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  • #125050

    More on the Gaiman allegations.

    Warning: long and disturbing. I feel quite sick now. However this plays out it’s going to be difficult to read any of his work again.


    Yea. I’m horrified by this. Not sure I’ll be able to read anything of his again.

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  • #125051

    Yeah the latest stuff seems to make it clearer than ever that he is an out-and-out rapist.

    I’m still surprised (but probably shouldn’t be) at how quiet this has been kept in general, you would have thought people would be publicly decrying his behaviour but I’ve seen relatively little of that. I guess a lot of people and companies still have a lot on money tied up in his books and adaptations, and it suits them to downplay all this.

    But the most recent details are especially grim and I find it difficult to believe that anyone would want to be associated with him in any way after this.

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  • #125066

    Well, this isn’t good at all.

    Diamond Comic Distributors Files Voluntary Petition for Relief Under Chapter 11 – BusinessWire

    Company Received Commitments for $41 Million in DIP Financing

    Universal Distribution Has Made A $39 Million Stalking Horse Bid for Alliance Game Distributors and Non-Binding Letter of Intent to Buy Diamond UK

    HUNT VALLEY, Md.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Diamond Comic Distributors (“Diamond” or “the Company”), today announced that it has filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland to facilitate the restructuring of its business. As part of the restructuring process, Diamond has received a $39 million stalking horse bid from an affiliate of Universal Distribution (“Universal”) for Alliance Game Distributors.

    “Universal Distribution is looking forward to working with the Alliance and Diamond UK teams to bring a stronger balance sheet and growth opportunities to retailers and suppliers. Both companies have deep roots in the industry, and we look forward to continuing that into the future”

    More in link…

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  • #125067

    The manager at my LCS had told me a few weeks ago this would probably happen.

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  • #125071

    Yeah, I’d known a lot of this from listening to the toirtoise podcast, but there are a few more cases here and some very disturbing details that are new (and some that I still hope against reason aren’t quite true to the way it happened, especially those involving his kid). It’s all quite disturbing.

    However this plays out it’s going to be difficult to read any of his work again.

    Yeah. I think at this point, my brain is trying to draw a line between the Gaiman who wrote Sandman, at least, and the rapist. This all seems to have started somewhere in his forties, so maybe that’ll be my way of dealing with this.

    One thing that annoys me though is that everybody seems to be jumping on Calliope and other sexual attacks in his stories. Jesus, people, when you write about something that still isn’t an indication that you’ve done it, or even that you’re fantasising about doing it yourself. Or you might as well arrest every second writer out there right now.

    The theories about how his being raised as a scientologist may have played a part in warping his mind are interesting. That part is all just speculation, of course, but it does seem pretty convincing.

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  • #125077

    Gaiman’s response:


  • #125078

    Saying exactly what you would expect him to say in such a situation. Everything was consensual, I did nothing wrong. Blah blah blah.

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  • #125079

    Yeah definitely. That statement seems very carefully worded, presumably by his PR, to balance respect for the women involved with clear denial of any wrongdoing.

    It’s difficult to see where things go from here. Gaiman there says nothing was non-consensual, and while nobody knows except the people involved, it’s pretty serious to label someone a rapist without knowing for sure – so the jury is out on that one I guess. But the likelihood is that this stuff will never be legally tested, so it will always be he said/she said.

    However, even when the facts are disputed, the separate accounts are all similar enough to make the victims’ accounts feel fairly plausible – and either way the NDAs will be a matter of record, and just the existence of those kinds of deals feels somewhat incriminating.

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  • #125083

    I wonder if anyone on his PR team was saying “Shut. The. Fuck. Up” to him through ground teeth while they discussed this response.

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  • #125084

    Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt here (which is difficult given the circumstances, but, sure, “innocent until proven guilty”) in accepting that he genuinely believes ever encounter was consensual; the power dynamics involved in several of the accounts makes that a pretty weak excuse for the deplorable behaviour being described. He knows that too, I’m sure, which is why “his” statement is so pathetic.

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  • #125086

    I wonder if anyone on his PR team was saying “Shut. The. Fuck. Up” to him through ground teeth while they discussed this response.

    He and PR flacks probably wrote something, and then his legal team said swooped in for the final rewrite saying, “Oh, fucking hell.”

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  • #125089

    It all throws a whole new light on that Sandman story where the writer keeps a woman locked up in his house and uses her against her will, while outwardly proclaiming his feminist credentials. Write what you know I guess.

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  • #125091

    Yeah, it’s the usual PR talk.

    Also, if you’re having to use NDAs that ought to be a red flag right there.

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  • #125111

    Yeah, even if you still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, at the point where you have to pay multiple women’s treatment for trauma after a relationship with you, and make sure they sign NDAs, you can’t really claim you didn’t realise you were doing anything wrong. Fuck that.

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  • #125114

    Remind me again: what horrible, God-awful thing did Ed Piskor do, to how many susceptible young women, that led people to harass and blackball him to the point where he committed suicide?

    Fuck Neil Gaiman’s version of events.

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