She-Hulk (Disney+) – SPOILER discussion

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  • #100927

    Geez, way to unecessarily trash an entire parking lot. Time to reinstate those accords.

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  • #100929

    Finallyyyyy… DD was good… the rest was pretty crap like usual… the 4th wall breaks are really not well done in this show, there’s not point in doing those “remember this guy?” monologues on a show with “previously on xxxx” recaps… come on, that should be writing 101.

    I liked the yellow/red-ish costume and the coreographies were pretty neat, so yeah the DD bits were definetly the best parts of the show, which is good since they’ve been basically relying on this cameo to string people along to watch this otherwise turgid poop of a show…

    What a fuckin diserivce to She-Hulk, and now I’m wondering what the hell is going on at Marvel Studios… is Feige getting ready to move on or something? ’cause it sure feels like there’s no one at the wheel right now… =/

  • #100933

    I’m starting to suspect entitled Wakandan spear client guy is behind the Intelligencia. Seems a bit odd putting him in this episode if not.

    I’d say it’s pretty damned obvious considering A) on their date, he asked if Vibranium could pierce her skin and B) he showed off his purchase of a Wakandan weapon that is made of Vibranium.

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  • #100966

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  • #100999

    It is a comedy show that deals with Jen being single, her dating life etc. and most of the complaints are β€œWhere is the comic book action?”

    I liked it that it dealt with ghosting ie. You go out with someone, have a great time and connection, maybe spend the night, and afterwards, nothing. The other person doesn’t text or call… nothing.That plays mind games with you and you start to wonder β€œWas it something I said or did? What?” Something wrong with me etc. And we saw that all happen to her, how she was waiting by her phone for a text etc.

    I mentioned that situation in the Relationship Thread but no one got it…


    Now with the Intelligencia and this guy supposedly behind it with that misogyny site about her, that slut shaming video, (Should anyone care that she chose to get with three guys?) etc.

    If it really is that guy with that spear, it would the textbook case of a guy being rejected/shot down by a pretty girl, and then he is like β€œHow dare she?” and then schemes to make life miserable for her, harassing, stalking, badmouthing etc.


    Complaining about the slow build: WandaVision started out with these homage episodes to past sitcoms like I love Lucy etc. and tbh, It was nice to see the actors like Olsen and the Vision guy do other things than just superheroes. Then by ep 5, it all came together…


    With all this setup in these shows… Too much of a slow burn? Maybe… Or too much of a short attention span and not wanting to stick with a show? Or Both?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by Al-x.
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  • #101001

    There were a few postings upthread on the CGI and whether there is a tall woman

    stand in. Well, there is:

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  • #101005

    It is a comedy show that deals with Jen being single, her dating life etc. and most of the complaints are β€œWhere is the comic book action?”

    I do wonder if there is any overlap with audiences for shows like Ally McBeal, the Practice, Boston Legal, even Gray’s Anatomy and so on. It certainly mimics a lot of that style, but since it is Marvel, I’m not sure if the natural audience is really attracted to watching it.

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  • #101012

    Loved the walk of shame, and they do make a good couple. Hope to see DD again.

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  • #101191

    You can’t tell on Al’s post, but damn, why did they even bother with CG??

  • #101198

    You can’t tell on Al’s post, but damn, why did they even bother with CG??

    Yeah, like I’ve said since early on I think it would have been fine to just cast a larger actor as She-Hulk and handle the change that way. The CGI version is a distraction.

  • #101211

    Because we have to believe they’re pretty much the same character, and it’s not like she can grunt and growl like Lou Ferrigno did.

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  • #101212

    I posted that pic of the two together in the Picture thread last week…

    I heard the show being referred to as “Ally McBeal with super powers.”
    Disney needs to do better with hiring good, edgy writers if they want to do comedy on MCU streaming.
    I mean they should have the money…

    A podcast suggested that maybe that Wakanda spear was picked up when the Wakanda female soldiers
    were fighting somewhereΒ (ie. Falcon and Winter Soldier). If that is the case, the soldiers not only have to win,
    but also have to pick up after themselves and not leave vibranium leftovers.

    Didn’t like that brat yelling “Wakanda Forever!” in the restaurant. Cringe….

    Murdock’s walk of shame AND carrying his shoes…

    I HOPE to hell for the MCU DD to be as edgy as Netflix, but Disney+ …

  • #101246

    Really loved the finale. It’s a bit of a cop-out to have the character break out of the story and complain to their creator about it, but it worked here because of the nature of the show, the jokes and the dialogue, especially the show criticising the MCU’s tendencies. Especially Jen telling KEVIN to shut up about what the Hulk was up to, because it’s been my sincere hope that they wouldn’t explain it at all.

    (And there is a mid-credits scene this week)

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  • #101279

    Yeah, I enjoyed that finale. A brave choice, I think, as it’s going to baffle some people (the casual fans who don’t even know who Kevin Feige is) and irritate the Intelligencia types who are still watching (which is a good thing, to be clear). But also one that shows Marvel are conscious of their own tics and tropes (whether it continues to address them is another question, I suppose). Swinging through the Disney+ menu was a great way to adapt the idea of tearing through the comic pages.

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  • #101280

    I thought it was very funny that KEVIN told Jen to wait until she was off-camera to change to save on the CGI budget, only for the shot she’s not in to be entirely CGI

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  • #101289

    That was a good finale.

    I would have preferred Blonsky to not go off the rails, as that would have been more unexpected.Β  The mid-credit scene with him and Wong was good though.

    I really wanted Todd to explode after injecting himself – but that’d be a bit extreme I suppose for Disney+.Β  Would be very fitting.

    The fourth wall sequence was a lot of fun.Β  Also like Jen’s dad soaking the reporters.Β  And every bit with Daredevil was very smart.

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  • #101290

    I really wanted Todd to explode after injecting himself – but that’d be a bit extreme I suppose for Disney+.  Would be very fitting.

    Yeah, I was hoping it just plain wouldn’t work.

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  • #101294

    Oh and I think the parody of the 70s Hulk show was a great demonstration of why just painting a big women green wouldn’t work for She-Hulk (weird no-one wants to just paint a big guy green for Hulk btw).

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  • #101295

    weird no-one wants to just paint a big guy green for Hulk btw

    It’s an apples and oranges comparison as the issue is having to do so much CGI She-Hulk on a TV budget.

    In the MCU movies, the Hulk is used relatively sparingly and as part of an ensemble, and they’re doing it on a blockbuster budget. Which is why Hulk in the movies (even decade-old movies now) looks so much better than She-Hulk on TV today.

    If money was no object and they could match the movie-quality CGI, then of course She-Hulk would be fine as a CGI creation. But if the quality we’ve seen in the TV show is the best they can do on their budget, then I think there are better ways that wouldn’t take you out of the show so much.

  • #101296

    I really wanted Todd to explode after injecting himself – but that’d be a bit extreme I suppose for Disney+.

    Three words: Werewolf by Night.

  • #101297

    Oh man, I’m glad I stuck around until this last episode, because boy I’ve rarely seen such a shitty half hour of TV… really a sight to behold.

    This was easily the worst MCU-related thing… so congrats to everyone involved, we’ve officially reached rock bottom.

    Oh and I think the parody of the 70s Hulk show was a great demonstration of why just painting a big women green wouldn’t work for She-Hulk (weird no-one wants to just paint a big guy green for Hulk btw).

    It would still probably look better than the shody CGI they had in this show… speaking of which, maaaan even the Hulk and his son looked bad this episode… not the same Hulk quality as the first espisode

  • #101305

    It is what it is… It poked fun at itself, self parody, self awareness, 4th wall… 70s nostalgia.

    A woman has needs and she got KEVIN to add in Murdoch. And she looked good!

    A modern day Woman Haters Club. The Little Rascals have a lot to answer for…

    It all brings John Byrne’s She Hulk and even his FF material back to me. I really didn’t like in his FF run, his conclusion to
    Reed Richards’ trial for saving Galactus. But now… I can give Byrne a pass!🀣

    And I want Emil Blonsky in a scene meeting with Nick Fury…

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
  • #101330

    because boy I’ve rarely seen such a shitty half hour of TV

    The content of most of your posts would suggest otherwise.

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  • #101358

    Really loved the finale. It’s a bit of a cop-out to have the character break out of the story and complain to their creator about it, but it worked here because of the nature of the show, the jokes and the dialogue, especially the show criticising the MCU’s tendencies. Especially Jen telling KEVIN to shut up about what the Hulk was up to, because it’s been my sincere hope that they wouldn’t explain it at all.

    (And there is a mid-credits scene this week)

    Jen breaking out of the app to get to another part of it was a great homage to a bit in the John Byrne run where she tore through a page and crossed over a two-page ad to get to another point of the book.

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  • #101360

    There’s some good gags in the comics listings there too.

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  • #101361

    A few on his vendetta with Jim Shooter in the New Universe/Star Brand entries. Still hilariously petty that he blew up Pittsburgh in the NU just to annoy Shooter (it’s his home town).

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  • #101363


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  • #101367

    She-Hulk Finale: That Divisive Ending Is Actually Comics-Accurate

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  • #101371

    She-Hulk Finale: That Divisive Ending Is Actually Comics-Accurate

    Feige’s only sticking point was the hat. The original idea was to have his signature ballcap sitting atop the robot. β€œKevin said, β€˜Well, that doesn’t make a lick of sense, why would a robot wear a hat?’” Gao recalls. “I said, β€˜That’s the part that doesn’t make sense to you, Kevin, that is the line of logic that you won’t cross, we have you represented as an AI brain that is controlling all of the Marvel Cinematic Universes, but the thing that you can’t get past is that it might have a hat on top of the machine?’ And he said, β€˜Yeah.’”

    The compromise: K.E.V.I.N.’s ocular sensors have a small visor over them that looks remarkably familiar.

    Real Kevin is a true nerd! πŸ˜‚

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  • #101373

    The content of most of your posts would suggest otherwise.

    I said rarely, not never.

    Also, that’s bullshit, but sure, whatever fits your narrative…

  • #101378

    You do realize that posters like you are the presumed butt of the joke and watching you complain more and more just makes the joke funnier.

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  • #101379

    Let’s not rag on Jon. We all know over time what preferences are. He likes very serious dark superhero stuff and She-Hulk was sold as a meta sitcom (which to be fair is true to the comics).

    Of course he’s going to hate it.

    I quite liked it, Mazlany is great, it mainly amused me, that’s good enough.

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  • #101381

    Let’s not rag on Jon. We all know over time what preferences are. He likes very serious dark superhero stuff and She-Hulk was sold as a meta sitcom (which to be fair is true to the comics).

    Of course he’s going to hate it.

    You know that, I know that, we all know that, including Jon, yet here he is, continually moaning about how much he hates the show and how terrible it is. We wouldn’t put up with someone going in the sports thread to say how much they hate sports or interjecting into every video game discussion to say that video games suck, so I’m not quite sure why this is different.

    I’m not saying everyone should only post positive opinions but coming into a dedicated thread for practically every episode of a series to repeatedly say that you think it’s irredeemably shit isn’t of value. First time you tried it and didn’t like it, sure, lay it on us. But if you’re miserably forcing yourself to hate-watch the entire run just to be angry about it, keep it to yourself.

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  • #101385

    But if you’re miserably forcing yourself to hate-watch the entire run just to be angry about it, keep it to yourself.

    In fairness, in the case of the MCU specifically, Disney push the joined-up-universe element as part of the reason to watch, regardless of the quality of the shows themselves.

    So some people may end up watching the shows just to stay in the loop about the MCU in general, rather than because they actually like every single show.

    In those circumstances, I can imagine someone tuning in every week but still thinking it’s a bit shit.

  • #101386

    She-Hulk Team Breaks Down Homage to The Incredible Hulk, What Was Literally Borrowed From Original Series

    I was laughing out loud at the opening.

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  • #101387

    You do realize that posters like you are the presumed butt of the joke and watching you complain more and more just makes the joke funnier.

    Posters like me? And what is that? Care to enlighten me?

    Let’s not rag on Jon. We all know over time what preferences are. He likes very serious dark superhero stuff and She-Hulk was sold as a meta sitcom (which to be fair is true to the comics). Of course he’s going to hate it.

    Ehhh… not necessarily, but I do like stuff that looks good at the very least… and that has at least decent writing, etc… I mean, listen, I’m glad people enjoyed this show, but let’s not pretend it was anywhere near “good”…. or even decent…

    In fairness, in the case of the MCU specifically, Disney push the joined-up-universe element as part of the reason to watch, regardless of the quality of the shows themselves. So some people may end up watching the shows just to stay in the loop about the MCU in general, rather than because they actually like every single show. In those circumstances, I can imagine someone tuning in every week but still thinking it’s a bit shit.

    Exactly, the whole appeal of the MCU is it’s interconnectedness… weird that some people are puzzled at that whole idea 15 years in… :unsure:

    I’m not saying everyone should only post positive opinions but coming into a dedicated thread for practically every episode of a series to repeatedly say that you think it’s irredeemably shit isn’t of value. First time you tried it and didn’t like it, sure, lay it on us. But if you’re miserably forcing yourself to hate-watch the entire run just to be angry about it, keep it to yourself.

    How bout nah. Firstly for the reasons above, and secondly because I just don’t feel like it. I’m sorry you only seem to read my negative posts, or maybe you just don’t like me, but that’s a you kind of problem.

    Either way, you don’t see me bitching about people when they complain about stuff… you’re welcome to debate any argument, but spare me the personal attacks… I had enough of that shit with that other clown.

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  • #101390

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  • #101401

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  • #101424

    It’s nice to see some of Byrne’s material being posted for the younger MCU viewers who don’t “get” what She Hulk was about.

    Now to explain DD in yellow.


    Jen facing KEVIN
    Neo and the Architect


    Interesting thing… That Bill Bixby Hulk series on TV in the 70s gave a lot of rights to Universal at the time
    and before Universal would develop a female Hulk, Marvel beat them to the punch and She Hulk was apparently
    the last character developed by Stan Lee.

    There is a mess with Marvel as regards to rights to characters and all the legalities on what can be in the comics and
    now movies and streaming. I won’t get into all that, never mind getting into legal rights to your IP. 🀣

    Murdock mentioned the Slovenia Accord from the Civil War move have been repealed.

    And Banner told Natasha at the time that he can’t have kids

    The show did deal with incels, and revenge porn which there is a law in California on that…

    Came across this for a chuckle:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
  • #101430

    It’s nice to see some of Byrne’s material being posted for the younger MCU viewers who don’t β€œget” what She Hulk was about.

    It is based more on Dan Slott’s run on the book. Yes Byrne started the 4th wall breaking but his She-Hulk has no Jen and no lawyering.

  • #101571

  • #101573

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  • #101593

    It’s nice to see some of Byrne’s material being posted for the younger MCU viewers who don’t β€œget” what She Hulk was about.

    It is based more on Dan Slott’s run on the book. Yes Byrne started the 4th wall breaking but his She-Hulk has no Jen and no lawyering.

    Now I have to get into the Slott material. With Jen as a lawyer…






    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
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  • #101597

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  • #101612

    After he told Natasha he can’t have kids.

    That is the problem with the MCU:Each new movie or show brings up something that
    contradicts the previous. Almost as bad as the comics 🀣

  • #101655

    After he told Natasha he can’t have kids.

    That is the problem with the MCU:Each new movie or show brings up something that
    contradicts the previous. Almost as bad as the comics 🀣

    I thought it was Natasha who couldn’t have kids.

    And if Bruce did say that, it may be because he didn’t know what risks a human could have carrying and delivering a gamma-powered baby.

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  • #101673

    I thought it was Natasha who couldn’t have kids.

    In that not very popular sequence I read it as he said he couldn’t settle down or have kids, not for medical reasons but because his life was a mess and dangerous as a Hulk. Then Natasha replies she can’t anyway due to Red Room experiments or somesuch.

    So yes I think Marvel are off the hook there, Banner never says he’s infertile.

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  • #101676

    If anything I assume he’s incredibly fertile.

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  • #101678

    I have to be honest, it’s not something I’ve ever thought deeply about.

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  • #101699

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  • #101740

  • #101760

    Honestly the 4th wall thing didn’t work for me. I thought it wasn’t very well done, and it was way cheap to just abandon the plot they’d been building all season (what with the blood-taking and all). Also, Josh didn’t get his, what’s up with that?

    I’d rather they’d have ended it the normal way – the build-up with Pug finally doing something useful and Abomination as guest speaker was actually pretty good, and it’d have been fun to see Jen taking that room apart a little. They could still have done the ending in which Jen decides not to beat up Todd (further) and then at least it’d all have made sense.
    Whereas the meta thing just wasn’t very good. I thought it was weird how badly she beat up those poor security guards at the Marvel studios, and the meta jokes in the writer’s room and with Kevin were all pretty lame.

    So, I’m more with Jon on this one, I’m afraid.

    On a positive note, the season overall was fun enough, with the Daredevil episode the definite highlight. I’m still fine with this show in general.

  • #101773

    I have to be honest, it’s not something I’ve ever thought deeply about.

    I know… Not burning issue!!!🀣

    When I have the time on a very lazy day, I might go to
    Disney+ and see the “Ultron” scenes again where the
    team hid and crashed in Hawkeye’s country house.

    There is a long list somewhere online of all the
    MCU contradictions etc. That is if you care… 🀣🀣🀣

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
  • #101799

    The MCU is having contractions?

    I didn’t even know it was pregnant. πŸ˜•

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  • #101809

    It’s probably because Bruce Banner is so fertile.

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  • #101859

    The MCU is having contractions?

    I didn’t even know it was pregnant. πŸ˜•

    It’s what you get when you type fast on a phone and the spelling option… Not to mention lack of double checking and proof reading.

    I see the memes of how much of a drop off with the Hulk. He was so tough against the Abomination and the first Avengers movie.
    But after he got his ass kicked by Thanos on that ship, he was never the same again. So gun shy…

    It happens. I know of an MMA fighter who lost for the first time and she was so crushed by it, she was never the same again.

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  • #102165

  • #102485

    I know of an MMA fighter who lost for the first time and she was so crushed by it, she was never the same again.

    It’s an interesting idea they followed really with him losing confidence afterwards.

    I’ve seen it in boxing too, guys who are on long unbeaten runs and full of confidence but after their first defeat are shot and never any good again.

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  • #102486

    It wasn’t just the Thanos fight though, he was physically injured quite badly when he used the Stark gauntlet to undo the snap.

  • #102501

  • #102657

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  • #102658

    I was just coming to post that pitch meeting… well, one good thing that came out of that show I guess… xD

    Man, I’m impressed the dude is still doing bangers so far into it.

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  • #102667

    Yeah, Ryan has been doing an incredible job with the Pitch Meetings.

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  • #102671

    Yeah, the pitch meetings are tight.

    He nails a lot of the issues with these shows and movies, but in an affectionate way, and often with more nuance than most reviews (and in a very dense format to boot). Which seems like a tough thing to do so well, but he makes it look super easy and barely an inconvenience.

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  • #102681

    Over three weeks have passed since the final episode dropped, and here we are still talking about the show. This is a testament to how fantastic and much-loved this little series is!! :rose:

    (Edit: should I add a winky-face?)

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by njerry.
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  • #102686

    Oh, I see there is a Black Adam Pitch Meeting, as well. Now I feel like I have to watch the movie so I can watch that.

  • #102792

    Mark Ruffalo Once Suggested 2 Marvel Stars to Play She-Hulk Before Tatiana Maslany Won the Role

  • #102940

    Concept art of Skaar

  • #103324

  • #103394

    More concept art:

  • #111954

    Take this with a grain of salt:

  • #115047

    Tatiana Maslany Casts Doubt On Marvel Making She-Hulk Season 2

    Read More:

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