Secret Invasion SPOILERS Thread

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Episode 1 is up, and it’s decent enough. Lots of setup, some decent action (even if they’re clearly using stunt doubles), and some fun characters – I especially enjoyed Olivia Colman MI6 officer and Ben Mendelsohn seems to be having a ball here. Killing off Hill seems a bit eh though. Like it’s played as a major dramatic moment but it’s not like she ever did much in the MCU… So Fs in chat for yer wan who floated around the periphery and helped Captain America that one time?

Viewing 81 replies - 1 through 81 (of 81 total)
  • #110205

    I thought it was a bit boring. The Olivia Colman bit was fun, but that’s about it. I hope it picks up as it goes.

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  • #110209

    I thought it was OK. It feels like a competently made show with some decent actors in it, which automatically puts it towards the top of the Disney+ MCU stuff.

    But this first episode is also a bit slow and there isn’t much to grab you. Kind of feels like the first episode of a season of 24 or something, it’s at that level.

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  • #110210

    Yeah I started messing around on my phone pretty quickly, it just didn’t hold my attention at all. It didn’t help that it all looked a bit cheap as well.

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  • #110224

    Eh, I liked it fine… gonna be honest, this is totally what I actually wanted and was expecting from Agents of Shield… not that garbage they ended up doing. Lower budget, yet well made spy thriller stories set in the MCU… I’m good with that. Off to a decent start, if nothing internet-breaking, which it doesn’t need to be anyways… MUCH better than fuckin she-hulk and moonknight, so there’s that.

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  • #110228

    I was distracted with trying to figure out how clothing works when the Skrulls change shape. If it is just part of them then shouldn’t the clothing disappear when they die as they turn back to their Skrull form? How does the mass displacement work if one goes from being a hefty barfly man to a little girl? If they really want to spy on people can’t they just hide themselves as a pigeon or a cupboard or whatnot?

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  • #110236

    It’s a spy thriller with shape changers. It also has its main character suffering from old age and ptsd. Thats what it was promoted as. Marvel is always trying new genres. Just because it says Marvel doesn’t mean it will always be high action and superheroes.

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  • #110239

    It was fine but didn’t wow me. Hill’s death was undercut rather by Smolders not being credited on the opening titles, which I noticed and immediately thought “well she’s either getting killed off or turning out to be a Skrull and killed off”.

    Colman was fun. Interesting that she has the same surname as Union Jack and Spitfire. Homage or set-up, I wonder.

    Let’s be honest though, already it’s presented a better take on the premise than its namesake comic did.

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  • #110240

    I had been avoiding spoilers but I did see a character had died and I instantly knew it would be Maria Hill. She is the most expendable “important” character in the series.

    I thought it was an okay start. Hopefully it will ramp up as the show goes on.

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  • #110246

    A couple of you have mentioned ramping up or picking up. I hope you mean the thrills and suspense but i dont think it is going to be action or wide scale battles. I’m thinking of some thing more like John le Carre rather than Michael Bay.

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  • #110249

    Yeah, the show will succeed or fail based on how much Sam Jackson gets to Sam Jackson things. The best part of the first episode was the interrogation scene. He was one take away from yelling “DOES MARCELLUS WALLACE LOOK LIKE A SKRULL?”

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  • #110262

    Yeah, the show will succeed or fail based on how much Sam Jackson gets to Sam Jackson things. The best part of the first episode was the interrogation scene. He was one take away from yelling “DOES MARCELLUS WALLACE LOOK LIKE A SKRULL?”

    Ha, I thought exactly the same thing. It was very Jules.

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  • #110290

    This was a total dud.  In other first episodes of MCU TV there were at least some good aspects to hook my interest.  This one had nothing, including its fridging of Hill.

    Also, Emilia Clarke – OK in Star Wars: Solo, terrible in Terminator: Genesys, she’s not great here either.  The episode is also not helped by them using the lighting director for Citadel.

    The AI credits are weird in both how they look and the points being made.  They make it look more like a Cthulhu series than superheroes.  The decision to go for a global conspiracy story feels oddly misjudged by Marvel.

    Can’t see myself going back to this one.

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  • #110416

    A perfectly acceptable second episode. Could have been better without everything that wasn’t Don Cheadle and SLJ having a heated debate or Olivia Colman politely torturing some fool.

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  • #110417

    This thread bump came as a surprise as I completely forgot this show existed since last week.

    Might leave it that way.

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  • #110424

    Well, it is a secret.

  • #110429

    I enjoyed this week’s episode. It’s low key slow burn show and that’s fine.

    Nice to see a Welsh accent like the guy playing Gravik has on TV.

    I noticed this last week: Colman’s character’s surname is Falsworth. Just a subtle nod or build up to Union Jack and/or Spitfire?

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  • #110632

  • #110662

    Marvel’s Secret Invasion is a dud*dbqphb*

  • #110667

    The show is nothing special but I am amused that the secret cabal of Skrulls running the world consists of two prime ministers, the head of NATO and a Fox News presenter.

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  • #110668

    I think it’s perfectly fine it just doesn’t have much of the bombast people tend to expect from a Marvel series, because it’s doing a different kind of story (which is something critics are always asking for).

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  • #110673

    Watched the first couple of episodes this morning, so far it’s probably the best of any of the Marvel shows I’ve watched, maybe slightly below Wanda. I know that’s like judging a least smelliest shit competition but it’s watchable.

    Wandavision was good until the last episode which was very messy, so it depends whether Secret Invasion lands well but this feels like a large jump above the other shows in terms of writing and acting.

  • #110682

    The show wants to be a superhero version of a John LeCarre novel but lacks the tension. You really should be on the edge of your seat for most of every episode. There is a lack of urgency that comes across to me. I think if they had gone with some different writing and direction, it could have been a top-notch series.

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  • #110704

  • #110718

    My expectations for this show are extremely low by now, but this week’s episode was still disappointing. The Rhodey twist was obvious, the Gi’ah twist immediately undermined the ending to last week, and the big action scene at the end was confusing and anti-climactic.

    Ending three out of four episodes with characters’ apparent deaths just feels lazy and repetitive. Assuming this one sticks, that’s a lousy end for one of the few good characters on the show.

    The conversation with Fury and his wife about the woman whose identity she stole was corny as hell. I’m sure I was supposed to be moved by it, but the writing on this show is awful, and not nearly as clever as it thinks it is. There’s two episodes to go, and I still don’t understand Gravik’s plan or why he’s going about it the way he is. It seems likely it’ll all come down to some fight scene with G’iah and Gravik both Super-Skrulled up.

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  • #110722

    I think his plan is to instigate a nuclear war that will kill off the humans, since the Skrulls are not affected by radiation in the same way. How they would cope with being unable to grow food or feel sunlight or check their social media has not been explained.

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  • #110723

    Yeah, that fight should have been paranoid as hell, like were the reinforcements human or Skrull? (or had they been directed there by a Skrull who lied?), and it’s just guys shooting at other guys. There’s no tension at any point.

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  • #110740

    I’ve been trying to just roll with it and enjoy SLJ but the shoot-out in the most recent episode was just plain irritating.

    The US President is traveling to a tense meeting with the Russian President over an issue that could easily lead to World War 3 and all he gets for protection is a bog-standard armoured SUV convoy with a few motorbikes? If anything like that were to happen the most sophisticated security detail imaginable would be following his every move, including the skies above him. Any random helicopters heading his way would be dealt with instantly and lethally, not allowed to just swing on by and start firing.

    This is also a universe in which Stark tech, nano tech, alien tech and all sorts of other tech is readily available for those in the know or with access to it. Someone at that level would most certainly have it incorporated into their security detail. As soon as they came under fire those cars should have been flying away, deployed some impenetrable armour around themselves or who knows what else, not just sit there and take it because that’s all that they could do in the real world.

    Situations like this also just raise the question of where the superheroes are. This isn’t some off-world, other-dimensional situation, or something relatively low-stakes like in She-Hulk. It can’t just be explained away with “the Avengers are off-planet in this month’s issue.” If the US government faced a situation as perilous as this they would surely at least plan for someone like Falcon Cap or Bucky to follow along in secret just in case things went south. It shouldn’t be that hard if Fury and his mate can just pull on up in their car and start firing.

    Meanwhile, Gravik’s big plan of making it look like the Russians did it somehow also includes showing off his Super Skrull powers in full view of everyone.

    And what exactly is stopping Skrhodey from releasing the video footage he has of Skrull Fury killing Maria Hill?

    The wheels are coming off here.

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  • #110747

    I can see the Avengers not being there because Rhodey was and probably told them they weren’t needed (not that it really seems like the Avengers are still “a thing” at this point). But yeah, I agree with the general points about the episode. The backstory for Fury’s wife was pretty insipid. The shootout wasn’t confusing in the right ways and was pretty flat.

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  • #110751

    Before this episode I was not listening to detractors and was fine with things as best I could be.

    But now I see this show cannot stand up to any sort of criticism. It’s taken the heart out of any possible defender. Right from showing us last episodes death scene was fake (!), and then we have another death scene where the character is a better part of the show (so it’ll probably stick, but they reserve the right to bring him back in an eye-rolling way)…

    And what about this “6 hour movie” we’ve heard about?
    What episode has hit the hour mark? This last one was maybe 35 minutes, yet that might be for the best…

    Oh, I’ll watch the last two episodes, but I really was looking forward to this as the MCU only has a couple of decent/mediocre things since Infinity War at best.
    Honestly think they’re in trouble when the Marvel-Zombies figure it out and the ratings go for a shit.

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  • #110798

    I don’t get the issue with the fake-out, it was laid out beforehand when we saw the baddie regenerate… that said, yea this ain’t very good, but still better than some others… this is clearly lacking a budget and most importantly the scale of what the story promised.

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  • #110885

    It’s lacking a budget, it’s lacking good dialogue, it’s lacking better direction. Oh, and a better setup and plot would also be nice.

    Two things that especially irritated me about this show:
    1. Everybody is dumb. Hill, Fury and Talos are supposed to be the best of the best, the absolute super-spies, and they’re just bumbling around falling into every trap Gravik leaves for them. Nobody is clever, nobody sees anything coming, and they never make actual plans of their own. Speaking of traps, what the hell was the thing with the backpacks about? Giah was the one who wanted to mark them, wasn’t she? So why were they decoys, given that her cover wasn’t blown at that point? Also, Talos and Fury are dumb because they keep fighting each other. Again, just very unprofessional.
    2. The Skrulls don’t make sense. They’re supposed to have been perfectly normal and nice and because they were disappointed by Fury’s inability to find them a planet, they have now all turned into genocidal maniacs. And apparently that is supposed to be convincing motivation for us. They should’ve just have a different faction of Skrulls invade the Earth, and Nick could’ve tried to defend it with the handful that was already there and that was loyal to him. Would’ve made for a much better show.
    Also, politically, it seems rather dubious to me that the message seems to be, “If you take in refugees, they’re sooner or later going to wipe you out and replace you.” Secret Invasion’s setup is basically The Great Replacement.
    You know, given that – uh, spoiler for the show “Peacemaker” – given that Peacemaker has pretty much the exact same premise, it’s very funny that the show that is all about the crazy and the bad jokes and just being bonkers is the one that has made the aliens and their plans more convincing and more relatable.

    It’s a pretty disappointing show overall. Maybe they’ll manage to do something worthwhile with the episodes they’ve got left, but I doubt it.

    Oh, one thing that irritates me: Why were they able to blackmail nuclear code guy into surrendering by using his son? They kept his original in storage, so he was one of Gravik’s wave of infiltrationists, not one of the original spies (in which case it would’ve been plausible to say that he had a kid while undercover for twenty years). Shouldn’t he just have gone, well, sure, kill the human boy, why the fuck should I give a shit?

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  • #110886

    It’s lacking a budget

    Disney Shells Out $212 Million On Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion’

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  • #110887

    It’s lacking a budget

    Disney Shells Out $212 Million On Marvel’s ‘Secret Invasion’

    In context, that’s about the same as two series worth of modern live-action Star Trek.

  • #110890

    Not sure why they didn’t use that money to make a movie instead. I can’t imagine they’re getting the same kind of value with this show as they would with a theatrical release.

  • #110891

    Step 2 – ?

    Step 3 – profit!

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  • #110897

    The movies still seem to be making money theatrically, so I can understand spending that amount.

    Not sure that blowing the best part of half a billion dollars on She-Hulk and Secret Invasion is good value though.

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  • #110903

  • #110909

    The movies still seem to be making money theatrically, so I can understand spending that amount

    Ehhh… are they tho?

    They need to do some budgetary clean-up at Marvel… besides GOTG3, none of those projects look like what their budgets suggest… it’s almost as if someone was pocketing a huge chunk of that budget money I swear.

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  • #110911

    Of course the films aren’t making money for the actors or others who contributed, but while making a loss, the execs got millions.

    We will not know the actual state of play on what the films make, especially with the combined strikes now active. But we know Hollywood accounting.

  • #110912

    Ehhh… are they tho?

    Black Panther 2 made $860m globally, Guardians 3 made $843m, and even Ant-Man 3 (which was by all accounts awful) made just under $500m. And that’s after training everyone to wait for Disney+.

    So yeah, the movies are still doing OK.

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  • #110919

    Cut To:Cheap looking hospital set.
    Rhodes:You’ll have to kill me to out me as a Skrull.
    Fury:Damn!, guess I’ll just leave you, and your apparently deaf bodyguard, with complete access to the President then.

    Immediately cut to a scene with Sonya outing a Skrull by shooting them in the leg…🤷‍♂️🙄..This show is so fuckin dumb.

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  • #110926

    That opening scene where they’re rushing the President through the hospital is the cheapest looking shit I’ve seen in ages. Embarassing.

    Just a boring episode, aside from Olivia Colman. Gravik’s plans seem to change constantly, with no rhyme or reason, and they seem determined to strip all nuance from his and just make him a complete villain.

    Also, Gravik was working for Fury as recently as Endgame? Has this whole plan of his, replacing world leaders, etc, only been going on for a year or two?

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  • #110928

    The US President being wheeled into A&E with just a couple of bodyguards and a crazed civilian with a gun for company was the chef’s kiss of stupidity here.

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  • #110930

    Oh look, they’ve just remembered that Fury ran SHIELD which had lots of cool espionage tech! Fury using the Widow’s Veil would have been a nice double-bluff against a perpetual paranoia that any character on screen could be a disguised Skrull, if the show had any interest in doing that obvious bit of tension building. I don’t think there’s really been any “this character turns out to be a Skrull” moment that hasn’t been telegraphed. Instead we keep getting backstory from Fury’s boring ass wife (her being a Skrull should have been a twist reveal!). It’s all just so flat.

    (I assume Rhodey’s bodyguard is also a Skrull btw).

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  • #110931

    Hmm, nah, I’m not encouraged to do a blitz return to this.

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  • #110932

    Theoretically, I should be sitting on the edge of my seat during every episode doue to the tension and paranoia.

    In reality, I just don’t give a fuck. I have been told what the stakes are but I simply don’t feel the gravity of them. This is John LeCarre for toddlers.

    Kevin Fiege and the rest of Marvel Studios really need to slam on the brakes and take a look at their output. The writers and directors have not been doing a great job overall from Phase 4 on. (Though Phases 1-3 were not perfect by any means.) As I’ve said before, it feel every project, TV and movie, is setting up the next one while not allowing each project to tell its complete, coherent story. Better writers would help.

    It probably also wouldn’t hurt to for them to ditch the “house style” and let cinematographers loose to each project truly feels different. Werewolf by Night, while not perfect, would have worked so much better if it didn’t look so slick and was more grainy. It should have looked old for the black and white section.

    The things that help make the MCU are now hurting it. Phase 4 should have been the start of a new era by changing things up and driving things forward. I think people looked at Endgame as a potential jumping off point and Marvel has not given them a good reason to stick around.

  • #110933

    Kevin Fiege and the rest of Marvel Studios really need to slam on the brakes and take a look at their output.

    To be fair, they have. They’ve only announced one new series in the last year (Vision Quest), and unannounced another (Armor Wars, now a movie). I doubt the Nova or Wakanda series will ever happen either.

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  • #110937

    Maybe the show can redeem itself in the finale. Like a flashback to Fury’s wife watching him reading a book in the sunlight by their kitchen window, only it turns out his book is a porno mag.

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  • #110941

    Marvel have sometimes done good TV with Hawkeye and Ms Marvel, but the majority hasn’t been good.  Part of it may be the whole x-hour movie perception, which isn’t so for TV – it doesn’t work that way.

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  • #110962

    In context, that’s about the same as two series worth of modern live-action Star Trek.

    Jesus, what the hell did they do with that money?! It certainly doesn’t show on the screen.

    Cut To:Cheap looking hospital set.
    Rhodes:You’ll have to kill me to out me as a Skrull.
    Fury:Damn!, guess I’ll just leave you, and your apparently deaf bodyguard, with complete access to the President then.

    Immediately cut to a scene with Sonya outing a Skrull by shooting them in the leg…🤷‍♂️🙄..This show is so fuckin dumb.

    Yep, that stood out to me as the dumbest bit, too. Main thing I was thinking at that point was, man, imagine Olivia Colman’s character was the main character in this series, that could’ve been fucking awesome! A spy who is actually competent instead of the bumbling idiot that they turned Fury into!

    Also especially dumb: Gravik’s right hand, who has been built up as a fanatically loyal soldier, turning on him for… what was the reason for that, exactly? And then some other Skrulls turn on him, too? Again, for no discernable reason? (Well, apart from killing that other guy, but I mean… these are supposed to be hardened, fanatic terrorists ready to give their lives to the cause, yeah?)
    I guess they noticed at some point that the audience won’t give a shit about Gravik’s plan to bomb New Skrullos because it consists of genocidal maniacs and they decided to make them more likeable to us, and this is what they came up with?

    Man, what a terrible episode of a bad show. I’ll watch the finale, but just out of morbid curiosity at this point.

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  • #110997

    So last night, Christel and I watched the series finale to Mayans M. C. This is a series about a Latino biker gang and a spinoff of Sons of Anarchy. Without spoiling things and in very broad strokes, Character A learns a big secret about Character B. This happens early in the finale. It basically becomes a ticking time bomb you are waiting to go off. Forward toward the end of the show, and you know that secret has to come into play. And when it does, you are still caught offguard because you didn’t expect it to manifest the way it did. It was all masterfully done. You knew the secret would come out but not how it would. You had some ideas but are still surprised.

    Tension, anticipation, and uncertainty.

    That is what Secret Invasion is missing. SI should be a taut thiller with twists and turns. You should be syaing, “What will happen next?!?!”, not “What the fuck?!?!”.

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  • #111000

    Also especially dumb: Gravik’s right hand, who has been built up as a fanatically loyal soldier, turning on him for… what was the reason for that, exactly? And then some other Skrulls turn on him, too? Again, for no discernable reason? (Well, apart from killing that other guy, but I mean… these are supposed to be hardened, fanatic terrorists ready to give their lives to the cause, yeah?)
    I guess they noticed at some point that the audience won’t give a shit about Gravik’s plan to bomb New Skrullos because it consists of genocidal maniacs and they decided to make them more likeable to us, and this is what they came up with?

    It’s the same sort of thing they pulled with Karli in Falcon and Winter Soldier, where she had a reasonable point and was so desperate she had been forced to resort to violence because nobody listened to her or the other people who lived through the blip… until the very end where she just started killing people indiscriminately so it was fine for the protagonists to use extreme violence against her at the end. Gravik started out further down that line, and as you note this scene is more to make you sympathetic to the other Skrulls so when they inevitably switch sides and Fury stops them from being nuked or whatever you aren’t going “wait, they were ready to go to war with humanity”. Part of the vibe of the MCU in recent years is a very liberal messaging that Rocking The Boat Is Bad And You Should Wait For Incremental Improvements, and this fits right in beside Karli and Killmonger and Thanos in the Well-Meaning Extremist pile.

  • #111028

    Yeah, exactly. I thought the execution was terrible in Karli’s case – trying to use a veneer of moral ambiguity but never actually facing the questions that were asked. And I mean, yeah, there was never an answer that was given to even Thanos’ perspective. I mean, his thing was kind of daft in the first place, in an infinite universe where there’s terraforming tech available and whatnot, but as a metaphor for our times, Thanos obviously was kind of right (and never got his T-shirt).

    Anyway, Gravik is even worse than Karli, because they built this story around him that was there to make him relatable and to make Fury look like he’s to blame, but that all falls apart if you think about it for even a second, and it’s not like they needed it because they then decided to just make him a straight-up psycho. Jesus. They should have just made him and his faction of Skrulls irredeemable bad guy fanatics (and in the comic, they actually were religious fanatics, too, weren’t they?), and have another faction of Fury-loyal Skrulls. That would’ve been much better. But apparently they feel like they always need moral ambiguity in their villains these days, even when they actually don’t want to bother with that in the execution.

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  • #111029

    Oh, also: It was very funny that they brought up the superheroes again, and that Fury’s only reason for not bringing them in seems to be the whole This-is-personal-we-have-to-do-this-ourselves thing. Which ist just incredibly dumb anyway, but ten times more so if the guy who is saying it is the one who founded the Avengers with the explicit goal to battle this kind of threat. Jesus fuck, guys. Surely you could’ve come up with something else?

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  • #111160

    Well that was nothing. No surprises, nothing to care about, no reason for the series the have existed at all.

    Definitely the worst of the MCU.

    I wonder if Fury’s wife will be shoehorned into The Marvels; I’m pretty sure that movie was filmed a year before the actress was cast.

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  • #111164

    Let’s see, MCU TV:

    Wandavision – 75% good, but the 25% bad is terrible

    Falcon & Bucky – Had some good moments but ended up a dud.

    Loki – failed to use its cast well, especially Hiddleston, dud.

    Hawkeye – this one’s good.

    She-Hulk – all right, some eps far better than others.

    Ms Marvel – this one was good.

    Secret Invasion – bailed after episode 1.

    I think what skews the audience expectation is MCU film is generally reliable, with nothing that awful.  Their TV output is much more erratic and they don’t seem to have the same understanding of it. TV and film are not the same thing.

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  • #111172

    Let’s see, MCU TV:

    Wandavision – 75% good, but the 25% bad is terrible

    Falcon & Bucky – Had some good moments but ended up a dud.

    Loki – failed to use its cast well, especially Hiddleston, dud.

    Hawkeye – this one’s good.

    She-Hulk – all right, some eps far better than others.

    Ms Marvel – this one was good.

    Secret Invasion – bailed after episode 1.

    I agree with most of your brief reviews; I also wonder why you did not address Moon Knight: oversight? or do you just want to believe it never happened?

  • #111174

    I think my favourite MCU Disney+ series so far has been What If?, which I found quite fun and imaginative compared to most of the rest of the TV output.

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  • #111175

    Oh yeah, forgot about both of those!

    Moon Knight is on the border of OK and dud.

    What If was superb. That one succeeded far beyond anything I expected.

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  • #111178

    Let’s see, MCU TV:

    Wandavision – 75% good, but the 25% bad is terrible

    Falcon & Bucky – Had some good moments but ended up a dud.

    Loki – failed to use its cast well, especially Hiddleston, dud.

    Hawkeye – this one’s good.

    She-Hulk – all right, some eps far better than others.

    Ms Marvel – this one was good.

    Secret Invasion – bailed after episode 1.

    I think what skews the audience expectation is MCU film is generally reliable, with nothing that awful.  Their TV output is much more erratic and they don’t seem to have the same understanding of it. TV and film are not the same thing.

    A lot of the stuff that happened in the show felt like you’d be OK with it or overlook it in a movie where it’s moving fast, but as a show when you’ve got a week to think about things it just doesn’t work.

    And there was some shocking CGI in that fight, like there’s one shot of Emilia Clarke that looks entirely CGI – when she’s saying “you killed my mother, my father” – and her proportions are Battle Angel Alita level weird.

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  • #111179

    Good point on the week-by-week aspect, would a full or even partial drop of episodes help that?

    It certainly aided Andor – first two eps were not all that but the pay-off was in the third and was available

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  • #111181

    Good point on the week-by-week aspect, would a full or even partial drop of episodes help that?

    It certainly aided Andor – first two eps were not all that but the pay-off was in the third and was available

    No, it would have maybe been worse as the first episodes were probably the strongest.

    D+ are dropping all of Echo at once the week after Thanksgiving, and I think most people view it as a lack of confidence in that show.

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  • #111182

    Well that was nothing. No surprises, nothing to care about, no reason for the series the have existed at all.

    Well, at least I didn’t see the Fury/G’iah reveal until a moment before it happened. Apart from that, though, there were absolutely amazing levels of stupidity. Stand-out moments were Rhodey just taking over the President (because he has no other military advisors, apparently), and insulting higher-ranking officers randomly and trying to create suspense in a situation that could’ve easily been resolved by fucking just shooting Skrull Rhodey in the head. Oh, and Olivia Colman suddenly turning incompetent and having her gun taken away so that Fury could look cool shooting that Skrull in the head. And President Indecisive suddenly turning macho/genocidal (and didn’t he just declare Thor an enemy combatant there?) without any reason or explanation. And now apparently, Emilia Clarke just has all of the powers of all MCU superheroes and is going to get to keep them? Wow.

    Uh, and what was that moment with that huge hall of prisoners? Was that just to suggest that there’s still a thousand bad guy Skrulls out there that we hadn’t known about? That was a pretty random reveal to have at the end there.

    Oh, and I was absolutely dumbfounded how many moments Fury and his Skrull wife got in this last episode. I was shouting at the screen that NOBODY FUCKING GIVES A SHIT about their relationship. Jesus.

    Anyway: What a colossal waste of time. It’s quite incredible that in the process of making this, nobody was able to say: Guys, can we stop for a second here and just look at the script? This is all pretty terrible, maybe we should start again from scratch.

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  • #111183

    D+ are dropping all of Echo at once the week after Thanksgiving, and I think most people view it as a lack of confidence in that show.

    Yeah, I think people were already concerned after her acting was so poor in Hawkeye, and the decision to dump all the episodes at once certainly makes it seem like it’s not something Disney wants to dwell on.

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  • #111200

    So Skrulls can’t tell when they’re talking to another disguised Skrull?…How convenient🤨.

    This was shockingly bad. Gravik, who was a semi interesting villain, just ends up being another muscled up monster that seemingly forgets how to string a sentence together after the super skrull procedure. G’iah is now the most powerful being on the planet apparently..I’m sure that’ll definitely be followed up on and she won’t just end up being background fodder in Secret Wars in 6 years time.

    I sure would like to know how long Rhoday has been a Skrull for, or what was with that weird cut to all the bodies in the basement, but we just absolutely had to spend another two scenes with Fury and his boring Skrull wife.

    This also looked even worse than the previous episodes. The scene were Gravik was giving his big speech to “Fury” looked particularly bad. I don’t know if they did something to frame rate or what, but it looked like a cheap student film..And I guess they saved up all their pennies for the big CG fight…And it still looked like shite🤷‍♂️.

    I don’t really know what the point of this show was in the end.

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  • #111202

    Going to need someone to dub Benny Hill music on those scenes of Skrhodey wheeling POTUS around in a hospital bed.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #111209

    This was the shits.
    I was so excited when they were likening this to Winter Soldier, but that was just an idiotic lie.

    Just crap, and I’m thinking they should just cancel future plans and reboot the universe in years, but Spidey and incoming X-Men probably mean they can’t put on the brakes.

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  • #111211


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by JRCarter.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by JRCarter.
  • #111213

    The show really did make Nick Fury out to be a total bellend. To recap what he actually did here:

    – return to Earth from whatever the hell he’s doing in space, which I think they still haven’t explained after all these years

    – lead Maria Hill to her death

    – lead Talos to his death

    – go see the wife that he’s apparently abandoned for years for reasons that, again, were never explained

    – refuses to seek help from Dr Strange or whatever other Avengers remain, seemingly out of ego alone

    – leaves a batch of Avengers super-DNA out there

    – gives an angry young Skrull woman all the powers ever and leaves her to do whatever she pleases

    – traumatises the President so much that all the Skrulls wind up on a legal kill list

    – leaves

    Oh, and those secret service agents he shot weren’t Skrulls were they? So add a bunch of unnecessary murders to the list.

    He’s gone full-on Dick Fury.

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  • #111230

    I watched the finale and the whole thing felt like Remedial John LeCarre. The show had the potential to be a taut espionage thriller that would keep you on the edge of your seat. Instead, we got Superhero Spies for Dummies.

    Well, at least I didn’t see the Fury/G’iah reveal until a moment before it happened.

    Sadly, I saw that coming from pretty much the beginning.

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  • #111254

    Also, let’s not forget that everyone in the pods where in that russian base that is basically unlivable for humans because of the high radiation, and they were pretty much just strapped to a table in a basement.

    Yeah this was pretty fuckin shit, getting progressively worse with each episode… Marvel’s been hiring some really shitty writers for some years now… maybe they SHOULD use AI to write scripts, can’t see how much worse that’d be…

    Still better than AoS tho… xD

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #111279

    Also, let’s not forget that everyone in the pods where in that russian base that is basically unlivable for humans because of the high radiation, and they were pretty much just strapped to a table in a basement.

    Yeah this was pretty fuckin shit, getting progressively worse with each episode… Marvel’s been hiring some really shitty writers for some years now… maybe they SHOULD use AI to write scripts, can’t see how much worse that’d be…

    Still better than AoS tho… xD

    For what the budget they were given, I think they did well and I really enjoyed Agents of SHIELD.

    Actually, AoS did the “replaced by dupes” before, except they used LMDs. And it was a lot better than this shitshow.

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  • #111290

    FYI – Here is the list of DNA in Fury’s vial used to create Super Skrulls at the end:

    Black Panther
    Captain America
    Captain Marvel
    Corvus Glaive
    Cull Obsidian
    Ebony Maw
    Frost Beast
    The Outriders
    Proxima Midnight
    Winter Soldier

  • #111293

    How Secret Invasion Sets Up Marvel’s Next MCU Phase

    Read More:

    How Secret Invasion Sets Up The X-Men’s MCU Debut (And Their Biggest Struggle)

    Read More:

  • #111309


    Maybe MCU should count their blessings that they had to postpone it

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  • #111336

    I belatedly watched the final episode of this today (wasn’t putting it off because I thought it was going to be rubbish or anything) and yeah, this was just a complete misfire. Christian already made pretty much all the points I wanted to. Marvel really needed a very critical eye to look over the script of this point out the inconsistencies and stupidities. It feels like it hasn’t been script edited at all, frankly, and the decision to spend so much time on Fury’s wife is just absolutely mad.

    I did at least fall for the Fury/Gaia misdirection but only because I thought Fury’s “oo I’ve got radiation sickness” coughing was too fake to be real and was expecting Fury to reveal some kind of spy tech dodge for it.

    Also – and it does a feel a bit futile to nitpick individual bit of nonsense in this given the sheer amount of it – but how do they think armed gunmen got into Downing St? And why? The only people who knew the Prime Minister had been replaced were other people who had been replaced and therefore knew she was the real one. Just so stupid.

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  • #111360

    Still better than AoS tho… xD

    You’re crazy, man. Agents of Shield was glorious.

    And interestingly, AoS did the kind of story that Secret Invasion should have been very successfully, with the LMD storyline. Stuff like switching one of the main characters for a LMD, only revealing that after a few seasons and then letting some time pass before the LMD gets caught and then May gets to fight herself.

    That’s the kind of thing you’re supposed to have in this kind of story.

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  • #111533

    SI was 6 episodes only… short-lived pain… therefore better =P

    But no, sorry, AoS was network TV shit… completely disconnected from the MCU, a bunch of randos no one cared about… oh yeah Coulson, pff who gives a shit. It always felt like a favor for Whedon and his buddies, because that’s probably what it was.

  • #111534

  • #111547

    But no, sorry, AoS was network TV shit… completely disconnected from the MCU, a bunch of randos no one cared about… oh yeah Coulson, pff who gives a shit.

    Well, it was its own thing. And in and of itself, it became very good TV.

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  • #111548

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