023, at a distance of 3.37 AU (504 million kilometers, or 313 million miles) the activity had switched off. But then, the 6.5-meter Walter Baade Magellan Telescope at Las Campanas in Chile and the 4.3-meter Lowell Discovery Telescope in Arizona, observed 456P/PANSTARRS on Oct. 3 and Oct. 26, respectively. Both telescopes found that a small tail pointing away from the sun, just like a comet, had returned. At the time, 456P/PANSTARRS was closer to the sun at a distance of about 2.86 AU (428 million kilometers, or 266 million miles).

    “This object is not just an asteroid that experienced a one-off event that caused it to show activity one time, but is an inherently active, icy body similar to other comets from the outer solar system,” said Hsieh.

    The activity on the main belt comet re-ignited because, closer to the sun, heating causes water and carbon-dioxide ices just beneath the surface to sublimate into gas and burst out, carrying dust with them to form a tail that points away from the sun. That tail then gets blown by the outward-flowing solar wind. This is exactly like the behaviour of a comet, with the activity repeating every time it nears perihelion (the closest point to the sun in its orbit).

    The Gemini South observations indicated that 456P/PANSTARRS has a nucleus that is about 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) across. Still, the team wondered how this object and the other main-belt comets came to find themselves in such asteroid-like orbits around the sun. Normally, comets have long, looping orbits, whereas asteroid orbits are more circular (though not perfectly circular, as 456P’s varying distance from the sun shows). The current thinking is that they formed close to where they are found now, and that the “snow line” – the boundary between where ice could and couldn’t exist in the protoplanetary disk that formed the solar system 4.6 billion years ago, wasn’t as sharp a boundary as we thought.

    It means that main-belt comets could be another window into the past, and by staring through them we can get a little glimpse of our solar system’s birth.

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  • #124162

    Dwarf planet Ceres could be rich in organics, defunct spacecraft data reveals

    (Main) the dwarf planet Ceres (inset) data from NASA’s Dawn spacecraft shows areas of organic material around the Emutet crater

    “The significance of this discovery lies in the fact that it would confirm the existence of internal energy sources that could support biological processes.”

    Using data from NASA’s now-defunct Dawn spacecraft, scientists have discovered that the dwarf planet Ceres, the second wettest body in the solar system after Earth, could have an interior reserve rich in organic materials — the building blocks of life.

    The results hint that Ceres may have enough internal water, organic molecules, and the energy source needed for life to exist on the dwarf planet. Of course, that alone doesn’t suggest the dwarf planet is inhabited.

    Dawn was a mission that explored Ceres, the largest object in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and the slightly smaller Vesta. It beamed its last data back to Earth 6 years ago, but prior to that, in 2017, the spacecraft detected organic compounds near the Ernutet crater in Ceres’ northern hemisphere.

    Researchers from Spain’s Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía used Dawn data to identify 11 more regions on Ceres rich in organic material. This indicated to the team that a reservoir of organic materials exists within Ceres.

    With a width of over 578 miles (930 kilometers), Ceres doesn’t quite meet the criteria of a planet, but with its abundant water, it could well qualify as an ocean world.

    That means it is also an object with potential significance in the search for life beyond Earth.

    Ceres: Inside and out

    There was already heated discussion surrounding Ceres’ origin and evolution, and this discovery may settle that debate.

    The problem arises from the fact that organic compounds are rapidly degraded by solar radiation, and if these materials were always on the surface of Ceres, they should have been destroyed or at least have their abundances reduced.

    One suggestion proposed that the detected materials were delivered to Ceres via recent impacts of organic-rich comets or asteroids. Another suggests that the organics seen at the surface of Ceres came from within the dwarf planet.

    These findings dispute the former theory, suggesting the organic materials come from within the dwarf planet or are “endogenous.”

    “The significance of this discovery lies in the fact that, if these are endogenous materials, it would confirm the existence of internal energy sources that could support biological processes,” team leader and Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía researcher Juan Luis Rizos said in a statement.

    Images of the surface of Ceres showing high abundances of organic materials

    To investigate the organic compounds found on Ceres, the team used a new approach that examined the dwarf planet’s surface and the distribution of organic matter at the highest possible resolution.

    Of particular interest were the compounds discovered in a region at the equator of Ceres called the Ernutet crater. Most of the 11 regions discovered in the Dawn data were found in this region toward the equator of Ceres.

    The materials in the sites around the Ernutet crater had been exposed to more solar radiation than those in the crater. That degraded the spectral features of the exposed material, making them tougher to spot in Dawn data.

    The large craters Urvara (top) and Yalode (bottom) of Ceres as seen by the Dawn spacecraft

    Standing out to the team was a region between the Urvara and Yalode basins of Ceres, which contained the strongest traces of organic materials, which appear to have been dispersed through this region by the asteroid impacts that created these basins.

    “These impacts were the most violent Ceres has experienced, so the material must originate from deeper regions than the material ejected from other basins or craters,” Rizos said.

    The scientist added that if the presence of organics is confirmed, their origin leaves little doubt that these compounds were created in the interior of Ceres.

    And the quantities of the materials detected by the team hint that organic molecules must exist in great amounts below the surface of Ceres.

    Ceres: Past, present, and future

    The composition of Ceres links the dwarf planets with a family of meteorites rich in compounds of carbon. These fragments of asteroids are called “carbonaceous chondrites” which are thought to be composed of material that existed around 4.6 billion years ago as the planets were forming around the infant sun.

    In addition to this, Ceres could be a vital destination for future space exploration.

    “Ceres will play a key role in future space exploration. Its water, present as ice and possibly as liquid beneath the surface, makes it an intriguing location for resource exploration,” Rizos explained. “In the context of space colonization, Ceres could serve as a stopover or resource base for future missions to Mars or beyond.”

    These researchers’ findings, suggesting that organic materials were recently released to the surface of Ceres by asteroid impacts, are supported by separate results delivered by a team of Italian scientists.

    This separate team found that organic compounds degrade more rapidly under solar radiation than previously estimated.

    “The idea of an organic reservoir in such a remote and seemingly inert location like Ceres raises the possibility that similar conditions could exist on other solar system bodies,” Rizos concluded. “Without a doubt, Ceres will be revisited by new probes in the near future, and our research will be key in defining the observational strategy for these missions.”

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  • #125537

    Newly discovered super-Earth orbits in and out of its star’s habitable zone. Could life survive its extreme climate?

    The climate on such a world must be beyond bizarre.

    A super-Earth planet that dips in and out of its star’s habitable zone has been discovered just 19.7 light-years away.

    The planet, known as HD 20794d, gets farther out from its star than Mars is from the sun and, on the other end of its orbit, as close as Venus. Each orbit the planet begins out beyond the habitable zone, where it is too cold for liquid water, before passing right through the habitable zone to its inner edge where temperatures rise for a short period, before the planet moves back out again.

    The planet provides a brilliant target for the next generation of telescopes to probe its atmosphere, and for scientists to test the extreme limits of planetary habitability. “Its luminosity and proximity make it an ideal candidate for future telescopes whose mission will be to observe the atmospheres of exoplanets directly,” said Xavier Dumusque of the University of Geneva in a statement. Dumusque is a member of the team that discovered and characterized the new planet.

    HD 20794d has a mass 6.6 times greater than Earth and was found by astronomers using the ESPRESSO and HARPS spectrographs on the European Southern Observatory’s telescopes in Chile. These instruments measure what’s termed ‘radial velocity’ — the amount by which a star wobbles around the center of mass that it shares with its planets. In general, the larger the wobble, the greater the mass of the planet. It’s the wobbling star that has betrayed the existence of HD 20794d — astronomers have not directly observed HD 20794d, nor taken a picture of it or even seen it in transit yet.

    The star in question, HD 20794 — also known as 82 Eridani — is a yellow G6-type star that’s slightly dimmer and less massive than our own sun. It’s also relatively bright in our night sky, shining at magnitude 4.3, which is bright enough to be seen with the unaided eye in the constellation of Eridanus, the River. In contrast, many of the stars hosting exoplanets are too faint to be seen with the naked eye, which marks out HD 20794 as something special.

    Because of how close the HD 20794 system is to us, it has been well observed over the past 20 years and has a somewhat mixed history when it comes to exoplanets. HD 20794d orbits its star with two other super-Earth planets, designated b and c, which orbit their star every 18.3 and 89.6 days, respectively. These were discovered in 2011 by a team of Geneva astronomers including Dumusque. At the same time, the team found evidence for a third planet, with an orbital period of 40 days, but this was later shown to be false. Only now has the real third planet become apparent in the data.

    “We analyzed the data for years, carefully eliminating sources of contamination,” said Michael Cretignier of the University of Oxford. Cretignier was previously at Geneva, where he developed an algorithm called YARARA to carefully search the data and pick out an exoplanet’s faint radial velocity signal from the background noise. YARARA proved vital in the effort to confirm HD 20974d as being real.

    What’s most remarkable about this new planet, however, is its orbit. While Johannes Kepler taught us that no planetary orbit is perfectly circular, most adhere to an orbit that is pretty close to being a circle. Some worlds, however, have more elongated orbits. The degree of elongation, known as eccentricity, is measured on a scale of 0 (for a perfect circle) to 1 (a hyperbola). Earth’s orbital eccentricity is 0.017; Mars’ is 0.055, and Mercury’s is 0.206.

    HD 20794d’s orbit is more elongated than any planet in our solar system, with an eccentricity of 0.4. Its 647-day-long orbit is 40 days shorter than Mars, giving you an idea of where it is located in its planetary system. However, the large eccentricity means its orbit ranges from as far as 2 astronomical units (300 million km/186 million miles — i.e. twice the Earth–sun distance) from its star to as close as 0.75 AU (112 million km/69.7 million miles).

    In the context of our solar system, Mars — on the outer edge of our habitable zone — orbits our sun at an average distance of 1.5 astronomical units (228 million km/141 million miles), while Venus, on the inner edge of the habitable zone, orbits at 0.72 astronomical units (108 million km/67 million miles) from our sun.

    The climate on such a world must be beyond bizarre. Winters would be long and hard, and life might struggle to survive on a planet that spends most of its time frozen. Then spring would come, melting the ice, followed by a brief but intense summer when oceans might even begin to evaporate, only to precipitate back out as rain in autumn and snow in winter. Whether life could survive on such an extreme world is unknown.

    On Earth, our seasons are driven by our planet’s 23.4-degree tilt; for instance, northern summer occurs when our planet’s northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. No matter the tilt of HD 20794d, its seasons are instead determined by how far it has progressed along its eccentric orbit. It is a remarkable planet.

    The origins of such a large degree of eccentricity lie in the HD 20794d’s distant past, Dumusque tells “The eccentricity of planets are a remnant of planet–planet interactions during the early days of a planetary system,” he says. Although the other two planets, b and c, do not have eccentric orbits, something may have perturbed the orbit of HD 20794d not long after it formed.

    “For example, there could have been another giant planet in the early phase of formation,” said Dumusque. “The giant planet could have influenced the orbit of planet d, and then that giant planet was ejected outside of the system.”

  • #125538

    An interstellar visitor may have changed the course of 4 solar system planets, study suggests

    An object eight times the mass of Jupiter may have swooped around the sun, coming superclose to Mars’ present-day orbit before shoving four of the solar system’s planets onto a different course.

    A planet-size object that possibly once visited the solar system may have permanently changed our cosmic neighborhood by warping the orbits of the four outer planets, a new study suggests. The findings may shed light on why these planets’ paths have certain peculiar features.

    For decades, astronomers have debated how the solar system’s planets formed. However, most hypotheses agree on the type of orbit the planets should have: circles that are arranged concentrically around the sun and lie on the same plane. (If you viewed them edge-on, you would see only a line.) However, none of the eight planets, including Earth, have perfectly circular orbits. Plus, the planets’ paths don’t lie precisely on the same plane.

    Compared with Mercury (whose orbit, within our planetary family, is the most egg-shaped and tilted), the paths of the four outer giant planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — show minor deviations from the ideal orbits. Yet explaining these niggling discrepancies has been challenging, said Renu Malhotra, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson and a co-author of the new study.

    “[T]he puzzle for theoretical astrophysics has long been to figure out how the orbits later became out-of-round and tilted from their mean plane by not too much and not too little,” she wrote in an email to Live Science. While previous research has focused on how interactions between these planets reshaped their orbits, Malhotra said, “these hypotheses are not consistent with certain important details of the observed orbits.”

    An interstellar visitor
    To tackle this puzzle, Malhotra and colleagues considered a less-examined scenario: that a visiting star-size object tweaked these planets’ paths around 4 billion years ago.

    Using computer models of the four outer planets, the team carried out 50,000 simulations of such flybys, each over 20 million years, while altering certain parameters of each visitor, including its mass, speed and how close it approached the sun. The researchers also expanded their search compared with previous studies by considering objects much smaller than stars — as tiny, in fact, as Jupiter. They also looked at situations with superclose passes, focusing on scenarios where the interloper came within 20 astronomical units (AU) of the sun. (One AU is approximately 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers, roughly the average distance from Earth to the sun.)

    Although most simulations created conditions very unlike the current solar system, the researchers found that in approximately 1% of the simulations, the visitor’s passage altered the giant planets’ orbits to approximately their current state. The interlopers in these near matches dove straight into the solar system, traveling way past Uranus’ orbit, with some even grazing Mercury’s path. And they were relatively tiny, ranging from two to 50 times the mass of Jupiter.

    “This range includes planetary masses to brown dwarf masses,” Malhotra said. (Brown dwarfs, often called “failed stars,” are odd celestial bodies that are heavier than planets but not as massive as stars.)

    Because many close-matching simulations had the planet-like object swooping through the inner solar system, the researchers created an additional 10,000 simulations including the terrestrial planets as well. In these cases, too, the flybys that had previously altered the giant planets’ orbits to their present states recreated the solar system’s current appearance.

    The simulation that produced the most realistic results involved an object eight times Jupiter’s mass swooping as close as 1.69 AU from the sun. That puts it only slightly farther than Mars’ current orbit of 1.5 AU from the sun.

    The simulations show that just one substellar object flyby was sufficient to alter the giant planets’ trajectories. Because observations suggest substellar bodies are fairly numerous in the cosmos, visits by such objects may be more commonplace than flybys of stars.

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  • #125704

    Giant planet or ‘failed star?’ Newfound mystery world blurs the lines

    An artist’s impression of the exoplanet Gaia-4b orbiting its star, tracing the shape of its orbit.

    The planet, if it is indeed a planet, is one of the most massive ever detected around a small star.

    One of the largest exoplanets to be found orbiting a relatively low-mass star has been discovered, thanks to the way the planet’s gravity drags its star around on its journey through space.

    The planet is the fourth world to be spotted in data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission, which was designed to map a billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, cataloguing their masses, luminosities, temperatures and motions through space.

    It’s this latter property that led to the discovery of the giant exoplanet Gaia-4b. It orbits a star 244 light-years away and is a super-sized gas giant with a mass 11.8 times greater than that of Jupiter.

    “With an orbital period of 570 days, it is a relatively cold gas giant planet,” said Guðmundur Stefánsson of the University of Amsterdam in a statement. This orbital period places it a little closer to its star than Mars is to the sun, but since its star is less massive and less luminous than ours, Gaia-4b is therefore probably not as warm as Mars.

    Yet, by being so massive, Gaia-4b exerts a fierce gravitational pull on its star, an unremarkable orange K-class dwarf with just 64% the mass of our sun. As Gaia plotted the star’s proper motion in the sky, it noticed that the star’s track through space wobbled slightly, as though being pulled to and fro by something in a kind of corkscrew motion across the sky. Astronomers call this technique of detecting exoplanets the astrometric method because it requires the tracking of a star’s position and motion, which is a field known as astrometry.

    In fact, Gaia has noticed this wobbling motion for numerous stars, so Stefánsson led a team of astronomers to follow up on these corkscrew systems.

    “However, the motion of these stars is not necessarily due to a planet,” said Stefánsson. “Instead, the star might be a pair of stars that are too close together for Gaia to recognize them as separate objects.”

    To determine which is the case, Stefánsson’s team employed a trio of instruments: the NEID (pronounced ‘nu-id’) spectrograph on the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, as well as the Habitable-zone Planet Finder on the 10-meter Hobby Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory in Texas and the FIES spectrograph on the 2.6-meter Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma in the Canary Islands.

    These spectrographs are able to measure the radial velocity of a star — how a star wobbles on its axis as it orbits its center of mass shared with an orbiting companion. The greater the mass of the companion, the greater the radial velocity Doppler shift in the star’s light.

    How the astrometric technique can detect the corkscrew motion of stars with companions.

    Stefánsson’s team had identified 28 candidates in the Gaia data. Of those, 21 were shown to be binary star systems. Five remain inconclusive. One is a star orbited by a brown dwarf — an object that straddles the line between planet and star — now named Gaia-5b, and one turned out to be a planet, Gaia-4b.

    Some astronomers might argue, however, that Gaia-4b could also be classed as a brown dwarf; the dividing lines between planet and brown dwarf are murky. Some astronomers define the distinction as depending upon how the object formed. Did it come together through the accretion of rocky material to assemble a giant super-Earth-size core around which humongous amounts of gas wrapped itself, like the formation of Jupiter and Saturn in our solar system? Or did it form like a star, through the gravitational collapse of a gas cloud following the fragmentation of the disk of gas that encircled and fed the main star?

    Other researchers distinguish between planets and brown dwarfs depending upon whether they are able to engage in nuclear fusion reactions of deuterium for a short time (fully fledged stars use hydrogen in their nuclear reactions). But, as Stefánsson’s team note, it’s not really possible to tell what’s going on inside these distant bodies.

    A third way is to distinguish between planets and brown dwarfs through their mass. A mass 13 times greater than Jupiter’s is usually considered the lower limit for a brown dwarf, but there’s a certain arbitrariness to this.

    Gaia-5b, which orbits a red dwarf star 134 light-years away from Earth, clocks in at 20.9 times the mass of Jupiter, and so it seems safe to call that object a brown dwarf.

    Gaia-4b is more troublesome. Purely by mass, it is categorized as a planet. However, Stefánsson’s team looked at the abundance of heavy elements in the central star’s composition, finding its chemistry to be pretty similar to that of our sun. Rocky planets, or the rocky cores of giant planets, need a ready supply of heavy elements in order to form. While our sun and Gaia-4 seem to have enough heavy elements to produce Jupiter-mass planets, it seems questionable that an object 11.8 times the mass of Jupiter could form from the available resources. Stefánsson therefore suggested that this points to Gaia-4b having formed from gravitational collapse following disk fragmentation, where some kind of instability effectively broke the disk of gas around the central star.

    Does that mean Gaia-4b should really be called a brown dwarf rather than a planet? If we’re going to call it a planet, then it is one of the most massive planets found around a lower-mass star — such worlds are rare simply because low-mass star systems don’t have lots of extra material available to build giant planets. On the matter of planet or brown dwarf, Stefánsson’s team remain open-minded.

    Although Gaia shut down in January following 12 years of observations, there are still reams of data to be analysed from the mission. That data is released in big packets; the most recent was Data Release 3 (DR3) in 2022 (and supplemented with additional data in 2023), and DR4 is expected in 2026.

    There are “more planets to come as roughly the last year of data is analyzed,” said Jayadev Rajagopal, a member of Stefánsson’s team at the U.S. National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab, in a different statement. “This work is a harbinger of the future where Gaia discoveries of planets and brown dwarfs will need to be confirmed, or rejected, by NEID data.”

    The first two planets to be discovered by Gaia, Gaia-1b and Gaia-2b, were both found when Gaia detected them transiting their star. The third planet, Gaia-3b, was a little more complicated in that it was detected astrometrically orbiting one of the stars in a binary system. In total, only around 200 planets have thus far been detected via the astrometric method, but with Gaia DR4 on the horizon, and Stefánsson’s team on the case, they may soon be joined by many more.

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  • #125723

    Scientists discover largest black hole jet ever seen in the early universe — its twice as long as our galaxy

    “Interestingly, the quasar powering this massive radio jet does not have an extreme black hole mass compared to other quasars.”

    Astronomers have detected the largest black hole-launched jet ever seen in the early universe.

    The twin-lobed jet that existed when the universe was just 1.2 billion years old stretches out for an incredible 200,000 light-years at the very least, making it twice as long as the width of the Milky Way.

    Even more surprisingly, the black hole that powers the quasar from which this jet erupts, designated J1601+3102, is relatively small. (For a quasar-powering supermassive black hole, that is. It still has a mass equivalent to 450 million suns).

    “Interestingly, the quasar powering this massive radio jet does not have an extreme black hole mass compared to other quasars,” Anniek Gloudemans, team leader and a researcher at NOIRLab, said in a statement. “This seems to indicate that you don’t necessarily need an exceptionally massive black hole or accretion rate to generate such powerful jets in the early universe.”

    Painting a picture of early supermassive black hole jets

    Though all large galaxies are thought to have a central supermassive black hole with a mass millions or even billions of times that of the sun, not all of these cosmic titans power quasars.

    Quasars are formed when supermassive black holes are surrounded by a wealth of gas and dust upon which they can feed. This material generates a flattened, swirling cloud of gas and dust called an accretion disk around the black hole. The tremendous mass of the supermassive black hole generates tidal forces and immense friction in the accretion disk that superheats it and causes it to glow brightly.

    Not all of the material in an accretion disk is fed into the central black hole; some is channeled to its poles by powerful magnetic fields. These particles are accelerated to nearly the speed of light and are blasted out from both poles as highly collimated twin jets.

    These jets can be seen at great distances by radio telescopes and are a common sight in the local universe. Thus far, however, they’ve been somewhat elusive in the early universe when the 13.8 billion-year-old cosmos was less than 10% of its current age.

    An illustration of a supermassive black hole in the early cosmos blasting out relativistic jets.

    The jet erupting from J1601+3102 was first observed by the international Low-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Telescope, a network of radio telescopes based across Europe.

    This detection was followed up on by the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS), while the Hobby Eberly Telescope attempted to observe it in visible light.

    “We were searching for quasars with strong radio jets in the early universe, which helps us understand how and when the first jets are formed and how they impact the evolution of galaxies,” Gloudemans said. “It’s only because this object is so extreme that we can observe it from Earth, even though it’s really far away.

    “This object shows what we can discover by combining the power of multiple telescopes that operate at different wavelengths.”

    The largest radio jet ever found in the early universe as seen by an array of telescopes.

    One key aim of these follow-up observations was to determine the characteristics of this quasar and the supermassive black hole that powers it.

    Thus far, the team has been able to determine that the black hole has a mass of 450 million solar masses, but they also hope to learn the rate at which it is swallowing, or accreting, matter.

    The team also found that the jets aren’t quite twins. Not only is one shorter than the other, but one jet lobe is brighter than its counterpart. This could indicate that an extreme environment around the supermassive black hole affects its jets.

    “When we started looking at this object, we were expecting the southern jet to just be an unrelated nearby source and for most of it to be small. That made it quite surprising when the LOFAR image revealed large, detailed radio structures,” team member Frits Sweijen from Durham University said. “The nature of this distant source makes it difficult to detect at higher radio frequencies, demonstrating the power of LOFAR on its own and its synergies with other instruments.”

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