Random thread of randomness

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  • #85369

    I’m learning so much here I don’t even need to go on tiktok.

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  • #85371

    Arjan, everybody needs to go on tiktok.

  • #85373

    I’m learning so much here I don’t even need to go on tiktok.

    Arjan, everybody needs to go on tiktok.


  • #85392

    I have no idea what ive watched for the youtube algorithm to suggest this but I’m glad it did.

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  • #85407

    I’m a fan of Thomas Ligotti. He’s a niche horror/weird fiction writer in the vein of Poe and Lovecraft, but also something of a horror philosopher most well know for the influence of his non-fiction philosophy book “The Conspiracy Against The Human Race” had on the characterization of Rust Cole’s pessimism in the first season of TRUE DETECTIVE. There are a lot of other “niche” weird fiction writers in the same vein and even more in different niches like the extremely edgy and erotic horror stories and novels of Ketchum, Lee and Landsdale who are probably more famous among other horror writers than horror readers. As a result, I’m often buying hardbacks when they come out since I’m looking for them.

    However, I’m surprised to often see books that I bought for less than their cover price are on sale for some insane prices. $1,600 for MY WORK IS NOT YET DONE which is one of the most innovative horror novels in that he uses corporate life as the metaphor for the basic horror at the heart of human nature. I recommend it but get the paperback ($17.97).

    I own a lot of books (never really got into e-books) but I’m no bibliophile. I don’t understand it, but more importantly I never really trust these collectors’ markets. Probably a leftover from the “speculator bubble” of comics in the 90’s. To me it’s like the art market or cryptocurrency or any other subjectively or speculatively valued market of assets that are products but do not have any practical productive use or ability. Often in these markets, while there is a thriving “hobbyist” market on the low end of whatever interest is involved from art to comics to genre novels to old videogames to vinyl albums, there also seems to develop a cabal of finance-minded people that actively collude to drive prices up for a certain class of works.

    The Art Market is a Scam (And Rich People Run It) – YouTube

    Lately, this behavior is something of an obvious scandal as the same “business (scam) model” has expanded to NFTs and Retro Videogame cassettes/cartridges. Personally, I think the internet has facilitated the ability to form and control these high end speculative market scams so well that we’ll see it in everything eventually from action figures to cassettes and usually it ends up with everyone paying more for anything in the market because of the appearance that the price “could” skyrocket in a few years when really, it was all manipulation of the markets.


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  • #85410

    However, I’m surprised to often see books that I bought for less than their cover price are on sale for some insane prices. $1,600 for MY WORK IS NOT YET DONE

    I can’t remember where i read this but aren’t crazy listings like this down to bots controlling the pricing. Sometimes you get two bots stuck in a feedback loop and the price of seeingly ordinary items skyrockets out of control.

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  • #85419

    Randomly…Regarding social media and the Male Gaze:

    If a woman gets older and can still project sexuality enough to satisfy the Male Gaze, she is acceptable under the MILF label (see the American Pie movie 😂)

    If not:

    Paulina Porizkova, a former model and former wife of the late Ric Ocasek of the Cars, is going back and forth with some trolls on Twitter who just want to see her fade away because she has all these wrinkles now.



    The same has been said about Madonna who is in her 60s. The trolls want to put these women out to pasture.

    The older women are fighting back. Good for them!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
  • #85439

    I can’t remember where i read this but aren’t crazy listings like this down to bots controlling the pricing. Sometimes you get two bots stuck in a feedback loop and the price of seeingly ordinary items skyrockets out of control.

    That’s interesting, I have heard of bots artificially lowering prices or keeping them low, EXCEPT in the case of cryptocurrency, but I could see how that would also be a problem in the collectible markets.

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  • #85441

    The same has been said about Madonna who is in her 60s. The trolls want to put these women out to pasture.

    I’m just like her. Old but still in the game.

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  • #85446

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  • #85447


    This article details one such incidence. The fact the book you mentioned is hard to find makes me think this is what happened to it too.

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  • #85453

    It is an interesting question if free market ideology can survive algorithmic market influence that manipulates the market even without human intention.

    When the printing press was invented and, more importantly, proliferated, it essentially destroyed the social fabric of the feudal world – the Church. The internet and electronic telecommunications is doing much the same to the social fabric of the modern world – capitalism.

    Eventually, though, intentional market manipulation of things that matter – retirement accounts, pharmaceuticals, utilities and food, raw materials – will be so digitized and automated that regulators won’t be able handle it. They can’t handle it now. I lived through the California energy crisis when Enron manipulated power prices and people died from that. That was over 20 years ago.

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  • #85458

    “Banded together from remote galaxies are thirteen of the most sinister villains of all time.
    The Legion Of Doom.
    Dedicated to a single objective, the conquest of the universe!

    Reading the News thread earlier got my brain going.
    Every day we watch a real life version of the Legion of Doom.
    Donald Trump, Joe Rogan, Kanye West, Vladimir Putin, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos.
    Who else?

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  • #85460

    Zuckerberg of course naturally fits into that grouping.

    This reminds a little of an anime manga adaptation Kaijin Kaihatsubu no Kuroitsu-san (Ms Kuroitsu of the Monster Department) about a junior scientist working for one of many secret evil Japanese corporations who is completely dedicated to her work… developing monsters to fight the many henshin  (“transforming heroes”) and mahou shoujo (“magical girls”) of the tokusatsu (“special effects”) genre.

    It’s primarily a parody or light-hearted satire of the salaried worker and corporate life of Japan (a little different from the United States, but think of the last season of ANGEL where Angel is the CEO of Wolfram & Hart), but at the heart of it is a very sweet protagonist completely dedicated to working for “evil.” They even compliment each other on how evil their monsters are when nothing they actually do is evil. Even their evil overlord is very considerate of his employees wellbeing. Obviously Trump, Rogan and West have a lot of fans and supporters and Musk, Zuckerberg and Bezos put a lot of food on the tables of a lot of workers.

    The thing is that they do things. They work. They have goals they promote and inspire people to join. In comics and such, the heroes rarely have that. They are really more antagonists for the villains. Superman and the Justice League could rule the world, but they don’t.

    Say that Superman popped into a meeting of the U.N. one day and simply said “listen, how you guys run your own nations is your business, but if any of you go to war, I will personally step in and stop it. You say you love peace, so I’m telling you all from this moment forward, war is not allowed.” Or if he started disrupting fossil fuel production and industrial pollution.

    Well… he’d immediately be a super-villain. It’s like the basic premise of Millar’s last arc on THE AUTHORITY, his RED SON or the DC INJUSTICE video game storyline.

    Everybody wants to change the world, but as soon as someone actually starts to do it, there will be plenty of people to go along with them, but probably even more would be like “no, I didn’t mean that kind of change. Stop it!”

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  • #85466

    Boris Johnson
    Larry Elder
    Tucker Carlson
    Candice Owens
    Jair Bolsonaro

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  • #85468

    Boris Johnson

    Larry Elder

    Tucker Carlson

    Ah, the old BLT.

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  • #85505

    The book thing is a bit weird. My mother write a book of poetry in 1969 and it went out of print ages ago, she has a dozen or so copies left she got as comps. Now she’s quite highly regarded as an author but poetry never sells in large amounts outside a few big names, those volumes would be counted in the hundreds so we found it a bit odd a copy appeared on Amazon for 750 pounds.

    No idea who the seller was or how they got to that massive price. I guess it must be the bot thing.

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  • #85699

    A pastor baptized people for decades using one wrong word. Now those are all considered invalid


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  • #85731

    I know tilapia is a type of fish, don’t know the other two.

  • #85733

    They’re cheating a little bit with the other two, as they’re really Italian words (both types of pasta things).

  • #85740

    Also Tippex and Biro feels like a bit of a cheat as it’s really just about popular regional brand names that have become used generically, like Hoover or Xerox (both of which may also be more well known in one territory than another).

  • #85741

    The tweet doesn’t give more details but I’d assume they have been assimilated enough into English to be in Websters and the OED. Biro is a Hungarian surname in origin after all.

  • #85744

    Many of the “obscure” words I know came from doing the daily crossword puzzle in my local newspaper. OBI, ALEE, SAONE and, yes, even AGORA.

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  • #85746

    I don’t trust QI after Stephen Fry left anyway. The 2019 Survey was probably five people.

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  • #85749

    Many of the “obscure” words I know came from doing the daily crossword puzzle in my local newspaper. OBI, ALEE, SAONE and, yes, even AROMA.

    Fixed that for you.

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  • #85750

    I never really trusted Steven Fry anyway. When he was listening to his earpiece he was probably ok, but you could tell when he had gone off script to give his own version of the truth, which sometimes was flat-out wrong.

    The thing is, if you appear to be well educated and you say something with extreme confidence, people are inclined to believe you know what you’re talking about.

  • #85759

    The thing is, if you appear to be well educated and you say something with extreme confidence, people are inclined to believe you know what you’re talking about.

    I don’t believe you .

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  • #85760

    Many of the “obscure” words I know came from doing the daily crossword puzzle in my local newspaper. OBI, ALEE, SAONE and, yes, even AROMA.

    Fixed that for you.

    Not surprised to learn that someone from Britain considers AROMA an obscure word.

    Plain toast, please - 9GAG

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  • #85761

    I don’t trust QI after Stephen Fry left anyway. The 2019 Survey was probably five people.

    I find Sandi Toksvig more trustworthy than Stephen Fry, to be honest.

  • #85847


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  • #85870

    When I went to college, the Bachelor of Architecture degree required 169 credits over a 5-year curriculum. That’s basically 17 credits per semester for 10 semesters. And of the 169 credits, only 6 were “elective” credits for courses like Art History or Photography; the rest included two semesters of Design Fundamentals followed by eight semesters of Architectural Design, alongside courses in Physics, Engineering, English Composition, Structural Design, etc etc etc.

    In comparison, when my kids attended a liberal arts college 30 years later, they weren’t even expected to declare a major until the end of their sophomore year. At that point, you have two years to complete all the mandatory courses to secure your Bachelor degree; so what the hell was the point of those first two years?

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  • #85872

    I don’t trust QI after Stephen Fry left anyway. The 2019 Survey was probably five people.

    I find Sandi Toksvig more trustworthy than Stephen Fry, to be honest.

    What about Aisling Bea doing an uncanny Sandi Toskvig impression?

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  • #85878


    Liberal arts came from the Greco/Roman period where only the elite who didn’t have to work for a living had time to get into
    all this and that subjects to enlighten themselves and consider themselves “educated”

    The idea of that approach in college is so the student is exposed to different perspectives and applies himself/herself in
    various ways so in the end, the student should know about different subjects and make more informed decisions.
    That is the theory behind the approach. However, these days with tuition going so high (some private universities cost well over $100K) it is not just about enlightenment, but what do you get out of it to use for work? It gets to the point now that elite schools you get into for all the clout/connections to be set for life making upper middle class income and above.

    That tweet is about the practicality of it all. On job interviews, you won’t be asked about the term paper you did on Hamlet, or on French history in the 1800s. So, setting aside the theory behind the liberal arts core curriculum, what is the point of all that for the job market? Is it “bovine excrement” as she tweeted?

  • #85882

    I don’t trust QI after Stephen Fry left anyway. The 2019 Survey was probably five people.

    I find Sandi Toksvig more trustworthy than Stephen Fry, to be honest.

    What about Aisling Bea doing an uncanny Sandi Toskvig impression?

    Aisling Bea is always fantastic.

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  • #85889

    In the UK, a bachelor’s degree always has a core focus specifically centered on your area of study and doesn’t include other random elements that have no relevance. And they still take 3 or 4 years to complete.

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  • #85933

    so what the hell was the point of those first two years?

    Shagging and drinking.

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  • #85934

    The BA these days are a dime a dozen as most going on interviews for office jobs have one.
    You don’t stand out unless you went got your BA from an elite school that has the clout and connections.

    BA majors in themselves are really half of it all. I mean, you can have a BA in psychology
    for example, but to professionally do psychology you really have to get a masters. Same with
    sociology and other social sciences.

    As for those liberal arts classes, as I said before the idea is to get the student more “well rounded”.
    It may be debatable how beneficial it is to study some 18th century sonnets and literature, but other
    subjects like sociology on how the present world is and some history on how the world got to be like this
    count for something. If more people really got into critical thinking, there may not be so many right now
    who barely have a diploma to their name, but insist on challenging doctors who have studied for 30 years or
    climatologists, or the US having this label as voting “stupid” in the elections.

    I get what that tweet was saying about relevance and practicality given the tuition and years involved. but was that tweet really overdoing it?

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  • #85938

    Is where you earned your degree really all that big a deal? Surly a well written application/CV makes you stand out (or rather a shit looking one just gets binned).

  • #85943

    so what the hell was the point of those first two years?

    Shagging and drinking.

    That’s not fair. I’m sure there were drugs, too.

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  • #85949

    Is where you earned your degree really all that big a deal? Surly a well written application/CV makes you stand out (or rather a shit looking one just gets binned).

    That’s the tactic I use for my cover letter. I want everyone with a sense of humour want to interview me. Excerpt below.

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  • #85959

    In the UK, a bachelor’s degree always has a core focus specifically centered on your area of study and doesn’t include other random elements that have no relevance. And they still take 3 or 4 years to complete.

    Most with 4 years are sandwich courses though (for those unfamiliar with the term usually it means the 3rd year is spent in work experience).

    I believe my course could have easily fit into 2 years, I’m glad there was a lot of free time to mess about but really if I’d have sat down and done 9.00am until 3.30pm 5 days a week like we did at school I could have done it in half the time.

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  • #85965

    Is where you earned your degree really all that big a deal? Surly a well written application/CV makes you stand out (or rather a shit looking one just gets binned).

    Going to an elite school like Harvard or Yale is less about the degree and more about the contacts you make. More often than not, the people you meet and their connections tend to lead to higher paying jobs. Granted, it’s highly likely you already come from money and have contacts to the degree essentially becomes a key that unlocks better and higher level jobs. I’ve seen some articles that said the quality of the classes isn’t necessarily better than most colleges and universities. It’s just got a better level of networking opportunities.

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  • #85972

    In the UK, a bachelor’s degree always has a core focus specifically centered on your area of study and doesn’t include other random elements that have no relevance. And they still take 3 or 4 years to complete.

    Most with 4 years are sandwich courses though (for those unfamiliar with the term usually it means the 3rd year is spent in work experience).

    I believe my course could have easily fit into 2 years, I’m glad there was a lot of free time to mess about but really if I’d have sat down and done 9.00am until 3.30pm 5 days a week like we did at school I could have done it in half the time.

    My course was 3 years but some people actually did it in an accelerated 2 year version. Not by having more lectures in the week though, but by just carrying on through the summer holidays between first and second year.

  • #86011

    Today marks 17 years since Hunter S Thompson ate led.

    Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

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  • #86078

    What Todd said above…

    I can’t say I know all the elite and prestigious schools overseas. I know of Oxford, The London School of Economics, and some elite school called Eton.

    With these elite schools like the above, the Ivy League in the US, it is like if you make it in and graduate, you can pretty much be set for life from the fact that you went there, and the contacts/connections you made as they will put in a good word for you and that sort of thing.

    It is all part of the argument “It is not what you know, but who you know.”

    As for getting in, some get in with good grades, others…. Jared Kushner, Tr*mp’s son in law got into Harvard, but it was found out that his father made a $2M contribution to the school a year earlier. Coincidence?


    Let’s see….

    It was Nicolas Taggart in the MW days who got me into the show “Banshee”. Taggart steered me or should I say “influenced” me and a few others to watch the show.

    It was Tr*mp who accidentally got me into TikTok as I joined to see what he wanted to ban in the US. Then in TikTok, I got back into HipHop with Cardi B, Saweetie, Stallion, and all this pop culture and social commentary, the stealing dance moves story, not to mention all the jiggling dances but I digress.😂 Now… Euphoria.

    So, do I owe it all to the Donald? 😂



    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
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  • #86120

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  • #86444

    5 Wild Things I Learned Analyzing 23,000 Illegal Drugs

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  • #86490

    Random religious trivia – – people often cite pestilence, or plague, as the first of the horsemen of the Apocalypse, but actually that comes from God’s judgement of Jerusalem in the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel where the great catastrophes inflicted by the deity are pestilence, famine, evil beasts and war.

    In the book of Revelations, the four horsemen are Conquest, Famine, War and Death. Conquest is not usually well defined and in early and Medieval theology, Conquest was actually interpreted to mean Christ himself and the word of God – the Gospels – conquering the world. Later, it was seen as the conquest of the Anti-Christ or anti-Christian conquerors. Also, obviously, as it is difficult to distinguish “conquest” from “war” the idea that “conquest” represented some sort of plague overcoming mankind, that interpretations, bolstered by the Ezekiel verse, started to dominate.

    However, from the perspective of the writer of Revelations and his readers all living in a time when the Romans conquered and ruled their lands, they would have had a very clear idea of the evils of conquest and with all the other very well described pests and plagues in the rest of the book, there is no reason to think that that is what was meant by it.

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  • #86539

    5 Wild Things I Learned Analyzing 23,000 Illegal Drugs

    Did Anders write that?

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  • #86542

    I wish I had some illegal drugs to… err… analyze. All I have is a small bit of weed saved for The Batman.

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  • #86623

    The city that never sleeps: complaints of New Yorkers’ noisy sex are rising

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  • #86633

    The city that never sleeps: complaints of New Yorkers’ noisy sex are rising

    I apologize for that, and I’ll try to be quieter.

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  • #86649

    I was reminded of this today. How ‘the moowalk’ debuted on Top Of the Pops and became a phenomenon a year before Michael Jackson did it on the Motown 25th show.

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  • #86653

    My new workplace has decided that all communications and announcements will now be done through Microsoft Teams, and to no surprise at all: Fuck all is working as intended and no-one can connect properly to shit.

    I’m having a bit of a rage moment here.

    How the fuck can Teams be so flawed when programs like Discord is working flawlessly in comparison?

    I realise that Teams is a bit more integrated into other apps, but the difference in noob friendliness and how easy it is to login/access basic functions in Discord and Teams is absolutely staggering.

    I might add that I have no problems using teams for setting up or participating in meetings or use the chat as intended as a private user, but it’s the group functionality that seems to be beyond the capabilities of the software and management.

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  • #86654

    The city that never sleeps: complaints of New Yorkers’ noisy sex are rising

    I apologize for that, and I’ll try to be quieter.

    Here you go

  • #86672

    I realise that Teams is a bit more integrated into other apps, but the difference in noob friendliness and how easy it is to login/access basic functions in Discord and Teams is absolutely staggering.

    Is it a large company? If so part of the reason they like to use stuff from Microsoft is they’ll offer proper support packages if things go wrong. Most web and app stuff we use at home doesn’t really like to do much more than an FAQ or an email they may answer in 5 days.


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  • #86675

    I was reminded of this today. How ‘the moowalk’ debuted on Top Of the Pops and became a phenomenon a year before Michael Jackson did it on the Motown 25th show.

    Try this:

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  • #86693

    My new workplace has decided that all communications and announcements will now be done through Microsoft Teams, and to no surprise at all: Fuck all is working as intended and no-one can connect properly to shit.

    I’m having a bit of a rage moment here.

    How the fuck can Teams be so flawed when programs like Discord is working flawlessly in comparison?

    I realise that Teams is a bit more integrated into other apps, but the difference in noob friendliness and how easy it is to login/access basic functions in Discord and Teams is absolutely staggering.

    I might add that I have no problems using teams for setting up or participating in meetings or use the chat as intended as a private user, but it’s the group functionality that seems to be beyond the capabilities of the software and management.

    We had one department where a new guy came onboard and had his group move to Teams. No one else in the City was using it. We already had a shard drive where all staff would save and access certain information. He would send stuff via Teams when he was told to save it on the shared drive, as no one else had it. He couldn’t understand why no one else was using it. At his last job, everyone used it and it was great! Well dumbass, Management and IT hadn’t made the decision to do an organization-wide installation and provide training. I installed it on my computer but I barely use it because I haven’t had any training. Teams Guy left after a year.

  • #86712

    Is it a large company? If so part of the reason they like to use stuff from Microsoft is they’ll offer proper support packages if things go wrong. Most web and app stuff we use at home doesn’t really like to do much more than an FAQ or an email they may answer in 5 days.

    Yes but also no. Most people working there work only part-time, like me. Lots of people but not a lot of hours split between them.

    I suspect the people in management is coming in to this project used to a different company structure, large companies in an office setting, and used to work from home. Most of the employees are… let’s say less than tech savvy and not used to that kind of stuff. There’s going to be problems.

  • #86836

    @garjones, can you let me in the treehouse? I’m not quite sure how to send a dm on this forum.

  • #86850

    I can but can you and Anders when you need a break just delete the Carrier bookmark or something instead of deleting and creating accounts? The saving grace is both your names start with A which means I don’t have to scroll through several pages. 😉


    (You can send a message by clicking on the ‘send a message’ link under that person’s post).

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  • #86853

    I can but can you and Anders when you need a break just delete the Carrier bookmark or something instead of deleting and creating accounts? The saving grace is both your names start with A which means I don’t have to scroll through several pages. 😉


    (You can send a message by clicking on the ‘send a message’ link under that person’s post).

    Thanks dude. It’s just been difficult for a few days and I know when I have the account here I can impulse post which is kind of like a stress reflex…and say things that can get a tough reaction, making it worse…

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  • #86854

    I can but can you and Anders when you need a break just delete the Carrier bookmark or something instead of deleting and creating accounts? The saving grace is both your names start with A which means I don’t have to scroll through several pages. 😉


    (You can send a message by clicking on the ‘send a message’ link under that person’s post).

    Will do!

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  • #86856

    I hope this coming SNL parody sketch on the two heckling Biden during the SOTU will be good:


  • #86938

    I’m sorry if I offended anyone in the politics discussion, I’m just so fucked up by what’s going on.


    I watch this youtube video a lot for relaxation:

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  • #86948

    I watch this youtube video a lot for relaxation:

    A lot of my Instagram feed is dogs, puppies, and other animals being cute or silly. They always bring a smile to my face and make me feel better.

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  • #86957


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Todd.
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  • #86967



    ” I don’t know if you know this, but if police don’t solve a murder in the first 48 hours… they give up on solving that case.”


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  • #87017

    You guys are talking about Instagram feeds? I have no comment on that matter. 😂😂😂
    Nor Tiktok…

    On a more serious note on social media:


    It was said that they trolled some bad reviews/posts on the last Star Wars movie and that was
    part of the reason the movie tanked. They didn’t really have to contribute for that to happen but I digress…

    Usually I skip some Facebook and Twitter replies as some people (who aren’t even Russian) just want to be a downer and want to start something just to annoy. @$$holes.

    Seriously: If/when social media news and your feed gets to be a bit too much to take, just log off for a while, get your mind on something else. Then, when your mental health gets better, maybe log on again and this time take it SLOW…

  • #87023

    My current avatar pic is a Japanese “mon”, or family crest. I like their aesthetics. This one is from the Hojo clan, I like the story of Hojo Tokimune who had his Zen breakthrough when the Mongols invaded Japan.


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  • #87025

    Nice @arjandirkse

    I remember you said you were into some Buddhist philosophy.

    How has it helped you in the past, your outlook of life, society in general, etc.?

    I used to work with some who subscribed to the lotus sutra teachings of Nichiren Daishonin.
    They showed me pictures of their shrine at home (they called it a gohunzin I believe) where
    they would sit in some posture in front of it with some beads on their head, concentrate on
    and chant some mantra (nom myo ho renge kyo) for hours in order to get what they called
    “enlightenment”, some mental clarity. It was all to gain access to this “mystic law of the universe”

    Years ago, but I still remember it.

  • #87026

    I still like some stuff from Buddhism but I wouldn’t call myself a Buddhist, I’m very eclectic with stuff. I have to admit there is a lot of nonsense in Buddhism, but also some stuff that helped me.


    Nichiren Buddhism is from Japan. Japan is interesting that there are a bunch of different forms of Buddhism that are very different from one another. Nichiren, Jodo Shu or Pure Land, Zen, Tendai, Shingon are all different schools of Buddhism in Japan and they are very different.

  • #87033

    My current avatar pic is a Japanese “mon”, or family crest.

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  • #87051

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  • #87057



    From 2007.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Martin Smith.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Martin Smith.
    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87089

    Random trivial opinion:

    The metric system is designed for simpletons. The reason that the “English” system is based on 12 or 16 or that we have 60 seconds in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day is that numbers like 12, 16 and 24 are more useful than 10. It requires a different and more complex mathematical mindset. 10 is only divisible evenly by 5 and 2 while 12 is divisible by 2, 3, 4 & 6 and 16 by 2, 4 & 8. 24 by 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 & 12.

    A deci-metric system is insulting because it implies you need to do math with your fingers and toes. They were smarter than that in the Middle Ages, fer Pete’s sake!

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87090

    A deci-metric system is insulting because it implies you need to do math with your fingers and toes.

    Fingers AND toes? What, do you have like 2.5 digits per limb?

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  • #87091

    Fingers AND toes? What, do you have like 2.5 digits per limb?

    Now you’re making fun of my disability?! Shame on you!

    Seriously, bring back the Sexagesimal system!

    It’s sexier!

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87092

    I hear the sixties were/are groovy, baby.

    The number sixty has a lot of good properties, so I’m kinda with you. Let’s not let this divide us further.

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  • #87110

  • #87114

    Random religious trivia – – people often cite pestilence, or plague, as the first of the horsemen of the Apocalypse, but actually that comes from God’s judgement of Jerusalem in the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel where the great catastrophes inflicted by the deity are pestilence, famine, evil beasts and war.

    Just read this and… In the Gospels texts written almost 2,000 years ago, Christ pointed to an era where there would be a great concentration of events such as wars, famine, rampant sickness (or virus pandemic), major natural disasters, damage to the environment, and an overall negative social climate (including social injustice and unrest) that would affect the world population. Many Christians feel that this present era is what he was pointing to. I hear this a lot and get some mail now and then to read the Testaments.

    Makes me wonder…

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  • #87118

    Well, there have been wars, plagues, famines and natural disasters at every point in time for all of recorded history, and during all that history there has been some religious sect claiming it proves that this is the end of days.

    I think they are wrong this time too.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87121

    Yeah it’s the same as Nostradamus, if you keep your predictions kinda vague they’re always applicable. Nevertheless the Bible is good reading for these troubled times. Jesus is an inspiring figure.  Blessed be the peacemakers for they will be called children of God.

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  • #87122

    You read the Bible Brett?
    There’s a passage I have memorized. Sort of fits the occasion.


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  • #87123

    Well, there have been wars, plagues, famines and natural disasters at every point in time for all of recorded history, and during all that history there has been some religious sect claiming it proves that this is the end of days.

    Yeah – that has been pretty much the reason for a lot of the so-called prophecies – and notably modern-day end times theology is based on interpretations of the bible that actually have no basis in the text.

    Also, Jesus really wasn’t that prophetic or specifically detailed in his eschatological claims while The Book of Revelations – which is very detailed and bizarrely so – actually quite overtly refers to events the author expects his readers to see in their lifetimes.

    What is interesting is that the first 20 years of the 21st century has a lot of comparisons to the first 20 years of the 20th century as well. These events are so common that if you said something like “I see a batwinged plague devastating the world and a tyrant in the East setting the plains of the West aflame” there will likely be some events within your lifetime that will make you seem like a modern Nostradamus.

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  • #87128

    I see a batwinged plague devastating the world

    I don’t think Robert Pattinsons interpretation of Bruce Wayne is going to start any riots.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87138

    I see a batwinged plague devastating the world

    I don’t think Robert Pattinsons interpretation of Bruce Wayne is going to start any riots.

    To be fair, the riots happened when Pattinson was first revealed to be playing Batman.

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  • #87144

    I see a batwinged plague devastating the world

    I don’t think Robert Pattinsons interpretation of Bruce Wayne is going to start any riots.

    To be fair, the riots happened when Pattinson was first revealed to be playing Batman.

    It’s also possible the prophecy is about the upcoming Batgirl thing. Ah, why is the prophecy so vague!

    Hey @JohnnyJoseph, spell it out properly next time will ya!

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  • #87164

    It’s International Women’s Day today. In recent years, that’s been dominated on Twitter by Richard Herring (inadvertently, if you’re being generous) making it about himself and idiot men by replying to anyone asking when International Men’s Day is.

    He’s given up on that, thankfully, and in the vacuum of IWD Twitter discourse has appeared this rather clever bot.


    It quote tweets every organisation that does a perfunctory corporate IWD statement with their gender pay gap. And do you know, some of those corporate tweets have magically started disappearing once this has been pointed out. And others are just a quite funny juxtaposition.



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  • #87165

    Well, to each their own, but basically the millions of the Christian faith interpret all these world events according to their readings and belief interpretation.


    We used to have this thread in MW where one just posted “I believe in…” and everyone would chime in.

  • #87167

    but basically the millions of the Christian faith interpret all these world events according to their readings and belief interpretation

    That’s almost as mad as believing in god.

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  • #87168

    That’s almost as mad as believing in god.

    Well.. if you’re reading the Left Behind series, you might pick up some strange ideas about the Christian faith.

    On the other hand, if you read the Book of Revelations you might also pick up some strange ideas about the Christian faith.

    It goes from “love thy neighbor” to “Ahhh! Giant bloodsucking locust lobsters!”


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  • #87174

    Random rant –

    Whatever doctor or oncology researcher decided that “benign” was an apt name for tumors and growths that were not cancerous or life-threatening obviously never had one or was never married to someone that had them.

    “Benign” is the friend that always offers to help you move or change your oil and ends up making it more work than if you did it by yourself. “Benign” is the older hippy lady next door that is overly familiar and has too many cats.

    A “benign” tumor though is the neighbor with too many firearms and likes to aim them at anyone walking in front of his house. It’s the old friend from high school that is often in trouble with police and occasionally hides guns, drugs and himself at your place when the heat is on.

    There are really just two categories of tumors – malignant tumors that want to kill you and malicious tumors that won’t kill you but will make you and people around you miserable.

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  • #87189


    On one side, I get these letters from groups about some prophecy by Christ and that it is happening right now.
    Then some of you are guys are sh*tting all over it, saying there is nothing to it, nothing supernatural etc

    Who should I go for: These Christian groups or these sh*tters?
    The same sh*tters who still insist on getting great gifts at Xmas…

    As for “I believe”… some on MW used to post “I believe I can fly” but now that R Kelly and his songs have been cancelled by the culture…

    I believe in live and let live.

    I believe that I still would have gotten into TikTok and its woke dialogue regardless of Tr*mp.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Al-x.
  • #87191

    Fascinating: On one side, I get these letters from groups about some prophecy by Christ and that it is happening right now. Then some of you are guys are sh*tting all over it, saying there is nothing to it, nothing supernatural etc Who should I go for: These Christian groups or these sh*tters? The same sh*tters who still insist on getting great gifts at Xmas…

    Why should getting Christmas presents be seen to undermine someone who calls out nonsense fringe religious theories?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87192

    As for “I believe”… some on MW used to post “I believe I can fly” but now that R Kelly and his songs have been cancelled by the culture… I believe in live and let live.

    Bloody cancel culture, getting upset at such minor transgressions as the repeated sexual abuse of women and children.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87194

    Why should getting Christmas presents be seen to undermine someone who calls out nonsense fringe religious theories?

    It’s by the same logic I can’t have an iPhone because I’m allergic to apples.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87195

    Bloody cancel culture, getting upset at such minor transgressions as the repeated sexual abuse of women and children.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87198

    In recent years, that’s been dominated on Twitter by Richard Herring (inadvertently, if you’re being generous) making it about himself and idiot men by replying to anyone asking when International Men’s Day is.

    Fuck me. Is there anything a white male ally can do without criticism?

    May as well not bother and just shut up.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
  • #87200

    Fascinating: On one side, I get these letters from groups about some prophecy by Christ and that it is happening right now. Then some of you are guys are sh*tting all over it, saying there is nothing to it, nothing supernatural etc Who should I go for: These Christian groups or these sh*tters? The same sh*tters who still insist on getting great gifts at Xmas…

    Why should getting Christmas presents be seen to undermine someone who calls out nonsense fringe religious theories?

    It is called Hypocrisy and contradicting yourself.

    How different that from the hypocritical GOP that everyone sh*ts on in the Politics thread?

    Anyway… Xmas isn’t an original Xian holiday, so there is that.

    You get a pass 😂

    Until next time.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Al-x.
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