Site Upgrade – 12pm GMT/UTC today

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Thanks to everyone’s generosity we have made enough to upgrade the site to a new server with a SSD hard drive which should make it respond a lot quicker. Hooray :yahoo:

That does mean they need to transfer the files and do some DNS setting which mean there’ll be an outage while they do that work.

I don’t know how much notice I’ll get of when that happens so this is to tell everyone not to panic if the board is unavailable suddenly. It’ll be back soon enough, new and improved.

They say the work takes between 18 and 72 hours –  I doubt it’ll be as long as 72 with our little site but I guess they have to cover themselves.

  • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by garjones.
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  • #32272

    I have a time now:

    Date: 13th July 2020
    Time: 8PM
    Duration: expected within 2 hours
    8pm here is 12pm GMT.
    The 18-72 hours dramatically reduced to under 2. 😂
    8 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32273

    That’s great, thanks for all your efforts on this Gar.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32274

    If it’s anything like a Windows upgrade it’s going to take 72 hours.

    2 hours.

    6 minutes.

    30 hours.

    20 minutes.

    1 hour.

    6 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32282

    Thank you for the update!

  • #32284

    thanks for all you do Gar.

  • #32292

    Yay update day!

    Thank you Gar

  • #32295

    Big thanks to Gar for keeping us up to speed on how he will get us up to preferred speed.

    And a big thanks to everyone who contributed. We all know Jerry could have done more. We all blame him for it. And we’re right in doing so.

    But I guess you don’t become a millionaire by spending money. Let’s try to keep an open mind. No lynching.

    In all seriousness, I think my maximum setting is around 80%, big thanks to everyone! Even Jerry!

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32298

    Yeah, I mean, I didn’t want to say anything about Jerry.

    I feel like he does owe us each at least one yacht.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #32303

    You can borrow one of mine. Jerry gave me two yachts.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32308

    I feel like he does owe us each at least one yacht.


    Jerry gave me two yachts.

    Prelude to The Carrier: Civil War #1

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32309

    I feel like he does owe us each at least one yacht.


    Jerry gave me two yachts.

    Prelude to The Carrier: Civil War #1

    Great. A fucking crossover that will bleed into all the threads for several months. Can’t we just make Tim cry now and say it’s all over?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #32312

    Everyone is talking about me today. I feel so SPECIAL!!

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32317

    Sounds great, thanks for all your work on the board Gar!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #32332

    Prelude to The Carrier: Civil War #1

    Surely it would follow the World War Hulk model.

  • #32336

    Prelude to The Carrier: Civil War #1

    Surely it would follow the World War Hulk model.

    So you need to have a temper tantrum and we can then move on?

  • #32337


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  • #32344

    Prelude to The Carrier: Civil War #1

    Surely it would follow the World War Hulk model.

    So you need to have a temper tantrum and we can then move on?

    Everyone always moves on from the Hulk, eventually…

  • #32346


    Hey big guy, sun’s getting real low

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  • #32347

    If this was an X-men comic,  Todd would have to time travel back to stop Gar from implementing the site upgrade and thus avoiding the question of who gets Jerrys yachts all together.

    But then, a horrible new timeline arises…

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #32349

    But then, you get extra compensatory cuddles.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #32350

    If this was an X-men comic,  Todd would have to time travel back to stop Gar from implementing the site upgrade and thus avoiding the question of who gets Jerrys yachts all together.

    But then, a horrible new timeline arises…

    I DID time travel.

    Does Jerry still have butts growing out of his butt?

  • #32351

    Probably. I mean how else would he be able to sit on all his yachts?

  • #32359

    Probably. I mean how else would he be able to sit on all his yachts?

    Damn. The timeline is still messed up.

    Jerry should have just one butt and he should be shitting Savage Dragon comics.

  • #32442

    Now I can only picture Jerry like this


    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32453

    Now I can only picture Jerry like this


    Oh come one! Jerry can’t tie a bow!

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #32461

    Now I can only picture Jerry like this


    Oh come one! Jerry can’t tie a bow!

    It’s okay. He has people do it for him.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #32523

    Don’t listen to them, Jerry. You can do it! (You can get the kind ready bow-tied with elastic).

    It’s almost 12pm.

    In case I don’t see yous. Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

  • #32540

    OK, it seems to be all done so I’m unpinning this.

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  • #32558

    The site does seem to be loading a lot faster on my desktop and my phone.

    Thank you for work on this, Gar!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #32560

    Yeah I did a few comparisons and it’s still not at big global site loads of ‘almost instant’ (like Twitter, The Guardian) but to me is clearly faster and did compare pretty well with a local newspaper site and comics one of maybe 3-4 seconds transition.

    Tell me what you think guys.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
  • #32565

    Yeah I did a few comparisons and it’s still not at big global site loads of ‘almost instant’ (like Twitter, The Guardian) but to me is clearly faster and did compare pretty well with a local newspaper site and comics one of maybe 3-4 seconds transition.

    Tell me what you think guys.

    I would say for our needs, the boost we received is just fine. I was not expecting “almost instant” from the upgrade.

  • #32594

    It’s faster for me to. I had gotten rather acclimatized to the waiting times and built them into a routine. Now I’m back at square one. Pfft.

    Seriously, though! Thanks! :D

  • #32605

    I would say for our needs, the boost we received is just fine. I was not expecting “almost instant” from the upgrade.

    That’s good I was just checking because I realise I’m physically close to the server and the rest of you aren’t.

    ..and yes, this is as good as it can get for us really. Even going to a dedicated server instead of a shared one, which is the next upgrade and is more to do with it being robust than fast, will cost 10 times what our current setup does. Those big sites have multiple mirrored servers.

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