

I figured there needed to be a “Space” thread.
If the mods think it should be rolled into the Science thread, I have no problem with that.
If it’s the “nutjobs” this thread seems to pull in you’re worried about, just double-up on the tinfoil hat
The following has been debunked. see post #9 on Dec.14th)
Toldya about the tinfoil hat…
Scientists Just Found an “Impossible” Black Hole in The Milky Way Galaxy
A newfound black hole in the Milky Way is weirdly heavy
Monster black hole that ‘should not exist’ discovered in the Milky Way

The chemical composition of our galaxy’s most massive stars suggests that they lose most of their mass at the end of their lives through explosions and powerful stellar winds, before the star’s core collapses into a black hole.

The hefty stars in the mass range that could produce a black hole are expected to end their lives in what is called a pair-instability supernova that completely obliterates the stellar core. So astronomers are scratching their heads trying to figure out how the black hole – named LB-1 – got so chonky.

“Black holes of such mass should not even exist in our galaxy, according to most of the current models of stellar evolution,” said astronomer Jifeng Liu of the National Astronomical Observatory of China.

“LB-1 is twice as massive as what we thought possible. Now theorists will have to take up the challenge of explaining its formation.”

Viewing 100 replies - 101 through 200 (of 654 total)
  • #26083

    NASA lays out ‘Artemis Accords’ for responsible moon exploration

    There are some rules that international partners will have to abide by.

    Artist’s illustration of NASA Artemis astronauts on the moon.

    NASA is setting some guidelines for humanity’s return to the moon.

    The space agency has long stressed that international collaboration will be key to its Artemis program, which aims to land two astronauts near the lunar south pole in 2024 and establish a sustainable human presence on and around the moon by 2028. And today (May 15), NASA unveiled some bedrock principles that foreign partners will have to abide by.

    “International space agencies that join NASA in the Artemis program will do so by executing bilateral Artemis Accords agreements, which will describe a shared vision for principles, grounded in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, to create a safe and transparent environment which facilitates exploration, science and commercial activities for all of humanity to enjoy,” NASA officials wrote in a statement today.

    The Outer Space Treaty (OST) is the founding document of international space law. It has been ratified by more than 100 nations, including the United States and the world’s other major space powers. The OST stipulates that space exploration should be conducted for peaceful purposes only, and that sentiment forms of the core of the Artemis Accords, NASA officials said.

    Transparency is also a necessity for Artemis partners; according to the new guidelines, they will be required to publicly disclose their exploration plans and policies and make their scientific data available, as NASA does.

    The Artemis Accords also cover space mining, which NASA sees as key to humanity’s exploration efforts over the long haul.

    “The ability to extract and utilize resources on the moon, Mars and asteroids will be critical to support safe and sustainable space exploration and development,” agency officials wrote in a description of the Artemis Accords. “The Artemis Accords reinforce that space resource extraction and utilization can and will be conducted under the auspices of the Outer Space Treaty, with specific emphasis on Articles II, VI, and XI.”

    The Accords will also implement another OST tenet — the prevention of “harmful interference” by one nation in the off-Earth affairs of another.

    “Specifically, via the Artemis Accords, NASA and partner nations will provide public information regarding the location and general nature of operations which will inform the scale and scope of ‘Safety Zones,'” NASA officials wrote. “Notification and coordination between partner nations to respect such safety zones will prevent harmful interference, implementing Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty and reinforcing the principle of due regard.”

    Artemis Accord signatories will also pledge to, among other things, protect historic sites and artifacts on the moon and other cosmic locales; plan disposal of dead and dying spacecraft to keep space-junk levels down; use “interoperable” hardware whenever possible; and render emergency assistance to astronauts as needed.

    NASA’s Artemis partners aren’t just foreign space agencies; private companies are playing a big role in the moon push as well. For example, private moon landers will ferry NASA science and technology experiments to the lunar surface beginning next year, if all goes according to plan. And NASA astronauts will touch down aboard landers built by commercial companies.

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  • #26990

    Massive disk galaxy could change our understanding of how galaxies are born

    It’s a disk galaxy, much like our own Milky Way.

    A massive, rotating disk galaxy that first formed just 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang, could upend our understanding of galaxy formation, scientists suggest in a new study.

    In traditional galaxy formation models and according to modern cosmology, galaxies are built beginning with dark-matter halos. Over time, those halos pull in gases and material, eventually building up full-fledged galaxies. Disk galaxies, like our own Milky Way, form with prominent disks of stars and gas and are thought to be created in a method known as “hot mode” galaxy formation, where gas falls inward toward the galaxy’s central region where it then cools and condenses.

    This process is thought to be fairly gradual, taking a long time. But the newly discovered galaxy DLA0817g, nicknamed the “Wolfe Disk,” which scientists believe formed in the early universe, suggests that disk galaxies could actually form quite quickly.

    An artist’s impression of the Wolfe Disk, a massive disk galaxy in the early universe.

    In a new study led by Marcel Neeleman of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany, researchers spotted the Wolfe Disk using ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in Chile. They found out that the object was a large, stable rotating disk, clocking in at a whopping 70 billion times the mass of our sun.

    In the new observations, the disk appears as it was when the universe was just 1.5 billion years old, or 10% of its current age. The disk appears extremely massive and stable for something so young. So how could such a massive galaxy form so quickly, so early in the universe?

    An ALMA radio telescope image of the Wolfe Disk, seen when the universe was only ten percent of its current age.

    Researchers suggest that the galaxy might have formed by a process known as “cold-mode accretion.” They think that the gas falling in towards the galaxy’s center was actually cold so, because the gas didn’t need time to cool down as it approached the galactic center, the disk was able to more rapidly condense.

    “The result provides valuable input for a present-day discussion about how galaxies form,” according to a statement from the Max Planck Institute.

    However, astrophysicist Alfred Tiley noted in a Nature News & Views article accompanying this study, these findings are based off of a single galaxy. He emphasized that more similar observations would be needed to validate this hypothesis.

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  • #26991

    New Marsquake study could shatter theories on how Mars was born

    “What is Mars made of and how was it formed? I think we are about to find out.”

    Mars’ core has long thought to be comprised of iron-sulfur.

    A team of researchers at the University of Tokyo has revealed tantalizing details about Mars’ seismic activity for the very first time in one new study. These results could make or break theories surrounding the Red Planet’s origins and provide details about its composition.

    The fourth rock from the sun might be one of the closest worlds to us — swinging between distances of 34 million and 249 million miles (55 million and 400 million kilometers), dependent on its position and Earth’s position relative to our star — but it is often much safer and less expensive to investigate the Red Planet through simulations on Earth, rather than launch a spacecraft.

    No one knew this more than Keisuke Nishida, an assistant professor at the University of Toyko’s Department of Earth and Planetary Science, and his team, who delved deep into the Red Planet by mimicking the conditions in the planet’s uppermost core with the help of a molten iron-sulfur alloy, which they brought to a scorching melting-point temperature of 2,732 degrees Fahrenheit (1,500 degrees Celsius).

    Crushing the molten mix under a pressure of 13 gigapascals using a multi-anvil press, they were able to measure seismic activity. In this case, Nishida captured P-Waves traveling at a velocity of 15,354 feet (4,680 meters) per second through the alloy and snapped images of the action using X-ray beams from two synchrotron facilities: the Photon Factory, which forms part of Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, and SPring-8 in Harima Science Park City, Hyogo Prefecture, also in Japan.

    Those who have experienced an earthquake have felt the effects of P-Waves and their seismic companion, the S-Wave. Capable of racing through rock at speeds over 13 times faster than the speed of sound through air 1,125 feet per second (343 m/ps), P-Waves provide the first jolt of this earth-shaking phenomenon. S-Waves — also dubbed secondary waves — are responsible for the second shudder during an earthquake. They can be used to estimate the distance to a quakes’ focus, or point of origin.

    An artist’s impression of the InSight lander, which touched down on Mars on Nov. 26, 2018.

    “Due to technical hurdles, it took more than three years before we could collect the ultrasonic data we needed, so I am very pleased we now have it,” Nishida said in a statement on May 13. “The sample is extremely small, which might surprise some people given the huge scale of the planet we are effectively simulating. But microscale high-pressure experiments help exploration of macroscale structures and long time-scale evolutionary histories of planets.”

    Nishida’s relief in capturing the data is understandable. It has long been suspected that Mars has a core made of iron-sulfur but, given that direct observations aren’t yet possible, seismic waves allow us to dig deep, traveling through a planet’s interior to provide a glimpse inside.

    NASA’s InSight Mars lander (the name’s short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport), which landed on the Martian plain Elysium Planitia on Nov. 26, 2018, searches for rumbles — or seismic activity — to find out more about the planet’s interior and how the solar system’s rocky inner planets formed. According to Nishida, however, there are some caveats to the lander’s measurements.

    “Even with the seismic data [from InSight] there is an important missing piece of information without which the data could not be interpreted,” Nishida said. “We needed to know the seismic properties of the iron-sulfur alloy thought to make up the core of Mars.”

    Using Nishida and his team’s findings, planetary researchers could read Martian seismic data to find out whether or not the Red Planet’s core is primarily comprised of iron-sulfur, Nishida said.

    “If it isn’t, that will tell us something of Mars’ origins,” Nishida said. “For example, if Mars’ core includes silicon and oxygen, it suggests that, like Earth, Mars suffered a huge impact event as it formed. So, what is Mars made of and how was it formed? I think we are about to find out.”

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  • #27588

    Proxima b, the closest alien planet we know, may be even more Earth-like than we thought

    “ESPRESSO has made it possible to measure the mass of the planet with a precision of over one-tenth of the mass of Earth.”

    This artist’s impression shows what the surface of the alien planet Proxima b might look like.

    The closest alien planet to our solar system is even more Earth-like than scientists had thought, new observations suggest.

    In a new study, an international team of researchers found that Proxima b, which lies just 4.2 light-years from Earth, is just 17% more massive than our planet.

    Previously, scientists thought that this exoplanet, which lies in the habitable zone of its star, harbored about 1.3 Earth masses. The new measurement indicates that Proxima b is even more like our home planet, at least in size, than previous observations led scientists to think.

    The research team studied Proxima b using the Echelle Spectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic Observations, or ESPRESSO for short. ESPRESSO is a Swiss spectrograph that is currently mounted on the European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope in Chile. Spectrographs observe objects and split the light coming from those objects into the wavelengths that make it up so that researchers can study the object in closer detail.

    Proxima b was first detected four years ago by an older spectrograph, HARPS (“High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher”), which is installed on a scope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile But with these newer observations, scientists have an updated, ultra-precise view of the planet.

    “We were already very happy with the performance of HARPS, which has been responsible for discovering hundreds of exoplanets over the last 17 years,” study co-author Francesco Pepe, an astronomy professor at the University of Geneva in Switzerland and the person in charge of ESPRESSO, said in a statement. “We’re really pleased that ESPRESSO can produce even better measurements, and it’s gratifying and [a] just reward for the teamwork lasting nearly 10 years.”

    “ESPRESSO has made it possible to measure the mass of the planet with a precision of over one-tenth of the mass of Earth,” Michel Mayor, a Swiss astrophysicist who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2019 and helped to develop a new type of spectrograph called Elodie, who was not an author on this study, said in the same statement. “It’s completely unheard of.”

    An alien planet

    So what’s the deal with this Earth-sized planet? Proxima b is “one of the most interesting planets known in the solar neighborhood,” Alejandro Suarez Mascareño, the lead author on this study, said in the same statement.

    This strange alien planet orbits Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our sun. Because the planet orbits right in the middle of its star’s habitable zone, it’s possible that liquid waterand potentially even life — could exist there. Because of its Earth-like mass, scientists believe that, not only could liquid water exist on Proxima b, it could also be a rocky, terrestrial planet similar to Earth.

    But Proxima b orbits around a star that, while close to our solar system, is also much dimmer, and much less massive than our sun. Researchers think that the exoplanet is tidally locked and in synchronous rotation with its star, meaning that one side is always facing the star and one is always facing away: a light side and a dark side.

    In addition, it’s unclear if, Proxima b has an atmosphere. The planet lies very close to its star, completing one orbit every 11 Earth days. So, some researchers think that radiation coming from Proxima Centauri might have stripped away Proxima b’s air, making it impossible for the alien planet’s surface to hold onto liquid water. As scientists continue to study this system with new and better technology, we will be able to better understand what it’s really like on Proxima b.

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  • #27589

    Sun unleashes biggest flare since 2017. Is our star waking up?

    It’s too soon to tell if we’re already in Solar Cycle 25.

    On the upper left side of this image from May 29, 2020, from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory — shown here in the 171-angstrom wavelength, which is typically colorized in gold — one can see a spot of light hovering above the left horizon. This light emanates from solar material tracing out magnetic field lines that are hovering over a set of sunspots about to rotate over the left limb of the sun.

    The sun may be coming out of its slumber at long last.

    This morning (May 29), our star fired off its strongest flare since October 2017, an eruption spotted by NASA’s sun-watching Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).

    Solar flares are bursts of radiation that originate from sunspots, temporary dark and relatively cool patches on the solar surface that boast very strong magnetic fields. Scientists classify strong flares into three categories: C, M and X. Each class is 10 times more powerful than the one beneath it; M flares are 10 times stronger than C flares, but 10 times weaker than X-class events.

    Today’s flare was an M-class eruption, so it was no monster. (And it wasn’t aimed at Earth, so there’s no chance of supercharged auroras from a potential associated coronal mass ejection of solar plasma.) But the outburst could still be a sign that the sun is ramping up to a more active phase of its 11-year activity cycle, NASA officials said. If that’s the case, the most recent such cycle, known as Solar Cycle 24, may already have come to an end.

    Scientists peg the start of new cycles at “solar minimum,” the time when the sun sports the fewest sunspots and the least activity.

    “However, it takes at least six months of solar observations and sunspot-counting after a minimum to know when it’s occurred,” NASA officials wrote today in an update announcing SDO’s flare detection.

    “Because that minimum is defined by the lowest number of sunspots in a cycle, scientists need to see the numbers consistently rising before they can determine when exactly they were at the bottom,” the officials added. “That means solar minimum is an instance only recognizable in hindsight: It could take six to 12 months after the fact to confirm when minimum has actually passed.”

    So, stay tuned! More observations should tell us if we’re already in Solar Cycle 25.

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  • #27675

    So, yesterday was lift-off for SpaceX and a big step for private spaceflight in the US. Hooray, I guess?

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  • #27709

    It’s what golden age SF always promised us.

    I wish they’d have warned us about Elon Musk though.

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  • #27977

    How heavy is the universe? Conflicting answers hint at new physics

    Standard model of cosmology may need a rewrite

    Two entirely different ways of “weighing” the cosmos are producing disparate results. If more precise measurements fail to resolve the discrepancy, physicists may have to revise the standard model of cosmology, our best description of the universe.

    “If this really is a glimpse of the standard model breaking down, that would be potentially revolutionary,” says astronomer Hendrik Hildebrandt of the Ruhr University Bochum in Germany.

    Similar concerns over the correctness of the standard model have been raised over the past few years by two independent calculations of the so-called Hubble constant, or the rate at which the universe is expanding today. Those two measurements also disagreed, creating what has been called the Hubble tension.

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    Fiery meteor that doomed the dinosaurs struck at ‘deadliest possible’ angle

    It was the worst-case scenario for an asteroid impact

    The flaming space rock that slammed into Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs, struck at the worst possible angle (for the dinosaurs, that is), new research suggests.

    Colliding with an enormous, fast-moving cosmic projectile would have been disastrous under just about any circumstances. But this giant space rock also hit the planet at a steep angle, causing the “deadliest possible” outcome by releasing much more gas and pulverized rock than it would have with a shallower approach, researchers recently discovered.

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    Mysterious ‘Fermi Bubbles’ may be the result of black hole indigestion 6 million years ago

    A black hole burp filled the Milky Way’s center with mysterious invisible structures, a new study suggests

    The gargantuan Fermi Bubbles are only visible in gamma-ray light. Where did they come from?

    The center of the Milky Way is a puzzle of invisible, interconnected blobs. There are swooping tendrils of energy visible only in radio wavelengths, hourglass-shaped scars of X-ray light and — towering over it all — the mysterious Fermi Bubbles.

    These twin orbs of gas, dust and cosmic rays emerge from the galactic center like two wings of an enormous moth, one on either side of the galaxy’s central black hole. From tip to tip, the bubbles stretch about 50,000 light-years across (that’s about half the diameter of the Milky Way itself), yet are visible only in high-energy gamma-ray light.

    Where did they come from? Nobody really knows. But a study published May 14 in The Astrophysical Journal argues that the Bubbles, along with the mysterious X-ray and radio structures surrounding the galactic center, are all linked to the same series of black hole belches beginning around 6 million years ago.

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    A diagram showing where the Fermi Bubbles (red) overlap with the hourglass-shaped X-ray structures (black) at the galaxy’s center. The edges of the two structures seem perfectly aligned, the authors of a new study say.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Sean Robinson.
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  • #28039

    Stadium-sized asteroid heading to Earth this week

    by: Becky Willeke

    Posted: Jun 3, 2020 / 11:21 AM CDT / Updated: Jun 3, 2020 / 11:24 AM CDT
    ST. LOUIS – NASA is keeping tabs on a massive asteroid that’s coming closer to Earth each day. The space agency has an asteroid watch section of its website showing the next 5 approaches, which are all in the next few days.

    The largest is estimated to be 1,100 feet wide, approximately the size of a football stadium. That one, named 2002 NN4, would come the closest to Earth on June 6. However, scientists don’t expect there to be a collision on Earth. It’s closest approach will be 3,160,000 miles from Earth.

    There are three others the size of a plane and one the size of a house also making their way to earth over the next few days. Scientists also don’t believe there are any concerns from those asteroids either. The closest one is expected to come within 1,830,000 miles of earth later today.

    You can learn more on NASA’s asteroid watch page.

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  • #28613

    Half the matter in the universe was missing. Scientists just found it hiding in the cosmos.

    In the late 1990s, cosmologists made a prediction about how much ordinary matter there should be in the universe. About 5%, they estimated, should be regular stuff with the rest a mixture of dark matter and dark energy. But when cosmologists counted up everything they could see or measure at the time, they came up short. By a lot.

    The sum of all the ordinary matter that cosmologists measured only added up to about half of the 5% what was supposed to be in the universe.

    This is known as the “missing baryon problem” and for over 20 years, cosmologists like us looked hard for this matter without success.

    It took the discovery of a new celestial phenomenon and entirely new telescope technology, but earlier this year, our team finally found the missing matter.

    Origin of the problem

    Baryon is a classification for types of particles — sort of an umbrella term — that encompasses protons and neutrons, the building blocks of all the ordinary matter in the universe. Everything on the periodic table and pretty much anything that you think of as “stuff” is made of baryons.

    Since the late 1970s, cosmologists have suspected that dark matter — an as of yet unknown type of matter that must exist to explain the gravitational patterns in space — makes up most of the matter of the universe with the rest being baryonic matter, but they didn’t know the exact ratios. In 1997, three scientists from the University of California, San Diego, used the ratio of heavy hydrogen nuclei — hydrogen with an extra neutron — to normal hydrogen to estimate that baryons should make up about 5% of the mass-energy budget of the universe.

    Yet while the ink was still drying on the publication, another trio of cosmologists raised a bright red flag. They reported that a direct measure of baryons in our present universe — determined through a census of stars, galaxies, and the gas within and around them — added up to only half of the predicted 5%.

    This sparked the missing baryon problem. Provided the law of nature held that matter can be neither created nor destroyed, there were two possible explanations: Either the matter didn’t exist and the math was wrong, or, the matter was out there hiding somewhere.

    Remnants of the conditions in the early universe, like cosmic microwave background radiation, gave scientists a precise measure of the unverse’s mass in baryons.

    Unsuccessful search

    Astronomers across the globe took up the search and the first clue came a year later from theoretical cosmologists. Their computer simulations predicted that the majority of the missing matter was hiding in a low-density, million-degree hot plasma that permeated the universe. This was termed the “warm-hot intergalactic medium” and nicknamed “the WHIM.” The WHIM, if it existed, would solve the missing baryon problem but at the time there was no way to confirm its existence.

    In 2001, another piece of evidence in favor of the WHIM emerged. A second team confirmed the initial prediction of baryons making up 5% of the universe by looking at tiny temperature fluctuations in the universe’s cosmic microwave background — essentially the leftover radiation from the Big Bang. With two separate confirmations of this number, the math had to be right and the WHIM seemed to be the answer. Now cosmologists just had to find this invisible plasma.

    Over the past 20 years, we and many other teams of cosmologists and astronomers have brought nearly all of the Earth’s greatest observatories to the hunt. There were some false alarms and tentative detections of warm-hot gas, but one of our teams eventually linked those to gas around galaxies. If the WHIM existed, it was too faint and diffuse to detect.

    An unexpected solution in fast radio bursts

    In 2007, an entirely unanticipated opportunity appeared. Duncan Lorimer, an astronomer at the University of West Virginia, reported the serendipitous discovery of a cosmological phenomenon known as a fast radio burst (FRB). FRBs are extremely brief, highly energetic pulses of radio emissions. Cosmologists and astronomers still don’t know what creates them, but they seem to come from galaxies far, far away.

    As these bursts of radiation traverse the universe and pass through gasses and the theorized WHIM, they undergo something called dispersion.

    The initial mysterious cause of these FRBs lasts for less a thousandth of a second and all the wavelengths start out in a tight clump. If someone was lucky enough — or unlucky enough — to be near the spot where an FRB was produced, all the wavelengths would hit them simultaneously.

    But when radio waves pass through matter, they are briefly slowed down. The longer the wavelength, the more a radio wave “feels” the matter. Think of it like wind resistance. A bigger car feels more wind resistance than a smaller car.

    The “wind resistance” effect on radio waves is incredibly small, but space is big. By the time an FRB has traveled millions or billions of light-years to reach Earth, dispersion has slowed the longer wavelengths so much that they arrive nearly a second later than the shorter wavelengths.

    Therein lay the potential of FRBs to weigh the universe’s baryons, an opportunity we recognized on the spot. By measuring the spread of different wavelengths within one FRB, we could calculate exactly how much matter — how many baryons — the radio waves passed through on their way to Earth.

    At this point we were so close, but there was one final piece of information we needed. To precisely measure the baryon density, we needed to know where in the sky an FRB came from. If we knew the source galaxy, we would know how far the radio waves traveled. With that and the amount of dispersion they experienced, perhaps we could calculate how much matter they passed through on the way to Earth?

    Unfortunately, the telescopes in 2007 weren’t good enough to pinpoint exactly which galaxy — and therefore how far away — an FRB came from.

    We knew what information would allow us to solve the problem, now we just had to wait for technology to develop enough to give us that data.

    Technical innovation

    It was 11 years until we were able to place — or localize — our first FRB. In August 2018, our collaborative project called CRAFT began using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope in the outback of Western Australia to look for FRBs. This new telescope — which is run by Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO — can watch huge portions of the sky, about 60 times the size of a full Moon, and it can simultaneously detect FRBs and pinpoint where in the sky they come from.

    ASKAP captured its first FRB one month later. Once we knew the precise part of the sky the radio waves came from, we quickly used the Keck telescope in Hawaii to identify which galaxy the FRB came from and how far away that galaxy was. The first FRB we detected came from a galaxy named DES J214425.25–405400.81 that is about 4 billion light-years away from Earth, in case you were wondering.

    The technology and technique worked. We had measured the dispersion from an FRB and knew where it came from. But we needed to catch a few more of them in order to attain a statistically significant count of the baryons. So we waited and hoped space would send us some more FRBs.

    By mid-July 2019, we had detected five more events — enough to perform the first search for the missing matter. Using the dispersion measures of these six FRBs, we were able to make a rough calculation of how much matter the radio waves passed through before reaching earth.

    We were overcome by both amazement and reassurance the moment we saw the data fall right on the curve predicted by the 5% estimate. We had detected the missing baryons in full, solving this cosmological riddle and putting to rest two decades of searching.

    This result, however, is only the first step. We were able to estimate the amount of baryons, but with only six data points, we can’t yet build a comprehensive map of the missing baryons. We have proof the WHIM likely exists and have confirmed how much there is, but we don’t know exactly how it is distributed. It is believed to be part of a vast filamentary network of gas that connects galaxies termed “the cosmic web,” but with about 100 fast radio bursts cosmologists could start building an accurate map of this web.

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  • #29035

    SpaceX launches 58 Starlink satellites and 3 Planet SkySats, nails rocket landing

    The Starlink constellation is growing fast

    CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — SpaceX successfully launched its first rideshare mission into orbit today (June 13), lofting a new batch of 58 Starlink internet satellites along with three small Earth-observation satellites before nailing a Falcon 9 rocket landing at sea.

    It was a mostly clear morning, with just a few clouds above the launch pad here at Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at liftoff. Onlookers were treated to an awesome view in the predawn sky — the glow from the rocket’s engines were visible well into the flight as it launched at 5:21 a.m. EDT (0921 GMT).

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    Dusty alien planets could be more likely to harbor life, study suggests

    A visualization showing computer simulations of three terrestrial exoplanets, depicting winds (arrows) and airborne dust (color), with an M-dwarf host star in the background.

    Scientists studying the potential habitability of alien worlds look at a number of key factors, including temperature and composition (is it a rocky planet? Is it gaseous?). But in a new paper, scientists explore one often overlooked variable that could indicate whether life could exist on an exoplanet: dust.

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    Pictures from space! A stellar photobomb

    Friday, June 12, 2020: The spiral galaxy NGC 2608 gets “photobombed” by two stars inside our Milky Way galaxy in this new image from the Hubble Space Telescope. Bright Milky Way stars in the foreground of Hubble’s deep-space images often appear as lens flares, like the one visible in the bottom right corner of this image. Another is just above the center of NGC 2608. All the other specks of light that pepper the black abyss around the galaxy are not stars, but thousands of other distant galaxies. “NGC 2608 is just one among an uncountable number of kindred structures,” Hubble scientists said in a statement.

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  • #29232

    There could be 36 communicating intelligent civilizations in our galaxy

    Earth has proven unique in its ability to host life in the universe so far, leading us to question if we’re truly alone.

    Maybe we’re not.

    Scientists have calculated that there could be a minimum of 36 active, communicating intelligent civilizations in our Milky Way galaxy, according to a new study. However, due to time and distance, we may never actually know if they exist or ever existed.
    The study published Monday in The Astrophysical Journal.

    Previous calculations along these lines have been based on the Drake equation, which was written by astronomer and astrophysicist Frank Drake in 1961.

    “Drake developed an equation which in principle can be used to calculate how many Communicating Extra-Terrestrial Intelligent (CETI) civilizations there may be in the Galaxy,” the authors wrote in their study. “However, many of its terms are unknowable and other methods must be used to calculate the likely number of communicating civilizations.”
    So scientists at the University of Nottingham developed their own approach.

    “The key difference between our calculation and previous ones based on the Drake equation is that we make very simple assumptions about how life developed,” said study coauthor Christopher Conselice, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Nottingham, in an email to CNN.

    “One of them is that life forms in a scientific way — that is if the right conditions are met then life will form. This avoids impossible to answer questions such as ‘what fraction of planets in a habitable zone of a star will form life?’ and ‘what fraction of life will evolve into intelligent life?’ as these are not answerable until we actually detect life, which we have not yet done.”

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  • #29233

    Weird green glow spotted in atmosphere of Mars

    It’s the first time the emission has been seen on a world beyond Earth.

    Artist’s illustration of the European Space Agency’s ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter detecting the green glow of oxygen in the Martian atmosphere. This emission, spotted on the dayside of Mars, is similar to the night glow seen around Earth’s atmosphere from space.

    The atmosphere of Mars has a distinct green glow, just like Earth’s.

    The European Space Agency’s Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) spotted an emerald glow in Mars’ wispy atmosphere, marking the first time the phenomenon has been spotted on a world beyond Earth, a new study reports.

    “One of the brightest emissions seen on Earth stems from night glow. More specifically, from oxygen atoms emitting a particular wavelength of light that has never been seen around another planet,” study lead author Jean-Claude Gérard, of the Université de Liège in Belgium, said in a statement.

    “However, this emission has been predicted to exist at Mars for around 40 years — and, thanks to TGO, we’ve found it,” Gérard said.

    In this image, taken by astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) in 2011, a green band of oxygen glow is visible over Earth’s curve. On the surface, portions of northern Africa are visible, with evening lights shining along the Nile river and its delta.

    As Gérard noted, the green emission is characteristic of oxygen. Skywatchers at high latitudes here on Earth can see this signature in the ethereal, multicolored displays known as the auroras, which are generated by charged particles from the sun slamming into molecules high up in the atmosphere.

    But night glow is different. It’s caused by the interaction of sunlight with atoms and molecules in the air, which generates a subtle but continuous light. This emission is hard to see, even here on Earth; observers often need an edge-on perspective to make it out, which is why some of the best images of our planet’s green night glow come courtesy of astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

    Day glow, the diurnal component of this constant emission, is even harder to spot. And it’s driven by a slightly different mechanism.

    More in link…

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  • #29234

    Solar Orbiter spacecraft makes its 1st flyby of the sun

    An artist’s depiction of the joint NASA-European Space Agency Solar Orbiter at work studying the sun.

    Solar Orbiter, a joint mission by NASA and the European Space Agency, has hit its first big milestone of its sun-watching mission — and the spacecraft will soon have pictures to prove it.

    The probe is designed to give scientists a view of our sun unlike any they’ve ever seen before. That’s because Solar Orbiter carries technology to gather images of our star, and its trajectory will allow it to study the poles of the sun, which never align toward Earth. And the science starts now, with the spacecraft executing its first flyby of the sun, or perihelion, today (June 15). The orbital maneuver brought the probe to about half the distance between the Earth and the sun, or about 48 million miles (77 million kilometers).

    “We have never taken pictures of the sun from a closer distance than this,” Daniel Müller, ESA’s Solar Orbiter project scientist, said in a statement.

    According to the statement, the spacecraft’s first imaging campaign will occur in the week following this close approach, or perihelion. It will take the spacecraft another week to beam those images back to Earth given its current distance from home, and the mission team expects to publish the resulting images in mid-July.

    (NASA’s Parker Solar Probe is already flying several times closer to the sun than Solar Orbiter is, but that spacecraft is not equipped to photograph the sun; instead it observes its immediate surroundings.)

    Solar Orbiter launched in February and carries a total of 10 instruments: six telescopes and four instruments designed to study the spacecraft’s immediate surroundings. Mission team members have been powering up and checking each instrument since shortly after the spacecraft’s launch, but this week’s data-gathering will be a new test for the probe.

    “For the first time, we will be able to put together the images from all our telescopes and see how they take complementary data of the various parts of the sun, including the surface, the outer atmosphere, or corona, and the wider heliosphere around it,” Müller said.

    And although scientists are excited for these images, the spacecraft hasn’t yet begun its main science work. It will complete another perihelion early next year; the first perihelion of its main science campaign will occur in early 2022.

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  • #29250

    The European Space Agency’s Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) spotted an emerald glow in Mars’ wispy atmosphere, marking the first time the phenomenon has been spotted on a world beyond Earth, a new study reports.

    The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one.

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  • #29480

    New map reveals just how enormous the supergiant star Antares really is

    Scientists thought it could fit 700 suns. It’s actually bigger.

    An artist’s impression of the atmosphere of the supergiant star Antares.

    Astronomers have revealed the gigantic atmosphere of the red supergiant star Antares in stunning, unprecedented detail.

    Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile and the National Science Foundation’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico, an international team of researchers has created the most detailed radio map yet of Antares’ atmosphere. In fact, this is the most detailed radio map ever created of any star other than our sun.

    While Antares’ diameter is about 700 times larger than the sun in visible light, this map revealed that, as seen in radio light, the star’s atmosphere stretches even farther and is even more enormous. With this detailed map, the team found that Antares’ chromosphere, a gaseous layer that creates a star’s outer atmosphere along with its corona, stretches to 2.5 times the star’s radius. For context, our sun’s chromosphere only extends to 0.5% of our star’s radius.

    “The size of a star can vary dramatically depending on what wavelength of light it is observed with,” Eamon O’Gorman, a researcher at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in Ireland and lead author of this study, said in a statement. “The longer wavelengths of the VLA revealed the supergiant’s atmosphere out to nearly 12 times the star’s radius.”

    To create this map, ALMA observed Antares’ photosphere, or the layer that the majority of the stars’ visible photons (light particles) stream from, in shorter wavelengths. The VLA observed the longer wavelengths in the star’s atmosphere further out. The radio telescopes also observed and measured the temperatures of gas and plasma in the star’s atmosphere. They were able to, for the first time, detect the chromosphere using radio waves and, not only did they find that it stretches 2.5 times the star’s radius, they also found its temperature.

    The team found that Antares’ chromosphere is cooler than previous optical and ultraviolet observations suggested, peaking at 6,400 degrees Fahrenheit (3,500 degrees Celsius). This is significantly cooler than our sun’s chromosphere, which is almost 36,032 degrees F (20,000 degrees C).

    “We found that the chromosphere is ‘lukewarm’ rather than hot, in stellar temperatures,” O’Gorman said in the same statement. “The difference can be explained because our radio measurements are a sensitive thermometer for most of the gas and plasma in the star’s atmosphere, whereas past optical and ultraviolet observations were only sensitive to very hot gas and plasma.”

    “Our innate understanding of the night sky is that stars are just points of light. The fact we can map the atmospheres of these supergiant stars in detail, is a true testament to technological advances in interferometry. These tour de force observations bring the universe close, right into our own backyard,” Chris Carilli of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, who was not involved in this study but who was involved in the first observations of Betelgeuse at multiple radio wavelengths with the VLA in 1998, added in the same statement.

    Antares, a red supergiant star in the constellation Scorpius, shines as the bright-red sparkle at the center of the image.

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  • #29786

    4,000 comets! Sun-watching spacecraft’s discoveries keep piling up

    An animation of data taken by the SOHO spacecraft shows two newly discovered sungrazing comets, including the 4,000th such object discovered by the solar spacecraft.

    A spacecraft that launched a quarter century ago to study the sun has discovered its 4,000th new comet, continuing a spree of serendipitous science.

    NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA) collaborated to launch the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO, spacecraft in 1995. Designed to last three years, SOHO was tailored to study the sun, in particular by imaging the sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona, and the birth of the solar wind, a stream of charged particles that flows off the sun and across the solar system. But that work also gives SOHO a prime vantage point for spotting comets that dart perilously close to the sun, it turns out.

    “Not only has SOHO rewritten the history books in terms of solar physics, but, unexpectedly, it’s rewritten the books in terms of comets as well,” Karl Battams, a space scientist at the U.S. Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C., who works on SOHO and manages its comet-finding program, said in a statement.

    Because SOHO’s main aim is studying the sun, the comet-identification program is powered by amateur volunteers. Lucky comet number 4,000 was spotted by Trygve Prestgard, who has identified around 120 comets through the program, which also incorporates imagery from another NASA sun mission, Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory or STEREO.

    For SOHO, most of the discoveries come from data gathered by the spacecraft’s Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO), which blocks out the brightest region of the sun to give scientists a better look at the faint corona.

    And it’s through the corona that sungrazing comets, also known as the Kreutz family of comets, pass, according to NASA. SOHO blocks out the sun well enough that its instruments can spot even small, faint comets, like the one currently called SOHO-4000, which scientists estimate is just 15 to 30 feet (5 to 10 meters)

    Although scientists working on the project knew that SOHO was racking up its cometary discoveries, they expected it would be a bit longer before the spacecraft’s data led to the 4,000th such identification.

    But the spacecraft completed a special observing run in early June to coincide with the fifth sun flyby of NASA’s Parker Solar Probe in order to double up on data of the same solar structures. The campaign also involved doubling SOHO’s usual exposure time, allowing the spacecraft to spot smaller, fainter objects like SOHO-4000.

    “I feel very fortunate to have found SOHO’s 4,000th comet. Although I knew that SOHO was nearing its 4,000th comet discovery, I did not initially think that this sungrazer would be it,” Prestgard said. “It was only after discussing with other SOHO comet hunters, and counting through the most recent sungrazer discoveries, that the idea sunk in. I am honored to be part of such an amazing collaborative effort.”

    An image taken by the SOHO spacecraft on June 15, 2020, shows two newly discovered sungrazing comets, including the 4,000th such object discovered by the solar spacecraft

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  • #29789

    Newborn star’s X-rays shine light on our solar system’s early days

    An illustration of the newborn star HOPS 383

    In a new study, astronomers report the first detection of X-rays from a sun-like star in the earliest phase of its evolution. This discovery may help scientists explore the earliest days of our solar system and rewrite cosmic history, study team members said.

    In 2017, NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory detected an X-ray flare coming from the very young star HOPS 383, which is the same type of star as our sun. The star, which is known as a “protostar” because it’s in the earliest phase of star evolution, lies about 1,400 light-years away from Earth and, once it has matured, will grow to have about half the mass of our sun.

    In the new research, scientists studying the X-ray flare, which lasted for 3 hours and 20 minutes, gained insights that change our understanding of when stars like our sun begin emitting high-energy radiation into space.

    “We don’t have a time machine that lets us directly observe our sun as it was beginning its life, but the next best thing is to look at analogs of it like HOPS 383,” lead author Nicolas Grosso, of Astrophysics Laboratory of Marseille at Aix-Marseille University in France, said in a statement. “From these, we can reconstruct important parts of our own solar system’s past.”

    While scientists know that young stars more actively emit X-rays than older stars, it hasn’t been clear exactly when stars begin emitting X-rays. So, the new finding, “resets the timeline for when astronomers think sun-like stars start blasting X-rays into space,” according to the same statement.

    Researchers didn’t observe any X-rays coming from HOPS 383 outside of this X-ray flaring period. This implies that, outside of the flaring period, the object was at least 10 times fainter than when the flare was at its maximum, the researchers found, according to the statement. They also found that the flare was 2,000 times more powerful than the brightest X-ray flare that has been observed from our sun (an older, middle-aged star).

    Additionally, with stars this young, there is often (as there is with HOPS 383) a “cocoon” of gas and dust that surrounds the star and falls inward toward a disk enveloping the central star. As the material falls inward, there is also an “outflow” of material exiting the young system.

    Researchers observed so much outflow coming from HOPS 383 that they think the X-ray flare coming from this star could actually be powerful enough to strip electrons from atoms near the outflow’s base. They think this process could be driving the outflow via magnetic forces, according to the statement.

    “If this connection between X-ray flares and outflows is correct, similar flares may have played an important role in forming our life-giving host star, the sun,” study co-author Kenji Hamaguchi, of the Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science & Technology and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said in the same statement.

    In addition to better understanding the relationship between the outflows and flares, researchers think that when HOPS 383 began emitting X-rays, this sparked an energetic flow of particles that would have collided with dust grains at the inner edge of the star’s disk. If something similar to this process occurred around our sun in the earliest days of our solar system, the reaction between these particles could explain the existence and abundance of certain materials found on meteorites and here on our planet, according to the statement.

    “What the sun did over 4.5 billion years ago affected the raw material that ended up making the planets and everything else in our solar system,” said co-author David Principe, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. “Any X-rays from a young sun may have played a big role in shaping those ingredients.”

    This work was published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics and can be found at the preprint server arXiv, where it was published June 4.

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  • #29790

    Pictures from space! Our image of the day

    The stunning Butterfly Nebula

    Friday, June 19, 2020: The Butterfly Nebula, also known as NGC 6302, is depicted here in a brilliant image taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This nebula lies about 3,800 light-years away from planet Earth in the constellation Scorpius. The striking butterfly shape of the nebula stretches out an incredible distance, over two light-years. — Chelsea Gohd

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  • #29814

    Hey Sean, thanks for keeping this thread loaded with space stuff.

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  • #29815

    Newborn star’s X-rays shine light on our solar system’s early days

    An illustration of the newborn star HOPS 383

    Why is space screaming at me?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #29835

    Newborn star’s X-rays shine light on our solar system’s early days

    An illustration of the newborn star HOPS 383

    Why is space screaming at me?

    Well, you obviously fucked something up.


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  • #29869

    Of course Planet 9 exists. We already know what it looks like. Duh!

    Does Planet Nine really exist?

    The jury is still out.

    For the past few years, the possibility of a new (and big!) planet hanging around in the outermost regions of the solar system has tantalized scientists and the public alike. But after years of searching, astronomers have found zero new planets in that realm.

    Is “Planet Nine” really out there, or not?

    Artist’s illustration of Planet Nine, a world about 10 times more massive than Earth that may lie undiscovered in the far outer solar system.

    The deep dark

    We’ve only been studying the region of the solar system past the orbit of Neptune for a few decades now, and after a moment of introspection it’s easy to see why: astronomy out here is kind of challenging, because the objects we’re trying to hunt down are a) very, very small and b) very, very far away. That makes them hard to spot.

    Besides Pluto, discovered by basically blind luck in 1930, our understanding of the outer solar system was completely absent until 1992, when astronomers found their first Kuiper Belt object, a frozen little remnant from the formation of the solar system, lazily circling the sun in near perfect darkness beyond Neptune.

    Since then, we’ve found thousands more such objects, categorizing and subcategorizing them as we go (as astronomers are wont to do). For the rest of our story, we’ll be focusing on a class of characters known as extreme trans-neptunian objects, or eTNOs. If you’ve never heard that jargon term before, don’t be scared: it’s astronomese for “really, really far past the orbit of Neptune.”

    In 2003, astronomers discovered perhaps the strangest eTNO yet, Sedna. Sedna is big, about half the size of Pluto, but sits in a truly ridiculous orbit. Over the course of 11,000 years (twice that of all of recorded human history), Sedna swings from 76 astronomical units (AU; one AU is the distance between the sun and Earth) to over 900 AU, then back again.

    Sedna is weird.

    The case for nine

    The orbit of Sedna is so weird that it demands explanation. How can such a massive almost-planet reach such a huge, detached orbit without getting completely ejected from the solar system altogether?

    Perhaps there’s something else out there, keeping Sedna on a leash.

    More recently, a couple teams of astronomers began to notice some other funky eTNOs. Namely, a group of half a dozen objects with similar orbits — they had roughly the same amount of ellipticity, and those ellipses were clustered together.

    Imagine picking up a random flower from a field and looking at the petals. You’d normally expect the petals to be distributed evenly around the flower, but if you saw them all clustered together you might think something suspicious was going on.

    And the same goes for these strange eTNOs: there was no reason to expect these kinds of orbits by random chance. The best explanation, the astronomers claimed, was that a new planet, Planet Nine (until we come up with a better name), was shaping and shepherding them in their orbits.

    But still eight remain

    It’s not a bad argument. The inability to explain the orbit of Uranus led to the detection of Neptune, so there is some historical antecedent to the strategy. And since then, more eTNOs have been found in the same strange, clustered orbits.

    But in the years since the claim of a ninth planet made headlines, astronomers haven’t snagged a picture of it. Which isn’t too worrisome, at least not yet: if Planet Nine exists, it is very small (relatively) and very far away, making it hard to spot.


    And in that same time, other astronomers have weighed in, arguing that the special eTNOs aren’t so special after all. It could be that because of the way our surveys are designed and conducted, we’re simply more likely to spot eTNOs with these funky orbits, and not any of their friends with more normal orbits. In other words, these eTNOs aren’t shepherded by some mysterious entity in the outer solar system. There’s simply nothing to explain — they only look different because we haven’t finished looking yet.

    What’s more, it’s hard to square the existence of a ninth planet with the formation of the solar system as we currently understand it. Astronomers can, of course, work to fold in a ninth planet (say, by arguing that it’s an ejected failed core of a planet or a captured rogue exoplanet), but the more complicated the scenario gets, the harder it is to swallow.

    Without a smoking-gun picture of the planet, the astronomical community isn’t going to be fully swayed by the wayward motion of a handful of iceballs in the outer solar system. So for now the search for a new planet continues.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Sean Robinson.
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  • #29885

    You are most definitely welcome, and thank you for saying so.

    Gar/Lor haven’t asked me to change a thing.

    I figure it’s easier for everyone if the the whole article is here, but it can be a bit much at times and I hope it doesn’t put anyone ‘off’.
    If it causes problems for anyone please feel free to say so.

    and now that I’ve typed Gar/Lor, well, one of you needs to explore that further.
    Not me though. My feet on the ladder are definitely on “this is not a step”.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #29898

    and now that I’ve typed Gar/Lor, well, one of you needs to explore that further.

    You’re… you’re requesting some carrier slashfic starring Gareth and Lorcan? I’ll… I’ll see what I can do.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #29901

    and now that I’ve typed Gar/Lor, well, one of you needs to explore that further.

    You’re… you’re requesting some carrier slashfic starring Gareth and Lorcan? I’ll… I’ll see what I can do.

    Didn’t you already write that series a few years ago?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #29903

    Didn’t you already write that series a few years ago?

    That series was about O’hara and Ogul, and it seems all copies got destroyed in the fire last year. Head over to Creative Central for the Gar/Lor story, it’s done!

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  • #30570

    Black holes may merge with light of a trillion suns, scientists say – Guardian

    A Black Hole Collided With Something That Shouldn’t Exist Gizmododo

    Collision between black hole and “mysterious object” puzzles astronomers – CBS News

    Two Black Holes Colliding Not Enough? Make It Three – NY Times
    Astronomers claim to have seen a flash from the merger of two black holes within the maelstrom of a third, far bigger one

    An artist’s concept of a supermassive black hole and its surrounding disk of gas, and two smaller black holes embedded in that disk and orbiting each other.Credit…R. Hurt/IPAC/Caltech

    In an announcement on Thursday, astronomers described the detection of an epistemological marvel: an invisible collision of invisible objects — black holes — had become briefly visible. The story goes like this:

    Long, long ago, about 4 billion years before now and in a faraway galaxy, a pair of black holes collided. Typically such an event would leave no visible trace, just a shuddering of space-time — gravitational waves — and a bigger black hole. (Black holes emit no light.)

    But these black holes were part of a swirl of star parts, gas and dust surrounding a third, gigantic black hole, a supermassive black hole 100 million times more massive than the sun. As a result, the merging pair generated a shock wave of heat and light that allowed the collision to be seen as well as heard.

    That is the explanation being offered by a group of astronomers, led by Matthew Graham of the California Institute of Technology, for a curious flash of light they recorded last year. Their conclusion, announced on Thursday, was laid out in a paper in Physical Review Letters.

    If the result holds up, it would mark the first time that colliding black holes have produced light as well as gravitational waves. “We have seen a visible signal from a previously invisible part of the universe,” Dr. Graham said.

    “It means we can see them and hear them at the same time,” K. E. Saavik Ford, of the American Museum of Natural History and the City University of New York and an author of the new study, said about the black holes. She called the whole event “super exciting.”

    The work, the researchers say, could lead to new insights into how, when and where black holes merge into ever bigger monsters that weigh millions or billions of suns and dominate the centers of galaxies. It could also elucidate the conditions inside the crackling turnstile of fire and fury through which matter passes on its way to black-hole doom.

    Two black holes colliding while in the whirling grip of another? “Astrophysics probably doesn’t get more exciting than that.” Dr. Graham said.

    Black holes are objects predicted by Albert Einstein to be so dense that not even light can escape them. Most of the black holes that astronomers know about are the corpses of massive stars that have died and collapsed catastrophically into nothing; the dark remnants are a few times as massive as the sun. But galaxies harbor black holes millions or billions of more massive than that. How black holes can grow so big is an abiding mystery of astronomy.

    In 2016, scientists for the first time detected the collision of two distant black holes, using the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO, a pair of L-shaped antennas in Hanford, Wash., and Livingston, La. Since then LIGO and a third antenna, Virgo, located in Italy, together have charted dozens of similar catastrophic marriages out there in the dark. But astronomers have yet to see any trace of light from them. (One exception was a collision of neutron stars, the remnants of supernova explosions, that lit up the universe and was detected in August 2017)

    On May 21, 2019, an alert went out to the world’s astronomers that the LIGO and Virgo antennas had recorded what looked like two black holes colliding. Among the telescopes on duty that night was the Zwicky Transient Facility, a robotic instrument on Palomar Mountain in California, which monitors the deep sky for anything that flares, blinks, explodes or moves. It is named after Fritz Zwicky, an innovative and eccentric Swiss astronomer who worked at Caltech.

    Dr. Graham, the project scientist for the Zwicky telescope, and his colleagues had been mulling the possibility that black hole mergers might be happening in the dense, sparky accretion disks of supermassive black holes, which are the central engines for quasars. The team began monitoring quasars in the those regions for unusual activity.

    The trail from the May gravitational wave event led to a quasar known as J124942.3+344929, located about 4 billion light years from Earth. Examining records from the Zwicky telescope, Dr. Graham discovered that the quasar had flared, doubling in brightness for about a month — an uncharacteristically large fluctuation. That marked it as a possible black hole collision, he said.

    Bolstering that hypothesis was the fact that the flare did not become visible until 34 days after the gravitational waves were detected. It would take about that long for any light from a black hole collision to emerge from such a thick disk of gas, according to a model that Dr. Ford and Barry McKernan, her colleague at the American Museum of Natural History, described in a paper last year.

    Dr. Ford described the accretion disk as “ a swarm of stars and dead stars, including black holes,” in a Caltech news release.

    She added, “These objects swarm like angry bees around the monstrous queen bee at the center. They can briefly find gravitational partners and pair up but usually lose their partners quickly to the mad dance. But in a supermassive black hole’s disk, the flowing gas converts the mosh pit of the swarm to a classical minuet, organizing the black holes so they can pair up.”

    The result, she said, can be a frenzy of black holes combining and recombining into bigger and bigger cosmic graves. This, she said, is what might have caused the signal that was detected in May 2019.

    That could explain how the black holes in this collision grew so big, she said. The black hole that emerged from this collision and left a fiery trail through the accretion disk was at least 100 times as massive as the sun. But 50 solar masses is the weight limit for black holes formed directly from dead stars, meaning that the two holes that collided last May were right at the limit and probably even bigger. So they didn’t result directly from a stellar collapse, she said. Rather, they probably formed through a series of ever-larger mergers.

    The collision heard by LIGO and Virgo might have been only the end of a chain reaction of black holes mating. “This is the tip of the iceberg,” Dr. Ford said.

    In the story that Dr. Graham and his team patched together, the black holes were spinning, which caused a recoil that shot the merged result almost straight up and eventually out of the accretion disk at 120 miles per second, at which point the flare stopped. If the explanation is accurate, the black hole should fall back into the accretion disk at the same speed in a few months or a year, generating another flare. “We’ll be looking for that,” Dr. Graham said.

    The supermassive black hole at the center of all this is about 100 million times the mass of the sun. It remained unperturbed by all the fuss around it, but could eventually eat the smaller black hole that set off this flare and everything else nearby, but not anytime soon, astronomers say.

    Scientists associated with the LIGO and Virgo arrays have not yet published their own analysis of the collision’s gravitational wave signal. Officially it is still a “candidate” event, and they have declined to comment on Dr. Graham’s paper, pending publication of their own.

    In the interim, Dr. Ford said, her team has an opportunity predict what the LIGO analysis will show: among other things, that the combined masses of the black holes was 100 solar masses; that the two were spinning rapidly; and, even the recoil velocity of the resultant black hole.

    “We were trying to beat them,” Dr. Ford said. “We wanted to make a prediction. We wanted to put our heads on the chopping block and see where the ax falls.”

    “Which is great,” added Dr. Graham. “It’s a better way of doing science.”

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  • #30686

    Hubble telescope spots a flapping bat signal in space

    Yes, it’s flapping its wings!

    The Hubble Space Telescope spotted a bat signal out in the cosmos, 1,300 light-years from home. And the bat? It’s flapping its wings.

    In new observations released Thursday (June 25), Hubble has captured the young star HBC 672, nicknamed Bat Shadow. The far-off star, which lies in the Serpens Nebula, got its moniker because it sports a wing-like shadowy feature, which happens to be so large, it stretches out about 200 times the diameter of our entire solar system. The star has a planet-forming disk surrounding it that casts this wing-shaped shadow across the cloudy star-forming region.

    But, while the bat-like feature might seem subtle (and might even take you a few minutes to spot), with these new images it is more apparent as you can see the structure’s “wings” “flapping.” That’s right, much to the surprise of the team observing the star, Bat Shadow “flaps.” In a new study, researchers led by Klaus Pontoppidan, an astronomer at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) in Baltimore, Maryland, observed the star using Hubble and noticed this shadow “flapping.”

    In this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and released June 25, 2020, you can see the star nicknamed “Bat Shadow” for the flapping, bat-shaped shadow feature it has.

    More in link…

    6 exomoons orbiting alien worlds? Well, it’s complicated.

    An artist’s depiction of a moon orbiting an exoplanet.

    Scientists have spotted thousands of worlds in other solar systems, so many that exoplanets have become a dime a dozen. But in our neighborhood, three quarters of planets have at least one moon, and no such object in other systems has been confidently discovered so far — such worlds are just too small and far away.

    Now, a new paper points to six exoplanets where wobbles in their data may be caused by exomoons. But that doesn’t necessarily guarantee the presence of such moons, and there’s no way right now for scientists to determine the real details of the situation. Those are big challenges for any research to overcome.

    “We can say these six new systems are completely consistent with exomoons,” lead author Chris Fox, a doctoral candidate at Western University in Canada, said in a statement. “But we don’t have the technology to confirm them by imaging them directly. That will have to wait for further advancements.”

    But exomoons are tantalizing enough that scientists don’t want to simply wait around, Alex Teachey, a doctoral candidate at Columbia University who specializes in exomoons, told via email.

    “We think finding moons could yield a variety of insights about the formation and evolution of other planetary systems, help contextualize our own solar system (how common or uncommon we are) and are potentially attractive places to look for life elsewhere in the galaxy.”

    That said, the approach in the new study may not be the best way to hunt for exomoons, Teachey said. The researchers pored over data gathered by NASA’s now-retired Kepler Space Telescope, which has identified many of the more than 4,000 exoplanets scientists know of to date.

    More in link…

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  • #30718

    In this image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope and released June 25, 2020, you can see the star nicknamed “Bat Shadow” for the flapping, bat-shaped shadow feature it has.

    Been staring at it for a few minutes. No idea which one it’s supposed to be. Pareidolia kicking in hard.

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  • #30745

    It’s this one.


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  • #31533

    This new, super-accurate way to pinpoint our solar system’s center may help spot monster black hole crashes

    The technique could aid the hunt for galaxy-warping gravitational waves

    The NANOGrav project is attempting to detect gravitational waves via the close observation of an array of pulsars

    Astronomers have found a way to pinpoint our solar system’s center of mass to within a mere 330 feet (100 meters), a recent study reports.

    Such precision — equivalent to the width of a human hair on the scale of a football field — could substantially aid the search for powerful gravitational waves that warp our Milky Way galaxy, study team members said.

    Astronomers have typically located our solar system’s center of mass, or barycenter, by carefully tracking the movement of the planets and other bodies orbiting the sun. Such work has revealed that the barycenter is in constant motion; it can lie near the center of the sun, just beyond its scorching surface or pretty much anywhere in between, depending on the positions of the planets.

    But these previous calculations are compromised by an imperfect understanding of planetary motion, specifically that of Jupiter, which is the solar system’s gravitational second-in-command. In the recent study, researchers took a new approach, analyzing observations of pulsars made over more than a decade by the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) project.

    Pulsars are rapidly spinning neutron stars, superdense stellar corpses that pack a whole lot of mass into a sphere about the size of a city. Pulsars emit beams of radiation continuously from their poles. These beams appear to pulse (hence the name) because astronomers can only detect the radiation when it points at Earth.

    NANOGrav closely monitors pulsars using radio telescopes, chiefly the big ones at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico and the Green Bank Observatory in West Virginia. Pulsars are incredibly consistent, so any deviation in the usual timing of their beams’ arrival here on Earth could be evidence of warping by gravitational waves, the space-time ripples first predicted by Albert Einstein a century ago.

    The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) project made the first-ever direct detection of gravitational waves in 2015 and has added to its tally considerably in the ensuing years. Most of the detected ripples were generated by merging black holes, but two of the events involved colliding neutron stars.

    In general, LIGO is designed to find short-period gravitational waves spawned by relatively low-mass objects spiraling toward each other. An April 2019 detection, for example, was traced to two neutron stars that together harbored just 3.4 times the mass of our sun.

    NANOGrav is after bigger fish: long-period waves generated by merging supermassive black holes, the light-gobbling monsters that lurk at the heart of galaxies and can contain billions of solar masses. Detecting and studying such waves could shed considerable light on galaxy evolution and the relationship between galaxies and their central black holes, project team members have said.

    And nailing down our solar system’s center of mass is a key part of that effort.

    “Using the pulsars we observe across the Milky Way galaxy, we are trying to be like a spider sitting in stillness in the middle of her web,” study co-author Stephen Taylor, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, said in a statement. “How well we understand the solar system barycenter is critical as we attempt to sense even the smallest tingle to the web.”

    So the recent study, which was published in April in The Astrophysical Journal, may end up being a step along the path toward a groundbreaking discovery.

    “Our precise observation of pulsars scattered across the galaxy has localized ourselves in the cosmos better than we ever could before,” Taylor said. “By finding gravitational waves this way, in addition to other experiments, we gain a more holistic overview of all different kinds of black holes in the universe.”

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  • #31534

    Giant star pulls off vanishing act. Did it become a black hole or was it all an illusion?

    An unstable massive star has suddenly vanished from view, and astronomers aren’t sure if it collapsed into a black hole or is playing peek-a-boo behind galactic dust.

    The star was too far away to spot on its own, but it showed up in the spectrum, or light signature, of the Kinman Dwarf galaxy, which is some 75 million light-years away from Earth. The spectrum showed that the distant galaxy contained a late-stage blue variable star that is 2.5 million times brighter than the sun. Stars of this type are known to be temperamental, with dramatic shifts in their spectra and luminosity (inherent brightness).

    An artist’s depiction of what the bright blue variable star in the galaxy Kinman Dwarf might have looked like before its sudden disappearance.

    The blue variable star’s signature appeared in observations gathered between 2001 and 2011. The European Southern Observatory’s (ESO’s) Very Large Telescope, however, couldn’t find the star during two separate observing sessions in 2019 with different spectrograph devices. Those instruments included the Echelle Spectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic Observations (ESPRESSO) and the X-shooter.

    What’s more, the Kinman Dwarf showed no signs of a supernova, or star explosion, during the intervening years — leading the team to speculate the star may have collapsed directly into a black hole, instead of going supernova first.

    “We were surprised to find out that the star had disappeared,” lead researcher Andrew Allan, a Ph.D. student at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland, said in an ESO statement. If the star has indeed gone directly from being a star to being a black hole, Allan added, “this would be the first direct detection of such a monster star ending its life in this manner.”

    To learn more, the team analyzed older data collected by X-shooter and VLT’s Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph between 2002 and 2009. (ESPRESSO was only installed in 2016). Other telescopes were also used for the historical study; between VLT’s spectrographs and these other observatories, astronomers easily confirmed the presence of the now-missing star in the older observations.

    The archival search also revealed new information. The star, the old data suggested, may have been performing a strong outburst that finished sometime after scientists’ last observation in 2011. The outburst would have produced a large rate of mass loss and would have caused the star’s luminosity to temporarily spike.

    A Hubble Space Telescope image of the Kinman Dwarf galaxy.

    It’s what happened after this outburst that has astronomers puzzled. If the star did indeed collapse into a black hole, this is an unusual life path for a late-stage blue star like the one in the Kinman Dwarf. Usually, the sequence would see the star exploding into a supernova first, before the strong gravity from the event pulls it into a black hole.

    One potential explanation, the astronomers think, is that perhaps the star lost so much mass that it became less luminous and is now partly hidden by dust in the galaxy.

    The astronomers plan to follow up on their work with a more powerful observatory, when it is ready. ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope will have a single 127-foot (39 meters) mirror, compared with the VLT’s combined aperture of 107-foot (32 m) mirror across four telescopes. That would make it large enough to spot individual stars in distant galaxies like the Kinman Dwarf. The new telescope is scheduled to see first light in 2025.

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  • #31535

    Cosmic ‘fireworks’ shine in baby star cluster and distant galaxy

    An animation shows a background infrared image captured by the Hubble Space Telescope with a purple burst above showing gas in the cluster speeding toward the sun.

    A high-powered telescope array has caught the brilliant fireworks-like “streamers” of gas formed during an early stage of star development in a giant cluster.

    That process may take a million years to complete, according to scientists who captured a new look at the star cluster formally known as G286.21+0.17. To image the star cluster in all its glory, the astronomers used two different instruments: the Hubble Space Telescope, which provided a look at the existing stars in the cluster, and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, which provided a look at the gas falling inward to form future stars.

    “This illustrates how dynamic and chaotic the process of star birth is,” co-author Jonathan Tan of Chalmers University in Sweden and the University of Virginia, said in a statement. “We see competing forces in action: gravity and turbulence from the cloud on one side, and stellar winds and radiation pressure from the young stars on the other.”

    “This process sculpts the region,” Tan said in the statement. “It is amazing to think that our own sun and planets were once part of such a cosmic dance.”

    The gas in that dance is colored based on how quickly it is moving with regard to our sun. (That said, the cluster is about 8,000 light-years away from Earth.) Pinker purples represent more slowly moving gas, while bluer purples represent faster moving gas. Scientists combined more than 750 different photographs from ALMA to create the final picture of the gas.

    An image of the star cluster G286.21+0.17 includes more than 750 photos captured by ALMA, plus nine images from the Hubble Space Telescope.

    That gas is falling into the cluster thanks to the work of gravity, and once it fully collapses, it will become the stuff new stars are made of. But it’s a slow process unfolding in a large system: the researchers suspect it will take about a million years before the cluster finishes developing.

    The research is described in two recent papers published in The Astrophysical Journal.

    While astronomers enjoy the fireworks in star cluster G286.21+0.17, another team of astronomers dug up some celestial pyrotechnics of their own.

    The spiral galaxy NGC 925 reveals cosmic pyrotechnics in its spiral arms where bursts of star formation are taking place in the red, glowing clouds scattered throughout it.

    Astronomers with the Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory in Arizona, part of the National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab, looked into their archives to find this image of cosmic fireworks in the galaxy NGC 925.

    “If you’re looking for fireworks for the US celebration of the Fourth of July, then look no further than the world of astronomy,” researchers wrote in a statement. “The cosmic firework at the center of this image, the spiral galaxy NGC 925, resembles a vast pinwheel, with a bright central bar and swirling spiral arms. The red bursts strewn throughout NGC 925 are eruptions of star formation, which can be traced by observing conspicuous hydrogen-alpha emission.”

    NGC 925 is about 20 million light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Triangulum (The Triangle).

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  • #32587

    Edit: maybe without a link…

    4 mysterious objects spotted in deep space are unlike anything ever seen

    The Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder was used to scan the skies for radio waves.

    There’s something unusual lurking out in the depths of space: Astronomers have discovered four faint objects that at radio wavelengths are highly circular and brighter along their edges. And they’re unlike any class of astronomical object ever seen before.

    The objects, which look like distant ring-shaped islands, have been dubbed odd radio circles, or ORCs, for their shape and overall peculiarity. Astronomers don’t yet know exactly how far away these ORCs are, but they could be linked to distant galaxies. All objects were found away from the Milky Way’s galactic plane and are around 1 arcminute across (for comparison, the moon’s diameter is 31 arcminutes).

    In a new paper detailing the discovery, the astronomers offer several possible explanations, but none quite fits the bill for all four new ORCs. After ruling out objects like supernovas, star-forming galaxies, planetary nebulas and gravitational lensing — a magnifying effect due to the bending of space-time by nearby massive objects — among other things, the astronomers speculate that the objects could be shockwaves leftover from some extragalactic event or possibly activity from a radio galaxy.

    “[The objects] may well point to a new phenomenon that we haven’t really probed yet,” said Kristine Spekkens, astronomer at the Royal Military College of Canada and Queen’s University, who was not involved with the new study. “It may also be that these are an extension of a previously known class of objects that we haven’t been able to explore.”

    Spekkens added that the objects could also be caused by different phenomena. All four ORCs are bright at radio wavelengths but invisible in visible, infrared and X-ray light. But two of the ORCs have galaxies at their center that can be seen at visible wavelengths, which suggests that these objects might have been formed by those galaxies . Two ORCs also appear to be very close together, meaning their origins could be linked.

    Astronomers spotted three of the objects while mapping the night sky in radio frequencies, part of a pilot survey for a new project called the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU). The EMU pilot used the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder, or ASKAP, from July to November in 2019. This radio telescope array uses 36 dish antennas, which work together to observe a wide-angle view of the night sky. They found the fourth ORC in archival data collected by the Giant MetreWave Radio Telescope in India. This helped the astronomers to confirm the objects as real, rather than some anomaly caused by issues with the ASKAP telescope or the way in which the data was analyzed.

    With only four of these peculiar objects discovered so far, the astronomers can’t yet tease out the true nature of these structures. But the EMU survey is just beginning, and astronomers expect it to reveal more unusual objects.

    By combining an ability to see faint radio objects with a wide gaze, the survey is uniquely positioned to find new objects. EMU scientists have predicted the project will find about 70 million new radio objects —– expanding the current catalog of some 2.5 million.

    “This is a really nice indication of the shape of things to come in radio astronomy in the next couple of years,” Spekkens told Live Science. “History shows us that when we open up a new [avenue of looking at] space to explore … we always find new and exciting things.”

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  • #33070

    ‘Partial supernova’ blasts white dwarf star across the Milky Way

    The material ejected by the supernova will initially expand very rapidly, but then gradually slow down, forming an intricate giant bubble of hot glowing gas. Eventually, the charred remains of the white dwarf that exploded will overtake these gaseous layers, and speed out onto its journey across the galaxy.

    A strange white dwarf star hurtling through the Milky Way may be the survivor of a “partial supernova,” a new study finds.

    White dwarfs are the cool, dim Earth-size cores of dead stars that are left behind after average-size stars have exhausted their fuel and shed their outer layers. Our sun will one day become a white dwarf, as will more than 90% of the stars in the Milky Way.

    Previous research found that white dwarfs usually have internal structures arranged in layers. Their cores are mostly carbon and oxygen, which is usually surrounded by a layer of helium and then a layer of hydrogen. Astronomers examining white dwarfs usually see just hydrogen, just helium or sometimes a mix of helium and carbon (although there are exceptions that hint at unusual pasts.)

    In a new study, scientists zeroed in on the white dwarf SDSS J1240+6710, located about 1,430 light-years from Earth. Discovered in 2015, prior work found this white dwarf had an unusual atmosphere that seemed to possess neither hydrogen or helium, but instead was composed of a weird mix of oxygen, neon, magnesium and silicon.

    Researchers in this new study used the Hubble Space Telescope to take a closer look at the white dwarf and they identified carbon, sodium and aluminum in the object’s atmosphere. This mix sets this white dwarf apart from any other previously known, they said.

    In this study, the scientists also found that the white dwarf was traveling about 560,000 miles per hour (900,000 kilometers per hour) in the opposite direction of the way the galaxy is rotating. Moreover, it had an especially low mass for a white dwarf — only about 40% the mass of our sun.

    “When we found this unusual white dwarf was really low in mass and really moving fast, that really triggered my curiosity into what happened to it in its past,” study lead author Boris Gänsicke, an astrophysicist at the University of Warwick in England, told

    What might explain all these strange details about this white dwarf? The researchers in this study think that a thermonuclear explosion didn’t completely destroy the white dwarf but, rather, a “partial supernova” blasted what remained of the object across the Milky Way.

    Supernovas are the most powerful star explosions in the universe, bright enough to momentarily outshine entire galaxies. They can occur when a white dwarf dies from siphoning off too much mass from a companion star. All the extra weight from the stolen mass squeezes the white dwarf’s core, which drives the core’s temperature and density high enough to set off a thermonuclear chain reaction that explosively obliterates the white dwarf.

    In the case of SDSS J1240+6710, the scientists noted the elements seen in the white dwarf’s atmosphere could have all been produced in the first thermonuclear reactions of a supernova. However, there is a clear absence of what is known as the iron group of elements — iron, nickel, chromium and manganese.

    These heavier elements are normally cooked up from lighter elements, and their absence in this white dwarf suggests it only went part of the way through a supernova, failing to reach the high temperatures and densities needed to forge iron-group elements.

    “That’s what makes this white dwarf unique — it did undergo nuclear burning, but stopped before it got to iron,” Gänsicke said. “When it had its supernova event, it was likely just brief, maybe a couple of hours.”

    The researchers suggested that SDSS J1240+6710 was small compared to white dwarfs that normally undergo thermonuclear supernovas. As such, only a miniature supernova may have occurred, a type Iax, a partial supernova weak enough to leave behind most of a white dwarf.

    “In the old days, researchers would have thought a thermonuclear supernova would destroy a white dwarf entirely, but in the past 10 or 15 years, scientists have found it’s possible that a partial supernova could happen that leaves part of the white dwarf behind, burned and charred,” Gänsicke said. “The explosion isn’t powerful enough to totally disrupt the star.”

    This explosion would have blasted SDSS J1240+6710 away from its companion, ripping matter off the small white dwarf and hurling it through deep space at the speed at which it orbited its partner, Gänsicke said. This scenario would help to explain the white dwarf’s speed, puny size and bizarre atmosphere.

    Based on SDSS J1240+6710’s mass and temperature, the scientists estimated this partial supernova occurred about 40 million years ago. Much remains unknown about the white dwarf’s companion, but the researchers think it could have been a white dwarf much like SDSS J1240+6710.

    Previous research into the origins of thermonuclear supernovas largely focused on larger white dwarfs. Now that this new study suggests that smaller white dwarfs can undergo similar explosions, future models could explore how these outbursts and their subsequent remnants might look, Gänsicke said.

    “Thanks to the Gaia space mission, which was able to identify more than 50,000 white dwarf candidates, we can examine these white dwarfs to get a much better idea of what happens during these types of partial supernovas, such as what are the products of burning,” Gänsicke said. “Hopefully we’ll be able to identify a few dozen similar systems. We can start to go from one weird outlier to a small class of systems.”

    Future research could also explore whether astronomers may have already detected the brief dim flashes of light Gänsicke and his colleagues suspect are linked with this kind of strange white dwarf.

    “It will be interesting to see if they will be able to find these very short supernova-like events that likely were just dismissed until now because they didn’t look like supernovae,” Gänsicke said. “Since they were so short, the chances were very slim to catch one, and there was very little time to follow up on whether any such detection was real. But in principle, the data suggesting these events are real exists somewhere.”

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  • #33071

    The moon is 85 million years younger than previously thought

    This visualization shows the moon being formed from a collision, which, according to a new study, happened more recently than scientists previously thought.

    It turns out the moon is a little younger than scientists previously thought — about 85 million years younger, to be precise.

    In a new study, researchers at the German Aerospace Center found out that, not only did the moon once have a massive, fiery magma ocean, but our rocky satellite also formed later than scientists previously expected.

    Billions of years ago, a Mars-size protoplanet smashed into the young Earth and, amid the debris and cosmic rubble, a new rocky body formed — our moon. In this new work, the researchers reconstructed the timeline of the moon’s formation. While scientists have previously thought that this moon-forming collision happened 4.51 billion years ago, the new work pegged the moon’s birth at only 4.425 billion years ago.

    To determine this 85-million-year error in the moon’s age, the team used mathematical models to calculate the composition of the moon over time. Based on the idea that the moon was host to a massive magma ocean, the researchers calculated how the minerals that formed as the magma cooled solidified changed over time. By following the timeline of the magma ocean, the scientists were able to trace their way back to the moon’s formation.

    “By comparing the measured composition of the moon’s rocks with the predicted composition of the magma ocean from our model, we were able to trace the evolution of the ocean back to its starting point, the time at which the moon was formed,” study co-author Sabrina Schwinger, a researcher at the German Aerospace Center, said in a statement.

    These findings, which show that the moon formed 4.425 billion years ago (give or take 25 million years), agree with previous research that aligned the moon’s formation with the formation of Earth’s metallic core, according to the statement.

    “This is the first time that the age of the moon can be directly linked to an event that occurred at the very end of the Earth’s formation, namely the formation of the core,” Thorsten Kleine, a professor at the Institute of Planetology at the University of Münster in Germany, said in the same statement.

    These findings were described in a new study published on July 10 in the journal Science Advances.


    Earth’s moon had a magma ocean for 200 million years

    A new study finds that the molten rock was around for much longer than scientists thought.

    Earth’s moon was once so hot that its mantle was completed molten into magma.

    Earth’s newborn moon may have possessed an ocean of magma for 200 million years, much longer than scientists thought, a new study finds.

    These new findings may shed light on the formation of Earth and the rest of the solar system, researchers said.

    Scientists think Earth arose about 4.5 billion years ago, with the moon born a short time later. The leading explanation for the moon’s origin is that it resulted from the collision of two protoplanets, or embryonic worlds. One of those was the nascent Earth, and the other was a Mars-size object called Theia.

    “An important outcome of this scenario is that the early moon, which accreted from the debris of this giant impact, was very hot — hot enough for its rocky mantle to be largely molten and form what we call a magma ocean,” study lead author Maxime Maurice, a planetary scientist at the German Aerospace Center in Berlin, told

    Previous research found evidence for such a magma ocean on the early moon in the composition of the lunar crust, which is best explained as the floating residue of molten rock that crystallized under lunar conditions, Maurice explained.

    “While the idea of a primordial magma ocean on the moon is largely accepted, the time it took to solidify was not very clear,” Maurice said. “Previous models suggested it was fairly rapid — some tens of millions of years.”

    In the new study, the researchers developed a model for the solidification of the ancient lunar magma ocean that “considers the influence of many processes occurring back then, some of them disregarded until now,” Maurice said. One such process was mantle convection — the way eddies can form and churn in solid mantle, “which, on the Earth, causes volcanism,” he said.

    All in all, they found the lunar magma ocean may have solidified over the course of 150 million to 200 million years, lasting about 10 times longer than previously thought. They also estimated the moon formed between 4.4 billion and 4.45 billion years ago, which is 50 million to 100 million years later than previously considered, Maurice said. This age closely matches that of Earth’s core.

    “There is a strong link between the moon-forming event and the formation of the Earth’s core, because the giant impact likely resulted in large scale melting in the Earth’s mantle, which significantly helped the formation of the core,” Maurice said.

    If the moon is as old as the new model estimates, that suggests the era of giant collisions such as the one that gave birth to the moon, which marked the last stage of planetary formation, was still active about 150 million years after the birth of the solar system, Maurice said.

    The scientists detailed their findings online July 10 in the journal Science Advances.

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  • #33227

    The mystery of a black hole’s disappearing (and reappearing) meal may be solved

    The hungry black hole’s feast may have been interrupted by a passing star

    On the left, a typical feeding black hole as a star falls prey to the massive object and, on the right, the briefly dimmed black hole state prompted by that star disrupting the black hole’s accretion disk.

    Usually, a black hole’s corona periodically brightens or dims, say, 100 times over, depending on the black hole’s food supply. That’s a far cry from what the black hole corona in this particular galaxy did. Over the course of 40 days, scientists managed to watch it dim by a factor of 10,000; then, over more than three months, the corona brightened again, to 20 times more powerful than it had been at the beginning of the event.

    Once the scientists confirmed that the confusing data was real, not a mistake, they had to figure out what might be causing the strange fluctuation.

    Now, the researchers suspect that the black hole shredded a passing star, inadvertently flinging debris at its own feeding disk. That debris could have dissipated some of the gases, leaving the black hole briefly hungry before gas coalesced again, letting the object resume its feast.

    But that scenario isn’t necessarily the correct explanation, according to the researchers. “This dataset has a lot of puzzles in it,” Erin Kara, an astrophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a coauthor of the new study, said in the same statement. “But that’s exciting, because it means we’re learning something new about the universe. We think the star hypothesis is a good one, but I also think we’re going to be analyzing this event for a long time.”

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  • #33228

    Origin of ‘Mirach’s Ghost’ perplexes black hole scientists

    There are two ways to build a supermassive black hole. But neither of them makes much sense

    On the left is Mirach’s Ghost as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. On the right, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) data reveals unprecedented detail of swirling gas in the same region.

    About 10 million light-years from Earth, a blurry galaxy named Mirach’s Ghost may help unravel a dark mystery: where the largest black holes in the universe came from. But this ghostly galaxy has also deepened the mystery surrounding these objects’ births.

    A black hole is a singularity, a region in space-time where matter has gotten too dense to sustain itself, and collapsed into a formless point. Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are cosmic monsters, often weighing billions of times the mass of our sun, as compared to the mass of heavy stars that form ordinary black holes. They sit at the centers of large galaxies, sucking up gas and whipping stars around with their immense gravities. There’s one at the center of the Milky Way and an even larger one at the center of the Virgo A galaxy that astronomers have photographed. But it’s still not clear how these mammoth objects formed.

    Physicists think there are two possibilities: Maybe SMBHs are ancient features of the universe, objects that directly collapsed out of the hot mass streaming through space after the Big Bang. Or perhaps they formed like every other black hole in the universe: as a result of the detonations of dying stars. If the latter explanation were correct, SMBHs would have started small and picked up additional mass over the course of eons by gobbling up dust and other stars.

    “The problem is that in either case most black holes have grown significantly since their birth, swallowing up clouds of gas and dust that swirl around them,” said Timothy Davis, an astrophysicist at Cardiff University in Wales. “This makes them heavier and makes it difficult to determine the mass they began their lives with.”

    So Davis and his colleagues went looking for the smallest SMBHs they could find.

    These small-supermassives, he told Live Science, “have not had the chance to consume large amounts of material in their past, [so in studying them we are] getting close to revealing how SMBHs must have looked when they were formed.”

    The researchers studied the SMBH at the center of the galaxy “Mirach’s Ghost” (so named because from Earth the galaxy looks like an apparition near the star Mirach), using a new technique to determine its mass.

    Relying on data from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, the researchers measured the speed of carbon monoxide gas as it swirled toward the SMBH at the center of the Mirach’s Ghost galaxy.

    “Just like water going around a plug-hole, this gas goes faster and faster as it approaches the black hole,” Davis said.

    That swirling is a product of the black hole’s mass, so the speed of the swirling — precisely measured — can tell researchers how much the black hole weighs. ALMA’s images, with a resolution of 1.5 light-years (very detailed for such a distant object), made that possible. This SMBH, they found, has a mass less than 1 million times that of our sun — a baby by SMBH standards. Based on estimates of how much it has grown since its birth, it likely weighed less than 500,000 times the mass of our sun when it was born, Davis said.

    That doesn’t prove either of the origin stories correct, the researchers found. But it does somewhat tip the balance against the direct collapse model, ruling out more extreme versions of direct collapse theory entirely. Some direct collapse theories don’t allow for SMBHs that small to form at all.

    Still, the origin of black holes is a mystery. One problem: Other observations have shown that very large SMBHs existed in their current form very soon after the Big Bang, which defies our assumptions about how quickly black holes can grow.

    “We know of two main ways to make SMBHs, and neither of these can make black holes of this size directly. Instead they must have been born smaller and grown to these prodigious sizes. This is really tricky to do, as there is a limit to how much a black hole can swallow in the time available since the universe was created,” Davis said. “Our work reinforces this problem. We have shown that whatever mechanism makes SMBHs allows them to have a mass less than 500,000 times the mass of our sun when they are born.”

    While that does tip the scales against the direct-collapse theory, neither theory offers good explanations of where such a small SMBH could have come from. The eventual answer will likely involve some significant modifications to one of the models physicists have right now.

    So now physicists know a bit more about what young SMBHs look like. But they still aren’t sure where they came from. The paper describing the black hole at the center of Mirach’s Ghost was published today (July 14) in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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  • #33255

    Finally had a crystal clear view of comet Neowise tonight.

    Look upwards if it’s visible in your side of the sky. If you miss it this time around you’ll have to wait 6800 years for its next flyby.


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  • #33454

    Pictures from space! Our image of the day

    A sparkling sea of galaxies

    July 20, 2020: A sparkling galaxy shines in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. The galaxy, known as PGC 29388, glimmers amidst a sea of more distant galaxies. It is a dwarf elliptical galaxy, named as such because it is “small” (relatively speaking) with “only” about 100 million to a few billion stars.

    Comet NEOWISE

    July 17, 2020: This images shows the twin tails of Comet NEOWISE, as they appeared on July 5. The image, created by processing data from the WISPR instrument on NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, shows a larger comet tail made up of dust and gas and a thin, upper ion tail. The comet came into view this month and skywatchers in the Northern Hemisphere have enjoyed observing the comet.

    How to see Comet NEOWISE in the evening sky now. It won’t be back for 6,800 years.

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  • #33704

    Multiplanet system around sunlike star photographed for 1st time ever

    The two newly imaged planets are huge — 14 and 6 times more massive than Jupiter

    For the first time ever, astronomers have directly imaged multiple planets orbiting a sunlike star.

    The European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile photographed two giant planets circling TYC 8998-760-1, a very young analogue of our own sun that lies about 300 light-years from Earth, a new study reports.

    “This discovery is a snapshot of an environment that is very similar to our solar system, but at a much earlier stage of its evolution,” study lead author Alexander Bohn, a doctoral student at Leiden University in the Netherlands, said in a statement.

    The two giant planets in the TYC 8998-760-1 system are visible as two bright dots in the center (TYC 8998-760-1b) and bottom right (TYC 8998-760-1c) of the frame, noted by arrows. Other bright dots, which are background stars, are visible in the image as well. By taking different images at different times, the team was able to distinguish the planets from the background stars. The image was captured by blocking the light from the young, sunlike star (top-left of center) using a coronagraph, which allows for the fainter planets to be detected. The bright and dark seen on the star’s image are optical artifacts.

    Before this historic cosmic portrait, only two multiplanet systems had ever been directly imaged, and neither of them features a sunlike star, study team members said. And snapping a photo of even a single exoplanet remains a rare achievement.

    “Even though astronomers have indirectly detected thousands of planets in our galaxy, only a tiny fraction of these exoplanets have been directly imaged,” study co-author Matthew Kenworthy, an associate professor at Leiden University, said in the same statement.

    Bohn, Kenworthy and their colleagues studied the 17-million-year-old star TYC 8998-760-1 with the VLT’s Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet Research instrument, or SPHERE for short. SPHERE uses a device called a coronagraph to block a star’s blinding light, allowing astronomers to see and study orbiting planets that would otherwise be lost in the glare.

    he newly reported SPHERE imagery revealed two planets in the system, TYC 8998-760-1b and TYC 8998-760-1c. Astronomers already knew about TYC 8998-760-1b — a team led by Bohn announced its discovery late last year — but TYC 8998-760-1c is a newfound world.

    The two planets are huge and farflung. TYC 8998-760-1b is about 14 times more massive than Jupiter and orbits at an average distance of 160 astronomical units (AU), and TYC 8998-760-1c is six times heftier than Jupiter and lies about 320 AU from the host star. (One AU is the average Earth-sun distance — about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers. For comparison: Jupiter and Saturn orbit our sun at just 5 AU and 10 AU, respectively.)

    It’s unclear whether the two worlds in TYC 8998-760-1 formed at their present locations or were pushed out there somehow. Further observations, including those made by huge future observatories such as the European Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), could help to solve that mystery, study team members said.

    Other questions remain about the TYC 8998-760-1 system as well. For example, do the two gas giants have company? Might several rocky planets circle relatively close to the star, as they do in our solar system?

    “The possibility that future instruments, such as those available on the ELT, will be able to detect even lower-mass planets around this star marks an important milestone in understanding multiplanet systems, with potential implications for the history of our own solar system,” Bohn said.

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  • #33705

    Space science is cool. Still, I’m getting an Eye of Sauron vibe from that image.

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  • #33706

    Mistaken identity? Researchers uncover true nature of monster black holes

    Over two dozen supermassive black holes have been uncovered.

    Over two dozen misidentified supermassive black holes have finally been revealed in a new, sky-scanning study.

    A team of researchers led by Erini Lambrides of Johns Hopkins University (JHU) in Baltimore, Maryland has spotted 28 supermassive black holes that have been masquerading as other cosmic objects using a host of telescopes including NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory, Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer Space Telescope. The team observed these black holes which lie 5 billion light-years or more away within the Chandra Deep Field-South (CDF-S), the deepest X-ray image ever taken.

    “With our new identifications we’ve found a bunch of heavily obscured black holes that had previously been missed,” Lambrides said in a statement. “We like to say we found these giant black holes, but they were really there all along.”

    This illustration (left) depicts a supermassive black hole shrouded by a dust and gas “cocoon.” Using X-ray imagery, as depicted in the X-ray image (right), scientists have uncovered 28 supermassive black holes.

    Scientists had already identified 67 growing black holes within this image, obscured by “cocoons” or surrounding envelopes of dust and gas. Now, with this new study, researchers have identified these 28 supermassive black holes, which were previously miscategorized as either slowly growing black holes with low-densities or without cocoons or distant galaxies, according to a statement.

    “This could be considered a case of mistaken black hole identity,” co-author Marco Chiaberge of Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, said in the statement. “But these black holes are exceptionally good at hiding exactly what they are.”

    With these new observations, these objects were found to actually be supermassive black holes, the largest type of black hole, which grow by pulling in surrounding material with their intense gravitational pull. Material sucked in by the black hole heats up and emits radiation in a wide variety of wavelengths, including X-rays — hence why X-ray telescopes are so helpful in observing these far-off objects.

    To come to this conclusion, Lambridges and her team compared their data with what is expected for a growing black hole and predicted the amount of X-rays they should expect from each object. They found a much lower level of X-rays than they anticipated from these 28 X-ray sources. This led them to find that the cocoon of gas and dust surrounding the objects is about 10 times denser than previously estimated.

    Taking this higher-density cocoon into account, the team was able to show how these black holes produce more X-rays than previously thought, as the cocoon stops a large amount of X-rays from escaping and being observed from Earth. As these cocoons feed growing black holes, finding that these cocoons are much denser than expected led the researchers to find that the black holes are growing quickly as they are fueled by these surrounding envelopes.

    This research is important because it supports theoretical models that estimate how many black holes are out in the universe, how fast they may be growing and what (like a cocoon of gas and dust) might be obscuring them and altering how they are seen out in the cosmos.

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  • #33846

    Behold! Saturn has no summertime blues in this amazing Hubble telescope photo

    The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of Saturn during its northern hemisphere summer on July 4, 2020

    Can’t get enough of summer? Saturn’s northern hemisphere is also in the throes of the season, and the Hubble Space Telescope has captured a stunning new photo of the ringed planet to celebrate.

    The photo is part of a long-running program called Outer Planets Atmospheres Legacy, through which each year, Hubble turns to monitor the weather on Saturn, Jupiter and other distant worlds. Since the last image, taken in 2019, the atmosphere of Saturn’s northern hemisphere has become slightly redder while its southern hemisphere has become slightly bluer.

    “It’s amazing that even over a few years, we’re seeing seasonal changes on Saturn,” lead investigator Amy Simon, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, said in a statement Thursday (July 24).

    Hubble captured the new image on July 4, when Saturn was about 839 million miles (1.35 billion kilometers) from Earth.

    The redder northern hemisphere likely stems from sunnier conditions accompanying the local summer, according to the statement. Increased sunlight could either heat the northern hemisphere a bit and interfere with local atmospheric composition or create haze.

    Hubble also spotted two of Saturn’s moons in the new image: on the right is Mimas, which sports one massive crater covering much of its surface, and to the bottom is icy Enceladus, one of scientists’ most intriguing targets to understand whether life exists elsewhere in our solar system.

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  • #33847

    NASA Jupiter probe images huge moon Ganymede like never before (photos)

    The data show that powerful radiation has transformed Ganymede’s polar regions

    These images the JIRAM instrument aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft took on Dec. 26, 2019, provide the first infrared mapping of Ganymede’s northern frontier. Frozen water molecules detected at both poles have no appreciable order to their arrangement and a different infrared signature than ice at the equator.

    NASA’s Juno Jupiter probe has captured unprecedented views of the largest moon in the solar system.

    During a close flyby of Jupiter on Dec. 26, 2019, Juno mapped the north polar regions of the icy satellite Ganymede in infrared light, something no other spacecraft had done before.

    The data, which Juno gathered using its Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) instrument, show that Ganymede’s northern reaches are very different than locales closer to the equator of the moon, which is bigger than the planet Mercury.

    The north pole of Ganymede can be seen in center of this annotated image taken by the JIRAM infrared imager aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft on Dec. 26, 2019. The thick line is 0 degrees longitude.

    “The JIRAM data show the ice at and surrounding Ganymede’s north pole has been modified by the precipitation of plasma,” Alessandro Mura, a Juno co-investigator at the National Institute for Astrophysics in Rome, said in a statement. “It is a phenomenon that we have been able to learn about for the first time with Juno because we are able to see the north pole in its entirety.”

    This plasma consists of charged particles from the sun, which have been trapped by Jupiter’s powerful magnetic field. Unlike any other moon, the 3,274-mile-wide (5,269 kilometers) Ganymede has a magnetic field of its own, which funnels the plasma toward its poles.

    A similar phenomenon occurs here on Earth, which explains why the auroras occur at high latitudes on our planet. But Ganymede has no atmosphere to obstruct and be lit up by these particles, so they slam hard into the ice at and around both poles.

    As a result, Ganymede’s polar ice has been pummeled into an amorphous state at the structural level. This battered ice has a different infrared signature than the highly ordered, crystalline ice at lower latitudes, mission team members said.

    The $1.1 billion Juno probe launched in August 2011 and arrived at Jupiter in July 2016, on a mission to help scientists better understand the giant planet’s composition, structure, formation and evolution.

    Juno loops around Jupiter in a highly elliptical orbit, gathering a variety of data during close passes that occur every 53.5 Earth days. During the December 2019 encounter, Ganymede’s north pole happened to be in Juno’s view. So the mission team reoriented the probe, allowing it to study the mysterious region with JIRAM and other instruments.

    Juno gathered about 300 infrared images, from a distance of roughly 62,000 miles (100,000 km). The images have a resolution of about 14 miles (23 km) per pixel, mission team members said.

    “These data are another example of the great science Juno is capable of when observing the moons of Jupiter,” Giuseppe Sindoni, program manager of the JIRAM instrument for the Italian Space Agency, said in the same statement.

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  • #34536

    How to see a cosmic ‘Coat Hanger’ rise with the little fox in the night sky

    The Coat Hanger asterism, also known as Collinder 399 or Brocchi’s Cluster, is located in the constellation of Vulpecula, the little fox.

    Sometimes looking up at a starlit sky can almost be like playing a game of “connect the dots.” Distinctive groupings of stars forming part of a recognized constellation outline, or lying within their boundaries, are known as asterisms, or star patterns.

    Ranging in apparent size from sprawling, naked-eye figures to minute stellar settings requiring a telescope to be seen, these celestial figures are found in every quarter of the sky and at all seasons of the year.

    The larger asterisms — ones like the Big Dipper in Ursa Major and the Great Square of Pegasus — are ironically often better known than their host constellations. Sagittarius can actually be considered to be three different star patterns in one: the “traditional” archer — a constellation, but also an asterism portraying an upside-down milk dipper, complete with a teapot, teaspoon and a lemon slice!.

    The constellation of Sagittarius, the archer contains several small asterisms, including the Teaspoon and the Milk Dipper, which is part of a larger asterism known as the Teapot.

    An excellent guide to the naked-eye asterisms is provided by William Tyler Olcott, R. Newton and Margaret Mayall’s “Field Book of the Skies” (G.P. Putnam’s Son, 1954), which points out many such objects on a constellation-by-constellation basis.

    Another useful reference is the “Field Guide to the Stars and Planets” by Donald Howard Menzel (Houghton Mifflin, 1964). This contains a roster of more than two dozen asterisms (including the Pleiades, Hyades and Beehive star clusters), together with wide-angled sky photos showing many of them.

    Size matters … the smaller, the better

    With asterisms, it seems the smaller they are the more stunning their visual impact upon the observer. This is especially true of those encountered while sweeping the sky with large-aperture binoculars and wide-field telescopes, many of which have surprising (and in some cases downright unbelievable) shapes. Among these are chains, loops, and arcs of stars, triangles, circles, squares and arrows, and even some that look like letters, numbers and other familiar terrestrial objects.

    Despite their endless charm and variety, these small asterisms are totally overlooked by nearly all observing guidebooks and are little-known to most stargazers. The sky is literally studded with uncatalogued specimens, particularly in and near the Milky Way itself.

    There is perhaps no more striking example of this type of asterism than one now well placed for evening viewing in the otherwise faint constellation of Vulpecula, the little fox, a constellation resembling not a fox, but a cowboy boot, another asterism. The Vulpecula constellation contains a small asterism called Collinder 399, or “Brocchi’s cluster,” but more popularly known as the “Coat Hanger.”

    The Coat Hanger asterism is located in the constellation of Vulpecula, the little fox, near the constellation of Aquila, the eagle.

    To find it, locate the famous “Summer Triangle” — an asterism in its own right — formed by the brightest stars of three constellations: Vega in Lyra, the lyre; Altair in Aquila, the eagle; and Deneb in Cygnus, the swan. Of the three, Altair is the easiest to identify because it is flanked by a fainter star on either side of it. The star to the upper right of Altair is Tarazed, while the star to the lower left is Alshain. Use these three stars to point your way toward the Coat Hanger; they measure just shy of 5 degrees apart.

    Now, an imaginary line directed upward through these three stars, for approximately twice the distance (10 degrees) between them will point directly at the Coat Hanger, projected against the glittering backdrop of the summer Milky Way.

    Using just your eyes, this unusual asterism appears as nothing more than a blur of light involving the stars 4, 5 and 7 Vulpeculae arranged in the shape of a tight triangle. Binoculars, however, dramatically transform this group into an amazing sight: a chain composed of four sixth-magnitude and two seventh-magnitude stars strung out in a line and joined at its center by a conspicuous loop of four stars, together forming an inverted coat hanger in the sky!

    The Coat Hanger asterism consists of 10 stars: four sixth-magnitude and two seventh-magnitude stars strung out in a line and joined at its center by a conspicuous loop of four stars.

    Celestial tribute to my aunt

    I can still remember when I was a sophomore in high school, spending a few days in mid-August at my aunt and uncle’s house in Mahopac, New York, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) north of New York City. Back then, light pollution was much less of a factor than it is now and the night skies were very dark. In between watching for Perseid meteors I spent time with binoculars scanning up and down the Milky Way. That’s when I stumbled across the Coat Hanger. I was quite amazed because none of the astronomy books or guides that I had read made any mention of it.

    Initially, I did not identify it as an upside-down coat hanger. Instead, I thought the chain of stars and adjacent loop resembled a ladle, so I named it “Irma’s ladle” in honor of my aunt. It wasn’t until later, after doing some research that I discovered that during the 1920s that the well-known variable star observer, Dalmero Francis Brocchi (1871-1955), a resident of Seattle, designed a star chart depicting the region of the sky around Vulpecula, revealing this cluster. Hence in some circles, the cluster is named for him. In Collinder’s star catalogue, which was drawn-up in 1931, it is cluster No. 399, thus its “official” designation, Collinder 399.

    And yet as I mentioned earlier, Brocchi’s Cluster is never mentioned in most astronomy books, but it is the brightest of all the star clusters in that part of the sky. Nonetheless, whenever I look at it, I still think of that warm summer night many years ago when I first saw it and named it for my Aunt Irma.

    The sight of this remarkable star cluster may well move you to seek out similar stellar curiosities. Why not leisurely scan the sky some night with binoculars and take note of any unusual star patterns you might run across? Such a compilation might end up being of some interest to other observers. Who knows? You just might turn up some overlooked asterism even more striking than the Coat Hanger itself!

    Joe Rao serves as an instructor and guest lecturer at New York’s Hayden Planetarium. He writes about astronomy for Natural History magazine, the Farmers’ Almanac and other publications.

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  • #35258

    Is our solar system shaped like a deflated croissant?

    Most scientists thought it would be comet-shaped.

    An updated model suggests the shape of the sun’s bubble of influence, the heliosphere (seen in yellow), may be a deflated croissant shape, rather than the long-tailed comet shape suggested by other research.

    Our solar system’s protective bubble may not be comet-shaped after all.

    Scientists have traditionally posited that the heliosphere, the huge bubble of charged particles that the sun blows around itself, has a rounded leading edge, where the solar system barrels through space, with a long tail streaming behind it. But the heliosphere’s true shape is weirder and more complex, a recent study suggests — something akin to a deflated croissant.

    It’s tough to map out the heliosphere, because its closest edge is still a whopping 10 billion miles (16 billion kilometers) from Earth. Just two spacecraft, NASA’s Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes, have directly sampled the boundary, and two data points are far from sufficient to outline the heliosphere’s contours.

    So scientists have done so by other means. For example, they’ve studied measurements of galactic cosmic rays, super-energetic charged particles that zoom into our neighborhood from very far away. Researchers have also carefully tracked “energetic neutral atoms” that bounced sunward after interacting with the interstellar medium, the vast cosmic sea that lies beyond the heliosphere.

    Such tracking has been done by a variety of spacecraft, including NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer and the Cassini Saturn probe. Scientists feed this information into computer models, which use it to map out the heliosphere’s shape.

    The recent study takes a new look at such data and also includes measurements of “pick-up ions” made by NASA’s New Horizons Pluto probe, which is currently more than 4.3 billion miles (6.9 billion km) from Earth.

    Pick-up ions are carried along by the solar wind, the stream of charged particles flowing continuously from the sun. (This flow is blocked by the interstellar medium to form the boundary of the heliosphere.) Pick-up ions are much hotter than the particles that make up most of the solar wind, which contributes to the heliosphere’s weird shape, study team members found.

    “There are two fluids mixed together. You have one component that is very cold and one component that is much hotter, the pick-up ions,” lead author Merav Opher, a professor of astronomy at Boston University, said in a statement.

    “If you have some cold fluid and hot fluid, and you put them in space, they won’t mix — they will evolve mostly separately,” Opher said. “What we did was separate these two components of the solar wind and model the resulting 3D shape of the heliosphere.”

    The heliosphere blocks many cosmic rays, shown as bright streaks in this animated image, from reaching the planets of our solar system.

    That shape, they determined, is croissant-like: a curving central bulge with two jets curling away from it.

    “Because the pick-up ions dominate the thermodynamics, everything is very spherical,” Opher said. “But because they leave the system very quickly beyond the termination shock, the whole heliosphere deflates.”

    The termination shock is the heliosphere boundary region, where solar wind particles begin pressing into the interstellar medium and slow to less than the speed of sound.

    Gaining a better understanding of the heliosphere’s shape has multiple applications, Opher and her colleagues said. For example, the bubble blocks about 75% of galactic cosmic rays, which can damage spacecraft and the DNA of voyaging astronauts. Knowing in detail which regions of space are protected could aid mission planners. (Life on Earth doesn’t have much to worry about from galactic cosmic rays; our planet’s magnetic field and atmosphere provide effective shielding.)

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  • #35260

    Signs of ‘missing’ neutron star found in heart of supernova

    It could be the youngest neutron star ever seen

    An artist’s illustration of the dense neutron star believed to be at the dusty core of Supernova 1987A.

    Evidence of a neutron star hidden deep inside Supernova 1987A is helping astronomers solve a 33-year-old mystery surrounding one of the brightest star explosions ever observed.

    On Feb. 23, 1987, astronomers witnessed an incredibly bright stellar explosion, also known as a supernova. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), researchers believe they have found that explosion’s remnants, a superdense corpse called a neutron star, hiding within the dust of the supernova.

    High-resolution ALMA images revealed what researchers described as a hot “blob” that is brighter than its surroundings and located at the supernova’s dusty core. If confirmed, this neutron star would be the youngest known to date, according to a statement.

    “We were very surprised to see this warm blob made by a thick cloud of dust in the supernova remnant,” Mikako Matsuura, an astronomer at Cardiff University and one of the researchers who spotted the blob, said in the statement. “There has to be something in the cloud that has heated up the dust and which makes it shine. That’s why we suggested that there is a neutron star hiding inside the dust cloud.”

    Their findings were published in November 2019, in The Astrophysical Journal. At the time, however, the researchers could not definitively say what the glowing blob was, as it was believed to be too bright to be a neutron star.

    A new paper offers an explanation for that brightness in a neutron star: the glowing blob is consistent with thermal emission from a very young neutron star that is still really hot from the supernova explosion, according to the statement.

    “In spite of the supreme complexity of a supernova explosion and the extreme conditions reigning in the interior of a neutron star, the detection of a warm blob of dust is a confirmation of several predictions,” Dany Page, an astronomer at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, said in the statement. Page led the new study, which was published on July 30 in The Astrophysical Journal.

    The researchers estimate the temperature of the 15.5 mile (25 kilometer) wide neutron star is approximately 9 million degrees Fahrenheit (5 million degrees Celsius), which provides enough energy to explain the blob’s brightness. The study also suggests the neutron star is located off-center, as researchers expect, due to the powerful stellar blast.

    Before now, the neutron star remained elusive, shrouded by the supernova’s thick cloud of dust, prompting scientists to wonder whether a black hole formed in the wake of the explosion instead. However, on the day of the explosion in 1987, subatomic particles known as neutrinos, which have almost no mass, were detected on Earth, suggesting a neutron star formed following the collapse of the star.

    “The neutron star behaves exactly like we expected,” James Lattimer, a member of Page’s research team from Stony Brook University in New York, said in the statement. “Those neutrinos suggested that a black hole never formed, and moreover it seems difficult for a black hole to explain the observed brightness of the blob. We compared all possibilities and concluded that a hot neutron star is the most likely explanation.”

    At only 33 years old, this neutron star would be the youngest ever found. The next youngest is 330 years old, a neutron star located in the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. Researchers hope to directly image this infant neutron star as the dust and gas in the supernova remnant fades over the next few decades, offering definitive proof that the star exists.

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  • #35457

    Mysterious ‘fast radio burst’ detected closer to Earth than ever before

    Most FRBs originate hundreds of millions of light-years away. This one came from inside the Milky Way

    Artist’s impression of a magnetar launching a burst of X-ray and radio waves across the galaxy

    Thirty thousand years ago, a dead star on the other side of the Milky Way belched out a powerful mixture of radio and X-ray energy. On April 28, 2020, that belch swept over Earth, triggering alarms at observatories around the world.

    The signal was there and gone in half a second, but that’s all scientists needed to confirm they had detected something remarkable: the first ever “fast radio burst” (FRB) to emanate from a known star within the Milky Way, according to a study published July 27 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

    Since their discovery in 2007, FRBs have puzzled scientists. The bursts of powerful radio waves last only a few milliseconds at most, but generate more energy in that time than Earth’s sun does in a century. Scientists have yet to pin down what causes these blasts, but they’ve proposed everything from colliding black holes to the pulse of alien starships as possible explanations. So far, every known FRB has originated from another galaxy, hundreds of millions of light-years away.

    This FRB is different. Telescope observations suggest that the burst came from a known neutron star — the fast-spinning, compact core of a dead star, which packs a sun’s-worth of mass into a city-sized ball — about 30,000 light-years from Earth in the constellation Vulpecula. The stellar remnant fits into an even stranger class of star called a magnetar, named for its incredibly powerful magnetic field, which is capable of spitting out intense amounts of energy long after the star itself has died. It now seems that magnetars are almost certainly the source of at least some of the universe’s many mysterious FRBs, the study authors wrote.

    “We’ve never seen a burst of radio waves, resembling a fast radio burst, from a magnetar before,” lead study author Sandro Mereghetti, of the National Institute for Astrophysics in Milan, Italy, said in a statement. “This is the first ever observational connection between magnetars and fast radio bursts.”

    The magnetar, named SGR 1935+2154, was discovered in 2014 when scientists saw it emitting powerful bursts of gamma rays and X-rays at random intervals. After quieting down for a while, the dead star woke up with a powerful X-ray blast in late April. Sandro and his colleagues detected this burst with the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Integral satellite, designed to capture the most energetic phenomena in the universe. At the same time, a radio telescope in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada, detected a blast of radio waves coming from the same source. Radio telescopes in California and Utah confirmed the FRB the next day.

    A simultaneous blast of radio waves and X-rays has never been detected from a magnetar before, the researchers wrote, strongly pointing to these stellar remnants as plausible sources of FRBs.

    Crucially, ESA scientist Erik Kuulkers added, this finding was only possible because multiple telescopes on Earth and in orbit were able to catch the burst simultaneously, and in many wavelengths across the electromagnetic spectrum. Further collaboration between institutions is necessary to further “bring the origin of these mysterious phenomena into focus,” Kuulkers said.

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  • #35643

    Ceres: An ocean world in the asteroid belt

    Liquid water, once thought unique to Earth, may be common on icy worlds throughout the solar system

    NASA scientists say that Ceres, a dwarf planet in the Asteroid Belt, is still holding onto pockets of a subsurface, liquid water ocean.

    Remnants of an ancient water ocean are buried beneath the icy crust of dwarf planet Ceres — or, at least, lingering pockets of one. That’s the tantalizing find presented August 10 by scientists working on NASA’s Dawn mission. Their research was laid out in a series of papers published in Nature.

    By far, Ceres is the largest object in the asteroid belt, which girdles the inner planets between Mars and Jupiter. But unlike its rockier neighbors, Ceres is a giant ice ball. It holds more water than any world in the inner solar except for Earth. That knowledge had long led some astronomers to suspect Ceres may have once had a subsurface ocean, which is part of the reason NASA sent the Dawn spacecraft there.

    However, some models predicted that Ceres’ ocean would have frozen long ago, forming the world’s thick, icy crust.

    Now, after five years studying a series of strange surface features around recently-formed craters, astronomers believe they’re seeing signs of a large, subsurface body of briny liquid. Variations in Ceres’ gravitational field back that up, implying that the underground reservoir of salty water may stretch horizontally beneath the ice for hundreds of miles and reach depths of roughly 25 miles (40 kilometers).

    “Past research revealed that Ceres had a global ocean, an ocean that would have no reason to exist [still] and should have been frozen by now,” study co-author and Dawn team member Maria Cristina De Sanctis of the National Institute of Astrophysics in Rome tells Astronomy. ”These latest discoveries have shown that part of this ocean could have survived and be present below the surface.”

    If future missions can confirm the results, it will mean that there’s a very salty, very muddy body of liquid somewhere around the size of Utah’s Great Salt Lake on a dwarf planet that’s just 590 miles (950 km) across — roughly the size of Texas.

    Occator Crater stretches across 57 miles (92 kilometers) in Ceres’ northern hemisphere. Astronomers think the bright spots inside its walls formed when a space rock smashed into the dwarf planet, excavating a briny liquid from below.

    Astronomers believe that the extreme saltiness of the water, which lowers its freezing point, has helped it remain a liquid for so long. Also, a class of compounds called hydrates, which are cages of water that trap gas or salt compounds, can change the way that heat moves through the dwarf planet’s crust.

    Researchers used similar reasoning, applying it to data from NASA’s New Horizons mission, to also argue that Pluto hides a global liquid water ocean beneath its icy crust.

    “Oceans should be common features of dwarf planets based on what New Horizons learned at Pluto and Dawn at Ceres,” Dawn project scientist Julie Castillo-Rogez of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who co-authored one of the studies, tells Astronomy.

    The new find raises interesting questions about whether Ceres could be habitable by alien life. And it could put Ceres among a rapidly-growing group of potential icy ocean worlds that have been revealed in recent years.

    Ceres is the only dwarf planet in the inner solar system, and it locks up one-third of the entire mass in the asteroid belt. Astronomers think Ceres is a protoplanet, the fossilized remains of a world that never fully formed. But its growth was halted before it could become a full planet. Having such a history means Ceres likely holds an early record of our solar system’s primordial past — hence the name Dawn.

    Near the end of its mission, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft captured intimate details of the mysterious white spots of Occator Crater in a region called Cerealia Facula.

    Ceres’ strange white spots

    The Dawn mission was launched in 2007 with an unconventional ion engine that let it first orbit Vesta, the asteroid belt’s second largest object, for 14 months before venturing on to Ceres in 2012. No single mission had ever orbited two extraterrestrial worlds before.

    “Vesta is a dry body almost like the Moon,” Dawn Principal Investigator Carol Raymond of JPL tells Astronomy. “Ceres we knew was a very water-rich object that had retained volatiles from the time it had formed. The two were sitting there like plums. The low-hanging fruit.”

    Ceres started to tease its secrets to astronomers with Dawn’s first glimpses of the dwarf planet in early 2015. A pair of weird white spots stood out from afar, shining like cats’ eyes in the dark. More of these bright features became apparent on approach, and they ended up at the center of scientists’ efforts to understand Ceres.

    Much of Ceres’ story was apparent within just a few of Dawn’s arrival, but scientists still felt they had more to learn, so NASA extended Dawn’s mission for a second run. This let the spacecraft keep collecting data until 2018, when it finally ran out of fuel. This latest batch of research was collected during that extended phase.

    And as Dawn gathered higher resolution images, it started to unravel intimate details of the world’s surface and its ancient history. Among other things, the spacecraft spotted a lone mountain that stretches some 21,000 feet (6,400 meters) above the surface, taller than Denali, North America’s tallest peak.

    Ceres’ white spots sit inside Occator Crater, which stretches across 57 miles (92 kilometers) of the world’s northern hemisphere. Another place with a prominent bright spot is within smaller Haulani Crater, named for the Hawaiian goddess of plants. It’s one of the dwarf planet’s youngest features.

    Ceres’ Haulani Crater, named for the Hawaiian goddess of plants, is one of the dwarf planet’s youngest features. Scientists think that the impact may have excavated salty water from an ancient pocket of ocean hiding beneath the crater.

    According to the research, it seems that when impacts struck this region, it penetrated into a reservoir of muddy, salty water buried beneath the plain.

    In one of the papers published on August 10, a team of scientists unravel the history of Occator Crater in detail. They believe a space rock struck this location some 20 million years ago, puncturing the icy crust down into the salty reservoir below. Within hours, though, the crater quickly froze over.

    However, when it did, it sealed in a large chamber of melt water beneath the center of the crater, letting fluids and chemicals continue to mix with the larger reservoir below. This structure allowed salty, chemical-rich water to erupt from the center of the crater as recently as 2 million years ago, creating the fascinating white spots.

    However, Ceres could have erupted even more recently than that. Before Dawn reached the dwarf planet, the European Space Agency’s Herschel Telescope detected water vapor coming from the same region. And if fluids aren’t still seeping out of the cracks in Occator Crater, then the minerals in the area should have evaporated already.

    “It’s really kind of a smoking gun, because you would have expected it had gone away if it had been sitting there even close to the surface for millions of years,” Raymond says.

    NASA’s Dawn spacecraft captured this composite image of Ceres in 2015 during its first science orbit around the dwarf planet.

    Ceres as an abode to life?

    Scientists still aren’t totally sure what Ceres has in common with the other icy ocean worlds of our solar system, like Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s Enceladus. However, some of the minerals found on Ceres have also been found within the plumes of water erupting from Enceladus, drawing some connection between the two bodies.

    All these finds taken together are changing astronomers’ ideas about our solar system. Half a century ago, they thought Earth’s oceans made it a unique abode for life in our solar system. But it now appears there could be dozens of potential ocean worlds in the inner and outer solar system. That finding is “one of the most profound discoveries in planetary science in the space age,” S. Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute and head of NASA’s New Horizons mission, tells Astronomy.

    In the decades to come, astronomers are pushing for a host of missions to explore these ocean worlds in more detail. And Ceres’ relatively close proximity to Earth could help them make the case for a visit in the not-so-distant future.

    On Monday, as the team’s new research was being published, Castillo-Rogez formally submitted a study outlining a $1 billion mission that would actually land on Ceres. If astronomers voice interest in the idea as part of their decadal survey, and NASA decides to fund it, the spacecraft would fly sometime before 2032 as a New Frontier class mission. Meanwhile, the European Space Agency is also studying a potential sample return mission.

    “Ceres is a lot closer and it’s a lot easier to get to than these moons in the outer solar system,” Raymond says. “So it is a very enticing target.”

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  • #35644

    What happens if black holes fall into wormholes? A new way to find out

    If wormholes exist, they could swallow black holes

    If wormholes exist, scientists may one day spot black holes falling into them, a new study suggests.

    Astronomers think they might be able to detect black holes falling into wormholes using ripples in spacetime known as gravitational waves, but only if wormholes actually exist and such a scenario ever happened, a new study finds.

    According to Einstein, who first predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916, gravity results from the way in which mass warps space and time. When two or more objects move within a gravitational field, they produce gravitational waves that travel at the speed of light, stretching and squeezing space-time along the way.

    Gravitational waves are extraordinarily difficult to detect because they are extremely weak, and even Einstein was uncertain whether they really existed and if they would get discovered. After decades of work, scientists reported the first direct evidence of gravitational waves in 2016, detected using the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO).

    Gravitational-wave observatories have detected more than 20 giant collisions between extraordinarily dense and massive objects such as black holes and neutron stars. However, more exotic objects may theoretically exist, such as wormholes, the collisions of which should also produce gravitational signals that scientists could detect.

    Wormholes are tunnels in spacetime that, in theory, can allow travel anywhere in space and time, or even into another universe. Einstein’s theory of general relativity allows for the possibility of wormholes, although whether they really exist is another matter.

    In principle, all wormholes are unstable, closing the instant they open. The only way to keep them open and traversable is with an exotic form of matter with so-called “negative mass.” Such exotic matter has bizarre properties, including flying away from a standard gravitational field instead of falling toward it like normal matter. No one knows if such exotic matter actually exists.

    In many ways, a wormhole resembles a black hole. Both types of objects are extraordinarily dense and have powerful gravitational pulls for objects their size. The main difference is that no object can theoretically get back out after entering a black hole’s event horizon — the threshold where the speed needed to escape the black hole’s gravitational pull exceeds the speed of light — whereas any object entering a wormhole could theoretically reverse course.

    Assuming wormholes might exist, scientists investigated the gravitational signals generated when a black hole orbits a wormhole for a new paper, which has not yet been peer-reviewed. The researchers also explored what might happen when the black hole enters one mouth of the wormhole, exits out the wormhole’s other mouth into another point in space-time, and then — assuming the black hole and wormhole are gravitationally bound to one another — falls back into the wormhole and emerges out the other side.

    No escape

    In computer models, the researchers analyzed the interactions between a black hole five times the mass of the sun and a stable traversable wormhole 200 times the mass of the sun with a throat 60 times wider than the black hole. The models suggested that gravitational signals unlike any seen up to now would occur when the black hole journeyed into and out of the wormhole.

    When two black holes spiral closer to one another, their orbital speeds increase, much like spinning figure skaters who draw their arms closer to their bodies. In turn, the frequency of the gravitational waves rises. The sound these gravitational waves would produce is a chirp, much like when one increases the pitch rapidly on a slide whistle, since any increase in frequency corresponds to an increase in pitch.

    If one watched a black hole spiral into a wormhole, one would see a chirp much like two black holes meeting, but the gravitational signal from the black hole would quickly fade as it radiated most of its gravitational waves on the other side of the wormhole. (In contrast, when two black holes collide, the result is a giant burst of gravitational waves.)

    Related: Here’s how we could detect a wormhole

    If one watched a black hole emerge from a wormhole, one would see an “anti-chirp.” Specifically, the frequency of gravitational waves from the black hole would decrease as it moved farther away from the wormhole.

    As the black hole keeps journeying in and out each mouth of the wormhole, it would generate a cycle of chirps and anti-chirps. The length of time between each chirp and anti-chirp would shrink over time until the black hole got stuck in the throat of the wormhole. Detecting this kind of gravitational signal might support the existence of wormholes.

    “Though wormholes are very, very speculative, the fact that we might have the ability to prove or at least give credibility to their existence is pretty cool,” study co-author William Gabella, a physicist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, told

    In this scenario, eventually the black hole would stop falling in and out of the wormhole and settle near its throat. The consequences of such a finale depend on the completely speculative properties of the exotic matter found in the wormhole’s throat. One possibility is that the black hole has effectively increased the mass of the wormhole and the wormhole may not possess enough exotic matter to keep stable. Maybe the resulting disruption in space-time causes the black hole to convert its mass to energy in the form of an extraordinary amount of gravitational waves, Gabella said.

    As long as a wormhole has a greater mass than any black hole it encounters, it should remain stable. If a wormhole encounters a larger black hole, the black hole may disrupt the wormhole’s exotic matter enough to destabilize the wormhole, causing it to collapse and likely form a new black hole, Gabella said.

    It remains uncertain what might happen if a black hole only clipped the edges of a wormhole, with part of the black hole entering a wormhole’s mouth with the rest staying outside it. “I suspect that there would be some crazy behavior at the black hole event horizon giving rise to even more gravitational waves and more energy loss,” Gabella said. Such a collision may also disrupt the wormhole’s exotic matter, “leading to an unstable wormhole,” he added.

    Future research can explore the interactions between a wormhole’s exotic matter and any normal matter entering the wormhole, as well as more complex scenarios, such as what might happen if the wormhole is spinning, Gabella said. Other research directions could investigate how gravitational waves interact with both the normal and exotic matter in these scenarios, as well as “the variety of orbits that might occur between wormholes and you name it,” he added.

    The scientists detailed their findings online July 17 in a study they plan to submit to the journal Physical Review Letters. The research was detailed on the preprint site

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  • #35645

    NASA’s TESS exoplanet-hunting space telescope wraps up primary mission

    66 confirmed exoplanets, 2,100 candidates and the search goes on

    NASA’s exoplanet-hunting TESS space telescope is done with its primary mission, but its search for strange new worlds goes on.

    TESS (short for “Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite”) wrapped up its two-year primary mission on July 4, having discovered 66 confirmed alien planets and nearly 2,100 “candidates” that scientists still need to vet, NASA officials said.

    TESS continues to study the heavens, however, on an extended mission that runs through September 2022.

    Artist’s illustration of NASA’s TESS spacecraft studying an exoplanet system.

    “TESS is producing a torrent of high-quality observations providing valuable data across a wide range of science topics,” Patricia Boyd, the project scientist for TESS at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said in a statement. “As it enters its extended mission, TESS is already a roaring success.”

    TESS launched to Earth orbit in April 2018 and began its science work three months later. The probe hunts for alien worlds using the “transit method,” monitoring stars for tiny brightness dips caused by orbiting worlds crossing their faces.

    This same strategy was used to great effect by TESS’ predecessor, NASA’s pioneering Kepler space telescope. Kepler, which was declared dead in October 2018, found about two-thirds of the 4,200 exoplanets discovered to date. (Kepler finds are still rolling in; scientists continue to pore over the spacecraft’s huge data set, which has more than 3,000 additional candidates that require further analysis.)

    TESS uses four cameras to study 24-by-96-degree sectors of the sky for about one month at a time. (Your clenched fist held at arm’s length covers about 10 degrees of sky, for reference.) The probe spent the first year of its primary mission scrutinizing sectors in the southern sky, then switched to the northern sky in its second year.

    The planet-hunting craft managed to cover about 75% of the sky during its two-year primary mission, NASA officials said.

    The extended mission will feature the same order, with TESS focusing on the southern sky for the first 12 months before shifting to the northern sky. During that second year, the probe will also observe areas around the ecliptic, the plane of Earth’s orbit around the sun.

    TESS’ primary mission yielded many exciting finds, including an Earth-sized planet called TOI 700 d that orbits in its star’s habitable zone, the range of distances where liquid water could be stable on a world’s surface. But the extended mission may be even more fruitful, because the TESS team has made some improvements over the past two years.

    The probe’s “cameras now capture a full image every 10 minutes, three times faster than during the primary mission,” NASA officials wrote in the same statement. “A new fast mode allows the brightness of thousands of stars to be measured every 20 seconds, along with the previous method of collecting these observations from tens of thousands of stars every two minutes.”

    The budget for TESS’ primary mission was capped at $200 million, not including launch costs, which added another $87 million. The extended mission won’t add too much to the overall price tag. For example, the extended-mission operations of NASA’s New Horizons Pluto probe, which began in 2017, have cost less than $15 million per year, on top of a prime-mission price tag of about $780 million.

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  • #35653

    Ceres: An ocean world in the asteroid belt Liquid water, once thought unique to Earth, may be common on icy worlds throughout the solar system

    I always found the information/speculation about Europa in Clarke’s 2061 to be quite thrilling. Just the idea that there are all these frozen-over oceans out there in our solar system that could be teeming with life was quite exciting.

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  • #35700

    Most FRBs originate hundreds of millions of light-years away. This one came from inside the Milky Way

    Anyone here have any outlandish ideas on what FRB’s are?

  • #35712

    A form of communication that we don’t understand yet.

    “You must get off your planet before your year of 2020 as death and destruction will follow…”

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  • #35745

    Milky Way-like galaxy found in deep space puzzles astronomers

    Using a clever gravity trick, researchers locate a distant galaxy reminiscent of our own. Current theories say it shouldn’t be there.

    SPT0418-47 is gravitationally-lensed by another galaxy, giving it an evil Eye of Sauron look to our telescopes.

    Twelve billion years ago, when all of space was just a fledgling baby universe, a young galaxy reminiscent of the Milky Way was flaring to life deep in the cosmos. Astronomers have often thought of this early universe as a chaotic place, an extreme environment where galaxies are unstable and violent. New research suggests those assumptions may be incorrect, providing new insight into how galaxies form.

    In a new study, published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, observations made by Chile’s Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of SPT–S J041839–4751.9, or SPT0418-47 for short, show the infant galaxy has features similar to those of our own more mature Milky Way. Light from the galaxy took 12 billion years to reach us. That means astronomers are looking back in time at a galaxy that formed less than 1.5 billion years after the birth of the universe.

    Previous modeling and observations have led astronomers to theorize that the period after the universe’s birth was tumultuous. Early galaxies were likely smashing into each other and merging to form big, disordered masses of stars. They shouldn’t settle down into neat, flat disks. But SPT0418-47 does, and that’s quite a surprise that upends some of our beliefs about early cosmic activities in the universe.

    “This result represents a breakthrough in the field of galaxy formation, showing that the structures that we observe in nearby spiral galaxies and in our Milky Way were already in place 12 billion years ago,” Francesca Rizzo, an astronomy Ph.D. student at Germany’s Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and first author on the study, said in a statement.

    Because SPT0418-47 is so far away, it’s difficult to locate in the sky because its light is so faint. To find and characterize SPT0418-47, the research team took advantage of a phenomenon known as “gravitational lensing.” Light from distant galaxies does not travel on a straight line to Earth — it’s influenced by the effects of gravity on its way here. Nearby galaxies distort and reshape the light from more distant galaxies as it travels to our telescopes.

    But lensing can aid detection. Using the technique and the ALMA telescope, researchers were able to magnify the light from SPT0418-47 and boost the resolution to observe the young galaxy’s features. The effect of the lensing means images obtained by ALMA shows SPT0418-47 as an aggressive, fiery Eye of Sauron-type ring, a perfect circle of light containing hundreds of thousands of stars.

    Using computer modeling techniques, the research team took the gravitationally lensed, circular images of SPT0418-47 and reconstructed what the galaxy would look like if our telescopes were powerful enough to see that far on their own (as the video below demonstrates). The modeling reshaped the galaxy in a surprising way.

    “When I first saw the reconstructed image of SPT0418-47 I could not believe it,” Rizzo said. “A treasure chest was opening.”

    The reconstruction showed SPT0418-47 doesn’t quite have the large, spiral arms we’re used to seeing in the Milky Way, but it does have a disc and a giant bulge at its center, reminiscent of our home galaxy. The European Southern Observatory suggest it’s a Milky Way lookalike.

    “It’s less of a lookalike and more of a mini-me,” says Sarah Martell, an astrophysicist at the University of New South Wales who was not affiliated with the study. “It’s only 25% of the mass of the Milky Way and half the size.”

    But what it lacks in stature it makes up for in star power. The galaxy’s star formation rate is equivalent to the mass of 350 of our own suns, which Martell calls “enormous.” By comparison, she notes, the Milky Way’s star formation rate is just 1.6 solar masses per year. Simona Vegetti notes the star formation rate is “quite puzzling,” because it signifies the galaxy as a site of highly energetic processes. Presumably, this would lead to more disorder, but SPT0418-47 remains cool and calm even with all of that activity.

    The young galaxy won’t evolve into a Milky Way-type spiral galaxy like those we’re familiar with today. Instead, the researchers believe it will become an elliptical galaxy like Messier 87, where the first images of a black hole were captured. Such a fate won’t occur for millions of years. However, when the European Southern Observatory’s Extremely Large Telescope comes online in 2025, it’s likely astronomers will find more of these ordered galaxies, allowing them to uncover how they might form and evolve in the early universe.

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  • #36220

    Volunteers spot almost 100 cold brown dwarfs near our sun

    An artistic visualization of a brown dwarf orbiting a white dwarf star.

    Citizen scientists have spotted almost 100 of our sun’s nearest neighbors.

    In a new study, members of the public — including both professional scientists and volunteers — discovered 95 brown dwarfs (celestial objects too big to be considered planets and too small to be considered stars) near our sun through the NASA-funded citizen science project Backyard Worlds: Planet 9. They made this discovery with the help of astronomers using the National Science Foundations National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory.

    “These cool worlds offer the opportunity for new insights into the formation and atmospheres of planets beyond the solar system,” Aaron Meisner from the National Science Foundation’s NOIRLab and the lead author of the new paper, said in a statement. “This collection of cool brown dwarfs also allows us to accurately estimate the number of free-floating worlds roaming interstellar space near the sun.”

    “This paper is evidence that the solar neighborhood is still uncharted territory and citizen scientists are excellent astronomical cartographers,” coauthor Jackie Faherty of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, said in a NASA statement. “Mapping the coldest brown dwarfs down to the lowest masses gives us key insights into the low-mass star-formation process while providing a target list for detailed studies of the atmospheres of Jupiter analogs.”

    Brown dwarfs are unusual celestial objects — much heavier than planets but not massive enough to become stars. The celestial objects can be seriously hot (think thousands of degrees Fahrenheit), but these 95 newly-discovered neighbors are surprisingly cool. Some of these weird worlds are even relatively close to Earth’s temperature and could be cool enough to have water clouds in their atmospheres, according to the statement.

    In 2014, scientists discovered the coldest-known brown dwarf, called WISE 0855, using data from NASA’s WISE (Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) mission. This chilly brown dwarf is just about 10 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 23 degrees Celsius), much colder than any other discovered brown dwarf. Because of these temperatures, some have even suspected that the brown dwarf might actually be an exoplanet.

    So, with these new discoveries, researchers hope that they may learn a bit more about why these brown dwarfs are so cold, or whether they’re really brown dwarfs at all.

    “Our new discoveries help connect the dots between 0855 and the other known brown dwarfs,” NASA Goddard astrophysicist Marc Kuchner, the principal investigator of Backyard Worlds and the citizen science officer for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, said in the same statement.

    Backyard Worlds: Planet 9, which is hosted on the citizen-science platform Zooniverse, uses data from NASA’s Near-Earth Object Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) satellite between 2010 and 2011 and all-sky observations collected by the same satellite under its previous name WISE.

    “​These Backyard Worlds discoveries show that members of the public can play an important role in reshaping our scientific understanding of our solar neighborhood,” Meisner said in the same NASA statement.

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  • #36221

    The fastest star ever seen is moving at 8% the speed of light

    It’s whipping around the Milky Way’s monster black hole

    This image shows stars orbiting fast and close to Sgr A*, labelled with an “X.”

    In the center of our Milky Way galaxy, scientists have spotted the fastest star ever detected, moving at more than 8% of the speed of light.

    Our galaxy’s center features the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), which is as massive as about 4 million suns. Being so massive, it has hundreds of stars pulled closely into its orbit, traveling extra-fast from the gravitational boost presented by this close proximity. In a new study, scientists discovered the fastest of these stars, S4714, which orbits around Sgr A* at more than 8% of light speed, or 15,000 miles per second (24,000 km/second), faster than any other known star.

    Another star orbiting close to Sgr A*, called S2, was once thought for to be the fastest star. But last year, a new speedy contender, the star S62, was detected by a team led by astrophysicist Florian Peissker of the University of Cologne in Germany. At the time, S62was said to be the closest star orbiting Sgr A*, speeding around the black hole. Now, the same team has discovered five new “S stars,” or stars which travel in long, elliptical orbits around Sgr A*, that are even closer — S4711, S4712, S4713, S4714 and S4715.

    The team has been studying our galaxy’s center and the ultra-fast stars orbiting its supermassive black hole using the ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile for the past seven years. They have also used near-infrared data from SINFONI (Spectrograph for INtegral Field Observations in the Near Infrared).

    “I am constantly working on the galactic center and I am pretty sure that this was not our last publication,” Peissker told ScienceAlert. “The high dynamical environment is for scientists like a candy-shop for children..

    This discovery doesn’t just highlight S4714 and its incredible speeds, it also gives scientist a window into studying a theorized type of star known as “squeezars” that orbits so close to black holes that they are “squeezed” by the black hole’s tidal forces. Theresearch also suggests that there could be even more of these ultra-fast stars zipping around supermassive black holes like this, scientists said.

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  • #36222

    Mysterious gamma-ray ‘heartbeat’ detected from cosmic gas cloud

    An artist’s representation of the microquasar SS 433 beating in unison with the gas cloud known as Fermi J1913+0515.

    A cosmic gas cloud has a mysterious gamma-ray “heartbeat” that appears to be in sync with a neighboring black hole.

    Using data from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico and NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, an international team of researchers found the “heartbeat” in a cosmic gas cloud in the constellation Aquila, the eagle. The cloud “beats” in rhythm with a miniature black hole located roughly 100 light-years away, suggesting the objects are connected in some way, according to a statement from the DESY national research center in Germany.

    The black hole is part of a microquasar system known as SS 433, which includes a giant star that is approximately 30 times the mass of the sun. A microquasar is just a small quasar, the brightest type of object in the universe, which consists of a large black hole that emits extraordinary amounts of light as it gobbles up its stellar neighbors. As the two objects in SS 433 orbit each other, the black hole pulls in matter from the giant star, creating an accretion disk around the black hole.

    “This material accumulates in an accretion disc before falling into the black hole, like water in the whirl above the drain of a bath tub,” Jian Li, lead author of the study from the DESY national research center, said in the statement. “However, a part of that matter does not fall down the drain but shoots out at high speed in two narrow jets in opposite directions above and below the rotating accretion disk.”

    The jets consist of high-speed particles and ultra-strong magnetic fields that produce X-rays and gamma rays, which are detected by the Fermi Space Telescope. However, the accretion disk wobbles, or precesses, meaning that the two jets shoot out into space along a spiral path, instead of a straight line, according to the statement.

    The microquasar SS 433 sways with a period of 162 days. Simultaneously, the researchers found the same pattern of behavior in the gamma-ray signal emanating from the inconspicuous gas cloud, which they have named Fermi J1913+0515. Their findings, published Aug. 17 in the journal Nature Astronomy, suggest the gas cloud’s emission, or “heartbeat,” is powered by the microquasar.

    However, the two objects are located relatively far apart, at a distance of about 100 light-years. Therefore, further observations are needed to fully understand how the black hole powers the heartbeat in the gas cloud.

    “Finding such an unambiguous connection via timing, about 100 light years away from the microquasar, not even along the direction of the jets is as unexpected as amazing,” Li said in the statement. “But how the black hole can power the gas cloud’s heartbeat is unclear to us.”

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  • #36385

    Pictures from space! Our image of the day

    Aug. 21, 2020: The Hubble Space Telescope captured a spectacular, cosmic fireworks show in this image of the galaxy NGC 2442, nicknamed the Meathook Galaxy because of its unusual shape. This galaxy held the white dwarf star supernova SN2015F, which was first discovered in March 2015.

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  • #36386

    Scientists find evidence for Einstein’s general relativity in the cores of dead stars

    The white dwarf star discovered in the planetary nebula NGC 2440 may be the hottest one discovered yet.

    Scientists have bolstered Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity by exploring the strange mysteries of white dwarf stars.

    Astronomers have long theorized about the relationship between a white dwarf star’s mass and radius but haven’t been able to observe the stars’ mass-radius relationship until now, a new study shows. As white dwarf stars gain mass, they shrink in size unlike most known celestial objects.

    In this new work, researchers used a novel method that incorporated data from thousands of white dwarfs to observe the strange phenomenon and provide further evidence for the theory of general relativity.

    When stars like our sun run out of fuel, they shed their outer layers and are stripped down to their Earth-sized core. This core is known as a white dwarf star, which is believed to be the final evolutionary state of a stellar object.

    But these stellar remnants hold a mystery, as when white dwarfs increase in mass, they shrink in size. White dwarfs therefore will end up with a mass similar to that of the sun, but packed into a body the size of the Earth.

    White dwarfs become so small and compact that they eventually collapse into neutron stars, highly dense stellar corpses with a radius that usually does not extend beyond 18 miles (30 kilometers).

    The odd mass-radius relationship within white dwarf stars has been theorized about since the 1930s. The reason why white dwarfs increase in mass while shrinking at the same time is thought to be caused by the state of its electrons — as a white dwarf star is compressed, the number of its electrons increases.

    This mechanism is a combination of quantum mechanics — a fundamental theory in physics on the motion and interaction of subatomic particles — as well as Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, which deals with gravitational effects.

    “The mass-radius relation is a spectacular combination of quantum mechanics and gravity, but it’s counterintuitive for us,”” Nadia Zakamska, an associate professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, who supervised the new study, said in a statement. “”We think as an object gains mass, it should get bigger.”

    In this new study, the team from John Hopkins University developed a method to observe the mass-radius relationship in white dwarfs. Using data collected by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Gaia space observatory, the researchers looked at 3,000 white dwarf stars.

    The team of researchers measured the gravitational redshift effect, which is the effect of gravity on light, on the stars. As light moves away from an object, the wavelength of light coming from the object lengthens, causing it to appear redder. By looking at the gravitational redshift effect, they were able to determine radial velocity of the white dwarf stars that share a similar radius.

    Radial velocity is the distance from the Sun to a given star which determines whether a star is moving towards or away from the Sun. By determining the stars’ radial velocity, they were also able to determine the change in the stars’ mass.

    “The theory has existed for a long time, but what’s notable is that the dataset we used is of unprecedented size and unprecedented accuracy,” Zakamska added. “These measurement methods, which in some cases were developed years ago, all of a sudden work so much better and these old theories can finally be probed.”

    The method used in the study essentially turned a theory into an observational phenomenon. Additionally, it can be used to study more stars in the future, and can help astronomers analyze the chemical composition of white dwarf stars.

    “Because the star gets smaller as it gets more massive, the gravitational redshift effect also grows with mass,” Zakamska said. “And this is a bit easier to comprehend—it’s easier to get out of a less dense, bigger object than it is to get out of a more massive, more compact object. And that’s exactly what we saw in the data.”

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  • #36660

    Did a supernova cause Earth’s mass extinction 360 million years ago?

    The fossil record suggests Earth’s ozone layer took a protracted beating.

    An artist’s illustration of a brilliant supernova, the explosive death of a star.

    One of the worst extinction events in Earth’s history may have been triggered by a supernova, the violent death of a distant star.

    About 75% of all species on Earth died out at the end of the Devonian Period, nearly 360 million years ago. Rocks from this era preserve many thousands of spores that appear to be scorched by ultraviolet (UV) radiation, indicating that something went seriously wrong with our protective ozone layer.

    The destructive force may have come from very far afield, a new study suggests.

    “Earth-based catastrophes such as large-scale volcanism and global warming can destroy the ozone layer, too, but evidence for those is inconclusive for the time interval in question,” lead author Brian Fields, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, said in a statement.

    “Instead, we propose that one or more supernova explosions, about 65 light-years away from Earth, could have been responsible for the protracted loss of ozone,” Fields said.

    “To put this into perspective: One of the closest supernova threats today is from the star Betelgeuse, which is over 600 light-years away and well outside of the kill distance of 25 light-years,” co-author Adrienne Ertel, a graduate student in Fields’ research group, said in the same statement.

    Death by exploding star?

    Supernovas, which end the lives of giant stars like Betelgeuse, can hit Earth life with a powerful one-two punch. Highly energetic UV, X-ray and gamma radiation delivers the first wallop, and the second comes from swarms of charged particles called cosmic rays that are accelerated to tremendous speeds by the explosion. This combo can damage Earth’s ozone layer for 100,000 years or so, study team members said.

    Fossil evidence suggests that biodiversity decreased substantially for about 300,000 years at the end of the Devonian, which is often called “The Age of Fishes” because of its tremendous fish diversity. So the end-Devonian extinction may have involved several different dramatic events — perhaps two or more nearby supernova explosions.

    “This is entirely possible,” said study co-author Jesse Miller, another grad student in Fields’ lab. “Massive stars usually occur in clusters with other massive stars, and other supernovae are likely to occur soon after the first explosion.”

    The researchers suggested a way to test their hypothesis: look for the radioactive isotopes plutonium-244 and samarium-146 in rocks and fossils from the end-Devonian time period. (Isotopes are versions of chemical elements with different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.)

    “Neither of these isotopes occurs naturally on Earth today, and the only way they can get here is via cosmic explosions,” study co-author Zhenghai Liu, an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, said in the same statement.

    Such a search has not yet happened, study team members said.

    Supernova vs. Earth

    Fields and his team aren’t the first researchers to find possible links between supernovas and extinction events. For example, a different group recently proposed that a supernova contributed to the minor mass extinction at the end of the Pliocene epoch, about 2.6 million years ago.

    Such ideas are not exactly outre, given that we already have a documented case of dramatic death from above. The mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous Period 66 million years ago, which famously did in the non-avian dinosaurs, was likely triggered when a comet or asteroid about 6 miles (10 kilometers) wide slammed into Earth.

    “The overarching message of our study is that life on Earth does not exist in isolation,” Fields said. “We are citizens of a larger cosmos, and the cosmos intervenes in our lives — often imperceptibly, but sometimes ferociously.”

    The end-Devonian and end-Cretaceous events are two of the five mass extinctions that scientists have traditionally recognized. However, there’s a growing consensus that we’re now living through a sixth mass extinction — one caused primarily by humanity, with global warming and habitat destruction two of the biggest drivers.

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  • #36661

    Interstellar visitor ‘Oumuamua could still be alien technology, new study hints

    Aliens? Or a chunk of solid hydrogen? Which idea makes less sense?

    ‘Oumuamua — a mysterious, interstellar object that crashed through our solar system two years ago — might in fact be alien technology. That’s because an alternative, non-alien explanation might be fatally flawed, as a new study argues.

    But most scientists think the idea that we spotted alien technology in our solar system is a long shot.

    In 2018, our solar system ran into an object lost in interstellar space. The object, dubbed ‘Oumuamua, seemed to be long and thin — cigar-shaped — and tumbling end over end. Then, close observations showed it was accelerating, as if something were pushing on it. Scientists still aren’t sure why.

    One explanation? The object was propelled by an alien machine, such as a lightsail — a wide, millimeter-thin machine that accelerates as it’s pushed by solar radiation. The main proponent of this argument was Avi Loeb, a Harvard University astrophysicist.

    Most scientists, however, think ‘Oumuamua’s wonky acceleration was likely due to a natural phenomenon. In June, a research team proposed that solid hydrogen was blasting invisibly off the interstellar object’s surface and causing it to speed up.

    Now, in a new paper published Monday (Aug. 17) in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Loeb and Thiem Hoang, an astrophysicist at the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, argue that the hydrogen hypothesis couldn’t work in the real world — which would mean that there is still hope that our neck of space was once visited by advanced aliens — and that we actually spotted their presence at the time.

    Here’s the problem with ‘Oumuamua: It moved like a comet, but didn’t have the classic coma, or tail, of a comet, said astrophysicist Darryl Seligman, an author of the solid hydrogen hypothesis, who is starting a postdoctoral fellowship in astrophysics at the University of Chicago.

    ‘Oumuamua was the first object ever seen flying into our solar system and back out again. That’s opposed to most solar system objects that turn circles around the sun, never leaving the celestial neighborhood. Its journey and the fact that it was accelerating suggested ‘Oumuamua, which is estimated to be about 1,300 to 2,600 feet (400 to 800 meters) long, was a comet. And yet, “there was no ‘coma’ or outgassing detected coming from the object,” Seligman said. Normally, comets come from regions more distant from the sun than asteroids, and ice on their surface turns straight into gas as they approach the sun, leaving behind a trail of gas, or what we see as a beautiful comet tail, Seligman said.

    That outgassing changes how the comet moves through space, he said. It’s a bit like a very slow rocket engine: The sun strikes the comet, the warmest part of the comet bursts with gas, and that gas flowing away from the comet sends it tumbling faster and faster away from the sun.

    In a paper published June 9 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Seligman and Yale astrophysicist Gregory Laughlin proposed that the object was a comet made up partly or entirely of molecular hydrogen — lightweight molecules composed of two hydrogen atoms (H2).

    H2 gas freezes into a puffy, low-density solid only when it’s very cold — minus 434.45 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 259.14 degrees Celsius, or just 14.01 degrees above absolute zero) in Earth’s atmosphere. Researchers had already proposed the existence of “hydrogen icebergs” out in the very cold reaches of space, Laughlin and Seligman wrote in the study. And outgassing hydrogen wouldn’t be visible from Earth — meaning it wouldn’t leave behind a visible comet tail.

    The numbers worked out neatly; while a few other substances (like solid neon) could potentially explain the coma-free acceleration, hydrogen was the best match for the data.

    But in their new paper, Hoang and Loeb respond to this idea and argue that the hydrogen iceberg explanation has a basic problem: Comets form when icy grains of dust bump into each other in space and form clumps, and then those clumps attract more dust and other clumps. And comets are like snowmen: they survive only as long as they don’t melt.

    The stickiness that helps form comets is similar to the stickiness of ice cubes coming straight out of a cold freezer. Leave an ice cube on the counter for a minute or two, let its surface warm up a bit, and it won’t feel sticky anymore. A thin film of liquid water on its surface makes it slippery.

    Hoang and Loeb argued that even starlight in the coldest parts of space would warm up small chunks of solid hydrogen before they could clump together and form a comet of ‘Oumuamua’s large scale. And more importantly, the trek from the nearest “giant molecular cloud” — a dusty, gassy region of space where hydrogen icebergs are thought to form — is far too long. A hydrogen iceberg travelling hundreds of millions of years through interstellar space would have fallen apart, cooked by starlight.

    Seligman said that Loeb’s analysis was correct that no hydrogen comet would survive such a long trip.”Hydrogen icebergs don’t live that long in the galaxy.,” he said. “And you definitely don’t have time to get all the way from [the nearest] giant molecular cloud.”

    The theory only works if ‘Oumuamua is just 40 million years old, he said. Over that time frame, outgassing could have molded the comet’s oblong shape without destroying it entirely.

    He pointed to a paper published in April in The Astronomical Journal, which proposed a number of nearby origin points for ‘Oumuamua.

    The paper’s authors didn’t nail down the comet’s home entirely, which would be impossible, they said. ‘Oumuamua was hardly moving when it arrived in our sun’s gravity well, which makes tracking the comet through space tricky. But the researchers looked at what else passed through the Milky Way neighborhood that our sun is now passing through in recent cosmic history. They landed on two groups of young stars, the Carina and Columba moving groups, said Tim Hallatt, a graduate student and astrophysicist at McGill University in Montreal, and lead author of the paper published in April.

    They all formed around 30 million to 45 million years ago in a cloud of gas that then dispersed. That small, dissipated cloud of molecular gas, with just a few young stars, is one where hydrogen icebergs might form, Hallatt said

    “There are many processes that can eject ‘Oumuamua-type objects from young stars in moving groups — like gravitational nudges between stars in the group, planet formation, or as Seligman and Laughlin 2020 argue, the molecular clouds that create the stars in the first place,” Hallatt told Live Science.

    All three papers fit neatly together if you assume ‘Oumuamua was a hydrogen iceberg that originated in Carina or Columba, Hallatt added.

    “Seligman & Laughlin’s idea could work here because H2 objects should have a short lifetime in the galaxy (as Loeb correctly concludes), and an origin in Carina or Columba would make it young enough to survive its journey,” he said.

    Loeb, however, disagrees.

    “Shortening the distance that that H2 iceberg needs to travel does not solve the problems we outline in our paper, because the H2 iceberg would have formed when its parent planetary system formed, billions of years ago,” and in those eons, the iceberg would have evaporated, he told Live Science in an email.

    Loeb also said that hydrogen icebergs are expected to come from giant molecular clouds, not parts of space like Carina or Columba. And he reiterated that no hydrogen iceberg could survive the trek from the nearest giant molecular cloud.

    Asked if there is a clear leading candidate explanation for ‘Oumuamua’s acceleration, Loeb referred Live Science to a not-yet-released book he authored called “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth,” due for publication in January.

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  • #36876

    Astronomers discover the fastest-spinning white dwarf yet — and it’s a vampire

    An artist’s illustration of a white dwarf pulling gas away from its companion star.

    White dwarfs are some of the strangest objects in the universe.

    The leftover cores from sunlike stars, white dwarfs live for trillions of years through the support of exotic quantum physics. Astronomers recently spotted perhaps the strangest one yet: a dead star the spins twice a second, sucking down material from a nearby companion as it goes.

    The cataclysmic variable

    When stars like the sun die, they heave off their outer atmospheres into space. After the fury dies down, only the core — a white-hot ball of carbon and oxygen — is left behind. That ball, no bigger than planet Earth, is supported not by the normal nuclear fusion inside living stars, but by the exotic quantum force known as degeneracy pressure.

    But most stars do not live alone; most have siblings. And those stars can orbit in silent watchfulness as their companion ends its life in a blaze, leaving behind the corpse that is a white dwarf. Over time, that companion can either begin the final stages of its life itself, or spiral in too closely — close enough to begin a destructive dance.

    When that happens, material from the white dwarf’s companion can wind up on the surface of the white dwarf, building a thick layer of hydrogen around its carbon-oxygen body. In this situation and with enough time and enough material, a cataclysm can occur: a flash of nuclear fusion created by the intense pressures in the atmosphere. This flash of energy releases in a blast of radiation, visible from light-years away.

    These events used to be called “novas,” but nowadays astronomers prefer the lengthy term “cataclysmic variable star,” because it encompasses a broader class of phenomena (and it sounds cooler.)

    The magnetic force field

    Recently a team of astronomers spotted a unique cataclysmic variable star dubbed CTCV J2056-3014, or J2056. A binary system sitting about 850 light-years away from Earth, J2056 is known as an “intermediate polar” cataclysmic variable star. To understand that juicy bit of jargon we have to dig into magnetic fields.

    White dwarfs are full of charged particles, like most things in the universe. They are also relatively small and spin pretty quickly. The quickly spinning charged particles generate magnetic fields, which fan out far beyond the surface of the white dwarf and affect how the material from its companion star actually makes it onto the surface of the white dwarf.

    If the white dwarf star’s magnetic fields are weak, the hydrogen from its companion star settles into a nice, regular disk of accretion, steadily feeding onto the white dwarf. If the magnetic fields are strong, they funnel the gas into streams that wrap around the white dwarf and strike the poles, like a super-charged aurora borealis.

    However, if the magnetic fields are middling — not too weak, but not too strong — we get what is known as “intermediate polar.” The word “polar” here refers to the structure of the magnetic field itself. In this case, the magnetic fields aren’t strong enough to completely disrupt the formation of an accretion disk, but they are beefy enough to tangle up the gas near the white dwarf. This prevents a regular, smooth flow of gas, causing the white dwarf to flicker and flare irregularly and unpredictably.

    The strange one

    Here’s what’s strange about J2056: It’s an intermediate polar system, which means that gas from its companion star can form an accretion disk around the white dwarf, but it has trouble actually making it to the white dwarf’s surface. According to the authors of the study, this white dwarf is only capable of accumulating about the equivalent of Earth’s atmosphere every year, which as these systems go isn’t all that much.

    What’s more, J2056 isn’t emitting a lot of X-ray radiation, which is also atypical of these kinds of systems.

    Lastly, J2056 is spinning. Fast. In fact, it’s the fastest-known confirmed white dwarf, clocking in at a rotation period of roughly 29 seconds per revolution.

    So how did J2056 get so fast? It could be that the configuration of its magnetic fields are just right and therefore able to pull material down onto its surface in quick spurts, accelerating the white dwarf like a stellar carousel. But its magnetic fields aren’t strong enough to slow down the rotation through electromagnetic interactions with the surrounding accretion disk.

    Still, the relative dimness of its X-rays and the supremely fast orbit of its companion (it orbits once every 1.76 hours) remain to be explained.

    J2056 could represent a brand-new class of cataclysmic variable stars, or it could be just a complete oddball. Either way, understanding how it works could help us to understand how magnetic fields operate around white dwarfs, which is important for understanding how they live and how they are born.

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  • #36977

    Pictures from space! Our image of the day

    A spectacular, diffuse nebula

    Aug. 27, 2020: This image, snapped by the Hubble Space Telescope, shows the enormous, fluffy-looking nebula NGC 595. The nebula, located about three million light-years away from Earth in the Triangulum Galaxy, is made up of ionised hydrogen.

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  • #36980

    Earth may have been born wet

    Scientists may have to revise their views of the planet’s early history.

    Our wet planet, as seen by the NOAA/NASA Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite in July 2015.

    Earth may not have needed asteroid and comet strikes to fill its oceans, a new study reports.

    Conventional wisdom has long held that our planet was born dry, because its building blocks formed relatively close to the hot, baking sun. Earth therefore got the vast majority of its water later, most scientists have thought, from impacting objects native to the cold and icy depths of the outer solar system.

    Indeed, researchers have been arguing for years about whether comets or asteroids were the primary water bearers.

    But such debates may be mostly academic, suggests the new study, which was published online today (Aug. 27) in the journal Science. Researchers analyzed 13 different enstatite chondrite (EC) meteorites, a class known to be similar to the space rocks that coalesced to form Earth more than 4.5 billion years ago.

    They found lots of hydrogen in the supposedly dry meteorites — enough to imply that our planet was born quite wet. The team’s calculations suggest that the rocks that formed Earth harbored at least three times as much water as the planet’s present-day oceans hold.

    “Our discovery shows that the Earth’s building blocks might have significantly contributed to the Earth’s water,” study lead author Laurette Piani, a researcher at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques in Nancy, France, said in a statement.

    “Hydrogen-bearing material was present in the inner solar system at the time of the rocky planet formation, even though the temperatures were too high for water to condense,” Piani said.

    Piani and her colleagues “convincingly argue that water could come from enstatite chondrites,” Anne Peslier, a researcher at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, wrote in a companion “Perspectives” piece in the same issue of Science.

    A piece of the meteorite Sahara 97096 (about 4 inches, or 10 centimeters long), an enstatite chondrite that contains about 0.5 weight % of water. If Earth formed entirely of this material, it would have received 23 times the total mass of water present in Earth’s oceans.

    Big questions remain about the timing of Earth’s water uptake, Peslier noted, so it’s unclear if most of the water sloshing in our seas does indeed go all the way back. For example, if most of Earth’s native water was incorporated very early on, it may have been boiled away by long-ago asteroid bombardments and/or the formation of magma oceans. (In that case, the asteroid-vs.-comet debate would be very much viable.)

    “Nevertheless, the authors’ work brings a crucial and elegant element to this puzzle,” Peslier wrote. “Earth’s water may simply have come from the nebular material from which the planet accreted.”

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  • #37344

    Pictures from space! Our image of the day

    Riding a blast wave

    Sept. 1, 2020: This brilliant streak of light is a small section of the Cygnus supernova blast wave, as spotted by the Hubble Space Telescope. The blast, which is about 2,400 light-years away, was from a supernova explosion that tore apart a dying star 20 times more massive than our sun between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago.

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  • #37345

    The Andromeda galaxy’s halo is even more massive than scientists expected, Hubble telescope reveals

    An artist’s depiction showing what the Andromeda Galaxy halo would look like in the sky if our eyes could see it.

    Galactic halos are both more massive and more complicated than scientists realized, according to new observations from the Hubble Space Telescope.

    The venerable telescope turned its sights on the neighboring Andromeda galaxy using dozens of different quasars to map the galactic halo. Andromeda, more formally known as M31, is a spiral-shaped galaxy about the same size of the Milky Way galaxy we live in, with about 1 trillion stars. Cosmically, it’s right next door, just 2.5 million light-years away, which means that Hubble can study its halo in unprecedented detail.

    “This is truly a unique experiment because only with Andromeda do we have information on its halo along not only one or two sightlines, but over 40,” lead researcher Nicolas Lehner, an astrophysicist at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, said in a NASA statement. “This is groundbreaking for capturing the complexity of a galaxy halo beyond our own Milky Way.”

    Those sightlines are built by the active black holes that lie at the heart of galaxies on the opposite side of Andromeda. These objects, called quasars, produce lots of light and it’s easier for scientists to study how gasses in the halo absorb some of that light than it is to study the halo itself. So Hubble turned its ultraviolet gaze to 43 different quasars beyond Andromeda and analyzed their light in order to map gaseous charged carbon, silicon and oxygen in the halo.

    The Andromeda galaxy’s halo isn’t just a convenient target; scientists also think that, given the other similarities between our neighbor and our own galaxy, Andromeda’s halo may teach us about the Milky Way’s own halo, which is difficult to study from within the galaxy.

    “Understanding the huge halos of gas surrounding galaxies is immensely important,” Samantha Berek, who worked on the research as an undergraduate at Yale University in Connecticut, said in the statement. “This reservoir of gas contains fuel for future star formation within the galaxy, as well as outflows from events such as supernovas. It’s full of clues regarding the past and future evolution of the galaxy, and we’re finally able to study it in great detail in our closest galactic neighbor.”

    The researchers found that the halo itself stretched much farther across space than they had expected it to, a whopping 1.3 million light-years out from the galaxy — and, at some spots, more like 2 million light-years. If human eyes could see it, it would be three times as wide as the Big Dipper, according to NASA. In starker terms, Andromeda’s halo covers more than half the distance between Andromeda and the Milky Way, suggesting that the two halos intermingle.

    A diagram showing the quasars used to map the halo of the Andromeda galaxy.

    The new research also found that the structure of Andromeda’s halo is also more complicated than previously expected, with two distinct layers. “We find the inner shell that extends to about a half million light-years is far more complex and dynamic,” Lehner said. “The outer shell is smoother and hotter.”

    Lehner and his colleagues suspect that the halo’s two-part structure may have been caused by stellar explosions called supernovas within Andromeda’s main disk, which would more dramatically affect the inner portion of the halo, riling it up, than the outer. Supernovas are also a key mechanism for spreading heavy elements, like the ones the researchers identified in this study, across the cosmos.

    The research relied on Hubble’s ability to see in ultraviolet light, which is a rare talent among current space telescopes. But even Hubble can only create such a detailed map of the halos of very close galaxies; most other galaxies don’t have enough observable quasars lurking on their far sides for the telescope to focus on.

    But if we’re only going to get a good look at one galactic halo, it may as well be the one that overlaps with our own. And, eventually, we’ll be even closer to Andromeda’s halo, since our two galaxies are slowly catapulting toward each other and will collide in a few billion years.

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  • #37346

    Black hole ‘hair’ could be detected using ripples in space-time

    Hair may record the information swallowed by the gravitational monsters.

    The information locked inside black holes could be detected by feeling their ‘hair,’ new research suggests.

    Black holes are celestial objects with such massive gravity that not even light can escape their clutches once it crosses the event horizon, or point-of-no-return. The event horizons of black holes lock secrets deep within them — secrets that could completely revolutionize our understanding of physics.

    Unfortunately, for decades many scientists thought whatever information falls into a black hole might be lost forever. But new research suggests that ripples in space-time, or gravitational waves may carry a faint whisper of this hidden information by revealing the presence of wispy “hairs” on a black hole’s surface.

    A hairy question?

    As far as we understand them (which, admittedly, is not very much), black holes are suspiciously simple objects. Regardless of what falls in, whether stars, clouds of gas and dust, or your worst enemies, black holes can be described by three and only three simple numbers: charge, mass and spin.

    That means that if you had two black holes of the exact same size, exact same electric charge, and spinning at exactly the same rate, you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart. The reason this is suspicious is that something had to happen to all that juicy information that fell into those two black holes. Did it get destroyed? Lost below the event horizon? Stuck in some inaccessible portion of the universe?

    The simplest solution is the theorem, first coined by the American physicist John Wheeler, that “black holes have no hair” — they have no extra information encoded in them or on them. Just their mass, electric charge and spin. Everything else is simply destroyed (somehow) beyond the event horizon, locked away from the universe forever and ever.

    A paradox of information

    But in 1974, Stephen Hawking proposed a revolutionary idea: black holes aren’t inescapable cosmic vacuum cleaners; rather, subatomic particles might flee black holes through an exotic quantum process, which would result in the release of radiation from their surfaces. Over time, this Hawking radiation, as it is called, would cause black holes to slowly lose energy (and therefore mass). Eventually, after eons of gradually losing energy, the black holes would evaporate entirely.

    This is all fine and dandy, except for the pesky no-hair idea. If black holes can evaporate, what happens to all the information that fell into them?

    As far as we know, Hawking radiation doesn’t carry any information away with it. And we really, really don’t think that information can be created or destroyed in this universe (it’s certainly possible, but would make a bunch of known physics pretty wonky, which would violate observations and experiments).

    And hence, the black hole information paradox. Information goes into a black hole, the black hole disappears, and we don’t know what happens to the information.

    To fix this paradox, either we need to fix what we know about black holes or fix what we know about Hawking radiation. Or both.

    Maybe the information gets locked deep inside the black hole, near the singularity, and evaporation stops just before that point, leaving behind a tiny little ball chock full of information.

    Or maybe black holes aren’t entirely hairless. Maybe, just maybe, they maintain the information of anything that’s fallen into them on their surfaces, contained in something called the “stretched horizon”, a surface just above the event horizon containing quantum mechanical information. As black holes dissolve, the Hawking radiation carries away the information contained in the stretched horizon, solving the paradox and preserving our reality as we know it.

    Great idea, but how do we test it?

    Ripples in space-time

    A new study, published June 22 to the arXiv database (but not yet peer reviewed), suggests one way to find these silky strands: a gravitational wave detection.

    When black holes merge, they release a fury of gravitational waves that ripple throughout the cosmos. Despite the incredible energies of these collisions, the gravitational waves from these cosmic smashups are exceptionally weak. By the time these waves wash over Earth, they’re barely capable of nudging individual atoms.

    But we have LIGO — the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, a globe-spanning observatory — which can detect those subtle motions through the tiny changes in how long it takes light to travel from far-flung detectors. LIGO has observed the aftermath of dozens of potential black hole collisions throughout the universe, which even led to a Nobel Prize award in 2017. So far, those observations are consistent with the “no-hair theorem,” suggesting there is no extra information encoded on the surfaces of black holes.

    But there’s still a chance. There could be “soft hair” on the black holes — just a little bit of information, structured in a way that is challenging to detect.

    Of course physicists want to test this idea, because if we could demonstrate that black holes have hair, we would not only solve a major riddle in modern physics, but likely pave the way toward a better understanding of quantum gravity, or the theory that would reconcile general relativity, which governs the universe on a large scale, with quantum mechanics, which describes reality on the tiniest scales.Now comes the real hard work of science: connecting neat ideas to actual observation. The new arXiv paper suggests a way to find these soft hairs. The new study authors, Lawrence Crowell of the Alpha Institute for Advanced Studies in Budapest, Hungary and Christian Corda, a physicist at Istanbul University in Turkey, discovered that during the merging process, normally-quiet hairs can get excited, so to speak. In this energized state,, these hairs would intertwine with the outgoing gravitational radiation, altering those waves in subtle ways.

    Those changes to the gravitational waves can’t be detected yet, but future versions of LIGO might have the sensitivity to do it. And then we might be able to finally tell whether black holes are hairy or not.

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  • #37495

    Could the universe collapse into a singularity? New study explains how.

    All you need is some string.

    Has the universe been around forever? If so, perhaps it’s been bouncing back and forth in a never-ending cycle of big bangs in which all matter bubbles out of a singularity, followed by big crunches, in which everything gets swallowed up again to form that dense point from which the universe is born again. And the cycle continues over and over and over.

    The math of those theories, however, has never really worked out in a way that could tell us whether our universe is cyclic or has one beginning and one end. But recently, a team of theorists has invoked the powers of so-called string theory to solve some fundamental riddles of the early universe. The result could give us the theoretical push needed to build a universe from scratch, and hence lend support to a repeating universe.

    Painting the picture

    If you want to build your own private theoretical model of the universe, be my guest. Nobody will ever stop you from making your own cosmology. But if you want to play the game of the universe, you have to play by its rules. That means that no matter what your model of the cosmos contains, you have to confront some cold, hard observational evidence.

    For instance, we know that we live in an expanding universe, in which galaxies and stars are flying away from us at an ever-increasing speed. Scientists can tell that by using different types of techniques to calculate how fast galaxies at different distances from us are moving away. We also have pictures of the baby universe, when it was just 380,000 years old (and I really do mean “baby,” as the universe is currently 13.8 billion years old).

    Within that baby picture, we see interesting patterns — tiny splotches and blotches that reveal the existence of slight temperature and pressure differences in that young universe.

    We are able to explain all these observations (and more) with what’s called Big Bang cosmology, plus an additional idea known as inflation, which is a process that we think happened when the universe was less than a second old. During that process (which itself lasted for the teensiest sliver of a second), the universe became much, much larger, taking quantum differences and making them bigger in the process. Those differences eventually grew, as slightly denser patches had slightly stronger gravity, making them bigger. Over time, those differences became large enough to imprint themselves as splotches in the baby picture of the universe (and billions of years later, things like stars and galaxies, but that’s a separate story).

    King of the early universe

    Tired of the Big Bang Theory and want your own version of cosmology? That’s fine, but you’ll have to explain things like the expansion of the universe and the splotches in the baby picture of cosmos. In other words, you have to do a better job at explaining the universe than inflation does.

    This seems easy, but it isn’t. The pressure, density and temperature differences in the universe’s early years has bedeviled many alternative cosmologies, including one of the most popular let’s-go-bigger-than-the-big-bang ideas, known as (are you ready for this), Ekpyrotic universe. The word ekpyrotic comes from the Greek for word for “conflagration,” which refers to an ancient philosophical idea of a constantly repeating universe.

    In the Ekpyrotic scenario, the universe … constantly repeats. Under that perspective, we are currently in a “bang” phase, which will eventually (somehow) slow down, stop, reverse, and crunch back down to incredibly high temperatures and pressures. Then, the universe will (somehow) bounce back and re-ignite in a new big bang phase.

    The trouble is, it’s hard to replicate the blotches and splotches in the baby picture of the universe in an Ekpyrotic universe. When we attempt to put together some vague physics to explain the crunch-bounce-bang cycle (and I do emphasize “vague” here, because these processes involve energies and scales that we aren’t even coming close to understanding with known physics), everything just comes out too … smooth. No bumps. No wiggles. No splotches. No differences in temperature, pressure or density.

    And that doesn’t just mean the theories don’t match observations of the early universe. It means that these cosmologies don’t lead to a universe filled with galaxies, stars or even people.

    So that’s kind of a bummer.

    The S-brane saves the day

    The name of the game in the past few years of Ekpyrotic theories is to try to match the same observations that inflation does. In the latest attempt to overcome this hurdle and make Ekpyrotic cosmologies at least somewhat respectable, a team of researchers invoke none other than the S-brane.

    Right. S-branes. So you’ve heard of string theory, right? That’s the universe of fundamental physics where every particle is really a tiny, vibrating string. But a few years ago, theorists realized that the strings don’t have to be one-dimensional. And the name they give to a multidimensional string? A brane.

    As for the “S” part? Well most branes in string theory can roam around freely through both space and time, but the hypothetical S-brane can exist only in one instant in time, under very special conditions.

    In this new Ekpyrotic scenario, when the universe was at its smallest and densest configuration possible, an S-brane appeared, triggering the re-expansion of a cosmos filled with matter and radiation (a big bang) and with small variations in temperature and pressure (giving rise to the well-known splotches in the baby pictures of the universe). That’s what three physicists propose in a new paper published online in July to the preprint server arXiv, meaning the paper has yet to be peer-reviewed.

    Is this idea correct? Who knows. String theory is on thin theoretical ice recently, as experiments like those at the Large Hadron Collider have failed to find any hints of a theory known as supersymmetry, which is a critical underpinning of String theory . And the concept of S-branes is itself a controversial idea within the String Theory community, as it’s not exactly known if branes would be allowed to exist only in one moment in time.

    There’s also the fact that not only is the universe as we know it expanding, but it’s accelerating in its expansion, with no sign whatsoever of it slowing down (let alone collapsing) anytime soon. Figuring out what could make it hit the brakes and reverse course, then, is tricky.

    Still, Ekpyrotic (and other) ideas are worth exploring, because the earliest moments of the universe provide some of the most puzzling and challenging questions to modern physics.

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  • #37496

    Scientists spot a triple-star system shredding its planet-forming disk in a cosmic first

    Groups of stars can tear their planet-forming disk to shreds, leaving behind warped, misaligned rings, scientists find in a breakthrough study.

    Solar systems like ours generally form with their planets all orbiting in the same, flat plane. But, as an international team of scientists has found in a new study, this isn’t always the case.

    After 11 years of studying GW Orionis, a young triple star system 1,300 light-years away with a circumstellar disk (a planet-forming, ring-shaped disk made up of gas, dust planetesimals, asteroids and more), the team found the first direct evidence that groups of stars can actually tear apart their disks. This work reveals a disk that isn’t flat at all and is, instead, misaligned and broken.

    This superimposed image of of the GW Orionis star system shows images from the ALMA radio telescope (in blue) overlayed on the ESO Very Large Telescope’s SPHERE instrument’s view, which shows the shadow of the system’s innermost ring.

    “There have been a number of theoretical studies on disk-tearing effects, but this is the first direct evidence of effect occurring in a planet-forming disk,” study co-author Alison Young of the Universities of Exeter and Leicester in England, told in an email. “This demonstrates that it is possible for such disks to be warped and broken and raises the possibility that planets could form on highly inclined orbits around multiple star systems.”

    The warped ring, which is located in the inner part of the GW Orionis system’s disk, contains 30 Earth-masses of dust, the researchers also found. This means that the disk contains enough material to form planets.

    “It’s the best mechanism for forming planets on such extreme orbits, such as been found so far,” lead author Stefan Kraus, a professor of astrophysics at the University of Exeter in the UK, told, referring to the warping observed in GW Orionis. “But … from the planet-detection side, we don’t have a way of detecting these planets yet.”

    While the researchers have yet to detect planets within this system, the groundbreaking study confirms what scientists have suspected for years: that multi-star systems can break their own disks, leaving inclined, misaligned rings around its stars.

    Starting in 2008, the researchers, who hail from the UK, Belgium, Chile, France and the US, studied the three newborn stars in the GW Orionis system using the AMBER(Astronomical Multi-BEam combineR) and later the GRAVITY instruments on the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, which combines the light from different telescopes.

    This artistic impression (left) shows the inner region of the disc in the triple-star system GW Orionis.

    “This data allowed us to build a detailed computer model of the system, which predicted that the circumstellar disk would be bent and even torn to form a separate inner ring,” Young said.

    “When we got the first orbit solution, which was about 2016, we then noticed that there is this misalignment between the orbits themself,” Kraus said, elaborating to say that the theorists on the team predicted that the system could be susceptible to disk tearing.

    With this computer model in hand, the team then made observations of the system with the SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch) instrument on VLT and with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the largest radio telescope in the world.

    “When we received the data from the VLT and ALMA, the images were stunning. We saw this ring clearly in the ALMA observations and the tell-tale shadow in the VLT image which could only be cast by an inclined ring,” Young said.

    The results confirmed the ring’s misalignment and showed that what they suspected all along was happening 1,300 light-years away.

    “It is exciting to see mathematical predictions verified in observations so clearly. I find the SPHERE image particularly amazing because we can really see the disk is a 3-dimensional structure with a surface covered in bumps and shadows,” Young said. “We are looking at what could eventually become an unusual type of planetary system in the very process of forming.”

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  • #37564

    The same black hole can collide with its kin multiple times, lopsided merger suggests

    A black hole’s life may be even more violent than we thought.

    An artist’s depiction of two mismatched black holes colliding.

    For black holes, a collision doesn’t have to be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, new research suggests.

    On April 12, 2019, scientists detected a new black-hole merger using a trio of gravitational-wave detectors. Astrophysicists have spotted such events before, but something about the signals was different this time: the two black holes that collided were incredibly unevenly matched, with the larger about three times the size of the smaller. Scientists didn’t expect to see such an imbalanced merger between black holes, and now, they think they might understand the unusual event.

    “This event is an oddball the universe has thrown at us — it was something we didn’t see coming,” Salvatore Vitale, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an author on the new research, said in a statement. “But nothing happens just once in the universe. And something like this, though rare, we will see again, and we’ll be able to say more about the universe.”

    Vitale and his colleagues suspect that the strange collision occurred after the larger black hole itself was the product of a black-hole merger. The initial event sent a large black hole bouncing around a neighborhood packed with black holes, this hypothesis goes, enabling the uneven collision.

    That’s a very different story than scientists’ two main scenarios for black-hole mergers, which both encourage fairly even matches. Vitale and his colleagues used two different models to evaluate whether the traditional merger scenarios could create an event like the unbalanced merger. No dice.

    “No matter what we do, we cannot easily produce this event in these more common formation channels,” Vitale said.

    So the team turned to a process called hierarchical merging, in which the result of a black-hole merger goes on to merge again. And this time, the models seemed to make sense. “You do the math, and it turns out the leftover black hole would have a spin which is very close to the total spin of this merger,” Vitale said.

    Coincidentally, gravitational wave researchers published other research this week that also points to hierarchical merging. On Wednesday (Sept. 2), the scientists behind the gravitational-wave detectors LIGO (short for “Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory”) and Virgo announced that in May 2019, they had seen a black hole that was larger than scientists know how to form by stellar explosions. The suspicion is that this hefty black hole, if not both the original members of the event, was the result of a previous merger.

    The scientists behind the new paper analyzing the uneven collision suspect that hierarchical mergers couldn’t happen just anywhere, but instead must occur in a relatively dense neighborhood, where black holes can easily interact with each other.

    “This merger must have come from an unusual place,” Vitale said. “As LIGO and Virgo continue to make new detections, we can use these discoveries to learn new things about the universe.”

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  • #38007

    Two Black Holes Smashed and Completely Changed What We Know About the Universe

    Roughly seven billion years ago, two monstrous black holes slammed together in a catastrophic celestial event so intense, it shot a pulse of gravitational waves out across the universe. Astonishingly, those gravitational waves only reached Earth one year ago, and astronomers now believe they’ve spotted the most powerful black hole collision yet: an event they’ve dubbed GW190521.

    Researchers at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in the U.S. and the Virgo Observatory in Italy first detected the waves—ripples in the fabric of space-time—in May 2019. The two smashed black holes at the heart of the collision were 66 and 85 times more massive than our sun, astronomers report in two papers published last week in Physical Review Letters and The Astrophysical Journal. When they collided, they formed a gargantuan black hole approximately 142 times more massive than our sun.

    Not only is this likely the most powerful explosion ever recorded, but it proves the existence of a rare class of black holes: intermediate-mass black holes. “Now we can settle the case and say that intermediate-mass black holes exist,” LIGO astrophysicist Christopher Berry of Northwestern University, told National Geographic.

    A black hole 85 times the mass of our sun theoretically shouldn’t exist. It doesn’t pair well with the theories researchers have about how stars die. Stars that range from a few times to 60 times the mass of our sun typically burn all of their fuel and eventually collapse in on themselves, forming a “conventional” black hole.

    Stars that are about 60 to 130 times more massive than our sun go out with a bang, but they usually don’t become black holes. Instead, they form something called a pair-instability supernova. The heat that occurs during the star’s compression is so powerful, all of the material ejected is destroyed. According to the current theory, it simply can’t become a black hole. (Supermassive black holes, like the one photographed at the center of M87, form from stars millions to billions the mass of our sun.)

    “A discovery like this is simultaneously disheartening and exhilarating,” LIGO team member Daniel Holz, a theorist at the University of Chicago, told the New York Times. “On the one hand, one of our cherished beliefs has been proven wrong. On the other hand, here’s something new and unexpected, and now the race is on to try to figure out what is going on.”

    So how did this massive collision unfold? Some researchers propose the black holes that slammed into each other were primordial, meaning they’ve been around since shortly after the Big Bang and follow their own set of cosmic guidelines. Another theory suggests perhaps these mysterious intermediate-mass black holes formed from black hole mergers that occurred earlier.

    In order for this scenario to work, location is key. When black holes collide, the gravitational waves they generate often cause them to recoil, propelling them out of their galaxy. But for these two massive black holes to meet, the galaxy in which their previous collisions occurred would have to have been incredibly crowded and had enough of a gravitation pull to keep the black holes relatively close together.

    Astronomers aren’t sure where the massive collision occurred. There is, however, a clue. In June, researchers at the Zwicky Transient Observatory in California spotted the flare of a quasar in roughly the same patch of sky. This bright flash could be the result of a shockwave produced by the recoiled black hole formed during the GW190521 event. But more work needs to be done to link the two phenomena.

    In any case, this is a watershed moment in astrophysics. Discoveries made at the Virgo Observatory and LIGO, the twin observatories located in Washington and Louisiana, respectively, have reshaped our understanding of the universe and earned researchers there a Nobel Prize. The work done at these observatories has allowed astronomers to slowly tease out our universe’s most cryptic secrets. They’re not finished yet.

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  • #38008

    The sun may have a long-lost twin

    There’s a strange sphere of mass at the outer reaches of solar space.

    An illustration shows a pair of binary stars with one partially eclipsing the other.

    The most distant region of our solar system, a sphere of dark, icy debris out beyond Neptune, is too crowded. All that stuff out there, beyond the reach of the ancient disk of gas and dust that formed the planets, doesn’t match with scientific models of how the solar system formed. Now, a pair of researchers has offered a new take on this far-out mystery: Our sun has a long-lost twin. And the two stars spent their childhoods collecting the passing debris from interstellar space, crowding the outer reaches of the solar system.

    We can’t see this twin. Wherever it is — if it ever existed — it broke away from its orbit with our sun eons ago. The two stars would have circled the Milky Way well over a dozen times since then, and may have ended up in totally different regions of space. But a record of that lost twin’s influence on our solar system may remain in our Oort cloud — a mysterious neighborhood of comets and space rocks at the outer bounds of our sun’s influence.

    The Oort cloud is a strange place. Unlike the planets and asteroids of the inner solar system, which lie on a single flat disk around the sun, it forms a hollow sphere of debris encircling the solar system in every direction. Compared to the inner planets, these distant drifters experience very little of the sun’s gravity, and could easily be nudged out of their orbits and into interstellar space. The most distant objects in that sphere are barely linked to our sun at all, drifting along 100,000 times farther away from the sun than Earth.

    “That’s actually halfway to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri,” said study co-author Avi Loeb, a Harvard astrophysicist. “If Alpha Centauri also has an Oort cloud, if all the stars have Oort clouds, then they’re all touching each other like billiard balls and space is filled with them.”

    Our Oort cloud is less crowded with large objects than is the inner solar system. Fly through it in a spaceship and you’re unlikely to encounter anything at all. But it still hosts far more stuff than it should, Loeb said. Probably about 100 billion individual objects, mostly chunks of rock and ice, reside in the cloud. We can’t see them directly, but there’s plenty of evidence for them: the comets that plunge into the inner solar system from the Oort cloud at regular intervals.

    There’s some evidence for even bigger things in the Oort cloud. For a few years now, scientists looking at the known objects beyond Neptune cluster have suggested that there may be an unknown planet out there tugging them into formation. This Planet 9 would be up to 10 times heavier than Earth, though it has yet to be seen. All that mass far beyond Neptune causes problems for astronomers, Loeb said. So does the fact that the Oort cloud forms a sphere, when all the planets and asteroids in the inner solar system seem to have formed from one flat disk of dust and gas.

    “The question is: How did it come to exist?” Loeb told Live Science. “The popular view is that maybe they were scattered from the disk that made the planets.”

    An illustration shows that the Oort cloud is by far the most vast part of our solar system, extending far beyond the ring of inner planets and asteroids.

    There are some objects in the cloud that clearly came from the inner solar system, Loeb said. But the large objects in this thick “scattered disk” only make up a fraction — about 1/50th — of the total count of large objects orbiting beyond Neptune. And simulations of Oort cloud formation that have all the objects coming from the inner solar system suggest it should have somewhere between one-third and one-tenth the number of large objects it seems to hold.

    “You cannot easily explain the large number of Oort cloud objects this way,” Loeb said.

    And if you assume there’s a big planet orbiting out there, the crowded Oort cloud gets even more difficult to explain.

    In this case, together with his frequent collaborator, Harvard undergraduate Amir Siraj, Loeb suggested that the sun may have worked together with a lost twin to capture passing objects from deep space.

    The theory goes like this: Astronomers already agree that the sun, like most stars, likely formed in a tight cluster with many other stars in a galactic pocket of dust and gas. That stellar nursery was probably full of rogue objects — interstellar comets and maybe heavier things like planets. But on its own, the sun’s gravity probably wasn’t strong enough to pull so many of those objects into Oort orbits.

    But what if the sun and another star orbited around each other? Throw this binary companion into the mix, and the calculation changes. Assuming the two stars were about the same size, and orbited each other at 1,000 times the distance between Earth and the sun (about 1.5% of a light-year), their collective gravity could have snagged bits of rock and ice from the interstellar medium. By the time the sun and its twin drifted apart — their orbits likely broken by a close encounter with a third star — each would have been shrouded in an Oort cloud far thicker than what the sun and its twin would have captured on its own.

    There are a few nice things about this theory, Loeb said. It neatly explains not only the number of objects in the Oort cloud but its shape. Objects snagged at random from deep space would have formed a sphere around the sun like we see, not a disk.

    “The beautiful thing is we can test it,” he said.

    If Loeb and Siraj are correct, then astronomers have likely underestimated the number of truly huge objects in the Oort cloud. With a binary companion, the sun should have captured not just the still-hypothetical Planet 9 from its birth cluster, but plenty of dwarf planets — objects like Ceres and Pluto from the inner solar system — that would still orbit in that far-distant part of space.

    Right now, there’s no evidence for those dwarf planets. But the dim and distant Oort cloud is still so poorly understood that their absence in the data isn’t surprising, Loeb said.

    And the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), due for completion in Chile in 2021, will scan the sky in unprecedented detail for just these sort of dim, far-away objects, Loeb said. If the LSST’s first long scan of space reveals Planet 9 and a large population of additional dwarf planets in the Oort cloud that will strongly suggest our solar system once had a twin, he said.

    Wherever that stellar twin ended up, if it existed, we’ll never find it again, Loeb said. Everything in the Milky Way has been stirred around too many times since the dissolution of our sun’s original birth cluster, 4.5 billion years ago. But we can imagine what it would have looked like: not a second sun, because even when the stars were twinned they were still distant from one another. Instead it might have seemed like a too-bright planet, moving very slowly across the sky.

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  • #38073

    Space Could Be Littered With Eerie Transparent Stars Made Entirely of Bosons

    Last year, the astronomical community achieved an absolute wonder. For the very first time, the world collectively laid eyes on an actual image of the shadow of a black hole. It was the culmination of years of work, a magnificent achievement in both human collaboration and technical ingenuity.

    And, like the best scientific breakthroughs, it opened a whole new world of enquiry. For a team led by astrophysicist Hector Olivares from Radboud University in the Netherlands and Goethe University in Germany, that enquiry was: how do we know M87* is a black hole?

    “While the image is consistent with our expectations on what a black hole would look like, it is important to be sure that what we are seeing is really what we think,” Olivares told ScienceAlert.

    “Similarly to black holes, boson stars are predicted by general relativity and are able to grow to millions of solar masses and reach a very high compactness. The fact that they share these features with supermassive black holes led some authors to propose that some of the supermassive compact objects located at the center of galaxies could actually be boson stars.”

    So, in a new paper, Olivares and his team have calculated what a boson star might look like to one of our telescopes, and how that would differ from a direct image of an accreting black hole.

    Boson stars are among the strangest theoretical objects out there. They’re not much like conventional stars, except that they’re a glob of matter. But where stars are primarily made up of particles called fermions – protons, neutrons, electrons, the stuff that forms more substantial parts of our Universe – boson stars would be made up entirely of… bosons.

    These particles – including photons, gluons and the famous Higgs boson – don’t follow the same physical rules as fermions.

    Fermions are subject to the Pauli exclusion principle, which means you can’t have two identical particles occupying the same space. Bosons, however, can be superimposed; when they come together, they act like one big particle or matter wave. We know this, because it’s been done in a lab, producing what we call a Bose-Einstein condensate.

    In the case of boson stars, the particles can be squeezed into a space which can be described with distinct values, or points on a scale. Given the right kind of bosons in the right arrangements, this ‘scalar field’ could fall into a relatively stable arrangement.

    That’s the theory, at least. Not that anybody has seen one in action. Bosons with the mass required to form such a structure, let alone one with the mass of a supermassive black hole, are yet to be spotted.

    If we could identify a boson star, we would have effectively located this elusive particle.

    “In order to form a structure as large as the SMBH candidates, the mass of the boson needs to be extremely small (less than 10-17 electronvolts),” Olivares said.

    “Spin-0 bosons with similar or smaller masses appear in several cosmological models and string theories, and have been proposed as dark matter candidates under different names (scalar field dark matter, ultra-light axions, fuzzy dark matter, quantum wave dark matter). Such hypothetical particles would be extremely difficult to detect, but the observation of an object looking like a boson star would point to their existence.”

    Boson stars do not fuse nuclei, and they would not emit any radiation. They’d just sit there in space, being invisible. Much like black holes.

    Unlike black holes, however, boson stars would be transparent – they lack an absorbing surface that would stop photons, nor do they have an event horizon. Photons can escape boson stars, although their path may be bent a little by the gravity.

    But some boson stars may be surrounded by a rotating ring of plasma – a lot like the accretion disc that surrounds a black hole. And it would look fairly similar, like a glowing doughnut with a dark region inside.

    So, Olivares and his team performed simulations of the dynamics of these plasma rings, and compared them to what we might expect to see of a black hole.

    “The plasma configuration that we use is not set up ‘by hand’ (under reasonable assumptions), but results from a simulation of plasma dynamics. This allows the plasma to evolve in time and to form structures as it would in nature,” Olivares explained.

    “In this way we could relate the size of the dark region in the boson star images (which mimics a black hole shadow) to the radius where a plasma instability stops operating. In turn, this means that the size of the dark region is not arbitrary – it will depend on the properties of the boson star space-time – and also allows us to predict its size for other boson stars that we have not simulated.”

    They found that the boson star’s shadow would be significantly smaller than the shadow of a black hole of similar mass. Thus, M87* could be ruled out as a boson star – at least as modelled by the team.

    “The mass of [M87*] inferred from stellar dynamics is consistent with the expectations on the size of its shadow for the case of a black hole, so the dark region is too big to correspond to a non-rotating boson star similar to those we studied,” Olivares told ScienceAlert.

    But the team also took into account the technical capabilities and limitations of the Event Horizon Telescope which delivered that first black hole image; they deliberately set about visualising their results as they thought boson stars might look as imaged by the EHT.

    This means their results can be compared to future EHT observations, to determine if what we’re looking at is indeed a supermassive black hole.

    If it were not, that would be a very big deal. It wouldn’t mean that supermassive black holes don’t exist – the range of masses for black holes is way too broad for boson stars. But it would hint that boson stars are real, and in turn that would have huge implications, for everything from the inflation of the early Universe to the search for dark matter.

    “It would mean that cosmological scalar fields exist and play an important role in the formation of structures in the Universe,” Olivares told ScienceAlert.

    “The growth of supermassive black holes is still not understood very well, and if it turns out that at least some of the candidates are actually boson stars, we would need to think of different formation mechanisms involving scalar fields.”

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  • #38085

    I misread that as “bosoms”.

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  • #38090

    That makes two of us.

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  • #38133

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  • #38135

    Gravitational waves: Do they suggest a bang at the end of the universe?

    Our universe could have had quite a different origin, according to recent observations of the ripples in space-time.

    Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1915. Now, finally, we can detect them.

    How something can come out of nothing is perhaps the biggest mystery related to the Big Bang. The most accepted theory of the universe’s beginning states that it started as an infinitely small, infinitely dense point that expanded outwards and cooled to become the modern cosmos. But what was the cause of this event nearly 14 billion years ago?

    Even this is a question loaded with problems. If the Big Bang created time, as conventional thinking says, then you can’t talk about “before,” or a prior cause, as those are notions that only make sense if time already existed.

    Sir Roger Penrose, a long-time collaborator of Stephen Hawking, believes he has a way to banish these problems for good. What’s more, astronomers might have found evidence to confirm he’s right. His theory is called Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC), and it says that the explosive birth of our universe arose during the twilight years of another. In other words, there was a time before the Big Bang.

    Addressing the “mammoth in the room”

    According to Penrose, there is “a mammoth in the room” that no cosmologist is currently addressing: How the early universe at the Big Bang was, in some ways, very similar to the state our universe is heading in the distant future. In both cases, mass makes a significantly lower contribution to the total energy of the universe than it does today.

    To calculate kinetic energy, or the energy of motion, you half the mass and multiply it by its velocity squared. In the first moments after the Big Bang, when the cosmos was very hot, particles were flying around stupendously fast. That means their speed made the majority contribution to the universe’s total energy, not the particle’s mass.

    The same can be said of the universe’s future. In 1998, physicists discovered that the universe was expanding at an ever-increasing rate, shaking the astronomical community to its core. They had expected the cosmos to be slowing down as the power of the Big Bang waned. So, for the expansion to be accelerating again, astronomers believed there must be some invisible entity, known as dark energy, pushing everything apart. Eventually, all matter in the universe will be separated to such a great extent that mass again becomes a trivial factor in the overall energy of the cosmos.

    In both cases, the universe will eventually be dominated by light, not matter. And for a photon (a massless particle of light) time and length does not exist. Ride along on a photon and you’d zip across the visible universe in literally no time. That insight was Penrose’s key breakthrough.

    “In both cases, the universe doesn’t know how big it is,” Penrose said. As far as the universe is concerned, its hot, small beginning is physically identical to its cold, huge future. That in itself isn’t controversial, but Penrose goes a step further. “This remote future becomes another Big Bang,” he says. So what happened before the Big Bang?
    According to Penrose another universe ended, and that universe sprung from the death of yet another. Penrose calls each period an aeon. The aeons go further and further back in time with no need for an initial beginning. In some ways, it’s a return to the steady-state model that prevailed before the Big Bang gained significant traction in the mid-20th century.

    Rings in the CMB

    Penrose admits it’s a wild suggestion, but believes that like all good scientific theories, it might be tested through experiment and observation. These tests stem from the idea that our aeon and the one preceding it were not completely isolated from one another. “Information does get through,” he said. “It gets through in the form of a shock wave in our universe’s initial dark matter.”

    Dark matter, like dark energy, is a shadowy substance, this time needed to account for the way structures such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies formed in the early universe. According to Penrose’s calculations, that shock wave would have had an effect on the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which is the leftover radiation from the Big Bang, released when the universe was under 400,000 years old. “You’d see rings in the CMB that are slightly warmer or cooler than the average temperature,” he said.

    The equations of CCC predict that a shock wave arriving from a previous aeon would have dragged matter into our universe. If that caused material to head toward us, we would see light from that region shunted to shorter wavelengths — an effect astronomers call blueshift. Equally, a region carried away from us by a CCC shock wave would be redshifted, meaning its wavelength would be stretched out.

    Blueshifted regions would appear hotter and redshifted areas cooler. It’s these changes Penrose believes we’d see as rings in the cosmic microwave background. Multiple shockwaves might even have produced a series of concentric rings. “I asked whether anyone had looked for these rings in the sky,” Penrose said.

    Several years ago, it did seem as if those rings had been found, a veritable smoking gun for CCC. “Except nobody believed us. They said it must have been a fluke or something,” Penrose said.

    “But those signatures have been confirmed by alternative groups,” said Vahe Gurzadyan a physicist at the Yerevan Physics Institute in Armenia and Penrose’s long time collaborator on CCC.

    The scientists point to the fact that a team of Polish and Canadian researchers confirmed the presence of the rings to a confidence level of 99.7%. However, there are still many doubters. Gurzadyan remains steadfast. “These structures are real – there is no doubt that our calculations are reliable and correct,” he said. Still, Penrose has been exploring other approaches that might further support the pair’s claims about CCC and a time before the Big Bang.

    The transition between aeons would do something more fundamental that just create a shock wave in our dark matter and rings in the cosmic microwave background. “A new material, the dominant material in the universe, is created at the crossover,” Penrose said. He regards that new material as the initial form of dark matter itself.

    “But in order that it doesn’t build up from aeon to aeon, it has to decay,” he said. He calls these initial dark matter particles erebons after Erebos, the Greek god of darkness.

    On average it would take 100 billion years for an erebon to decay, but there are some that will have decayed in the 14-billion-year history of our universe. Crucially, as they decay, Penrose says erebons dump all their energy into gravitational waves.

    The discovery of gravitational waves

    Gravitational waves are distortions in the fabric of space-time, predicted by Einstein over a century ago as part of his theory of general relativity. For most of the past century, we didn’t know if gravitational waves even existed. But that changed on Sept. 14, 2015, when physicists using the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) announced the detection of gravitational waves arriving at the Earth, from two black holes which had smashed together at nearly one-half the speed of light. Several other detections have followed, including more black hole mergers, along with the collision of two neutron stars — the collapsed cores of massive stars (which are still too small to form black holes) that have gone supernova.

    The modern Big Bang theory was first suggested by Georges Lemaître in the 1920s.

    In the summer of 2017, the astronomical community was buzzing with rumors that these detections might not have been what they seemed after all. A team from The Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen published a paper suggesting that the signals were not gravitational wave events, but ghosts in the data instead. By the time a gravitational wave makes it to the Earth its signal is very weak, making it difficult for physicists to pick out these disturbances above the background noise of more mundane terrestrial events that might also wiggle LIGO’s sensitive mirrors. If the same signal is picked up by both detectors, that is a massive clue that it has come from space. The noise, however, should not be correlated in the same way. A truck trundling by in Washington State should not affect a detector over 1,800 miles (3,000 kilometers) away in Louisiana.

    The Copenhagen team performed their own independent analysis of the LIGO data and found that the noise was indeed correlated, too. LIGO physicists may have been fooled into thinking they were picking up gravitational waves when they weren’t. Perhaps there was something up with the detectors that meant they produced gravitational wave signals where none existed.

    The Copenhagen paper was met by a swift rebuke from Ian Harry, a physicist at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics in Germany and a member of the LIGO team. He argued that the Copenhagen team hadn’t performed their analysis correctly and there was no correlated noise.

    Could this be evidence of erebon decay?

    When Roger Penrose heard about this debate he thought more about what could be causing any correlated noise. “Maybe they are seeing erebon decay,” he said. He soon published his own paper setting out more details behind his claim.

    The arrival of gravitational waves from erebon decay would be correlated between the two detectors, as the waves meet one before reaching the other. Yet as they’d have nothing to do with black holes or neutron stars, they might be dismissed as noise. Indeed, Penrose argues that what the Copenhagen team found isn’t correlated terrestrial background noise, but correlated noise from background erebon decay out there in the universe.

    So how likely is that to be the case, and CCC to be the right approach to the troublesome questions surrounding the Big Bang?

    “It’s classic Roger Penrose,” said Andrew Pontzen, a cosmologist at University College London. “It’s a very thought-provoking idea that brings together a lot of very clever strands into a really nice vision for the way the universe could behave over extremely long timescales,” he said. “It’s a beautiful theory and it deserves a lot of attention.”

    However, Pontzen points out that the original data analysis on the CMB rings — Penrose’s first proposed test of CCC — was “quite badly flawed” and “reached conclusions that couldn’t really be supported.” Similarly, he supports the conclusions of the LIGO collaboration, which found that the correlated noise between its detectors isn’t real, and so can’t be caused by erebon decay. “Data analysis is tremendously subtle. There are these pitfalls that are waiting to be fallen into,” he said.

    That doesn’t mean CCC is wrong, but it does appear that compelling evidence for its veracity has yet to be found in either the CMB or the LIGO gravitational-wave detectors. Even if the correlated noise trumpeted by the Copenhagen team is fictitious, future gravitational-wave detectors might pick up correlated noise from erebon decay.

    “I’m hopeful that it might be possible to see these effects from distant galaxies,” Penrose said. “If so, it would give you a remarkable way of telling the dark-matter distribution across the universe. It might also allow us to talk about a time before the Big Bang.”

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  • #38136

    This would have been a better gif to use:

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  • #38137

    Is There a Black Hole in Our Backyard?

    Astrophysicists have recently begun hatching plans to find out just how weird Planet Nine might be.

    An artist’s concept of Planet Nine, a yet-unobserved object thought to orbit 20 billion miles from the sun. Some astronomers have suggested that it may be a black hole the size of a Ping-Pong ball.

    What is an astrophysicist to do during a pandemic, except maybe daydream about having a private black hole?

    Although it is probably wishful thinking, some astronomers contend that a black hole may be lurking in the outer reaches of our solar system. All summer, they have been arguing over how to find it, if indeed it is there, and what to do about it, proposing plans that are only halfway out of this world.

    The speculation began back in 2016 when Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, astronomers at the California Institute of Technology, proposed that the weird motions of a few ice balls billions of miles beyond Pluto could be evidence of a previously unknown and unsuspected object way, way out there in the dark.

    According to their calculations, that object would be roughly 10 times as massive as Earth and would occupy an egg-shaped orbit that brought it as near as 20 billion miles from the sun — several times the distance from the sun to Pluto — and took it as far as 100 billion miles away every 10,000 to 20,000 years.

    “What we don’t know is where it is in its orbit, which is too bad,” Dr. Brown told the Times at the time.

    Dr. Brown called this hypothetical object Planet Nine, which is rich in irony. Not long ago, Pluto was considered the ninth planet, but Dr. Brown’s discoveries of other denizens in the Kuiper belt, the realm of frozen, orbiting dirt balls that Pluto inhabits, played a major role in demoting Pluto to a dwarf planet 15 years ago.

    Needless to say, nobody has yet seen this thing through a telescope.

    Last year, another pair of astronomers — Jakub Scholtz of Durham University in Britain and James Unwin of the University of Illinois at Chicago — suggested that Planet Nine might actually be a black hole. But not just any kind of black hole.

    Black holes are the gravitational terrors predicted by Albert Einstein’s equations, objects so dense that not even light can escape from them — one-way passages to doom. Astronomers know that such entities exist. The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and the Virgo observatory have heard black holes — the gravitational shells of collapsed dead stars — banging together out in the dark cosmos. Some cosmologists have speculated that black holes could account for 25 percent of the mass of the universe and could constitute the famous and elusive “dark matter” that determines the gravitational structure of what we see in the sky.

    But you don’t need a star to die to make a black hole. In 1971, Stephen Hawking, drawing on an idea earlier suggested in 1966 by the Russian physicists Yakov Borisovich Zel’dovich and Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov, theorized that intense pressures during the Big Bang could have collapsed matter directly into black holes. Those primordial black holes could be of any size and could be anywhere. A black hole as massive as Earth would be about the size of a Ping-Pong ball and would be exceptionally hard to see.

    No such primordial black holes have been detected yet. But neither has their existence been ruled out. Dr. Scholtz and Dr. Unwin pointed out that an experiment called OGLE, for Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment, based at the University of Warsaw in Poland, had detected the presence of a half-dozen dark objects in the direction of the center of our Milky Way galaxy. Their gravitational fields had acted as lenses, briefly amplifying the light from distant stars that they drifted in front of.

    Those objects could be free-floating planets, the authors said, with masses ranging from half to about 20 times that of Earth. But they could as easily be primordial black holes floating around the galaxy, the astronomers proposed. If that were the case, the putative Planet Nine could well be a black hole, too, in a distant orbit around the sun.

    How to find a cosmic Ping-Pong ball

    That would make Planet Nine the nearest black hole to Earth by many light-years, so close that humans could contemplate sending a robot probe there, much as New Horizons has passed Pluto and the dumbbell iceberg now known as Arrokoth four billion miles from here.

    But first we must find Planet Nine. Earlier this year, Edward Witten, a theoretical physicist at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, chimed in; Dr. Witten is the rare physicist who has won the prestigious Fields Medal in mathematics and is known, among other things, for his work on string theory, the controversial “theory of everything.” Dr. Witten suggested borrowing a trick from Breakthrough Starshot, the proposal by Russian philanthropist Yuri Milner and Dr. Hawking to send thousands of laser-propelled microscopic probes to the nearest star system, Alpha Centauri.

    Dr. Witten suggested sending hundreds of similarly small probes outward in all directions to explore the solar system. By keeping track of incoming signals from the probes, scientists on Earth would be able to tell if and when each one sped up or slowed down as it encountered the gravitational field of Planet Nine or anything else out there.

    Key to this plan would be the ability of the probes to keep pinging Earth precisely every hundred-thousandth of a second. In May, astronomers Scott Lawrence and Zeeve Rogoszinski of the University of Maryland suggested instead monitoring the trajectories of the probes with high-resolution radio telescopes, which would obviate the need for high-precision clocks on the probes.

    “All this is optimistically hoping that Planet 9 does exist and turns out to be a black hole,” Dr. Witten said in an email, “and that technology develops enough that a suitable scaled version of Breakthrough Starshot is possible.”

    In an email, his colleague Nima Arkani-Hamed, also a prominent string theorist, called these ideas “pretty futuristic, but really cool!”

    Vera Rubin lends an eye

    In May, Avi Loeb, chair of the astronomy department at Harvard and leader of a scientific advisory board for the Breakthrough Starshot enterprise, poured cold water on that daydream. In their own posting, he and Thiem Hoang of the Korea University of Science and Technology argued that the effects of friction and electromagnetic forces in the interstellar medium — the dilute electrified gas that wafts among the planets and stars — would swamp the signal from any gravitational effects from Planet Nine.

    But Dr. Loeb has rarely met a sci-fi-sounding theory or project that didn’t intrigue him. He is well known in astronomical circles for arguing that astronomers should take seriously the possibility that Oumuamua, the cometlike object that breezed through the solar system from interstellar space in 2017, was actually an alien space probe.

    So in July Dr. Loeb was back, with a student, Amir Siraj, and a new idea for finding the Planet Nine black hole. If a black hole were out there, they argued, it would occasionally rip apart small comets, causing bright flares that could soon be spotted by the new Vera C. Rubin Observatory, previously known as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, now under construction in Chile. The observatory’s mission, starting in 2021, is to make a movie of the universe, producing a panorama of the entire southern night sky every few days and revealing anything that has changed or moved.

    Such flares should occur a few times a year, they noted. “Our calculations show that the flares will be bright enough for the Vera Rubin Observatory to rule out or confirm Planet Nine as a black hole within one year of monitoring the sky with its L.S.S.T. survey,” Dr. Loeb wrote in an email.

    Moreover, because the Rubin telescope examines such a large swath of sky, it could detect or rule out black holes of similar size all the way out to the Oort cloud, a vague and diffuse assemblage of protocomets and primordial, frozen riffraff a trillion miles from the sun, they said.

    The prospect of finding a black hole in our own solar system “is as startling as finding evidence that someone might be living in the shed in your backyard,” Dr. Loeb said in the email. “If so, who is it, and how did it get there?”

    You want fries with that black hole?

    An artist’s concept of a section of the Kuiper Belt. The odd movements of Kuiper Belt objects first tipped astronomers off to a possible Planet Nine.

    If the theory pans out, it’s not crazy to think that humans could contemplate sending a probe to study our local black hole. What would it learn there?

    A top priority for many astrophysicists and gravity experts would be to test a prediction made by Dr. Hawking 46 years ago, that black holes, despite their name, should radiate energy in the form of heat. Almost every astrophysicist believes that the prediction — which is inscribed on Dr. Hawking’s tombstone in Westminster Abbey, near the graves of Newton and Darwin — will be confirmed, but it has yet to be. The effect would be beyond minuscule for the giant black holes like those that LIGO and Virgo have been recording, and thus impossible to discern. But smaller black holes are hotter, and they grow hotter still as they shrink and finally explode.

    A black hole of about six times Earth’s mass would have a temperature of about 0.04 of a degree Kelvin, according to Dr. Witten. That is colder than outer space, which is about 3 degrees Kelvin, and much too cool to measure from Earth.

    “It would be a challenge to measure it from up close,” Dr. Witten noted. “But it is not out of the question that it could be done by century’s end.”

    He added, “I believe one would need a spacecraft of substantial mass orbiting the object and studying it in detail, not a flyby by a miniature spacecraft.”

    In a talk at Harvard’s Black Hole Initiative a couple of years ago, Dr. Loeb jested about another possibility in the context of a field trip to a black hole. As he recounted in an email: “Since black holes offer a rare environment where string theory can be tested, I recommended to my string-theory friends to enter the horizon of that black hole and test their theory there. Nima Arkani-Hamed shouted from the audience that I must have a hidden agenda for sending string theorists into a black hole.”

    For now, the last word belongs Dr. Brown, the promoter of Planet Nine, who, when reached, conceded it was possible that Planet Nine was a black hole. “But it doesn’t make sense,” he said. “It is also possible that Planet Nine is a six-Earth-mass hamburger, I guess.”

    He added, “The good news is that Planet Nine is really, really, really unlikely to be a black hole but that we can use probes like this to study it once we find it.”

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  • #38147

    Space Could Be Littered With Eerie Transparent Stars Made Entirely of Bosons

    “Similarly to black holes, boson stars are predicted by general relativity and are able to grow to millions of solar masses and reach a very high compactness. The fact that they share these features with supermassive black holes led some authors to propose that some of the supermassive compact objects located at the center of galaxies could actually be boson stars.”

    I… this… man, the universe is a complicated place, isn’t? I still haven’t understand what a fucking Boson is and now there’s supposed to be stars made up of them?

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  • #38263

    Strange chemical in clouds of Venus defies explanation. Could it be a sign of life?

    Is there life on Venus? A new discovery suggests we should look harder.

    Discovering life beyond Earth may well start with a sniff, a whiff of some chemical that scientists struggle to explain without invoking a strange, shadowy microbe. That first step has happened on Mars and on a few distant moons, and now, scientists suggest, on Venus.

    A team of astronomers announced today (Sept. 14) that it has spotted the chemical fingerprint of phosphine, which scientists have suggested may be tied to life, in the clouds of the second rock from the sun. The finding is no guarantee that life exists on Venus, but researchers say it’s a tantalizing find that emphasizes the need for more missions to the hot, gassy planet next door.

    “The interpretation that it’s potentially due to life, I think, is probably not the first thing I would go for,” Victoria Meadows, an astrobiologist at the University of Washington who was not involved in the new research, told

    An image of Venus captured by Japan’s Akatsuki spacecraft on May 6, 2016.

    But it is an intriguing detection, she said, and one that emphasizes how we overlook our neighbor. “We have some explaining to do,” she continued. “This discovery especially is just another reminder of how much more we have yet to learn about Venus.”

    The new research builds on the idea that, although the surface of Venus endures broiling temperatures and crushing pressures, conditions are much less harsh high up in the clouds. And scientists have realized that Earth’s own atmosphere is full of tiny life. Suddenly, microbes in the sweet spot of Venus’s atmosphere, where temperatures and pressures mimic those on Earth, don’t seem quite so outlandish.

    The discovery

    The scientists behind the new research wanted to look for phosphine. Researchers have recently wondered whether the chemical could be a good biosignature, a compound astronomers target in looking for life. It should break down quickly in atmospheres that are rich in oxygen, like those of Earth and Venus, and on Earth, when it isn’t being made by human industrial processes, it seems to be found near certain kinds of microbes.

    Jane Greaves, an astronomer at the University of Cardiff in the U.K. and lead author of the new research, realized that she could use a telescope she knew well to check for it in the atmosphere of Venus, she told

    “Looking for it in Venus might be really peculiar, but it’s not hard to do and it wouldn’t take that many hours of telescope time,” Greaves said she thought at the time. “Why not give it a go?” So on five separate mornings in June 2017, the astronomers used the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii to stare at Venus.

    And then the observations sat around on a computer for a year and a half, Greaves said, without her managing to find time to study them.

    The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope in Hawaii, which made the initial detection of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus.

    “I thought, well, just before we throw this away, I’ll have a final go at [analyzing the data],” she said. “There was this line and it just wouldn’t go away, and it seemed like it wasn’t imaginary anymore. I was just completely stunned.”

    That line is one stripe of a spectrum, a chemical barcode that scientists can read in a telescope’s observations of light. Each chemical has its own unique fingerprint of lines and blank spaces; match enough lines and you can identify a mystery substance.

    But the observations in the new research focus on only one of the lines in phosphine’s barcode, Meadows said, so she isn’t quite convinced the new findings represent a conclusive identification of phosphine.

    “Until we can go and get another piece of that barcode … we can’t discriminate between which kind of barcode we’re looking at,” Meadows said. “I think they make a good case for it being phosphine in there, but I think they don’t have what I would consider a slam-dunk detection yet.”

    The researchers haven’t tackled that aspect yet, but Greaves and her colleagues did arrange to use the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) in March 2019 to look for the chemical again and make sure the detection wasn’t just a telescopic hiccup.

    A new image of Venus shows the view ALMA had during its observations for the new research.

    ALMA gathered a few hours of data, which also revealed more phosphine than the scientists expected — not a huge amount in the grand scheme of things, but about 20 particles out of every billion, according to the research.

    “I was braced for disappointment, but it was amazing,” Greaves said.

    That abundance is significantly more phosphine than she had expected to see. The way the telescopes’ observations work, the chemical must have been more than 30 miles (50 kilometers) above the Venusian surface. That’s about the same altitude at which a different recent paper with some shared co-authors suggests microbial life could survive in spore form.

    So Greaves and her colleagues set to work considering what might have created all that phosphine: Perhaps volcanoes erupting or lightning striking, or perhaps meteors melting in the atmosphere or winds pulling particles off the planet’s surface. But none of these explanations seemed sufficient to them.

    As usual, struggling to make more conventional explanations check out does not mean that scientists think they’ve found life. But the possibility of tiny Venusian bugs has gradually become more plausible — and researchers focused on our neighboring world say that’s important, whether or not there’s actual life to find.

    “Either it’s a mistaken identity but we don’t know what the chemical is, or some strange chemistry that we are not aware of — or biology,” Sanjay Limaye, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, who wasn’t involved in the new research, told “It’s a question of if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, do you call it life or not? We won’t know until we go there and find out.”

    Meet the mysterious phosphine

    As tantalizing as the detection of phosphine on Venus may be, scientists not involved with the new research worry that it makes a few big leaps, even before the massive potential implications of a detection of life.

    Some were unconvinced that phosphine was a reliable fingerprint of living organisms. The single phosphorus molecule surrounded by three hydrogen molecules is, on Earth, a rarity and short-lived: some industrial processes produce it, and it’s affiliated with some types of bacteria living in particularly strange environments. It quickly transforms in Earth’s oxygen-rich atmosphere and should in that of Venus as well, which is intriguing for scientists looking for alien breath. But the excitement about phosphine may well be premature.

    “The phosphine link to the biological world is very, very faint and needs to be corroborated simply by going to the lab and doing experiments,” Tetyana Milojevic, a biochemist at the University of Vienna not involved in the new research, told

    She argues that phosphine has only been found near microbes, not produced by it, and that the compound seems to be released by the chemical decay of biological material. So before scientists can use phosphine as a potential biosignature, they need to get into the lab and really understand whether and how microbes produce phosphine, a process that scientists eyeing Mars completed for methane long ago.

    An artist’s depiction of Venus and, in the inset, phosphine molecules.

    Alas, those experiments aren’t quite as simple for phosphine, Matthew Pasek, an astrobiologist and geochemist at the University of South Florida who has worked on phosphorus cycling issues but was not involved in the new research, told “Phosphine is kind of nasty, so we don’t like playing with it, so we don’t actually understand how it gets made through natural processes very well,” Pasek said. “It’s always been kind of relegated to the background of phosphorus chemistry.”

    Greaves said that she’s confident phosphine is a biosignature on Earth, but does hope that the scientific community can take on these sorts of lab experiments and otherwise build on her team’s work.

    The idea of phosphine as a biosignature may have another fatal flaw. Venus is now the fourth planet where scientists have detected phosphine: two gas giants and Earth. The new detection shows phosphine levels on Venus about equal to those on Jupiter and Saturn. But that’s significantly more abundant — 1,000 times more abundant — than on Earth, Pasek said.

    “For the one place that it is likely biological, there’s a lot less of it even there,” he said. “So it’s kind of weird that if it is biology on Venus, that’s a whole lot of phosphine that is generating for weird reasons.”

    It is Venus, after all — our mysterious neighbor.

    Distance makes the science harder

    Greaves and her colleagues plan to continue studying Venus from the ground, although she said that the coronavirus pandemic has interfered with those observations. Meadows said she hopes for analysis that would cover some of those other lines in the phosphine barcode. And of course some of the phosphine investigations can be done right here in laboratories.

    But the details of this massive puzzle aren’t likely the sort of thing that can be seen clearly from the surface of Earth. And spacecraft tend to zip around Venus, keeping a safe distance from its hostile environments. Designing machinery that can withstand its clouds and surface is so difficult that no spacecraft has ventured into the atmosphere in decades.

    “It should implore NASA and other space agencies to look at Venus as a target for astrobiology investigation, which means they should pump some money into the development of capable aerial platforms,” Limaye said of the new research.

    A false-color image of Venus captured by the Akatsuki spacecraft.

    There’s no shortage of ideas to choose from when it comes to dreamed-of Venus missions that could tackle the atmosphere, whether your taste runs to more traditional designs or unorthodox options like blimps, balloons or commercially built spacecraft.

    “It’s time to figure out Venus,” James Garvin, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, who wasn’t involved in the new research but is the principal investigator on a Venus atmospheric probe mission that NASA is evaluating, told “If we ignore it too long, we could be missing the forest for the trees, and that would never be good.”

    He thinks engineering has caught up with the challenges of the Venusian atmosphere.

    “The time is ripe for thinking about what the atmosphere is telling us within itself. It’s just this beautiful laboratory next door that has been tough enough that we’ve ignored it for 35 years,” Garvin said. “The atmosphere is kind of calling us, whispering in the night, ‘Hey, I may have something that you should think about.’ And we haven’t been.”

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  • #38283

    I still haven’t understand what a fucking Boson is

    I misread that as “bosom”.

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  • #38387

    Big find! Scientists spot giant alien planet orbiting close to dead star’s corpse

    A star’s death doesn’t have to spell doom for its planets.

    Artist’s illustration of WD 1856 b, a potential Jupiter-size planet, orbiting its much smaller host star, a dim white dwarf.

    We may now have direct evidence that planets can survive unscathed the violent churn that attends their host star’s death.

    Astronomers have spotted signs of an intact giant planet circling a superdense stellar corpse known as a white dwarf, a new study reports.

    The white dwarf in question, called WD 1856, is part of a three-star system that lies about 80 light-years from Earth. The newly detected, Jupiter-size exoplanet candidate, WD 1856 b, is about seven times larger than the white dwarf and zips around it once every 34 hours.

    Related: The strangest alien planets (gallery)

    “WD 1856 b somehow got very close to its white dwarf and managed to stay in one piece,” study lead author Andrew Vanderburg, an assistant professor of astronomy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, said in a statement.

    “The white dwarf creation process destroys nearby planets, and anything that later gets too close is usually torn apart by the star’s immense gravity,” Vanderburg said. “We still have many questions about how WD 1856 b arrived at its current location without meeting one of those fates.”

    The first of its kind (potentially)

    Vanderburg and his colleagues found WD 1856 b using NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), which hunts for alien worlds by noting the tiny brightness dips they cause when transiting, or crossing their host stars’ faces from the spacecraft’s perspective.

    The team then studied the system in infrared light using NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope shortly before the observatory’s January 2020 decommissioning. The Spitzer data showed that WD 1856 b is emitting no infrared glow of its own, suggesting that the object is a planet rather than a low-mass star or a brown dwarf, a body that straddles the hazy line between planets and stars.

    Still, WD 1856 b remains a candidate planet for now, awaiting confirmation by further analyses or observations.

    You wouldn’t necessarily expect white dwarfs to be promising targets for TESS and other planet hunters, considering the process that forms them.

    When sunlike stars run out of hydrogen fuel, they bloat into red giants that engulf and incinerate anything orbiting nearby. For example, our own sun will destroy Mercury, Venus and perhaps Earth when it becomes a red giant, about 5 billion years from now. Red giants eventually collapse into white dwarfs, which typically pack the mass of our sun into a sphere only slightly bigger than Earth.

    It’s therefore safe to say that WD 1856 b didn’t form at its current location; the object would never have survived WD 1856’s red-giant phase. Indeed, the study team’s calculations suggest that the candidate planet must have been born about 50 times farther away from the star than its current location, then migrated in.

    “We’ve known for a long time that after white dwarfs are born, distant small objects such as asteroids and comets can scatter inward towards these stars. They’re usually pulled apart by a white dwarf’s strong gravity and turn into a debris disk,” study coauthor Siyi Xu, an assistant astronomer at the international Gemini Observatory in Hawaii, said in the same statement.

    “That’s why I was so excited when Andrew told me about this system,” Xu said. “We’ve seen hints that planets could scatter inward, too, but this appears to be the first time we’ve seen a planet that made the whole journey intact.”

    It’s unclear what gave WD 1856 b its inward push. Possibilities include nudges from the other two stars in the WD 1856 system and a brief interaction with an intruding “rogue star,” wrote team members in the new study, which was published online today (Sept. 16) in the journal Nature.

    But “the most likely case involves several other Jupiter-size bodies close to WD 1856 b’s original orbit,” coauthor Juliette Becker, a planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, said in the same statement.

    “The gravitational influence of objects that big could easily allow for the instability you’d need to knock a planet inward,” Becker said. “But at this point, we still have more theories than data points.”

    No other planets have been spotted in the WD 1856 system, but that doesn’t mean none are there, study team members said.

    Rocky planet survivors, too?

    WD 1856 b’s apparent existence has exciting consequences for planetary scientists and astrobiologists. For example, if a gas giant can survive a sunlike star’s death, then huddle close enough to the burnt-out corpse to suck up significant warmth, couldn’t a rocky, Earth-like world do so as well?

    Vanderburg and other researchers investigated this possibility in a companion paper, which was published today in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The team, led by Cornell University researchers Lisa Kaltenegger and Ryan MacDonald, used computer modeling to simulate the looks that NASA’s upcoming James Webb Space Telescope could get at a hypothetical rocky world orbiting in the “habitable zone” of WD 1856.

    The habitable zone is that just-right range of orbital distances where liquid water could be stable on a world’s surface.

    The researchers determined that Webb, a $9.8 billion flagship observatory scheduled to launch in October 2021, could spot the signatures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in such a planet’s air after observing just five transits.

    “Even more impressively, Webb could detect gas combinations potentially indicating biological activity on such a world in as few as 25 transits,” Kaltenegger, the director of Cornell’s Carl Sagan Institute, said in the same statement.

    “WD 1856 b suggests planets may survive white dwarfs’ chaotic histories,” Kaltenegger said. “In the right conditions, those worlds could maintain conditions favorable for life longer than the time scale predicted for Earth. Now we can explore many new intriguing possibilities for worlds orbiting these dead stellar cores.”

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  • #38586

    ‘Stupendously large’ black holes could grow to truly monstrous sizes

    There are monster black holes, and then there are SLABS.

    An artist’s impression of the supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy. Scientists suspect some monster black holes could grow to truly ‘stupendous’ sizes.

    How big might black holes get? A team of scientists now suggests black holes could reach what they call “stupendously large” sizes, each harboring the mass of 100 billion suns or more.

    Discovering such gargantuan black holes may shed light on the nature of a significant fraction of the mysterious dark matter that makes up four-fifths of the matter in the universe, the researchers said.

    At the centers of most, if not all, galaxies are supermassive black holes with masses that are millions to billions of times that of Earth’s sun. For instance, at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy lies Sagittarius A*, which is about 4.5 million solar masses in size.

    Currently the largest known black hole, powering the quasar TON 618, has a mass of 66 billion solar masses. TON 618’s enormous bulk led scientists to speculate whether or not even larger black holes exist, and if there is any upper limit to their sizes.

    A truly giant black hole

    In the new study, the researchers dubbed black holes 100 billion solar masses in size or larger — bigger than any currently seen — “stupendously large black holes,” or SLABs. Although they noted there is currently no evidence that stupendously large black holes are real, they noted that supermassive black holes almost that size do exist.

    “It’s surprising that little attention has been paid to the possible existence of stupendously massive black holes until now, because they could exist in principle,” study co-author Florian Kühnel, a theoretical cosmologist at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, told

    A key question when it comes to stupendously large black holes is whether they could form in the first place. However, much remains uncertain about how even regular supermassive black holes are born.

    The conventional assumption is that the supermassive black holes at the hearts of galaxies formed as smaller black holes merged and gobbled up matter around them. However, previous research found this model faced challenges when it comes to explaining how black holes could have reached supermassive sizes when the universe was only a few billion years old, study co-author Bernard Carr, a theoretical cosmologist at Queen Mary University of London, told

    Primordial origins?

    Another way to explain how both regular supermassive black holes and possibly stupendously large black holes formed hinges on so-called primordial black holes, Carr explained. Prior work speculated that within a second after the Big Bang, random fluctuations of density in the hot, rapidly expanding newborn universe might have concentrated pockets of matter enough for them to collapse into black holes. These primordial black holes could have served as seeds for larger black holes to form later on.

    If primordial black holes do exist, they might help explain what dark matter is. Although dark matter is thought to make up most of the matter in the universe, scientists don’t know what this strange stuff is made of, as researchers still have not seen it; it can currently be studied only through its gravitational effects on normal matter. The nature of dark matter is currently one of the greatest mysteries in science.

    “There has been a lot of interest in whether primordial black holes of modest mass could provide the dark matter,” study co-author Luca Visinelli, a particle astrophysicist at the University of Amsterdam, told

    One way to detect stupendously large black holes is through gravitational lensing. According to Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the greater the mass of an object, the more it warps space-time around itself, and so the stronger the object’s gravitational pull. Gravity can also bend light, so objects seen through powerful gravitational fields, such as those produced by black holes, are lensed. The researchers said that recent work has focused on finding gravitational lensing effects from smaller bodies, but they suggested that such research could look for stupendously large black holes as well.

    Another way to detect stupendously large black holes is through the effects they would have on their environment, such as gravitationally distorting galaxies. These black holes could also generate heat, light and other radiation as they consume matter that astronomers could detect.

    Aside from primordial black holes, another potential candidate for dark matter are so-called weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs). If WIMPs exist, they would be invisible and largely intangible, but previous research suggested that if two WIMPs ever collided, they would annihilate one another and generate gamma rays, providing a way for scientists to spot them indirectly. The powerful gravitational pulls of stupendously large black holes would gather a halo of WIMPs around them, and the high-energy gamma rays that could result from WIMP annihilation might help scientists discover stupendously large black holes, Visinelli said.

    All in all, “we know that black holes exist over a vast range of masses, so it’s natural to ask if there is any natural upper limit,” Carr said. “Some people may be skeptical about the existence of SLABs on the grounds that they would be hard to form. However, people were also skeptical about intermediate-mass and supermassive black holes until they were found. We do not know if SLABs exist, but we hope our paper will motivate discussion among the community.”

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  • #38587

    Where Do Black Holes Lead? – from Sept. 20th 2019

    Space Mysteries: If you travel through a black hole, where do you go?

    So there you are, about to leap into a black hole. What could possibly await should — against all odds — you somehow survive? Where would you end up and what tantalising tales would you be able to regale if you managed to clamber your way back?

    The simple answer to all of these questions is, as Professor Richard Massey explains, “Who knows?” As a Royal Society research fellow at the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University, Massey is fully aware that the mysteries of black holes run deep. “Falling through an event horizon is literally passing beyond the veil — once someone falls past it, nobody could ever send a message back,” he said. “They’d be ripped to pieces by the enormous gravity, so I doubt anyone falling through would get anywhere.”

    If that sounds like a disappointing — and painful — answer, then it is to be expected. Ever since Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity was considered to have predicted black holes by linking space-time with the action of gravity, it has been known that black holes result from the death of a massive star leaving behind a small, dense remnant core. Assuming this core has more than roughly three-times the mass of the sun, gravity would overwhelm to such a degree that it would fall in on itself into a single point, or singularity, understood to be the black hole’s infinitely dense core.

    The resulting uninhabitable black hole would have such a powerful gravitational pull that not even light could avoid it. So, should you then find yourself at the event horizon — the point at which light and matter can only pass inward, as proposed by the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild — there is no escape. According to Massey, tidal forces would reduce your body into strands of atoms (or ‘spaghettification’, as it is also known) and the object would eventually end up crushed at the singularity. The idea that you could pop out somewhere — perhaps at the other side — seems utterly fantastical.

    What about a wormhole?

    Or is it? Over the years scientists have looked into the possibility that black holes could be wormholes to other galaxies. They may even be, as some have suggested, a path to another universe.

    Such an idea has been floating around for some time: Einstein teamed up with Nathan Rosen to theorise bridges that connect two different points in space-time in 1935. But it gained some fresh ground in the 1980s when physicist Kip Thorne — one of the world’s leading experts on the astrophysical implications of Einstein’s general theory of relativity — raised a discussion about whether objects could physically travel through them.

    “Reading Kip Thorne’s popular book about wormholes is what first got me excited about physics as a child,” Massey said. But it doesn’t seem likely that wormholes exist.

    Indeed, Thorne, who lent his expert advice to the production team for the Hollywood movie Interstellar, wrote: “We see no objects in our universe that could become wormholes as they age,” in his book “The Science of Interstellar” (W.W. Norton and Company, 2014). Thorne told that journeys through these theoretical tunnels would most likely remain science fiction, and there is certainly no firm evidence that a black hole could allow for such a passage.

    But, the problem is that we can’t get up close to see for ourselves. Why, we can’t even take photographs of anything that takes place inside a black hole — if light cannot escape their immense gravity, then nothing can be snapped by a camera. As it stands, theory suggests that anything which goes beyond the event horizon is simply added to the black hole and, what’s more, because time distorts close to this boundary, this will appear to take place incredibly slowly, so answers won’t be quickly forthcoming.

    “I think the standard story is that they lead to the end of time,” said Douglas Finkbeiner, professor of astronomy and physics at Harvard University. “An observer far away will not see their astronaut friend fall into the black hole. They’ll just get redder and fainter as they approach the event horizon [as a result of gravitational red shift]. But the friend falls right in, to a place beyond ‘forever.’ Whatever that means.”

    Artist’s concept of a wormhole. If wormholes exist, they might lead to another universe. But, there’s no evidence that wormholes are real or that a black hole would act like one.

    Maybe a black hole leads to a white hole

    Certainly, if black holes do lead to another part of a galaxy or another universe, there would need to be something opposite to them on the other side. Could this be a white hole — a theory put forward by Russian cosmologist Igor Novikov in 1964? Novikov proposed that a black hole links to a white hole that exists in the past. Unlike a black hole, a white hole will allow light and matter to leave, but light and matter will not be able to enter.

    Scientists have continued to explore the potential connection between black and white holes. In their 2014 study published in the journal Physical Review D, physicists Carlo Rovelli and Hal M. Haggard claimed that “there is a classic metric satisfying the Einstein equations outside a finite space-time region where matter collapses into a black hole and then emerges from a while hole.” In other words, all of the material black holes have swallowed could be spewed out, and black holes may become white holes when they die.

    Far from destroying the information that it absorbs, the collapse of a black hole would be halted. It would instead experience a quantum bounce, allowing information to escape. Should this be the case, it would shed some light on a proposal by former Cambridge University cosmologist and theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking who, in the 1970s, explored the possibility that black holes emit particles and radiation — thermal heat — as a result of quantum fluctuations.

    “Hawking said a black hole doesn’t last forever,” Finkbeiner said. Hawking calculated that the radiation would cause a black hole to lose energy, shrink and disappear, as described in his 1976 paper published in Physical Review D. Given his claims that the radiation emitted would be random and contain no information about what had fallen in, the black hole, upon its explosion, would erase loads of information.

    This meant Hawking’s idea was at odds with quantum theory, which says information can’t be destroyed. Physics states information just becomes more difficult to find because, should it become lost, it becomes impossible to know the past or the future. Hawking’s idea led to the ‘black hole information paradox’ and it has long puzzled scientists. Some have said Hawking was simply wrong, and the man himself even declared he had made an error during a scientific conference in Dublin in 2004.

    So, do we go back to the concept of black holes emitting preserved information and throwing it back out via a white hole? Maybe. In their 2013 study published in Physical Review Letters, Jorge Pullin at Louisiana State University and Rodolfo Gambini at the University of the Republic in Montevideo, Uruguay, applied loop quantum gravity to a black hole and found that gravity increased towards the core but reduced and plonked whatever was entering into another region of the universe. The results gave extra credence to the idea of black holes serving as a portal. In this study, singularity does not exist, and so it doesn’t form an impenetrable barrier that ends up crushing whatever it encounters. It also means that information doesn’t disappear.

    Maybe black holes go nowhere

    Yet physicists Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolf, Joseph Polchinski and James Sully still believed Hawking could have been on to something. They worked on a theory that became known as the AMPS firewall, or the black hole firewall hypothesis. By their calculations, quantum mechanics could feasibly turn the event horizon into a giant wall of fire and anything coming into contact would burn in an instant. In that sense, black holes lead nowhere because nothing could ever get inside.

    This, however, violates Einstein’s general theory of relativity. Someone crossing the event horizon shouldn’t actually feel any great hardship because an object would be in free fall and, based on the equivalence principle, that object — or person — would not feel the extreme effects of gravity. It could follow the laws of physics present elsewhere in the universe, but even if it didn’t go against Einstein’s principle it would undermine quantum field theory or suggest information can be lost.

    Artist’s impression of a tidal disruption event which occurs when a star passes too close to a supermassive black hole.

    A black hole of uncertainty

    Step forward Hawking once more. In 2014, he published a study in which he eschewed the existence of an event horizon — meaning there is nothing there to burn — saying gravitational collapse would produce an ‘apparent horizon’ instead.

    This horizon would suspend light rays trying to move away from the core of the black hole, and would persist for a “period of time.” In his rethinking, apparent horizons temporarily retain matter and energy before dissolving and releasing them later down the line. This explanation best fits with quantum theory — which says information can’t be destroyed — and, if it was ever proven, it suggests that anything could escape from a black hole.

    Hawking went as far as saying black holes may not even exist. “Black holes should be redefined as metastable bound states of the gravitational field,” he wrote. There would be no singularity, and while the apparent field would move inwards due to gravity, it would never reach the center and be consolidated within a dense mass.

    And yet anything which is emitted will not be in the form of the information swallowed. It would be impossible to figure out what went in by looking at what is coming out, which causes problems of its own — not least for, say, a human who found themselves in such an alarming position. They’d never feel the same again!

    One thing’s for sure, this particular mystery is going to swallow up many more scientific hours for a long time to come. Rovelli and Francesca Vidotto recently suggested that a component of dark matter could be formed by remnants of evaporated black holes, and Hawking’s paper on black holes and ‘soft hair’ was released in 2018, and describes how zero-energy particles are left around the point of no return, the event horizon — an idea that suggests information is not lost but captured.

    This flew in the face of the no-hair theorem which was expressed by physicist John Archibald Wheeler and worked on the basis that two black holes would be indistinguishable to an observer because none of the special particle physics pseudo-charges would be conserved. It’s an idea that has got scientists talking, but there is some way to go before it’s seen as the answer for where black holes lead. If only we could find a way to leap into one.

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  • #39478

    Black holes so big we don’t know how they form could be hiding in the universe

    Black holes can get big … really big. But just how big? It’s possible they could top out at over a trillion times more massive than the sun. That’s 10 times bigger than the largest known black hole so far.

    But could these monsters truly exist in our universe? A team of researchers has come up with a plan to go hunting for them. And if they exist, they could help us solve the mysteries of how the first stars appeared in the cosmos.

    The demographics of the dark

    If you want to go shopping for black holes in the universe, unfortunately you only have two basic sizes: kind of small and gigantic. You know that frustrating feeling you get when the online store is out of your size of that amazing shirt? Welcome to the life of the black hole hunter.

    Small black holes, or stellar-mass black holes, are more massive than our sun, but not by that much. Because black holes are born from the deaths of massive stars in the final stages of a titanic supernova explosion, and massive stars have to be so big in order to go full supernova, the smallest black holes are around five times more massive than our sun.

    Through mergers with other black holes and by slowly feeding on any stray bits of gas that wander too close to their ever-hungry mouths, these black holes can get bigger. We’ve seen evidence for black holes all the way up to nearly100 times the mass of the sun.

    Stellar mass black holes are incredibly common in the universe — there are probably millions of them floating around the Milky Way galaxy right now. Pretty harmless, unless you get too close. The same is true for any other random galaxy in the universe: lots and lots of little black holes, left over from all those big, beautiful stars.

    But the centers of galaxies host something even crazier: supermassive black holes. We have a supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way, and we call it Sagittarius A*. It has a mass about 4 million times that of the sun. Like I said, super massive. These beasts are easily a thousand times more massive than their stellar-mass cousins.

    It seems that just about every galaxy hosts a giant black hole in its heart, with the absolute largest black holes on record tipping the scales at nearly 100 billion solar masses.
    Astronomers have long been hunting for outliers: black holes smaller than five solar masses or in between stellar and supermassive black hole size. But a new paper, published Aug. 18 to the preprint database arXiv (so not yet peer-reviewed), poses a completely different kind of question: What if we took the biggest black holes and turned them up to 11?

    How to make something stupendously big

    This entirely new class of black holes, would dwarf the supermassives. These “stupendously large black holes” would start at a trillion solar masses (10 times bigger than the current largest known black hole) and could possibly be even bigger.

    Understandably, these monsters among monsters would be rare. It’s hard for our universe to make large things, because you need to glue a bunch of material together and get it to settle down and stay put, which matter doesn’t really like to do.

    Still, it’s theoretically possible for these beasts to exist. And if we find them, it would help explain how many types of black holes form.

    The first black hole’s appeared when the universe was very young, less than a billion years old. Over the eons, they merged and fed and grew to become supermassive black holes, and possibly the stupendously large black holes. But there’s a limit to how quickly they can grow. To grow by mergers, they actually have to encounter and swallow other black holes. So if there aren’t a lot of other black holes around, mergers aren’t going to happen very frequently, and that won’t be a viable avenue to greatness.

    On the other hand, black holes can also grow by feeding on material. But as material falls toward the event horizon (considered the point of no return) of a black hole, it compresses and heats up. That releases radiation, which pours out of the central regions near a black hole and prevents new gas from falling into the black hole. The complex physics of falling into a black hole then sets an upper limit to how quickly black holes can feed.

    The largest known black holes are a challenge to current astrophysical knowledge. It’s hard to concoct the scenario of enough mergers and enough gas feeding to grow a tiny baby black hole in the early universe into the monsters lurking in galactic cores.

    To find a stupendously large black hole would force us to consider new avenues for how black holes are born. Perhaps the first, and largest, black holes didn’t come from the deaths of massive stars. Maybe they formed directly from the collapse of gas clouds, or from exotic processes in the early universe. Or something even stranger.

    That’s why the discovery of a stupendously large black hole would be so exciting: Theorists would rub their hands with glee, ready to devise an explanation for them.

    Searching for monsters in the night

    But how do you actually find a super-duper giant black hole? The new research paper gives some insights of how to go hunting.

    For one, because of their stupendous bulk, the stupendously large black holes (SLABs) can actually affect the gravitational evolution of their home galaxies. Even supermassive black holes, as big as they are, are typically less than 1% of the mass of their host galaxies. But because SLABs are bigger, they can start to exert a gravitational influence.

    For example, with that much gravity crunched up in the core, galaxy shapes could be distorted, or that gravity could change the way galaxy mergers happen. So SLABs could explain any funking-looking things in pictures of galaxies.

    And if SLABs have origins in the exotic physics of the extremely early universe, then as they populate the cosmos and continue to grow to stupendously large sizes, they’ll leave an imprint in their surroundings. For example, they can attract so much matter that they affect the cosmic microwave background, the leftover light from when our universe first became transparent when it was only 380,000 years old.

    SLABs might accumulate so much matter, and be so good at gobbling up anything in their vicinity, that even the mysterious dark matter might collect around them in a sort of halo. If dark matter (whatever that is) interacts with itself, it might emit a very particular kind of radiation. So these super gigantic black holes might be surrounded by a halo of high-energy light generated by dark matter. So far, we don’t know if SLABs exist, and all of the above methods have only placed constraints on how big they could possibly be. Depending on your choice of model of how SLABs came to be, our current best guess is that the biggest possible black hole is around 10^19 solar masses, or 10 billion billion times more massive than the sun. Anything bigger than that would violate what we’ve already measured in the cosmos. But that still leaves a wide-open gap of potential SLABiness in our universe.

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  • #40041

    Mars is at its closest to Earth until 2035. Here’s how to see it.

    Look up and marvel at the Red Planet!

    This SkySafari diagram depicts the location of Mars in the October sky at midnight local time. Mars is at its closest to Earth until 2035 on Oct. 6, 2020.

    Look up! Mars is at its closest to Earth until 2035 today (Oct. 6), making it a oerfect time to see the Red Planet with your own eyes.

    Today at 10:18 a.m. EDT (1418 GMT), Mars swoops within 38,568,816 miles (62,070,493 kilometers) of Earth, making a smooth close approach. This will be the closest the Red Planet will come to Earth for the next15 years, or until September, 2035, according to

    The planet is visible high in the eastern sky. It appears as a stunning reddish light, weather permitting.

    “October is a great time for viewing Mars, as the planet is visible all night right now, and reaches its highest point in the sky around midnight,” NASA wrote in a skywatching guide.

    Earth and Mars travel around the sun in elliptical orbits, orbiting in the same direction but at different speeds and at different distances from our star. Every 780 days, or about every two years, Mars and Earth line up and are the closest to each other during this time period. Today, the pair of planets will make this close approach.

    This close approach comes shortly before Mars’ opposition, which is when Earth comes between the sun and Mars and they all line up, on Oct. 13. Now, it might seem as though the closest approach should be when the planets are lined up in opposition, but it is not because they have elliptical orbits.

    “If both the Earth and Mars circled the sun in perfect circles, and on the same exact plane, the distance between Earth and Mars would always be least on the day of Mars’ opposition. But we don’t live in such a symmetrical universe,” according to

    The last close approach between the planets in 2018 was even closer than this one, but in 2003, the pair made a historic approach. In 2003, Mars came closer to Earth than it had in about 60,000 years, 34.65 million miles (55.76 million km), according to The Red Planet won’t come closer than this until Aug. 28, 2287 when it will be 34.60 million miles (55.69 million km) from Earth, according to

    While skywatching hoaxes continue to live on on the internet, do note that, while Mars will be especially close today, it will not be as big (or even “nearly as big”) as the moon in the sky. While Mars will shine extra bright this October, its close approach isn’t even remotely close enough to appear as large as the moon. In fact, there is ever an occasion where Mars looks as big as the moon in the sky.

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  • #40054

    Yeah, we saw Mars really bright a couple of nights ago. Amazing really.

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  • #40082

    It was very noticeable this morning. Very cool to see it!

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  • #40120

    There’s too much gold in the universe. No one knows where it came from.

    An illustration shows the collision of two neutron stars. Scientists had proposed that such collisions might have filled our solar system with gold, but new research casts doubt on that claim.

    Something is raining gold across the universe. But no one knows what it is.

    Here’s the problem: Gold is an element, which means you can’t make it through ordinary chemical reactions — though alchemists tried for centuries. To make the sparkly metal, you have to bind 79 protons and 118 neutrons together to form a single atomic nucleus. That’s an intense nuclear fusion reaction. But such intense fusion doesn’t happen frequently enough, at least not nearby, to make the giant trove of gold we find on Earth and elsewhere in the solar system. And a new study has found the most commonly-theorized origin of gold — collisions between neutron stars — can’t explain gold’s abundance either. So where’s the gold coming from? There are some other possibilities, including supernovas so intense they turn a star inside out. Unfortunately, even such strange phenomena can’t explain how blinged out the local universe is, the new study finds.

    Neutron star collisions build gold by briefly smashing protons and neutrons together into atomic nuclei, then spewing those newly-bound heavy nuclei across space. Regular supernovas can’t explain the universe’s gold because stars massive enough to fuse gold before they die — which are rare — become black holes when they explode, said Chiaki Kobayashi, an astrophysicist at the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom and lead author of the new study. And, in a regular supernova, that gold gets sucked into the black hole.

    So what about those odder, star-flipping supernovas? This type of star explosion, a so-called magneto-rotational supernova, is “a very rare supernova, spinning very fast,” Kobayashi told Live Science.

    During a magneto-rotational supernova, a dying star spins so fast and is wracked by such strong magnetic fields that it turns itself inside out as it explodes. As it dies, the star shoots white-hot jets of matter into space. And because the star has been turned inside out, its jets are chock full of gold nuclei. Stars that fuse gold at all are rare. Stars that fuse gold then spew it into space like this are even rarer.

    But even neutron stars plus magneto-rotational supernovas together can’t explain Earth’s bonanza of gold, Kobayashi and her colleagues found.

    “There’s two stages to this question,” she said. “Number one is: neutron star mergers are not enough. Number two: Even with the second source, we still can’t explain the observed amount of gold.”

    Past studies were right that neutron star collisions release a shower of gold, she said. But those studies didn’t account for the rarity of those collisions. It’s hard to precisely estimate how often tiny neutron stars — themselves the ultra-dense remnants of ancient supernovas — slam together. But it’s certainly not very common: Scientists have seen it happen only once. Even rough estimates show they don’t collide nearly often enough to have produced all the gold found in the solar system, Kobayashi and her co-authors found.

    “There’s two stages to this question,” she said. “Number one is: neutron star mergers are not enough. Number two: Even with the second source, we still can’t explain the observed amount of gold.”

    Past studies were right that neutron star collisions release a shower of gold, she said. But those studies didn’t account for the rarity of those collisions. It’s hard to precisely estimate how often tiny neutron stars — themselves the ultra-dense remnants of ancient supernovas — slam together. But it’s certainly not very common: Scientists have seen it happen only once. Even rough estimates show they don’t collide nearly often enough to have produced all the gold found in the solar system, Kobayashi and her co-authors found.

    “This paper is not the first to suggest that neutron star collisions are insufficient to explain the abundance of gold,” said Ian Roederer, an astrophysicist at the University of Michigan, who hunts traces of rare elements in distant stars.

    But Kobayashi and her colleagues’ new paper, published Sept. 15 in The Astrophysical Journal, has one big advantage: It’s extremely thorough, Roederer said. The researchers poured over a mountain of data and plugged it into robust models of how the galaxy evolves and produces new chemicals.

    “The paper contains references to 341 other publications, which is about three times as many references as typical papers in The Astrophysical Journal these days,” Roederer told Live Science.

    Pulling all that data together in a useful way, he said, amounts to a “Herculean effort.”

    Using this approach, the authors were able to explain the formation of atoms as light as carbon-12 (six protons and six neutrons) and as heavy as uranium-238 (92 protons and 146 neutrons). That’s an impressive range, Roederer said, covering elements that are usually ignored in these types of studies.

    Mostly, the math worked out.

    Neutron star collisions, for example, produced strontium in their model. That matches observations of strontium in space after the one neutron star collision scientists have directly observed.

    Magneto-rotational supernovas did explain the presence of europium in their model, another atom that has proved tricky to explain in the past.

    But gold remains an enigma.

    Something out there that scientists don’t know about must be making gold, Kobayashi said. Or it’s possible neutron star collisions make way more gold than existing models suggest. In either case, astrophysicists still have a lot of work to do before they can explain where all that fancy bling came from.

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  • #40185

    Something huge ripped the skin off this star before it died

    Where did Cassiopeia A’s skin go?

    Cassiopeia A, the remnant of a “stripped-envelope supernova,” may have actually taken its form from two supernovas in quick succession.

    A giant star died, blasting its guts out into space. But before the star detonated, some stellar thief had already stolen the giant’s skin. Now, astrophysicists think they’ve identified the culprit: another star blasting its own guts out nearby.

    Supernovas are fairly common in space. Most very large stars end their lives as stellar explosions. When they die, hot clouds of gas spread across space. Those clouds are full of the heavy atoms the stars fused into being in the nuclear engines of their bellies. But usually there’s hydrogen — the element that stars initially fuse into helium to get their engines started — in the clouds too: These simple, single-proton atoms remain in the outer skin of the star, where pressure and heat never got high enough to fuse them together into heavier elements. It’s unspent fuel, in other words. Sometimes, however, that skin vanishes. Usually gravity from a nearby star —— such as a binary twin in the same system — strips that outer envelope of hydrogen away. Sometimes, however, it’s not clear where all the hydrogen-rich skin went. For a long time, that was the case for the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A). But not anymore.

    In a new paper, researchers describe a scenario that could produce a solitary, “stripped-envelope” supernova like Cas A’s. Their story, like most skinless supernova tales, begins with two sibling stars in a tight binary orbit around one another. Critically, these siblings were born at the same time in the same place and at nearly the same mass. As a result, the two stars would also live for similar lengths of time, become swollen red giants in their old age, and die in short succession, one after the other.

    If Cas A’s sibling went first, that first supernova would have effectively sandblasted the surviving big red supergiant (in other words, Cas A), just as Cas A was nearing the end of its own life.

    The researchers, a team at the ARC Center of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav) in Melbourne, Australia, simulated how this would work.

    “Snapshots” from the simulation show how a supernova blast could strip off a star’s outer layer.

    Their simulations showed between 50% and 90% of the surviving star’s outer skin of hydrogen gets blasted away in the wind of the first supernova, as long as the two stars orbit very close together.

    “This is enough for the second supernova of the binary system to become a stripped-envelope supernova, confirming that our proposed scenario is plausible,” lead study author Ryosuke Hirai, an OzGrav astrophysicist, said in a statement.

    It’s also possible for the first supernova to rip off just some of its sibling’s envelope, causing that star to be in an unstable state; in this scenario, the instability leads to more hydrogen being expelled from the star before it goes supernova. The star would react like it had just been shot with a shotgun, convulsing and losing fuel to space before its demise, the simulations showed.

    If this version of star death happens, it’s likely rare, the researchers wrote — occurring in just 0.35% to 1% of supernovas.

    And the scenario hasn’t been confirmed, though the researchers think it might apply to two other known supernovas, RX J1713.7-3946 and G11.2-0.3.

    But Cas A is the most exciting example for a simple reason: The simulation predicts that there should still be a signature of that envelope lost in the first supernova: a puff of hydrogen-rich gas drifting through space 30 to 300 light-years away from the supernova remnant. And in the case of Cas A, they found one such puff, just 50 light-years away — precisely fitting what their model predicted.

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  • #40186

    Monster black hole is caught feeding off galaxies trapped in its ‘spider’s web

    Tuesday, October 6th 2020, 4:25 pm – This discovery may reveal how the earliest black holes grew into supermassive giants

    Halloween may be unique to Earth, but the cosmos sure offers up some great decorations for this time of year. Astronomers just found a monster black hole feeding off galaxies trapped in the threads of its “spider’s web”.

    Peering back into the earliest times of the Universe, a team of astronomers has made a first-of-its-kind discovery. A bright quasar, captured as it was just a billion years after The Big Bang, has been revealed as a cluster of six different galaxies around an immense, and growing, supermassive black hole. ‘Quasar’ is short for ‘quasi-stellar object’. It is the name astronomers gave to objects that we now know are ‘active’ black holes, which spit out copious amounts of radiation as it gobbles down matter.

    The details of this cosmic web are revealed in a new study published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    Quasar SDSS J103027.09+052455.0, in this artist’s impression, is a collection of six different galaxies trapped in the strands of a supermassive black hole’s web, around 300 times the size of our Milky Way galaxy.

    “The cosmic web filaments are like spider’s web threads,” study lead author Marco Mignoli, an astronomer at Italy’s National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), said in a European Southern Observatory press release. “The galaxies stand and grow where the filaments cross, and streams of gas – available to fuel both the galaxies and the central supermassive black hole – can flow along the filaments.”

    The team says that this is the first time they have ever seen such a close grouping of galaxies, so far back in the Universe’s history. Also, they believe that what they’ve witnessed may help explain a persistent mystery about the earliest black holes.

    There are two basic types of black holes that astronomers have found. Stellar-mass black holes form when a massive star dies and collapses in on itself. The most extreme of these can ‘weigh in’ at around 60 times our Sun’s mass. Supermassive black holes, which exist at the cores of galaxies, tip the cosmic scales at millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun. The persistent mystery is how these supermassive black holes form.

    This artist’s impression of a supermassive black hole reveals the different features of these cosmic monsters.

    If supermassive black holes are simply swollen, over-fed stellar-mass black holes, how do they grow so large, so quickly? This is especially true of the ones that are in the Universe’s earliest galaxies. The first stars to form are thought to have been much larger than any of the most massive known stars. Still, they would not have been large enough to produce a supermassive black hole upon their death.

    The ‘web’ of galaxies feeding SDSS J103027.09+052455.0 indeed contains enough matter to fuel the central black hole’s growth to supermassive proportions, the researchers say. As for how the galaxies could have clustered like this, they have ideas for this, too.

    According to the ESO: These large regions of invisible matter are thought to attract huge amounts of gas in the early Universe; together, the gas and the invisible dark matter form the web-like structures where galaxies and black holes can evolve.

    “Our finding lends support to the idea that the most distant and massive black holes form and grow within massive dark matter halos in large-scale structures,” co-author Colin Norman, from Johns Hopkins University, said in the press release. As Norman explained, the physical limitations of today’s telescopes are likely to blame for not having seen other clusters like this before.

    Future telescopes, such as the ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope, which is currently being built in northern Chile, are expected to give astronomers a clearer picture of the very early universe.

    “We believe we have just seen the tip of the iceberg,” said co-author Barbara Balmaverde, an astronomer at INAF, “and that the few galaxies discovered so far around this supermassive black hole are only the brightest ones.”

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  • #40299

    ‘Superflares’ may make it hard for life to begin around dwarf stars

    These powerful stellar eruptions pour out huge amounts of UV radiation.

    This artist’s impression shows a superflare emitted by a distant star.

    Powerful stellar eruptions could pose a serious challenge to the origin and evolution of life around the universe, a new study suggests.

    Such outbursts throw off large amounts of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which is not only directly harmful to life as we know it but can also strip away the atmospheres of relatively close-orbiting planets. These issues are especially pronounced for worlds circling red dwarfs, small and dim stars that make up about 75% of the Milky Way galaxy’s stellar population.

    For starters, red dwarfs are more active than sunlike stars, especially when they’re young. And, because each red dwarf is so dim, its “habitable zone” — the range of orbital distances where liquid water could be stable on a world’s surface — is much closer-in than for a star such as our sun.

    The new study helps flesh out this skeletal outline. Researchers calculated the likely UV emissions generated by red-dwarf superflares, as well as the radiation loads absorbed by rocky planets that might reside in the small stars’ habitable zones.

    “We found planets orbiting young stars may experience life-prohibiting levels of UV radiation, although some micro-organisms might survive,” study lead author Ward Howard, a doctoral student in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill, said in a statement.

    Howard and his colleagues measured the temperatures of 42 superflares emitted by 27 red dwarfs. They did so by analyzing observations made simultaneously by the Evryscope, an array of small telescopes at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile, and NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, which has been hunting for alien worlds from Earth orbit since 2018.

    These observations were obtained every 2 minutes, allowing the scientists to get a detailed temperature profile across the brief life of the red-dwarf superflares, which typically emit most of their UV radiation during a 10- to 15-minute-long peak. Temperature is strongly correlated with UV emission, so the researchers were then able to estimate the radiation loads imposed by the outbursts.

    The new information could aid a variety of other astrobiological investigations going forward, team members said.

    “Longer term, these results may inform the choice of planetary systems to be observed by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope based on the system’s flaring activity,” study co-author Nicholas Law, an associate professor of physics and astronomy at UNC-Chapel Hill and the Evryscope principal investigator, said in the same statement.

    The new study continues the team’s ongoing investigation into red-dwarf flaring and its potential impacts on life. For example, a 2018 paper led by Howard suggested that superflares have dimmed the astrobiological potential of Proxima b, a rocky, Earth-size world that orbits in the habitable zone of the red dwarf Proxima Centauri, the sun’s nearest stellar neighbor.

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  • #40300

    Scientists spot possible ‘missing link’ between weird magnetars and pulsars

    This visualization shows the magnetic lines of a magnetar.

    Researchers have apparently found a “missing link” between two types of pulsars.

    Pulsars are fast-spinning neutron stars, the superdense, collapsed cores left over from the explosive deaths of massive stars. Pulsars emit beams of radiation from their poles that appear to pulse when they’re observed from Earth, hence the name. (Pulsars don’t actually pulse, though; that’s an effect of the objects’ rotation.)

    Scientists had thought that two kinds of pulsars — magnetars, which sport extremely powerful magnetic fields, and rotation-powered pulsars — emit their beams in different ways. But a new study suggests that these extreme objects have more in common than was previously presumed.

    “Our study has given us new understanding of the neutron stars with high magnetic fields,” study leader Chin-Ping Hu, a visiting researcher at the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research in Japan, said in a statement.

    On March 12, scientists discovered a new gamma-ray burst with the Burst Alert Telescope aboard NASA’s Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, a space-based gamma ray telescope. The object, J1818.0-1607, which the researchers believe is a magnetar, immediately inspired followup X-ray observations with the Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER), an instrument aboard the International Space Station.

    Using NICER, the researchers found that the magnetar has a pulsation period — the time between stellar pulsations — of 1.36 seconds, the shortest ever spotted in a magnetar. They also found that the magnetar is fairly young, forming just 420 years ago (from our perspective, anyway; the object lies 16,000 light-years from Earth, so everything astronomers are observing with the magnetar happened long ago). Strangely, they also found that this magnetar’s X-ray emission was lower than that of other magnetars.

    Notably, the team saw that the magnetar was exhibiting “spin-down behavior.” Because of this, they think that its emissions were, at least in part, powered by rotation. This is significant because, typically, rotation-powered pulsars are thought to be the ones that produce beams through rotating. So this finding draws the two objects closer together and expands scientists’ understanding of how and why these objects produce their beams, team members said.

    Additionally, Hu added, “recent radio observations suggest that magnetars may be a cause of mysterious phenomena called fast radio bursts, so we look forward to investigating further.”

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  • #40349

    This thread has the best posts. I love this, Sean. Thank you.

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  • #40465

    Black hole kills star by ‘spaghettification’ as telescopes watch

    Telescopes have captured the rare light flash from a dying star as it was ripped apart by a supermassive black hole.

    This rarely seen “tidal disruption event” — which creates spaghettification in stars as they stretch and stretch – is the closest such known event to happen, at only 215 million light-years from Earth. (For comparison, the nearest star system to Earth – Alpha Centauri — is roughly 4 light-years away, and the Milky Way is roughly 200,000 light years in diameter.) One light-year is the distance light travels in a year, about 6 trillion miles (10 trillion kilometers).

    “The idea of a black hole ‘sucking in’ a nearby star sounds like science fiction. But this is exactly what happens in a tidal disruption event,” the new study’s lead author Matt Nicholl, a lecturer and Royal Astronomical Society research fellow at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, said in a European Southern Observatory statement. Researchers caught the event in action using numerous telescopes, including ESO’s Very Large Telescope and New Technology Telescope.

    An artist’s illustration of a star’s death by “spaghettification” as it is ripped to shreds by a supermassive black hole. Scientists using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope has spotted such an event.

    “When an unlucky star wanders too close to a supermassive black hole in the center of a galaxy, the extreme gravitational pull of the black hole shreds the star into thin streams of material,” co-author Thomas Wevers said in the same statement. Wevers is an ESO Fellow in Santiago, Chile and was at the Institute of Astronomy at the United Kingdom’s University of Cambridge when he did the work.

    It has been difficult to see these events in the past because the black hole eating up the star has a tendency to shoot out material from the dying star, such as dust, that obscures the view, ESO officials said. Luckily, the newly studied event was studied shortly after the star ripped to shreds.

    Researchers studied the event, known as AT 2019qiz, over six months as the flare became bright and then faded away. Observations took place in ultraviolet, optical, X-ray and radio wavelengths. Looking at the event in this comprehensive way showed how the material leaves the star and the flare the star sends as its dying gasp, researchers said.

    The team also estimated the size of the doomed star at about the same mass as our own sun. It didn’t have a chance against the black hole, which has a mass of more than 1 million times that of the sun.

    AT 2019qiz also acts as a bellwether for learning about how matter behaves in the extreme environment around supermassive black holes, the team said. A study based on the research was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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  • #40779

    2 big pieces of space junk could collide Thursday night

    The chance of a collision is higher than 10%

    Still from a LeoLabs animation modeling a close approach between two big pieces of space junk on Thursday night (Oct. 15). The chance of a collision is higher than 10%, LeoLabs has calculated.

    Earth orbit could get a lot more crowded, and a lot more dangerous, on Thursday night (Oct. 15).

    Two big pieces of space junk are zooming toward a close approach that will occur Thursday at 8:56 p.m. EDT (0056 GMT on Oct. 16), according to California-based tracking company LeoLabs.

    The encounter will take place 616 miles (991 kilometers) above the South Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of Antarctica. LeoLabs’ latest calculations peg the probability of a collision at more than 10% — a scarily high number, considering that the combined mass of the objects is about 6,170 lbs. (2,800 kilograms) and they’ll be barreling toward each other at a relatively velocity of 32,900 mph (52,950 km/h).

    “This event continues to be very high risk and will likely stay this way through the time of closest approach,” LeoLabs tweeted today (Oct. 14).

    Also on Twitter, Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer and satellite tracker based at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, identified the two objects as a defunct Soviet navigation satellite called Parus (or Kosmos 2004) and a Chinese rocket stage.

    A “search-mode scan” scheduled for shortly after the close approach should reveal if a collision did in fact occur, LeoLabs said in another tweet. And we should all keep our fingers crossed for a near miss; a smashup would likely result in a “significant (10 to 20 percent) increase in the LEO debris environment,” McDowell said in another tweet. (“LEO” stands for “low Earth orbit.”)

    Such a debris superspreader event would not be unprecedented. In February 2009, for example, the operational Iridium 33 communications satellite collided with the defunct Russian military satellite Kosmos 2251. The smashup generated 1,800 pieces of trackable debris by the following October, as well as many others too small to detect.

    Humanity has also twice spawned big debris clouds on purpose — during anti-satellite tests in 2007 and 2019 conducted by China and India, respectively.

    Such events, and Thursday night’s potential collision, highlight the growing threat that orbital debris poses to spaceflight and exploration. The International Space Station has had to maneuver itself away from potential collisions three times in 2020 alone, for example. And as the costs of launch and satellite development both continue to fall, Earth orbit will get more and more crowded, often with craft operated by relative neophytes.

    The spaceflight community therefore needs to come up with debris-minimizing guidelines, and soon, many experts say. Such guidelines could include a requirement that spent rocket bodies be deorbited shortly after launch, so they can’t be involved in close encounters like the one that will occur Thursday night over the South Atlantic.

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