Random thread of randomness

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  • #83689

    I for one am looking forward to another 1000 posts on whether or not we should jerk off to tiktok or instagram or whatever.

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  • #83698

    I for one am looking forward to another 1000 posts on whether or not we should jerk off to tiktok or instagram

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  • #83703

    New thread huh? Did something… happen…  to the old one?

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  • #83727

    I for one am looking forward to another 1000 posts on whether or not we should jerk off to tiktok or instagram or whatever.

    Think big! TEN THOUSAND POSTS!

    (Not counting general posts about how memory, analysis and reading comprehension is condensed “trolling”)

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  • #83733

    Bruce wrote: I for one am looking forward to another 1000 posts on whether or not we should jerk off to tiktok or instagram or whatever.

    Think big! TEN THOUSAND POSTS!

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  • #83744

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  • #83752

    I for one am looking forward to another 1000 posts on whether or not we should jerk off to tiktok or instagram or whatever.

    Whatever floats your boat in your private time is really none of our business @bruce

    Have at it…

  • #83829

    Whatever floats your boat in your private time is really none of our business

    Yet you continually subject us to what you do in your private time. Do you honestly anyone would bring up Tik Tok or spank bank pics other than you?

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  • #83830

    Whatever floats your boat in your private time is really none of our business

    Yet you continually subject us to what you do in your private time. Do you honestly anyone would bring up Tik Tok or spank bank pics other than you?

    This is a random thread. I bring up this that and the other thing.

    Actually you did post a pic in the comics section.

    Tribalism again…

  • #83831

    Well that’s the random thread…I think it’s a bit useless to complain about a lack of highly sophisticated content when it’s a random thread. Anyone can say whatever.


    I don’t always agree with Al, but his contributions fit within the scope of the thread…

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  • #83834

    Ana de Armas fans sue Hollywood studio over ‘deceptive’ Yesterday trailer

    This is kind of a funny story. Essentially some viewers are suing because de Armas was in the trailer for Yesterday but was cut out of the final film.

    It feels spurious but at the same time in other fields you couldn’t advertise your product as containing something that it doesn’t contain.

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  • #83847

    his contributions fit within the scope of the thread

    exactly. I just believe Al was being a bit hypocritical in his post

  • #83902

    This is fantastic:

    Fight Club gets a new ending in China – and the authorities win

    The ending to David Fincher’s 1999 cult classic film Fight Club has been changed in China, sparking outrage among fans.

    Film fans in China noticed over the weekend that a version of the Brad Pitt and Edward Norton movie, newly available on streaming platform Tencent Video, was given a makeover that transforms the anarchist, anti-capitalist message which made the film a global hit.

    In the closing scenes of the original, Norton’s character The Narrator kills off his imaginary alter ego Tyler Durden – played by Pitt – and then watches multiple buildings explode, suggesting his character’s plan to bring down modern civilisation is under way.

    The new version in China has a very different take.

    The Narrator still kills off Durden, but the exploding building scene is replaced with a black screen and a coda: “The police rapidly figured out the whole plan and arrested all criminals, successfully preventing the bomb from exploding”.

    It then adds that Tyler – a figment of The Narrator’s imagination – was sent to a “lunatic asylum” for psychological treatment and was later discharged.

    Finally, someone has fixed that ending!

    It all feels a bit:

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  • #83903

    There’s a new novel in which Schrodinger’s cat and Pavlov’s dog team up for adventures. Sounds good, so I went to see if they had a copy in the library.

    The librarian said my description rang a bell but she wasn’t sure if it was there or not.

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  • #83905

    This is fantastic:

    This reads like something out of the onion.

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  • #83909

    I think if we want to do good for humanity’s future we should focus less on going to war with Russia, and go to war with Elon Musk and his infernal creations instead. Just take out all his factories and shit. Bomb it out of existence. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind.*


    *Not advocating for terrorism, I just want our leaders to look into the real threats.



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  • #83911

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  • #83917

    I think if we want to do good for humanity’s future we should focus less on going to war with Russia, and stop posting vaccine hesistant become ungovernable bullshit instead.


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  • #83925

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  • #83926

    Also, was Patrick Stewart born looking about 50 years old?

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  • #84034

    Joe Rogan fans: He is not a white supremacist, that’s just fucking silly.

    Joe Rogan:

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  • #84036

    Also, was Patrick Stewart born looking about 50 years old?

    Partly why I posted it, he doesn’t look that much different in 1967 to how he does now.

  • #84037

    Regarding Rogan… Neil Young wants his records removed from Spotify over him


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  • #84039

    Also, was Patrick Stewart born looking about 50 years old?

    Partly why I posted it, he doesn’t look that much different in 1967 to how he does now.

    Yeah, and now he looks pretty great for his age.

    I saw him some years back in an RSC production of Hamlet (the one with David Tennant as the lead – Patrick Stewart was playing Claudius) and he had a lot of energy for a guy who was then in his late sixties (and is now over eighty.)

  • #84057

    Joe Rogan fans: He is not a white supremacist, that’s just fucking silly.

    Joe Rogan:

    The weird thing I don’t understand about Rogan is why they all wear headphones? Can’t they hear themselves?

  • #84060

    Neil Young himself had polio as a child. Having gone through that and now seeing Rogan’s anti vaccination stance must have gotten to him


    I am consolidating my postings, hence the line…

    I posted before about male bodies. Now there is a term for having a slight pot belly and no muscle tone… The Dad Bod.

    Leonardo Decaprio is in his 40s with a dad bod, yet he insists on dating the these model types younger than 25. Once they hit 25, he feels they go downhill, and moves on to someone else. They go with him apparently for whatever (most likely publicity).

    For all his woke stuff on climate change, equality, etc from his expensive yacht and resort… He still has a ways to go. Then again, we all do.😀

  • #84062

    Looks like Spotify has chosen Joe Rogen over Neil Young

  • #84064

    Looks like Spotify has chosen Joe Rogen over Neil Young

    Of course they did. They coughed up $100 million dollars for him. They have to protect that investment.

  • #84086

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  • #84093

    The weird thing I don’t understand about Rogan is why they all wear headphones? Can’t they hear themselves?

    I couldn’t help but read this in the voice of Jerry Seinfeld standing in front of a brick wall.

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  • #84094

    (I guess if it’s a joke then that makes it a Rogan Josh)

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  • #84095


  • #84099

    Honestly, what makes Neil young think he should say anything about politics? Next thing you know, he’ll be writing songs about how bad things are down in Alabama with that nice Governor Wallace.

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  • #84100

    Spotify removes Neil Young music in feud over Joe Rogan’s false Covid claims | Spotify | The Guardian



  • #84109

    It seems to me that by the time you get to part XIV of your video game franchise, you should have realised that “Final” is a bad choice of name. Really the series should have been renamed “Ongoing Fantasy” from part II onwards…

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  • #84131

    On Holocaust Remembrance Day:


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  • #84132

    Spotify removes Neil Young music in feud over Joe Rogan’s false Covid claims | Spotify | The Guardian



    Funny, I would have thought for someone who resolved to become ungovernable that you’d appreciate someone taking a principled stand instead of taking money.

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  • #84137

    Spotify removes Neil Young music in feud over Joe Rogan’s false Covid claims | Spotify | The Guardian



    Funny, I would have thought for someone who resolved to become ungovernable that you’d appreciate someone taking a principled stand instead of taking money.

    If trying to shut someone you disagree with down is a principled stance, it’s not a very good principle.

  • #84138

    Spotify removes Neil Young music in feud over Joe Rogan’s false Covid claims | Spotify | The Guardian



    Funny, I would have thought for someone who resolved to become ungovernable that you’d appreciate someone taking a principled stand instead of taking money.

    If trying to shut someone you disagree with down is a principled stance, it’s not a very good principle.

    Spreading misinformation and lies about a global pandemic isn’t something you disagree about, it’s negligence.

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  • #84139

    It’s “misinformation” and “lies” because you disagree with it.


    Seriously, Rogan isn’t the smartest dude around, and I think he’s wrong in his opinions on covid, but I don’t like people trying to shut him down in this way. If you disagree, come with good arguments, just tell people he’s wrong and why.

  • #84140

    It’s “misinformation” and “lies” because you disagree with it.


    Seriously, Rogan isn’t the smartest dude around, and I think he’s wrong in his opinions on covid, but I don’t like people trying to shut him down in this way. If you disagree, come with good arguments, just tell people he’s wrong and why.

    It’s misinformation and lies because it’s misinformation and lies. All the Covid denialist shit has been proven false, and no number of dipshits like Rogan telling you otherwise will change that. Meanwhile people are dying and the pandemic is exacerbated because of gullible fools like you.

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  • #84141

    If you disagree, you argue with him, or you proclaim your own version of the truth, you go out there and tell people it’s lies and misinformation. You don’t try to shut him down like this.


    Like I said, I disagree with Rogan on covid, but I still think he is allowed to say what he likes.

  • #84142

    If you disagree, you argue with him, or you proclaim your own version of the truth, you go out there and tell people it’s lies and misinformation. You don’t try to shut him down like this.


    Like I said, I disagree with Rogan on covid, but I still think he is allowed to say what he likes.

    And yet, here you are defending thoroughly debunked nonsense.


    You’re literally an example of why your argument is bullshit.

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  • #84143

    The only thing I am saying is he has a right to be out there saying things like this, and other people need to go out there and argue with him. Convince people it’s lies and misinformation, I don’t think he is deliberately lying personally but I do think Rogan is wrong. I think he is just not very smart. But I think the damage from just shutting down everybody who is not in agreement with the mainstream is likely to be worse.

  • #84144

    The only thing I am saying is he has a right to be out there saying things like this, and other people need to go out there and argue with him. Convince people it’s lies and misinformation, I don’t think he is deliberately lying personally but I do think Rogan is wrong. I think he is just not very smart. But I think the damage from just shutting down everybody who is not in agreement with the mainstream is likely to be worse.

    The only thing I am saying is he has a right to be out there saying things like this,

    He has the right to say it, but not the right to a platform.

    and other people need to go out there and argue with him.

    He’s been proven wrong on every point, there’s no point in arguing any more. The matter is resolved just like the shape of the earth.

    Convince people it’s lies and misinformation,

    You can’t reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.

    But I think the damage from just shutting down everybody who is not in agreement with the mainstream is likely to be worse.

    Again, this isn’t people “in disagreement with the mainstream”. This is spreading lies that have killed people and made a global pandemic worse. Denying that is minimalising the terrible cost of this bullshit.

    You might want to feel like you’re some sort of iconoclast for going against the mainstream, but defiance for its own sake is just a road to believing any old bollocks because it “goes against the mainstream”.

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  • #84147

    But I think the damage from just shutting down everybody who is not in agreement with the mainstream is likely to be worse.

    Sieg Heil to that.

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  • #84148

    Arjan Dirkse wrote:

    The only thing I am saying is he has a right to be out there saying things like this,

    He has the right to say it, but not the right to a platform.

    Well said.

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  • #84149

    But I think the damage from just shutting down everybody who is not in agreement with the mainstream is likely to be worse.

    Rogan has the number one podcast on Spotify. How has he been “shut down”?

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  • #84150

    If my previous post is removed, I expect Arjan to jump to my defense immediately. Doing otherwise would be hypocritical.

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  • #84153

    But I think the damage from just shutting down everybody who is not in agreement with the mainstream is likely to be worse.

    Rogan has the number one podcast on Spotify. How has he been “shut down”?

    That’s why Neil Young did this in the first place, that Rogan has this gigantic platform and Spotify are profiting from his awfulness

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  • #84154

    Exactly. That’s the whole problem. He’s not some small operator being closed down by the mainstream. He is the mainstream.

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  • #84155

    Meanwhile, the actual silencing of voices in the US is Republican-dominated school panels using the manufactured controversy around Critical Race Theory to ban books about the holocaust, racism, or in many cases even ones that depict people of colour in a positive manner.

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  • #84156

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  • #84157

    I’d just read about that one a couple of hours ago, yeah.

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  • #84158

    But I think the damage from just shutting down everybody who is not in agreement with the mainstream is likely to be worse.

    Rogan has the number one podcast on Spotify. How has he been “shut down”?

    That’s why Neil Young did this in the first place, that Rogan has this gigantic platform and Spotify are profiting from his awfulness

    Spotify is an awful platform to begin with.

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  • #84188

    Polk County Schools Removes Books from Libraries for Review After Group Complains About Them

    B-b-b-b-b-but Joe Rogan!

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  • #84200

    And just to point out the end result of mindless contrarianism like what Rogan shits out:


    A Butterfly centre in Texas has had to close for the weekend because there’s ally to re-elect Trump in town and attendees are hassling them up to and including assault because of faked-up stories that they’re a hub of illegal immigration and human trafficking.

    And no, Rogan isn’t pushing these stories, but he’s part of the pipeline that goes from “questioning the mainstream” to utterly rejecting rational thought and proven fact in favour of half-baked nonsense that feels comfortable. He platforms cranks and grifters and holds their ideas up as the equivalent of rigorous, tested science. The Flat Earth movement has been a breeding ground for QAnon, for example, which has lead in part to the increase in right-wing political violence in the US. COVID denialism is another vector.

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  • #84201

    attendees are hassling them up to and including assault because of faked-up stories that they’re a hub of illegal immigration and human trafficking

    Ah, the future Arjan wants.

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  • #84237

    he has a right to be out there saying things like this

    Whatever happened to the law that you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater?

    Saying Covid is not a problem and the Government is putting things in the vaccines sounds to me like trying to cause chaos like yelling fire in a theater.

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  • #84239

    “Da vaccines are gonna give you 5G!”

    And the problem is?

    More seriously people like Rogan want the platform of journalism, with all the power and influence it affords, without any of the scrutiny or responsibility that goes with it.

    When questioned the standard defence is to say they’re not an expert.  Fuck that, he’s in a position of influence where millions pay attention to what he is coming out with.  Most of the time it probably won’t matter, but with a pandemic like Covid? The shit Rogan’s pushing isn’t a matter of opinion, it will kill people.

    Sure, he’s not the only one, there’s a media pandemic of amoral arseholes indulged and feted in the US, but he’s a very high profile example.

    And say Spotify did grow a conscience and boot him off? Spotify is not the internet, he’d get another platform somewhere at dontgiveashit.com

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  • #84243

  • #84244

    More seriously people like Rogan want the platform of journalism, with all the power and influence it affords, without any of the scrutiny or responsibility that goes with it.

    Ding ding ding ding ding!

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  • #84256

    Arjan Dirkse wrote:

    he has a right to be out there saying things like this

    Whatever happened to the law that you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater?

    … fellow

    We played chess online and I feel for you as we all are concerned whenever you post about days when you feel bad, but I just do not go along with everything you say. How can you say the above? Where does your reasoning come from? I’m curious…

  • #84272

    Knoxville comic book store giving students free copies of Maus, award-winning Holocaust book from comicbooks

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  • #84285

    More seriously people like Rogan want the platform of journalism, with all the power and influence it affords, without any of the scrutiny or responsibility that goes with it.

    However, the problem is that the people scrutinizing the media are the uber-fans of Joe Rogan and Alex Jones. Media criticism is so overwhelmingly dominated by tinfoil hats half-misinformed by the media that any serious media criticism is drowned out.

    Honestly, though, I don’t know how the news or press can even function since nobody trusts them.

  • #84291

  • #84299


    It’s interesting. What Mitchell and Young have in common (apart from being Canadians of a similar vintage) is that they are both big “names” but tiny fish in terms of current sales. Spotify won’t even notice they have gone from the platform, their current sales are so relatively tiny. But every media outlet in the world will run with these stories because every adult in the world knows (and probably respects) their names.

    They also both have past form for being awkward so-and-sos and fighting against the establishment, so it’s not surprising they are the first two names taking up the fight. The question is, who among the contemporary big sellers (i.e. the ones who really could hurt Spotify financially) will follow them? Who are today’s anti-establishment fighters?

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  • #84305

    Honestly, though, I don’t know how the news or press can even function since nobody trusts them.

    I think it is because we’re moving to a fear based society instead of trust. Instead of trusting things, we go along with things because we fear the consequences of dissent. People in communist countries didn’t listen to the news because they believed it, they listened so they knew what they were commanded to do.

    (not that we’re becoming communist per se, i think it is more a trait many authoritarian tyoe societies share, also fascism of course)

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  • #84307

    The question is, who among the contemporary big sellers (i.e. the ones who really could hurt Spotify financially) will follow them? Who are today’s anti-establishment fighters?

    Joe Rogan!

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  • #84308

    This is my favourite reaction so far:

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  • #84315

    I think it is because we’re moving to a fear based society instead of trust. Instead of trusting things, we go along with things because we fear the consequences of dissent. People in communist countries didn’t listen to the news because they believed it, they listened so they knew what they were commanded to do.

    This is a fucking fantasy. When was it ever a trust-based society?

    Let’s rewrite this post a little.

    Instead of trusting things, we go along with things because we fear the consequences of going to hell. People in christan countries didn’t listen to the priest because they believed in the grace of God, they listened so they knew what they were commanded to do.

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  • #84316

    I’ll have another go.

    Instead of trusting things, we go along with things because we fear the consequences of missing out. People in capitalist countries didn’t listen to the news because they believed it, they listened so they knew what they were required to buy.

  • #84318

    Instead of trusting things, we go along with things because we fear the consequences of going to hell. People in christan countries didn’t listen to the priest because they believed in the grace of God, they listened so they knew what they were commanded to do.

    I agree, it is similar to people living under theocracy.

  • #84321

    I’m not saying it’s a fucking fantasy that fear has been used to control people, but when was it ever a trust-based society? That sounds ludicrous to me. Fear has always been used to drum up support for and withing whatever system is in place to control people/society, be it capitalism, authoritarianism, liberalism, religion, all of them.

    When, and under what rule, was it ever a trust-based society? As opposed to a fear one?

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  • #84324

    And say Spotify did grow a conscience and boot him off? Spotify is not the internet, he’d get another platform somewhere at dontgiveashit.com

    Spotify is not the internet, true, but Spotify has 165 million subscribers, many of whom signed up for access to music but could naively decide to listen to a Joe Rogan podcast because it is recommended on their Spotify homepage (which may have nothing to do with what that listener likes and more to do with Spotify wanting to get its money’s worth from Rogan). Whereas there is little likelihood that those 165 million Spotify users would accidentally find a Joe Rogan podcast on dontgiveashit.com.

    The Bill of Rights gives Joe Rogan the right to spew his vitriol; but it doesn’t oblige Spotify to provide him a popular forum for his bile, just as Twitter was not legally required to give Donald Trump a forum for posting misinformation. Twitter did the responsible thing; Spotify, so far, has not; and probably won’t until or unless the heat from public opinion becomes too hot.

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  • #84328

    Very true Jerry.

    I do wonder if, in the absence of any company responsibility, which seems likely with Spotify chasing the cash under the justification of shareholder capitalism, the solution instead will be more informed consumers, especially where alogorithm selection is concerned.

    Every so often a complete piece of crap will turn up in my Recommended list in YouTube.  Fortunately, this stuff is not subtle, it looks exactly what it is and I can easily ignore it.  It’s encouraging people to develop that identifying and filtering ability.

    I’ve been doing the same on Twitter.  There’s an author whose SF I like but he keeps chucking out all kinds of crap so time for me to drop him, but there’ll be more so, if the info can’t be stopped, then I have to be smarter in sifting it.

    Nor are alogorithms always bad, sometimes some of the Twitter follow recommendations are rather smart, found some great peope to follow via it.

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  • #84329

    I’m not saying it’s a fucking fantasy that fear has been used to control people, but when was it ever a trust-based society? That sounds ludicrous to me. Fear has always been used to drum up support for and withing whatever system is in place to control people/society, be it capitalism, authoritarianism, liberalism, religion, all of them.

    When, and under what rule, was it ever a trust-based society? As opposed to a fear one?

    You may be right…to some extent fear and shame always plays a part. Still I felt there was more room for weirdos and outsiders at least here in the Netherlands in the 90s, and the 00s.


    And then again maybe trust is even overrated, I mean just because you believe the media obviously that isn’t always good.

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  • #84331

    I think it is because we’re moving to a fear based society instead of trust. Instead of trusting things, we go along with things because we fear the consequences of dissent

    You’re the most scared person on here though.

  • #84333

    How do you figure?

  • #84334

    How do you figure?

    Because almost everything you talk about is coached in fear – you’re scared of lockdowns because you see them as encroaching authoritarianism, you’re scared that Joe Rogan being shut down would be an assault on free speech, you’re scared of the sabre-rattling over the Ukraine. And I hope you understand that I’m not being mean when I say this – the posts about how you’re not doing well? They sure read like someone who’s scared of the world to me.

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  • #84335

    True, I think there are plenty of things to be scared of. It’s also true my mental condition has something to do with that – I think I’m often hyperalert about things. Also the lockdown broke my daily routine which is vital for my mental health, and that caused a lot of problems.

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  • #84336

    And you’re seeing everything through that lens. Like I support the lockdowns because they worked, and I trusted the experts. But you see my trust as fear of the consequences, which isn’t the case.

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  • #84341

    the lockdown broke my daily routine which is vital for my mental health, and that caused a lot of problems.

    I feel you with this. I found and established a new daily routine that I could do at home real fast (it was even better than my old one, but I didn’t know that at the time), and it helped me.

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  • #84342

    Very true Jerry.

    I do wonder if, in the absence of any company responsibility, which seems likely with Spotify chasing the cash under the justification of shareholder capitalism, the solution instead will be more informed consumers, especially where alogorithm selection is concerned.

    Every so often a complete piece of crap will turn up in my Recommended list in YouTube.  Fortunately, this stuff is not subtle, it looks exactly what it is and I can easily ignore it.  It’s encouraging people to develop that identifying and filtering ability.

    I’ve been doing the same on Twitter.  There’s an author whose SF I like but he keeps chucking out all kinds of crap so time for me to drop him, but there’ll be more so, if the info can’t be stopped, then I have to be smarter in sifting it.

    Nor are alogorithms always bad, sometimes some of the Twitter follow recommendations are rather smart, found some great peope to follow via it.

    You can “train” the algorithms, though it takes a little work and time.

    On LinkedIn, my feed is now about 95% artists with a smattering of other people I follow. Almost every time I go there, I see beautiful art and photography. Now, I I wanted to use it to find a job, I would need to retrain the algorithm in that direction.

    On Instagram, my feed is pretty much humorous memes; standup comedians; nature, travel, and astronomical photography; dog and other pet based videos; and Transformers pictures. There is also a variety of other stuff I like. Algorithm recommendations are in line with my tastes.

    I also have YouTube trained to a wide variety of my tastes.

    Every once in a while, an outlier shows up but that’s understandable. That will happen.

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  • #84347

    Yeah you’re probably right about that. I can’t say that when I look at what’s happening I have a lot of faith in the experts. I fundamentally disagree with much that has happened and where things are going. However there are several people speaking out about that,  I don’t think all the experts agree either.

  • #84348

    I would never allow instagram to recommend content to me. I use a third party app and it’s strictly friends an their stuff in cronological order.

    Youtube though, is kinda trained to my benefit. I’ve found many channels that I thoroughly enjoy through recommendations there.

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  • #84349

    Yeah you’re probably right about that. I can’t say that when I look at what’s happening I have a lot of faith in the experts. I fundamentally disagree with much that has happened and where things are going. However there are several people speaking out about that,  I don’t think all the experts agree either.

    That’s why the consensus opinion is important. And the problem is that most of the people who disagree aren’t experts. It’s like the joke about how a news show will have an astronomer on to discuss landing a probe on the moon, and for balance, Terry from down the pub, who believes the Earth is flat and the moon is an illusion.

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  • #84367

    My YouTube feed is mostly young female Russian yoga enthusiasts. What do you suppose that means?

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  • #84371

    My YouTube feed is mostly young female Russian yoga enthusiasts. What do you suppose that means?

    That Alx has been using your Youtube account?

    Because I spent the afternoon watching videos with our Sophie my Youtube feed is now full of this:

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  • #84372

    My YouTube feed is mostly young female Russian yoga enthusiasts. What do you suppose that means?

    It means you’re gay. Two gay friends of mine have confirmed it. Surrender.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #84377

    That Alx has been using your Youtube account?

    Bringing up my name. Shame on you @bruce for also drinking the Kool-Aid

    I just posted some observations about some social media sites. I said that it can be addicting as the algorithm will give you more content of whatever you see so far. My TikTok feed is on social commentary

    Now Joni Mitchell has joined in pulling her music from Spotify:


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Al-x.
  • #84385

    Kool Aid isn’t widely available in the UK. I think you can only get it from specialist shops.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #84386

    My YouTube feed is mostly young female Russian yoga enthusiasts. What do you suppose that means?

    It means you’re gay. Two gay friends of mine have confirmed it. Surrender.

    I’m sure his wife and children have known for years.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #84389

    My YouTube feed is mostly young female Russian yoga enthusiasts. What do you suppose that means?

    It means you’re gay. Two gay friends of mine have confirmed it. Surrender.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
  • #84396

    Neil Young started something that won’t be over soon

    Nils Lofgren Pulls Music From Spotify in Solidarity With Neil Young

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  • #84403


  • #84404

    Neil Young started something that won’t be over soon

    Nils Lofgren Pulls Music From Spotify in Solidarity With Neil Young

    Honestly, it really won’t mean much until truly big acts start pulling out of Spotify. Acts that get a lot of listens who would actually impact people wanting to use the app. If Taylor Swift and other big draws like her were to leave, that would mean something.

    But like I said, Spotify knew what they were getting into when they agreed to pay Rogan $100 million. Even if they chose to drop him, I’m sure they’d have to pay him a significant amount or get sued for breach of contract.

    I’d wager Spotify is currently doing constant analysis to see what the least costly option at any given moment. The minute Rogan becomes cheaper to get rid of him than to keep him, they will cut him loose.

  • #84405

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  • #84408

    I’m not sure getting Rogan off Spotify is necessarily that helpful. They paid him that huge sum of money because he’d already got a huge audience which I am sure would also follow him if he went back to a normal podcast release. Unless you breach a criminal law there is no censor or regulator for podcasts.

    Since he effectively works for them now it would be better to better to preface with warnings or tell him to get a proper virologist on to give the science.


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  • #84410

    Honestly, it really won’t mean much until truly big acts start pulling out of Spotify. Acts that get a lot of listens who would actually impact people wanting to use the app. If Taylor Swift and other big draws like her were to leave, that would mean something.

    Apparently Spotify’s big growth area at the moment is people listening to older music so this does have an outsized effect. Especially when they went on a big spending spree for podcasts with the intention to muscle their way to the top of that market only for most of them to be failures, to the point they shout down their original podcast studio division recently. Rogan is one of the few successes they’ve had

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