She-Hulk (Disney+) – SPOILER discussion

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Starts tomorrow.

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  • #97951

    That was fun, if a little slight. But I’m OK with slight, the MCU needs to have a lot less weighty, portentous stuff. Maslany was great, she held her own against Ruffalo very well as an actor. I’m very much looking forward to seeing more of Jen’s day to day life, we got very little of that here.

    In a nice touch, if you scan the QR code on the poster behind Jen when she sneaks into the bar, it goes to a webpage with a Marvel Unlimited promo and a readable copy of She-Hulk Issue 1, apparently they’re going to switch that out for other issues during the show’s run.

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  • #97962

    That was ok but a bit weak. I’m not sure it needed to spend an entire episode on her fairly perfunctory, low drama origin story. It would have worked a lot better if they had just skimmed through it at speed and got to the lawyer stuff instead of letting it all drag on. I mean, I did like that Bruce is being a total gatekeeping nerd about having Hulk powers, but bogging Jen down for 25 minutes with that instead of having her breeze out of there sharpish wasn’t the best choice.

    Was that meant to be Titania at the end? I really hope not. I’m not sure the MCU is in a place yet where it can get away with throwing in random jobber super-powered people as jokes. It had so little room after all the Hulk stuff that it felt out of place.

    Also they didn’t do the fourth-wall breaking enough in this episode to make it feel worthwhile and a solid part of the show. The way Jen essentially book-ended the origin flashback was crying out for some kind of narration (either voice over or Jen talking to the camera ala I, Tonya) to carry it through or an element of an unreliable narration to it, but it had neither beyond that one aside to the camera. It ended up feeling tacked on and undercooked. Hopefully that won’t be the case through the series, but it’s hard to tell because it’s spent so little time on what the series (supposedly) is going to be.

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  • #97963

    I thought episode 1 was OK. The main things it has going for it are that Maslany is funny and charming, and the whole thing doesn’t take itself too seriously. Plus after all the complaints about CGI, I think it looks pretty good for a TV show.

    Having said that, I thought the writing was pretty by-numbers and unremarkable. The humour is quite weak and there are loads of clunky Girl Power moments that feel borderline insulting and could have worked much better if they were written slightly differently.

    Also, there’s no real drama or story to speak of yet. This is an origin story that feels like a #0 issue – pretty self-contained and complete and only really existing to set up a story that comes after. So it’s difficult to gauge what the full show will be like based on this opener.

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  • #97981

    For a change on a Marvel show recently I agree with Dave here. It was OK. The CGI was fine, Mazlany is great in the role and we knew Ruffalo was already. Some bits were quite funny but not consistently enough.

    I agree the origin wasn’t the most comfortable fit, they said they are going for a sitcom feel which is fine but a major car crash is by its nature not funny but I guess they also have to get it in narratively, a bit like that Sandman first episode was a bit clunky but also had to get that origin stuff covered.

    Now they’ve got that out of the way there’s a lot of scope for the show to be good so I will reserve judgement until episode 2 more than in most shows.

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  • #97999

    The CGI was passable… but not what I’d call “good”. She kinda looks better with the pony tail… the loose hair looks really bad… so do the clothes (for everyone, not just Jen)… Banner’s wasn’t necessarily better, but I guess it works better because of all the detail with the body hair and and the unkempt hair, which is something they can’t really do with Jen, so she looks a lot more plastic-y… like the Hulk in the Incredible Hulk movie (or the Bana one)… but sure, it’s passable for a TV show I guess… :unsure:

    Other than that… very meh… there’s no eye-roll emoticon big enough to describe that “Because I’m better?” line… like I get what the show is, but fuckin’ hell, really? Do they even hire writers anymore?

    They should’ve probably released a couple more episodes along with this, because this one was weak. Let’s hope the show finds its footing soon. Also, I demand a crossover with Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law… u_u

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  • #98019

    He’s everywhere!

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  • #98038

    Ok…. for a streaming show on Disney+

    Imho, the streaming shows should have more light hearted fare like this, WandaVision, etc. and save the movies for the weighty content with a few comic relief scenes. (Why I feel the latest Thor movie was wasted on the big screen.)

    Sort of glad Jennifer did the 4th wall thing, like in the John Byrne run… (Someone is paying attention.)

    The Zeppelin T Shirt, Bruce’s Nevermind shirt… Don’t really like how the HULK was taken down so much after being so fierce in the first Avengers movie. I understand that he integrated his two personas but still.. I miss the old HULK!

    Don’t really like the villain who crashed the court. We will find out why…

    Horrible outfit.

  • #98040

    Sort of glad Jennifer did the 4th wall thing, like in the John Byrne run… (Someone is paying attention.)

    To be fair the MCU really mine the original comics, if not in straight adaptation, they pick and choose stuff straight off the page.

    This is actually a lot closer to Dan Slott’s run. Byrne had her permanently as Shulkie and superheroing, using Jen and the ‘Attorney at Law’ stuff was Dan Slott’s stuff but he carried over Byrne’s tone of it being light hearted and funny.

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  • #98063

    That was an OK first ep, clunky at times and some offnotes, but OK.

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  • #98082

    I liked it well enough to feel entertained and am comfortably onboard for the rest of the season.

    Hawkeye, Ms Marvel and now this? Marvel really is pushing strong female leads, and it’s working! I like it!

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  • #98101

    I thought it was okay. I liked that the origin done fairly quickly. I wasn’t blown away but I’ll keep watching.

    I will say if the last post credits scene in the last episode of the season isn’t She-Hulk and Deadpool doing a bit, Marvel will have missed a golden opportunity. That would be the perfect way to formally introduce DP to the MCU.

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  • #98158

    I liked it. Maslany is hitting the mark as Jen. I liked the sibling rivalry. I loved the end scene and apparently so did Chris Evans from his tweet.

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  • #98161

    I loved the end scene and apparently so did Chris Evans from his tweet.

    You mean this one?

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  • #98240

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  • #98268

    That was another fun one, I hope it keeps this almost slice of life level of story with occasional superheroics – but more on the edge of things. Like I really hope we never get to see where Bruce is going, he’s just off being a superhero. The main cast are charming and fun and that’s enough. I appreciated more fourth wall-breaking this week too.

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  • #98273

    Agreed! It doesn’t need to be profound, entertaining is enough.

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  • #98278

    I enjoyed it, but seriously: the actual episode was 20 minutes and the credits rolled for 10 minutes!

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  • #98279

    I enjoyed it, but seriously: the actual episode was 20 minutes and the credits rolled for 10 minutes!

    Yeah, I paused it at one point and it said it had ten minutes left and it ended about 40 seconds later, which was weird.

    Fun episode though. Should have been (at least part of) episode 1, but whatevs.

  • #98280

    MCU show credits are insane, I realise they use a lot of effects but so do things like Game of Thrones or Sandman and they don’t have credits that last a third of the running time. I noticed it right from the first Wandavision where the runtime was so much longer than the actual show.

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  • #98289

    Fun episode, flowed better than the first one.

  • #98298

    CGI is really shit though… I really don’t get why they didn’t just put TM in green makeup a wig and made her look bigger with camera tickeries… :unsure:

    Also, Blonski’s excuse is crap, no one injected him, he took the serum and injected himself (the one that hulked him out of course), that would never fly in court… still his other arguments are pretty solid, I kinda wish they had explored deeper into that whole thing.

  • #98301

    , Blonski’s excuse is crap, no one injected him, he took the serum and injected himself

    Wait, you mean the villain…. *gasp* lied?!

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  • #98302

    I hear after he gets out Abomination plans to start a pop band called Blonsky Beat.

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  • #98323

    I want that d*ck lawyer she worked with who always gives her a hard time to really get his.

    He has it coming, and you know that payback scene is further down the road.

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  • #98326

    I thought Tim Roth was good in this, taking Blonksy into almost Trevor Slattery areas of silliness at times.

    I thought the rest of it was pretty slow and boring and even at just over 20 minutes it felt like it dragged. The writing just isn’t very sharp and most of it feels a bit first-draft.

    A shame as I like Maslany a lot and wish she got more of a chance to do what she’s good at.

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  • #98327

    A shame as I like Maslany a lot and wish she got more of a chance to do what she’s good at.

    Did you ever see her in the Perry Mason (2020) series on HBO? She was very good in that. I was surprised at how well the series was.

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  • #98331

    I listen to the Pilot TV podcast and they often get to see multiple episodes we don’t. They got 3 of She-Hulk and said the third was the best. Which is of course is always just personal opinion but without being able to go into embargoed specifics they felt the setup was over and it settled into its groove.

    I remain in the ‘OK’ camp, it isn’t getting many chuckles if I’m honest but it remains fun. Maslany and Roth are great and I’m not worried about Jon’s concerns about Blonsky lying (we saw the movie, judge and jury didn’t). I am sure that is baked into what we will see as evidenced by the end of the episode where we know at least part of his story is bullshit.

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  • #98334

    (we saw the movie, judge and jury didn’t)

    Right, so people in the MCU are aware of every other inside-joke, the infinity stones and everything else… but something that would’ve come up in an actual trial, that Ross knows and Banner knows, that no one knows… ok :unsure:

  • #98337

    Well, Ross is presumably dead and Banner was still a fugitive when Abomination was locked up. And that’s assuming Abomination even had a public trial. Probably a military court martial at best.

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  • #98338

    A shame as I like Maslany a lot and wish she got more of a chance to do what she’s good at.

    Did you ever see her in the Perry Mason (2020) series on HBO? She was very good in that. I was surprised at how well the series was.

    No but I saw Orphan Black and loved her in that.

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  • #98344

    Well, Ross is presumably dead

    Huh? When did he die? Did I miss a movie or something? =P

  • #98346

    Yeah he was there at Stark’s funeral in Endgame so I think we have to assume he’s still around.

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  • #98347

    William Hurt died. So unless they recast (which seems a tad pointless for a relatively minor character whose function can just be ported over to someone else) we’re not seeing Ross again.

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  • #98355

    I agree they’re probably unlikely to bring the character back on screen (whether with Hurt footage/recreation or recasting), but unless we’re told otherwise I think the character lives on. I could see them at least mentioning him again. (If only to tell us that he’s now died.)

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  • #98361

    Didn’t know the actor died, but General Ross is kind of important to the Hulk(s), so a recast would be more than justified… then again, so is Betty and she just disappeared, so :unsure:

  • #98366

    (we saw the movie, judge and jury didn’t)

    Right, so people in the MCU are aware of every other inside-joke, the infinity stones and everything else… but something that would’ve come up in an actual trial, that Ross knows and Banner knows, that no one knows… ok :unsure:

    Umm, bear in mind nothing has actually been tried yet, that’s just Blonsky’s argument and the show already undermined his “namaste, new wave poet” argument by reminding us he was in a fight club scenario.

    It seems you are making a leap that what Blonsky says is fact. Fiction has unreliable narrators and people, like Jen, that may fall for them. If She-Hulk ends in a release for Abomination that contradicts what was in the film then that’s a fair thing to call out but I doubt it will.

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  • #98371

  • #98373

    Umm, bear in mind nothing has actually been tried yet, that’s just Blonsky’s argument and the show already undermined his “namaste, new wave poet” argument by reminding us he was in a fight club scenario.

    In fairness, based on what we’re shown in Shang Chi I think that Earth’s new Sorcerer Supreme literally dragged him into that fight.

    Blonsky can just argue that he’s fallen in with the Wong crowd.

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  • #98510

  • #98535

  • #98542

    Caught up on the first two episodes of this now. The show seems like it is right on the brink of being really good, it just hasn’t quite tied all the pieces together yet. If only there was a way that a TV show could get its premise set up and running in just the first episode! If only such a thing was possible!

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  • #98554

    Caught up on the first two episodes of this now. The show seems like it is right on the brink of being really good, it just hasn’t quite tied all the pieces together yet. If only there was a way that a TV show could get its premise set up and running in just the first episode! If only such a thing was possible!

    That’s crazy talk! CRAZY!!! You, sir, are a crazy person!


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  • #98689

    Blonsky can just argue that he’s fallen in with the Wong crowd.


    Ep 3 in the books. I have to limit my enthusiasm because I have always been in love in Shulkie so i think it is all uberfantastical but I thought it was another good episode. I loved the post credit scene for its audacity.  I am soo not the target demo for that but I loved it just the same. all those idjits who bombed reviews for this show were proven right. this is not the show for them. say what you like but this show is sticking to its guns and I am happy to see that. It has its Marvel creds. Loved the appearance of those c-list bad guys but that was not a fight scene. it was a beat down but it did intro a possibly interesting sub plot.  3 down 6 to go.


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  • #98690

    I really liked this episode. The b plot was solid, the cameo worked really well, the main plot was good and THEY DID THE WRECKING CREW! In a way that wasn’t overly silly!

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  • #98695

    Can we discuss the post-credits scene?

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  • #98696

    I listened to a spoiler free review from Pilot TV who had seen the first 3, they said the 3rd was the best and I heartily agree. It had the best script, most laughs, was nicely paced with the A and B plots. Wong’s exit from the parole hearing had hearty laughs from the Jones family.

    “…..I must depart”

    The meta bit making fun of CG type fan complaints was funny too and just brief enough not to make it all too self-conscious.

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  • #98700

    So, that was the Wrecking Crew that tried to mug Jen…

    Really enjoyed this one, lots of solid laughs, and felt much longer than last week while only having a slightly longer runtime. All the Megan Thee Stallion bits especially cracked me up

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  • #98705

    I just want to reiterate that having the Wrecking Crew be four losers who ripped off an Asgardian builder is just brilliant. None of this “oo, the Norn queen enchanted my crowbar to be indestructible and then I shared the power with three mates who stuck to a theme”. Just some guys who nicked some tools and became super-mooks.

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  • #98718

    But they do have a boss. Remember the bent needle?

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  • #98768

    The current theories about the Wrecking Crew’s boss are the Leader (wanting her blood to create a gamma-empowered army) and Titania (wanting revenge for her earlier humiliation).

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  • #98771

    Titania is obviously coming back, they’ve cast too famous an actor for the 2 minutes she showed up.

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  • #98780

    The current theories about the Wrecking Crew’s boss are the Leader (wanting her blood to create a gamma-empowered army) and Titania (wanting revenge for her earlier humiliation).

    The Leader was the first one to come to my mind.

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  • #98783

    Yeah, this ep really worked well.

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  • #98812

    Can we discuss the post-credits scene?

    Sure… an Ok moment. Not exactly a cringe.

    Stole the show.

    Keep in mind that some of the She Hulk runs were light hearted, and breaking the 4th wall.
    That scene was apparently not for die hard comic readers, but the casual viewers, generation Z entertainment, Tik Tok trends…

    Complaint about it now… (Did MCU jump the shark?) And yet… here everyone is talking about it.


    A good idea for MCU would be to keep the mostly comedic material on streaming and
    the more serious content (sprinkled with some comic relief) on the big screen.

    That would have at the very least have prevented a box office Thor movie like that but I digress…

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by Al-x.
  • #98815

    Sure… an Ok moment. Not exactly a cringe.

    Really? it was very much cringe… Also, fuck, the CGI on Shulkie’s face is bad enough, but goddamn the CGI on her suits is REALLY fuckin awful. Can’t believe they’re still struggling with suits… =/

    Also: Remind me to not watch She Hulk after watching Rings of Power… it’s quite depressing.

  • #98826

    Sure… an Ok moment. Not exactly a cringe.

    A lot of the comments I’ve read on YouTube would disagree. They range from “Thanos was right” to “Someone got paid for this?”

  • #98829

    Sure… an Ok moment. Not exactly a cringe.

    A lot of the comments I’ve read on YouTube would disagree. They range from “Thanos was right” to “Someone got paid for this?”

    With all due respect to YouTube commenters, who gives even a single fuck what those troglodytes think?

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  • #98836

    Sure… an Ok moment. Not exactly a cringe.

    Really? it was very much cringe… Also, fuck, the CGI on Shulkie’s face is bad enough, but goddamn the CGI on her suits is REALLY fuckin awful. Can’t believe they’re still struggling with suits… =/

    Also: Remind me to not watch She Hulk after watching Rings of Power… it’s quite depressing.

    I just finished the first two episodes of the Lord of the Rings series and considering the amount of money they spent on it, I was surprised at how many times the CGI looked absolutely terrible. I expected far better considering the money being spent on it.

    While CGI has improved greatly over the years and gets better as time goes on, I think people have unreasonable expectations as to what can be done with current technology, especially on television. Someday, it will be at a truly real level but until then, understand there are limitations and just enjoy the project for what it is.

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  • #98842

    Was it really a good decision to make She-Hulk completely CGI rather than using the real actress and computer trickery to make her bigger (and green)? They obviously has to do ut for the original Hulk, since he is more muscular than it is possible for a human to be, but She-Hulk still mostly looks like a normal woman, just a lot bigger (and greener).

    I’m not that bothered by it. I have enjoyed tv-series with far worse special effects. I just believe it would look better.

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  • #98843

    So long as we can still get behind the scenes pics like this

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  • #98847

  • #98848

    I just finished the first two episodes of the Lord of the Rings series and considering the amount of money they spent on it, I was surprised at how many times the CGI looked absolutely terrible. I expected far better considering the money being spent on it.

    No…. just… no.

    But even if that were true, and it’s really not, some of the CGI in She-hulk looks REALLY bad, and I mean CW levels of bad… and unfortunately it’s usually She-hulk’s own CGI that looks terrible (because it’s her show d’uh).

    I understand the issues, but that’s why I mentioned Rings of Power, it’s not even the quality of their CGI, it’s the fact that they’re doing it the right way, much like LOTR did it 20 years ago. Marvel’s just being extra lazy with their shows, and it shows.

    I know it doesn’t bother everyone, but for me it is an issue… :unsure:


    So long as we can still get behind the scenes pics like this

    Ah yes… priorities.

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  • #98851

    But even if that were true, and it’s really not, some of the CGI in She-hulk looks REALLY bad, and I mean CW levels of bad… and unfortunately it’s usually She-hulk’s own CGI that looks terrible (because it’s her show d’uh).

    I agree with this. I’m not usually one to complain about CGI but in She-Hulk it is unusually clunky (I assume because they have so much work to do with a main character who is CGI), and the worst thing is that it’s often used during comedic scenes in a way that muddies the performances and crushes the gag.

    I’m surprised it got past the test phase and on to TV. Using a real actress with a She-Hulk body type and turning her green (whether through makeup or digitally) seems like a far preferable option to what they ended up with. And I say that as someone who likes Maslany a lot.

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  • #98854

    Two more theoretical bosses for the Wrecking Crew: the Power Broker (looking for something to replace MGH) and the Kingpin (I guess, since Daredevil will be appearing).

  • #98856

    I’m surprised it got past the test phase and on to TV. Using a real actress with a She-Hulk body type and turning her green (whether through makeup or digitally) seems like a far preferable option to what they ended up with. And I say that as someone who likes Maslany a lot.

    For sure, there were other options, but like, I keep remembering the actresses in the snydercut, you know the ultra buff amazons… why not just cast one of those stuntwomen who have a killer she-hulk-like body? Some of them are decent actresses too, and I’m sure the could bridge the “looks” gap with make-up and prosthetics, and then use Tatiana’s voice on top.

    Or just have Tatiana in a wig & green makeup and make her “bigger” with camera tricks, or even pasted in the scene with CG… I dunno, but making her completely CG was a mistake, specially if they were gonna skimp on it, because yes, it IS actually hurting the performance, and at that point why not just go with another actress, you know what I mean?

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  • #98859

    While I will agree that some of CGI in She-Hulk is not great, I truly don’t think LotR is anything extraordinary.

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  • #98869

    I’m surprised it got past the test phase and on to TV. Using a real actress with a She-Hulk body type and turning her green (whether through makeup or digitally) seems like a far preferable option to what they ended up with. And I say that as someone who likes Maslany a lot.

    For sure, there were other options, but like, I keep remembering the actresses in the snydercut, you know the ultra buff amazons… why not just cast one of those stuntwomen who have a killer she-hulk-like body? Some of them are decent actresses too, and I’m sure the could bridge the “looks” gap with make-up and prosthetics, and then use Tatiana’s voice on top.

    Or just have Tatiana in a wig & green makeup and make her “bigger” with camera tricks, or even pasted in the scene with CG… I dunno, but making her completely CG was a mistake, specially if they were gonna skimp on it, because yes, it IS actually hurting the performance, and at that point why not just go with another actress, you know what I mean?

    You either cast a great actress and make her into She Hulk with CG. Or you cast a buff stuntwoman to be the lead actress of your major tv show. You’d still have to use CG to make her bigger and also to make her smaller to be Jennifer…The CGI isn’t perfect, but I think they made the right choice and people just kind of have to move past expecting complete realism on a tv budget.

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  • #98870

    You either cast a great actress and make her into She Hulk with CG. Or you cast a buff stuntwoman to be the lead actress of your major tv show. You’d still have to use CG to make her bigger and also to make her smaller to be Jennifer

    Or you do it the old Hulk TV series way and have different actors for the two roles.

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  • #98877

    Well, in terms of complete realism there was a villain who got let out of prison early to continue his sexually deviant lifestyle on account of his hot-shot lawyer and the testimony of an authority figure who believes himself to be above the law. I can’t point to an exact analogy but that all seems highly 2022 to me.

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  • #98879

    You either cast a great actress and make her into She Hulk with CG. Or you cast a buff stuntwoman to be the lead actress of your major tv show. You’d still have to use CG to make her bigger and also to make her smaller to be Jennifer

    Or you do it the old Hulk TV series way and have different actors for the two roles.

    Sure, that could work. You’d need an actress who is fine with just being the weak human version of the character and a stuntwoman who could act and be the lead of a show. Don’t know which one of those is more likely reallly.

    And I don’t believe at all that just painting a muscly woman green is a viable option. There’s still going to be CG needed to make her larger than life.

  • #98880

    And I don’t believe at all that just painting a muscly woman green is a viable option.

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  • #98889

    Even if you find someone She-Hulk’s size to paint green and who can act, it takes three hours to do the Gamora make-up (and about 40 minutes to take it off, apparently). It’s just not practical to do for the lead character of a TV show who essentially has a dual role without it. Any scene where she shifts between forms would have to be restaged on a separate day, that’s even before you factor in setting up tricky photography to make them look smaller (or bigger if you’re painting Maslany). All that stuff in the Hobbit took tonnes of planning, construction and set-up. Whereas I can’t imagine it takes more than twenty minutes to get in the mocap gear and is just another bit of CGI to go on top of the rest already being done.

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  • #98891

    Assuming you paint Maslany and do forced perspective shots like in the original LotR trilogy, that brings on its own set of problems and costs. You have to build special sets for every SH scene or limit those appearances, which defeats the point of the show. Maslany would also have to where muscle suits and even then, she would probably still look bad.

    Really, CGI is the best solution.

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  • #98893

    CGI it is then, at least until Disney’s secret underground lab conducting Hulk serum experiments on unsuspecting actors starts to yield results.

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  • #98897

    Even if you find someone She-Hulk’s size to paint green and who can act, it takes three hours to do the Gamora make-up (and about 40 minutes to take it off, apparently). It’s just not practical to do for the lead character of a TV show who essentially has a dual role without it. Any scene where she shifts between forms would have to be restaged on a separate day, that’s even before you factor in setting up tricky photography to make them look smaller (or bigger if you’re painting Maslany). All that stuff in the Hobbit took tonnes of planning, construction and set-up. Whereas I can’t imagine it takes more than twenty minutes to get in the mocap gear and is just another bit of CGI to go on top of the rest already being done.

    Assuming you paint Maslany and do forced perspective shots like in the original LotR trilogy, that brings on its own set of problems and costs. You have to build special sets for every SH scene or limit those appearances, which defeats the point of the show. Maslany would also have to where muscle suits and even then, she would probably still look bad.

    Really, CGI is the best solution.

    Right, but I think you both missed that I was talking about the idea of one (small) person playing Jen and a different (tall and muscular) actor playing She-Hulk with paint/prosthetics.

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  • #98904

    CGI it is then, at least until Disney’s secret underground lab conducting Hulk serum experiments on unsuspecting actors starts to yield results.

    Think of the military applications!

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  • #98905

    Really, CGI is the best solution.

    Fine… then put in the money and give the CGI artists the time to do it well. You can’t be lazy and cheap and in a hurry or it looks like shit.

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  • #98908

    And I don’t believe at all that just painting a muscly woman green is a viable option.

    She’s not a Hulk though. Star Trek is filled with actors painted different colours to show their aliens, it’s a totally fine technique…But not for a Hulk. Lou Ferrigno was great for the 70’s/80’s, but I’m sure if they could have done a full CG Hulk back then they would’ve.

  • #98909

    I’m sure if they could have done a full CG Hulk back then they would’ve.

    I think She Hulk might be using the same tech.

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  • #98910

    I’m sure if they could have done a full CG Hulk back then they would’ve.

    Or stop-motion, a la Harryhausen.

  • #98911

    I’m sure if they could have done a full CG Hulk back then they would’ve.

    I think She Hulk might be using the same tech.

    Personally I think the CGI is a mixed bag. Some good shots some bad. But passable for the lowered expectations I have of TV. The shows real problem is that it’s a comedy without any actual funny jokes.

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  • #98912

    Even if you find someone She-Hulk’s size to paint green and who can act, it takes three hours to do the Gamora make-up (and about 40 minutes to take it off, apparently). It’s just not practical to do for the lead character of a TV show who essentially has a dual role without it. Any scene where she shifts between forms would have to be restaged on a separate day, that’s even before you factor in setting up tricky photography to make them look smaller (or bigger if you’re painting Maslany). All that stuff in the Hobbit took tonnes of planning, construction and set-up. Whereas I can’t imagine it takes more than twenty minutes to get in the mocap gear and is just another bit of CGI to go on top of the rest already being done.

    Assuming you paint Maslany and do forced perspective shots like in the original LotR trilogy, that brings on its own set of problems and costs. You have to build special sets for every SH scene or limit those appearances, which defeats the point of the show. Maslany would also have to where muscle suits and even then, she would probably still look bad.

    Really, CGI is the best solution.

    Right, but I think you both missed that I was talking about the idea of one (small) person playing Jen and a different (tall and muscular) actor playing She-Hulk with paint/prosthetics.

    But that completely contradicts the main point of the series that Jen is She-Hulk, it’s one personality with two forms. Having two different actresses portray that would totally undermine it (and require finding a ripped 6’ 7”~ actress that’ll put up with being painted and is also a good enough actress to accurately mimic Maslany, at which point you might as well give them their own role as someone else because anything else is a waste.)

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  • #98913

    I’m sure if they could have done a full CG Hulk back then they would’ve.

    I think She Hulk might be using the same tech.

    Personally I think the CGI is a mixed bag. Some good shots some bad. But passable for the lowered expectations I have of TV. The shows real problem is that it’s a comedy without any actual funny jokes.

    Yeah it feels like there could be a good show in there somewhere if the writing was better, the CGI was used sparingly enough that it wasn’t so poor, the episodes were more substantial and it wasn’t so overly reliant on supporting cameos from other MCU stuff that it struggles to develop its own cast and identity.

    If this was the same show without being Marvel, I doubt anyone would be watching. It’s a shame as Maslany could really do something great with the role, but everything around her is letting her down.

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  • #98920

  • #98925

    I’m completely oblivious as to why everyone is so obsessed with a throwaway joke 20 second scene. Maybe it missed the mark or maybe not but I don’t get why it’s living rent free in so many heads.

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  • #98926

    I’m completely oblivious as to why everyone is so obsessed with a throwaway joke 20 second scene. Maybe it missed the mark or maybe not but I don’t get why it’s living rent free in so many heads.

    This kind of short, silly clip is pretty much designed to get traction on social media.

    Remember that weird dancing scene with Zemo in Falcon/Winter Soldier that similarly became a massive meme and Disney leapt on and promoted heavily? They know what they’re doing with stuff like this.

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  • #98927

    Never underestimate how many nerds will get upset when they’re presented with women having fun in even a vaguely provocative way.

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  • #98929

    I think it makes sense for all these post credit scenes to be quick gags, given the light comedy vibe of the show.

    The kind of thing that they will want to be a memeable moment.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #98938

    This kind of short, silly clip is pretty much designed to get traction on social media. Remember that weird dancing scene with Zemo in Falcon/Winter Soldier that similarly became a massive meme and Disney leapt on and promoted heavily? They know what they’re doing with stuff like this.

    I’m not really obsessed with the “blob of shitty CGI twearking” scene like a lot of people seem to be, buuuuut, when you think about it, that twerking bit really encapsulates everything that’s wrong with the MCU these days… like you said (and I alluded to earlier) it’s just social media click/engagement bait, which has been indeed happening a lot more since they struck gold with the Agatha song and the Zemo dance bits… so at this point they’re basically engineering them, and well that really shows where the priorities lie: pumping out lazy mediocre half-assed content on D+ and focusing on the “humour” and the cute clips that’ll go viral. I keep saying it, but they really ain’t even trying anymore.

    Edit: Oh and I forgot to mention the product placements of course… how could I forget… cheetos, lays, and I guess random popstars now, because why not…

    So yeah, the one twerking scene is whatever, but when you start putting them all together it kinda sucks this is where we’re at, but hey that’s their plan and the direction they’re going for, so whatevs… not like they’re putting a gun to our heads (yet) to watch their content diarrhea… just Disney inevitably being Disney  :unsure:

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  • #98945

    Or you do it the old Hulk TV series way and have different actors for the two roles.

    Just to weigh in for the fun of it: I don’t think that would’ve been a viable option, either. Plus, it’d have been weird to have Banner-Hulk being a CGI Ruffalo and She-Hulk a bobdy-builder actress in the first episode.

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  • #98946

    I was more confused as to why Jen went to the Blomsky trial as herself rather than as She-Hulk, when the boss at the law firm made it perfectly clear that he wanted her to represent her clients and the firm in her She-Hulk form. Bold move.

  • #98947

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  • #98948

    I was more confused as to why Jen went to the Blomsky trial as herself rather than as She-Hulk, when the boss at the law firm made it perfectly clear that he wanted her to represent her clients and the firm in her She-Hulk form. Bold move.

    They said in the second episode that powers weren’t allowed inside the prison.

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  • #98949

    I was more confused as to why Jen went to the Blomsky trial as herself rather than as She-Hulk, when the boss at the law firm made it perfectly clear that he wanted her to represent her clients and the firm in her She-Hulk form. Bold move.

    Shut up, look at the twerking!

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  • #98950

    I was more confused as to why Jen went to the Blomsky trial as herself rather than as She-Hulk, when the boss at the law firm made it perfectly clear that he wanted her to represent her clients and the firm in her She-Hulk form. Bold move.

    They said in the second episode that powers weren’t allowed inside the prison.

    I meant more when she was doing the media interviews on her way in/out of the prison. Max publicity opportunity.

    Although are there no powers allowed in the prison or no powers possible in the prison? Blomsky evidently had no problem hulking himself in his cell in front of everyone, the dirty boy.

    Is twerking allowed in the prison?

  • #98951

    Tweets of Megan Thee Stallion twerking blew up the internet in late June 2022 (look it up). In that context it makes sense that sitcom Jennifer Walters would twerk with her new celebrity friend. What’s the problem?!

    No one seemed to have a problem with John Cena (as Peacemaker) dancing along with the rest of the cast in that recent miniseries. Is there a form of sexism involved here?

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  • #98953

    Oh and I forgot to mention the product placements of course… how could I forget… cheetos, lays, and I guess random popstars now, because why not…

    Ah that’s forever been there. Look at Iron Man again and you are bombarded with Audi logos on every car and Dell on every laptop and Tony asking for a Burger King.

    It would probably be a bit too much if they went full Hawaii 5-0 Subway ad.

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  • #98956

    Ah that’s forever been there. Look at Iron Man again and you are bombarded with Audi logos on every car and Dell on every laptop and Tony asking for a Burger King.

    The first Raimi Spider-Man contains one of the most conspicuous examples I can think of.

    To show you how well the advertising works, to find that image, from memory I googled “Spider-Man Heineken Truck”. :rose:

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  • #98958

    No one seemed to have a problem with John Cena (as Peacemaker) dancing along with the rest of the cast in that recent miniseries

    I did!!

  • #98963

    Is there a form of sexism involved here?

    Sex and race I’d assume. These are the areas everyone is so worked up about, that it’s all life and death and the future of humanity and not just two women with agency clearly having a laugh and enjoying some fun as the clips show.

    Al will come in with some po-faced Youtube video about appropriation that we should accept as fact, despite the fact that clearly Meggan doesn’t give a shit about or she wouldn’t have done it, she doesn’t need the money and her music is very much about doing what she wants, you don’t sing WAP if you want to appease conservative advertisers.

    Fandom sucks the life out of things I’m afraid. Like I said you don’t have to like the scene but if you don’t who should care? It’s not important, it’s not even in the main show but just a gag. Culture wars are so tedious.

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